summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 9143ca7)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 9143ca7)
author | Sven Velt <> | |
Thu, 4 Mar 2010 09:18:02 +0000 (10:18 +0100) | ||
committer | Sven Velt <> | |
Thu, 4 Mar 2010 13:52:51 +0000 (14:52 +0100) |
Put into nagixsc/ to use and install it as an usul
Python module.
Renamed dummy_* to more "offical" names.
Signed-off-by: Sven Velt <>
Python module.
Renamed dummy_* to more "offical" names.
Signed-off-by: Sven Velt <> | patch | blob | history | | | [deleted file] | patch | blob | history | | [deleted file] | patch | blob | history | | [deleted file] | patch | blob | history |
nagixsc/ | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob | | [new file with mode: 0755] | patch | blob | | [new file with mode: 0755] | patch | blob |
diff --git a/ b/
index aabaac418dd111ae8ad29d724405ed64bee1f1ba..92d4875935e8ca0ef1827b01381accb668746f9c 100644 (file)
--- a/
+++ b/
01.03. Kontrolle der erstellten XML-Datei
-Mit Hilfe des Skripts "" kann man sich den Inhalt einer
+Mit Hilfe des Skripts "" kann man sich den Inhalt einer
Nag(ix)SC-XML-Datei ansehen:
-% ./ -f /tmp/nagixsc.xml
+% ./ -f /tmp/nagixsc.xml
Der Inhalt wird zuerst blockweise, dann als formatiertes Python Dict
diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#import base64
-import datetime
-import libxml2
-import optparse
-import sys
-parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-parser.add_option('-u', '', dest='url', help='URL of status file (xml)')
-parser.add_option('-l', '', dest='httpuser', help='HTTP user name')
-parser.add_option('-a', '', dest='httppasswd', help='HTTP password')
-parser.add_option('-f', '', dest='file', help='(Path and) file name of status file')
-parser.add_option('-s', '', dest='seconds', type='int', help='Maximum age in seconds of xml timestamp')
-parser.add_option('-m', '', action='store_true', dest='markold', help='Mark (Set state) of too old checks as UNKNOWN')
-parser.add_option('-v', '', action='count', dest='verb', help='Verbose output')
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-from nagixsc import *
-now = int('%s'))
-# Get URL or file
-doc = read_xml(options)
-# Check XML file basics
-(status, string) = xml_check_version(doc)
-debug(1, options.verb, string)
-if not status:
- print string
- sys.exit(127)
-# Get timestamp and check it
-filetimestamp = xml_get_timestamp(doc)
-if not filetimestamp:
- print 'No timestamp found in XML file, exiting because of invalid XML data...'
- sys.exit(127)
-timedelta = int(now) - int(filetimestamp)
-debug(1, options.verb, 'Age of XML file: %s seconds, max allowed: %s seconds' % (timedelta, options.seconds))
-# Put XML to Python dict
-checks = xml_to_dict(doc)
-# Loop over check results and output them
-for check in checks:
- check = check_mark_outdated(check, now, options.seconds, options.markold)
- print 'Host: %s\nService: %s\nRetCode: %s\nOutput: %r\nTimestamp: %s\n' % (check['host_name'], check['service_description'], check['returncode'], check['output'], check['timestamp'])
-import pprint
diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-import nagixsc
-import optparse
-parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-parser.add_option('-o', '', dest='outfile', help='(Path and) file name of status file, default STDOUT')
-parser.add_option('-v', '', action='count', dest='verb', help='Verbose output')
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-checks = [{'host_name': 'host1',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - DISK CRITICAL - free space: /home 775 MB (1% inode=91%);| /home=67584MB;61523;64941;0;68359',
- 'returncode': '2',
- 'service_description': 'Disk_Home',
- 'timestamp': 1234443420},
- {'host_name': 'host1',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - OK - load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00|load1=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load15=0.000;5.000;10.000;0;',
- 'returncode': '0',
- 'service_description': 'Load',
- 'timestamp': 1234443420},
- {'host_name': 'host2',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535735(>14400) seconds old - PROCS OK: 163 processes',
- 'returncode': '0',
- 'service_description': 'Procs_Total',
- 'timestamp': 1234443410},
- {'host_name': 'host2',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535715(>14400) seconds old - SWAP OK - 79% free (1492 MB out of 1906 MB) |swap=1492MB;953;476;0;1906',
- 'returncode': '0',
- 'service_description': 'Swap', },
- {'host_name': 'host1',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - DISK OK - free space: / 2167 MB (22% inode=97%);| /=7353MB;8568;9044;0;9520',
- 'returncode': '0',
- 'service_description': 'Disk_Root',
- 'timestamp': 1234443420},
- {'host_name': 'host2',
- 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535735(>14400) seconds old - USERS WARNING - 11 users currently logged in |users=11;10;15;0\n3 root sessions\n8 non-root sessions',
- 'returncode': '1',
- 'service_description': 'Users',
- 'timestamp': 1234443410}]
-xmldoc = nagixsc.xml_from_dict(checks)
diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-import BaseHTTPServer
-import ConfigParser
-import SocketServer
-import base64
-import datetime
-import libxml2
-import mimetools
-import os
-import random
-import shlex
-import socket
-import string
-import subprocess
-import sys
-def debug(level, verb, string):
- if level <= verb:
- print "%s: %s" % (level, string)
-def available_encodings():
- return ['base64', 'plain',]
-def check_encoding(enc):
- if enc in available_encodings():
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def decode(data, encoding):
- if encoding == 'plain':
- return data
- else:
- return base64.b64decode(data)
-def encode(data, encoding=None):
- if encoding == 'plain':
- return data
- else:
- return base64.b64encode(data)
-def read_inifile(inifile):
- config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
- config.optionxform = str # We need case-sensitive options
- ini_list =
- if ini_list:
- return config
- else:
- return False
-def exec_check(host_name, service_descr, cmdline):
- try:
- cmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- output = cmd.communicate()[0].rstrip()
- retcode = cmd.returncode
- except OSError:
- output = 'Could not execute "%s"' % cmdline
- retcode = 127
- return {'host_name':host_name, 'service_description':service_descr, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp''%s')}
-def conf2dict(config, opt_host=None, opt_service=None):
- checks = []
- # Sections are Hosts (not 'nagixsc'), options in sections are Services
- hosts = config.sections()
- if 'nagixsc' in hosts:
- hosts.remove('nagixsc')
- # Filter out host/section if it exists
- if opt_host:
- if opt_host in hosts:
- hosts = [opt_host,]
- else:
- hosts = []
- for host in hosts:
- # Overwrite section/host name with '_host_name'
- if config.has_option(host,'_host_name'):
- host_name = config.get(host,'_host_name')
- else:
- host_name = host
- services = config.options(host)
- # Look for host check
- if '_host_check' in services and not opt_service:
- cmdline = config.get(host, '_host_check')
- check = exec_check(host_name, None, cmdline)
- checks.append(check)
- # Filter out service if given in cmd line options
- if opt_service:
- if opt_service in services:
- services = [opt_service,]
- else:
- services = []
- for service in services:
- # If option starts with '_' it may be a NagixSC option in the future
- if service[0] != '_':
- cmdline = config.get(host, service)
- check = exec_check(host_name, service, cmdline)
- checks.append(check)
- return checks
-def dict2out_passive(checks, xmltimestamp, opt_pipe, opt_verb=0):
- count_services = 0
- now ='%s')
- # Prepare
- if opt_verb <= 2:
- pipe = open(opt_pipe, "w")
- else:
- pipe = None
- # Output
- for check in checks:
- count_services += 1
- if check.has_key('timestamp'):
- timestamp = check['timestamp']
- else:
- timestamp = xmltimestamp
- count_services += 1
- if check['service_description'] == None or check['service_description'] == '':
- # Host check
- line = FORMAT_HOST % (now, check['host_name'], check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n'))
- else:
- # Service check
- line = FORMAT_SERVICE % (now, check['host_name'], check['service_description'], check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n'))
- if pipe:
- pipe.write(line + '\n')
- debug(2, opt_verb, line)
- # Close
- if pipe:
- pipe.close()
- else:
- print "Passive check results NOT written to Nagios pipe due to -vvv!"
- return count_services
-def dict2out_checkresult(checks, xmltimestamp, opt_checkresultdir, opt_verb):
- count_services = 0
- count_failed = 0
- list_failed = []
- chars = string.letters + string.digits
- ctimestamp =
- for check in checks:
- count_services += 1
- if check.has_key('timestamp'):
- timestamp = check['timestamp']
- else:
- timestamp = xmltimestamp
- filename = os.path.join(opt_checkresultdir, 'c' + ''.join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(6)]))
- try:
- crfile = open(filename, "w")
- if check['service_description'] == None or check['service_description'] == '':
- # Host check
- crfile.write('### Active Check Result File ###\nfile_time=%s\n\n### Nagios Service Check Result ###\n# Time: %s\nhost_name=%s\ncheck_type=0\ncheck_options=0\nscheduled_check=1\nreschedule_check=1\nlatency=0.0\nstart_time=%s.00\nfinish_time=%s.05\nearly_timeout=0\nexited_ok=1\nreturn_code=%s\noutput=%s\n' % (timestamp, ctimestamp, check['host_name'], timestamp, timestamp, check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n') ) )
- else:
- # Service check
- crfile.write('### Active Check Result File ###\nfile_time=%s\n\n### Nagios Service Check Result ###\n# Time: %s\nhost_name=%s\nservice_description=%s\ncheck_type=0\ncheck_options=0\nscheduled_check=1\nreschedule_check=1\nlatency=0.0\nstart_time=%s.00\nfinish_time=%s.05\nearly_timeout=0\nexited_ok=1\nreturn_code=%s\noutput=%s\n' % (timestamp, ctimestamp, check['host_name'], check['service_description'], timestamp, timestamp, check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n') ) )
- crfile.close()
- # Create OK file
- open(filename + '.ok', 'w').close()
- except:
- count_failed += 1
- list_failed.append([filename, check['host_name'], check['service_description']])
- return (count_services, count_failed, list_failed)
-def read_xml(options):
- if options.url != None:
- import urllib2
- if options.httpuser and options.httppasswd:
- passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
- passman.add_password(None, options.url, options.httpuser, options.httppasswd)
- authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
- urllib2.install_opener(opener)
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(options.url)
- except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
- print error
- sys.exit(0)
- except urllib2.URLError, error:
- print error.reason[1]
- sys.exit(0)
- doc = libxml2.parseDoc(
- response.close()
- else:
- doc = libxml2.parseFile(options.file)
- return doc
-def read_xml_from_string(content):
- return libxml2.parseDoc(content)
-def xml_check_version(xmldoc):
- # FIXME: Check XML structure
- try:
- xmlnagixsc = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc')[0]
- except:
- return (False, 'Not a Nag(IX)SC XML file!')
- try:
- if xmlnagixsc.prop('version') != "1.0":
- return (False, 'Wrong version (found "%s", need "1.0") of XML file!' % xmlnagixsc.prop('version'))
- except:
- return (False, 'No version information found in XML file!')
- return (True, 'XML seems to be ok')
-def xml_get_timestamp(xmldoc):
- try:
- timestamp = int(xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/timestamp')[0].get_content())
- except:
- return False
- return timestamp
-def xml_to_dict(xmldoc, verb=0, hostfilter=None, servicefilter=None):
- checks = []
- now = int('%s'))
- filetimestamp = reset_future_timestamp(xml_get_timestamp(xmldoc), now)
- if hostfilter:
- hosts = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/host[name="%s"] | /nagixsc/host[name="%s"]' % (hostfilter, encode(hostfilter)))
- else:
- hosts = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/host')
- for host in hosts:
- xmlhostname = host.xpathEval('name')[0]
- hostname = decode(xmlhostname.get_content(), xmlhostname.prop('encoding'))
- debug(2, verb, 'Found host "%s"' % hostname)
- # Look for Host check result
- if host.xpathEval('returncode'):
- retcode = host.xpathEval('returncode')[0].get_content()
- else:
- retcode = None
- if host.xpathEval('output'):
- xmloutput = host.xpathEval('output')[0]
- output = decode(xmloutput.get_content(), xmloutput.prop('encoding')).rstrip()
- else:
- output = None
- if host.xpathEval('timestamp'):
- timestamp = reset_future_timestamp(int(host.xpathEval('timestamp')[0].get_content()), now)
- else:
- timestamp = filetimestamp
- if retcode and output:
- checks.append({'host_name':hostname, 'service_description':None, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp':timestamp})
- # Look for service filter
- if servicefilter:
- services = host.xpathEval('service[description="%s"] | service[description="%s"]' % (servicefilter, encode(servicefilter)))
- else:
- services = host.xpathEval('service')
- # Loop over services in host
- for service in services:
- service_dict = {}
- xmldescr = service.xpathEval('description')[0]
- xmloutput = service.xpathEval('output')[0]
- srvdescr = decode(xmldescr.get_content(), xmldescr.prop('encoding'))
- retcode = service.xpathEval('returncode')[0].get_content()
- output = decode(xmloutput.get_content(), xmloutput.prop('encoding')).rstrip()
- try:
- timestamp = reset_future_timestamp(int(service.xpathEval('timestamp')[0].get_content()), now)
- except:
- timestamp = filetimestamp
- debug(2, verb, 'Found service "%s"' % srvdescr)
- service_dict = {'host_name':hostname, 'service_description':srvdescr, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp':timestamp}
- checks.append(service_dict)
- debug(1, verb, 'Host: "%s" - Service: "%s" - RetCode: "%s" - Output: "%s"' % (hostname, srvdescr, retcode, output) )
- return checks
-def xml_from_dict(checks, encoding='base64'):
- lasthost = None
- db = [(check['host_name'], check) for check in checks]
- db.sort()
- xmldoc = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
- xmlroot = xmldoc.newChild(None, 'nagixsc', None)
- xmlroot.setProp('version', '1.0')
- xmltimestamp = xmlroot.newChild(None, 'timestamp','%s'))
- for entry in db:
- check = entry[1]
- if check['host_name'] != lasthost:
- xmlhost = xmlroot.newChild(None, 'host', None)
- xmlhostname = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'name', encode(check['host_name'], encoding))
- lasthost = check['host_name']
- if check['service_description'] == '' or check['service_description'] == None:
- # Host check result
- xmlreturncode = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'returncode', str(check['returncode']))
- xmloutput = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'output', encode(check['output'], encoding))
- xmloutput.setProp('encoding', encoding)
- if check.has_key('timestamp'):
- xmltimestamp = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'timestamp', str(check['timestamp']))
- else:
- # Service check result
- xmlservice = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'service', None)
- xmlname = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'description', encode(check['service_description'], encoding))
- xmlname.setProp('encoding', encoding)
- xmlreturncode = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'returncode', str(check['returncode']))
- xmloutput = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'output', encode(check['output'], encoding))
- xmloutput.setProp('encoding', encoding)
- if check.has_key('timestamp'):
- xmltimestamp = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'timestamp', str(check['timestamp']))
- return xmldoc
-def check_mark_outdated(check, now, maxtimediff, markold):
- timedelta = now - check['timestamp']
- if timedelta > maxtimediff:
- check['output'] = 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is %s(>%s) seconds old - %s' % (timedelta, maxtimediff, check['output'])
- if markold:
- check['returncode'] = 3
- return check
-def reset_future_timestamp(timestamp, now):
- if timestamp <= now:
- return timestamp
- else:
- return now
-def encode_multipart(xmldoc, httpuser, httppasswd):
- BOUNDARY = mimetools.choose_boundary()
- CRLF = '\r\n'
- L = []
- L.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
- L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="xmlfile"; filename="xmlfile"')
- L.append('Content-Type: application/xml')
- L.append('')
- L.append(xmldoc.serialize())
- L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--')
- L.append('')
- body = CRLF.join(L)
- content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY
- headers = {'Content-Type': content_type, 'Content-Length': str(len(body))}
- if httpuser and httppasswd:
- headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(':'.join([httpuser, httppasswd]))
- return (headers, body)
-class MyHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
- def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass, ssl=False, sslpemfile=None):
- if ssl:
- # FIXME: SSL is in Py2.6
- try:
- from OpenSSL import SSL
- except:
- print 'No Python OpenSSL wrapper/bindings found!'
- sys.exit(127)
- SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
- context = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
- context.use_privatekey_file (sslpemfile)
- context.use_certificate_file(sslpemfile)
- self.socket = SSL.Connection(context, socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type))
- else:
- SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
- self.socket = socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type)
- self.server_bind()
- self.server_activate()
-class MyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- def setup(self):
- self.connection = self.request
- self.rfile = socket._fileobject(self.request, "rb", self.rbufsize)
- self.wfile = socket._fileobject(self.request, "wb", self.wbufsize)
diff --git a/nagixsc/ b/nagixsc/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nagixsc/
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import ConfigParser
+import SocketServer
+import base64
+import datetime
+import libxml2
+import mimetools
+import os
+import random
+import shlex
+import socket
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+def debug(level, verb, string):
+ if level <= verb:
+ print "%s: %s" % (level, string)
+def available_encodings():
+ return ['base64', 'plain',]
+def check_encoding(enc):
+ if enc in available_encodings():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def decode(data, encoding):
+ if encoding == 'plain':
+ return data
+ else:
+ return base64.b64decode(data)
+def encode(data, encoding=None):
+ if encoding == 'plain':
+ return data
+ else:
+ return base64.b64encode(data)
+def read_inifile(inifile):
+ config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ config.optionxform = str # We need case-sensitive options
+ ini_list =
+ if ini_list:
+ return config
+ else:
+ return False
+def exec_check(host_name, service_descr, cmdline):
+ try:
+ cmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmdline), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output = cmd.communicate()[0].rstrip()
+ retcode = cmd.returncode
+ except OSError:
+ output = 'Could not execute "%s"' % cmdline
+ retcode = 127
+ return {'host_name':host_name, 'service_description':service_descr, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp''%s')}
+def conf2dict(config, opt_host=None, opt_service=None):
+ checks = []
+ # Sections are Hosts (not 'nagixsc'), options in sections are Services
+ hosts = config.sections()
+ if 'nagixsc' in hosts:
+ hosts.remove('nagixsc')
+ # Filter out host/section if it exists
+ if opt_host:
+ if opt_host in hosts:
+ hosts = [opt_host,]
+ else:
+ hosts = []
+ for host in hosts:
+ # Overwrite section/host name with '_host_name'
+ if config.has_option(host,'_host_name'):
+ host_name = config.get(host,'_host_name')
+ else:
+ host_name = host
+ services = config.options(host)
+ # Look for host check
+ if '_host_check' in services and not opt_service:
+ cmdline = config.get(host, '_host_check')
+ check = exec_check(host_name, None, cmdline)
+ checks.append(check)
+ # Filter out service if given in cmd line options
+ if opt_service:
+ if opt_service in services:
+ services = [opt_service,]
+ else:
+ services = []
+ for service in services:
+ # If option starts with '_' it may be a NagixSC option in the future
+ if service[0] != '_':
+ cmdline = config.get(host, service)
+ check = exec_check(host_name, service, cmdline)
+ checks.append(check)
+ return checks
+def dict2out_passive(checks, xmltimestamp, opt_pipe, opt_verb=0):
+ count_services = 0
+ now ='%s')
+ # Prepare
+ if opt_verb <= 2:
+ pipe = open(opt_pipe, "w")
+ else:
+ pipe = None
+ # Output
+ for check in checks:
+ count_services += 1
+ if check.has_key('timestamp'):
+ timestamp = check['timestamp']
+ else:
+ timestamp = xmltimestamp
+ count_services += 1
+ if check['service_description'] == None or check['service_description'] == '':
+ # Host check
+ line = FORMAT_HOST % (now, check['host_name'], check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n'))
+ else:
+ # Service check
+ line = FORMAT_SERVICE % (now, check['host_name'], check['service_description'], check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n'))
+ if pipe:
+ pipe.write(line + '\n')
+ debug(2, opt_verb, line)
+ # Close
+ if pipe:
+ pipe.close()
+ else:
+ print "Passive check results NOT written to Nagios pipe due to -vvv!"
+ return count_services
+def dict2out_checkresult(checks, xmltimestamp, opt_checkresultdir, opt_verb):
+ count_services = 0
+ count_failed = 0
+ list_failed = []
+ chars = string.letters + string.digits
+ ctimestamp =
+ for check in checks:
+ count_services += 1
+ if check.has_key('timestamp'):
+ timestamp = check['timestamp']
+ else:
+ timestamp = xmltimestamp
+ filename = os.path.join(opt_checkresultdir, 'c' + ''.join([random.choice(chars) for i in range(6)]))
+ try:
+ crfile = open(filename, "w")
+ if check['service_description'] == None or check['service_description'] == '':
+ # Host check
+ crfile.write('### Active Check Result File ###\nfile_time=%s\n\n### Nagios Service Check Result ###\n# Time: %s\nhost_name=%s\ncheck_type=0\ncheck_options=0\nscheduled_check=1\nreschedule_check=1\nlatency=0.0\nstart_time=%s.00\nfinish_time=%s.05\nearly_timeout=0\nexited_ok=1\nreturn_code=%s\noutput=%s\n' % (timestamp, ctimestamp, check['host_name'], timestamp, timestamp, check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n') ) )
+ else:
+ # Service check
+ crfile.write('### Active Check Result File ###\nfile_time=%s\n\n### Nagios Service Check Result ###\n# Time: %s\nhost_name=%s\nservice_description=%s\ncheck_type=0\ncheck_options=0\nscheduled_check=1\nreschedule_check=1\nlatency=0.0\nstart_time=%s.00\nfinish_time=%s.05\nearly_timeout=0\nexited_ok=1\nreturn_code=%s\noutput=%s\n' % (timestamp, ctimestamp, check['host_name'], check['service_description'], timestamp, timestamp, check['returncode'], check['output'].replace('\n', '\\n') ) )
+ crfile.close()
+ # Create OK file
+ open(filename + '.ok', 'w').close()
+ except:
+ count_failed += 1
+ list_failed.append([filename, check['host_name'], check['service_description']])
+ return (count_services, count_failed, list_failed)
+def read_xml(options):
+ if options.url != None:
+ import urllib2
+ if options.httpuser and options.httppasswd:
+ passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+ passman.add_password(None, options.url, options.httpuser, options.httppasswd)
+ authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(options.url)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
+ print error
+ sys.exit(0)
+ except urllib2.URLError, error:
+ print error.reason[1]
+ sys.exit(0)
+ doc = libxml2.parseDoc(
+ response.close()
+ else:
+ doc = libxml2.parseFile(options.file)
+ return doc
+def read_xml_from_string(content):
+ return libxml2.parseDoc(content)
+def xml_check_version(xmldoc):
+ # FIXME: Check XML structure
+ try:
+ xmlnagixsc = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc')[0]
+ except:
+ return (False, 'Not a Nag(IX)SC XML file!')
+ try:
+ if xmlnagixsc.prop('version') != "1.0":
+ return (False, 'Wrong version (found "%s", need "1.0") of XML file!' % xmlnagixsc.prop('version'))
+ except:
+ return (False, 'No version information found in XML file!')
+ return (True, 'XML seems to be ok')
+def xml_get_timestamp(xmldoc):
+ try:
+ timestamp = int(xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/timestamp')[0].get_content())
+ except:
+ return False
+ return timestamp
+def xml_to_dict(xmldoc, verb=0, hostfilter=None, servicefilter=None):
+ checks = []
+ now = int('%s'))
+ filetimestamp = reset_future_timestamp(xml_get_timestamp(xmldoc), now)
+ if hostfilter:
+ hosts = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/host[name="%s"] | /nagixsc/host[name="%s"]' % (hostfilter, encode(hostfilter)))
+ else:
+ hosts = xmldoc.xpathNewContext().xpathEval('/nagixsc/host')
+ for host in hosts:
+ xmlhostname = host.xpathEval('name')[0]
+ hostname = decode(xmlhostname.get_content(), xmlhostname.prop('encoding'))
+ debug(2, verb, 'Found host "%s"' % hostname)
+ # Look for Host check result
+ if host.xpathEval('returncode'):
+ retcode = host.xpathEval('returncode')[0].get_content()
+ else:
+ retcode = None
+ if host.xpathEval('output'):
+ xmloutput = host.xpathEval('output')[0]
+ output = decode(xmloutput.get_content(), xmloutput.prop('encoding')).rstrip()
+ else:
+ output = None
+ if host.xpathEval('timestamp'):
+ timestamp = reset_future_timestamp(int(host.xpathEval('timestamp')[0].get_content()), now)
+ else:
+ timestamp = filetimestamp
+ if retcode and output:
+ checks.append({'host_name':hostname, 'service_description':None, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp':timestamp})
+ # Look for service filter
+ if servicefilter:
+ services = host.xpathEval('service[description="%s"] | service[description="%s"]' % (servicefilter, encode(servicefilter)))
+ else:
+ services = host.xpathEval('service')
+ # Loop over services in host
+ for service in services:
+ service_dict = {}
+ xmldescr = service.xpathEval('description')[0]
+ xmloutput = service.xpathEval('output')[0]
+ srvdescr = decode(xmldescr.get_content(), xmldescr.prop('encoding'))
+ retcode = service.xpathEval('returncode')[0].get_content()
+ output = decode(xmloutput.get_content(), xmloutput.prop('encoding')).rstrip()
+ try:
+ timestamp = reset_future_timestamp(int(service.xpathEval('timestamp')[0].get_content()), now)
+ except:
+ timestamp = filetimestamp
+ debug(2, verb, 'Found service "%s"' % srvdescr)
+ service_dict = {'host_name':hostname, 'service_description':srvdescr, 'returncode':retcode, 'output':output, 'timestamp':timestamp}
+ checks.append(service_dict)
+ debug(1, verb, 'Host: "%s" - Service: "%s" - RetCode: "%s" - Output: "%s"' % (hostname, srvdescr, retcode, output) )
+ return checks
+def xml_from_dict(checks, encoding='base64'):
+ lasthost = None
+ db = [(check['host_name'], check) for check in checks]
+ db.sort()
+ xmldoc = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
+ xmlroot = xmldoc.newChild(None, 'nagixsc', None)
+ xmlroot.setProp('version', '1.0')
+ xmltimestamp = xmlroot.newChild(None, 'timestamp','%s'))
+ for entry in db:
+ check = entry[1]
+ if check['host_name'] != lasthost:
+ xmlhost = xmlroot.newChild(None, 'host', None)
+ xmlhostname = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'name', encode(check['host_name'], encoding))
+ lasthost = check['host_name']
+ if check['service_description'] == '' or check['service_description'] == None:
+ # Host check result
+ xmlreturncode = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'returncode', str(check['returncode']))
+ xmloutput = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'output', encode(check['output'], encoding))
+ xmloutput.setProp('encoding', encoding)
+ if check.has_key('timestamp'):
+ xmltimestamp = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'timestamp', str(check['timestamp']))
+ else:
+ # Service check result
+ xmlservice = xmlhost.newChild(None, 'service', None)
+ xmlname = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'description', encode(check['service_description'], encoding))
+ xmlname.setProp('encoding', encoding)
+ xmlreturncode = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'returncode', str(check['returncode']))
+ xmloutput = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'output', encode(check['output'], encoding))
+ xmloutput.setProp('encoding', encoding)
+ if check.has_key('timestamp'):
+ xmltimestamp = xmlservice.newChild(None, 'timestamp', str(check['timestamp']))
+ return xmldoc
+def check_mark_outdated(check, now, maxtimediff, markold):
+ timedelta = now - check['timestamp']
+ if timedelta > maxtimediff:
+ check['output'] = 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is %s(>%s) seconds old - %s' % (timedelta, maxtimediff, check['output'])
+ if markold:
+ check['returncode'] = 3
+ return check
+def reset_future_timestamp(timestamp, now):
+ if timestamp <= now:
+ return timestamp
+ else:
+ return now
+def encode_multipart(xmldoc, httpuser, httppasswd):
+ BOUNDARY = mimetools.choose_boundary()
+ CRLF = '\r\n'
+ L = []
+ L.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
+ L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="xmlfile"; filename="xmlfile"')
+ L.append('Content-Type: application/xml')
+ L.append('')
+ L.append(xmldoc.serialize())
+ L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--')
+ L.append('')
+ body = CRLF.join(L)
+ content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY
+ headers = {'Content-Type': content_type, 'Content-Length': str(len(body))}
+ if httpuser and httppasswd:
+ headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(':'.join([httpuser, httppasswd]))
+ return (headers, body)
+class MyHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+ def __init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass, ssl=False, sslpemfile=None):
+ if ssl:
+ # FIXME: SSL is in Py2.6
+ try:
+ from OpenSSL import SSL
+ except:
+ print 'No Python OpenSSL wrapper/bindings found!'
+ sys.exit(127)
+ SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
+ context = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
+ context.use_privatekey_file (sslpemfile)
+ context.use_certificate_file(sslpemfile)
+ self.socket = SSL.Connection(context, socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type))
+ else:
+ SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
+ self.socket = socket.socket(self.address_family, self.socket_type)
+ self.server_bind()
+ self.server_activate()
+class MyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def setup(self):
+ self.connection = self.request
+ self.rfile = socket._fileobject(self.request, "rb", self.rbufsize)
+ self.wfile = socket._fileobject(self.request, "wb", self.wbufsize)
diff --git a/ b/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#import base64
+import datetime
+import libxml2
+import optparse
+import sys
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('-u', '', dest='url', help='URL of status file (xml)')
+parser.add_option('-l', '', dest='httpuser', help='HTTP user name')
+parser.add_option('-a', '', dest='httppasswd', help='HTTP password')
+parser.add_option('-f', '', dest='file', help='(Path and) file name of status file')
+parser.add_option('-s', '', dest='seconds', type='int', help='Maximum age in seconds of xml timestamp')
+parser.add_option('-m', '', action='store_true', dest='markold', help='Mark (Set state) of too old checks as UNKNOWN')
+parser.add_option('-v', '', action='count', dest='verb', help='Verbose output')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+from nagixsc import *
+now = int('%s'))
+# Get URL or file
+doc = read_xml(options)
+# Check XML file basics
+(status, string) = xml_check_version(doc)
+debug(1, options.verb, string)
+if not status:
+ print string
+ sys.exit(127)
+# Get timestamp and check it
+filetimestamp = xml_get_timestamp(doc)
+if not filetimestamp:
+ print 'No timestamp found in XML file, exiting because of invalid XML data...'
+ sys.exit(127)
+timedelta = int(now) - int(filetimestamp)
+debug(1, options.verb, 'Age of XML file: %s seconds, max allowed: %s seconds' % (timedelta, options.seconds))
+# Put XML to Python dict
+checks = xml_to_dict(doc)
+# Loop over check results and output them
+for check in checks:
+ check = check_mark_outdated(check, now, options.seconds, options.markold)
+ print 'Host: %s\nService: %s\nRetCode: %s\nOutput: %r\nTimestamp: %s\n' % (check['host_name'], check['service_description'], check['returncode'], check['output'], check['timestamp'])
+import pprint
diff --git a/ b/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import nagixsc
+import optparse
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option('-o', '', dest='outfile', help='(Path and) file name of status file, default STDOUT')
+parser.add_option('-v', '', action='count', dest='verb', help='Verbose output')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+checks = [{'host_name': 'host1',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - DISK CRITICAL - free space: /home 775 MB (1% inode=91%);| /home=67584MB;61523;64941;0;68359',
+ 'returncode': '2',
+ 'service_description': 'Disk_Home',
+ 'timestamp': 1234443420},
+ {'host_name': 'host1',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - OK - load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00|load1=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load15=0.000;5.000;10.000;0;',
+ 'returncode': '0',
+ 'service_description': 'Load',
+ 'timestamp': 1234443420},
+ {'host_name': 'host2',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535735(>14400) seconds old - PROCS OK: 163 processes',
+ 'returncode': '0',
+ 'service_description': 'Procs_Total',
+ 'timestamp': 1234443410},
+ {'host_name': 'host2',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535715(>14400) seconds old - SWAP OK - 79% free (1492 MB out of 1906 MB) |swap=1492MB;953;476;0;1906',
+ 'returncode': '0',
+ 'service_description': 'Swap', },
+ {'host_name': 'host1',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535725(>14400) seconds old - DISK OK - free space: / 2167 MB (22% inode=97%);| /=7353MB;8568;9044;0;9520',
+ 'returncode': '0',
+ 'service_description': 'Disk_Root',
+ 'timestamp': 1234443420},
+ {'host_name': 'host2',
+ 'output': 'Nag(ix)SC: Check result is 24535735(>14400) seconds old - USERS WARNING - 11 users currently logged in |users=11;10;15;0\n3 root sessions\n8 non-root sessions',
+ 'returncode': '1',
+ 'service_description': 'Users',
+ 'timestamp': 1234443410}]
+xmldoc = nagixsc.xml_from_dict(checks)