
fix build on windows by removing even more files.
authorJohan Engelen <>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:31:35 +0000 (21:31 +0200)
committerJohan Engelen <>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:31:35 +0000 (21:31 +0200)
src/ui/view/edit-widget.cpp [deleted file]
src/ui/view/edit-widget.h [deleted file]
src/ui/view/edit.cpp [deleted file]
src/ui/view/edit.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/ui/view/edit-widget.cpp b/src/ui/view/edit-widget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 770a9bf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1698 +0,0 @@
- * \brief This class implements the functionality of the window layout, menus,
- *        and signals.
- *
- * This is a reimplementation into C++/Gtkmm of Sodipodi's SPDesktopWidget class.
- * Both SPDesktopWidget and EditWidget adhere to the EditWidgetInterface, so
- * they both can serve as widget for the same SPDesktop/Edit class.
- *
- * Ideally, this class should only contain the handling of the Window (i.e.,
- * content construction and window signals) and implement its
- * EditWidgetInterface.
- *
- * Authors:
- *   Ralf Stephan <>
- *   Bryce W. Harrington <>
- *   Derek P. Moore <>
- *   Lauris Kaplinski <>
- *   Frank Felfe <>
- *   John Bintz <>
- *   Johan Engelen <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Johan Engelen
- * Copyright (C) 2006 John Bintz
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Authors
- * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
- *
- * Released under GNU GPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
- */
-# include <config.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkversion.h>
-#include <gtk/gtklabel.h>
-#include <gtkmm/radioaction.h>
-#include <gtkmm/menubar.h>
-#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
-#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
-#include <gtkmm/accelmap.h>
-#include <gtkmm/separator.h>
-#include <gtkmm/base.h>
-#include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
-#include "macros.h"
-#include "path-prefix.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "file.h"
-#include "application/editor.h"
-#include "edit-widget.h"
-#include "display/sodipodi-ctrlrect.h"
-#include "helper/units.h"
-#include "shortcuts.h"
-#include "widgets/spw-utilities.h"
-#include "event-context.h"
-#include "document.h"
-#include "sp-namedview.h"
-#include "sp-item.h"
-#include "interface.h"
-#include "extension/db.h"
-#include "ui/dialog/dialog-manager.h"
-using namespace Inkscape::UI;
-using namespace Inkscape::UI::Widget;
-namespace Inkscape {
-namespace UI {
-namespace View {
-EditWidget::EditWidget (SPDocument *doc)
-    : _main_window_table(4),
-      _viewport_table(3,3),
-      _act_grp(Gtk::ActionGroup::create()),
-      _ui_mgr(Gtk::UIManager::create()),
-      _update_s_f(false),
-      _update_a_f(false),
-      _interaction_disabled_counter(0)
-    g_warning("Creating new EditWidget");
-    _desktop = 0;
-    initActions();
-    initAccelMap();
-    initUIManager();
-    initLayout();
-    initEdit (doc);
-    g_warning("Done creating new EditWidget");
-    destroyEdit();
-    initMenuActions();
-    initToolbarActions();
-    _ui_mgr->insert_action_group(_act_grp);
-    add_accel_group(_ui_mgr->get_accel_group());
-    gchar *filename_utf8 = g_build_filename(INKSCAPE_UIDIR, "menus-bars.xml", NULL);
-    if (_ui_mgr->add_ui_from_file(filename_utf8) == 0) {
-        g_warning("Error merging ui from file '%s'", filename_utf8);
-        // fixme-charset: What charset should we pass to g_warning?
-    }
-    g_free(filename_utf8);
-    set_title("New document 1 - Inkscape");
-    set_resizable();
-    set_default_size(640, 480);
-    // top level window into which all other portions of the UI get inserted
-    add(_main_window_table);
-    // attach box for horizontal toolbars
-    _main_window_table.attach(_toolbars_vbox, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
-    // attach sub-window for viewport and vertical toolbars
-    _main_window_table.attach(_sub_window_hbox, 0, 1, 2, 3);
-    // viewport table with 3 rows by 3 columns
-    _sub_window_hbox.pack_end(_viewport_table);
-    // Menus and Bars
-    initMenuBar();
-    initCommandsBar();
-    initToolControlsBar();
-    initUriBar();
-    initToolsBar();
-    // Canvas Viewport
-    initLeftRuler();
-    initTopRuler();
-    initStickyZoom();
-    initBottomScrollbar();
-    initRightScrollbar();
-    _viewport_table.attach(_svg_canvas.widget(), 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND);
-    _svg_canvas.widget().show_all();
-    // The statusbar comes last and appears at the bottom of _main_window_table
-    initStatusbar();
-    signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onWindowSizeAllocate), false);
-    signal_realize().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onWindowRealize));
-    show_all_children();
-    g_warning("onMenuItem called");
-//    g_warning("onActionFileNew called");
-    sp_file_new_default();
-//    g_warning("onActionFileOpen called");
-    sp_file_open_dialog (*this, NULL, NULL);
-    g_warning("onActionFileQuit");
-    sp_ui_close_all();
-    g_warning("onActionFilePrint");
-    g_warning("onToolbarItem called");
-    _tool_ctrl->remove();
-    _tool_ctrl->add(*_select_ctrl);
-    _tool_ctrl->remove();
-    _tool_ctrl->add(*_node_ctrl);
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("InkscapePreferences");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("AlignAndDistribute");
-//    manage (Inkscape::UI::Dialog::DocumentPreferences::create());
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("DocumentPreferences");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("Export");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("ExtensionEditor");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("FillAndStroke");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("Find");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("LayerEditor");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("Messages");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("ObjectProperties");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("TextProperties");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("Transformation");
-    _dlg_mgr.showDialog("XmlEditor");
-    g_message("onUriChanged called");
-// FIXME: strings are replaced by placeholders, NOT to be translated until the code is enabled
-// See for details
-// This has no chance of working right now.
-// Has to be converted to Gtk::Action::create_with_icon_name.
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuFile",   "File"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuEdit",   "Edit"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuView",   "View"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuLayer",  "Layer"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuObject", "Object"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuPath",   "Path"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuText",   "Text"));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MenuHelp",   "Help"));
-    // File menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("New",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::NEW, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileNew));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Open",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::OPEN, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("OpenRecent",
-                                      Stock::OPEN_RECENT));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Revert",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::REVERT_TO_SAVED, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Save",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("SaveAs",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::SAVE_AS, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Import",
-                                      Stock::IMPORT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Export",
-                                      Stock::EXPORT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogExport));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Print",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::PRINT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFilePrint));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("PrintPreview",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::PRINT_PREVIEW),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("VacuumDefs",
-                                      Stock::VACUUM_DEFS),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("DocumentProperties",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::PROPERTIES, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogDocumentProperties));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("InkscapePreferences",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::PREFERENCES, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogInkscapePreferences));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Close",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::CLOSE),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileOpen));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Quit",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::QUIT),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onActionFileQuit));
-    // EditWidget menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Undo",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::UNDO, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Redo",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::REDO, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("UndoHistory",
-                                      Stock::UNDO_HISTORY, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Cut",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::CUT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Copy",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::COPY, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Paste",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::PASTE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("PasteInPlace",
-                                      Stock::PASTE_IN_PLACE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("PasteStyle",
-                                      Stock::PASTE_STYLE));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Find",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::FIND),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogFind));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Duplicate",
-                                      Stock::DUPLICATE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Clone",
-                                      Stock::CLONE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("CloneUnlink",
-                                      Stock::CLONE_UNLINK, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("CloneSelectOrig",
-                                      Stock::CLONE_SELECT_ORIG));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MakeBitmap",
-                                      Stock::MAKE_BITMAP));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Tile",
-                                     Stock::TILE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Untile",
-                                      Stock::UNTILE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Delete",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::DELETE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("SelectAll",
-                                      Stock::SELECT_ALL));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("SelectAllInAllLayers",
-                                      Stock::SELECT_ALL_IN_ALL_LAYERS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("SelectInvert",
-                                      Stock::SELECT_INVERT));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("SelectNone",
-                                      Stock::SELECT_NONE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("XmlEditor",
-                                      Stock::XML_EDITOR, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogXmlEditor));
-    // View menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Zoom",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomIn",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_IN, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomOut",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_OUT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Zoom100",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_100, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Zoom50",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_50, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Zoom200",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_200, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomSelection",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_SELECTION, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomDrawing",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_DRAWING, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomPage",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_PAGE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomWidth",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_WIDTH, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomPrev",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_PREV, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ZoomNext",
-                                      Stock::ZOOM_NEXT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ShowHide",
-                                      Stock::SHOW_HIDE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideCommandsBar",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_COMMANDS_BAR));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideToolControlsBar",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_TOOL_CONTROLS_BAR));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideToolsBar",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_TOOLS_BAR));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideRulers",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_RULERS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideScrollbars",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_SCROLLBARS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("ShowHideStatusbar",
-                                            Stock::SHOW_HIDE_STATUSBAR));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ShowHideDialogs",
-                                      Stock::SHOW_HIDE_DIALOGS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Grid",
-                                      Stock::GRID));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Guides",
-                                      Stock::GUIDES));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Fullscreen",
-                                      Stock::FULLSCREEN));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Messages",
-                                      Stock::MESSAGES),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogMessages));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Scripts",
-                                      Stock::SCRIPTS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("WindowPrev",
-                                      Stock::WINDOW_PREV));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("WindowNext",
-                                      Stock::WINDOW_NEXT));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("WindowDuplicate",
-                                      Stock::WINDOW_DUPLICATE));
-    // Layer menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerNew",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_NEW));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerRename",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_RENAME));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerDuplicate",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_DUPLICATE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerAnchor",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_ANCHOR));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerMergeDown",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_MERGE_DOWN));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerDelete",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_DELETE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerSelectNext",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_SELECT_NEXT));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerSelectPrev",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_SELECT_PREV));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerSelectTop",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_SELECT_TOP));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerSelectBottom",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_SELECT_BOTTOM));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerRaise",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_RAISE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerLower",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_LOWER));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerToTop",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_TO_TOP));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LayerToBottom",
-                                      Stock::LAYER_TO_BOTTOM));
-    // Object menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("FillAndStroke",
-                                      Stock::FILL_STROKE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogFillAndStroke));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ObjectProperties",
-                                      Stock::OBJECT_PROPERTIES),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogObjectProperties));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("FilterEffects",
-                                      Stock::FILTER_EFFECTS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Group",
-                                      Stock::GROUP, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Ungroup",
-                                      Stock::UNGROUP, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Raise",
-                                      Stock::RAISE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Lower",
-                                      Stock::LOWER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("RaiseToTop",
-                                      Stock::RAISE_TO_TOP, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("LowerToBottom",
-                                      Stock::LOWER_TO_BOTTOM, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MoveToNewLayer",
-                                      Stock::MOVE_TO_NEW_LAYER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MoveToNextLayer",
-                                      Stock::MOVE_TO_NEXT_LAYER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MoveToPrevLayer",
-                                      Stock::MOVE_TO_PREV_LAYER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MoveToTopLayer",
-                                      Stock::MOVE_TO_TOP_LAYER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("MoveToBottomLayer",
-                                      Stock::MOVE_TO_BOTTOM_LAYER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Rotate90CW",
-                                      Stock::ROTATE_90_CW, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Rotate90CCW",
-                                      Stock::ROTATE_90_CCW, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("FlipHoriz",
-                                      Stock::FLIP_HORIZ, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("FlipVert",
-                                      Stock::FLIP_VERT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Transformation",
-                                      Stock::TRANSFORMATION, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogTransformation));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("AlignAndDistribute",
-                                      Stock::ALIGN_DISTRIBUTE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogAlignAndDistribute));
-    // Path menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("ObjectToPath",
-                                      Stock::OBJECT_TO_PATH, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("StrokeToPath",
-                                      Stock::STROKE_TO_PATH, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Trace",
-                                      Stock::TRACE),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogTrace));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Union",
-                                      Stock::UNION));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Difference",
-                                      Stock::DIFFERENCE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Intersection",
-                                      Stock::INTERSECTION));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Exclusion",
-                                      Stock::EXCLUSION));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Division",
-                                      Stock::DIVISION));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("CutPath",
-                                      Stock::CUT_PATH));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Combine",
-                                      Stock::COMBINE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("BreakApart",
-                                      Stock::BREAK_APART));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Inset",
-                                      Stock::INSET));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Outset",
-                                      Stock::OUTSET));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("OffsetDynamic",
-                                      Stock::OFFSET_DYNAMIC));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("OffsetLinked",
-                                      Stock::OFFSET_LINKED));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Simplify",
-                                      Stock::SIMPLIFY));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Reverse",
-                                      Stock::REVERSE));*/
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Cleanup",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::CLEAR,
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    // Text menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("TextProperties",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::SELECT_FONT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogTextProperties));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("PutOnPath",
-                                      Stock::PUT_ON_PATH));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("RemoveFromPath",
-                                      Stock::REMOVE_FROM_PATH));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("RemoveManualKerns",
-                                      Stock::REMOVE_MANUAL_KERNS));*/
-       // Whiteboard menu
-    // About menu
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("KeysAndMouse",
-                                      Stock::KEYS_MOUSE));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("Tutorials",
-                                      Stock::TUTORIALS));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("About",
-                                      Stock::ABOUT),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onDialogAbout));*/
-    // Tools bar
-    // This has zero chance to work, and has to be converted to create_with_icon_name
-    Gtk::RadioAction::Group tools;
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolSelect",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_SELECT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onSelectTool));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolNode",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_NODE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")),
-                  sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onNodeTool));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolZoom",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_ZOOM, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolRect",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_RECT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolArc",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_ARC, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolStar",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_STAR, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolSpiral",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_SPIRAL, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolFreehand",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_FREEHAND, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolPen",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_PEN, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolDynaDraw",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_DYNADRAW, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolText",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_TEXT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::RadioAction::create(tools, "ToolDropper",
-                                           Stock::TOOL_DROPPER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                           _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    // Select Controls bar
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("TransformStroke",
-                                            Stock::TRANSFORM_STROKE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                            _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("TransformCorners",
-                                            Stock::TRANSFORM_CORNERS, Glib::ustring(),
-                                            _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("TransformGradient",
-                                            Stock::TRANSFORM_GRADIENT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                            _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::ToggleAction::create("TransformPattern",
-                                            Stock::TRANSFORM_PATTERN, Glib::ustring(),
-                                            _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));*/
-    // Node Controls bar
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeInsert",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::ADD, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeDelete",
-                                      Gtk::Stock::REMOVE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeJoin",
-                                      Stock::NODE_JOIN, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeJoinSegment",
-                                      Stock::NODE_JOIN_SEGMENT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeDeleteSegment",
-                                      Stock::NODE_DELETE_SEGMENT, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeBreak",
-                                      Stock::NODE_BREAK, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeCorner",
-                                      Stock::NODE_CORNER, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeSmooth",
-                                      Stock::NODE_SMOOTH, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeSymmetric",
-                                      Stock::NODE_SYMMETRIC, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeLine",
-                                      Stock::NODE_LINE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));
-    _act_grp->add(Gtk::Action::create("NodeCurve",
-                                      Stock::NODE_CURVE, Glib::ustring(),
-                                      _("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate")));*/
-    gchar *filename = g_build_filename(INKSCAPE_UIDIR, "keybindings.rc", NULL);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::load(filename);
-    g_free(filename);
-    // One problem is that the keys 1-6 are zoom accelerators which get
-    // caught as accelerator _before_ any Entry input handler receives them,
-    // for example the zoom status. At the moment, the best way seems to
-    // disable them as accelerators when the Entry gets focus, and enable
-    // them when focus goes elsewhere. The code for this belongs here,
-    // and not in zoom-status.cpp .
-    _zoom_status.signal_focus_in_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onEntryFocusIn));
-    _zoom_status.signal_focus_out_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onEntryFocusOut));
-EditWidget::onEntryFocusIn (GdkEventFocus* /*ev*/)
-    Gdk::ModifierType m = static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//Zoom100", 0, m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//Zoom50", 0, m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomSelection", 0, m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomDrawing", 0, m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomPage", 0, m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomWidth", 0, m, false);
-    return false;
-EditWidget::onEntryFocusOut (GdkEventFocus* /*ev*/)
-    Gdk::ModifierType m = static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//Zoom100", '1', m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//Zoom50", '2', m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomSelection", '3', m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomDrawing", '4', m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomPage", '5', m, false);
-    Gtk::AccelMap::change_entry ("<Actions>//ZoomWidth", '6', m, false);
-    return false;
-    g_assert(_ui_mgr);
-    Gtk::MenuBar *menu = static_cast<Gtk::MenuBar*>(_ui_mgr->get_widget("/MenuBar"));
-    g_assert(menu != NULL);
-    _main_window_table.attach(*Gtk::manage(menu), 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
-    g_assert(_ui_mgr);
-    Toolbox *bar = new Toolbox(static_cast<Gtk::Toolbar*>(_ui_mgr->get_widget("/CommandsBar")),
-                               Gtk::TOOLBAR_ICONS);
-    g_assert(bar != NULL);
-    _toolbars_vbox.pack_start(*Gtk::manage(bar), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
-    // TODO: Do UIManager controlled widgets need to be deleted?
-    _select_ctrl = static_cast<Gtk::Toolbar*>(_ui_mgr->get_widget("/SelectControlsBar"));
-    _node_ctrl = static_cast<Gtk::Toolbar*>(_ui_mgr->get_widget("/NodeControlsBar"));
-    _tool_ctrl = new Toolbox(_select_ctrl, Gtk::TOOLBAR_ICONS);
-    _toolbars_vbox.pack_start(*Gtk::manage(_tool_ctrl), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
-    /// \todo  Create an Inkscape::UI::Widget::UriBar class (?)
-    _uri_ctrl = new Gtk::Toolbar();
-    _uri_label.set_label(_("PLACEHOLDER, do not translate"));
-    _uri_ctrl->add(_uri_label);
-    _uri_ctrl->add(_uri_entry);
-    _uri_entry.signal_activate()
-        .connect_notify(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::onUriChanged));
-    _toolbars_vbox.pack_start(*Gtk::manage(_uri_ctrl), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
-    Toolbox *bar = new Toolbox(static_cast<Gtk::Toolbar*>(_ui_mgr->get_widget("/ToolsBar")),
-                               Gtk::TOOLBAR_ICONS,
-                               Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
-    g_assert(bar != NULL);
-    _sub_window_hbox.pack_start(*Gtk::manage(bar), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
-    _viewport_table.attach(_top_ruler,  1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
-    _tooltips.set_tip (_top_ruler, _top_ruler.get_tip());
-    _viewport_table.attach(_left_ruler, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND);
-    _tooltips.set_tip (_left_ruler, _left_ruler.get_tip());
-    _viewport_table.attach(_bottom_scrollbar, 1, 2, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
-    _bottom_scrollbar.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onAdjValueChanged));
-    _bottom_scrollbar.property_adjustment() = new Gtk::Adjustment (0.0, -4000.0, 4000.0, 10.0, 100.0, 4.0);
-    _viewport_table.attach(_right_scrollbar, 2, 3, 1, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND);
-    _right_scrollbar.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EditWidget::onAdjValueChanged));
-    _right_scrollbar.property_adjustment() = new Gtk::Adjustment (0.0, -4000.0, 4000.0, 10.0, 100.0, 4.0);
-    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
-    _viewport_table.attach(_sticky_zoom, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
-    _sticky_zoom.set_active (prefs->getBool("/options/stickyzoom/value"));
-    _tooltips.set_tip (_sticky_zoom, _("Zoom drawing if window size changes"));
-    /// \todo icon not implemented
-    _statusbar.pack_start (_selected_style_status, false, false, 1);
-    _statusbar.pack_start (*new Gtk::VSeparator(), false, false, 0);
-    _tooltips.set_tip (_zoom_status, _("Zoom"));
-    _layer_selector.reference();
-    _statusbar.pack_start (_layer_selector, false, false, 1);
-    _coord_status.property_n_rows() = 2;
-    _coord_status.property_n_columns() = 5;
-    _coord_status.property_row_spacing() = 0;
-    _coord_status.property_column_spacing() = 2;
-    _coord_eventbox.add (_coord_status);
-    _tooltips.set_tip (_coord_eventbox, _("Cursor coordinates"));
-    _coord_status.attach (*new Gtk::VSeparator(), 0,1, 0,2, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status.attach (*new Gtk::Label(_("X:"), 0.0, 0.5), 1,2, 0,1, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status.attach (*new Gtk::Label(_("Y:"), 0.0, 0.5), 1,2, 1,2, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status_x.set_text ("0.0");
-    _coord_status_x.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5);
-    _coord_status_y.set_text ("0.0");
-    _coord_status_y.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5);
-    _coord_status.attach (_coord_status_x, 2,3, 0,1, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status.attach (_coord_status_y, 2,3, 1,2, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status.attach (*new Gtk::Label(_("Z:"), 0.0, 0.5), 3,4, 0,2, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    _coord_status.attach (_zoom_status, 4,5, 0,2, Gtk::FILL,Gtk::FILL, 0,0);
-    sp_set_font_size_smaller (static_cast<GtkWidget*>((void*)_coord_status.gobj()));
-    _statusbar.pack_end (_coord_eventbox, false, false, 1);
-    _select_status.property_xalign() = 0.0;
-    _select_status.property_yalign() = 0.5;
-    _select_status.set_markup (_("<b>Welcome to Inkscape!</b> Use shape or drawing tools to create objects; use selector (arrow) to move or transform them."));
-    // include this again with Gtk+-2.6
-#if GTK_VERSION_GE(2,6)
-     gtk_label_set_ellipsize (GTK_LABEL(_select_status.gobj()), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
-    _select_status.set_size_request (1, -1);
-    _statusbar.pack_start (_select_status, true, true, 0);
-    _main_window_table.attach(_statusbar, 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK);
-//----------implements EditWidgetInterface
-Gtk::Window *
-    return this;
-EditWidget::setTitle (gchar const* new_title)
-    set_title (new_title);
-   show_all_children();
-    this->Gtk::Window::present();
-EditWidget::getGeometry (gint &x, gint &y, gint &w, gint &h)
-    get_position (x, y);
-    get_size (w, h);
-EditWidget::setSize (gint w, gint h)
-    resize (w, h);
-EditWidget::setPosition (Geom::Point p)
-    move (int(p[Geom::X]), int(p[Geom::Y]));
-/// \param p is already gobj()!
-EditWidget::setTransient (void* p, int i)
-    gtk_window_set_transient_for (static_cast<GtkWindow*>(p), this->gobj());
-    if (i==2)
-        this->Gtk::Window::present();
-    int x, y;
-    get_pointer (x, y);
-    return Geom::Point (x, y);
-    iconify();
-    maximize();
-    fullscreen();
- *  Shuts down the desktop object for the view being closed.  It checks
- *  to see if the document has been edited, and if so prompts the user
- *  to save, discard, or cancel.  Returns TRUE if the shutdown operation
- *  is cancelled or if the save is cancelled or fails, FALSE otherwise.
- */
-    g_assert (_desktop != NULL);
-    if (Inkscape::NSApplication::Editor::isDuplicatedView (_desktop))
-        return false;
-    SPDocument *doc = _desktop->doc();
-    if (doc->isModifiedSinceSave()) {
-        gchar *markup;
-        /// \todo FIXME !!! obviously this will have problems if the document
-        /// name contains markup characters
-        markup = g_strdup_printf(
-                _("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">Save changes to document \"%s\" before closing?</span>\n\n"
-                  "If you close without saving, your changes will be discarded."),
-                SP_DOCUMENT_NAME(doc));
-        Gtk::MessageDialog dlg (*this,
-                       markup,
-                       true,
-                       Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING,
-                       Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE,
-                       true);
-        g_free(markup);
-        Gtk::Button close_button (_("Close _without saving"), true);
-        dlg.add_action_widget (close_button, Gtk::RESPONSE_NO);
-        dlg.add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-        dlg.add_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_YES);
-        dlg.set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_YES);
-        int response =;
-        switch (response)
-        {
-            case Gtk::RESPONSE_YES:
-                sp_document_ref(doc);
-                sp_namedview_document_from_window(_desktop);
-                if (sp_file_save_document(*this, doc)) {
-                    sp_document_unref(doc);
-                } else { // save dialog cancelled or save failed
-                    sp_document_unref(doc);
-                    return TRUE;
-                }
-                break;
-            case Gtk::RESPONSE_NO:
-                break;
-            default: // cancel pressed, or dialog was closed
-                return TRUE;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Code to check data loss */
-    bool allow_data_loss = FALSE;
-    while (sp_document_repr_root(doc)->attribute("inkscape:dataloss") != NULL && allow_data_loss == FALSE)
-    {
-        gchar *markup;
-        /// \todo FIXME !!! obviously this will have problems if the document
-        /// name contains markup characters
-        markup = g_strdup_printf(
-                _("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">The file \"%s\" was saved with a format (%s) that may cause data loss!</span>\n\n"
-                  "Do you want to save this file as an Inkscape SVG?"),
-                SP_DOCUMENT_NAME(doc),
-        Gtk::MessageDialog dlg (*this,
-                       markup,
-                       true,
-                       Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING,
-                       Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE,
-                       true);
-        g_free(markup);
-        Gtk::Button close_button (_("Close _without saving"), true);
-        dlg.add_action_widget (close_button, Gtk::RESPONSE_NO);
-        Gtk::Button save_button (_("_Save as SVG"), true);
-        dlg.add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-        dlg.add_action_widget (save_button, Gtk::RESPONSE_YES);
-        dlg.set_default_response (Gtk::RESPONSE_YES);
-        int response =;
-        switch (response)
-        {
-            case Gtk::RESPONSE_YES:
-                sp_document_ref(doc);
-                if (sp_file_save_document(*this, doc)) {
-                    sp_document_unref(doc);
-                } else { // save dialog cancelled or save failed
-                    sp_document_unref(doc);
-                    return TRUE;
-                }
-                break;
-            case Gtk::RESPONSE_NO:
-                allow_data_loss = TRUE;
-                break;
-            default: // cancel pressed, or dialog was closed
-                return TRUE;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-    delete this;
-    _svg_canvas.widget().queue_draw();
-    requestCanvasUpdate();
-    while (gtk_events_pending())
-      gtk_main_iteration_do(FALSE);
-  g_return_if_fail(_interaction_disabled_counter > 0);
-  _interaction_disabled_counter--;
-  if (_interaction_disabled_counter == 0) {
-    this->set_sensitive(true);
-  }
-  if (_interaction_disabled_counter == 0) {
-    this->set_sensitive(false);
-  }
-  _interaction_disabled_counter++;
-    /// \todo active_desktop_indicator not implemented
-    /// \todo active_desktop_indicator not implemented
-EditWidget::viewSetPosition (Geom::Point p)
-    // p -= _namedview->gridorigin;
-    /// \todo Why was the origin corrected for the grid origin? (johan)
-    double lo, up, pos, max;
-    _top_ruler.get_range (lo, up, pos, max);
-    _top_ruler.set_range (lo, up, p[Geom::X], max);
-    _left_ruler.get_range (lo, up, pos, max);
-    _left_ruler.set_range (lo, up, p[Geom::Y], max);
-    //Geom::Point gridorigin = _namedview->gridorigin;
-    /// \todo Why was the origin corrected for the grid origin? (johan)
-    Geom::Rect const viewbox = _svg_canvas.spobj()->getViewbox();
-    double lo, up, pos, max;
-    double const scale = _desktop->current_zoom();
-    double s = viewbox.min()[Geom::X] / scale; //- gridorigin[Geom::X];
-    double e = viewbox.max()[Geom::X] / scale; //- gridorigin[Geom::X];
-    _top_ruler.get_range(lo, up, pos, max);
-    _top_ruler.set_range(s, e, pos, e);
-    s = viewbox.min()[Geom::Y] / -scale; //- gridorigin[Geom::Y];
-    e = viewbox.max()[Geom::Y] / -scale; //- gridorigin[Geom::Y];
-    _left_ruler.set_range(s, e, 0 /*gridorigin[Geom::Y]*/, e);
-    /// \todo is that correct?
-EditWidget::updateScrollbars (double scale)
-    // do not call this function before canvas has its size allocated
-    if (!is_realized() || _update_s_f) {
-        return;
-    }
-    _update_s_f = true;
-    /* The desktop region we always show unconditionally */
-    SPDocument *doc = _desktop->doc();
-    Geom::Rect darea ( Geom::Point(-sp_document_width(doc), -sp_document_height(doc)),
-                     Geom::Point(2 * sp_document_width(doc), 2 * sp_document_height(doc))  );
-    SPObject* root = doc->root;
-    SPItem* item = SP_ITEM(root);
-    Geom::OptRect deskarea = Geom::unify(darea, sp_item_bbox_desktop(item));
-    /* Canvas region we always show unconditionally */
-    Geom::Rect carea( Geom::Point(deskarea->min()[Geom::X] * scale - 64, deskarea->max()[Geom::Y] * -scale - 64),
-                    Geom::Point(deskarea->max()[Geom::X] * scale + 64, deskarea->min()[Geom::Y] * -scale + 64)  );
-    Geom::Rect const viewbox = _svg_canvas.spobj()->getViewbox();
-    /* Viewbox is always included into scrollable region */
-    carea = Geom::unify(carea, viewbox);
-    Gtk::Adjustment *adj = _bottom_scrollbar.get_adjustment();
-    adj->set_value(viewbox.min()[Geom::X]);
-    adj->set_lower(carea.min()[Geom::X]);
-    adj->set_upper(carea.max()[Geom::X]);
-    adj->set_page_increment(viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::X]);
-    adj->set_step_increment(0.1 * (viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::X]));
-    adj->set_page_size(viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::X]);
-    adj = _right_scrollbar.get_adjustment();
-    adj->set_value(viewbox.min()[Geom::Y]);
-    adj->set_lower(carea.min()[Geom::Y]);
-    adj->set_upper(carea.max()[Geom::Y]);
-    adj->set_page_increment(viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::Y]);
-    adj->set_step_increment(0.1 * viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::Y]);
-    adj->set_page_size(viewbox.dimensions()[Geom::Y]);
-    _update_s_f = false;
-    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
-    if (_top_ruler.is_visible())
-    {
-        _top_ruler.hide_all();
-        _left_ruler.hide_all();
-        prefs->setBool(_desktop->is_fullscreen() ? "/fullscreen/rulers/state" : "/window/rulers/state", false);
-    } else {
-        _top_ruler.show_all();
-        _left_ruler.show_all();
-        prefs->setBool(_desktop->is_fullscreen() ? "/fullscreen/rulers/state" : "/window/rulers/state", true);
-    }
-    Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
-    if (_bottom_scrollbar.is_visible())
-    {
-        _bottom_scrollbar.hide_all();
-        _right_scrollbar.hide_all();
-        prefs->setBool(_desktop->is_fullscreen() ? "/fullscreen/scrollbars/state" : "/window/scrollbars/state", false);
-    } else {
-        _bottom_scrollbar.show_all();
-        _right_scrollbar.show_all();
-        prefs->setBool(_desktop->is_fullscreen() ? "/fullscreen/scrollbars/state" : "/window/scrollbars/state", true);
-    }
-void EditWidget::toggleColorProfAdjust()
-    // TODO implement
-    _zoom_status.update();
-    _zoom_status.grab_focus();
-EditWidget::setToolboxFocusTo (const gchar *)
-    /// \todo not implemented
-EditWidget::setToolboxAdjustmentValue (const gchar *, double)
-    /// \todo not implemented
-EditWidget::setToolboxSelectOneValue (const gchar *, gint)
-    /// \todo not implemented
-EditWidget::isToolboxButtonActive (gchar const*)
-    /// \todo not implemented
-    return true;
-EditWidget::setCoordinateStatus (Geom::Point p)
-    gchar *cstr = g_strdup_printf ("%6.2f", _dt2r * p[Geom::X]);
-    _coord_status_x.property_label() = cstr;
-    g_free (cstr);
-    cstr = g_strdup_printf ("%6.2f", _dt2r * p[Geom::Y]);
-    _coord_status_y.property_label() = cstr;
-    g_free (cstr);
-EditWidget::setMessage (Inkscape::MessageType /*type*/, gchar const* msg)
-    _select_status.set_markup (msg? msg : "");
-EditWidget::warnDialog (gchar* msg)
-    Gtk::MessageDialog dlg (*this,
-                       msg,
-                       true,
-                       Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING,
-                       Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO,
-                       true);
-    int r =;
-    return r == Gtk::RESPONSE_YES;
-EditWidget::getDock ()
-    return &_dock;
-void EditWidget::_namedview_modified (SPObject *obj, guint flags) {
-    SPNamedView *nv = static_cast<SPNamedView *>(obj);
-    if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
-        this->_dt2r = 1.0 / nv->doc_units->unittobase;
-        this->_top_ruler.update_metric();
-        this->_left_ruler.update_metric();
-        this->_tooltips.set_tip(this->_top_ruler, this->_top_ruler.get_tip());
-        this->_tooltips.set_tip(this->_left_ruler, this->_left_ruler.get_tip());
-        this->updateRulers();
-    }
-EditWidget::initEdit (SPDocument *doc)
-    _desktop = new SPDesktop();
-    _namedview = sp_document_namedview (doc, 0);
-    _svg_canvas.init (_desktop);
-    _desktop->init (_namedview, _svg_canvas.spobj(), this);
-    sp_namedview_window_from_document (_desktop);
-    sp_namedview_update_layers_from_document (_desktop);
-    _dt2r = 1.0 / _namedview->doc_units->unittobase;
-    /// \todo convert to sigc++ when SPObject hierarchy gets converted
-    /* Listen on namedview modification */
-    _namedview_modified_connection = _desktop->namedview->connectModified(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditWidget::_namedview_modified));
-    _layer_selector.setDesktop (_desktop);
-    _selected_style_status.setDesktop (_desktop);
-    Inkscape::NSApplication::Editor::addDesktop (_desktop);
-    _zoom_status.init (_desktop);
-    _top_ruler.init (_desktop, _svg_canvas.widget());
-    _left_ruler.init (_desktop, _svg_canvas.widget());
-    updateRulers();
-    if (_desktop) {
-        _layer_selector.unreference();
-        Inkscape::NSApplication::Editor::removeDesktop (_desktop); // clears selection too
-        _namedview_modified_connection.disconnect();
-        _desktop->destroy();
-        Inkscape::GC::release (_desktop);
-        _desktop = 0;
-    }
-//----------end of EditWidgetInterface implementation
-//----------start of other callbacks
-EditWidget::on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey* event)
-    // this is the original code from helper/window.cpp
-    unsigned int shortcut;
-    shortcut = get_group0_keyval (event) |
-                  ( event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK ?
-                    SP_SHORTCUT_SHIFT_MASK : 0 ) |
-                  ( event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ?
-                    SP_SHORTCUT_CONTROL_MASK : 0 ) |
-                  ( event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK ?
-                    SP_SHORTCUT_ALT_MASK : 0 );
-    return sp_shortcut_invoke (shortcut,
-                             Inkscape::NSApplication::Editor::getActiveDesktop());
-EditWidget::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny*)
-    return shutdown();
-EditWidget::on_focus_in_event (GdkEventFocus*)
-    Inkscape::NSApplication::Editor::activateDesktop (_desktop);
-    _svg_canvas.widget().grab_focus();
-    return false;
-EditWidget::onWindowSizeAllocate (Gtk::Allocation &newall)
-    if (!is_realized()) return;
-    const Gtk::Allocation& all = get_allocation();
-    if ((newall.get_x() == all.get_x()) &&
-        (newall.get_y() == all.get_y()) &&
-        (newall.get_width() == all.get_width()) &&
-        (newall.get_height() == all.get_height())) {
-        return;
-    }
-    Geom::Rect const area = _desktop->get_display_area();
-    double zoom = _desktop->current_zoom();
-    if (_sticky_zoom.get_active()) {
-        /* Calculate zoom per pixel */
-        double const zpsp = zoom / hypot(area.dimensions()[Geom::X], area.dimensions()[Geom::Y]);
-        /* Find new visible area */
-        Geom::Rect const newarea = _desktop->get_display_area();
-        /* Calculate adjusted zoom */
-        zoom = zpsp * hypot(newarea.dimensions()[Geom::X], newarea.dimensions()[Geom::Y]);
-    }
-    _desktop->zoom_absolute(area.midpoint()[Geom::X], area.midpoint()[Geom::Y], zoom);
-    if ( (sp_document_width(_desktop->doc()) < 1.0) || (sp_document_height(_desktop->doc()) < 1.0) ) {
-        return;
-    }
-    Geom::Rect d( Geom::Point(0, 0),
-                  Geom::Point(sp_document_width(_desktop->doc()), sp_document_height(_desktop->doc())) );
-    _desktop->set_display_area(d.min()[Geom::X], d.min()[Geom::Y], d.max()[Geom::X], d.max()[Geom::Y], 10);
-    _namedview_modified(_desktop->namedview, SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
-    setTitle (SP_DOCUMENT_NAME(_desktop->doc()));
-    if (_update_a_f) return;
-    _update_a_f = true;
-    sp_canvas_scroll_to (_svg_canvas.spobj(),
-                         _bottom_scrollbar.get_value(),
-                         _right_scrollbar.get_value(),
-                         false);
-    updateRulers();
-    _update_a_f = false;
-} // namespace View
-} // namespace UI
-} // namespace Inkscape
-  Local Variables:
-  mode:c++
-  c-file-style:"stroustrup"
-  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
-  indent-tabs-mode:nil
-  fill-column:99
-  End:
-// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :
diff --git a/src/ui/view/edit-widget.h b/src/ui/view/edit-widget.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2bb7083..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- * \brief This class implements the functionality of the window layout, menus,
- *        and signals.
- *
- * Authors:
- *   Bryce W. Harrington <>
- *   Derek P. Moore <>
- *   Ralf Stephan <>
- *   John Bintz <>
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006 John Bintz
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Bryce Harrington
- *
- * Released under GNU GPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
- */
-#include <gtkmm/box.h>
-#include <gtkmm/table.h>
-#include <gtkmm/entry.h>
-#include <gtkmm/scrollbar.h>
-#include <gtkmm/actiongroup.h>
-#include <gtkmm/uimanager.h>
-#include <gtkmm/togglebutton.h>
-#include "ui/dialog/dialog-manager.h"
-#include "ui/view/edit-widget-interface.h"
-#include "ui/widget/dock.h"
-#include "ui/widget/layer-selector.h"
-#include "ui/widget/ruler.h"
-#include "ui/widget/selected-style.h"
-#include "ui/widget/svg-canvas.h"
-#include "ui/widget/toolbox.h"
-#include "ui/widget/zoom-status.h"
-struct SPDesktop;
-struct SPDocument;
-struct SPNamedView;
-namespace Inkscape {
-namespace UI {
-namespace View {
-class EditWidget : public Gtk::Window,
-                   public EditWidgetInterface {
-    EditWidget (SPDocument*);
-    ~EditWidget();
-    // Initialization
-    void initActions();
-    void initUIManager();
-    void initLayout();
-    void initEdit (SPDocument*);
-    void destroyEdit();
-    // Actions
-    void onActionFileNew();
-    void onActionFileOpen();
-    void onActionFilePrint();
-    void onActionFileQuit();
-    void onToolbarItem();
-    void onSelectTool();
-    void onNodeTool();
-    // Menus
-    void onMenuItem();
-    void onDialogAbout();
-    void onDialogAlignAndDistribute();
-    void onDialogInkscapePreferences();
-    void onDialogDialog();
-    void onDialogDocumentProperties();
-    void onDialogExport();
-    void onDialogExtensionEditor();
-    void onDialogFillAndStroke();
-    void onDialogFind();
-    void onDialogLayerEditor();
-    void onDialogMessages();
-    void onDialogObjectProperties();
-    void onDialogTextProperties();
-    void onDialogTransform();
-    void onDialogTransformation();
-    void onDialogTrace();
-    void onDialogXmlEditor();
-    // Whiteboard (Inkboard)
-    void onDialogWhiteboardConnect();
-    void onDialogWhiteboardShareWithUser();
-    void onDialogWhiteboardShareWithChat();
-    void onDialogOpenSessionFile();
-    void onDumpXMLTracker();
-    void onUriChanged();
-    // from EditWidgetInterface
-    virtual Gtk::Window* getWindow();
-    virtual void setTitle (gchar const*);
-    virtual void layout();
-    virtual void present();
-    virtual void getGeometry (gint &x, gint &y, gint &w, gint &h);
-    virtual void setSize (gint w, gint h);
-    virtual void setPosition (Geom::Point p);
-    virtual void setTransient (void*, int);
-    virtual Geom::Point getPointer();
-    virtual void setIconified();
-    virtual void setMaximized();
-    virtual void setFullscreen();
-    virtual bool shutdown();
-    virtual void destroy();
-    virtual void requestCanvasUpdate();
-    virtual void requestCanvasUpdateAndWait();
-    virtual void enableInteraction();
-    virtual void disableInteraction();
-    virtual void activateDesktop();
-    virtual void deactivateDesktop();
-    virtual void viewSetPosition (Geom::Point p);
-    virtual void updateRulers();
-    virtual void updateScrollbars (double scale);
-    virtual void toggleRulers();
-    virtual void toggleScrollbars();
-    virtual void toggleColorProfAdjust();
-    virtual void updateZoom();
-    virtual void letZoomGrabFocus();
-    virtual void setToolboxFocusTo (const gchar *);
-    virtual void setToolboxAdjustmentValue (const gchar *, double);
-    virtual void setToolboxSelectOneValue (const gchar *, gint);
-    virtual bool isToolboxButtonActive (gchar const*);
-    virtual void setCoordinateStatus (Geom::Point p);
-    virtual void setMessage (Inkscape::MessageType type, gchar const* msg);
-    virtual bool warnDialog (gchar*);
-    virtual Inkscape::UI::Widget::Dock* getDock ();
-    void _namedview_modified(SPObject *namedview, guint);
-    Gtk::Tooltips        _tooltips;
-    // Child widgets:
-    Gtk::Table           _main_window_table;
-    Gtk::VBox            _toolbars_vbox;
-    Gtk::HBox            _sub_window_hbox;
-    Gtk::Table           _viewport_table;
-    UI::Widget::Toolbox  *_tool_ctrl;
-    Gtk::Toolbar         *_select_ctrl;
-    Gtk::Toolbar         *_uri_ctrl;
-    Gtk::Label           _uri_label;
-    Gtk::Entry           _uri_entry;
-    Gtk::Toolbar         *_node_ctrl;
-    UI::Widget::HRuler   _top_ruler;
-    UI::Widget::VRuler   _left_ruler;
-    Gtk::HScrollbar      _bottom_scrollbar;
-    Gtk::VScrollbar      _right_scrollbar;
-    Gtk::ToggleButton    _sticky_zoom;
-    UI::Widget::SVGCanvas _svg_canvas;
-    Gtk::HBox            _statusbar;
-    UI::Widget::Dock _dock;
-    UI::Widget::SelectedStyle _selected_style_status;
-    UI::Widget::ZoomStatus _zoom_status;
-    Inkscape::Widgets::LayerSelector _layer_selector;
-    Gtk::EventBox        _coord_eventbox;
-    Gtk::Table           _coord_status;
-    Gtk::Label           _coord_status_x, _coord_status_y;
-    Gtk::Label           _select_status;
-    SPDesktop*           _desktop;
-    SPNamedView*         _namedview;
-    double               _dt2r;
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ActionGroup>  _act_grp;
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::UIManager>    _ui_mgr;
-    UI::Dialog::DialogManager       _dlg_mgr;
-    void initMenuActions();
-    void initToolbarActions();
-    void initAccelMap();
-    void initMenuBar();
-    void initCommandsBar();
-    void initToolControlsBar();
-    void initUriBar();
-    void initToolsBar();
-    void initBottomScrollbar();
-    void initRightScrollbar();
-    void initLeftRuler();
-    void initTopRuler();
-    void initStickyZoom();
-    void initStatusbar();
-    virtual bool on_key_press_event (GdkEventKey*);
-    virtual bool on_delete_event (GdkEventAny*);
-    virtual bool on_focus_in_event (GdkEventFocus*);
-    bool onEntryFocusIn (GdkEventFocus*);
-    bool onEntryFocusOut (GdkEventFocus*);
-    void onWindowSizeAllocate (Gtk::Allocation&);
-    void onWindowRealize();
-    void onAdjValueChanged();
-    bool _update_s_f, _update_a_f;
-    unsigned int _interaction_disabled_counter;
-    sigc::connection _namedview_modified_connection;
-} // namespace View
-} // namespace UI
-} // namespace Inkscape
-  Local Variables:
-  mode:c++
-  c-file-style:"stroustrup"
-  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
-  indent-tabs-mode:nil
-  fill-column:99
-  End:
-// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :
diff --git a/src/ui/view/edit.cpp b/src/ui/view/edit.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 87bbc24..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * \brief Empty file left in repo for current desktop.cpp
- */
-# include <config.h>
-namespace Inkscape {
-namespace UI {
-namespace View {
-} // namespace View
-} // namespace UI
-} // namespace Inkscape
-  Local Variables:
-  mode:c++
-  c-file-style:"stroustrup"
-  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
-  indent-tabs-mode:nil
-  fill-column:99
-  End:
-// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :
diff --git a/src/ui/view/edit.h b/src/ui/view/edit.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 76c2b59..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * \brief empty file left in repo for current desktop.h
- */
-namespace Inkscape {
-namespace UI {
-namespace View {
-} // namespace View
-} // namespace UI
-} // namespace Inkscape
-  Local Variables:
-  mode:c++
-  c-file-style:"stroustrup"
-  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
-  indent-tabs-mode:nil
-  fill-column:99
-  End:
-// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :