summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: de99cd7)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: de99cd7)
author | rettenbe <rettenbe@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:18:54 +0000 (17:18 +0000) | ||
committer | rettenbe <rettenbe@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:18:54 +0000 (17:18 +0000) |
and some other small bugfixes
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus b/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus
index a5d50f1d2429bbd1db64e2b82ba3daeb49cdb56c..dd848c182c3b4ade9d9ae1dd35a1e7a4edc7564d 100755 (executable)
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus
+++ b/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus
# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get mac address directly from system.
sub get_mac {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result;
- if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
- if($ifreq eq "all") {
- $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- } else {
- my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
+ my $ifreq= shift;
+ my $result;
+ if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
+ if($ifreq eq "all") {
+ $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
+ } else {
+ my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
- # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
- if ($bus_mac_address and length($bus_mac_address) > 0) {
- return $bus_mac_address;
- }
+ # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
+ if ($bus_mac_address and length($bus_mac_address) > 0) {
+ return $bus_mac_address;
+ }
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
- or die "socket: $!";
+ socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
+ or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
+ if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
+ my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
- if (length($mac) > 0) {
- $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
- $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- $result = $mac;
- }
- }
+ if (length($mac) > 0) {
+ $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
+ $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+ $result = $mac;
+ }
- return $result;
+ }
+ return $result;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# check wether incoming msg is from a bus_known_server
if( not defined $msg ) {
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'bus_known_server'} );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM bus_known_server";
+ my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
$host_name = $hit->{hostname};
if( not $host_name =~ "^$host") {
} elsif ($target eq "*"){
# msg is for all server
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_server";
+ my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
$host_name = $hit->{hostname};
$host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
my $target_address;
foreach $target_address (@targets) {
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server', hostname=>$target_address} );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_server WHERE hostname='$target_address'";
+ my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
$host_key = $query_res->{1}->{hostkey};
&send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $target_address, $host_key);
} else {
- $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_server";
+ $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{$query_res} ) {
my $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
my $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_of_known_daemons
-#sub get_content_of_known_daemons {
-# my ($host, $content) = @_;
-# return;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: create_passwd
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_ciphering
-# PARAMETERS: passwd - string - used to create ciphering
-# RETURNS: cipher - object
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC object with passwd as key
-#sub create_ciphering {
-# my ($passwd) = @_;
-# $passwd = substr(md5_hex("$passwd") x 32, 0, 32);
-# my $iv = substr(md5_hex('GONICUS GmbH'),0, 16);
-# my $my_cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($passwd , Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
-# $my_cipher->set_iv($iv);
-# return $my_cipher;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: encrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: msg - string - message to encrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: crypted_msg - string - crypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: crypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-#sub encrypt_msg {
-# my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_;
-# if(not defined $my_cipher) { print "no cipher object\n"; }
-# $msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
-# my $crypted_msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
-# chomp($crypted_msg = &encode_base64($crypted_msg));
-# return $crypted_msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: decrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - message to decrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: msg - string - decrypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: decrypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-#sub decrypt_msg {
-# my ($crypted_msg, $my_cipher) = @_ ;
-# $crypted_msg = &decode_base64($crypted_msg);
-# my $msg = $my_cipher->decrypt($crypted_msg);
-# $msg =~ s/^\0*//g;
-# return $msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: header - string - message header (required)
-# source - string - where the message come from (required)
-# target - string - where the message should go to (required)
-# [header_value] - string - something usefull (optional)
-# RETURNS: hash - hash - nomen est omen
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a key-value hash, all values are stored in a array
-#sub create_xml_hash {
-# my ($header, $source, $target, $header_value) = @_ ;
-# if (not defined $header || not defined $source || not defined $target) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: create_xml_hash function is invoked with uncompleted parameters", 7);
-# }
-# my $hash = {
-# header => [$header],
-# source => [$source],
-# target => [$target],
-# $header => [$header_value],
-# };
-# #daemon_log("create_xml_hash:", 7),
-# #chomp(my $tmp = Dumper $hash);
-# #daemon_log("\t$tmp\n", 7);
-# return $hash
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_string
-# PARAMETERS: xml_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: xml_string - string - xml string representation of the hash
-# DESCRIPTION: transform the hash to a string using XML::Simple module
-#sub create_xml_string {
-# my ($xml_hash) = @_ ;
-# my $xml_string = $xml->XMLout($xml_hash, RootName => 'xml');
-# #$xml_string =~ s/[\n]+//g;
-# return $xml_string;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_content2xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference to a hash from function create_xml_hash
-# element - string - key for the hash
-# content - string - value for the hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: add key-value pair to xml_ref, if key alread exists, then append value to list
-#sub add_content2xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element, $content) = @_;
-# if(not exists $$xml_ref{$element} ) {
-# $$xml_ref{$element} = [];
-# }
-# my $tmp = $$xml_ref{$element};
-# push(@$tmp, $content);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_from_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference of the xml hash
-# element - string - key of the value you want
-# RETURNS: value - string - if key is either header, target or source
-# value - list - for all other keys in xml hash
-#sub get_content_from_xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element) = @_;
-# my $result = $xml_ref->{$element};
-# if( $element eq "header" || $element eq "target" || $element eq "source") {
-# return @$result[0];
-# }
-# return @$result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr - string - something like or
-# [PeerPort] - string - necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket - IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-#sub open_socket {
-# my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
-# if(defined($PeerPort)){
-# $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
-# }
-# my $socket;
-# $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
-# Porto => "tcp" ,
-# Type => SOCK_STREAM,
-# Reuse => 1,
-# Timeout => 5,
-# );
-# if(not defined $socket) {
-# return;
-# }
-# return $socket;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: read_from_socket
# PARAMETERS: socket - fh - filehandel to read from
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2address
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - xml_hash created with function create_xml_hash
-# PeerAddr string - socket address to send msg
-# PeerPort string - socket port, if not included in socket address
-# RETURNS: nothing
-#sub send_msg_hash2address {
-# my ($msg_hash, $address) = @_ ;
-# # fetch header for logging
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# # generate xml string
-# my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
-# # fetch the appropriated passwd from hash
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$address}->{passwd};
-# # create a ciphering object
-# my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
-# # encrypt xml msg
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
-# # open socket
-# my $socket = &open_socket($address);
-# if(not defined $socket){
-# daemon_log("ERROR: cannot send '$header'-msg to $address , server not reachable", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# # send xml msg
-# print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
-# close $socket;
-# daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $address", 5);
-# daemon_log("crypted_msg:\n\t$crypted_msg", 7);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2all
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - xml_hash created with function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: send msg_hash to all registered daemons
-#sub send_msg_hash2all {
-# my ($msg_hash) = @_;
-# # fetch header for logging
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# # generate xml string
-# my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
-# # fetch a list of all target addresses
-# my @targets = keys(%$known_daemons);
-# # itterates through the list an send each the msg
-# foreach my $target (@targets) {
-# if($target eq $bus_address) {next}; # do not send msg to bus
-# # fetch the appropriated passwd
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$target}->{passwd};
-# # create ciphering object
-# my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
-# # encrypt xml msg
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
-# # open socket
-# my $socket = &open_socket($target);
-# if(not defined $socket){
-# daemon_log("ERROR: cannot open socket to $target , server not reachable", 1);
-# &update_known_daemons_entry(hostname=>$target, status=>"down");
-# next;
-# }
-# # send xml msg
-# print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
-# close $socket;
-# daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $target", 5);
-# daemon_log("crypted_msg:\n\t$crypted_msg", 7);
-# }
-# return;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: here_i_am
# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
&send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $bus_passwd);
# change hostkey, reason
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { hostkey=>[$new_key] } ];
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
+ my $where_str= " WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ my $update_str= " SET hostkey='$new_key'";
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE bus_known_server $update_str $where_str";
+ $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement);
sub confirm_new_passwd {
my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE bus_known_server ".
+ "SET status='key_confirmed' ".
+ "WHERE hostname='$source' ";
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { status=>['key_confirmed'] } ];
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
+ $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement);
my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=> [ { hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=> [ { status=>$header } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE bus_known_server SET status='$header' WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement);
my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("got_ping", $bus_address, $source);
- my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'bus_known_server', hostname=>$source } );
+ $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM bus_known_server WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
my $hostkey = $res->{1}->{hostkey};
&send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $hostkey);
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: make ping
-# PARAMETERS: address - string - address which should be pinged
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: send ping message to address
-#sub make_ping {
-# my ($address) = @_;
-# daemon_log("ping:$address\n", 1);
-# my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("ping", "$bus_ip:$bus_port", $address);
-# &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $address);
-# return;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: got_ping
# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
sub got_ping {
my ($msg_hash) = @_;
my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=> [ { hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=> [ { status=>'got_ping' } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE bus_known_server SET status='got_ping' WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($sql_statement);
my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
my $new_client = @{$msg_hash->{$header}}[0];
- my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'bus_known_server', hostname=>$source } );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM bus_known_server WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
my $clients = $res->{1}->{clients};
# if host has alread more clients, than just append
$clients = $new_client;
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=>[ {hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=>[ {clients=>[$clients] } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
+ $sql_statement= "UPDATE bus_known_server SET clients='$clients' WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry( $sql_statement );
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: delete_client
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-#sub delete_client {
-# my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
-# my $source = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "source");
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# my $del_client = (&get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, $header))[0];
-# if (not exists $known_daemons->{$source}->{$del_client}) {
-# daemon_log
-# }
-# delete $known_daemons->{$source}->{$del_client};
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: print_known_daemons_hash
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen
-#sub print_known_daemons_hash {
-# my ($tmp) = @_;
-# print "####################################\n";
-# print "# status of known_daemons\n";
-# my $hosts;
-# my $host_hash;
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# my @hosts = keys %$known_daemons;
-# foreach my $host (@hosts) {
-# my $status = $known_daemons->{$host}->{status} ;
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$host}->{passwd};
-# my $timestamp = $known_daemons->{$host}->{timestamp};
-# my @clients = keys %{$known_daemons->{$host}->{clients}};
-# my $client_string = join(", ", @clients);
-# print "$host\n";
-# print "\tstatus: $status\n";
-# print "\tpasswd: $passwd\n";
-# print "\ttimestamp: $timestamp\n";
-# print "\tclients: $client_string\n";
-# }
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# print "####################################\n\n";
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_known_daemons_entry
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen
-#sub create_known_daemons_entry {
-# my ($hostname) = @_;
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname} = {};
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{clients} = {};
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: update_known_daemons_entry
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host (required)
-# status - string - (optional)
-# passwd - string - (optional)
-# client - string - ip address and port of client (optional)
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen and updates each time the timestamp of hostname
-#sub update_known_daemons_entry {
-# my $arg = {
-# hostname => undef, status => undef, passwd => undef,
-# client => undef,
-# @_ };
-# my $hostname = $arg->{hostname};
-# my $status = $arg->{status};
-# my $passwd = $arg->{passwd};
-# my $client = $arg->{client};
-# if (not defined $hostname) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: function add_content2known_daemons is not invoked with requiered parameter 'hostname'", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
-# $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
-# $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
-# $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
-# $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
-# $month+=1;
-# $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
-# $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
-# $year+=1900;
-# my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# if (defined $status) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = $status;
-# }
-# if (defined $passwd) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = $passwd;
-# }
-# if (defined $client) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{clients}->{$client} = "";
-# }
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
#==== MAIN = main ==============================================================
# parse commandline options
daemon_log(" ", 1);
daemon_log("$0 started!", 1);
+# delete old DBsqlite lock files
+system('rm -f /tmp/gosa_si_lock*');
# forward error messages to logfile
if( ! $foreground ) {
open(STDERR, '>>', $log_file);
$pid = fork;
setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
umask 0;
+} else {
+ $pid = $$;
-else { $pid = $$; }
# Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file
if( 0 != $pid ) {
open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" );
print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n";
close( LOCK_FILE );
- if( !$foreground ) { exit( 0 ) };
+ if( ! $foreground ) { exit( 0 ) };
# connect to bus_known_server_db
# detect own ip and mac address
$network_interface= &get_interface_for_ip($bus_ip);
$bus_mac_address= &get_mac($network_interface);
daemon_log("bus ip address detected: $bus_ip", 1);
daemon_log("bus mac address detected: $bus_mac_address", 1);
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-client b/gosa-si/gosa-si-client
index 54884536a63e2ec4b5c82870f9b74722b463bbfb..016646c0e3d641177e2154a0f336437052f50254 100755 (executable)
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-client
+++ b/gosa-si/gosa-si-client
&add_content2xml_hash($register_hash, "mac_address", $client_mac_address);
&add_content2xml_hash($register_hash, "events", $events);
- my $tmp = print Dumper $register_hash;
# send xml hash to server with general server passwd
my $answer = &send_msg_hash2address($register_hash, $server, $server_passwd);
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-server b/gosa-si/gosa-si-server
index a34e5c97cb43c061b496353f7d20dae4579acae6..11e24b459e6653bf4dd06ed849a2692effe16ef6 100755 (executable)
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-server
+++ b/gosa-si/gosa-si-server
sub client_input {
my ($heap,$input,$wheel) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
+ daemon_log("Incoming msg:\n$input\n", 8);
# forward msg to all imported modules
no strict "refs";
index 2e838333f0edb6cae2ea347605b2ec6eeb88ded4..65d896bb4499872ed9ba39809a71fa423f8d8bb1 100644 (file)
use threads;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
my $col_names = {};
sub new {
sub create_table {
my $self = shift;
my $table_name = shift;
return 0;
sub add_dbentry {
my $sql_statement = "SELECT MAX(CAST(id AS INTEGER)) FROM $table";
my $max_id = @{ @{ $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement) }[0] }[0];
- &remove_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
+ &remove_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
if( defined $max_id) {
$id = $max_id + 1;
} else {
$arg->{id} = $id;
- # check wether value to primary key is specified
- if ( not exists $arg->{ $primkey } ) {
- return 3;
- }
# if timestamp is not provided, add timestamp
if( not exists $arg->{timestamp} ) {
$arg->{timestamp} = &get_time;
my $res = @{ $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement) };
if ($res == 0) {
+ # primekey is unique
# fetch column names of table
my $col_names = &get_table_columns("",$table);
my $sql_statement = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('".join("', '", @add_list)."')";
- print STDERR $sql_statement;
+ print STDERR $sql_statement."\n";
my $db_res = $self->{dbh}->do($sql_statement);
if( $db_res != 1 ) {
return 4;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
+ }
} else {
- my $update_hash = { table=>$table };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { $primkey=>[ $arg->{$primkey} ] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {} ];
+ # entry already exists, so update it
+ my $where_str= " WHERE $primkey='".$arg->{$primkey}."'";
+ my @update_l;
while( my ($pram, $val) = each %{$arg} ) {
if( $pram eq 'table' ) { next; }
if( $pram eq 'primkey' ) { next; }
- $update_hash->{update}[0]->{$pram} = [$val];
- }
- my $db_res = &update_dbentry( $self, $update_hash );
- if( $db_res != 1 ) {
- return 5;
- } else {
- return 0;
+ push(@update_l, "$pram='$val'");
+ my $update_str= join(", ", @update_l);
+ $update_str= " SET $update_str";
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE $table $update_str $where_str";
+ my $db_res = &update_dbentry($self, $sql_statement );
+ return 0;
sub update_dbentry {
my $db_answer= &exec_statement($self, $sql);
# fetch column list of db and create a hash with column_name->column_value of the select query
- $sql =~ /FROM ([\S]*?) /g;
+ $sql =~ /FROM ([\S]*?)( |$)/g;
my $table = $1;
my $column_list = &get_table_columns($self, $table);
my $list_len = @{ $column_list } ;
sub show_table {
my $self = shift;
my $table_name = shift;
- &create_lock($self,'show_table');
- my @res = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM $table_name")};
- &remove_lock($self,'show_table');
+ #&create_lock($self,'show_table');
+ #my @res = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM $table_name ORDER BY timestamp")};
+ #&remove_lock($self,'show_table');
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM $table_name ORDER BY timestamp";
+ print STDERR $sql_statement."\n";
+ my $res= &exec_statement($self, $sql_statement);
my @answer;
- foreach my $hit (@res) {
+ foreach my $hit (@{$res}) {
push(@answer, "hit: ".join(', ', @{$hit}));
return join("\n", @answer);
+sub count_dbentries {
+ my ($self, $table)= @_;
+ my $error= 0;
+ my $answer= -1;
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM $table";
+ my $db_answer= &select_dbentry($self, $sql_statement);
+ my $count = keys(%{$db_answer});
+ return $count;
sub get_time {
my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
$year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
index 04a1f29c575d0a5ea1c1b22047aa147afb104617..0094ebccb540a8fecb4261822da843df76821b8d 100644 (file)
use GOSA::DBsqlite;
use MIME::Base64;
-my $op_hash = {
- 'eq' => '=',
- 'ne' => '!=',
- 'ge' => '>=',
- 'gt' => '>',
- 'le' => '<=',
- 'lt' => '<',
sub process_incoming_msg {
my ($crypted_msg) = @_ ;
- &main::daemon_log("Got message $crypted_msg", 8);
if( (not(defined($crypted_msg))) || (length($crypted_msg) <= 0)) {
&main::daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
my $xml = "<xml>";
- while ( my ($hit, $hash) = each %{ $db_res } ) {
- $xml .= "\n<answer$hit>";
+ my $len_db_res= keys %{$db_res};
+ for( my $i= 1; $i<= $len_db_res; $i++ ) {
+ $xml .= "\n<answer$i>";
+ my $hash= $db_res->{$i};
while ( my ($column_name, $column_value) = each %{$hash} ) {
$xml .= "<$column_name>";
my $xml_content;
$xml .= $xml_content;
$xml .= "</$column_name>";
+ $xml .= "</answer$i>";
- $xml .= "</answer$hit>";
$xml .= "</xml>";
## CORE FUNCTIONS ############################################################
-sub get_where_statement {
- my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
- my $error= 0;
- my $clause_str= "";
- if( not exists @{$msg_hash->{'where'}}[0]->{'clause'} ) { $error++; };
- if( $error == 0 ) {
- my @clause_l;
- my @where = @{@{$msg_hash->{'where'}}[0]->{'clause'}};
- foreach my $clause (@where) {
- my $connector = $clause->{'connector'}[0];
- if( not defined $connector ) { $connector = "AND"; }
- $connector = uc($connector);
- delete($clause->{'connector'});
- my @phrase_l ;
- foreach my $phrase (@{$clause->{'phrase'}}) {
- my $operator = "=";
- if( exists $phrase->{'operator'} ) {
- my $op = $op_hash->{$phrase->{'operator'}[0]};
- if( not defined $op ) {
- &main::daemon_log("Can not translate operator '$operator' in where ".
- "statement to sql valid syntax. Please use 'eq', ".
- "'ne', 'ge', 'gt', 'le', 'lt' in xml message\n", 1);
- &main::daemon_log($msg, 8);
- $op = "=";
- }
- $operator = $op;
- delete($phrase->{'operator'});
- }
- my @xml_tags = keys %{$phrase};
- my $tag = $xml_tags[0];
- my $val = $phrase->{$tag}[0];
- push(@phrase_l, "$tag$operator'$val'");
- }
- my $clause_str .= join(" $connector ", @phrase_l);
- push(@clause_l, $clause_str);
- }
- if( not 0 == @clause_l ) {
- $clause_str = join(" AND ", @clause_l);
- $clause_str = "WHERE $clause_str ";
- }
- }
- return $clause_str;
-sub get_select_statement {
- my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
- my $select = "*";
- if( exists $msg_hash->{'select'} ) {
- my $select_l = \@{$msg_hash->{'select'}};
- $select = join(' AND ', @{$select_l});
- }
- return $select;
-sub get_update_statement {
- my ($msg, $msg_hash) = @_;
- my $error= 0;
- my $update_str= "";
- my @update_l;
- if( not exists $msg_hash->{'update'} ) { $error++; };
- if( $error == 0 ) {
- my $update= @{$msg_hash->{'update'}}[0];
- while( my ($tag, $val) = each %{$update} ) {
- my $val= @{$update->{$tag}}[0];
- push(@update_l, "$tag='$val'");
- }
- if( 0 == @update_l ) { $error++; };
- }
- if( $error == 0 ) {
- $update_str= join(', ', @update_l);
- $update_str= "SET $update_str ";
- }
- return $update_str;
-sub get_limit_statement {
- my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
- my $error= 0;
- my $limit_str = "";
- my ($from, $to);
- if( not exists $msg_hash->{'limit'} ) { $error++; };
- if( $error == 0 ) {
- eval {
- my $limit= @{$msg_hash->{'limit'}}[0];
- $from= @{$limit->{'from'}}[0];
- $to= @{$limit->{'to'}}[0];
- };
- if( $@ ) {
- $error++;
- }
- }
- if( $error == 0 ) {
- $limit_str= "LIMIT $from, $to";
- }
- return $limit_str;
sub query_jobdb {
my ($msg) = @_;
my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
my $table= $main::job_queue_table_name;
my $where= &get_where_statement($msg, $msg_hash);
my $limit= &get_limit_statement($msg, $msg_hash);
- my $sql_statement= "SELECT $select FROM $table $where $limit";
+ my $orderby= &get_orderby_statement($msg, $msg_hash);
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT $select FROM $table $where $orderby $limit";
+print STDERR "\n\n$sql_statement\n\n";
# execute db query
my $res_hash = $main::job_db->select_dbentry($sql_statement);
index 62e2a3caa29084e69fd3af8f81c733bc1d76c0cf..182e920bfc6236249b7b3ea95be4be1c8a04ea40 100644 (file)
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(create_xml_hash send_msg_hash2address get_content_from_xml_hash add_content2xml_hash create_xml_string encrypt_msg decrypt_msg create_ciphering transform_msg2hash get_time send_msg);
+@EXPORT = qw(create_xml_hash send_msg_hash2address get_content_from_xml_hash add_content2xml_hash create_xml_string encrypt_msg decrypt_msg create_ciphering transform_msg2hash get_time send_msg get_where_statement get_select_statement get_update_statement get_limit_statement get_orderby_statement);
use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Base64;
use XML::Simple;
+my $op_hash = {
+ 'eq' => '=',
+ 'ne' => '!=',
+ 'ge' => '>=',
+ 'gt' => '>',
+ 'le' => '<=',
+ 'lt' => '<',
# encrypt xml msg
my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
# opensocket
my $socket = &open_socket($address);
if(not defined $socket){
$msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
$msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
chomp($msg = &encode_base64($msg));
+ # there are no newlines allowed inside msg
+ $msg=~ s/\n//g;
return $msg;
&send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $to, $hostkey);
+sub get_where_statement {
+ my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
+ my $error= 0;
+ my $clause_str= "";
+ if( not exists @{$msg_hash->{'where'}}[0]->{'clause'} ) { $error++; };
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ my @clause_l;
+ my @where = @{@{$msg_hash->{'where'}}[0]->{'clause'}};
+ foreach my $clause (@where) {
+ my $connector = $clause->{'connector'}[0];
+ if( not defined $connector ) { $connector = "AND"; }
+ $connector = uc($connector);
+ delete($clause->{'connector'});
+ my @phrase_l ;
+ foreach my $phrase (@{$clause->{'phrase'}}) {
+ my $operator = "=";
+ if( exists $phrase->{'operator'} ) {
+ my $op = $op_hash->{$phrase->{'operator'}[0]};
+ if( not defined $op ) {
+ &main::daemon_log("Can not translate operator '$operator' in where ".
+ "statement to sql valid syntax. Please use 'eq', ".
+ "'ne', 'ge', 'gt', 'le', 'lt' in xml message\n", 1);
+ &main::daemon_log($msg, 8);
+ $op = "=";
+ }
+ $operator = $op;
+ delete($phrase->{'operator'});
+ }
+ my @xml_tags = keys %{$phrase};
+ my $tag = $xml_tags[0];
+ my $val = $phrase->{$tag}[0];
+ push(@phrase_l, "$tag$operator'$val'");
+ }
+ my $clause_str .= join(" $connector ", @phrase_l);
+ push(@clause_l, $clause_str);
+ }
+ if( not 0 == @clause_l ) {
+ $clause_str = join(" AND ", @clause_l);
+ $clause_str = "WHERE $clause_str ";
+ }
+ }
+ return $clause_str;
+sub get_select_statement {
+ my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
+ my $select = "*";
+ if( exists $msg_hash->{'select'} ) {
+ my $select_l = \@{$msg_hash->{'select'}};
+ $select = join(' AND ', @{$select_l});
+ }
+ return $select;
+sub get_update_statement {
+ my ($msg, $msg_hash) = @_;
+ my $error= 0;
+ my $update_str= "";
+ my @update_l;
+ if( not exists $msg_hash->{'update'} ) { $error++; };
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ my $update= @{$msg_hash->{'update'}}[0];
+ while( my ($tag, $val) = each %{$update} ) {
+ my $val= @{$update->{$tag}}[0];
+ push(@update_l, "$tag='$val'");
+ }
+ if( 0 == @update_l ) { $error++; };
+ }
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ $update_str= join(', ', @update_l);
+ $update_str= "SET $update_str ";
+ }
+ return $update_str;
+sub get_limit_statement {
+ my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
+ my $error= 0;
+ my $limit_str = "";
+ my ($from, $to);
+ if( not exists $msg_hash->{'limit'} ) { $error++; };
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ eval {
+ my $limit= @{$msg_hash->{'limit'}}[0];
+ $from= @{$limit->{'from'}}[0];
+ $to= @{$limit->{'to'}}[0];
+ };
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $error++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ $limit_str= "LIMIT $from, $to";
+ }
+ return $limit_str;
+sub get_orderby_statement {
+ my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_;
+ my $error= 0;
+ my $order_str= "";
+ my $order;
+ if( not exists $msg_hash->{'orderby'} ) { $error++; };
+ if( $error == 0) {
+ eval {
+ $order= @{$msg_hash->{'orderby'}}[0];
+ };
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $error++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( $error == 0 ) {
+ $order_str= "ORDER BY $order";
+ }
+ return $order_str;
index ceb9268257eeaee5302622ae0bacf1380a79a385..a13b8701e6ce3f845ecdb5d190c74d9012487224 100644 (file)
return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr string something like or
-# [PeerPort] string necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-#sub open_socket {
-# my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
-# if(defined($PeerPort)){
-# $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
-# }
-# my $socket;
-# $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
-# Porto => "tcp" ,
-# Type => SOCK_STREAM,
-# Timeout => 5,
-# );
-# if(not defined $socket) {
-# return;
-# }
-# &main::daemon_log("open_socket to: $PeerAddr", 7);
-# return $socket;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: register_at_bus
sub register_at_bus {
- print STDERR ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1\n";
# add bus to known_server_db
my $res = $main::known_server_db->add_dbentry( {table=>'known_server',
} );
- print STDERR ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2\n";
my $msg_hash = &create_xml_hash("here_i_am", $server_address, $bus_address);
my $answer = "";
$answer = &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $bus_address, $bus_passwd);
&main::daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackages: incoming msg: \n$crypted_msg", 8);
$crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
$crypted_msg = $1;
my $host="";
- if($1 && $2 && $3 && $4) {
+ if(defined $2 && defined $3 && defined $4 && defined $5) {
$host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
# check wether incoming msg is from a known_server
if( not defined $msg ) {
- #my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_server";
my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
$host_name = $hit->{hostname};
if( not $host_name =~ "^$host") {
my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE hostname='$source_name'";
$query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- my $update_hash = { table=>'known_clients' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source_name] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {
- hostkey=>[$source_key],
- timestamp=>[&get_time],
- } ];
- my $res = $main::known_clients_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
+ my $act_time = &get_time;
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE known_clients ".
+ "SET hostkey='$source_key', timestamp='$act_time' ".
+ "WHERE hostname='$source_name'";
+ my $res = $main::known_clients_db->update_dbentry( $sql_statement );
my $hash = &create_xml_hash("confirm_new_passwd", $server_address, $source_name);
&send_msg_hash2address($hash, $source_name, $source_key);
# check known_server_db
- $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server', hostname=>$source_name } );
+ my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM known_server WHERE hostname='$source_name'";
+ $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- my $update_hash = { table=>'known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source_name] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {
- hostkey=>[$source_key],
- timestamp=>[&get_time],
- } ];
- my $res = $main::known_server_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
+ my $act_time = &get_time;
+ my $sql_statement= "UPDATE known_server ".
+ "SET hostkey='$source_key', timestamp='$act_time' ".
+ "WHERE hostname='$source_name'";
+ my $res = $main::known_server_db->update_dbentry( $sql_statement );
my $hash = &create_xml_hash("confirm_new_passwd", $server_address, $source_name);
&send_msg_hash2address($hash, $source_name, $source_key);
-sub send_msg_hash {
- my ($hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- my $answer = &send_msg_hash2address($hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- return;
#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
# NAME: here_i_am
# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
my $out_hash;
# number of known clients
- my $nu_clients = keys %{ $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients'} ) };
+ my $nu_clients= $main::known_clients_db->count_dbentries('known_clients');
# check wether client address or mac address is already known
- if (exists $main::known_clients->{$source}) {
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE hostname='$source'";
+ my $db_res= $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
+ if ( 1 == keys %{$db_res} ) {
&main::daemon_log("WARNING: $source is already known as a client", 1);
&main::daemon_log("WARNING: values for $source are being overwritten", 1);
$nu_clients --;
# create entry in known_clients
my $events = @{$msg_hash->{events}}[0];
# add entry to known_clients_db
my $res = $main::known_clients_db->add_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients',
# notify registered client to bus
if( $bus_activ eq "on") {
# fetch actual bus key
- my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
- my $hostkey = $query_res->{1}->{hostkey};
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_server WHERE status='bus'";
+ my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
+ my $hostkey = $query_res->{1}->{'hostkey'};
# send update msg to bus
$out_hash = &create_xml_hash("new_client", $server_address, $bus_address, $source);
&send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $bus_address, $hostkey);
sub new_ldap_config {
my ($address) = @_ ;
- my $res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'known_clients', hostname=>$address } );
+ my $sql_statement= "SELECT * FROM known_clients WHERE hostname='$address'";
+ my $res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( $sql_statement );
# check hit
my $hit_counter = keys %{$res};
index bcfef94a13f0fbb540568edcab599bbddd3c56cc..e3df706147606b6a36b004965d9e7767e72ee4be 100755 (executable)
--- a/gosa-si/tests/client.php
+++ b/gosa-si/tests/client.php
/* Prepare a hunge bunch of data to be send */
# add
-#$data = "<xml> <header>job_ping</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>19700101000000</timestamp> </xml>";
+#$data = "<xml> <header>job_ping</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>19700101000001</timestamp> </xml>";
#$data = "<xml> <header>job_sayHello</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>20130102133900</timestamp> </xml>";
#$data = "<xml> <header>job_ping</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>20130102133900</timestamp> </xml>";
# query
#$data = "<xml><header>gosa_query_jobdb</header><where><clause><connector>and</connector><phrase><operator>gt</operator><ROWID>0</ROWID></phrase><phrase><operator>le</operator><ROWID>5</ROWID></phrase></clause></where></xml>";
-$data= "<xml><header>gosa_query_jobdb</header><where><clause><phrase><headertag>ping</headertag></phrase></clause></where><limit><from>0</from><to>3</to></limit></xml>";
+#$data= "<xml><header>gosa_query_jobdb</header><where><clause><phrase><headertag>ping</headertag></phrase></clause></where><limit><from>0</from><to>3</to></limit></xml>";
+$data= "<xml><header>gosa_query_jobdb</header><where><clause><phrase><headertag>ping</headertag></phrase></clause></where><limit><from>0</from><to>9</to></limit><orderby>timestamp</orderby></xml>";
# count
#$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_count_jobdb</header></xml>";