summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 211dce4)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 211dce4)
author | hickert <hickert@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Fri, 9 Dec 2005 12:31:15 +0000 (12:31 +0000) | ||
committer | hickert <hickert@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Fri, 9 Dec 2005 12:31:15 +0000 (12:31 +0000) |
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8
index 402404c8b47e5ed2027d0fa28cb8bb5536776d97..cb9b9f8d8071dc62e97ed7997fe870193f69507f 100644 (file)
var $ignore_account = TRUE;
/* Attributes for this Object */
- var $attributes = array("cn","description","FAIpackage","FAIdebianRelease","FAIdebianSection","FAIdebianMirror");
+ var $attributes = array("cn","description","FAIpackage","FAIdebianRelease","FAIdebianSection");
/* ObjectClasses for this Object*/
var $objectclasses = array("top","FAIclass","FAIpackageList","FAIrepository");
var $FAIdebianRelease = ""; // The selected release
var $FAIdebianSection = ""; // selected section
- var $FAIdebianMirror = ""; // selected mirror
var $mirror = ""; // selected mirror
var $servers = array(); // All available servers
$this->confDir = CONFIG_DIR."/fai/";
$this->FAIpackage = array();
- /* Extract mirror location */
- $this->mirror= preg_replace("!^[^/]+//([^/]+).*$!", '$1', $this->FAIdebianMirror);
function execute()
$smarty= get_smarty();
$display= "";
- $this->genMirror();
/* Check if we exist already - no need to ask for revisions, etc. then */
if ($this->dn != "new"){
$this->newDialogShown= true;
$this->is_dialog =true;
- /* alert possible missconfigurations */
- if((count($this->releases)==0)||(count($this->servers)==0)||(count($this->sections)==0)){
- print_red(_("There is no useable package list defined."));
- }
/* Assign posible changes, for mirror combinations */
- $this->dialog->releases = $this->releases;
- $this->dialog->servers = $this->servers;
- $this->dialog->sections = $this->sections;
- $this->dialog->mirrors = $this->mirrors;
/* Assign Repository settings*/
- $this->FAIdebianRelease = $this->dialog->FAIdebianRelease;
- $this->FAIdebianSection = $this->dialog->FAIdebianSection;
- $this->FAIdebianMirror = $this->dialog->FAIdebianMirror;
+ $obj = $this->dialog->save();
+ $this->FAIdebianSection = $obj['FAIdebianSection'];
+ $this->FAIdebianRelease = $obj['FAIdebianRelease'];
$this->dialog = false;
- /* Set mirror if changed */
- if((isset($_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS']))&&(!empty($_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS']))){
- $this->FAIdebianMirror = $_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS'];
- }
- /* check servers matching release and section settings */
- $availableServer = array();
- foreach($this->mirrors as $mir){
- if($mir['release'] == $this->FAIdebianRelease){
- $pass = true;
- foreach($this->FAIdebianSection as $sec){
- if($sec != $mir['section']){
- $pass = false;
- }
- if($pass){
- $availableServer[$mir['mirror']]=$mir['mirror'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
/* Generate package list */
/* Configuration dialog open*/
- $path = "/etc/gosa/fai/".preg_replace("#^[^/]+//([^/]+).*$#","\\1",$this->FAIdebianMirror)."/".$this->FAIdebianRelease."/debconf.d";
+ $path = "/etc/gosa/fai/".$this->FAIdebianRelease."/debconf.d";
$pkg_config = array();
$pkg_config = $this->ConfiguredPackages[$_POST['usedPackages']];
- if(empty($this->FAIdebianMirror)){
- $smarty->assign("OptionsACL"," disabled ");
- }
- $smarty->assign("mirrors" ,$availableServer);
- $smarty->assign("mirror" ,$this->FAIdebianMirror);
$smarty->assign("release" ,$this->FAIdebianRelease);
- function genMirror(){
- $confDir = $this->confDir;
- if(!is_readable($confDir)){
- print_red(sprintf(_("Can't read configuration folder '%s'."),$confDir));
- }else{
- /* Try to catch all available mirrors
- Possibly check if each server is reachable
- */
- $this->servers= array();
- $this->releases=array();
- $this->sections=array();
- $this->mirrors= array();
- $fd = opendir($confDir);
- while($mirror = readdir($fd)){
- if((is_dir($confDir.$mirror."/"))&&(($mirror != "." )&&($mirror!=".."))){
- $mirrorDir = $confDir.$mirror."/";
- $fe = opendir($mirrorDir);
- while($release = readdir($fe)){
- if((is_dir($mirrorDir.$release))&&(($release != "." )&&($release!=".."))){
- $releaseDir = $mirrorDir.$release."/";
- $ff = opendir($releaseDir);
- while($section = readdir($ff)){
- if((is_file($releaseDir.$section))&&(($section != "." )&&($section!="..")&&(!preg_match("/.*\.in$/",$section)))){
- $this->servers[$mirror]=$mirror;
- $this->releases[$release]=$release;
- $this->sections[$section]=$section;
- $arr=array();
- $arr['mirror'] = $mirror;
- $arr['release']= $release;
- $arr['section']= $section;
- $this->mirrors[] = $arr ;
- }
- }
- fclose($ff);
- }
- }
- fclose($fe);
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
- }
/* Delete me, and all my subtrees
function remove_from_parent()
$message[]=_("Please select a least one Package.");
- if((empty($this->FAIdebianRelease))||(empty($this->FAIdebianSection))||(empty($this->FAIdebianMirror))){
+ if((empty($this->FAIdebianRelease))||(empty($this->FAIdebianSection))){
$message[]=_("Please choose a valid combination for your repository setup.");
$a_ret = array();
foreach($this->FAIdebianSection as $sec){
- $strID= "/etc/gosa/fai/".preg_replace("#^[^/]+//([^/]+).*$#","\\1",$this->FAIdebianMirror)."/".$this->FAIdebianRelease."/".$sec;
+ $strID= "/etc/gosa/fai/".$this->FAIdebianRelease."/".$sec;
print_red(sprintf(_("Package file '%s' does not exist."),$strID));
- $this->FAIdebianMirror="";
index 485e561cfe34d6f660fd4a42754102674a230935..b90107a990fe52a31aa8f42feccd4e634a0b426a 100644 (file)
var $attributes = array();
var $objectclasses = array();
- var $mirrors = array(); // The possible mirror,release and section combinations
- var $servers = array(); // All available server
var $sections = array(); // All sections
var $releases = array(); // Releases
- var $FAIdebianRelease = ""; // The selected release
- var $FAIdebianSection = array(); // selected section
- var $FAIdebianMirror = ""; // selected mirror
+ var $FAIdebianRelease = ""; // The selected release
+ var $FAIdebianSection = array(); // selected section
var $obj;
- function faiPackageNew ($config, $dn= NULL,$mirrors,$servers,$sections,$releases)
+ function faiPackageNew ($config, $dn= NULL)
plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
- $this->mirrors = $mirrors;
- $this->servers = $servers;
- $this->sections = $sections;
- $this->releases = $releases;
- foreach($this->sections as $sec){
- $this->sections[$sec] =false;
- }
function execute()
- /* Call parent execute */
- plugin::execute();
- /* Fill templating stuff */
- $smarty = get_smarty();
+ /* Call parent execute */
+ plugin::execute();
$display = "";
- // reset grayout options
- $disableRelease = false;
- $disableMirror = false;
- $disableContinue = false;
- $disableSection = false;
- /* Post handling for Section, Release and Mirror Setup */
- if(isset($_POST['SetRepository'])){
- foreach($this->sections as $sec => $val){
- if(isset($_POST[$sec])){
- $this->sections[$sec]=true;
- $this->FAIdebianSection[$sec]=$sec;
- }else{
- $this->sections[$sec]=false;
- }
- }
+ $smarty = get_smarty();
+ $atr = $this->getServerInfos();
+ foreach($atr as $release => $sections){
+ $releases[$release]=$release;
- /* Grayout settings */
- if(empty($this->FAIdebianRelease)){
- $disableSection = $disableMirror = $disableContinue = true;
- }elseif(empty($this->FAIdebianSection)){
- $disableRelease = $disableMirror = $disableContinue = true;
- }elseif(empty($this->FAIdebianMirror)){
- $disableRelease = $disableSection = true;
+ if(!empty($this->FAIdebianRelease)){
+ $sections = $atr[$this->FAIdebianRelease] ;
- $disableRelease = $disableSection = true;
- }
- /* check servers matching release and section settings */
- $availableServer = array();
- foreach($this->mirrors as $mir){
- /* Check if release and section match */
- if($mir['release'] == $this->FAIdebianRelease){
- $pass = true;
- foreach($this->FAIdebianSection as $sec){
- /* If a mirror match, attach */
- if($sec != $mir['section']){
- $pass = false;
- }
- /* Save all matching */
- if($pass){
- $availableServer[$mir['mirror']]=$mir['mirror'];
- }
- }
- }
+ $sections = array();
- /* If no servers matching the settings, allow setting release and section again */
- if(($disableMirror==false)&&(count($availableServer)==0)){
- $this->FAIdebianRelease = $this->FAIdebianMirror = "";
- $this->FAIdebianSection = array();
- $disableSection = $disableMirror = $disableContinue = true;
- $disableRelease = false;
+ /* Fill templating stuff */
+ if((empty($this->FAIdebianRelease))||(count($this->FAIdebianSection)==0)){
+ $smarty->assign("goon"," disabled ");
+ }else{
+ $smarty->assign("goon"," ");
- /* Create checkboxes for the avaliable sections */
- $strsec = "<table><tr>";
- foreach($this->sections as $sec => $val){
- /* Only add this section if it is supported by the selected release */
- $goon = false;
- foreach($this->mirrors as $mir){
- /* Is there a release with this section ? */
- if((($mir['release'] == $this->FAIdebianRelease )&&($mir['section'] == $sec))){
- $goon = true;
- }
- }
+ $smarty->assign("releases" ,$releases);
+ $smarty->assign("releaseKeys" ,array_flip($releases));
+ $smarty->assign("release" ,$this->FAIdebianRelease);
+ $smarty->assign("sections",$this->generateSections($sections));
- if($goon){
- if($this->sections[$sec] == true ){
- $chk = " checked ";
- }else{
- $chk = "";
- }
+ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiPackageNew.tpl', TRUE));
+ return($display);
+ }
- /* Add disabled if needed */
- if($disableSection){
- $strsec .= "<td><input type='checkbox' name='".$sec."' disabled ".$chk.">".$sec."</td>";
+ function generateSections($secs)
+ {
+ $str = "";
+ if(is_array($secs)){
+ $rel = " onClick='document.mainform.submit();' ";
+ foreach($secs as $section){
+ if(in_array($section,$this->FAIdebianSection)){
+ $str .= "<input ".$rel." type='checkbox' value='".$section."' name='section_".$section."' checked>".$section."<br>";
- $strsec .= "<td><input type='checkbox' name='".$sec."' ".$chk.">".$sec."</td>";
+ $str .= "<input ".$rel." type='checkbox' value='".$section."' name='section_".$section."'>".$section."<br>";
- $strsec .= "</table>";
- /* Add --- to mirror selectbox if it is empty */
- if(count($availableServer)==0){
- $availableServer=array("---");
- }
- /* Tell smarty the grayout settigs */
- $smarty->assign("ReleaseACL" , "");
- $smarty->assign("MirrorACL" , "");
- $smarty->assign("ContinueACL" , "");
- $smarty->assign("SectionACL" , "");
+ return($str);
+ }
- if($disableContinue){
- $smarty->assign("ContinueACL"," disabled ");
- }
- if($disableRelease){
- $smarty->assign("ReleaseACL"," disabled ");
- }
- if($disableMirror){
- $smarty->assign("MirrorACL"," disabled ");
- }
- if($disableSection){
- $smarty->assign("SectionACL"," disabled ");
+ function getServerInfos()
+ {
+ $ret = array();
+ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+ $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIrepositoryServer)",array("*"));
+ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+ if(isset($attrs['FAIrepository'])){
+ for($i =0 ; $i < $attrs['FAIrepository']['count']; $i++){
+ $obj = $attrs['FAIrepository'][$i];
+ $tmp = split("\|",$obj);
+ if(count($tmp)==4){
+ foreach(split(",",$tmp[3]) as $sec){
+ if(!empty($sec)){
+ $ret[$tmp[2]][] = $sec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- $smarty->assign("DisSection",!empty($this->FAIdebianSection));
- $smarty->assign("DisRelease",!empty($this->FAIdebianRelease));
- $smarty->assign("mirrors" ,$availableServer);
- $smarty->assign("mirror" ,$this->FAIdebianMirror);
- $smarty->assign("releases",$this->releases);
- $smarty->assign("release" ,$this->FAIdebianRelease);
- $smarty->assign("sections",$strsec);
- $smarty->assign("section" ,$this->FAIdebianSection);
- $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiPackageNew.tpl', TRUE));
- return($display);
+ return($ret);
/* Save data to object */
function save_object()
- if(isset($_POST['SetRepository'])){
- /* Post handling for Section, Release and Mirror Setup */
- if((isset($_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS']))&&(!empty($_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS']))){
- $this->FAIdebianRelease = $_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS'];
+ /* Post handling for Section, Release Setup */
+ if((isset($_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS']))&&(!empty($_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS']))){
+ $this->FAIdebianRelease = $_POST['FAIdebianReleaseS'];
+ }
+ /* Get Sections */
+ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+ if(preg_match("/^section_/",$name)){
+ $this->FAIdebianSection[$value] = $value;
- if((isset($_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS']))&&(!empty($_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS']))){
- $this->FAIdebianMirror = $_POST['FAIdebianMirrorS'];
+ }
+ /* Remove all section that are not available at the currently selected server */
+ $atr = $this->getServerInfos();
+ foreach($this->FAIdebianSection as $section){
+ if(!in_array($section,$atr[$this->FAIdebianRelease])){
+ unset($this->FAIdebianSection[$section]);
/* Check supplied data */
function save()
+ return(array("FAIdebianRelease"=>$this->FAIdebianRelease,"FAIdebianSection"=>$this->FAIdebianSection));
// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
index 61d76f2568b3bdbb0f1fd1f71710799323052ef2..99b946090f9f48f348c20300d755961a3b9ddbc4 100644 (file)
- <tr>
- <td>
- <LABEL for="mirror">
- {t}Mirror{/t}
- </LABEL>
- </td>
- <td>
- <select name="FAIdebianMirrorS" title="{t}mirror{/t}">
- {html_options options=$mirrors selected=$mirror}
- </select>
- <input type="submit" value="{t}set{/t}" name="SetMirror">
- </td>
- </tr>
index 3e54019e4a6142977e6307007bf6a7240ee3fa21..2325d330434887fef2b67c44b649d558da52db24 100644 (file)
- <select name="FAIdebianReleaseS" title="{t}Release{/t}" {$ReleaseACL}>
- {html_options options=$releases selected=$release}
+ <select name="FAIdebianReleaseS" title="{t}Release{/t}">
+ {html_options options=$releases values=$releaseKeys selected=$release}
-{if $DisRelease neq false}
<td height="30">
<h2>{t}Sections for this release{/t}: </h2>
+ <input type="submit" value="{t}set{/t}" name="SetRepository">
-{if $DisSection neq false}
- <td height="30">
- <h2><LABEL for="mirror">{t}Matching mirrors{/t}</LABEL>: </h2>
- </td>
- <td>
- <select name="FAIdebianMirrorS" title="{t}mirror{/t}" {$MirrorACL}>
- {html_options options=$mirrors selected=$mirror}
- </select>
- </td>
-{if $ContinueACL neq ""}
-<input type="submit" value="{t}set{/t}" name="SetRepository">
<p class="seperator">
<div align="right" style="align:right;">
- <input name="SaveObjectNew" value="{t}Continue{/t}" type="submit" {$ContinueACL}>
+ <input name="SaveObjectNew" value="{t}Continue{/t}" type="submit" {$goon}>
<input name="edit_cancel" value="{t}Cancel{/t}" type="submit">