
- Removed do to cleaning up
authoropensides <opensides@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 21:40:58 +0000 (21:40 +0000)
committeropensides <opensides@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 21:40:58 +0000 (21:40 +0000)
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8

vhost-apache2/src/ [deleted file]
vhost-apache2/src/ [deleted file]
vhost-apache2/src/ [deleted file]
vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhost.tpl [deleted file]
vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhostEdit.tpl [deleted file]

diff --git a/vhost-apache2/src/ b/vhost-apache2/src/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b0b617..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-class servapacheVhostEdit extends plugin
-  /* attribute list for save action */
-  var $ignore_account= TRUE;
-  var $attributes      = array("apacheServerName","apacheDocumentRoot","apacheServerAlias",
-       "apacheServerAdmin","apacheScriptAlias","apacheSuexecUid","apacheSuexecGid");
-  var $objectclasses  = array("whatever");
-  var $apacheServerName                = "";
-  var $apacheDocumentRoot      = "";
-  var $apacheServerAdmin       = "";
-  var $apacheSuexecUid         = "";
-  var $apacheSuexecGid         = "";
-  var $apacheServerAlias                = array();
-  var $apacheScriptAlias                = array();
-  var $OldApacheServerName              = ""; // To detect changes made with this edit
-  var $InitialApacheServerName          = "";
-  var $Records                  = array();
-  var $dialog                   = false;
-  var $isNew                    = true;
-  var $cn;
-  var $VhostObject               = array();
-  function servapacheVhostEdit ($config, $dn= NULL,$attrs = array())
-  {
-    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
-    if(!count($attrs)){
-      $this->OldApacheServerName        = "";
-      $this->isNew              = true;
-      $this->InitialApacheServerName    = "";//$attrs['InitialApacheServerName'];
-    }else{
-      $this->VhostObject         = $attrs;
-      $this->OldApacheServerName        = $attrs['apacheServerName'];
-      $this->InitialApacheServerName    = $attrs['InitialApacheServerName'];
-      $this->isNew                  = false;
-      foreach($this->attributes as $value){
-        if(isset($attrs[$value])){
-          $this->$value = $attrs[$value];
-        }
-      }
-      if(!isset($attrs['apacheServerAlias'])) $this->apacheServerAlias  = array();
-      if(!isset($attrs['apacheScriptAlias'])) $this->apacheScriptAlias  = array();
-    }
-  }
-  /* Transports the given Arraykey one position up*/
-  function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $ret = $attrs;
-    $pos = $atr ;
-    $cn = count($attrs);
-    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1)||($pos >$cn))){
-      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2));
-      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2));
-      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,$pos);
-      $ret = array();
-      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Transports the given Arraykey one position down*/
-  function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $ret = $attrs;
-    $pos = $atr ;
-    $cn = count($attrs);
-    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){
-      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1));
-      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2));
-      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1));
-      $ret = array();
-      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Combine new array */
-  function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2)
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    if(is_array($ar0))
-    foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    if(is_array($ar1))
-    foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    if(is_array($ar2))
-    foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  function getpos($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $i = 0;
-    foreach($attrs as $attr => $name)    {
-      $i++;
-      if($attr == $atr){
-        return($i);
-      }
-    }
-    return(-1);
-  }
-  function execute()
-  {
-    /* Call parent execute */
-    plugin::execute();
-    /* Fill templating stuff */
-    $smarty= get_smarty();
-    $display= "";
-    /* Open Vhost Entry Edit Dialog
-     */
-    if(!count($this->VhostObject)){
-      $smarty->assign("AllowVhostEdit" , false);
-    }else{
-      $smarty->assign("AllowVhostEdit" , true);
-      if(isset($_POST['EditVhostEntries'])){
-        $this->dialog= new apacheVhostEditEntries($this->config,$this->dn,$this->VhostObject);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Save Vhost Entry Edit Dialog
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['SaveVhostEntryChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
-        $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
-        foreach($msgs as $msg){
-          print_red($msg);
-        }
-      }else{
-        $this->dialog->save();
-        $this->dialog = false;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Cancel Vhost Entrie Edit Dialog
-    */
-    if(isset($_POST['CancelVhostEntryChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog = false;
-    }
-    /* Display any type of open dialogs 
-     */
-    if($this->dialog){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      return($this->dialog->execute());
-    }
-    $once =true;
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      if((preg_match("/^SAup_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SAup_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->apacheServerAlias = $this->ArrayUp(($id+1),$this->apacheServerAlias);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^SAdown_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SAdown_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->apacheServerAlias = $this->ArrayDown(($id+1),$this->apacheServerAlias);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^SAdel_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SAdel_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        unset($this->apacheServerAlias[$id]);
-        $tmp  =array();
-        foreach($this->apacheServerAlias as $entry){
-          $tmp[] = $entry;
-        }
-        $this->apacheServerAlias = $tmp; 
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^SCup_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SCup_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->apacheScriptAlias = $this->ArrayUp(($id+1),$this->apacheScriptAlias);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^SCdown_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SCdown_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->apacheScriptAlias = $this->ArrayDown(($id+1),$this->apacheScriptAlias);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^SCdel_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^SCdel_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        unset($this->apacheScriptAlias[$id]);
-        $tmp  =array();
-        foreach($this->apacheScriptAlias as $entry){
-          $tmp[] = $entry;
-        }
-        $this->apacheScriptAlias = $tmp; 
-      }
-    }
-    if((isset($_POST['AddSARecord'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrSAAlias'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrSADir']))){
-      $this->apacheServerAlias[] = trim($_POST['StrSAAlias']." ".$_POST['StrSADir']);      
-    }
-       if((isset($_POST['AddSCRecord'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrSCAlias'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrSCDir']))){
-      $this->apacheScriptAlias[] = trim($_POST['StrSCAlias']." ".$_POST['StrSCDir']);      
-    }
-    /* Handle Post events */
-    $once = true;
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* Delete vhosts if requested */
-      if((preg_match("/RemoveRecord_/",$name))&&($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id= preg_replace("/RemoveRecord_/","",$name);
-        unset($this->Records[$id]);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Add new Vhostrecord */
- /*   if(isset($_POST['AddNewRecord'])){
-      $this->Records[] = array("type"=>"aRecord","value"=>"");
-    }*/
-    /* Fill in values */
-    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
-      $smarty->assign($name,$this->$name);
-    }
-    /* Set apacheServerNames without server suffix */
-      $smarty->assign("apacheServerName",$this->apacheServerName);
-    $div = new DivSelectBox("apacheServerAlias");
-    $div->setHeight(120);
-    $recs = $this->apacheServerAlias;
-    $oneup    = "<input name='SAup_%s'    type='image' src='images/sort_up.png'    title='"._("Up")."'      class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedown  = "<input name='SAdown_%s'  type='image' src='images/sort_down.png'  title='"._("Down")."'    class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedel   = "<img src='images/empty.png' width='20' class='center'>
-                 <input name='SAdel_%s'   type='image' src='images/edittrash.png'  title='"._("Delete")."'  class='center'>";
-    foreach($recs as $key => $rec){
-      $div ->AddEntry(array(
-            array("string"=>$rec),
-/*            array("string"=>$key,
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"),*/
-            array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$oneup.$onedown.$onedel),
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:70px;border-right:0px;'")
-            ));
-    }
-      $smarty->assign("NotNew", false);
-    $smarty->assign("apacheServerAlias",  $div->DrawList());
-    $div = new DivSelectBox("apacheScriptAlias");
-    $div->setHeight(120);
-    $recs = $this->apacheScriptAlias;
-    $oneup    = "<input name='SCup_%s'    type='image' src='images/sort_up.png'    title='"._("Up")."'      class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedown  = "<input name='SCdown_%s'  type='image' src='images/sort_down.png'  title='"._("Down")."'    class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedel   = "<img src='images/empty.png' width='20' class='center'>
-                 <input name='SCdel_%s'   type='image' src='images/edittrash.png'  title='"._("Delete")."'  class='center'>"; 
-    foreach($recs as $key => $rec){
-      $div ->AddEntry(array(
-            array("string"=>$rec),
-/*            array("string"=>$key,
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"),*/
-            array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$oneup.$onedown.$onedel),
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:70px;border-right:0px;'")
-            ));
-    }
-      $smarty->assign("NotNew", false);
-    $smarty->assign("apacheScriptAlias",  $div->DrawList());    
-    /* Display template */
-    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servApacheVhostEdit.tpl', TRUE));
-    return($display);
-  }
-  function remove_from_parent()
-  {
-  }
-  /* Save data to object */
-  function save_object()
-  {
-    //plugin::save_object();
-    foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
-      if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
-        $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Check supplied data */
-  function check()
-  {
-    /* Call common method to give check the hook */
-    $message= plugin::check();
-    /* Check if apacheServerName is already in use */
-    $usedVhosts = $this->getUsedServerNames();
-    if(($this->isNew == true)||($this->apacheServerName  != $this->InitialApacheServerName)){
-/*      if((isset($usedVhosts[$this->apacheServerName]))&&($this->apacheServerName  != $this->InitialApacheServerName)){
-        $message[] =_("This apacheServerName is already in use");
-      }
-    }
-    if(!GetVhostsDomain($this->apacheServerName) || empty($this->apacheServerName)){
-      $message[] =sprintf(_("Please choose a valid Virtual Host Name."));
-    }
-    if(!is_path($this->apacheDocumentRoot) || empty($this->apacheDocumentRoot)){
-      $message[] = _("Please choose a valid Path as Virtual Host Document Root.");
-    }
-       if(!is_email($this->apacheServerAdmin) || empty($this->apacheServerAdmin)){
-      $message[] = _("Please choose a valid Email Account as Admin Mail address.");
-    }
-    if($this->apacheServerName != strtolower($this->apacheServerName)){
-      $message[] = _("Only lowercase strings are allowed as Virtual Host Name.");
-    }
-       if($this->apacheDocumentRoot != strtolower($this->apacheDocumentRoot)){
-      $message[] = _("Only lowercase strings are allowed as Virtual Host Document Root.");
-    }
-       if($this->apacheServerAdmin != strtolower($this->apacheServerAdmin)){
-      $message[] = _("Only lowercase strings are allowed as Admin Mail address.");
-    }
-    foreach($this->apacheServerAlias as $key => $line){
-               $apacheServerAlias_ar=split(" ",$line);
-               $url=$apacheServerAlias_ar[0];
-       if(!is_path($url)){
-               $message[] = sprintf(_("Please choose a valid Path as URL Alias Path in line: %s"),$line);
-       }
-    }
-       foreach($this->apacheScriptAlias as $key => $line){
-               $apacheScriptAlias_ar=split(" ",$line);
-               $url=$apacheScriptAlias_ar[0];
-       if(!is_path($url)){
-               $message[] = sprintf(_("Please choose a valid Path as URL Alias Path in line: %s"),$line);
-       }
-    }
-    return ($message);
-  }
-  /* This funtion returns all used apacheServerNames */
-  function getUsedServerNames()
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=*))",array("apacheServerName"));
-    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
-        $ret[$attr['apacheServerName'][0]]="";
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Save to LDAP */
-  function save()
-  {
-    $ret =array();
-    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
-      $ret[$name] = $this->$name;
-    }
-    /* Create SA records 
-     */
-    foreach($this->apacheServerAlias as $key => $rec){
-      $rec['value']= $key." ".$rec['value'];
-      $this->Records [] = $rec;
-    }
-  /* Create SC records 
-     */
-    foreach($this->apacheScriptAlias as $key => $rec){
-      $rec['value']= $key." ".$rec['value'];
-      $this->Records [] = $rec;
-    }
-    $ret['RECORDS'] = $this->Records; 
-    $ret['InitialApacheServerName']   =  $this->InitialApacheServerName;
-    return($ret);
-  }
diff --git a/vhost-apache2/src/ b/vhost-apache2/src/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4b97104..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-class servapache extends plugin
-  /* attribute list for save action */
-  var $ignore_account   = FALSE;
-  var $attributes       = array(); 
-  var $objectclasses    = array("whatever");
-  var $RecordTypes      = array();
-  var $Vhosts            = array();
-  var $dialog           = NULL;
-  var $orig_dn          = "";
-  var $APACHEinitially_was_account;
-  function servapache ($config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
-  {
-    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
-    $this->orig_dn = $dn;
-    /* Get all vhost Informations
-     */
-    $this->Vhosts = getVhostEntries($config,$dn);
-    /* If there is at least one entry in this -> types, we have apache vhosts enabled 
-     */
-    if(count($this->Vhosts) == 0){
-      $this->is_account = false;
-    }else{
-      $this->is_account = true;
-    }
-    $this->APACHEinitially_was_account = $this->is_account;
-  }
-  function execute()
-  {
-    /* Call parent execute 
-     */
-    plugin::execute();
-    /* Fill templating stuff 
-     */
-    $smarty= get_smarty();
-    $display= "";
-    /* Do we need to flip is_account state? 
-     */
-    if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
-      /* Only change account state if allowed */
-      if($this->is_account && $this->acl == "#all#"){
-        $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
-        $this->is_modified = true;
-      }elseif(!$this->is_account && chkacl($this->acl,"create") == ""){
-        $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
-        $this->is_modified = true;
-      }
-    }
-    if ($this->is_account){
-      $display= $this->show_header(_("Remove Apache service"),
-          _("This server has Apache features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below."));
-    } else {
-      $display= $this->show_header(_("Add Apache service"),
-          _("This server has Apache features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below."));
-      return ($display);
-    }
-    /* Edited or Added vhost 
-     */
-    if((isset($_POST['SaveVhostChanges'])) && is_object($this->dialog)){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      /* Check for errors  
-       */
-      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
-        foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msgs){
-          print_red($msgs); 
-        }
-      }else{
-        /* add new/edited vhost 
-         */
-        $ret = $this->dialog->save();
-        if(!$this->dialog->isNew){
-          unset($this->Vhosts[$this->dialog->OldApacheServerName]);
-        }
-        $this->Vhosts[$ret['apacheServerName']] = $ret;
-        $this->dialog = NULL;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Cancel vhost edit / new 
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['CancelVhostChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog = NULL;
-    }
-    /* Add empty new vhost 
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['AddVhost']) && chkacl($this->acl,"servapache") == ""){
-      $this->dialog = new servapacheVhostEdit($this->config,$this->dn);
-    }
-    /* Check for edit vhost request 
-     */
-    $once = false;
-    foreach( $_POST as $name => $value){
-       //user_error(print_r($this->Vhosts,true));
-      /* check all post for edit request 
-       */
-      if(preg_match("/^editVhost_/",$name)&&!$once && chkacl($this->acl,"servapache") == ""){
-        $once =true;
-        $tmp = preg_replace("/^editVhost_/","",$name);
-        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
-        $this->dialog= new servapacheVhostEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Vhosts[$tmp]);
-      }
-      /* check posts for delete vhost 
-       */
-      if(preg_match("/^delVhost_/",$name)&&!$once && chkacl($this->acl,"servapache") == ""){
-        $once =true;
-        $tmp = preg_replace("/^delVhost_/","",$name);
-        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
-        /* Initiate deletion
-         */ 
-        $this->RemoveVhost($tmp);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Show dialog 
-     */
-    if($this->dialog!= NULL){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      $this->dialog->parent = $this;
-      return($this->dialog->execute());
-    }
-    /* Create Listbox with existing Vhosts 
-     */
-    $VhostList = new divSelectBox("apacheConfigs");
-    $VhostList -> SetHeight(254);
-    /* Add entries to divlist
-     */
-    $editImg = "<input type='image' src='images/edit.png' name='editVhost_%s'>
-      <input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='delVhost_%s'>";
-    foreach($this->Vhosts as $vhost => $values ){
-      $VhostList->AddEntry(array(
-            array("string" => $vhost),
-            array("string" => str_replace("%s",base64_encode($vhost),$editImg))
-            ));
-    }    
-    $smarty->assign("servapacheACL",chkacl($this->acl,"servapache"));
-    /* Display template 
-     */
-    $smarty->assign("VhostList",$VhostList->DrawList());
-    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servApacheVhost.tpl', TRUE));
-    return($display);
-  }
-  /* Delete specified vhost
-   */  
-  function RemoveVhost($id)
-  {
-      unset($this->Vhosts[$id]);
-      return(true);
-  }
-  /* This function returns all used Vhostnames 
-   */
-  function getUsedServerNames()
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=*))",array("apacheServerName"));
-    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
-      $ret[$attr['apacheServerName'][0]][] = $attr['dn'];
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-    /* Remove apache service
-   */
-  function remove_from_parent()
-  {
-    if($this->APACHEinitially_was_account){
-      $bool = true;
-      foreach($this->Vhosts as $key => $vhost){
-        $bool= $bool & $this->RemoveVhost($key);
-      }
-      if($bool){
-        $this->save();
-      }
-      return($bool);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Save to LDAP */
-  function save()
-  {
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);  
-    /* Get differences 
-     */
-    $old_dn =  $this->orig_dn;
-    if($old_dn == "new"){
-      $old_dn = $this->dn;
-    }
-    $tmp = getVhostEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Vhosts,$old_dn);
-    /* Updated vhost entries if reverser or forward name has changed  
-     * Must be done before moving entries, else the given dn is invalid
-     */
-    if(isset($tmp['vhostUpdates'])){
-      foreach($tmp['vhostUpdates'] as $dn => $attrs){
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->modify($attrs);
-        show_ldap_error("Vhost:".$ldap->get_error(), _("Updating Apache service failed"));
-      }
-    }
-    /* Delete apache vhost
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
-      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing Apache entries failed"));
-    }
-    /* move follwoing entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){
-      $this->recursive_move($src,$dst);
-    }
-    /* Add || Update new apache entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-//      user_error(print_r($dn,true));
-      $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn'));
-      if(count($ldap->fetch())){
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->modify ($attrs);
-      }else{
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->add($attrs);
-      }
-      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving apache entries failed"));
-    }
-  }
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/vhost-apache2/src/ b/vhost-apache2/src/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9ed7ea4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* This function returns the vhost entries specified for given host
- */
-function getVhostEntries($config,$HostDn,$silent = false)
-  $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-  $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); 
-  /* Get host entry */
-  $ldap->cat($HostDn);
-  $host_attr = $ldap->fetch();
-  /* Create template for all fetched vhosts Data 
-   */
-  $VhostBase = array();
-  $VhostBase['exists']  = false;
-  //$VhostBase['RECORDS'] = array();
-  $VhostBase['apacheServerName'] = array();
-  $VhostBase['apacheConfig'] = array();
-  $Vhosts    = array();
-  /* Get & Parse all vhosts entries 
-   */
-  $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=*))",$HostDn,array("*"));
-  $tmp_res = array();
-  while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) {
-    $tmp_res[] = $attrs;
-  }
-  /* Parse fetched vhosts 
-   */
-  foreach($tmp_res as $attrs){
-    $apacheServerName                    = $attrs['apacheServerName'][0];
-    $apacheDocumentRoot                  = $attrs['apacheDocumentRoot'][0];
-    $apacheServerAdmin                   = $attrs['apacheServerAdmin'][0];
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]           = $VhostBase;
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['exists'] = true;
-    /* Set basic attributes 
-     */
-    if(isset($attrs["apacheConfig"][0])){
-      $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]["apacheConfig"] = $attrs["apacheConfig"][0];
-    }
-    /* Set initial vhosts name, to be able to detect if this entry was renamed 
-     */
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['InitialApacheServerName'] = $apacheServerName;
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['apacheServerName'] = $apacheServerName;
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['apacheDocumentRoot'] = $apacheDocumentRoot;
-    $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['apacheServerAdmin'] = $apacheServerAdmin;
-    if (isset($attrs['apacheServerAlias'])){
-       for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs['apacheServerAlias']['count']; $i ++){
-               $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['apacheServerAlias'][] =  $attrs['apacheServerAlias'][$i];
-        }
-    }
-       if (isset($attrs['apacheScriptAlias'])){
-       for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs['apacheScriptAlias']['count']; $i ++){
-               $Vhosts[$apacheServerName]['apacheScriptAlias'][] =  $attrs['apacheScriptAlias'][$i];
-        }
-    }
-  }    
-  return($Vhosts);
-/* This function compares two apache vhosts objects and returns an 
- *  array with following indexes 
- *   - delete, for vhost entries which must be deleted (only if vhost entries is removed)
- *   - rename, if a dn must be renamed, for example, the apacheServerName has changed
- *   - add,    if there is a new vhost entries created    
- */
-function getVhostEntriesDiff($config,$newVhosts,$HostDn)
-  $oldVhosts = getVhostEntries($config,$HostDn,true);
-  $move   = array();
-  $add    = array();
-  $del    = array();
-  /* Generate a template for vhosts with default values
-   */
-  $zoneBase                       = array();
-  $zoneBase['objectClass']        = array("top","apacheConfig");
-  $zoneBase['apacheServerName']           = "";
-  /* Contains all renamed apacheServerNames 
-   * For vhosts entry udpdates
-   */
-  $PrePareVhostEntries = array();
-  /* Walk through all vhosts and detect renamed/added/deleted vhosts ... 
-   */
-  foreach($newVhosts as $name => $zone){
-    /* This vhosts was renamed 
-     */
-    if((!empty($zone['InitialApacheServerName'])) && ($zone['InitialApacheServerName'] != $zone['apacheServerName'])){
-      /* Move old vhosts to new position 
-       */ 
-      $oldDn = "apacheServerName=".$zone['InitialApacheServerName'].",".$HostDn;
-      $newDn = "apacheServerName=".$zone['apacheServerName'].",".$HostDn;
-      $PrePareVhostEntries[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']] = $zone['apacheServerName'];
-      $move [$oldDn] = $newDn;      
-    }
-    /* Get old vhosts if available
-     */
-    $oldVhost=array();
-    if(isset($oldVhosts[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']])){
-           if(!empty($oldVhosts[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']])){
-             $oldVhost = $oldVhosts[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']];
-           }
-    }
-    /* Create vhosts entry and put it in our add queue
-     */
-    $newDn  = "apacheServerName=".$zone['apacheServerName'].",".$HostDn;
-    $obj    =  $zoneBase;
-    $obj['apacheServerName'] = $zone['apacheServerName'];
-               $obj['apacheDocumentRoot'] = $zone['apacheDocumentRoot'];
-               $obj['apacheServerAdmin'] = $zone['apacheServerAdmin'];
-               if(!empty($zone['apacheServerAlias'])) {
-                       foreach($zone['apacheServerAlias'] as $rec){
-       $obj['apacheServerAlias'][] = $rec;
-       }
-    }
-               if(!empty($zone['apacheScriptAlias'])) {
-                       foreach($zone['apacheScriptAlias'] as $rec){
-       $obj['apacheScriptAlias'][] = $rec;
-       }
-               }
-    /* Append udpated Vhost Entry to our add queue
-     */    
-    $add[$newDn] = $obj;   
-    /* Remove currently managed vhosts from oldVhosts.
-     *  this gives us the ability to detect removed vhosts
-     */
-    if(isset($oldVhosts[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']])){
-      unset($oldVhosts[$zone['InitialApacheServerName']]);
-    }
-  }
-  /* The rest of our oldVhosts must be deleted
-   *  because they are no longer available in newVhosts anymore.
-   */
-  foreach($oldVhosts as $zone)  {
-    $oldDn = "apacheServerName=".$zone['InitialApacheServerName'].",".$HostDn;
-    $del[$oldDn] = "";
-  }
-  /* Check for entries which must be updated 
-   */
-  $zoneUpdates = array();
-  $udpate = array();
-  if(count($PrePareVhostEntries)){
-    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-    foreach($PrePareVhostEntries as $FromVhostName => $ToVhostName){
-      $ldap->cd($HostDn);
-      $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=".$FromVhostName."))",array("apacheServerName"));
-      while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-        $zoneUpdates[$attrs['dn']] = array("apacheServerName"=>$ToVhostName);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  $ret = array("del" => $del , "move" => $move , "add" => $add,"vhostUpdates"=>$zoneUpdates);
-//     user_error(print_r($ret,true));
-  return($ret);
-/* returns the dn for a specified zone
- */
-function getVhostDN($config,$apacheServerNameMix)
-  $ret = "";
-  if(!strstr($apacheServerNameMix, '/')) {
-    print_red(sprintf(_("Undefined vhost name '%s'. Vhost name must look like this ' or'."),$apacheServerNameMix));
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  $apacheServerNameIndex       = split("/",$apacheServerNameMix); 
-  $apacheServerName           = $apacheServerNameIndex[1];
-  $nameServer                  = strtolower($apacheServerNameIndex[0]);
-  $ldap               = $config->get_ldap_link();
-  /* search for the nameserver */
-  $ldap-> cd($config->current['BASE']);
-  $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goServer)(cn=".$nameServer."))",array("cn"));
-  if($ldap->count()){
-    $attr = $ldap->fetch();
-  } else {
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  $ldap-> cd($attr['dn']);
-  $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=".$apacheServerName."))",array("apacheServerName"));
-  if($ldap->count()){
-    $attr = $ldap->fetch();
-    return($attr['dn']);
-  }
-  return($ret);
-/* returns all available vhosts
- *  array[reverseName] = apacheServerName;
- */
-function getAvailableVhosts($config)
-  $ret = array();
-  $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-  $ldap->cd ($config->current['BASE']);
-  /* Search for vhosts ...
-   */
-  $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=apacheConfig)(apacheServerName=*))",array("apacheServerName"));
-  $ForwardVhosts = array();
-  $zones = array();
-  while($at = $ldap->fetch()){
-    $ForwardVhosts[$at['dn']] = $at;
-  }
-  foreach($ForwardVhosts as $dn => $obj){
-      if(preg_match("/".$dn."/",$Rdn)){
-        $zones[$Robj['apacheServerName'][0]] =$obj['apacheServerName'][0];
-      }   
-  }
-  return($zones);
-/* Simple is domain check, it checks if the given string looks like "string.string.string"
-   or string.string */
-function GetVhostsDomain($str)
-  return(preg_match("/[^\.\/]+\.[^\.\/]+$/",$str));
diff --git a/vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhost.tpl b/vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhost.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a144975..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<h2>{t}Apache VHosts{/t}</h2>
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
-               {$VhostList}
-               <input type="submit" name="AddVhost" value="{t}Add{/t}" {$servapacheACL}>
-       </td>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-  <!-- // First input field on page
-  document.mainform.AddVhost.focus();
-  -->
diff --git a/vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhostEdit.tpl b/vhost-apache2/src/servApacheVhostEdit.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3044f9d..0000000
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@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <tr>
-               <td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                       <table summary="">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Virtual Host Name{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td><input type="text" name="apacheServerName" value="{$apacheServerName}" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Virtual Host Document Root{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td><input type="text" name="apacheDocumentRoot" value="{$apacheDocumentRoot}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Admin Mail address{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td><input type="text" name="apacheServerAdmin" value="{$apacheServerAdmin}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
-                       <table summary="" width="100%">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td style="vertical-align:top;width:100%;border-right:1px       solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                                               <h2>{t}Server Alias{/t}</h2>
-                                               <table width="100%">    
-                                                       <tr>
-                                                               <td>
-                                                                       {$apacheServerAlias}
-                                                               </td>
-                                                       </tr>
-                                                       <tr>
-                                                               <td>
-                                                                       <table width="100%">
-                                                                               <tr>
-                                                                                       <td  style="vertical-align:top;width:30%;">
-                                                                                               <h2>{t}URL Alias{/t}</h2>
-                                                                                       </td>
-                                                                                       <td>
-                                                                                               <h2>{t}Directory Path{/t}</h2>
-                                                                                       </td>
-                                                                               </tr>
-                                                                               <tr>
-                                                                                       <td style="vertical-align:top;width:30%;">
-                                                                                               <input type="text"              name="StrSAAlias" value="">
-                                                                                       </td>
-                                                                                       <td>
-                                                                                               <input type="text"              name="StrSADir" value="">
-                                                                                               <input type="submit"    name="AddSARecord" value="{t}Add{/t}">
-                                                                                       </td>
-                                                                               </tr>
-                                                                       </table>
-                                                               </td>
-                                                       </tr>
-                                               </table>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-       </tr>
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <tr>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                       <h2>{t}Script Alias{/t}</h2>
-                       <table width="100%">    
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>
-                                               {$apacheScriptAlias}
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>
-                                               <table width="100%">
-                                                       <tr>
-                                                               <td  style="vertical-align:top;width:30%;">
-                                                                       <h2>{t}Alias Directory{/t}</h2>
-                                                               </td>
-                                                               <td>
-                                                                       <h2>{t}Script Directory{/t}</h2>
-                                                               </td>
-                                                       </tr>
-                                                       <tr>
-                                                               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:30%;">
-                                                                       <input type="text"              name="StrSCAlias" value="">
-                                                               </td>
-                                                               <td>
-                                                                       <input type="text"              name="StrSCDir" value="">
-                                                                       <input type="submit"    name="AddSCRecord" value="{t}Add{/t}">
-                                                               </td>
-                                                       </tr>
-                                               </table>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
-               </td>
-       </tr>
-<div style="text-align:right;" align="right">
-       <p>
-               <input type="submit" name="SaveVhostChanges" value="{t}Save{/t}">
-               <input type="submit" name="CancelVhostChanges" value="{t}Cancel{/t}">
-       </p>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-  <!-- // First input field on page
-  document.mainform.apacheServerName.focus();
-  -->