
Modified file name space
authorcajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Fri, 10 Jun 2005 05:15:24 +0000 (05:15 +0000)
committercajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Fri, 10 Jun 2005 05:15:24 +0000 (05:15 +0000)
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8

include/ [deleted file]
include/ [new file with mode: 0644]
include/ [new file with mode: 0644]
include/ [deleted file]

index 754e0261b5e6d8b00b289c6fe35e7c620e516ce2..200edac1a4d413cf6d34b1730260686479109cef 100644 (file)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $_SESSION['DEBUGLEVEL']= 1;
 /* Load required includes */
 require_once ("../include/");
 require_once ("");
-require_once ("");
+require_once ("");
 // Save the Post Data (back and forward button)
 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val){
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9fd5d8b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-** Title.........: Debug Lib
-** Version.......: 0.5.4
-** Author........: Thomas Schüßler <> 
-** Filename......: debuglib.php(s)
-** Last changed..: 16. July 2003
-** License.......: Free to use. Postcardware ;)
-** Functions in this library:
-** print_a( array array [,int mode] )
-**   prints arrays in a readable, understandable form.
-**   if mode is defined the function returns the output instead of
-**   printing it to the browser
-** show_vars([int mode])
-**   use this function on the bottom of your script to see all
-**   superglobals and global variables in your script in a nice
-**   formated way
-**   show_vars() without parameter shows $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION,
-**   $_FILES and all global variables you've defined in your script
-**   show_vars(1) shows $_SERVER and $_ENV in addition
-** print_result( result_handle )
-**   prints a mysql_result set returned by mysql_query() as a table
-**   this function is work in progress! use at your own risk
-** Happy debugging and feel free to email me your comments.
-** History: (starting with version 0.5.3 at 2003-02-24)
-**   - added tooltips to the td's showing the type of keys and values (thanks Itomic)
-** 2003-07-16
-**   - pre() function now trims trailing tabs
-# This file must be the first include on your page.
-/* used for tracking of generation-time */
-       $MICROTIME_START = microtime();
-       @$GLOBALS_initial_count = count($GLOBALS);
-** print_a class and helper function
-** prints out an array in a more readable way
-** than print_r()
-** based on the print_a() function from
-** Stephan Pirson (Saibot)
-class Print_a_class {
-       # this can be changed to FALSE if you don't like the fancy string formatting
-       var $look_for_leading_tabs = TRUE;
-       var $output;
-       var $iterations;
-       var $key_bg_color = '1E32C8';
-       var $value_bg_color = 'DDDDEE';
-       var $fontsize = '8pt';
-       var $keyalign = 'center';
-       var $fontfamily = 'Verdana';
-       var $export_flag;
-       var $show_object_vars;
-       var $export_dumper_path = '';
-       # i'm still working on the dumper! don't use it now
-       # put the next line into the print_a_dumper.php file (optional)
-       # print htmlspecialchars( stripslashes ( $_POST['array'] ) );  
-       var $export_hash;
-       function Print_a_class() {
-               $this->export_hash = uniqid('');
-       }
-       # recursive function!
-       function print_a($array, $iteration = FALSE, $key_bg_color = FALSE) {
-               $key_bg_color or $key_bg_color = $this->key_bg_color;
-                       # if print_a() was called with a fourth parameter (1 or 2)
-                       # and you click on the table a window opens with only the output of print_a() in it
-                       # 1 = serialized array
-                       # 2 = normal print_a() display
-                       /* put the following code on the page defined with $export_dumper_path;
-                       --->%---- snip --->%----
-                               if($_GET['mode'] == 1) {
-                                       print htmlspecialchars( stripslashes ( $_POST['array'] ) );
-                               } elseif($_GET['mode'] == 2) {
-                                       print_a(unserialize( stripslashes($_POST['array'])) );
-                               }
-                       ---%<---- snip ---%<----
-                       */
-               if( !$iteration && isset($this->export_flag) ) {
-                       $this->output .= '<form id="pa_form_'.$this->export_hash.'" action="'.$this->export_dumper_path.'?mode='.$this->export_flag.'" method="post" target="_blank"><input name="array" type="hidden" value="'.htmlspecialchars( serialize( $array ) ).'"></form>';
-               }
-               # lighten up the background color for the key td's =)
-               if( $iteration ) {
-                       for($i=0; $i<6; $i+=2) {
-                               $c = substr( $key_bg_color, $i, 2 );
-                               $c = hexdec( $c );
-                               ( $c += 15 ) > 255 and $c = 255;
-                               isset($tmp_key_bg_color) or $tmp_key_bg_color = '';
-                               $tmp_key_bg_color .= sprintf( "%02X", $c );
-                       }
-                       $key_bg_color = $tmp_key_bg_color;
-               }
-               # build a single table ... may be nested
-               $this->output .= '<table style="border:none;" cellspacing="1" '.( !$iteration && $this->export_flag ? 'onClick="document.getElementById(\'pa_form_'.$this->export_hash.'\').submit();" )' : '' ).'>';
-               foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
-                       $value_style = 'color:black;';
-                       $key_style = 'color:white;';
-                       $type = gettype( $value );
-                       # print $type.'<br />';
-                       # change the color and format of the value
-                       switch( $type ) {
-                               case 'array':
-                                       break;
-                               case 'object':
-                                       $key_style = 'color:#FF9B2F;';
-                                       break;
-                               case 'integer':
-                                       $value_style = 'color:green;';
-                                       break;
-                               case 'double':
-                                       $value_style = 'color:red;';
-                                       break;
-                               case 'bool':
-                                       $value_style = 'color:blue;';
-                                       break;
-                               case 'resource':
-                                       $value_style = 'color:darkblue;';
-                                       break;
-                               case 'string':
-                                       if( $this->look_for_leading_tabs && preg_match('/^\t/m', $value) ) {
-                                               $search = array('/\t/', "/\n/");
-                                               $replace = array('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;','<br />');
-                                               $value = preg_replace( $search, $replace, htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
-                                               $value_style = 'color:black;border:1px gray dotted;';
-                                       } else {
-                                               $value_style = 'color:black;';
-                                               $value = nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       $this->output .= '<tr>';
-                       $this->output .= '<td nowrap align="'.$this->keyalign.'" style="background-color:#'.$key_bg_color.';'.$key_style.';font:bold '.$this->fontsize.' '.$this->fontfamily.';" title="'.gettype( $key ).'['.$type.']">';
-                       $this->output .= $key;
-                       $this->output .= '</td>';
-                       $this->output .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" style="background-color:#'.$this->value_bg_color.';font: '.$this->fontsize.' '.$this->fontfamily.'; color:black;">';
-                       # value output
-                       if($type == 'array') {
-                               $this->print_a( $value, TRUE, $key_bg_color );
-                       } elseif($type == 'object') {
-                               if( $this->show_object_vars ) {
-                                       $this->print_a( get_object_vars( $value ), TRUE, $key_bg_color );
-                               } else {
-                                       $this->output .= '<div style="'.$value_style.'">OBJECT</div>';
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               $this->output .= '<div style="'.$value_style.'" title="'.$type.'">'.$value.'</div>';
-                       }
-                       $this->output .= '</td>';
-                       $this->output .= '</tr>';
-               }
-               $this->output .= '</table>';
-       }
-# helper function.. calls print_a() inside the print_a_class
-function print_a( $array, $return_mode = FALSE, $show_object_vars = FALSE, $export_flag = FALSE ) {
-       $e= error_reporting (0);        
-       if( is_array( $array ) or is_object( $array ) ) {
-               $pa = new Print_a_class;
-               $show_object_vars and $pa->show_object_vars = TRUE;
-               $export_flag and $pa->export_flag = $export_flag;
-               $pa->print_a( $array );
-               # $output = $pa->output; unset($pa);
-               $output = &$pa->output;
-       } else {
-               $output = '<span style="color:red;font-size:small;">print_a( '.gettype( $array ).' )</span>';
-       }
-       error_reporting ($e);   
-       if($return_mode) {
-               return $output;
-       } else {
-               print $output;
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-// shows mysql-result as a table.. # not ready yet :(
-function print_result($RESULT) {
-       if(!$RESULT) return;
-       $fieldcount = mysql_num_fields($RESULT);
-       for($i=0; $i<$fieldcount; $i++) {
-               $tables[mysql_field_table($RESULT, $i)]++;
-       }
-       print '
-               <style type="text/css">
-                       .rs_tb_th {
-                               font-family: Verdana;
-                               font-size:9pt;
-                               font-weight:bold;
-                               color:white;
-                       }
-                       .rs_f_th {
-                               font-family:Verdana;
-                               font-size:7pt;
-                               font-weight:bold;
-                               color:white;
-                       }
-                       .rs_td {
-                               font-family:Verdana;
-                               font-size:7pt;
-                       }
-               </style>
-               <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
-                       var lastID;
-                       function highlight(id) {
-                               if(lastID) {
-                              = "#000000";
-                              = "none";
-                               }
-                               tdToHighlight = document.getElementById(id);
-                      ="#FF0000";
-                      = "underline";
-                               lastID = tdToHighlight;
-                       }
-               </script>
-       ';
-       print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">';
-       print '<tr>';
-       foreach($tables as $tableName => $tableCount) {
-               $col == '0054A6' ? $col = '003471' : $col = '0054A6';
-               print '<th colspan="'.$tableCount.'" class="rs_tb_th" style="background-color:#'.$col.';">'.$tableName.'</th>';
-       }
-       print '</tr>';
-       print '<tr>';
-       for($i=0;$i < mysql_num_fields($RESULT);$i++) {
-               $FIELD = mysql_field_name($RESULT, $i);
-               $col == '0054A6' ? $col = '003471' : $col = '0054A6';
-               print '<td align="center" bgcolor="#'.$col.'" class="rs_f_th">'.$FIELD.'</td>';
-       }
-       print '</tr>';
-       mysql_data_seek($RESULT, 0);
-       while($DB_ROW = mysql_fetch_array($RESULT, MYSQL_NUM)) {
-               $pointer++;
-               if($toggle) {
-                       $col1 = "E6E6E6";
-                       $col2 = "DADADA";
-               } else {
-                       $col1 = "E1F0FF";
-                       $col2 = "DAE8F7";
-               }
-               $toggle = !$toggle;
-               print '<tr id="ROW'.$pointer.'" onMouseDown="highlight(\'ROW'.$pointer.'\');">';
-               foreach($DB_ROW as $value) {
-                       $col == $col1 ? $col = $col2 : $col = $col1;
-                       print '<td valign="top" bgcolor="#'.$col.'" class="rs_td" nowrap>'.nl2br($value).'</td>';
-               }
-               print '</tr>';
-       }
-       print '</table>';
-       mysql_data_seek($RESULT, 0);
-function _script_globals() {
-       global $GLOBALS_initial_count;
-       $varcount = 0;
-       foreach($GLOBALS as $GLOBALS_current_key => $GLOBALS_current_value) {
-               if(++$varcount > $GLOBALS_initial_count) {
-                       /* die wollen wir nicht! */
-                       if ($GLOBALS_current_key != 'HTTP_SESSION_VARS' && $GLOBALS_current_key != '_SESSION') {
-                               $script_GLOBALS[$GLOBALS_current_key] = $GLOBALS_current_value;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       unset($script_GLOBALS['GLOBALS_initial_count']);
-       return $script_GLOBALS;
-function show_runtime() {
-       $MICROTIME_END          = microtime();
-       $MICROTIME_START        = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['MICROTIME_START']);
-       $MICROTIME_END          = explode(' ', $MICROTIME_END);
-       return '<span style="color:red;font-weight:normal;font-size:9px;">(runtime: '.$GENERATIONTIME.' sec)</span>';
-# function shows all superglobals and script defined global variables
-# show_vars() without the first parameter shows all superglobals except $_ENV and $_SERVER
-# show_vars(1) shows all
-# show_vars(,1) shows object properties in addition
-function show_vars($show_all_vars = FALSE, $show_object_vars = FALSE) {
-       if(isset($GLOBALS['no_vars'])) return;
-       $script_globals = _script_globals();
-       print '
-               <style type="text/css">
-               .vars-container {
-                       font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;
-                       font-size: 8pt;
-                       padding:5px;
-               }
-               .varsname {
-                       font-weight:bold;
-               }
-               </style>
-       ';
-       print '<br />
-               <div style="border-style:dotted;border-width:1px;padding:2px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;">
-               DEBUG '.show_runtime().'
-       ';
-       $vars_arr['script_globals'] = array('global script variables', '#7ACCC8');
-       $vars_arr['_GET'] = array('$_GET', '#7DA7D9');
-       $vars_arr['_POST'] = array('$_POST', '#F49AC1');
-       $vars_arr['_FILES'] = array('$_POST FILES', '#82CA9C');
-       $vars_arr['_SESSION'] = array('$_SESSION', '#FCDB26');
-       $vars_arr['_COOKIE'] = array('$_COOKIE', '#A67C52');
-       if($show_all_vars) {
-               $vars_arr['_SERVER'] =  array('SERVER', '#A186BE');
-               $vars_arr['_ENV'] =  array('ENV', '#7ACCC8');
-       }
-       foreach($vars_arr as $vars_name => $vars_data) {
-               if($vars_name != 'script_globals') global $$vars_name;
-               if($$vars_name) {
-                       print '<div class="vars-container" style="background-color:'.$vars_data[1].';"><span class="varsname">'.$vars_data[0].'</span><br />';
-                       print_a($$vars_name, FALSE, $show_object_vars, FALSE );
-                       print '</div>';
-               }
-       }
-       print '</div>';
-# function prints sql strings
-function pre($sql_string, $simple_mode = FALSE) {
-       if(!$simple_mode) {
-               # erste leere Zeile im SQL löschen
-               $sql_string = preg_replace('/\^s+/m','', $sql_string);
-               # letze leere Zeile im SQL löschen
-               $sql_string = preg_replace('/\s+$/m','', $sql_string);
-               # kleinste Anzahl von führenden TABS zählen
-               preg_match_all('/^\t+/m', $sql_string, $matches);
-               $minTabCount = strlen(min($matches[0]));
-               # und entfernen
-               $sql_string = preg_replace('/^\t{'.$minTabCount.'}/m', '', $sql_string);
-       }
-       print '<pre>'.$sql_string.'</pre>';
index 8d306126df01e939c2f3a695992f225a32cbd2cb..983444a31d2413eb6a8869d5d12b93576e442dee 100644 (file)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ require_once ("");
 require_once ("");
 require_once ("");
-require_once ("");
+require_once ("");
 /* Define constants for debugging */
 define ("DEBUG_TRACE",   1);
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9fd5d8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+** Title.........: Debug Lib
+** Version.......: 0.5.4
+** Author........: Thomas Schüßler <> 
+** Filename......: debuglib.php(s)
+** Last changed..: 16. July 2003
+** License.......: Free to use. Postcardware ;)
+** Functions in this library:
+** print_a( array array [,int mode] )
+**   prints arrays in a readable, understandable form.
+**   if mode is defined the function returns the output instead of
+**   printing it to the browser
+** show_vars([int mode])
+**   use this function on the bottom of your script to see all
+**   superglobals and global variables in your script in a nice
+**   formated way
+**   show_vars() without parameter shows $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION,
+**   $_FILES and all global variables you've defined in your script
+**   show_vars(1) shows $_SERVER and $_ENV in addition
+** print_result( result_handle )
+**   prints a mysql_result set returned by mysql_query() as a table
+**   this function is work in progress! use at your own risk
+** Happy debugging and feel free to email me your comments.
+** History: (starting with version 0.5.3 at 2003-02-24)
+**   - added tooltips to the td's showing the type of keys and values (thanks Itomic)
+** 2003-07-16
+**   - pre() function now trims trailing tabs
+# This file must be the first include on your page.
+/* used for tracking of generation-time */
+       $MICROTIME_START = microtime();
+       @$GLOBALS_initial_count = count($GLOBALS);
+** print_a class and helper function
+** prints out an array in a more readable way
+** than print_r()
+** based on the print_a() function from
+** Stephan Pirson (Saibot)
+class Print_a_class {
+       # this can be changed to FALSE if you don't like the fancy string formatting
+       var $look_for_leading_tabs = TRUE;
+       var $output;
+       var $iterations;
+       var $key_bg_color = '1E32C8';
+       var $value_bg_color = 'DDDDEE';
+       var $fontsize = '8pt';
+       var $keyalign = 'center';
+       var $fontfamily = 'Verdana';
+       var $export_flag;
+       var $show_object_vars;
+       var $export_dumper_path = '';
+       # i'm still working on the dumper! don't use it now
+       # put the next line into the print_a_dumper.php file (optional)
+       # print htmlspecialchars( stripslashes ( $_POST['array'] ) );  
+       var $export_hash;
+       function Print_a_class() {
+               $this->export_hash = uniqid('');
+       }
+       # recursive function!
+       function print_a($array, $iteration = FALSE, $key_bg_color = FALSE) {
+               $key_bg_color or $key_bg_color = $this->key_bg_color;
+                       # if print_a() was called with a fourth parameter (1 or 2)
+                       # and you click on the table a window opens with only the output of print_a() in it
+                       # 1 = serialized array
+                       # 2 = normal print_a() display
+                       /* put the following code on the page defined with $export_dumper_path;
+                       --->%---- snip --->%----
+                               if($_GET['mode'] == 1) {
+                                       print htmlspecialchars( stripslashes ( $_POST['array'] ) );
+                               } elseif($_GET['mode'] == 2) {
+                                       print_a(unserialize( stripslashes($_POST['array'])) );
+                               }
+                       ---%<---- snip ---%<----
+                       */
+               if( !$iteration && isset($this->export_flag) ) {
+                       $this->output .= '<form id="pa_form_'.$this->export_hash.'" action="'.$this->export_dumper_path.'?mode='.$this->export_flag.'" method="post" target="_blank"><input name="array" type="hidden" value="'.htmlspecialchars( serialize( $array ) ).'"></form>';
+               }
+               # lighten up the background color for the key td's =)
+               if( $iteration ) {
+                       for($i=0; $i<6; $i+=2) {
+                               $c = substr( $key_bg_color, $i, 2 );
+                               $c = hexdec( $c );
+                               ( $c += 15 ) > 255 and $c = 255;
+                               isset($tmp_key_bg_color) or $tmp_key_bg_color = '';
+                               $tmp_key_bg_color .= sprintf( "%02X", $c );
+                       }
+                       $key_bg_color = $tmp_key_bg_color;
+               }
+               # build a single table ... may be nested
+               $this->output .= '<table style="border:none;" cellspacing="1" '.( !$iteration && $this->export_flag ? 'onClick="document.getElementById(\'pa_form_'.$this->export_hash.'\').submit();" )' : '' ).'>';
+               foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
+                       $value_style = 'color:black;';
+                       $key_style = 'color:white;';
+                       $type = gettype( $value );
+                       # print $type.'<br />';
+                       # change the color and format of the value
+                       switch( $type ) {
+                               case 'array':
+                                       break;
+                               case 'object':
+                                       $key_style = 'color:#FF9B2F;';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'integer':
+                                       $value_style = 'color:green;';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'double':
+                                       $value_style = 'color:red;';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'bool':
+                                       $value_style = 'color:blue;';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'resource':
+                                       $value_style = 'color:darkblue;';
+                                       break;
+                               case 'string':
+                                       if( $this->look_for_leading_tabs && preg_match('/^\t/m', $value) ) {
+                                               $search = array('/\t/', "/\n/");
+                                               $replace = array('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;','<br />');
+                                               $value = preg_replace( $search, $replace, htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
+                                               $value_style = 'color:black;border:1px gray dotted;';
+                                       } else {
+                                               $value_style = 'color:black;';
+                                               $value = nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $value ) );
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       $this->output .= '<tr>';
+                       $this->output .= '<td nowrap align="'.$this->keyalign.'" style="background-color:#'.$key_bg_color.';'.$key_style.';font:bold '.$this->fontsize.' '.$this->fontfamily.';" title="'.gettype( $key ).'['.$type.']">';
+                       $this->output .= $key;
+                       $this->output .= '</td>';
+                       $this->output .= '<td nowrap="nowrap" style="background-color:#'.$this->value_bg_color.';font: '.$this->fontsize.' '.$this->fontfamily.'; color:black;">';
+                       # value output
+                       if($type == 'array') {
+                               $this->print_a( $value, TRUE, $key_bg_color );
+                       } elseif($type == 'object') {
+                               if( $this->show_object_vars ) {
+                                       $this->print_a( get_object_vars( $value ), TRUE, $key_bg_color );
+                               } else {
+                                       $this->output .= '<div style="'.$value_style.'">OBJECT</div>';
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               $this->output .= '<div style="'.$value_style.'" title="'.$type.'">'.$value.'</div>';
+                       }
+                       $this->output .= '</td>';
+                       $this->output .= '</tr>';
+               }
+               $this->output .= '</table>';
+       }
+# helper function.. calls print_a() inside the print_a_class
+function print_a( $array, $return_mode = FALSE, $show_object_vars = FALSE, $export_flag = FALSE ) {
+       $e= error_reporting (0);        
+       if( is_array( $array ) or is_object( $array ) ) {
+               $pa = new Print_a_class;
+               $show_object_vars and $pa->show_object_vars = TRUE;
+               $export_flag and $pa->export_flag = $export_flag;
+               $pa->print_a( $array );
+               # $output = $pa->output; unset($pa);
+               $output = &$pa->output;
+       } else {
+               $output = '<span style="color:red;font-size:small;">print_a( '.gettype( $array ).' )</span>';
+       }
+       error_reporting ($e);   
+       if($return_mode) {
+               return $output;
+       } else {
+               print $output;
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+// shows mysql-result as a table.. # not ready yet :(
+function print_result($RESULT) {
+       if(!$RESULT) return;
+       $fieldcount = mysql_num_fields($RESULT);
+       for($i=0; $i<$fieldcount; $i++) {
+               $tables[mysql_field_table($RESULT, $i)]++;
+       }
+       print '
+               <style type="text/css">
+                       .rs_tb_th {
+                               font-family: Verdana;
+                               font-size:9pt;
+                               font-weight:bold;
+                               color:white;
+                       }
+                       .rs_f_th {
+                               font-family:Verdana;
+                               font-size:7pt;
+                               font-weight:bold;
+                               color:white;
+                       }
+                       .rs_td {
+                               font-family:Verdana;
+                               font-size:7pt;
+                       }
+               </style>
+               <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+                       var lastID;
+                       function highlight(id) {
+                               if(lastID) {
+                              = "#000000";
+                              = "none";
+                               }
+                               tdToHighlight = document.getElementById(id);
+                      ="#FF0000";
+                      = "underline";
+                               lastID = tdToHighlight;
+                       }
+               </script>
+       ';
+       print '<table border="0" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">';
+       print '<tr>';
+       foreach($tables as $tableName => $tableCount) {
+               $col == '0054A6' ? $col = '003471' : $col = '0054A6';
+               print '<th colspan="'.$tableCount.'" class="rs_tb_th" style="background-color:#'.$col.';">'.$tableName.'</th>';
+       }
+       print '</tr>';
+       print '<tr>';
+       for($i=0;$i < mysql_num_fields($RESULT);$i++) {
+               $FIELD = mysql_field_name($RESULT, $i);
+               $col == '0054A6' ? $col = '003471' : $col = '0054A6';
+               print '<td align="center" bgcolor="#'.$col.'" class="rs_f_th">'.$FIELD.'</td>';
+       }
+       print '</tr>';
+       mysql_data_seek($RESULT, 0);
+       while($DB_ROW = mysql_fetch_array($RESULT, MYSQL_NUM)) {
+               $pointer++;
+               if($toggle) {
+                       $col1 = "E6E6E6";
+                       $col2 = "DADADA";
+               } else {
+                       $col1 = "E1F0FF";
+                       $col2 = "DAE8F7";
+               }
+               $toggle = !$toggle;
+               print '<tr id="ROW'.$pointer.'" onMouseDown="highlight(\'ROW'.$pointer.'\');">';
+               foreach($DB_ROW as $value) {
+                       $col == $col1 ? $col = $col2 : $col = $col1;
+                       print '<td valign="top" bgcolor="#'.$col.'" class="rs_td" nowrap>'.nl2br($value).'</td>';
+               }
+               print '</tr>';
+       }
+       print '</table>';
+       mysql_data_seek($RESULT, 0);
+function _script_globals() {
+       global $GLOBALS_initial_count;
+       $varcount = 0;
+       foreach($GLOBALS as $GLOBALS_current_key => $GLOBALS_current_value) {
+               if(++$varcount > $GLOBALS_initial_count) {
+                       /* die wollen wir nicht! */
+                       if ($GLOBALS_current_key != 'HTTP_SESSION_VARS' && $GLOBALS_current_key != '_SESSION') {
+                               $script_GLOBALS[$GLOBALS_current_key] = $GLOBALS_current_value;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       unset($script_GLOBALS['GLOBALS_initial_count']);
+       return $script_GLOBALS;
+function show_runtime() {
+       $MICROTIME_END          = microtime();
+       $MICROTIME_START        = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['MICROTIME_START']);
+       $MICROTIME_END          = explode(' ', $MICROTIME_END);
+       return '<span style="color:red;font-weight:normal;font-size:9px;">(runtime: '.$GENERATIONTIME.' sec)</span>';
+# function shows all superglobals and script defined global variables
+# show_vars() without the first parameter shows all superglobals except $_ENV and $_SERVER
+# show_vars(1) shows all
+# show_vars(,1) shows object properties in addition
+function show_vars($show_all_vars = FALSE, $show_object_vars = FALSE) {
+       if(isset($GLOBALS['no_vars'])) return;
+       $script_globals = _script_globals();
+       print '
+               <style type="text/css">
+               .vars-container {
+                       font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif;
+                       font-size: 8pt;
+                       padding:5px;
+               }
+               .varsname {
+                       font-weight:bold;
+               }
+               </style>
+       ';
+       print '<br />
+               <div style="border-style:dotted;border-width:1px;padding:2px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;">
+               DEBUG '.show_runtime().'
+       ';
+       $vars_arr['script_globals'] = array('global script variables', '#7ACCC8');
+       $vars_arr['_GET'] = array('$_GET', '#7DA7D9');
+       $vars_arr['_POST'] = array('$_POST', '#F49AC1');
+       $vars_arr['_FILES'] = array('$_POST FILES', '#82CA9C');
+       $vars_arr['_SESSION'] = array('$_SESSION', '#FCDB26');
+       $vars_arr['_COOKIE'] = array('$_COOKIE', '#A67C52');
+       if($show_all_vars) {
+               $vars_arr['_SERVER'] =  array('SERVER', '#A186BE');
+               $vars_arr['_ENV'] =  array('ENV', '#7ACCC8');
+       }
+       foreach($vars_arr as $vars_name => $vars_data) {
+               if($vars_name != 'script_globals') global $$vars_name;
+               if($$vars_name) {
+                       print '<div class="vars-container" style="background-color:'.$vars_data[1].';"><span class="varsname">'.$vars_data[0].'</span><br />';
+                       print_a($$vars_name, FALSE, $show_object_vars, FALSE );
+                       print '</div>';
+               }
+       }
+       print '</div>';
+# function prints sql strings
+function pre($sql_string, $simple_mode = FALSE) {
+       if(!$simple_mode) {
+               # erste leere Zeile im SQL löschen
+               $sql_string = preg_replace('/\^s+/m','', $sql_string);
+               # letze leere Zeile im SQL löschen
+               $sql_string = preg_replace('/\s+$/m','', $sql_string);
+               # kleinste Anzahl von führenden TABS zählen
+               preg_match_all('/^\t+/m', $sql_string, $matches);
+               $minTabCount = strlen(min($matches[0]));
+               # und entfernen
+               $sql_string = preg_replace('/^\t{'.$minTabCount.'}/m', '', $sql_string);
+       }
+       print '<pre>'.$sql_string.'</pre>';
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..90427bc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+function check_schema_version($description, $version)
+  $desc= preg_replace("/^.* DESC\s+\(*\s*'([^']+)'\s*\)*.*$/", '\\1', $description);
+  return preg_match("/\(v$version\)/", $desc);
+function view_schema_check($table)
+  $message="<table class=\"check\">";
+  foreach ($table as $key => $values){
+    $msg = $values['msg'];
+    $message.= "<tr><td class=\"check\">$msg";
+    if($values['status']) {
+      $message.="</td><td style='text-align:center' >
+        <img src=images/true.png alt='true' /></td></tr>";
+    } else {
+      $message.="</td><td style='text-align:center' >
+        <img src=images/button_cancel.png alt='false' /></td></tr>";
+    }
+  }
+  $message.="</table>";
+  return $message;
+function schema_check($server, $admin, $password, $aff=0)
+  global $config;
+  $messages= array();
+  $required_classes= array(
+      "gosaObject"            => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "gosaAccount"           => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "gosaLockEntry"         => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "gosaCacheEntry"        => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "gosaDepartment"        => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "goFaxAccount"          => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
+      "goFaxSBlock"           => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
+      "goFaxRBlock"           => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
+      "gosaUserTemplate"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "posixAccount","file" => "nis.schema"),
+      "gosaMailAccount"       => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "mailAccount","file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
+      "gosaProxyAccount"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "proxyAccount","file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
+      "gosaApplication"       => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "appgroup","file" => "gosa.schema"),
+      "gosaApplicationGroup"  => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "appgroup","file" => "gosa.schema"),
+      "GOhard"                => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "gotoTerminal"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "goServer"              => array("version" => "2.4","class" => "server","file" => "goserver.schema"),
+      "goTerminalServer"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "goNfsServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "goNtpServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "goSyslogServer"        => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
+      "goLdapServer"          => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "goCupsServer"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => array("posixAccount", "terminals"),),
+      "goImapServer"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => array("mailAccount", "mailgroup"),"file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
+      "goKrbServer"           => array("version" => "2.4"),
+      "goFaxServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
+      );
+  /* Build LDAP connection */
+  $ds= ldap_connect ($server);
+  if (!$ds) {
+    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't bind to LDAP. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
+  }
+  ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
+  $r= ldap_bind ($ds, $admin, $password);
+  /* Get base to look for schema */
+  $sr  = @ldap_read ($ds, "", "objectClass=*", array("subschemaSubentry"));
+  $attr= @ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
+  if (!isset($attr[0]['subschemasubentry'][0])){
+    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't get schema information from server. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
+  }
+  /* Get list of objectclasses */
+  $nb= $attr[0]['subschemasubentry'][0];
+  $objectclasses= array();
+  $sr= ldap_read ($ds, $nb, "objectClass=*", array("objectclasses"));
+  $attrs= ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
+  if (!isset($attrs[0])){
+    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't get schema information from server. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
+  }
+  foreach ($attrs[0]['objectclasses'] as $val){
+    $name= preg_replace("/^.* NAME\s+\(*\s*'([^']+)'\s*\)*.*$/", '\\1', $val);
+    if ($name != $val){
+      $objectclasses[$name]= $val;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Walk through objectclasses and check if they are needed or not */
+  foreach ($required_classes as $key => $value){
+    if (isset($value['class'])){
+      if (!is_array($value['class'])){
+        $classes= array($value['class']);
+      } else {
+        $classes= $value['class'];
+      }
+      /* Check if we are using the class that requires */
+      foreach($classes as $class){
+        if (!isset($objectclasses[$key])){
+          $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Optional objectclass '%s' required by plugin '%s' is not present in LDAP setup"), $key, $class);
+          $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;
+        } else {
+          if (!check_schema_version($objectclasses[$key], $value['version'])){
+            $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Optional objectclass '%s' required by plugin '%s' does not have version %s"), $key, $class, $value['version']);
+            $messages[$key]['status'] =FALSE;
+          }else {
+            if(!isset($affich2[$class])){
+              $affich2[$class]['msg']   = sprintf(_("Support for '%s' enabled"), $class)."<td class=\"check\"> ".$value['file']."</td>";
+              $affich2[$class]['status']= TRUE; 
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      /* Required class */
+      if (!isset($objectclasses[$key])){
+        $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Required objectclass '%s' is not present in LDAP setup"), $key);
+        $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;  
+      } else {
+        if (!check_schema_version($objectclasses[$key], $value['version'])){
+          $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Required objectclass '%s' does not have version %s"), $key, $value['version']);
+          $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;  
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Check for correct samba parameters */
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['sambaSamAccount'])){
+    $messages['samba3']['msg']= _("SAMBA 3 support disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['samba3']['msg']= $messages['samba3']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
+    $messages['samba3']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['samba3']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['samba3']['msg']= _("SAMBA 3 support enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
+    $affich['samba3']['status']= TRUE;
+  }
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['sambaAccount'])){
+    $messages['samba2']['msg']= _("SAMBA 2 support disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['samba2']['msg']= $messages['samba2']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">samba.schema</td>";
+    $messages['samba2']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['samba2']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['samba2']['msg']= _("SAMBA 2 support enabled")."<td class=\"check\">samba.schema</td>";
+    $affich['samba2']['status']= TRUE;
+  }
+  /* Check pureftp/dns/ */
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['PureFTPdUser'])){
+    $messages['pureftp']['msg']= _("Support for pureftp disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['pureftp']['msg']= $messages['pureftp']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">pureftpd.schema</td>";
+    $messages['pureftp']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['pureftp']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['pureftp']['msg']= _("Support for pureftp enabled")."<td class=\"check\">pureftpd.schema</td>";
+    $affich['pureftp']['status']= TRUE;
+  }
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['gosaWebdavAccount'])){
+    $messages['webdav']['msg']= _("Support for WebDAV disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['webdav']['msg']= $messages['webdav']['msg']."<td class=\"check\"></td>";
+    $messages['webdav']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['webdav']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['webdav']['msg']=_("Support for WebDAV enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
+    $affich['webdav']['status']= TRUE;
+  }
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['phpgwAccount'])){
+    $messages['phpgroupware']['msg']= _("Support for phpgroupware disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['phpgroupware']['msg']= $messages['phpgroupware']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">phpgwaccount.schema</td>";
+    $messages['phpgroupware']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['phpgroupware']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['phpgroupware']['msg']= _("Support for phpgroupware enabled")."<td class=\"check\">phpgwaccount.schema</td>";
+    $affich['phpgroupware']['status']= TRUE;
+  }
+  if (!isset($objectclasses['goFonAccount'])){
+    $messages['phoneaccount']['msg']= _("Support for gofon disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
+    $affich['phoneaccount']['msg']= $messages['phoneaccount']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
+    $messages['phoneaccount']['status']= FALSE;
+    $affich['phoneaccount']['status']= FALSE;
+  }else{
+    $affich['phoneaccount']['msg']= _("Support for gofon enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
+    $affich['phoneaccount']['status']= true;
+  }
+  if(($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods'][$_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']] == "kolab")){
+    if(!isset($objectclasses['kolabInetOrgPerson']))
+    {
+      $messages['kolab']['msg']= _("Support for Kolab disabled, no schema seems to be installed, setting mail-method to cyrus");
+      $affich['kolab']['msg']=$messages['kolab']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">kolab2.schema</td>";
+      $tmp= array_flip($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']);
+      $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']=$tmp['cyrus'];
+      $messages['kolab']['status']= FALSE;
+      $affich['kolab']['status']= FALSE;
+    }else{
+      $affich['kolab']['msg']=_("Support for Kolab enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
+      $affich['kolab']['status']= TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  if($aff==0){
+    return ($messages);
+  } else {
+    return(array_merge($affich,$affich2));
+  }
+function check(&$faults, $message, $description, $test, $required= TRUE)
+  $msg= "<table class='check'><tr><td class='check' style='font-size:14px;'>$message</td>
+    <td rowspan=2 style='vertical-align:middle; text-align:center;width:45px;'>";
+  if ($test){
+    $msg.= _("OK")."<br>";
+  } else {
+    if (!$required){
+      $msg.="<font color=red>"._("Ignored")."</font><br>";
+    } else {
+      $msg.="<font color=red>"._("Failed")."</font><br>";
+      $faults++;
+    }
+  }
+  $msg.= "</td></tr><tr><td class='check' style='padding-left:20px;".
+    "background-color:#F0F0F0;'>$description</td></tr></table><br>";
+  return $msg;
+function perform_php_checks(&$faults)
+  global $check_globals;
+  $faults= 0;
+  $msg= "";
+  $msg.= "<h1>"._("PHP setup inspection")."</h1>";
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for PHP version (>=4.1.0)"),
+      _("PHP must be of version 4.1.0 or above for some functions and known bugs in PHP language."),
+      version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.0")>=0);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking if register_globals is set to 'off'"),
+      _("register_globals is a PHP mechanism to register all global varibales to be accessible from scripts without changing the scope. This may be a security risk. GOsa will run in both modes."),
+      $check_globals == 0, FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for ldap module"),
+      _("This is the main module used by GOsa and therefore really required."),
+      function_exists('ldap_bind'));
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("Checking for XML functions"),
+      _("XML functions are required to parse the configuration file."),
+      function_exists('xml_parser_create'));
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for gettext support"),
+      _("Gettext support is required for internationalized GOsa."), function_exists('bindtextdomain'));
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for iconv support"),
+      _("This module is used by GOsa to convert samba munged dial informations and is therefore required."),
+      function_exists('iconv'));
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for mhash module"),
+      _("To use SSHA encryption, you'll need this module. If you are just using crypt or md5 encryption, ignore this message. GOsa will run without it."),
+      function_exists('mhash'), FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for imap module"),
+      _("The IMAP module is needed to communicate with the IMAP server. It gets status informations, creates and deletes mail users."),
+      function_exists('imap_open'));
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for getacl in imap"),
+      _("The getacl support is needed for shared folder permissions. The standard IMAP module is not capable of reading acl's. You need a recend PHP version for this feature."),
+      function_exists('imap_getacl'), FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for mysql module"),
+      _("MySQL support is needed for reading GOfax reports from databases."),
+      function_exists('mysql_query'), FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for cups module"),
+      _("In order to read available printers from IPP protocol instead of printcap files, you've to install the CUPS module."),
+      function_exists('cups_get_dest_list'), FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for kadm5 module"),
+      _("Managing users in kerberos requires the kadm5 module which is downloadable via PEAR network."),
+      function_exists('kadm5_init_with_password'), FALSE);
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("Checking for snmp Module"),
+      _("Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is required for client monitoring."),
+      function_exists('snmpget'), FALSE);
+  return ($msg);
+function perform_additional_checks(&$faults)
+  /* Programm check */
+  $msg= "<h1>"._("Checking for some additional programms")."</h1>";
+  /* Image Magick */
+  $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C convert -help";
+  $output= shell_exec ($query);
+  if ($output != ""){
+    $lines= split ("\n", $output);
+    $version= preg_replace ("/^Version:.+Magick ([^\s]+).*/", "\\1", $lines[0]);
+    list($major, $minor)= split("\.", $version);
+    $msg.= check (     $faults, _("Checking for ImageMagick (>=5.4.0)"),
+        _("ImageMagick is used to convert user supplied images to fit the suggested size and the unified JPEG format."),
+        ($major > 5 || ($major == 5 && $minor >= 4)));
+  } else {
+    $msg.= check (     $faults, _("Checking imagick module for PHP"),
+        _("Imagick is used to convert user supplied images to fit the suggested size and the unified JPEG format from PHP script."), function_exists('imagick_blob2image'), TRUE);
+  }
+  /* Check for fping */
+  $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C fping -v 2>&1";
+  $output= shell_exec ($query);
+  $have_fping= preg_match("/^fping:/", $output);
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for fping utility"),
+      _("The fping utility is only used if you've got a thin client based terminal environment running."),
+      $have_fping, FALSE);
+  /* Check for smb hash generation tool */
+  $query= "mkntpwd 2>&1";
+  $output= shell_exec ($query);
+  $have_mkntpwd= preg_match("/^Usage: mkntpwd /", $output);
+  $alt = 0;
+  if (!$have_mkntpwd){
+    $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e 'ntlmgen \"PASSWD\", \$lm, \$nt; print \"\${lm}:\${nt}\\n\";' &>/dev/null";
+    system ($query, $ret);
+    $alt= ($ret == 0);
+  }
+  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for a way to generate LM/NT password hashes"),
+      _("In order to use SAMBA 2/3, you've to install some additional packages to generate password hashes."),
+      ($have_mkntpwd || $alt));
+  /* seesio.auto_start should be off, in order to without trouble*/
+  $session_auto_start = ini_get('session.auto_start');
+  $implicit_flush     = ini_get('implicit_flush');
+  $max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time');
+  $memory_limit       = ini_get('memory_limit');
+  $expose_php         = ini_get('expose_php');
+  $magic_quotes_gpc   = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc');
+  $register_globals   = ini_get('register_globals');
+  /* auto_register */
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> session.auto_register"),
+      _("In Order to use GOsa without any trouble, the session.auto_register option in your php.ini must be set to 'Off'."), (!$session_auto_start['local_value']));
+  /* implicit_flush */
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> implicit_flush"),
+      _("This option influences the Output handling. Turn this Option off, to increase performance."),
+      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
+  /* max_execution_time */
+  if($max_execution_time['local_value'] < 30 ){
+    $max_execution_time['local_value']=false;
+  }
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> max_execution_time"),
+      _("The Execution time should be at least 30 seconds, because some actions may consume more time."),
+      $max_execution_time['local_value'],0,false);
+  /* memory_limit */
+  if($memory_limit['local_value'] < 16 ){
+    $memory_limit['local_value']=false;
+  }
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> memory_limit"),
+      _("GOsa needs at least 16MB of memory, less will cause unpredictable errors! Increase it for larger setups."),
+      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
+  /* expose_php */
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> expose_php"),
+      _("Increase the server security by setting expose_php to 'off'. PHP won't send any Information about the server you are running in this case."),
+      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
+  /* magic_quotes_gpc */
+  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> magic_quotes_gpc"),
+      _("Increase your server security by setting magic_quotes_gpc to 'on'. PHP will escape all quotes in strings in this case."),
+      $magic_quotes_gpc['local_value'],0,false);
+  return $msg;
+function parse_contrib_conf()
+  $str                = "";
+  $used_samba_version = 0;
+  $query              = ""; 
+  $fp                 = false;
+  $output             = "";
+  $needridbase_sid    = false;
+  $pwdhash            = "";
+  $replacements       = array();
+  $ldapconf           = $_SESSION['ldapconf']; // The Installation information
+  $classes            = $_SESSION['classes'];  // Class information needed to define which features are enabled
+  $possible_plugins   = array();
+  /* Which samba version do we use? */
+  if(isset($classes['samba3'])){
+    $used_samba_version = 2;
+  } else {
+    $used_samba_version = 3;
+  }
+  /* Look for samba password generation method */
+  if(file_exists("/usr/lib/gosa/mkntpasswd")){
+    $pwdhash  = "/usr/lib/gosa/mkntpasswd";
+  } elseif (preg_match("/^Usage: mkntpwd /", shell_exec ("mkntpwd 2>&1"))){
+    $pwdhash= "mkntpwd";
+  } else {
+    $pwdhash=('perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e "ntlmgen \"\$ARGV[0]\", \$lm, \$nt; print \"\${lm}:\${nt}\n\";" $1');
+  }
+  /* Define which variables will be replaced */
+  $replacements['{LOCATIONNAME}']  = $ldapconf['location'];
+  $replacements['{SAMBAVERSION}']  = $used_samba_version;
+  $replacements['{LDAPBASE}']      = $ldapconf['base'];
+  $replacements['{LDAPADMIN}']     = $ldapconf['admin'];
+  $replacements['{DNMODE}']        = $ldapconf['peopledn'];
+  $replacements['{LDAPHOST}']      = $ldapconf['uri'];
+  $replacements['{PASSWORD}']      = $ldapconf['password'];
+  $replacements['{CRYPT}']         = $ldapconf['arr_cryptkeys'][$ldapconf['arr_crypts']];
+  $replacements['{SID}\n']         = "";
+  $replacements['{RIDBASE}\n']     = "";
+  if($ldapconf['mail'] != "disabled"){
+    $replacements['{MAILMETHOD}']    = $ldapconf['mail_methods'][$ldapconf['mail']];
+  }   
+  $replacements['{SMBHASH}']       = $pwdhash;
+  $replacements['{GOVERNMENTMODE}']= "false"; 
+  $replacements['{kolabAccount}']  = "";
+  $replacements['{servKolab}']     = "";
+  /* This array contains all preg_replace syntax to delete all unused plugins
+     THE kEY MUST BE THE CLASSNAME so we can check it with $ldapconf['classes'] */
+  $possible_plugins['fonreport'][]   = "'\n.*<plugin.*fonreport+.*\n.*>.*\n'i";
+  $possible_plugins['phoneaccount'][]= "'\n.*<tab.*phoneAccount.*>.*\n'i";
+  $possible_plugins['logview'][]     = "'\n.*<plugin.*logview+.*\n.*>.*\n'i";
+  $possible_plugins['pureftp'][]     = "'\n.*<tab.*pureftp.*>.*\n'i";
+  $possible_plugins['webdav'][]      = "'\n.*<tab.*webdav.*>.*\n'i";
+  $possible_plugins['phpgroupware'][]= "'\n.*<tab.*phpgroupware.*>.*\n'i";
+  /* Header information
+     Needed to send the generated gosa.conf to the browser */
+  header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
+  header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
+  header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
+  header("Pragma: no-cache");
+  header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+  header("Content-type: text/plain");
+  if (preg_match('/MSIE 5.5/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
+      preg_match('/MSIE 6.0/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
+    header('Content-Disposition: filename="gosa.conf"');
+  } else {
+    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="gosa.conf"');
+  }
+  if(!$fp=fopen(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR."/gosa.conf","r")) {
+    echo "Can't open file ".CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR."/gosa.conf";
+  } else {
+    while(!feof($fp)) {
+      $str.= fread($fp,512);
+    }
+    if($ldapconf['mail_methods'][$ldapconf['mail']]=="kolab") {
+      $replacements['{kolabAccount}']  ="<tab class=\"kolabAccount\" />\n     ";
+      $replacements['{servKolab}']     ="<tab class=\"servkolab\" name=\"Kolab\" />";
+    }
+    if($used_samba_version == 2) {
+      /* Do nothing for samba 2... */
+    } else {
+      /* Create LDAP connection, to check if there's a domain
+         object defined in the LDAP schema */
+      $ldap= new LDAP($ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'], $ldapconf['uri']);
+      /* Try to find a Samba Domain Objekt */
+      $ldap->search("(objectClass=sambaDomain)");
+      /* Something found ??? so we need to define ridbase an SID by ourselfs */
+      if($ldap->count()< 1) {
+        $replacements['{SID}']= "sid=\"123412-11\"";
+        $replacements['{RIDBASE}']= "ridbase=\"1000\"";  
+      } 
+    }
+    /* Data readed, types replaced, samba version detected and checked if
+       we need to add SID and RIDBASE. Check if there is an ivbbEntry in
+       the LDAP tree, in this case we will set the governmentmode to true.
+       Create LDAP connection, to check if theres a domain Objekt definen
+       in the LDAP schema. */
+    if(!isset($ldap)){
+      $ldap= new LDAP($ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'], $ldapconf['uri']);
+    }
+    /* Try to find a Samba Domain Objekt */
+    $ldap->search("(objectClass=ivbbEntry)");
+    /* Something found ??? so we need to define ridbase an SID by ourselfs */
+    if($ldap->count()> 0) {
+      $replacements['{GOVERNMENTMODE}']= "true";
+    }
+    /* Replace all colleted information with placeholder */
+    foreach($replacements as $key => $val) {
+      $str = preg_replace("/".$key."/",$val,$str);
+    }    
+    if($ldapconf['mail'] == "disabled"){
+      $str = str_replace("mailMethod=\"{MAILMETHOD}\"","",$str);
+    }
+    /* Remove all unused plugins */
+    foreach($possible_plugins as $plugin) {
+      foreach($plugin as $key=>$val) {
+        if(in_array($plugin,$classes)) {
+          $str = preg_replace($val,"\n",$str);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return ((($str)));
+/* Show setup_page 1 */
+function show_setup_page1($withoutput = true)
+  $smarty = get_smarty();  
+  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_introduction.tpl'));
+  $smarty->assign ("tests", perform_php_checks($faults));
+  /* This var is true if anything went wrong */
+  if ($faults){
+    $smarty->assign("mode", "disabled");
+  }
+  /* This line displays the template only if (withoutput is set) */
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])){
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return (!$faults);
+/* Show setup_page 2 */
+function show_setup_page2($withoutput = true)
+  $smarty = get_smarty();
+  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step2.tpl'));
+  $smarty->assign ("tests", perform_additional_checks($faults));
+  if ($faults) {
+    $smarty->assign("mode", "disabled");
+  }
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  if (isset($_SESSION['errors']))  {
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return (!$faults);                               
+function show_setup_page3($withoutput = true)
+  $smarty = get_smarty();
+  /* Take the Post oder the Sessioin saved data */
+  if(isset($_POST['uri'])){
+    $uri = $_POST['uri'];
+  } elseif(isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'])){
+    $uri = $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'];
+  }
+  /* If Page called first time, field is empty */
+  if((!isset($uri))||(empty($uri))){
+    $uri = "ldap://localhost:389";
+  }
+  /* if isset $uri save it to session */
+  if(isset($uri)) {
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'] = $uri;
+    $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
+  }
+  /* No error till now */
+  $fault = false;
+  /* If we pushed the Button continue */
+  if(isset($_POST['continue3'])){
+    if(!isset($uri)) {
+      $fault = true;
+      /* Output the Error */
+      if($withoutput) {
+        print_red (_("You've to specify an ldap server before continuing!"));
+        $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
+      }
+    }
+  } elseif (!$ds = @ldap_connect (validate($uri))) {
+    $fault =true;
+    /* Output the Error */
+    if($withoutput) {
+      print_red (_("Can't connect to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that is reachable for GOsa."));
+      $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
+      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* Try to bind the connection */    
+    ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
+    /* if we can't bind , print error */
+    if (!$r  =  @ldap_bind ($ds)) {
+      $fault = true;
+      /* Output the Error */
+      if($withoutput) {
+        print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
+        $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
+        $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
+      }
+    } else {
+      $fault = false;
+    }
+  }
+  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
+  /* Load Header */
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  /* Set Errors to Smarty */
+  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  /* Print out Template */ 
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return (!$fault);                             
+function show_setup_page4($withoutput = true)
+  $smarty= get_smarty();      
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
+  }
+  require_once("");
+  $fault     = false;              
+  $uri       = $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'];
+  $ldapconf  = $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
+  $arr_crypts= array();
+  $temp      = "";
+  $checkvars = array("location", "admin", "password", "peopleou", "base",
+      "peopledn", "arr_crypts", "mail", "uidbase");
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys'])) {
+    require_once("");
+    $tmp= passwordMethod::get_available_methods_if_not_loaded();
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']= $tmp['name'];
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods'])) {
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']=array();
+    $temp = get_available_mail_classes();
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']= $temp['name'];
+  }
+  /* If there are some empty vars in ldapconnect -
+     these values also represent out default values */
+  if(!$ds = @ldap_connect (validate($uri))){
+    $fault = true;
+    if($withoutput){
+      print_red (_("Can't connect to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that is reachable for GOsa."));
+    }
+  } elseif(!@ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)){
+    $fault = true;
+    if($withoutput){
+      print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
+    }
+  } elseif(!$r= @ldap_bind ($ds)){
+    $fault = true;
+    if($withoutput){
+      print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
+    }
+  } else {
+    $sr=   @ldap_search ($ds, "", "objectClass=*", array("namingContexts"));
+    $attr= @ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
+    if((empty($attr))) {
+      $base= "dc=example,dc=net";
+      if($withoutput){
+        print_red(_("Bind to server successful, but the server seems to be completly empty, please check all informations twice"));
+      }
+    } else {
+      $base= $attr[0]['dn'];
+    }
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin']= "cn=ldapadmin,".$base;
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopleou'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopleou']= "ou=people";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['groupou'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['groupou']= "ou=groups";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopledn'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopledn']= "cn";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password']= "";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['location'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['location']= "Example";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uidbase'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uidbase']= "1000";
+  }
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']= 0;
+  }
+  $tmp= array_flip($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']);
+  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_crypts'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_crypts']   = $tmp['md5'];
+  }
+  /* check POST data */
+  if(isset($_POST['check'])) {
+    /* Check if all needed vars are submitted */
+    foreach($checkvars as $key) {
+      if($key == "peopleou"){
+        continue;
+      }
+      if($key == "groupou"){
+        continue;
+      }
+      if((isset($_POST[$key]))&&($_POST[$key]!="")) {
+        $_SESSION['ldapconf'][$key] = $_POST[$key];
+      } else {
+        if($withoutput) {
+          print_red(sprintf(_("You're missing the required attribute '%s' from this formular. Please complete!"), $key));
+        }
+        $fault = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Transfer base */
+  if(isset($_POST['base'])){
+    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $_POST['base'];
+  }
+  $smarty->assign("arr_cryptkeys",$_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']);
+  $smarty->assign("mail_methods", $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']);
+  foreach($_SESSION['ldapconf'] as $key => $val) {
+    $smarty->assign($key,$val);
+  }
+  if(isset($_POST['check'])) {
+    $ldap= new LDAP($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],
+        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'],
+        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri']);
+    $m= schema_check($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'],
+        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],
+        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password']);
+    $_SESSION['classes']= $m;
+    if ($ldap->error != "Success") {
+      if($withoutput) {
+        print_red(sprintf(_("Can't log into LDAP server. Reason was: %s."), $ldap->get_error()));
+      }
+      $fault = true;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Set smarty output */
+  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step4.tpl'));
+  $smarty->assign ("peopledns", array("cn", "uid"));
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  if(isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return (!$fault);
+function show_setup_page5($withoutput=true)
+  /* Get ldapconf */
+  $ldapconf= $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
+  /* get smarty */
+  $smarty = get_smarty();
+  if(isset($_SESSION['classes'])){
+    $classes = $_SESSION['classes'];
+  }
+  $info= posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid());
+  $smarty->assign("webgroup", $info['name']);
+  $smarty->assign("path", CONFIG_DIR);
+  $message= "<table class=\"check\">";
+  $m= schema_check($ldapconf['uri'], $ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'],1);
+  if($withoutput) {
+    $smarty->assign ("schemas", view_schema_check($m));
+    $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_finish.tpl'));
+  }
+  /* Output templates... */
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return(true);
+function create_user_for_setup($withoutput=true)
+  global $samba;
+  $ldapconf = $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
+  $smarty = get_smarty();
+  $need_to_create_group = false;
+  $need_to_create_user  = false;
+  $str_there="";
+  if(isset($_SESSION['classes'])){
+    $classes= $_SESSION['classes'];
+  }
+  /* Everything runns perfect ...
+     So we do a last test on this page
+     is there a user with ACLs :all which will be able to adminsitrate GOsa
+     We check that, if this user or group is missing we ask for creating them */
+  $ldap= new LDAP($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'],   $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri']);
+  /* 
+  Now we are testing for a group, with the rights :all 
+  */
+  $ldap->cd($ldapconf['base']);
+  $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaObject)(gosaSubtreeACL=:all))");
+  $group_cnt  = $ldap->count();
+  $data       = $ldap->fetch();
+//  $str_there  = "Searching for Aminitrative users <br><br>";
+  /* 
+  We need to create administrative user and group  because theres no group found 
+  */
+  if($group_cnt < 1) {
+    /* 
+    Set var to create user 
+    */
+//    $str_there  =   "no group found<br>";
+    $need_to_create_group = true;
+    $need_to_create_user  = true;
+    /* Output error */
+    if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
+      print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
+    }
+  } else {
+//    $str_there = "Group found <br>".$data['dn'];    
+    $need_to_create_group = false;
+    $ldap->clearResult();
+    /* We found an Administrative Group, is there a user, too */
+    if(isset($data['memberUid'][0])) {
+      $str = "uid=".$data['memberUid']['0'];
+      $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaAccount)(objectClass=person)(".$str."))");
+      $data2   = $ldap->fetch();
+      /* We must create a user */
+      if (($ldap->count() < 1)||(!isset($data2))) {
+//        $str_there.="Missing user";
+        $need_to_create_user = true;
+        if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
+          print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
+        }
+      }else {
+//        $str_there.="<br>User found <br>".$data2['dn'];
+        $need_to_create_user = false;
+      }
+    } else {
+      $need_to_create_user=true;
+      if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
+          print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
+        }   
+//      $str_there.="<br>No User found <br>";
+    }
+  }
+  if(!($need_to_create_user&&$need_to_create_group))
+    return(true);
+  /* We need to create a new user with group */
+  if(isset($_POST['new_admin']))
+  {
+    /* Adjust password attributes according to the samba version */
+    if (isset($classes['samba3'])) {
+      $samba= "2";
+      $lmPassword = "lmPassword";
+      $ntPassword = "ntPassword";
+    } else {
+      $samba= "3";
+      $lmPassword = "sambaLMPassword";
+      $ntPassword = "sambaNtPassword";
+    }
+    /* Nothing submitted */
+    if(((empty($_POST['admin_name']))||(empty($_POST['admin_pass'])))) {
+      return(true);
+    }
+    if($need_to_create_user) {
+      /* We have the order to create an Admin */
+      /* Define the user we are going to create */
+      $dn= "cn=".$_POST['admin_name'].",".$ldapconf['peopleou'].",".$ldapconf['base'];
+      $arr['objectClass'][0] ="person";
+      $arr['objectClass'][1] ="organizationalPerson";
+      $arr['objectClass'][2] ="inetOrgPerson";
+      $arr['objectClass'][3] ="gosaAccount";
+      $arr['uid']            = $_POST['admin_name'];
+      $arr['cn']             = $_POST['admin_name'];
+      $arr['sn']             = $_POST['admin_name'];
+      $arr['givenName']      = "GOsa main administrator";
+      $arr[$lmPassword]      = "10974C6EFC0AEE1917306D272A9441BB";
+      $arr[$ntPassword]      = "38F3951141D0F71A039CFA9D1EC06378";
+      $arr['userPassword']   = crypt_single($_POST['admin_pass'],"md5");
+      if(!$ldap->dn_exists($dn)){ 
+        $ldap->cd($dn); 
+        $ldap->create_missing_trees($dn);
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->add($arr);
+        if($ldap->error!="Success"){
+          print_red($ldap->error);
+          print_red("Can't create user, and / or Group, possibly this problem  depends on an empty LDAP server. Check your configuration and try again!");
+        }
+      }    
+    }
+    /* There's already a group for administrator, so we only need to add the user */
+    if(!$need_to_create_group) {
+      if(!isset($data['memberUid'])) {
+        $arrr['memberUid']= $_POST['admin_name'];
+      } else {
+        $data['memberUid'][$data['memberUid']['count']]=$_POST['admin_name'];
+        $arrr['memberUid'] = $data['memberUid'];
+        unset($arrr['memberUid']['count']);
+        $tmp = array_reverse($arrr['memberUid']);    
+        foreach($tmp as $tt){
+          $tmp2[]=$tt;
+        }
+        $arrr['memberUid']= $tmp2;
+//        $str_there="Group found<br>".$data['dn'];
+      }
+      $ldap->cd($data['dn']);
+      $ldap->modify($arrr);
+    } else {
+      $dn                    = "cn=administrators,".$ldapconf['groupou'].",".$ldapconf['base'];
+      $arrr['objectClass'][0]= "gosaObject";
+      $arrr['objectClass'][1]= "posixGroup";
+      $arrr['gosaSubtreeACL']= ":all";
+      $arrr['cn']            = "administrators";
+      $arrr['gidNumber']     = "999";
+      $arrr['memberUid']     = $_POST['admin_name'];
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->create_missing_trees($dn);
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->add($arrr);
+    }
+    return(true);
+  } else {
+    if(!($create_user)) {
+      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_useradmin.tpl'));
+      $smarty->assign("exists",true);
+    } else {
+      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_useradmin.tpl'));
+      $smarty->assign("exists",false);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Smarty output */ 
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
+  }
+  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
+    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
+  }
+  $smarty->assign("str_there",$str_there);
+  if($withoutput){
+    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
+  }
+  return(false);
+/* Returns the classnames auf the mail classes */
+function get_available_mail_classes()
+  $dir = opendir( "../include");
+  $methods = array();
+  $suffix = "class_mail-methods-";
+  $lensuf = strlen($suffix);
+  $prefix = ".inc";
+  $lenpre = strlen($prefix);
+  $i = 0;
+  while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false){
+    if(stristr($file,$suffix)) {
+      $lenfile = strlen($file);
+      $methods['name'][$i] = substr($file,$lensuf,($lenfile-$lensuf)-$lenpre);
+      $methods['file'][$i] = $file;
+      $methods[$i]['file'] = $file;
+      $methods[$i]['name'] = substr($file,$lensuf,($lenfile-$lensuf)-$lenpre);
+      $i++;
+    }
+  }
+  return($methods);
+// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 90427bc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1119 +0,0 @@
-function check_schema_version($description, $version)
-  $desc= preg_replace("/^.* DESC\s+\(*\s*'([^']+)'\s*\)*.*$/", '\\1', $description);
-  return preg_match("/\(v$version\)/", $desc);
-function view_schema_check($table)
-  $message="<table class=\"check\">";
-  foreach ($table as $key => $values){
-    $msg = $values['msg'];
-    $message.= "<tr><td class=\"check\">$msg";
-    if($values['status']) {
-      $message.="</td><td style='text-align:center' >
-        <img src=images/true.png alt='true' /></td></tr>";
-    } else {
-      $message.="</td><td style='text-align:center' >
-        <img src=images/button_cancel.png alt='false' /></td></tr>";
-    }
-  }
-  $message.="</table>";
-  return $message;
-function schema_check($server, $admin, $password, $aff=0)
-  global $config;
-  $messages= array();
-  $required_classes= array(
-      "gosaObject"            => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "gosaAccount"           => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "gosaLockEntry"         => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "gosaCacheEntry"        => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "gosaDepartment"        => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "goFaxAccount"          => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
-      "goFaxSBlock"           => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
-      "goFaxRBlock"           => array("version" => "1.0.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
-      "gosaUserTemplate"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "posixAccount","file" => "nis.schema"),
-      "gosaMailAccount"       => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "mailAccount","file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
-      "gosaProxyAccount"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "proxyAccount","file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
-      "gosaApplication"       => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "appgroup","file" => "gosa.schema"),
-      "gosaApplicationGroup"  => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "appgroup","file" => "gosa.schema"),
-      "GOhard"                => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "gotoTerminal"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "goServer"              => array("version" => "2.4","class" => "server","file" => "goserver.schema"),
-      "goTerminalServer"      => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "goNfsServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "goNtpServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "goSyslogServer"        => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "terminals","file" => "goto.schema"),
-      "goLdapServer"          => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "goCupsServer"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => array("posixAccount", "terminals"),),
-      "goImapServer"          => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => array("mailAccount", "mailgroup"),"file" => "gosa+samba3.schema"),
-      "goKrbServer"           => array("version" => "2.4"),
-      "goFaxServer"           => array("version" => "2.4", "class" => "gofaxAccount","file" => "gofax.schema"),
-      );
-  /* Build LDAP connection */
-  $ds= ldap_connect ($server);
-  if (!$ds) {
-    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't bind to LDAP. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
-  }
-  ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
-  $r= ldap_bind ($ds, $admin, $password);
-  /* Get base to look for schema */
-  $sr  = @ldap_read ($ds, "", "objectClass=*", array("subschemaSubentry"));
-  $attr= @ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
-  if (!isset($attr[0]['subschemasubentry'][0])){
-    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't get schema information from server. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
-  }
-  /* Get list of objectclasses */
-  $nb= $attr[0]['subschemasubentry'][0];
-  $objectclasses= array();
-  $sr= ldap_read ($ds, $nb, "objectClass=*", array("objectclasses"));
-  $attrs= ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
-  if (!isset($attrs[0])){
-    return (array(array("msg" => _("Can't get schema information from server. No schema check possible!"), "status" => FALSE)));
-  }
-  foreach ($attrs[0]['objectclasses'] as $val){
-    $name= preg_replace("/^.* NAME\s+\(*\s*'([^']+)'\s*\)*.*$/", '\\1', $val);
-    if ($name != $val){
-      $objectclasses[$name]= $val;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Walk through objectclasses and check if they are needed or not */
-  foreach ($required_classes as $key => $value){
-    if (isset($value['class'])){
-      if (!is_array($value['class'])){
-        $classes= array($value['class']);
-      } else {
-        $classes= $value['class'];
-      }
-      /* Check if we are using the class that requires */
-      foreach($classes as $class){
-        if (!isset($objectclasses[$key])){
-          $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Optional objectclass '%s' required by plugin '%s' is not present in LDAP setup"), $key, $class);
-          $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;
-        } else {
-          if (!check_schema_version($objectclasses[$key], $value['version'])){
-            $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Optional objectclass '%s' required by plugin '%s' does not have version %s"), $key, $class, $value['version']);
-            $messages[$key]['status'] =FALSE;
-          }else {
-            if(!isset($affich2[$class])){
-              $affich2[$class]['msg']   = sprintf(_("Support for '%s' enabled"), $class)."<td class=\"check\"> ".$value['file']."</td>";
-              $affich2[$class]['status']= TRUE; 
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      /* Required class */
-      if (!isset($objectclasses[$key])){
-        $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Required objectclass '%s' is not present in LDAP setup"), $key);
-        $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;  
-      } else {
-        if (!check_schema_version($objectclasses[$key], $value['version'])){
-          $messages[$key]['msg']= sprintf(_("Required objectclass '%s' does not have version %s"), $key, $value['version']);
-          $messages[$key]['status'] = FALSE;  
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Check for correct samba parameters */
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['sambaSamAccount'])){
-    $messages['samba3']['msg']= _("SAMBA 3 support disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['samba3']['msg']= $messages['samba3']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
-    $messages['samba3']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['samba3']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['samba3']['msg']= _("SAMBA 3 support enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
-    $affich['samba3']['status']= TRUE;
-  }
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['sambaAccount'])){
-    $messages['samba2']['msg']= _("SAMBA 2 support disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['samba2']['msg']= $messages['samba2']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">samba.schema</td>";
-    $messages['samba2']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['samba2']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['samba2']['msg']= _("SAMBA 2 support enabled")."<td class=\"check\">samba.schema</td>";
-    $affich['samba2']['status']= TRUE;
-  }
-  /* Check pureftp/dns/ */
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['PureFTPdUser'])){
-    $messages['pureftp']['msg']= _("Support for pureftp disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['pureftp']['msg']= $messages['pureftp']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">pureftpd.schema</td>";
-    $messages['pureftp']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['pureftp']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['pureftp']['msg']= _("Support for pureftp enabled")."<td class=\"check\">pureftpd.schema</td>";
-    $affich['pureftp']['status']= TRUE;
-  }
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['gosaWebdavAccount'])){
-    $messages['webdav']['msg']= _("Support for WebDAV disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['webdav']['msg']= $messages['webdav']['msg']."<td class=\"check\"></td>";
-    $messages['webdav']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['webdav']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['webdav']['msg']=_("Support for WebDAV enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gosa+samba3.schema</td>";
-    $affich['webdav']['status']= TRUE;
-  }
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['phpgwAccount'])){
-    $messages['phpgroupware']['msg']= _("Support for phpgroupware disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['phpgroupware']['msg']= $messages['phpgroupware']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">phpgwaccount.schema</td>";
-    $messages['phpgroupware']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['phpgroupware']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['phpgroupware']['msg']= _("Support for phpgroupware enabled")."<td class=\"check\">phpgwaccount.schema</td>";
-    $affich['phpgroupware']['status']= TRUE;
-  }
-  if (!isset($objectclasses['goFonAccount'])){
-    $messages['phoneaccount']['msg']= _("Support for gofon disabled, no schema seems to be installed");
-    $affich['phoneaccount']['msg']= $messages['phoneaccount']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
-    $messages['phoneaccount']['status']= FALSE;
-    $affich['phoneaccount']['status']= FALSE;
-  }else{
-    $affich['phoneaccount']['msg']= _("Support for gofon enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
-    $affich['phoneaccount']['status']= true;
-  }
-  if(($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods'][$_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']] == "kolab")){
-    if(!isset($objectclasses['kolabInetOrgPerson']))
-    {
-      $messages['kolab']['msg']= _("Support for Kolab disabled, no schema seems to be installed, setting mail-method to cyrus");
-      $affich['kolab']['msg']=$messages['kolab']['msg']."<td class=\"check\">kolab2.schema</td>";
-      $tmp= array_flip($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']);
-      $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']=$tmp['cyrus'];
-      $messages['kolab']['status']= FALSE;
-      $affich['kolab']['status']= FALSE;
-    }else{
-      $affich['kolab']['msg']=_("Support for Kolab enabled")."<td class=\"check\">gofon.schema</td>";
-      $affich['kolab']['status']= TRUE;
-    }
-  }
-  if($aff==0){
-    return ($messages);
-  } else {
-    return(array_merge($affich,$affich2));
-  }
-function check(&$faults, $message, $description, $test, $required= TRUE)
-  $msg= "<table class='check'><tr><td class='check' style='font-size:14px;'>$message</td>
-    <td rowspan=2 style='vertical-align:middle; text-align:center;width:45px;'>";
-  if ($test){
-    $msg.= _("OK")."<br>";
-  } else {
-    if (!$required){
-      $msg.="<font color=red>"._("Ignored")."</font><br>";
-    } else {
-      $msg.="<font color=red>"._("Failed")."</font><br>";
-      $faults++;
-    }
-  }
-  $msg.= "</td></tr><tr><td class='check' style='padding-left:20px;".
-    "background-color:#F0F0F0;'>$description</td></tr></table><br>";
-  return $msg;
-function perform_php_checks(&$faults)
-  global $check_globals;
-  $faults= 0;
-  $msg= "";
-  $msg.= "<h1>"._("PHP setup inspection")."</h1>";
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for PHP version (>=4.1.0)"),
-      _("PHP must be of version 4.1.0 or above for some functions and known bugs in PHP language."),
-      version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.0")>=0);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking if register_globals is set to 'off'"),
-      _("register_globals is a PHP mechanism to register all global varibales to be accessible from scripts without changing the scope. This may be a security risk. GOsa will run in both modes."),
-      $check_globals == 0, FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for ldap module"),
-      _("This is the main module used by GOsa and therefore really required."),
-      function_exists('ldap_bind'));
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("Checking for XML functions"),
-      _("XML functions are required to parse the configuration file."),
-      function_exists('xml_parser_create'));
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for gettext support"),
-      _("Gettext support is required for internationalized GOsa."), function_exists('bindtextdomain'));
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for iconv support"),
-      _("This module is used by GOsa to convert samba munged dial informations and is therefore required."),
-      function_exists('iconv'));
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for mhash module"),
-      _("To use SSHA encryption, you'll need this module. If you are just using crypt or md5 encryption, ignore this message. GOsa will run without it."),
-      function_exists('mhash'), FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for imap module"),
-      _("The IMAP module is needed to communicate with the IMAP server. It gets status informations, creates and deletes mail users."),
-      function_exists('imap_open'));
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for getacl in imap"),
-      _("The getacl support is needed for shared folder permissions. The standard IMAP module is not capable of reading acl's. You need a recend PHP version for this feature."),
-      function_exists('imap_getacl'), FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for mysql module"),
-      _("MySQL support is needed for reading GOfax reports from databases."),
-      function_exists('mysql_query'), FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for cups module"),
-      _("In order to read available printers from IPP protocol instead of printcap files, you've to install the CUPS module."),
-      function_exists('cups_get_dest_list'), FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for kadm5 module"),
-      _("Managing users in kerberos requires the kadm5 module which is downloadable via PEAR network."),
-      function_exists('kadm5_init_with_password'), FALSE);
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("Checking for snmp Module"),
-      _("Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is required for client monitoring."),
-      function_exists('snmpget'), FALSE);
-  return ($msg);
-function perform_additional_checks(&$faults)
-  /* Programm check */
-  $msg= "<h1>"._("Checking for some additional programms")."</h1>";
-  /* Image Magick */
-  $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C convert -help";
-  $output= shell_exec ($query);
-  if ($output != ""){
-    $lines= split ("\n", $output);
-    $version= preg_replace ("/^Version:.+Magick ([^\s]+).*/", "\\1", $lines[0]);
-    list($major, $minor)= split("\.", $version);
-    $msg.= check (     $faults, _("Checking for ImageMagick (>=5.4.0)"),
-        _("ImageMagick is used to convert user supplied images to fit the suggested size and the unified JPEG format."),
-        ($major > 5 || ($major == 5 && $minor >= 4)));
-  } else {
-    $msg.= check (     $faults, _("Checking imagick module for PHP"),
-        _("Imagick is used to convert user supplied images to fit the suggested size and the unified JPEG format from PHP script."), function_exists('imagick_blob2image'), TRUE);
-  }
-  /* Check for fping */
-  $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C fping -v 2>&1";
-  $output= shell_exec ($query);
-  $have_fping= preg_match("/^fping:/", $output);
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for fping utility"),
-      _("The fping utility is only used if you've got a thin client based terminal environment running."),
-      $have_fping, FALSE);
-  /* Check for smb hash generation tool */
-  $query= "mkntpwd 2>&1";
-  $output= shell_exec ($query);
-  $have_mkntpwd= preg_match("/^Usage: mkntpwd /", $output);
-  $alt = 0;
-  if (!$have_mkntpwd){
-    $query= "LC_ALL=C LANG=C perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e 'ntlmgen \"PASSWD\", \$lm, \$nt; print \"\${lm}:\${nt}\\n\";' &>/dev/null";
-    system ($query, $ret);
-    $alt= ($ret == 0);
-  }
-  $msg.= check (       $faults, _("Checking for a way to generate LM/NT password hashes"),
-      _("In order to use SAMBA 2/3, you've to install some additional packages to generate password hashes."),
-      ($have_mkntpwd || $alt));
-  /* seesio.auto_start should be off, in order to without trouble*/
-  $session_auto_start = ini_get('session.auto_start');
-  $implicit_flush     = ini_get('implicit_flush');
-  $max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time');
-  $memory_limit       = ini_get('memory_limit');
-  $expose_php         = ini_get('expose_php');
-  $magic_quotes_gpc   = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc');
-  $register_globals   = ini_get('register_globals');
-  /* auto_register */
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> session.auto_register"),
-      _("In Order to use GOsa without any trouble, the session.auto_register option in your php.ini must be set to 'Off'."), (!$session_auto_start['local_value']));
-  /* implicit_flush */
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> implicit_flush"),
-      _("This option influences the Output handling. Turn this Option off, to increase performance."),
-      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
-  /* max_execution_time */
-  if($max_execution_time['local_value'] < 30 ){
-    $max_execution_time['local_value']=false;
-  }
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> max_execution_time"),
-      _("The Execution time should be at least 30 seconds, because some actions may consume more time."),
-      $max_execution_time['local_value'],0,false);
-  /* memory_limit */
-  if($memory_limit['local_value'] < 16 ){
-    $memory_limit['local_value']=false;
-  }
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> memory_limit"),
-      _("GOsa needs at least 16MB of memory, less will cause unpredictable errors! Increase it for larger setups."),
-      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
-  /* expose_php */
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> expose_php"),
-      _("Increase the server security by setting expose_php to 'off'. PHP won't send any Information about the server you are running in this case."),
-      !$implicit_flush['local_value'],0,false);
-  /* magic_quotes_gpc */
-  $msg.= check (  $faults, _("php.ini check -> magic_quotes_gpc"),
-      _("Increase your server security by setting magic_quotes_gpc to 'on'. PHP will escape all quotes in strings in this case."),
-      $magic_quotes_gpc['local_value'],0,false);
-  return $msg;
-function parse_contrib_conf()
-  $str                = "";
-  $used_samba_version = 0;
-  $query              = ""; 
-  $fp                 = false;
-  $output             = "";
-  $needridbase_sid    = false;
-  $pwdhash            = "";
-  $replacements       = array();
-  $ldapconf           = $_SESSION['ldapconf']; // The Installation information
-  $classes            = $_SESSION['classes'];  // Class information needed to define which features are enabled
-  $possible_plugins   = array();
-  /* Which samba version do we use? */
-  if(isset($classes['samba3'])){
-    $used_samba_version = 2;
-  } else {
-    $used_samba_version = 3;
-  }
-  /* Look for samba password generation method */
-  if(file_exists("/usr/lib/gosa/mkntpasswd")){
-    $pwdhash  = "/usr/lib/gosa/mkntpasswd";
-  } elseif (preg_match("/^Usage: mkntpwd /", shell_exec ("mkntpwd 2>&1"))){
-    $pwdhash= "mkntpwd";
-  } else {
-    $pwdhash=('perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e "ntlmgen \"\$ARGV[0]\", \$lm, \$nt; print \"\${lm}:\${nt}\n\";" $1');
-  }
-  /* Define which variables will be replaced */
-  $replacements['{LOCATIONNAME}']  = $ldapconf['location'];
-  $replacements['{SAMBAVERSION}']  = $used_samba_version;
-  $replacements['{LDAPBASE}']      = $ldapconf['base'];
-  $replacements['{LDAPADMIN}']     = $ldapconf['admin'];
-  $replacements['{DNMODE}']        = $ldapconf['peopledn'];
-  $replacements['{LDAPHOST}']      = $ldapconf['uri'];
-  $replacements['{PASSWORD}']      = $ldapconf['password'];
-  $replacements['{CRYPT}']         = $ldapconf['arr_cryptkeys'][$ldapconf['arr_crypts']];
-  $replacements['{SID}\n']         = "";
-  $replacements['{RIDBASE}\n']     = "";
-  if($ldapconf['mail'] != "disabled"){
-    $replacements['{MAILMETHOD}']    = $ldapconf['mail_methods'][$ldapconf['mail']];
-  }   
-  $replacements['{SMBHASH}']       = $pwdhash;
-  $replacements['{GOVERNMENTMODE}']= "false"; 
-  $replacements['{kolabAccount}']  = "";
-  $replacements['{servKolab}']     = "";
-  /* This array contains all preg_replace syntax to delete all unused plugins
-     THE kEY MUST BE THE CLASSNAME so we can check it with $ldapconf['classes'] */
-  $possible_plugins['fonreport'][]   = "'\n.*<plugin.*fonreport+.*\n.*>.*\n'i";
-  $possible_plugins['phoneaccount'][]= "'\n.*<tab.*phoneAccount.*>.*\n'i";
-  $possible_plugins['logview'][]     = "'\n.*<plugin.*logview+.*\n.*>.*\n'i";
-  $possible_plugins['pureftp'][]     = "'\n.*<tab.*pureftp.*>.*\n'i";
-  $possible_plugins['webdav'][]      = "'\n.*<tab.*webdav.*>.*\n'i";
-  $possible_plugins['phpgroupware'][]= "'\n.*<tab.*phpgroupware.*>.*\n'i";
-  /* Header information
-     Needed to send the generated gosa.conf to the browser */
-  header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
-  header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
-  header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
-  header("Pragma: no-cache");
-  header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0");
-  header("Content-type: text/plain");
-  if (preg_match('/MSIE 5.5/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
-      preg_match('/MSIE 6.0/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
-    header('Content-Disposition: filename="gosa.conf"');
-  } else {
-    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="gosa.conf"');
-  }
-  if(!$fp=fopen(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR."/gosa.conf","r")) {
-    echo "Can't open file ".CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR."/gosa.conf";
-  } else {
-    while(!feof($fp)) {
-      $str.= fread($fp,512);
-    }
-    if($ldapconf['mail_methods'][$ldapconf['mail']]=="kolab") {
-      $replacements['{kolabAccount}']  ="<tab class=\"kolabAccount\" />\n     ";
-      $replacements['{servKolab}']     ="<tab class=\"servkolab\" name=\"Kolab\" />";
-    }
-    if($used_samba_version == 2) {
-      /* Do nothing for samba 2... */
-    } else {
-      /* Create LDAP connection, to check if there's a domain
-         object defined in the LDAP schema */
-      $ldap= new LDAP($ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'], $ldapconf['uri']);
-      /* Try to find a Samba Domain Objekt */
-      $ldap->search("(objectClass=sambaDomain)");
-      /* Something found ??? so we need to define ridbase an SID by ourselfs */
-      if($ldap->count()< 1) {
-        $replacements['{SID}']= "sid=\"123412-11\"";
-        $replacements['{RIDBASE}']= "ridbase=\"1000\"";  
-      } 
-    }
-    /* Data readed, types replaced, samba version detected and checked if
-       we need to add SID and RIDBASE. Check if there is an ivbbEntry in
-       the LDAP tree, in this case we will set the governmentmode to true.
-       Create LDAP connection, to check if theres a domain Objekt definen
-       in the LDAP schema. */
-    if(!isset($ldap)){
-      $ldap= new LDAP($ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'], $ldapconf['uri']);
-    }
-    /* Try to find a Samba Domain Objekt */
-    $ldap->search("(objectClass=ivbbEntry)");
-    /* Something found ??? so we need to define ridbase an SID by ourselfs */
-    if($ldap->count()> 0) {
-      $replacements['{GOVERNMENTMODE}']= "true";
-    }
-    /* Replace all colleted information with placeholder */
-    foreach($replacements as $key => $val) {
-      $str = preg_replace("/".$key."/",$val,$str);
-    }    
-    if($ldapconf['mail'] == "disabled"){
-      $str = str_replace("mailMethod=\"{MAILMETHOD}\"","",$str);
-    }
-    /* Remove all unused plugins */
-    foreach($possible_plugins as $plugin) {
-      foreach($plugin as $key=>$val) {
-        if(in_array($plugin,$classes)) {
-          $str = preg_replace($val,"\n",$str);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return ((($str)));
-/* Show setup_page 1 */
-function show_setup_page1($withoutput = true)
-  $smarty = get_smarty();  
-  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_introduction.tpl'));
-  $smarty->assign ("tests", perform_php_checks($faults));
-  /* This var is true if anything went wrong */
-  if ($faults){
-    $smarty->assign("mode", "disabled");
-  }
-  /* This line displays the template only if (withoutput is set) */
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])){
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return (!$faults);
-/* Show setup_page 2 */
-function show_setup_page2($withoutput = true)
-  $smarty = get_smarty();
-  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step2.tpl'));
-  $smarty->assign ("tests", perform_additional_checks($faults));
-  if ($faults) {
-    $smarty->assign("mode", "disabled");
-  }
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  if (isset($_SESSION['errors']))  {
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return (!$faults);                               
-function show_setup_page3($withoutput = true)
-  $smarty = get_smarty();
-  /* Take the Post oder the Sessioin saved data */
-  if(isset($_POST['uri'])){
-    $uri = $_POST['uri'];
-  } elseif(isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'])){
-    $uri = $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'];
-  }
-  /* If Page called first time, field is empty */
-  if((!isset($uri))||(empty($uri))){
-    $uri = "ldap://localhost:389";
-  }
-  /* if isset $uri save it to session */
-  if(isset($uri)) {
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'] = $uri;
-    $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
-  }
-  /* No error till now */
-  $fault = false;
-  /* If we pushed the Button continue */
-  if(isset($_POST['continue3'])){
-    if(!isset($uri)) {
-      $fault = true;
-      /* Output the Error */
-      if($withoutput) {
-        print_red (_("You've to specify an ldap server before continuing!"));
-        $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
-      }
-    }
-  } elseif (!$ds = @ldap_connect (validate($uri))) {
-    $fault =true;
-    /* Output the Error */
-    if($withoutput) {
-      print_red (_("Can't connect to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that is reachable for GOsa."));
-      $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
-      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
-    }
-  } else {
-    /* Try to bind the connection */    
-    ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
-    /* if we can't bind , print error */
-    if (!$r  =  @ldap_bind ($ds)) {
-      $fault = true;
-      /* Output the Error */
-      if($withoutput) {
-        print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
-        $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
-        $smarty->assign ("uri", validate($uri));
-      }
-    } else {
-      $fault = false;
-    }
-  }
-  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step3.tpl'));
-  /* Load Header */
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  /* Set Errors to Smarty */
-  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  /* Print out Template */ 
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return (!$fault);                             
-function show_setup_page4($withoutput = true)
-  $smarty= get_smarty();      
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
-  }
-  require_once("");
-  $fault     = false;              
-  $uri       = $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'];
-  $ldapconf  = $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
-  $arr_crypts= array();
-  $temp      = "";
-  $checkvars = array("location", "admin", "password", "peopleou", "base",
-      "peopledn", "arr_crypts", "mail", "uidbase");
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys'])) {
-    require_once("");
-    $tmp= passwordMethod::get_available_methods_if_not_loaded();
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']= $tmp['name'];
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods'])) {
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']=array();
-    $temp = get_available_mail_classes();
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']= $temp['name'];
-  }
-  /* If there are some empty vars in ldapconnect -
-     these values also represent out default values */
-  if(!$ds = @ldap_connect (validate($uri))){
-    $fault = true;
-    if($withoutput){
-      print_red (_("Can't connect to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that is reachable for GOsa."));
-    }
-  } elseif(!@ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)){
-    $fault = true;
-    if($withoutput){
-      print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
-    }
-  } elseif(!$r= @ldap_bind ($ds)){
-    $fault = true;
-    if($withoutput){
-      print_red (_("Can't bind to the specified LDAP server! Please make sure that it is reachable for GOsa."));
-    }
-  } else {
-    $sr=   @ldap_search ($ds, "", "objectClass=*", array("namingContexts"));
-    $attr= @ldap_get_entries($ds,$sr);
-    if((empty($attr))) {
-      $base= "dc=example,dc=net";
-      if($withoutput){
-        print_red(_("Bind to server successful, but the server seems to be completly empty, please check all informations twice"));
-      }
-    } else {
-      $base= $attr[0]['dn'];
-    }
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['base'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $base;
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin']= "cn=ldapadmin,".$base;
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopleou'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopleou']= "ou=people";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['groupou'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['groupou']= "ou=groups";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopledn'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['peopledn']= "cn";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password']= "";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['location'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['location']= "Example";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uidbase'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uidbase']= "1000";
-  }
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail']= 0;
-  }
-  $tmp= array_flip($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']);
-  if(!isset($_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_crypts'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_crypts']   = $tmp['md5'];
-  }
-  /* check POST data */
-  if(isset($_POST['check'])) {
-    /* Check if all needed vars are submitted */
-    foreach($checkvars as $key) {
-      if($key == "peopleou"){
-        continue;
-      }
-      if($key == "groupou"){
-        continue;
-      }
-      if((isset($_POST[$key]))&&($_POST[$key]!="")) {
-        $_SESSION['ldapconf'][$key] = $_POST[$key];
-      } else {
-        if($withoutput) {
-          print_red(sprintf(_("You're missing the required attribute '%s' from this formular. Please complete!"), $key));
-        }
-        $fault = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Transfer base */
-  if(isset($_POST['base'])){
-    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['base']= $_POST['base'];
-  }
-  $smarty->assign("arr_cryptkeys",$_SESSION['ldapconf']['arr_cryptkeys']);
-  $smarty->assign("mail_methods", $_SESSION['ldapconf']['mail_methods']);
-  foreach($_SESSION['ldapconf'] as $key => $val) {
-    $smarty->assign($key,$val);
-  }
-  if(isset($_POST['check'])) {
-    $ldap= new LDAP($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],
-        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'],
-        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri']);
-    $m= schema_check($_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri'],
-        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],
-        $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password']);
-    $_SESSION['classes']= $m;
-    if ($ldap->error != "Success") {
-      if($withoutput) {
-        print_red(sprintf(_("Can't log into LDAP server. Reason was: %s."), $ldap->get_error()));
-      }
-      $fault = true;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Set smarty output */
-  $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_step4.tpl'));
-  $smarty->assign ("peopledns", array("cn", "uid"));
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  if(isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return (!$fault);
-function show_setup_page5($withoutput=true)
-  /* Get ldapconf */
-  $ldapconf= $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
-  /* get smarty */
-  $smarty = get_smarty();
-  if(isset($_SESSION['classes'])){
-    $classes = $_SESSION['classes'];
-  }
-  $info= posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid());
-  $smarty->assign("webgroup", $info['name']);
-  $smarty->assign("path", CONFIG_DIR);
-  $message= "<table class=\"check\">";
-  $m= schema_check($ldapconf['uri'], $ldapconf['admin'], $ldapconf['password'],1);
-  if($withoutput) {
-    $smarty->assign ("schemas", view_schema_check($m));
-    $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_finish.tpl'));
-  }
-  /* Output templates... */
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return(true);
-function create_user_for_setup($withoutput=true)
-  global $samba;
-  $ldapconf = $_SESSION['ldapconf'];
-  $smarty = get_smarty();
-  $need_to_create_group = false;
-  $need_to_create_user  = false;
-  $str_there="";
-  if(isset($_SESSION['classes'])){
-    $classes= $_SESSION['classes'];
-  }
-  /* Everything runns perfect ...
-     So we do a last test on this page
-     is there a user with ACLs :all which will be able to adminsitrate GOsa
-     We check that, if this user or group is missing we ask for creating them */
-  $ldap= new LDAP($_SESSION['ldapconf']['admin'],    $_SESSION['ldapconf']['password'],   $_SESSION['ldapconf']['uri']);
-  /* 
-  Now we are testing for a group, with the rights :all 
-  */
-  $ldap->cd($ldapconf['base']);
-  $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaObject)(gosaSubtreeACL=:all))");
-  $group_cnt  = $ldap->count();
-  $data       = $ldap->fetch();
-//  $str_there  = "Searching for Aminitrative users <br><br>";
-  /* 
-  We need to create administrative user and group  because theres no group found 
-  */
-  if($group_cnt < 1) {
-    /* 
-    Set var to create user 
-    */
-//    $str_there  =   "no group found<br>";
-    $need_to_create_group = true;
-    $need_to_create_user  = true;
-    /* Output error */
-    if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
-      print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
-    }
-  } else {
-//    $str_there = "Group found <br>".$data['dn'];    
-    $need_to_create_group = false;
-    $ldap->clearResult();
-    /* We found an Administrative Group, is there a user, too */
-    if(isset($data['memberUid'][0])) {
-      $str = "uid=".$data['memberUid']['0'];
-      $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gosaAccount)(objectClass=person)(".$str."))");
-      $data2   = $ldap->fetch();
-      /* We must create a user */
-      if (($ldap->count() < 1)||(!isset($data2))) {
-//        $str_there.="Missing user";
-        $need_to_create_user = true;
-        if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
-          print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
-        }
-      }else {
-//        $str_there.="<br>User found <br>".$data2['dn'];
-        $need_to_create_user = false;
-      }
-    } else {
-      $need_to_create_user=true;
-      if(($withoutput)&&(!isset($_POST['new_admin']))){
-          print_red(_("You're missing an administrative account for GOsa, you'll not be able to administrate anything!"));
-        }   
-//      $str_there.="<br>No User found <br>";
-    }
-  }
-  if(!($need_to_create_user&&$need_to_create_group))
-    return(true);
-  /* We need to create a new user with group */
-  if(isset($_POST['new_admin']))
-  {
-    /* Adjust password attributes according to the samba version */
-    if (isset($classes['samba3'])) {
-      $samba= "2";
-      $lmPassword = "lmPassword";
-      $ntPassword = "ntPassword";
-    } else {
-      $samba= "3";
-      $lmPassword = "sambaLMPassword";
-      $ntPassword = "sambaNtPassword";
-    }
-    /* Nothing submitted */
-    if(((empty($_POST['admin_name']))||(empty($_POST['admin_pass'])))) {
-      return(true);
-    }
-    if($need_to_create_user) {
-      /* We have the order to create an Admin */
-      /* Define the user we are going to create */
-      $dn= "cn=".$_POST['admin_name'].",".$ldapconf['peopleou'].",".$ldapconf['base'];
-      $arr['objectClass'][0] ="person";
-      $arr['objectClass'][1] ="organizationalPerson";
-      $arr['objectClass'][2] ="inetOrgPerson";
-      $arr['objectClass'][3] ="gosaAccount";
-      $arr['uid']            = $_POST['admin_name'];
-      $arr['cn']             = $_POST['admin_name'];
-      $arr['sn']             = $_POST['admin_name'];
-      $arr['givenName']      = "GOsa main administrator";
-      $arr[$lmPassword]      = "10974C6EFC0AEE1917306D272A9441BB";
-      $arr[$ntPassword]      = "38F3951141D0F71A039CFA9D1EC06378";
-      $arr['userPassword']   = crypt_single($_POST['admin_pass'],"md5");
-      if(!$ldap->dn_exists($dn)){ 
-        $ldap->cd($dn); 
-        $ldap->create_missing_trees($dn);
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->add($arr);
-        if($ldap->error!="Success"){
-          print_red($ldap->error);
-          print_red("Can't create user, and / or Group, possibly this problem  depends on an empty LDAP server. Check your configuration and try again!");
-        }
-      }    
-    }
-    /* There's already a group for administrator, so we only need to add the user */
-    if(!$need_to_create_group) {
-      if(!isset($data['memberUid'])) {
-        $arrr['memberUid']= $_POST['admin_name'];
-      } else {
-        $data['memberUid'][$data['memberUid']['count']]=$_POST['admin_name'];
-        $arrr['memberUid'] = $data['memberUid'];
-        unset($arrr['memberUid']['count']);
-        $tmp = array_reverse($arrr['memberUid']);    
-        foreach($tmp as $tt){
-          $tmp2[]=$tt;
-        }
-        $arrr['memberUid']= $tmp2;
-//        $str_there="Group found<br>".$data['dn'];
-      }
-      $ldap->cd($data['dn']);
-      $ldap->modify($arrr);
-    } else {
-      $dn                    = "cn=administrators,".$ldapconf['groupou'].",".$ldapconf['base'];
-      $arrr['objectClass'][0]= "gosaObject";
-      $arrr['objectClass'][1]= "posixGroup";
-      $arrr['gosaSubtreeACL']= ":all";
-      $arrr['cn']            = "administrators";
-      $arrr['gidNumber']     = "999";
-      $arrr['memberUid']     = $_POST['admin_name'];
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->create_missing_trees($dn);
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->add($arrr);
-    }
-    return(true);
-  } else {
-    if(!($create_user)) {
-      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_useradmin.tpl'));
-      $smarty->assign("exists",true);
-    } else {
-      $smarty->assign ("content", get_template_path('setup_useradmin.tpl'));
-      $smarty->assign("exists",false);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Smarty output */ 
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('headers.tpl'));
-  }
-  if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) {
-    $smarty->assign("errors", $_SESSION['errors']);
-  }
-  $smarty->assign("str_there",$str_there);
-  if($withoutput){
-    $smarty->display (get_template_path('setup.tpl'));
-  }
-  return(false);
-/* Returns the classnames auf the mail classes */
-function get_available_mail_classes()
-  $dir = opendir( "../include");
-  $methods = array();
-  $suffix = "class_mail-methods-";
-  $lensuf = strlen($suffix);
-  $prefix = ".inc";
-  $lenpre = strlen($prefix);
-  $i = 0;
-  while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false){
-    if(stristr($file,$suffix)) {
-      $lenfile = strlen($file);
-      $methods['name'][$i] = substr($file,$lensuf,($lenfile-$lensuf)-$lenpre);
-      $methods['file'][$i] = $file;
-      $methods[$i]['file'] = $file;
-      $methods[$i]['name'] = substr($file,$lensuf,($lenfile-$lensuf)-$lenpre);
-      $i++;
-    }
-  }
-  return($methods);
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: