summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 842ae38)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 842ae38)
author | pjrm <> | |
Mon, 3 Apr 2006 07:02:36 +0000 (07:02 +0000) | ||
committer | pjrm <> | |
Mon, 3 Apr 2006 07:02:36 +0000 (07:02 +0000) |
src/display/nr-arena-glyphs.cpp | patch | blob | history |
index a050acc9949ccaa476df11f51de3edf46068a907..c6bc3b13142431a205d7ae988e5227f7c5d8e25e 100644 (file)
glyphs->rfont = NULL;
glyphs->sfont = NULL;
glyphs->x = glyphs->y = 0.0;
-// nr_matrix_set_identity(&glyphs->cached_tr);
-// glyphs->cached_shp=NULL;
-// glyphs->cached_shp_dirty=false;
-// glyphs->cached_style_dirty=false;
-// glyphs->stroke_shp=NULL;
static void
NRArenaGlyphs *glyphs=static_cast<NRArenaGlyphs *>(object);
-// if (glyphs->cached_shp) {
-// delete glyphs->cached_shp;
-// glyphs->cached_shp = NULL;
-// }
-// if (glyphs->stroke_shp) {
-// delete glyphs->stroke_shp;
-// glyphs->stroke_shp = NULL;
-// }
if (glyphs->rfont) {
@@ -254,16 +238,6 @@ nr_arena_glyphs_pick (NRArenaItem *item, NR::Point p, gdouble delta, unsigned in
/* With text we take a simple approach: pick if the point is in a characher bbox */
if ((x >= item->bbox.x0) && (y >= item->bbox.y0) && (x <= item->bbox.x1) && (y <= item->bbox.y1)) return item;
-/* NR::Point const thePt = p;
- if (glyphs->stroke_shp && (glyphs->style->stroke.type != SP_PAINT_TYPE_NONE)) {
- if (glyphs->stroke_shp->PtWinding(thePt) > 0 ) return item;
- }
- if (delta > 1e-3) {
- if (glyphs->stroke_shp && (glyphs->style->stroke.type != SP_PAINT_TYPE_NONE)) {
- if ( glyphs->stroke_shp->DistanceLE(thePt, delta)) return item;
- }
- }*/
return NULL;
@@ -275,15 +249,12 @@ nr_arena_glyphs_set_path (NRArenaGlyphs *glyphs, SPCurve *curve, unsigned int li
nr_arena_item_request_render (NR_ARENA_ITEM (glyphs));
- // glyphs->cached_shp_dirty=true;
if (transform) {
glyphs->g_transform = *transform;
} else {
nr_matrix_set_identity (&glyphs->g_transform);
- //printf("glyph_setpath ");
if ( font ) font->Ref();
if ( glyphs->font ) glyphs->font->Unref();
nr_return_if_fail (glyphs != NULL);
nr_return_if_fail (NR_IS_ARENA_GLYPHS (glyphs));
-// glyphs->cached_style_dirty=true;
if (style) sp_style_ref (style);
if (glyphs->style) sp_style_unref (glyphs->style);
glyphs->style = style;
@@ -334,27 +303,7 @@ nr_arena_glyphs_stroke_mask (NRArenaGlyphs *glyphs, NRRectL *area, NRPixBlock *m
raster_glyph* g=glyphs->sfont->GetGlyph(glyphs->glyph);
if ( g ) g->Blit(NR::Point(glyphs->x, glyphs->y),*m);
-/* if (glyphs->stroke_shp && nr_rect_l_test_intersect (area, &item->bbox)) {
- NRPixBlock gb;
- gint x, y;
- nr_pixblock_setup_fast (&gb, NR_PIXBLOCK_MODE_A8, area->x0, area->y0, area->x1, area->y1, TRUE);
- // art_gray_svp_aa is just fillung apparently
- // dunno why it's used here instead of its libnr counterpart
- nr_pixblock_render_shape_mask_or (gb,glyphs->stroke_shp);
- for (y = area->y0; y < area->y1; y++) {
- guchar *d, *s;
- d = NR_PIXBLOCK_PX (m) + (y - area->y0) * m->rs;
- s = NR_PIXBLOCK_PX (&gb) + (y - area->y0) *;
- for (x = area->x0; x < area->x1; x++) {
- *d = (*d) + ((255 - *d) * (*s) / 255);
- d += 1;
- s += 1;
- }
- }
- nr_pixblock_release (&gb);
- m->empty = FALSE;
- }*/
return item->state;