
Moved dns
authorcajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 16:43:21 +0000 (16:43 +0000)
committercajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 16:43:21 +0000 (16:43 +0000)
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8

14 files changed:
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl [deleted file]
gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl [deleted file]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c560c36..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
-/* All available record types 
- */
-$RecordTypes['aRecord']       = "aRecord";           
-$RecordTypes['mDRecord']      = "mDRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['mXRecord']      = "mXRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['nSRecord']      = "nSRecord";          
-$RecordTypes['pTRRecord']     = "relativeDomainName";
-$RecordTypes['hInfoRecord']   = "hInfoRecord";      
-$RecordTypes['mInfoRecord']   = "mInfoRecord";       
-$RecordTypes['cNAMERecord']   = "relativeDomainName";
-$RecordTypes['tXTRecord']     = "tXTRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['aFSDBRecord']   = "aFSDBRecord";       
-$RecordTypes['SigRecord']     = "SigRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['KeyRecord']     = "KeyRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['aAAARecord']    = "aAAARecord";        
-$RecordTypes['LocRecord']     = "LocRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['nXTRecord']     = "nXTRecord";        
-$RecordTypes['sRVRecord']     = "sRVRecord";         
-$RecordTypes['nAPTRRecord']   = "nAPTRRecord";       
-$RecordTypes['kXRecord']      = "kXRecord";          
-$RecordTypes['certRecord']    = "certRecord";        
-$RecordTypes['a6Record']      = "a6Record";          
-$RecordTypes['dSRecord']      = "dSRecord";          
-$RecordTypes['sSHFPRecord']   = "sSHFPRecord";       
-$RecordTypes['rRSIGRecord']   = "rRSIGRecord";      
-$RecordTypes['nSECRecord']    = "nSECRecord";       
-class DNS
-  /* Return all record types 
-   */
-  static function getDnsRecordTypes($ForZones = false)
-  {
-    global $RecordTypes;
-    if($ForZones){
-      $tmp = $RecordTypes;
-      unset($tmp['cNAMERecord']);
-      unset($tmp['pTRRecord']);
-      unset($tmp['tXTRecord']);
-      return($tmp);
-    }else{
-      return($RecordTypes);
-    }
-  }
-  /* This fucntion is used to flip the ip address, for example
-     12.3.45  ->  45.3.12
-     Because some entries (like zones) are store like that
-     but we want to display 12.3.45.
-   */
-  static function FlipIp($ip)
-  {
-    $tmp = array_reverse(split("\.",$ip));
-    $new = "";
-    foreach($tmp as $section){
-      $new .= $section.".";
-    }
-    return(preg_replace("/.$/","",$new));
-  }
-  /* This static function returns the zones specified for given host
-   */
-  static function getDNSZoneEntries($config,$HostDn,$silent = false)
-  {
-    global $RecordTypes;
-    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); 
-    /* Not all records are allowed within a zone entry
-     */  
-    $SkipRecords = array("tXTRecord","cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
-    /* Special sOArecords 
-     */
-    $sOAREcords  = array("0"=>"sOAprimary","1"=>"sOAmail","2"=>"sOAserial","3"=>"sOArefresh","4"=>"sOAretry","5"=>"sOAexpire","6"=>"sOAttl");
-    /* Create tempalte for all fetched zone Data 
-     */
-    $ZoneBase = array();
-    $ZoneBase['exists']  = false;
-    $ZoneBase['RECORDS'] = array();
-    $ZoneBase['zoneName'] = array();
-    $ZoneBase['dNSClass'] = array();
-    foreach($sOAREcords as $attr){
-      $ZoneBase[$attr] = "";
-    }
-    $Zones    = array();
-    /* Get & Parse all zone entries 
-     */
-    $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=@))",$HostDn,array("*"));
-    $tmp_res = array();
-    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) {
-      $tmp_res[] = $attrs;
-    }
-    /* Parse fetched zones 
-     */
-    foreach($tmp_res as $attrs){
-      $zoneName                   = $attrs['zoneName'][0];
-      $Zones[$zoneName]           = $ZoneBase;
-      $Zones[$zoneName]['exists'] = true;
-      /* Set basic attributes 
-       */
-      foreach(array("zoneName","dNSClass") as $attr){
-        if(isset($attrs[$attr][0])){
-          $Zones[$zoneName][$attr] = $attrs[$attr][0];
-        }
-      }
-      /* Set initial zone name, to be able to detect if this entry was renamed 
-       */
-      $Zones[$zoneName]['InitialzoneName'] = $zoneName;
-      /* Generate SOA entry
-       */
-      if(isset($attrs['sOARecord'][0])){
-        $tmp = split("\ ",$attrs['sOARecord'][0]) ;
-        $tmp2 = array();
-        /* Assign soa vars */
-        foreach($sOAREcords as $key => $name){
-          if(isset($tmp[$key])){
-            $Zones[$zoneName][$name] = $tmp[$key];
-          }else{
-            $Zones[$zoneName][$name] = "";
-          }
-        }
-      } // ENDE SOA Record 
-      /* Get record attributes 
-       */
-      foreach($RecordTypes as $name => $value){
-        /* Skip some attributes 
-         */
-        if(in_array($name,$SkipRecords)) continue;
-        /* If there is a record attribute
-         */
-        if(isset($attrs[$name])){
-          /* get all entries
-           */
-          for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs[$value]['count']; $i ++){
-            $Zones[$zoneName]['RECORDS'][] =  array("type"=>$name,"value"=>$attrs[$value][$i]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      /* Get reverse record ..
-       */
-      $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(relativeDomainName=@)(zoneName=*))",$attrs['dn'],array("zoneName"));
-      if($ldap->count() == 0){
-        if(!$silent){
-          msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot find reverse zone for DNS zone '%s'. Parsing zone aborted."),$zoneName), ERROR_DIALOG);
-        }
-        unset($Zones[$zoneName]);
-      }elseif($ldap->count()>1){
-        if(!$silent){
-          msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Found more than one reverse zone for '%s'. Parsing zone aborted."),$zoneName), ERROR_DIALOG);
-        }
-        unset($Zones[$zoneName]);
-      }else{
-        $tmp = $ldap->fetch();
-        $Zones[$zoneName]['ReverseZone']        = FlipIp(str_replace("","",$tmp['zoneName'][0]));
-        $Zones[$zoneName]['InitialReverseZone'] = FlipIp(str_replace("","",$tmp['zoneName'][0]));
-      }
-    }
-    return($Zones);
-  }
-  /* This static function compares two dns zone objects and returns an 
-   *  array with following indexes 
-   *   - delete, for dns which must be deleted (only if dns zone is removed)
-   *   - rename, if a dn must be renamed, for example, the zoneName has changed
-   *   - add,    if there is a new dns account created    
-   */
-  static function getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($config,$newZones,$HostDn)
-  {
-    $oldZones = getDNSZoneEntries($config,$HostDn,true);
-    $sOAattributes =  array("sOAprimary","sOAmail","sOAserial","sOArefresh","sOAretry","sOAexpire","sOAttl");
-    $move   = array();
-    $add    = array();
-    $del    = array();
-    /* Generate a template for zones with default values
-     */
-    $zoneBase                       = array();
-    $zoneBase['objectClass']        = array("top","dNSZone");
-    $zoneBase['zoneName']           = "";
-    $zoneBase['relativeDomainName'] = "@";
-    $zoneBase['dNSClass']           = "IN";
-    $zoneBase['sOARecord']          = "";
-    /* Contains all renamed zoneNames 
-     * For zone entry udpdates
-     */
-    $PrePareZoneEntries = array();
-    /* Walk through all zones and detect renamed/added/deleted zones ... 
-     */
-    foreach($newZones as $name => $zone){
-      /* This zone was renamed 
-       */
-      if((!empty($zone['InitialzoneName'])) && ($zone['InitialzoneName'] != $zone['zoneName'])){
-        /* Move old zone to new position 
-         */ 
-        $oldDn = "zoneName=".$zone['InitialzoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-        $newDn = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-        $PrePareZoneEntries[$zone['InitialzoneName']] = $zone['zoneName'];
-        $move [$oldDn] = $newDn;      
-      }
-      /* Get old zone if available
-       */
-      $oldZone=array();
-      if(!empty($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']])){
-        $oldZone = $oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']];
-      }
-      /* Create forward zone entry and put it in our add queue
-       */
-      $newDn  = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-      $obj    =  $zoneBase;
-      $obj['zoneName'] = $zone['zoneName'];
-      /* Create sOARecord & add it to the obj
-       */ 
-      $soa = "";
-      foreach($sOAattributes as $attr){
-        $soa.=" ".$zone[$attr];
-      }  
-      $obj['sOARecord'] = trim($soa);
-      $obj['nSRecord'] = $zone['sOAprimary'];
-      /* If reverse zone was renamed, move entry 
-       */
-      if(!empty($zone['InitialReverseZone'])){
-        if($zone['InitialReverseZone'] != $zone['ReverseZone']){
-          $base = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-          $oldRDn = "zoneName=". FlipIp($zone['InitialReverseZone']).",".$base; 
-          $newRDn = "zoneName=". FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone']).",".$base;
-          $PrePareZoneEntries[FlipIp($zone['InitialReverseZone']).""] = FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone'])."";
-          $move [$oldRDn] = $newRDn;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Append record entries 
-       *  Set old value to array, to ensure that 
-       *  they will be deleted if necessary
-       */
-      if(isset($oldZone['RECORDS'])){
-        foreach($oldZone['RECORDS'] as $rec){
-          $obj[$rec['type']] = array();
-        }
-      }
-      /* Add new Records 
-       */
-      foreach($zone['RECORDS'] as $rec){
-        if(!isset($obj[$rec['type']])||!is_array($obj[$rec['type']])){
-          $obj[$rec['type']] = array();
-        }
-        $obj[$rec['type']][] = $rec['value'];
-      }
-      /* Append udpated Zone Forward Entry to our add queue
-       */    
-      $add[$newDn] = $obj;   
-      /* Create Reverse Entry 
-       * And append it to our add queue
-       */
-      $zone['ReverseZone'] = FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone'])."";
-      $base = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-      $newRDn = "zoneName=".$zone['ReverseZone'].",".$base;
-      $rObj = $obj;
-      $rObj['zoneName']= $zone['ReverseZone'];
-      $add[$newRDn] = $rObj;
-      /* Remove currently managed zone from oldZones.
-       *  this gives us the ability to detect removed zones
-       */
-      if(isset($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']])){
-        unset($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']]); 
-      }
-    }
-    /* The rest of our oldZones must be deleted
-     *  because they are no longer available in newZones anymore.
-     */
-    foreach($oldZones as $zone)  {
-      $oldDn = "zoneName=".$zone['InitialzoneName'].",".$HostDn;
-      $del[$oldDn] = $zone;
-    }
-    /* Check for entries which must be updated 
-     */
-    $zoneUpdates = array();
-    $udpate = array();
-    if(count($PrePareZoneEntries)){
-      $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-      foreach($PrePareZoneEntries as $FromZoneName => $ToZoneName){
-        $ldap->cd($HostDn);
-        $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=".$FromZoneName.")(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("zoneName"));
-        while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-          $zoneUpdates[$attrs['dn']] = array("zoneName"=>$ToZoneName);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $ret = array("del" => $del , "move" => $move , "add" => $add,"zoneUpdates"=>$zoneUpdates);
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* This static function returns the dns-host eintries for given 
-   *  name.
-   */
-  static function getDNSHostEntries($config,$name,$silent = false)
-  {
-    global $RecordTypes;
-    $types = array();
-    $ret = array();
-    $ret['RECORDS']   = array();
-    $ret['dNSClass']  = "IN";
-    $ret['zoneName']  = "";
-    $ret['dNSTTL']    = "7440";
-    $ret['exists']    = false;
-    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']);
-    /* First check all zones for an entry with the given name.
-     * If the name occurs in more than one entry alert the user ...
-     */
-    $foundIn = array();
-    $zones = DNS::getAvailableZones($config);
-    $zonesArr = array();
-    foreach($zones as $zoneMix){
-      $zoneIndex = split("/",$zoneMix);
-      if(!array_key_exists($zoneIndex[0],$zonesArr)) {
-        $zonesArr[$zoneIndex[0]] = array();
-      }
-      array_push($zonesArr[$zoneIndex[0]],$zoneIndex[1]);
-    }
-    foreach($zonesArr as $nameServer => $nameServerArr){
-      $foundInTmp = array();
-      foreach($nameServerArr as $zoneArr => $zone){
-        $zoneMix = $nameServer."/".$zone;
-        $zoneDn = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneMix);
-        $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=".$name.")(!(relativeDomainName=@)))", $zoneDn,$attrs = array("*"));
-        while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-          $foundInTmp [$zoneMix] = $attrs['dn'];
-          $foundIn [$zoneMix] = $attrs['dn'];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* No zone found which contains an entry for us
-     */
-    if(count($foundIn) == 0){
-      return($ret);
-    }
-    /* Get host informations from zone
-     */ 
-    $id_tmp = key($foundIn);
-    $ldap->cd($foundIn[$id_tmp]);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("*"));
-    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-      /* If relative domainname == cn
-       * Try to read dnsclass / TTl / zone
-       */
-      if($attrs['relativeDomainName'][0] == $name){
-        $ret['exists'] = true;
-        $ret['zoneName'] = $id_tmp;
-        foreach(array("dNSClass","dNSTTL") as $atr){
-          if(isset($attrs[$atr][0])){
-            $ret[$atr] = $attrs[$atr][0];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      /* Create list with all used records */
-      foreach($RecordTypes as $name => $value){
-        /* If there is a record attribute  */
-        if(isset($attrs[$name])){
-          /* get all entries */
-          for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs[$value]['count']; $i ++){
-            $types[] = array( "type"    => $name,
-                "value"   => $attrs[$value][$i]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      $ret['RECORDS'] = $types;
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }  
-  /* This static function compares two dns settings and returns an 
-   *  array with following indexes 
-   *   - delete, for dns which must be deleted (only if dns account is removed)
-   *   - rename, if a dn must be renamed, for example, the relativeDomainName has changed
-   *   - add,    if there is a new dns account created    
-   */
-  static function getDNSHostEntriesDiff($config,$oldName,$newEntry,$newName)
-  {
-    global $RecordTypes;
-    $oldEntry = getDNSHostEntries($config,$oldName);
-    $add    = array();
-    $del    = array();
-    $move   = array();
-    /* Don't go further if there is nothing to do
-     * Is no account / was no account
-     */
-    if(($newEntry['exists'] == false )&& ($oldEntry['exists'] == false)){
-      return(array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del));
-    }
-    $zones              = DNS::getAvailableZones($config);
-    $specialAttributes  = array("cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
-    $newRecords         = array();  // Used to remember which records are removed 
-    $zoneNameMix           = $newEntry['zoneName'];
-    $zoneDn             = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneNameMix);
-    $tmp                = array_flip($zones);
-    $zoneName                                  = DNS::getNameFromMix($zoneNameMix);
-    /* If reverseZone can't be resolved ... this 
-     *  can't be a valid entry, so remove this account
-     */ 
-    if(isset($tmp[$zoneNameMix])){
-      $reverseNameMix  = $tmp[$zoneNameMix];
-      $reverseDn    = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$reverseNameMix);
-      if(empty($reverseDn)){
-        $newEntry['exists'] = false;
-      }
-    }else{
-      $newEntry['exists'] = false;
-    }
-    /* If account was edited prepare some
-     *  attributes & arrays ... if required add some 
-     *  dns to $move 
-     */
-    if($oldEntry['exists']){
-      /* Check if the account was removed 
-       */
-      if($newEntry['exists'] == false){
-        $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
-        $del[$dn] ="";
-        return(array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del));
-      }
-      /* Check if zoneName has changed 
-       */   
-      if(count($newEntry['RECORDS'])){
-        if($oldEntry['zoneName'] != $newEntry['zoneName']){
-          $oldzoneDn = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
-          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$oldzoneDn;
-          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$zoneDn;
-          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
-        }
-        /* Check if host name has changed 
-         */ 
-        if($oldName != $newName){
-          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$zoneDn;
-          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$zoneDn;
-          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
-          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$dn2;
-          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$dn2;
-          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Prepare record entries
-       *  Fill old records with array();
-       *  To ensure that they will be deleted if they stay unused
-       */
-      foreach($oldEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
-        $newRecords[$rec['type']] = array();
-      }
-    }
-    /* There must be at least one record in our entry  
-     */
-    if((!count($newEntry['RECORDS'])) || (!$newEntry['exists'])){
-      $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
-      $del[$dn] ="";
-      $ret = array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del);
-      return($ret);
-    }
-    /* Prepare temp obj
-     */
-    $baseObj =  array();
-    $baseObj['objectClass']       = array("top","dNSZone");
-    $baseObj['dNSTTL']            = $newEntry['dNSTTL'];
-    $baseObj['dNSClass']          = $newEntry['dNSClass'];
-    $baseObj['zoneName']          = $zoneName; 
-    $baseObj['relativeDomainName']= $newName; 
-    /* Add Container Object to zone
-     *  (this possibly already exists, check this before writing to ldap)
-     */
-    $baseDn =  "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$zoneDn;
-    $add[$baseDn] = $baseObj;
-    /* Add base obejct which contains all std records
-     */
-    $stdDn = "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$baseDn;
-    $add[$stdDn] = $baseObj;
-    /* Set defaults. Normaly only contains old record names.
-     *  The old names will be set to array, to ensure that they will be deleted.
-     *  Or overwritten and filled with new values.
-     */
-    foreach($newRecords as $name => $def){
-      if(!in_array($name,$specialAttributes)){
-        $add[$stdDn][$name] = $def;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Delete all OLD special attributes.
-     */
-    foreach($oldEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
-      if(in_array($rec['type'],$specialAttributes)){
-        $deldn= "relativeDomainName=".$rec['value'].",".$baseDn;
-        $del[$deldn] = "";
-      }
-    }
-    /* Create new record entries 
-     */
-    foreach($newEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
-      /* Create object which contains special records 
-       *  like pTRRecord or CNAMERecord
-       */
-      if($rec['type']  == "pTRRecord"){
-        $PTRdn= "relativeDomainName=".DNS::FlipIP($rec['value']).",".$baseDn;
-        $ptrObj = $baseObj;
-        $reverseName = DNS::getNameFromMix($reverseNameMix);
-        $ptrObj['zoneName']           = $reverseName;
-        if(!preg_match("/\.$/",$newName)){
-          $ptrObj['pTRRecord']          = preg_replace("/\.\.$/",".",$newName.".".$zoneName.".");
-        }else{
-          $ptrObj['pTRRecord']          = preg_replace("/\.\.$/",".",$newName.".");
-        }
-        $ptrObj['relativeDomainName'] = DNS::FlipIP($rec['value']);
-        $add[$PTRdn] = $ptrObj;
-      }else  
-        if($rec['type']  == "cNAMERecord"){
-          $PTRdn= "relativeDomainName=".$rec['value'].",".$baseDn;
-          $ptrObj = $baseObj;
-          $ptrObj['zoneName']           = $zoneName;
-          $ptrObj['cNAMERecord']        = $newName;
-          $ptrObj['relativeDomainName'] = $rec['value'];
-          $add[$PTRdn] = $ptrObj;
-        }else{
-          /* Append basic attributes
-           */
-          $add[$stdDn][$rec['type']][] = $rec['value'];  
-        }
-    } // foreach record 
-    $ret = array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del);
-    return($ret);
-  } 
-  static function getNameFromMix($zoneMix){
-    $ret = "";
-    if(!strstr($zoneMix, '/')) return($ret);   
-    $zoneIndex                 = split("/",$zoneMix);
-    return($zoneIndex[1]);
-  }
-  /* returns the dn for a specified zone
-   */
-  static function getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneNameMix)
-  {
-    $ret = "";
-    if(!strstr($zoneNameMix, '/')) {
-      msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Undefined zone name '%s'!"),$zoneNameMix), ERROR_DIALOG);
-      return($ret);
-    }
-    $zoneNameIndex             = split("/",$zoneNameMix); 
-    $zoneName           = $zoneNameIndex[1];
-    $nameServer                                = strtolower($zoneNameIndex[0]);
-    $ldap               = $config->get_ldap_link();
-    /* search for the nameserver */
-    $ldap-> cd($config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goServer)(cn=".$nameServer."))",array("cn"));
-    if($ldap->count()){
-      $attr = $ldap->fetch();
-    } else {
-      return($ret);
-    }
-    $ldap-> cd($attr['dn']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(sOARecord=*)(zoneName=".$zoneName."))",array("zoneName"));
-    if($ldap->count()){
-      $attr = $ldap->fetch();
-      return($attr['dn']);
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* returns all available zones 
-   *  array[reverseName] = zoneName;
-   */
-  static function getAvailableZones($config)
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd ($config->current['BASE']);
-    /* Search for zones ...
-     */
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(sOARecord=*))",array("zoneName"));
-    $ForwardZones = array();
-    $ReverseZones = array();
-    $zones = array();
-    while($at = $ldap->fetch()){
-      if(preg_match("/\.in\-addr\.arpa/",$at['zoneName'][0])){
-        $ReverseZones[$at['dn']] = $at;
-      }else{
-        $ForwardZones[$at['dn']] = $at;
-      }
-    }
-    foreach($ForwardZones as $dn => $obj){
-      /* try to find reverse
-       */  
-      foreach($ReverseZones as $Rdn => $Robj ){
-        if(preg_match("/".$dn."/",$Rdn)){
-          $zones[strtoupper($ldap->getCn($dn))."/".$Robj['zoneName'][0]] =  
-            strtoupper($ldap->getCn($dn))."/".$obj['zoneName'][0];
-        }
-      }   
-    }
-    return($zones);
-  }
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9890931..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-class servdns extends goService
-  /* CLI vars */
-  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
-  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
-  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
-  /* attribute list for save action */
-  var $ignore_account   = FALSE;
-  var $attributes       = array(); 
-  var $objectclasses    = array("whatever");
-  var $RecordTypes      = array();
-  var $Zones            = array();
-  var $orig_dn          = "";
-  var $initially_was_account;
-  /* ServerService tab vars */
-  var $conflicts        = array("servdns");
-  var $DisplayName      = "";
-  var $StatusFlag       = "";
-  var $view_logged      = FALSE;
-  var $dns_server_list   = array("ENTRIES"=> array(),"FOR_LIST"=> array());
-  var $take_over_id       = -1;
-  function servdns (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
-  {
-    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
-    $this->DisplayName = _("DNS service");
-    $this->orig_dn = $dn;
-    /* Get record types for zones
-     */
-    $this->RecordTypes = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes(true);
-    /* Get all zone Informations
-     */
-    $this->Zones = DNS::getDNSZoneEntries($config,$dn);
-    /* If there is at least one entry in this -> types, we have DNS enabled 
-     */
-    if(count($this->Zones) == 0){
-      $this->is_account = false;
-      $this->dns_server_list = $this->get_list_of_dns_servers();
-    }else{
-      $this->is_account = true;
-    }
-    $this->initially_was_account = $this->is_account;
-  }
-  function get_list_of_dns_servers()
-  {
-    $ret = array("ENTRIES"=> array(),"FOR_LIST"=> array());
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*))",array("dn","zoneName"));
-    $dns = array();
-    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-      /* Skip own config */
-      if($this->dn != "new" && preg_match("/".normalizePreg($this->dn)."$/",$attrs['dn'])){
-        continue;
-      }
-      $dn = preg_replace("/^zoneName=[^,]+,/","",$attrs['dn']);
-      if(preg_match("/^cn=/",$dn) && !in_array($dn,$dns)){
-        $dns[] = $dn;
-      }
-    }
-    $i = 0;
-    foreach($dns as $dn){
-      $ldap->cat($dn,array('*'));
-      if($ldap->count()){
-        $i ++;
-        $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
-          $ret['ENTRIES'][$i]   = $attrs;
-          $ret['FOR_LIST'][$i] = $attrs['cn'][0];
-      }
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }  
-  function get_dns_info_string($id)
-  {
-    $ret="";
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['dn']);
-    $ldap->search("(|(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=*))",array("dn"));
-    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-      $ret .= $attrs['dn']."\n";
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  function execute()
-  {
-    /* Call parent execute 
-     */
-    plugin::execute();
-    if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
-      $this->view_logged = TRUE;
-      new log("view","server/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
-    }
-    /* Fill templating stuff 
-     */
-    $smarty= get_smarty();
-    $smarty->assign("dns_take_over",FALSE);
-    $smarty->assign("is_createable",$this->acl_is_createable());
-    $display= "";
-    $this->initially_was_account= $this->is_account;
-    /*****************/
-    /* Handle Take Over Actions
-    /*****************/
-    /* Give smarty the required informations */
-    $smarty->assign("dns_server_list", $this->dns_server_list['FOR_LIST']);
-    $smarty->assign("dns_server_list_cnt", count($this->dns_server_list['FOR_LIST']));
-    /* Take over requested, save id */
-    if(isset($_POST['take_over_src']) && isset($_POST['take_over'])){
-      $id = $_POST['take_over_src'];
-      if(isset($this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id])){
-        $this->take_over_id = $id;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Abort take over action */
-    if(isset($_POST['cancel_take_over'])){
-      $this->dialog =false;
-      $this->take_over_id = -1;
-      $this->dns_server_list = $this->get_list_of_dns_servers();
-    }
-    /* Display informartion about take over that will be started when saving this server
-     *  and hide default dns output
-     */
-    if($this->take_over_id != -1){
-      $this->dialog = FALSE;
-      $id = $this->take_over_id;
-      $info = $this->get_dns_info_string($id);
-      $smarty->assign("dns_take_over",TRUE);
-      $smarty->assign("info",$info);
-      $warning = sprintf(_("You are going to migrate the DNS setup from server '%s'."),$this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['cn'][0]);
-      $warning2 = _("The migration will be startet when you save this system. To cancel this action, use the cancel button below.");
-      $smarty->assign("warning",$warning);
-      $smarty->assign("warning2",$warning2);
-      return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdns.tpl', TRUE)));
-    }
-    /* Do we need to flip is_account state? 
-     */
-    if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
-      $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
-    }
-    if ($this->is_account){
-      $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove DNS service"),
-          _("This server has DNS features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below."));
-    } else {
-      $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add DNS service"),
-          _("This server has DNS features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below."));
-      return ($display);
-    }
-    /* Edited or Added zone 
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['SaveZoneChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      /* Check for errors  
-       */
-      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
-        foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msgs){
-          print_red($msgs); 
-        }
-      }else{
-        /* add new/edited zone 
-         */
-        $ret = $this->dialog->save();
-        if(!$this->dialog->isNew){
-          unset($this->Zones[$this->dialog->OldZoneName]);
-        }
-        $this->Zones[$ret['zoneName']] = $ret;
-        $this->dialog = FALSE;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Cancel zone edit / new 
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog = FALSE;
-    }
-    /* Add empty new zone 
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['AddZone'])){
-      $this->dialog = new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn);
-    }
-    /* Check for edit zone request 
-     */
-    $once = false;
-    foreach( $_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* check all post for edit request 
-       */
-      if(preg_match("/^editZone_/",$name)&&!$once){
-        $once =true;
-        $tmp = preg_replace("/^editZone_/","",$name);
-        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
-        $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$tmp]);
-      }
-      /* check posts for delete zone 
-       */
-      if(preg_match("/^delZone_/",$name)&&!$once){
-        $once =true;
-        $tmp = preg_replace("/^delZone_/","",$name);
-        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
-        /* Initiate deletion
-         */ 
-        $this->RemoveZone($tmp); 
-      }
-    }
-    if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){
-      $id = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
-      if(isset($this->Zones[$id])){
-         $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$id]);
-      }
-    }
-    if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){
-      $id = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
-      if(isset($this->Zones[$id])){
-         $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$id]);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Show dialog 
-     */
-    if(is_object($this->dialog)){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      $this->dialog->parent = $this;
-      return($this->dialog->execute());
-    }
-    /* Create Listbox with existing Zones 
-     */
-    $ZoneList = new divSelectBox("dNSZones");
-    $ZoneList -> SetHeight(254);
-    /* Add entries to divlist
-     */
-    $editImg = "<input type='image' src='images/edit.png' name='editZone_%s'>";
-    if($this->acl_is_removeable()){
-      $editImg.= "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='delZone_%s'>";
-    }
-    $link = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&act=edit&id=%s'>%s</a>";
-    foreach($this->Zones as $zone => $values ){
-      $ZoneList->AddEntry(array(
-            array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),($zone))),
-            array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),_("Reverse zone")." : ".($values['ReverseZone']))),
-            array("string" => _("TTL")." : ".$values['sOAttl']),
-            array("string" => _("Class")." : ".$values['dNSClass']),
-            array("string" =>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($zone),$editImg))
-            ));
-    }    
-    /* Display tempalte 
-     */
-    $smarty->assign("ZoneList",$ZoneList->DrawList());
-    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdns.tpl', TRUE));
-    return($display);
-  }
-  /* Delete specified zone
-   */
-  function RemoveZone($id)
-  {
-    $zones =  $this->getUsedZoneNames();
-    if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone'])){
-      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone']);
-    }else{
-      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($this->Zones[$id]['ReverseZone']);
-    }
-    $zonename = "";
-    if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName'])){
-      $zonename= $this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName'];
-    }
-    $used = array();
-    /* Add Records which use this zoneName
-     */
-    if(isset($zones[$zonename])){
-      $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$zonename]);
-    }
-    /* Add Records which uses this reverse zone
-     */
-    if(isset($zones[$rev.""])){
-      $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$rev.""]);
-    } 
-    /* There are still entries using this configuration
-     *  Abort deletion
-     */
-    if(count($used)){
-      $i = 2;
-      $str ="";
-      foreach($used as $dn){
-        if($i > 0 && !preg_match("/,relativeDomainName=/",$dn)){
-          $i --;
-          $name = preg_replace("/^[^=]+=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$dn);
-          $zone = preg_replace("/^.*zoneName=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$dn);
-          $str.= $name.".".$zone." ";
-        }
-      }
-      /*  Only show 2 dns in the error message 
-       */
-      if(count($used)> 2) {
-        $str .=" ... ";
-      }
-      print_red(sprintf(_("Can't delete the selected zone, because it is still in use by these entry/entries '%s'"),trim($str)));
-      return(false);
-    }else{
-      unset($this->Zones[$id]);
-      return(true);
-    }
-  } 
-  /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames 
-   */
-  function getUsedZoneNames()
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@))(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","relativeDomainName"));
-    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
-      $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]][] = $attr['dn'];
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Remove dns service 
-   */
-  function remove_from_parent()
-  {
-    if($this->initially_was_account){
-      $bool = true;
-      $this->is_account = FALSE;
-      foreach($this->Zones as $key => $zone){
-        $bool= $bool & $this->RemoveZone($key);
-      }
-      if($bool){
-        $this->save();
-      }
-      return($bool);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Save to LDAP */
-  function save()
-  {
-    /* Take over handling
-     * - Create list of zones managed by source server 
-     * - Copy ldap entries to destination server 
-     * - Remove old zone entries from source
-     */
-    if($this->take_over_id != -1){
-      $del = array();
-      $id = $this->take_over_id;
-      $src = $this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['dn'];
-      $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); 
-      $ldap->ls("(objectClass=dnsZone)",$src,array('cn'));
-      while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-        $src_zone = $attrs['dn'];
-        $dst_zone = preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($src)."$/",$this->dn,$src_zone);
-        $res = plugin::recursive_move($src_zone, $dst_zone);
-        if($res){
-          $del [] = $src_zone;
-        }
-      }
-      foreach($del as $src_zone){
-        $ldap->rmdir_recursive($src_zone);
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    /* Save zone editor changes now */
-    foreach($this->Zones as $name => $zone){
-      if(isset($zone['zoneEditor'] ) && $zone['zoneEditor'] != NULL && is_object($zone['zoneEditor'])){
-        $zone['zoneEditor']->save();
-        unset($this->Zones[$name]['zoneEditor']);;
-      }
-    }
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);  
-    /* Get differences 
-     */
-    $old_dn = $this->orig_dn;
-    if($old_dn == "new"){
-      $old_dn = $this->dn;
-    }
-    $tmp = DNS::getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Zones,$old_dn);
-    /* Update dns to current object dn */ 
-    $tmp = DNS::getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Zones,$old_dn);
-    $tmp2 = array();
-    foreach($tmp as $key1 => $data1){
-      $tmp2[$key1] = array();
-      foreach($data1 as $key2 => $data2){
-        $tmp2[$key1][preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($old_dn)."$/",$this->dn,$key2)] = $data2;
-      }
-    }
-    $tmp = $tmp2;
-    /* Updated zone entries if reverser or forward name has changed  
-     * Must be done before moving entries, else the given dn is invalid
-     */
-    if(isset($tmp['zoneUpdates'])){
-      foreach($tmp['zoneUpdates'] as $dn => $attrs){
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->modify($attrs);
-        new log("modfiy","unknown/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
-        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Updating of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
-      }
-    }
-    /* Delete dns 
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){
-      $for = $del['InitialzoneName'];
-      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($del['InitialReverseZone'])."";
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
-      new log("remove","unknown/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
-      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
-      /* Handle Post events */
-      if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
-#        $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $for));
-#        $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $rev));
-      }
-    }
-    /* move follwoing entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){
-      $this->recursive_move($src,$dst);
-    }
-    /* Add || Update new DNS entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn'));
-      if($ldap->fetch()){
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->modify ($attrs);
-        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
-        /* Handle Post events */
-        if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
-#          $this->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $attrs['zoneName']));
-        }
-      }else{
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->add($attrs);
-        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
-        /* Handle Post events */
-        if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
-#          $this->handle_post_events("add",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $attrs['zoneName']));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $this->handle_post_events("modify");
-  }
-  /* Directly save new status flag */
-  function setStatus($value)
-  {
-    if($value == "none") return;
-    if(!$this->initially_was_account) return;
-    if(empty($this->StatusFlag)) return;
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->dn);
-    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
-    if($ldap->count()){
-      $tmp = $ldap->fetch();
-      for($i = 0; $i < $tmp['objectClass']['count']; $i ++){
-        $attrs['objectClass'][] = $tmp['objectClass'][$i];
-      }
-      $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
-      $attrs[$flag] = $value;
-      $this->$flag = $value;
-      $ldap->modify($attrs);
-      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Set status flag for system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
-      $this->action_hook();
-    }
-  }
-  function getListEntry()
-  {
-    $fields               = goService::getListEntry(); 
-    $fields['Message']    = _("DNS service");
-    $fields['AllowEdit']  = true;
-    return($fields);
-  }
-  /* Get updates for status flag */
-  function updateStatusState()
-  {
-    if(empty($this->StatusFlag)) return;
-    $attrs = array();
-    $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->cn);
-    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array($flag));
-    if($ldap->count()){
-      $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
-    }
-    if(isset($attrs[$flag][0])){
-      $this->$flag = $attrs[$flag][0];
-    }
-  }
-  /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
-  static function plInfo()
-  {
-    return (array(
-          "plShortName"   => _("DNS service"),
-          "plDescription" => _("DNS service")." ("._("Services").")",
-          "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
-          "plDepends"     => array(),
-          "plPriority"    => 83,
-          "plSection"     => array("administration"),
-          "plCategory"    => array("server"),
-          "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
-            "zoneName"      =>_("Zone name"),
-            "ReverseZone"   =>_("Reverse zone"),
-            "sOAprimary"    =>_("Primary dns server"),
-            "sOAmail"       =>_("Mail address"),
-            "sOAserial"     =>_("Serial"),
-            "sOArefresh"    =>_("Refresh"),
-            "sOAretry"      =>_("Retry"),
-            "sOAexpire"     =>_("Expire"),
-            "sOAttl"        =>_("TTL"),
-            "zoneRecords"   =>_("Zone records"))
-    ));
-  }
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6ccbade..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-class servdnseditZone extends plugin
-  /* CLI vars */
-  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
-  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
-  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
-  /* attribute list for save action */
-  var $ignore_account= TRUE;
-  var $attributes     = array("zoneName","ReverseZone","dNSClass",
-      "sOAprimary","sOAmail","sOAserial","sOArefresh","sOAretry","sOAexpire","sOAttl"); 
-  var $objectclasses  = array("whatever");
-  var $RecordTypes              = array();
-  var $ReverseZone              = "";
-  var $zoneName                 = "";
-  var $dNSClass                 = "IN";
-  var $sOAprimary               = "";
-  var $sOAmail                  = "";
-  var $sOAserial                = "";
-  var $sOArefresh               = "3600";
-  var $sOAretry                 = "1800";
-  var $sOAexpire                = "720000";
-  var $sOAttl                   = "6400";
-  var $Records                  = array();
-  var $mXRecords                = array();
-  var $OldZoneName              = ""; // To detect changes made with this edit
-  var $OldReverseZone           = "";
-  var $InitialReverseZone       = "";
-  var $InitialzoneName          = "";
-  var $NetworkClass                = "A" ; // One out of A,B,C
-  var $dialog                   = false;
-  var $zoneEditor               = NULL;
-  var $isNew                    = true;
-  var $ZoneObject               = array();
-  function servdnseditZone (&$config, $dn= NULL,$attrs = array())
-  {
-    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
-    /* All types with required attrs */
-    $this->RecordTypes = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes(true); 
-    if(!count($attrs)){
-      $this->OldZoneName        = "";
-      $this->OldReverseZone     = "";
-      $this->isNew              = true;
-      $this->sOAserial          = date("Ymd")."1";
-      $this->InitialzoneName    = "";//$attrs['InitialzoneName'];
-      $this->InitialReverseZone = "";//$attrs['InitialReverseZone'];
-    }else{
-      $this->ZoneObject         = $attrs;
-      if(isset($attrs['zoneEditor'])){
-        $this->zoneEditor         = $attrs['zoneEditor'];
-      }
-      $this->OldZoneName        = $attrs['zoneName'];
-      $this->OldReverseZone     = $attrs['ReverseZone'];
-      $this->InitialzoneName    = $attrs['InitialzoneName'];
-      $this->InitialReverseZone = $attrs['InitialReverseZone'];
-      $this->isNew                  = false;
-      foreach($this->attributes as $value){
-        $this->$value = $attrs[$value];
-      }
-      $this->sOAmail            = preg_replace("/\./","@",$this->sOAmail,1);
-      $this->sOAmail            = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAmail);
-      $this->sOAprimary         = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAprimary);
-      $this->zoneName           = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->zoneName);
-      if(isset($attrs['RECORDS'])){
-        $this->Records = $attrs['RECORDS']; 
-        $tmp2 = array();
-        $usedPrio = array();
-        foreach($this->Records as $key => $rec){
-          if($rec['type'] == "mXRecord"){
-            $tmp = split(" ",$rec['value']);
-            $rec['value'] = $tmp[1];
-            $tmp2[$tmp[0]] = $rec;
-            unset($this->Records[$key]);
-          }
-          if($rec['type'] == "nSRecord"){
-            unset($this->Records[$key]);
-          }
-        }
-        if(count($tmp2) != 0){
-          reset($tmp2);
-          ksort($tmp2);
-        }
-        $this->mXRecords = $tmp2;
-      }else{
-        $this->mXRecords  = array();
-        $this->Records    = array();
-      }
-      $str = date("Ymd");
-      if(preg_match("/^".$str."/",$this->sOAserial)){
-        $this->sOAserial = $this->sOAserial + 1;
-      }else{
-        $this->sOAserial = date("Ymd")."01";
-      }
-    }
-    /* Detect Network class */
-    if(!empty($this->ReverseZone)){
-      $dots = count(split("\.",$this->ReverseZone));
-      if($dots == 1){
-        $this->NetworkClass = "A";  
-        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0.0"; 
-      }elseif($dots == 2){
-        $this->NetworkClass = "B";  
-        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0"; 
-      }else{
-        $this->NetworkClass = "C";  
-        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0"; 
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
-  function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $ret = $attrs;
-    $pos = $atr ;
-    $cn = count($attrs);
-    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1)||($pos >$cn))){
-      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2));
-      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2));
-      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,$pos);
-      $ret = array();
-      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
-  function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $ret = $attrs;
-    $pos = $atr ;
-    $cn = count($attrs);
-    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){
-      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1));
-      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2));
-      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1));
-      $ret = array();
-      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Combine new array */
-  function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2)
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    if(is_array($ar0))
-    foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    if(is_array($ar1))
-    foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    if(is_array($ar2))
-    foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){
-        $ret[]=$a;
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  function getpos($atr,$attrs)
-  {
-    $i = 0;
-    foreach($attrs as $attr => $name)    {
-      $i++;
-      if($attr == $atr){
-        return($i);
-      }
-    }
-    return(-1);
-  }
-  function execute()
-  {
-    /* Call parent execute */
-    plugin::execute();
-    /* Fill templating stuff */
-    $smarty= get_smarty();
-    $ui = get_userinfo();
-    $smarty->assign("ACLs",$this->parent->getacl(""));
-    $display= "";
-    /* Open Zone Entry Edit Dialog
-     */
-    if(!count($this->ZoneObject)){
-      $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , false);
-    }else{
-      $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , true);
-      if(isset($_POST['EditZoneEntries'])){
-        if($this->zoneEditor == NULL){
-          $this->zoneEditor= new servDNSeditZoneEntries($this->config,$this->dn,$this->ZoneObject);
-          $this->zoneEditor->parent = $this;
-        }
-        $this->dialog = $this->zoneEditor;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Save Zone Entry Edit Dialog
-     */
-    if(isset($_POST['SaveZoneEntryChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
-        $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
-        foreach($msgs as $msg){
-          print_red($msg);
-        }
-      }else{
-        $this->zoneEditor = clone $this->dialog;
-        $this->dialog = FALSE;
-#       $rev = DNS::FlipIp(DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialReverseZone))."";
-#       $for = DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialzoneName);
-#       $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $rev));
-#       $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $for));
-#       $this->dialog = false;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Cancel Zone Entrie Edit Dialog
-    */
-    if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneEntryChanges'])){
-      $this->dialog = false;
-    }
-    /* Display any type of open dialogs 
-     */
-    if(is_object($this->dialog)){
-      $this->dialog->save_object();
-      return($this->dialog->execute());
-    }
-    $once =true;
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      if((preg_match("/^MXup_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^MXup_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayUp(($id+1),$this->mXRecords);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^MXdown_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^MXdown_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayDown(($id+1),$this->mXRecords);
-      }
-      if((preg_match("/^MXdel_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id = preg_replace("/^MXdel_/","",$name);
-        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
-        $id = base64_decode($id);
-        unset($this->mXRecords[$id]);
-        $tmp  =array();
-        foreach($this->mXRecords as $entry){
-          $tmp[] = $entry;
-        }
-        $this->mXRecords = $tmp; 
-      }
-    }
-    if((isset($_POST['AddMXRecord'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrMXRecord']))){
-      $this->mXRecords[] = array("type"=>"mXRecord","value"=>trim($_POST['StrMXRecord']));      
-    }
-    /* Handle Post events */
-    $once = true;
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* Delete record if requested */
-      if((preg_match("/RemoveRecord_/",$name))&&($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $id= preg_replace("/RemoveRecord_/","",$name);
-        unset($this->Records[$id]);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Add new Zonerecord */
-    if(isset($_POST['AddNewRecord'])){
-      $this->Records[] = array("type"=>"aRecord","value"=>"");
-    }
-    /* Fill in values */
-    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
-      $smarty->assign($name,$this->$name);
-    }
-    $div = new divSelectBox("MxRecords");
-    $div->setHeight(120);
-    $recs = $this->mXRecords;
-    $oneup    = "<input name='MXup_%s'    type='image' src='images/sort_up.png'    title='"._("Up")."'      class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedown  = "<input name='MXdown_%s'  type='image' src='images/sort_down.png'  title='"._("Down")."'    class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
-    $onedel   = "<img src='images/empty.png' width='20' class='center'>
-                 <input name='MXdel_%s'   type='image' src='images/edittrash.png'  title='"._("Delete")."'  class='center'>"; 
-    foreach($recs as $key => $rec){
-      $div ->AddEntry(array(
-            array("string"=>$rec['value']),
-/*            array("string"=>$key,
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"),*/
-            array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$oneup.$onedown.$onedel),
-                  "attach"=>"style='width:70px;border-right:0px;'")
-            ));
-    }
-    /* Assign records list */
-    $smarty->assign("NotNew", false);
-    $smarty->assign("Mxrecords",  $div->DrawList());
-    $smarty->assign("records"  ,  $this->generateRecordsList());
-    $smarty->assign("NetworkClass",  $this->NetworkClass);
-    $smarty->assign("NetworkClasses",  array("A"=>" (Class A)","B"=>" (Class B)","C"=>" (Class C)"));
-    /* Display tempalte */
-    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdnseditzone.tpl', TRUE));
-    return($display);
-  }
-  function remove_from_parent()
-  {
-  }
-  /* Save data to object */
-  function save_object()
-  {
-    //plugin::save_object();
-    foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
-      if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
-        $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr];
-      }
-    }
-    foreach($this->Records as $id => $value){  
-      if(isset($_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id])){
-        $this->Records[$id]['type'] = $_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id];
-      }
-      if(isset($_POST['RecordValue_'.$id])){
-        $this->Records[$id]['value'] = $_POST['RecordValue_'.$id];
-      }
-    }
-     if(isset($_POST['NetworkClass'])){
-       $this->NetworkClass = $_POST['NetworkClass'];
-     }
-  }
-  /* Check supplied data */
-  function check()
-  {
-    /* Call common method to give check the hook */
-    $message= plugin::check();
-    /* Check if zoneName is already in use */
-    $usedZones = $this->getUsedZoneNames();
-    if(($this->isNew == true)||($this->zoneName  != $this->InitialzoneName)||($this->ReverseZone != $this->InitialReverseZone)){
-    /*  if((isset($usedZones[$this->zoneName]))&&($this->zoneName  != $this->InitialzoneName)){
-        $message[] =_("This zoneName is already in use");
-      }
-      if((in_array($this->ReverseZone,$usedZones))&&($this->ReverseZone != $this->InitialReverseZone)){
-        $message[] =_("This reverse zone is already in use");
-      }*/
-    }
-    if(empty($this->zoneName)){
-      $message[] =sprintf(_("Please choose a valid zone name."));
-    }
-    if(empty($this->ReverseZone)){
-      $message[] =sprintf(_("Please choose a valid reverse zone name."));
-    }
-    if($this->zoneName != strtolower($this->zoneName)){
-      $message[] = _("Only lowercase strings are allowed as zone name.");
-    }
-    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAserial)){
-      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for serial number.");
-    }
-    if(!is_numeric($this->sOArefresh)){
-      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for refresh.");
-    }
-    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAttl)){
-      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for ttl.");
-    }
-    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAexpire)){
-      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for expire.");
-    }
-    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAretry)){
-      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for retry.");
-    }
-    foreach($this->Records as $name => $values){
-      /* only lower-case is allowed in record entries ... */
-      if($values['value'] != strtolower($values['value'])){
-        $message[] = sprintf(_("Only lowercase is allowed, please check your '%ss'."),$values['type']);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Check class for given Zone Address */
-    $addr = preg_replace("/^[^\/]*+\//","",$this->ReverseZone);
-    /* Check for valid&complete IP address */
-    if(!tests::is_ip($addr)){
-      $message[] = _("The given network address is not a valid, please specify a valid IP address.");
-    }
-    /* Check if given address matches selected network class */
-    switch($this->NetworkClass){
-      case 'A': { 
-                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.0\.0\.0$/",$addr)){
-                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.0.0.0"));
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-      case 'B': {
-                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0\.0$/",$addr)){
-                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.x.0.0"));
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-      case 'C': {
-                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0$/",$addr)){
-                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.x.x.0"));
-                  }
-                }
-                break;
-      default : $message[] =sprintf(_("The given network class '%s' is not valid."),$this->NetworkClass);
-    }
-    return ($message);
-  }
-  /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames */
-  function getUsedZoneNames()
-  {
-    $ret = array();
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(relativeDomainName=@)(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","tXTRecord"));
-    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
-      if(preg_match("/in-addr\.arpa/",$attr['zoneName'][0])){
-        if(isset($attr['tXTRecord'][0])){
-          $zn = preg_replace("/zoneName\=/","",$attr['tXTRecord'][0]);
-          $ret[$zn] =DNS::FlipIp(preg_replace("/\.in-addr\.arpa/","",$attr['zoneName'][0]));
-        }
-      }else{
-        $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]]="";
-      }
-    }
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* Save to LDAP */
-  function save()
-  {
-    $ret =array();
-    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
-      $ret[$name] = $this->$name;
-    }
-    /* Create mx records 
-     */
-    foreach($this->mXRecords as $key => $rec){
-      $rec['value']= $key." ".$rec['value'];
-      $this->Records [] = $rec;
-    }
-    $ret['RECORDS'] = $this->Records; 
-    switch($this->NetworkClass){
-      case 'C' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
-      case 'B' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
-      case 'A' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
-      default : trigger_error("Invalid network class given '".$this->NetworkClass."'");
-    }
-    $ret['InitialReverseZone']=  $this->InitialReverseZone;
-    $ret['InitialzoneName']   =  $this->InitialzoneName;
-    $ret['sOAmail']            = preg_replace("/\@/",".",$this->sOAmail);
-    foreach(array("sOAprimary","zoneName","sOAmail") as $attr){
-      if(!preg_match("/\.$/",$ret[$attr])){
-        if(!tests::is_ip($ret[$attr])){
-          $ret[$attr] = $ret[$attr].".";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $ret['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "nSRecord","value" => $ret['sOAprimary']) ;
-    $ret['zoneEditor'] = $this->zoneEditor;
-    return($ret);
-  }
-  /* This function generate a table row for each used record.
-     This table row displays the recordtype in a select box
-      and the specified value for the record, and a remove button.
-     The last element of the table also got an 'add' button.
-   */
-  function generateRecordsList($changeStateForRecords="")
-  {
-    $changeStateForRecords = "";
-    $str = "<table summary=''>";
-    foreach($this->Records as $key => $entry){
-      if($entry['type'] == "mXRecord") continue;
-      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key."');\n";
-      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordValue_".$key."');\n";
-      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RemoveRecord_".$key."');\n";
-      $str.=" <tr>".
-        "   <td>".$this->generateRecordListBox($entry['type'],"RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key)."</td>".
-        "   <td><input type='text' value='".$entry['value']."' name='RecordValue_".$key."' id='RecordValue_".$key."'></td>".
-        "   <td><input type='submit' name='RemoveRecord_".$key."' value='"._("Delete")."' id='RemoveRecord_".$key."'></td>".
-        "</tr>";
-    }
-    $str.= "  <tr>".
-      "    <td colspan=2></td><td>".
-      "      <input type='submit' value='"._("Add")."' name='AddNewRecord'>".
-      "    </td>".
-      "  </tr>".
-      "</table>";
-    return($str);
-  }
-  /* This function generates a select box out of $this->RecordTypes options.
-     The Parameter $selected is used to predefine an attribute.
-     $name is used to specify a post name
-   */
-  function generateRecordListBox($selected,$name)
-  {
-    $str = "<select name='".$name."' id='".$name."'>";
-    foreach($this->RecordTypes as $type => $value){
-      if(preg_match("/^mXRecord$/i",$value)) continue;
-      $use = "";
-      if($type == $selected){
-        $use = " selected ";
-      }
-      $str.="\n <option value='".$type."' ".$use.">".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
-    }
-    $str.="</select>";
-    return($str);
-  }
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fffbd10..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-class servDNSeditZoneEntries extends plugin
-  /* CLI vars */
-  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
-  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
-  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
-  /* attribute list for save action */
-  var $ignore_account     = TRUE;
-  var $attributes         = array();
-  var $objectclasses      = array("whatever");
-  var $Devices            = array();
-  var $zoneName           = "";   // ZoneName of currently edited Zone
-  var $reverseName        = "";   // ReverseZone of the currently edited Zone
-  var $RecordTypes        = array();  // Possible record type.
-  var $disableDialog      = false; // Dialog will be disabled, if this zone is new 
-  function servDNSeditZoneEntries (&$config,$dn, &$zoneObject)
-  {
-    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
-    /* Initialise class
-     */
-    $this->RecordTypes  = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes();
-    $this->dn           = "zoneName=".$zoneObject['InitialzoneName'].",".$dn; 
-    $this->zoneName     = $zoneObject['InitialzoneName'];
-    $this->reverseName  = $zoneObject['InitialReverseZone'];
-    /* Remove nSRecord from listed types */
-    if(isset($this->RecordTypes['nSRecord'])){
-      unset($this->RecordTypes['nSRecord']);
-    }
-    /* Remove nSRecord from listed types */
-    if(isset($this->RecordTypes['pTRRecord'])){
-      unset($this->RecordTypes['pTRRecord']);
-    }
-    /* Get ldap connection 
-     */
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    /* Get zone content
-     */
-    $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",$this->dn,array("relativeDomainName"));
-    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
-      $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]] = DNS::getDNSHostEntries($config,$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0],true);
-      $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]]['OrigCn'] = $attrs['relativeDomainName'][0];
-    }
-    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
-    $this->disableDialog = true;
-    if(count($this->Devices)|| $ldap->count()){
-      $this->disableDialog = false;
-    }
-  }
-  function execute()
-  {
-    plugin::execute();
-    /* Fill templating stuff */
-    $smarty= get_smarty();
-    $display= "";
-    $table = "";
-    foreach($this->Devices as $key => $dev){
-      $table .= $this->generateRecordConfigurationRow($key);
-    }
-    $smarty->assign("disableDialog",$this->disableDialog);
-    $smarty->assign("table",$table);;
-    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl', TRUE));
-    return($display);
-  }
-  function save_object()
-  {
-    /* Check posts for operations ...  
-     */
-    $once = true;
-    $ptr_updates = array();
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* Add a new Record in given object  
-       */
-      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_(.*)_.*$/","\\1",$name);
-      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);
-      /* Add new host entry
-       */
-      if((preg_match("/^UserRecord_?/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $entry = DNS::getDNSHostEntries($this->config,"",true);     
-        $entry['exists']    = true;
-        $entry['zoneName']  = strtoupper($this->attrs['cn'][0])."/".$this->zoneName; 
-        $entry['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "aRecord" , "value"=>"");
-        $this->Devices[_("New entry")] = $entry;
-      }
-      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
-      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
-      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
-      /* Add new REcord
-       */
-      if((preg_match("/^AddRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once = false;
-        $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][] = $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID];
-      }
-      /* Remove record from given dn
-       */
-      if((preg_match("/^RemoveRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){
-        $once   = false;
-        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
-          unset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]);
-        }
-        /* Check if there is at least one visible record. Else remove complete entry */
-        $visible = false;
-        foreach($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] as $rec){
-          if(in_array($rec['type'],$this->RecordTypes)){
-            $visible = true;  
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if(!$visible && isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'])){
-          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] = array();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* Possible attributes posted 
-     */
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* Extract informations out of post name 
-       */
-      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name);
-      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);      
-      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
-      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
-      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
-      /* Check for value change 
-       */          
-      if(preg_match("/ValueSelection_/",$name)){
-        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
-          /* Update value */ 
-          $old = $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['value'];
-          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['value'] = $value;
-          /* Handle pTRRecord */
-          if(!isset($ptr_updates[$Name]) && $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['type'] == "aRecord"){
-            $found = false;
-            $ip = $value;
-            $match = preg_replace("/^[^\/]*+\//","",$this->reverseName);
-            $ip = preg_replace("/^".normalizePreg($match)."/","",$ip);
-            $ip = preg_replace("/^\./","",$ip);
-            foreach($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] as $key => $dev){
-              if($dev['type'] == "pTRRecord"){
-                $ptr_updates[$Name] = $Name;
-                $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$key]['value'] = $ip;
-                $found = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            if(!$found){
-              $dev = array('type'=> 'pTRRecord', 'value' => $ip);
-              $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][] = $dev;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      /* record type changed
-       */        
-      if(preg_match("/^RecordTypeSelection_/",$name)){
-        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
-          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['type'] = $value;
-        }  
-      }   
-    }
-    /* check for renamed entries 
-     */ 
-    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
-      /* Extract informations out of post name 
-       */
-      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name);
-      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);      
-      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
-      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
-      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
-      /* Host renamed
-       */
-      if(preg_match("/RenameHost_/",$name)){
-        if((isset($this->Devices[$Name])) && ($Name != $value)){
-          if(isset($this->Devices[$value])){
-            print_red(sprintf(_("Can't rename '%s' to '%s' there is already an entry with the same name in our zone editing dialog."),$Name,$value));
-          }else{
-            $this->Devices[$value] = $this->Devices[$Name];
-            unset($this->Devices[$Name]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /*  check something 
-   */
-  function check()
-  {
-    /* Call common method to give check the hook */
-    $message= plugin::check();
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    $names = array();
-    foreach($this->Devices as $DevName => $device){
-      /* Don't need to check empty values ... */
-      if(!count($device['RECORDS'])) continue;
-      /* Checking entry name
-       */
-      if(!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\.-]+$/i", $DevName) || (empty($DevName))){
-        $message[] = sprintf(_("Entry name '%s' contains invalid characters."), $DevName);
-      }      
-      /* Renaming check for existing devices 
-       */
-      if(isset($device['OrigCn'])  && ($DevName != $device['OrigCn'] )){
-        $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-        $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName"));
-        if($ldap->count()){
-          $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not rename '%s' to '%s',the destination name already exists."),$device['OrigCn'],$DevName);
-        }
-      }elseif(!isset($device['OrigCn'])){
-        $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
-        $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName"));
-        if($ldap->count()){
-          $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not create '%s',the destination name already exists."),$DevName);
-        }
-      }
-      /* Check names 
-       */
-      if(!isset($names[$DevName])){
-        $names[$DevName] = "";
-      }else{
-        $message[] = sprintf(_("The name '%s' is used more than once."),$DevName);
-      }
-      /* Names should be written in lowercase
-       */
-#      if(strtolower($DevName) != $DevName){
-#        $message[] = sprintf(_("The host name '%s' should be written in lowercase."), $DevName);
-#      }
-      /* Check records
-       */                 
-      $singleEntries = array("cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
-      $tmp  = array();
-      $tmp2 = array();
-      foreach($device['RECORDS'] as $Num => $Rec){
-        /* Check for multiple use of unique record types
-         */
-        if(in_array($Rec['type'],$singleEntries)){
-          if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']])){
-            $tmp[$Rec['type']] = "";
-          }else{
-            $message[] = sprintf(_("The record type '%s' is a unique type and can't be defined twice."),$Rec['type']);
-          }
-        }
-        /* Check for empty / duplicate entries in record array 
-         */
-        if(empty($Rec['value'])){
-          $message[] = sprintf(_("There is an empty '%s' for host '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName);
-        }
-        /* Check for duplicate record entries 
-         */
-        if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']])){
-          $tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']] = "";
-        }else{
-          $message[] = sprintf(_("There is a duplicate entry in '%s' for '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName); 
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return ($message);
-  }
-  function save()
-  {
-    if($this->disableDialog) return;
-    $todo = array(); 
-    /* Create todolist
-     */
-    foreach($this->Devices as $name => $dev){
-      if(isset($dev['OrigCn'])){
-        if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){
-          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name);
-        }else{
-          $dev['exists'] = false;
-          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name);
-        }
-      }else{
-        if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){
-          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name);
-        }else{
-          $dev['exists'] = false;
-          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $tmp = array();
-    $tmp['del']   = array();
-    $tmp['add']   = array();
-    $tmp['move']  = array();
-    foreach($todo as $to){
-      foreach($to as $type => $entries){
-        $tmp[$type] = array_merge($tmp[$type],$entries);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Get ldap link
-     */
-    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
-    $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
-    /* move follwoing entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){
-      $this->recursive_move($src,$dst);
-    }
-    /* Delete dns */
-    foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
-      if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
-        $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn));
-      }
-    }
-    /* Add || Update new DNS entries
-     */
-    foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
-      $ldap->cd($dn);
-      $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn'));
-      if(count($ldap->fetch())){
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->modify ($attrs);
-        if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
-          $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $dn));
-        }
-      }else{
-        $ldap->cd($dn);
-        $ldap->add($attrs);
-        if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
-          $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("create",array("dn" => $dn));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Create html table out of given entry 
-   */
-  function generateRecordConfigurationRow($objKey){
-    /* Get some basic informations 
-     */
-    $obj        = $this->Devices[$objKey];
-    $objectName = $objKey;
-    /* Abort if emtpy
-     */
-    if(count($obj['RECORDS']) == 0) return "";
-    /* Set title 
-     */
-    $str= "<br>";
-    $hostNameOnce = true;
-    /* Walk through all defined records 
-     */
-    $str.= "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
-    foreach($obj['RECORDS'] as $id => $record){
-      /* Skip not selectable entries */
-      if(!isset($this->RecordTypes [$record['type']])) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      /* Create unique post name
-       */
-      $name = base64_encode($objKey)."|".$id;
-      $str .= "<tr><td style='width:170px;'>\n";
-      /* Only first host entry name should be editable
-       */
-      if($hostNameOnce){
-        $hostNameOnce = false;  
-        $str .="<input type='text' name='RenameHost_".$name."' value='".$objectName."'>\n";
-      }
-      /* Create rest. Selectbox, icons ...
-       */
-      $str .="
-        </td>
-        <td style='width:90px;'>
-          ".$this->createRecordTypeSelection($record['type'],$name)."
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <input type='text'  value='".$record['value']."' name='ValueSelection_".$name."' style='width:250px;'>
-        </td>
-        <td style='width:75px;text-align:right;'>
-          <input type='image' name='AddRecord_".$name."'   src='images/list_new.png' alt='"._("Add")."' title='"._("Add")."'>
-          <input type='image' name='RemoveRecord_".$name."' src='images/edittrash.png'      alt='"._("Remove")."' title='"._("Remove")."'>
-        ";
-#        if($record['type'] == "aRecord"){
-#          $str .="<input type='image' name='AddPtr_".$name."' src='images/network.png' 
-#                    alt='"._("Add PTR")."' title='"._("Add PTR record")."'>";
-#        }else{
-#          $str .= "<img src='images/empty.png' alt=''>";
-#        }
-      $str.=
-        "</td>
-      </tr>";
-    }
-    $str .="</table>";
-    return($str); 
-  }
-  /* Create selectbox with all available option types 
-   */
-  function createRecordTypeSelection($id,$refID){
-    $str = "\n<select name='RecordTypeSelection_".$refID."'>";
-    foreach($this->RecordTypes as $type => $atr) {
-      if($id == $type){
-        $str .="\n<option value='".$type."' selected >".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
-      }else{
-        $str .="\n<option value='".$type."'>".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
-      }
-    }
-    $str.= "\n</select>";
-    return($str);
-  }
-  function remove_from_parent()
-  {
-  }
-// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9c0428c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<h2>{t}This dialog allows you to configure all components of this DNS zone on a single list.{/t}</h2>
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-{if $disableDialog}
-       <br><b>
-       {t}This dialog can't be used until the currently edited zone was saved or the zone entry exists in the ldap database.{/t}
-       </b>
-       <br>
-       {$table}
-       <br>
-       <input type='submit' name='UserRecord' value='{t}New entry{/t}' title='{t}Create a new DNS zone entry{/t}'>
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-<div style="text-algin:right;" align="right">
-    <p>
-        <input type="submit" name="SaveZoneEntryChanges" value="{t}Save{/t}">
-        <input type="submit" name="CancelZoneEntryChanges" value="{t}Cancel{/t}">
-    </p>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-  <!-- // First input field on page
-       focus_field('zoneName');
-  -->
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6cfa50f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-{if $dns_take_over}
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-    <tr>
-        <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
-            <h2>{t}DNS take over initiated{/t}</h2>
-            {$warning}
-            {t}This includes 'all' DNS zones that are located within this server. Please double check if your really want to do this.{/t}
-            <p>
-            {$warning2}
-            <br>
-            <input type='submit' name='cancel_take_over' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
-            </p>
-            <p>
-            {t}Following objects will be taken over{/t}&nbsp;:
-            </p>
-            <p>
-            <pre>{$info}</pre>
-            </p>
-        </td>
-    </tr>
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-{if $dns_server_list_cnt}
-    <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
-        <b>{t}Take over DNS configuration from{/t}</b>&nbsp;
-        <select name='take_over_src'>
-            {html_options options=$dns_server_list}
-        </select>
-        <input type="submit" name="take_over" value="{t}Take over{/t}">
-    </td>
-    <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
-                 {$ZoneList}
-                 {if $is_createable}
-                 <input type="submit" name="AddZone" value="{t}Add{/t}">
-                 {else}
-                 <input type="button" value="{t}Add{/t}" disabled>
-                 {/if}
-    </td>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-  <!-- // First input field on page
-       focus_field('AddZone');
-  -->
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-<div style="width:100%; text-align:right;">
-    <input type='submit' name='SaveService' value='{t}Save{/t}'>
-    &nbsp;
-    <input type='submit' name='CancelService' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
diff --git a/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl b/gosa-core/plugins/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1136dba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <tr>
-               <td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                       <table summary="">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Zone name{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="zoneName" value="{$zoneName}" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Network address{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="ReverseZone" value="{$ReverseZone}" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Netmask{/t}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <select name="NetworkClass" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
-                                                       {html_options options=$NetworkClasses selected=$NetworkClass }
-                                               </select>
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
-                       <table summary="">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>
-                                               {t}Zone records{/t}
-                                               <br>
-                                               {if $AllowZoneEdit == false}
-                                                       <i>{t}Can't be edited because the zone wasn't saved right now.{/t}</i>
-                                               {/if}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="submit" name="EditZoneEntries" value="{t}Edit{/t}" {if $AllowZoneEdit == false} disabled {/if}> 
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-       </tr>
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-<h2>{t}SOA record{/t}</h2>
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <tr>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                       <table summary="">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Primary dns server for this zone{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAprimary" value="{$sOAprimary}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Mail address{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAmail" value="{$sOAmail}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Serial number (automatically incremented){/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAserial" value="{$sOAserial}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
-                       <table summary="">
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Refresh{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOArefresh" value="{$sOArefresh}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Retry{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAretry" value="{$sOAretry}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}Expire{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAexpire" value="{$sOAexpire}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>{t}TTL{/t}{$must}
-                                       </td>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text" name="sOAttl" value="{$sOAttl}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-       </tr>
-<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
-<table summary="" width="100%">
-       <tr>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
-                       <h2>{t}MxRecords{/t}</h2>
-                       <table width="100%">    
-                               <tr>
-                                       <td>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               {$Mxrecords}
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="text"              name="StrMXRecord" value="">
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                                               <input type="submit"    name="AddMXRecord" value="{t}Add{/t}">
-                                       </td>
-                               </tr>
-                       </table>
-               </td>
-               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
-                       <h2>{t}Global zone records{/t}</h2>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-                         {$records}
-               </td>
-       </tr>
-<div style="text-algin:right;" align="right">
-       <p>
-{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
-               <input type="submit" name="SaveZoneChanges" value="{t}Save{/t}">
-               <input type="submit" name="CancelZoneChanges" value="{t}Cancel{/t}">
-       </p>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
-  <!-- // First input field on page
-       focus_field('zoneName');
-  -->
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c560c36
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+/* All available record types 
+ */
+$RecordTypes['aRecord']       = "aRecord";           
+$RecordTypes['mDRecord']      = "mDRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['mXRecord']      = "mXRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['nSRecord']      = "nSRecord";          
+$RecordTypes['pTRRecord']     = "relativeDomainName";
+$RecordTypes['hInfoRecord']   = "hInfoRecord";      
+$RecordTypes['mInfoRecord']   = "mInfoRecord";       
+$RecordTypes['cNAMERecord']   = "relativeDomainName";
+$RecordTypes['tXTRecord']     = "tXTRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['aFSDBRecord']   = "aFSDBRecord";       
+$RecordTypes['SigRecord']     = "SigRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['KeyRecord']     = "KeyRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['aAAARecord']    = "aAAARecord";        
+$RecordTypes['LocRecord']     = "LocRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['nXTRecord']     = "nXTRecord";        
+$RecordTypes['sRVRecord']     = "sRVRecord";         
+$RecordTypes['nAPTRRecord']   = "nAPTRRecord";       
+$RecordTypes['kXRecord']      = "kXRecord";          
+$RecordTypes['certRecord']    = "certRecord";        
+$RecordTypes['a6Record']      = "a6Record";          
+$RecordTypes['dSRecord']      = "dSRecord";          
+$RecordTypes['sSHFPRecord']   = "sSHFPRecord";       
+$RecordTypes['rRSIGRecord']   = "rRSIGRecord";      
+$RecordTypes['nSECRecord']    = "nSECRecord";       
+class DNS
+  /* Return all record types 
+   */
+  static function getDnsRecordTypes($ForZones = false)
+  {
+    global $RecordTypes;
+    if($ForZones){
+      $tmp = $RecordTypes;
+      unset($tmp['cNAMERecord']);
+      unset($tmp['pTRRecord']);
+      unset($tmp['tXTRecord']);
+      return($tmp);
+    }else{
+      return($RecordTypes);
+    }
+  }
+  /* This fucntion is used to flip the ip address, for example
+     12.3.45  ->  45.3.12
+     Because some entries (like zones) are store like that
+     but we want to display 12.3.45.
+   */
+  static function FlipIp($ip)
+  {
+    $tmp = array_reverse(split("\.",$ip));
+    $new = "";
+    foreach($tmp as $section){
+      $new .= $section.".";
+    }
+    return(preg_replace("/.$/","",$new));
+  }
+  /* This static function returns the zones specified for given host
+   */
+  static function getDNSZoneEntries($config,$HostDn,$silent = false)
+  {
+    global $RecordTypes;
+    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']); 
+    /* Not all records are allowed within a zone entry
+     */  
+    $SkipRecords = array("tXTRecord","cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
+    /* Special sOArecords 
+     */
+    $sOAREcords  = array("0"=>"sOAprimary","1"=>"sOAmail","2"=>"sOAserial","3"=>"sOArefresh","4"=>"sOAretry","5"=>"sOAexpire","6"=>"sOAttl");
+    /* Create tempalte for all fetched zone Data 
+     */
+    $ZoneBase = array();
+    $ZoneBase['exists']  = false;
+    $ZoneBase['RECORDS'] = array();
+    $ZoneBase['zoneName'] = array();
+    $ZoneBase['dNSClass'] = array();
+    foreach($sOAREcords as $attr){
+      $ZoneBase[$attr] = "";
+    }
+    $Zones    = array();
+    /* Get & Parse all zone entries 
+     */
+    $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=@))",$HostDn,array("*"));
+    $tmp_res = array();
+    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) {
+      $tmp_res[] = $attrs;
+    }
+    /* Parse fetched zones 
+     */
+    foreach($tmp_res as $attrs){
+      $zoneName                   = $attrs['zoneName'][0];
+      $Zones[$zoneName]           = $ZoneBase;
+      $Zones[$zoneName]['exists'] = true;
+      /* Set basic attributes 
+       */
+      foreach(array("zoneName","dNSClass") as $attr){
+        if(isset($attrs[$attr][0])){
+          $Zones[$zoneName][$attr] = $attrs[$attr][0];
+        }
+      }
+      /* Set initial zone name, to be able to detect if this entry was renamed 
+       */
+      $Zones[$zoneName]['InitialzoneName'] = $zoneName;
+      /* Generate SOA entry
+       */
+      if(isset($attrs['sOARecord'][0])){
+        $tmp = split("\ ",$attrs['sOARecord'][0]) ;
+        $tmp2 = array();
+        /* Assign soa vars */
+        foreach($sOAREcords as $key => $name){
+          if(isset($tmp[$key])){
+            $Zones[$zoneName][$name] = $tmp[$key];
+          }else{
+            $Zones[$zoneName][$name] = "";
+          }
+        }
+      } // ENDE SOA Record 
+      /* Get record attributes 
+       */
+      foreach($RecordTypes as $name => $value){
+        /* Skip some attributes 
+         */
+        if(in_array($name,$SkipRecords)) continue;
+        /* If there is a record attribute
+         */
+        if(isset($attrs[$name])){
+          /* get all entries
+           */
+          for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs[$value]['count']; $i ++){
+            $Zones[$zoneName]['RECORDS'][] =  array("type"=>$name,"value"=>$attrs[$value][$i]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      /* Get reverse record ..
+       */
+      $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(relativeDomainName=@)(zoneName=*))",$attrs['dn'],array("zoneName"));
+      if($ldap->count() == 0){
+        if(!$silent){
+          msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Cannot find reverse zone for DNS zone '%s'. Parsing zone aborted."),$zoneName), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+        unset($Zones[$zoneName]);
+      }elseif($ldap->count()>1){
+        if(!$silent){
+          msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Found more than one reverse zone for '%s'. Parsing zone aborted."),$zoneName), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+        unset($Zones[$zoneName]);
+      }else{
+        $tmp = $ldap->fetch();
+        $Zones[$zoneName]['ReverseZone']        = FlipIp(str_replace("","",$tmp['zoneName'][0]));
+        $Zones[$zoneName]['InitialReverseZone'] = FlipIp(str_replace("","",$tmp['zoneName'][0]));
+      }
+    }
+    return($Zones);
+  }
+  /* This static function compares two dns zone objects and returns an 
+   *  array with following indexes 
+   *   - delete, for dns which must be deleted (only if dns zone is removed)
+   *   - rename, if a dn must be renamed, for example, the zoneName has changed
+   *   - add,    if there is a new dns account created    
+   */
+  static function getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($config,$newZones,$HostDn)
+  {
+    $oldZones = getDNSZoneEntries($config,$HostDn,true);
+    $sOAattributes =  array("sOAprimary","sOAmail","sOAserial","sOArefresh","sOAretry","sOAexpire","sOAttl");
+    $move   = array();
+    $add    = array();
+    $del    = array();
+    /* Generate a template for zones with default values
+     */
+    $zoneBase                       = array();
+    $zoneBase['objectClass']        = array("top","dNSZone");
+    $zoneBase['zoneName']           = "";
+    $zoneBase['relativeDomainName'] = "@";
+    $zoneBase['dNSClass']           = "IN";
+    $zoneBase['sOARecord']          = "";
+    /* Contains all renamed zoneNames 
+     * For zone entry udpdates
+     */
+    $PrePareZoneEntries = array();
+    /* Walk through all zones and detect renamed/added/deleted zones ... 
+     */
+    foreach($newZones as $name => $zone){
+      /* This zone was renamed 
+       */
+      if((!empty($zone['InitialzoneName'])) && ($zone['InitialzoneName'] != $zone['zoneName'])){
+        /* Move old zone to new position 
+         */ 
+        $oldDn = "zoneName=".$zone['InitialzoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+        $newDn = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+        $PrePareZoneEntries[$zone['InitialzoneName']] = $zone['zoneName'];
+        $move [$oldDn] = $newDn;      
+      }
+      /* Get old zone if available
+       */
+      $oldZone=array();
+      if(!empty($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']])){
+        $oldZone = $oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']];
+      }
+      /* Create forward zone entry and put it in our add queue
+       */
+      $newDn  = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+      $obj    =  $zoneBase;
+      $obj['zoneName'] = $zone['zoneName'];
+      /* Create sOARecord & add it to the obj
+       */ 
+      $soa = "";
+      foreach($sOAattributes as $attr){
+        $soa.=" ".$zone[$attr];
+      }  
+      $obj['sOARecord'] = trim($soa);
+      $obj['nSRecord'] = $zone['sOAprimary'];
+      /* If reverse zone was renamed, move entry 
+       */
+      if(!empty($zone['InitialReverseZone'])){
+        if($zone['InitialReverseZone'] != $zone['ReverseZone']){
+          $base = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+          $oldRDn = "zoneName=". FlipIp($zone['InitialReverseZone']).",".$base; 
+          $newRDn = "zoneName=". FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone']).",".$base;
+          $PrePareZoneEntries[FlipIp($zone['InitialReverseZone']).""] = FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone'])."";
+          $move [$oldRDn] = $newRDn;
+        }
+      }
+      /* Append record entries 
+       *  Set old value to array, to ensure that 
+       *  they will be deleted if necessary
+       */
+      if(isset($oldZone['RECORDS'])){
+        foreach($oldZone['RECORDS'] as $rec){
+          $obj[$rec['type']] = array();
+        }
+      }
+      /* Add new Records 
+       */
+      foreach($zone['RECORDS'] as $rec){
+        if(!isset($obj[$rec['type']])||!is_array($obj[$rec['type']])){
+          $obj[$rec['type']] = array();
+        }
+        $obj[$rec['type']][] = $rec['value'];
+      }
+      /* Append udpated Zone Forward Entry to our add queue
+       */    
+      $add[$newDn] = $obj;   
+      /* Create Reverse Entry 
+       * And append it to our add queue
+       */
+      $zone['ReverseZone'] = FlipIp($zone['ReverseZone'])."";
+      $base = "zoneName=".$zone['zoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+      $newRDn = "zoneName=".$zone['ReverseZone'].",".$base;
+      $rObj = $obj;
+      $rObj['zoneName']= $zone['ReverseZone'];
+      $add[$newRDn] = $rObj;
+      /* Remove currently managed zone from oldZones.
+       *  this gives us the ability to detect removed zones
+       */
+      if(isset($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']])){
+        unset($oldZones[$zone['InitialzoneName']]); 
+      }
+    }
+    /* The rest of our oldZones must be deleted
+     *  because they are no longer available in newZones anymore.
+     */
+    foreach($oldZones as $zone)  {
+      $oldDn = "zoneName=".$zone['InitialzoneName'].",".$HostDn;
+      $del[$oldDn] = $zone;
+    }
+    /* Check for entries which must be updated 
+     */
+    $zoneUpdates = array();
+    $udpate = array();
+    if(count($PrePareZoneEntries)){
+      $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
+      foreach($PrePareZoneEntries as $FromZoneName => $ToZoneName){
+        $ldap->cd($HostDn);
+        $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=".$FromZoneName.")(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("zoneName"));
+        while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+          $zoneUpdates[$attrs['dn']] = array("zoneName"=>$ToZoneName);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $ret = array("del" => $del , "move" => $move , "add" => $add,"zoneUpdates"=>$zoneUpdates);
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* This static function returns the dns-host eintries for given 
+   *  name.
+   */
+  static function getDNSHostEntries($config,$name,$silent = false)
+  {
+    global $RecordTypes;
+    $types = array();
+    $ret = array();
+    $ret['RECORDS']   = array();
+    $ret['dNSClass']  = "IN";
+    $ret['zoneName']  = "";
+    $ret['dNSTTL']    = "7440";
+    $ret['exists']    = false;
+    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($config->current['BASE']);
+    /* First check all zones for an entry with the given name.
+     * If the name occurs in more than one entry alert the user ...
+     */
+    $foundIn = array();
+    $zones = DNS::getAvailableZones($config);
+    $zonesArr = array();
+    foreach($zones as $zoneMix){
+      $zoneIndex = split("/",$zoneMix);
+      if(!array_key_exists($zoneIndex[0],$zonesArr)) {
+        $zonesArr[$zoneIndex[0]] = array();
+      }
+      array_push($zonesArr[$zoneIndex[0]],$zoneIndex[1]);
+    }
+    foreach($zonesArr as $nameServer => $nameServerArr){
+      $foundInTmp = array();
+      foreach($nameServerArr as $zoneArr => $zone){
+        $zoneMix = $nameServer."/".$zone;
+        $zoneDn = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneMix);
+        $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=".$name.")(!(relativeDomainName=@)))", $zoneDn,$attrs = array("*"));
+        while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+          $foundInTmp [$zoneMix] = $attrs['dn'];
+          $foundIn [$zoneMix] = $attrs['dn'];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* No zone found which contains an entry for us
+     */
+    if(count($foundIn) == 0){
+      return($ret);
+    }
+    /* Get host informations from zone
+     */ 
+    $id_tmp = key($foundIn);
+    $ldap->cd($foundIn[$id_tmp]);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("*"));
+    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+      /* If relative domainname == cn
+       * Try to read dnsclass / TTl / zone
+       */
+      if($attrs['relativeDomainName'][0] == $name){
+        $ret['exists'] = true;
+        $ret['zoneName'] = $id_tmp;
+        foreach(array("dNSClass","dNSTTL") as $atr){
+          if(isset($attrs[$atr][0])){
+            $ret[$atr] = $attrs[$atr][0];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      /* Create list with all used records */
+      foreach($RecordTypes as $name => $value){
+        /* If there is a record attribute  */
+        if(isset($attrs[$name])){
+          /* get all entries */
+          for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs[$value]['count']; $i ++){
+            $types[] = array( "type"    => $name,
+                "value"   => $attrs[$value][$i]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      $ret['RECORDS'] = $types;
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }  
+  /* This static function compares two dns settings and returns an 
+   *  array with following indexes 
+   *   - delete, for dns which must be deleted (only if dns account is removed)
+   *   - rename, if a dn must be renamed, for example, the relativeDomainName has changed
+   *   - add,    if there is a new dns account created    
+   */
+  static function getDNSHostEntriesDiff($config,$oldName,$newEntry,$newName)
+  {
+    global $RecordTypes;
+    $oldEntry = getDNSHostEntries($config,$oldName);
+    $add    = array();
+    $del    = array();
+    $move   = array();
+    /* Don't go further if there is nothing to do
+     * Is no account / was no account
+     */
+    if(($newEntry['exists'] == false )&& ($oldEntry['exists'] == false)){
+      return(array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del));
+    }
+    $zones              = DNS::getAvailableZones($config);
+    $specialAttributes  = array("cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
+    $newRecords         = array();  // Used to remember which records are removed 
+    $zoneNameMix           = $newEntry['zoneName'];
+    $zoneDn             = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneNameMix);
+    $tmp                = array_flip($zones);
+    $zoneName                                  = DNS::getNameFromMix($zoneNameMix);
+    /* If reverseZone can't be resolved ... this 
+     *  can't be a valid entry, so remove this account
+     */ 
+    if(isset($tmp[$zoneNameMix])){
+      $reverseNameMix  = $tmp[$zoneNameMix];
+      $reverseDn    = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$reverseNameMix);
+      if(empty($reverseDn)){
+        $newEntry['exists'] = false;
+      }
+    }else{
+      $newEntry['exists'] = false;
+    }
+    /* If account was edited prepare some
+     *  attributes & arrays ... if required add some 
+     *  dns to $move 
+     */
+    if($oldEntry['exists']){
+      /* Check if the account was removed 
+       */
+      if($newEntry['exists'] == false){
+        $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
+        $del[$dn] ="";
+        return(array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del));
+      }
+      /* Check if zoneName has changed 
+       */   
+      if(count($newEntry['RECORDS'])){
+        if($oldEntry['zoneName'] != $newEntry['zoneName']){
+          $oldzoneDn = DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
+          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$oldzoneDn;
+          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$zoneDn;
+          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
+        }
+        /* Check if host name has changed 
+         */ 
+        if($oldName != $newName){
+          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$zoneDn;
+          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$zoneDn;
+          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
+          $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$oldName.",".$dn2;
+          $dn2= "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$dn2;
+          $move[$dn]=$dn2;
+        }
+      }
+      /* Prepare record entries
+       *  Fill old records with array();
+       *  To ensure that they will be deleted if they stay unused
+       */
+      foreach($oldEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
+        $newRecords[$rec['type']] = array();
+      }
+    }
+    /* There must be at least one record in our entry  
+     */
+    if((!count($newEntry['RECORDS'])) || (!$newEntry['exists'])){
+      $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".DNS::getDNSZoneDN($config,$oldEntry['zoneName']);
+      $del[$dn] ="";
+      $ret = array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del);
+      return($ret);
+    }
+    /* Prepare temp obj
+     */
+    $baseObj =  array();
+    $baseObj['objectClass']       = array("top","dNSZone");
+    $baseObj['dNSTTL']            = $newEntry['dNSTTL'];
+    $baseObj['dNSClass']          = $newEntry['dNSClass'];
+    $baseObj['zoneName']          = $zoneName; 
+    $baseObj['relativeDomainName']= $newName; 
+    /* Add Container Object to zone
+     *  (this possibly already exists, check this before writing to ldap)
+     */
+    $baseDn =  "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$zoneDn;
+    $add[$baseDn] = $baseObj;
+    /* Add base obejct which contains all std records
+     */
+    $stdDn = "relativeDomainName=".$newName.",".$baseDn;
+    $add[$stdDn] = $baseObj;
+    /* Set defaults. Normaly only contains old record names.
+     *  The old names will be set to array, to ensure that they will be deleted.
+     *  Or overwritten and filled with new values.
+     */
+    foreach($newRecords as $name => $def){
+      if(!in_array($name,$specialAttributes)){
+        $add[$stdDn][$name] = $def;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Delete all OLD special attributes.
+     */
+    foreach($oldEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
+      if(in_array($rec['type'],$specialAttributes)){
+        $deldn= "relativeDomainName=".$rec['value'].",".$baseDn;
+        $del[$deldn] = "";
+      }
+    }
+    /* Create new record entries 
+     */
+    foreach($newEntry['RECORDS'] as $id => $rec){
+      /* Create object which contains special records 
+       *  like pTRRecord or CNAMERecord
+       */
+      if($rec['type']  == "pTRRecord"){
+        $PTRdn= "relativeDomainName=".DNS::FlipIP($rec['value']).",".$baseDn;
+        $ptrObj = $baseObj;
+        $reverseName = DNS::getNameFromMix($reverseNameMix);
+        $ptrObj['zoneName']           = $reverseName;
+        if(!preg_match("/\.$/",$newName)){
+          $ptrObj['pTRRecord']          = preg_replace("/\.\.$/",".",$newName.".".$zoneName.".");
+        }else{
+          $ptrObj['pTRRecord']          = preg_replace("/\.\.$/",".",$newName.".");
+        }
+        $ptrObj['relativeDomainName'] = DNS::FlipIP($rec['value']);
+        $add[$PTRdn] = $ptrObj;
+      }else  
+        if($rec['type']  == "cNAMERecord"){
+          $PTRdn= "relativeDomainName=".$rec['value'].",".$baseDn;
+          $ptrObj = $baseObj;
+          $ptrObj['zoneName']           = $zoneName;
+          $ptrObj['cNAMERecord']        = $newName;
+          $ptrObj['relativeDomainName'] = $rec['value'];
+          $add[$PTRdn] = $ptrObj;
+        }else{
+          /* Append basic attributes
+           */
+          $add[$stdDn][$rec['type']][] = $rec['value'];  
+        }
+    } // foreach record 
+    $ret = array("move"=>$move,"add"=>$add,"del"=>$del);
+    return($ret);
+  } 
+  static function getNameFromMix($zoneMix){
+    $ret = "";
+    if(!strstr($zoneMix, '/')) return($ret);   
+    $zoneIndex                 = split("/",$zoneMix);
+    return($zoneIndex[1]);
+  }
+  /* returns the dn for a specified zone
+   */
+  static function getDNSZoneDN($config,$zoneNameMix)
+  {
+    $ret = "";
+    if(!strstr($zoneNameMix, '/')) {
+      msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), sprintf(_("Undefined zone name '%s'!"),$zoneNameMix), ERROR_DIALOG);
+      return($ret);
+    }
+    $zoneNameIndex             = split("/",$zoneNameMix); 
+    $zoneName           = $zoneNameIndex[1];
+    $nameServer                                = strtolower($zoneNameIndex[0]);
+    $ldap               = $config->get_ldap_link();
+    /* search for the nameserver */
+    $ldap-> cd($config->current['BASE']);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goServer)(cn=".$nameServer."))",array("cn"));
+    if($ldap->count()){
+      $attr = $ldap->fetch();
+    } else {
+      return($ret);
+    }
+    $ldap-> cd($attr['dn']);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(sOARecord=*)(zoneName=".$zoneName."))",array("zoneName"));
+    if($ldap->count()){
+      $attr = $ldap->fetch();
+      return($attr['dn']);
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* returns all available zones 
+   *  array[reverseName] = zoneName;
+   */
+  static function getAvailableZones($config)
+  {
+    $ret = array();
+    $ldap = $config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd ($config->current['BASE']);
+    /* Search for zones ...
+     */
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(sOARecord=*))",array("zoneName"));
+    $ForwardZones = array();
+    $ReverseZones = array();
+    $zones = array();
+    while($at = $ldap->fetch()){
+      if(preg_match("/\.in\-addr\.arpa/",$at['zoneName'][0])){
+        $ReverseZones[$at['dn']] = $at;
+      }else{
+        $ForwardZones[$at['dn']] = $at;
+      }
+    }
+    foreach($ForwardZones as $dn => $obj){
+      /* try to find reverse
+       */  
+      foreach($ReverseZones as $Rdn => $Robj ){
+        if(preg_match("/".$dn."/",$Rdn)){
+          $zones[strtoupper($ldap->getCn($dn))."/".$Robj['zoneName'][0]] =  
+            strtoupper($ldap->getCn($dn))."/".$obj['zoneName'][0];
+        }
+      }   
+    }
+    return($zones);
+  }
+// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9890931
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+class servdns extends goService
+  /* CLI vars */
+  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
+  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
+  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
+  /* attribute list for save action */
+  var $ignore_account   = FALSE;
+  var $attributes       = array(); 
+  var $objectclasses    = array("whatever");
+  var $RecordTypes      = array();
+  var $Zones            = array();
+  var $orig_dn          = "";
+  var $initially_was_account;
+  /* ServerService tab vars */
+  var $conflicts        = array("servdns");
+  var $DisplayName      = "";
+  var $StatusFlag       = "";
+  var $view_logged      = FALSE;
+  var $dns_server_list   = array("ENTRIES"=> array(),"FOR_LIST"=> array());
+  var $take_over_id       = -1;
+  function servdns (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
+  {
+    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
+    $this->DisplayName = _("DNS service");
+    $this->orig_dn = $dn;
+    /* Get record types for zones
+     */
+    $this->RecordTypes = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes(true);
+    /* Get all zone Informations
+     */
+    $this->Zones = DNS::getDNSZoneEntries($config,$dn);
+    /* If there is at least one entry in this -> types, we have DNS enabled 
+     */
+    if(count($this->Zones) == 0){
+      $this->is_account = false;
+      $this->dns_server_list = $this->get_list_of_dns_servers();
+    }else{
+      $this->is_account = true;
+    }
+    $this->initially_was_account = $this->is_account;
+  }
+  function get_list_of_dns_servers()
+  {
+    $ret = array("ENTRIES"=> array(),"FOR_LIST"=> array());
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*))",array("dn","zoneName"));
+    $dns = array();
+    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+      /* Skip own config */
+      if($this->dn != "new" && preg_match("/".normalizePreg($this->dn)."$/",$attrs['dn'])){
+        continue;
+      }
+      $dn = preg_replace("/^zoneName=[^,]+,/","",$attrs['dn']);
+      if(preg_match("/^cn=/",$dn) && !in_array($dn,$dns)){
+        $dns[] = $dn;
+      }
+    }
+    $i = 0;
+    foreach($dns as $dn){
+      $ldap->cat($dn,array('*'));
+      if($ldap->count()){
+        $i ++;
+        $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
+          $ret['ENTRIES'][$i]   = $attrs;
+          $ret['FOR_LIST'][$i] = $attrs['cn'][0];
+      }
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }  
+  function get_dns_info_string($id)
+  {
+    $ret="";
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['dn']);
+    $ldap->search("(|(zoneName=*)(relativeDomainName=*))",array("dn"));
+    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+      $ret .= $attrs['dn']."\n";
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  function execute()
+  {
+    /* Call parent execute 
+     */
+    plugin::execute();
+    if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
+      $this->view_logged = TRUE;
+      new log("view","server/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
+    }
+    /* Fill templating stuff 
+     */
+    $smarty= get_smarty();
+    $smarty->assign("dns_take_over",FALSE);
+    $smarty->assign("is_createable",$this->acl_is_createable());
+    $display= "";
+    $this->initially_was_account= $this->is_account;
+    /*****************/
+    /* Handle Take Over Actions
+    /*****************/
+    /* Give smarty the required informations */
+    $smarty->assign("dns_server_list", $this->dns_server_list['FOR_LIST']);
+    $smarty->assign("dns_server_list_cnt", count($this->dns_server_list['FOR_LIST']));
+    /* Take over requested, save id */
+    if(isset($_POST['take_over_src']) && isset($_POST['take_over'])){
+      $id = $_POST['take_over_src'];
+      if(isset($this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id])){
+        $this->take_over_id = $id;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Abort take over action */
+    if(isset($_POST['cancel_take_over'])){
+      $this->dialog =false;
+      $this->take_over_id = -1;
+      $this->dns_server_list = $this->get_list_of_dns_servers();
+    }
+    /* Display informartion about take over that will be started when saving this server
+     *  and hide default dns output
+     */
+    if($this->take_over_id != -1){
+      $this->dialog = FALSE;
+      $id = $this->take_over_id;
+      $info = $this->get_dns_info_string($id);
+      $smarty->assign("dns_take_over",TRUE);
+      $smarty->assign("info",$info);
+      $warning = sprintf(_("You are going to migrate the DNS setup from server '%s'."),$this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['cn'][0]);
+      $warning2 = _("The migration will be startet when you save this system. To cancel this action, use the cancel button below.");
+      $smarty->assign("warning",$warning);
+      $smarty->assign("warning2",$warning2);
+      return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdns.tpl', TRUE)));
+    }
+    /* Do we need to flip is_account state? 
+     */
+    if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
+      $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
+    }
+    if ($this->is_account){
+      $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove DNS service"),
+          _("This server has DNS features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below."));
+    } else {
+      $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add DNS service"),
+          _("This server has DNS features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below."));
+      return ($display);
+    }
+    /* Edited or Added zone 
+     */
+    if(isset($_POST['SaveZoneChanges'])){
+      $this->dialog->save_object();
+      /* Check for errors  
+       */
+      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
+        foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msgs){
+          print_red($msgs); 
+        }
+      }else{
+        /* add new/edited zone 
+         */
+        $ret = $this->dialog->save();
+        if(!$this->dialog->isNew){
+          unset($this->Zones[$this->dialog->OldZoneName]);
+        }
+        $this->Zones[$ret['zoneName']] = $ret;
+        $this->dialog = FALSE;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Cancel zone edit / new 
+     */
+    if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneChanges'])){
+      $this->dialog = FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Add empty new zone 
+     */
+    if(isset($_POST['AddZone'])){
+      $this->dialog = new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn);
+    }
+    /* Check for edit zone request 
+     */
+    $once = false;
+    foreach( $_POST as $name => $value){
+      /* check all post for edit request 
+       */
+      if(preg_match("/^editZone_/",$name)&&!$once){
+        $once =true;
+        $tmp = preg_replace("/^editZone_/","",$name);
+        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
+        $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$tmp]);
+      }
+      /* check posts for delete zone 
+       */
+      if(preg_match("/^delZone_/",$name)&&!$once){
+        $once =true;
+        $tmp = preg_replace("/^delZone_/","",$name);
+        $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp));
+        /* Initiate deletion
+         */ 
+        $this->RemoveZone($tmp); 
+      }
+    }
+    if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){
+      $id = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
+      if(isset($this->Zones[$id])){
+         $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$id]);
+      }
+    }
+    if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){
+      $id = base64_decode($_GET['id']);
+      if(isset($this->Zones[$id])){
+         $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$id]);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Show dialog 
+     */
+    if(is_object($this->dialog)){
+      $this->dialog->save_object();
+      $this->dialog->parent = $this;
+      return($this->dialog->execute());
+    }
+    /* Create Listbox with existing Zones 
+     */
+    $ZoneList = new divSelectBox("dNSZones");
+    $ZoneList -> SetHeight(254);
+    /* Add entries to divlist
+     */
+    $editImg = "<input type='image' src='images/edit.png' name='editZone_%s'>";
+    if($this->acl_is_removeable()){
+      $editImg.= "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='delZone_%s'>";
+    }
+    $link = "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&act=edit&id=%s'>%s</a>";
+    foreach($this->Zones as $zone => $values ){
+      $ZoneList->AddEntry(array(
+            array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),($zone))),
+            array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),_("Reverse zone")." : ".($values['ReverseZone']))),
+            array("string" => _("TTL")." : ".$values['sOAttl']),
+            array("string" => _("Class")." : ".$values['dNSClass']),
+            array("string" =>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($zone),$editImg))
+            ));
+    }    
+    /* Display tempalte 
+     */
+    $smarty->assign("ZoneList",$ZoneList->DrawList());
+    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdns.tpl', TRUE));
+    return($display);
+  }
+  /* Delete specified zone
+   */
+  function RemoveZone($id)
+  {
+    $zones =  $this->getUsedZoneNames();
+    if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone'])){
+      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone']);
+    }else{
+      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($this->Zones[$id]['ReverseZone']);
+    }
+    $zonename = "";
+    if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName'])){
+      $zonename= $this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName'];
+    }
+    $used = array();
+    /* Add Records which use this zoneName
+     */
+    if(isset($zones[$zonename])){
+      $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$zonename]);
+    }
+    /* Add Records which uses this reverse zone
+     */
+    if(isset($zones[$rev.""])){
+      $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$rev.""]);
+    } 
+    /* There are still entries using this configuration
+     *  Abort deletion
+     */
+    if(count($used)){
+      $i = 2;
+      $str ="";
+      foreach($used as $dn){
+        if($i > 0 && !preg_match("/,relativeDomainName=/",$dn)){
+          $i --;
+          $name = preg_replace("/^[^=]+=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$dn);
+          $zone = preg_replace("/^.*zoneName=([^,]*),.*$/","\\1",$dn);
+          $str.= $name.".".$zone." ";
+        }
+      }
+      /*  Only show 2 dns in the error message 
+       */
+      if(count($used)> 2) {
+        $str .=" ... ";
+      }
+      print_red(sprintf(_("Can't delete the selected zone, because it is still in use by these entry/entries '%s'"),trim($str)));
+      return(false);
+    }else{
+      unset($this->Zones[$id]);
+      return(true);
+    }
+  } 
+  /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames 
+   */
+  function getUsedZoneNames()
+  {
+    $ret = array();
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@))(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","relativeDomainName"));
+    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
+      $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]][] = $attr['dn'];
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* Remove dns service 
+   */
+  function remove_from_parent()
+  {
+    if($this->initially_was_account){
+      $bool = true;
+      $this->is_account = FALSE;
+      foreach($this->Zones as $key => $zone){
+        $bool= $bool & $this->RemoveZone($key);
+      }
+      if($bool){
+        $this->save();
+      }
+      return($bool);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Save to LDAP */
+  function save()
+  {
+    /* Take over handling
+     * - Create list of zones managed by source server 
+     * - Copy ldap entries to destination server 
+     * - Remove old zone entries from source
+     */
+    if($this->take_over_id != -1){
+      $del = array();
+      $id = $this->take_over_id;
+      $src = $this->dns_server_list['ENTRIES'][$id]['dn'];
+      $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); 
+      $ldap->ls("(objectClass=dnsZone)",$src,array('cn'));
+      while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+        $src_zone = $attrs['dn'];
+        $dst_zone = preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($src)."$/",$this->dn,$src_zone);
+        $res = plugin::recursive_move($src_zone, $dst_zone);
+        if($res){
+          $del [] = $src_zone;
+        }
+      }
+      foreach($del as $src_zone){
+        $ldap->rmdir_recursive($src_zone);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Save zone editor changes now */
+    foreach($this->Zones as $name => $zone){
+      if(isset($zone['zoneEditor'] ) && $zone['zoneEditor'] != NULL && is_object($zone['zoneEditor'])){
+        $zone['zoneEditor']->save();
+        unset($this->Zones[$name]['zoneEditor']);;
+      }
+    }
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);  
+    /* Get differences 
+     */
+    $old_dn = $this->orig_dn;
+    if($old_dn == "new"){
+      $old_dn = $this->dn;
+    }
+    $tmp = DNS::getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Zones,$old_dn);
+    /* Update dns to current object dn */ 
+    $tmp = DNS::getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Zones,$old_dn);
+    $tmp2 = array();
+    foreach($tmp as $key1 => $data1){
+      $tmp2[$key1] = array();
+      foreach($data1 as $key2 => $data2){
+        $tmp2[$key1][preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($old_dn)."$/",$this->dn,$key2)] = $data2;
+      }
+    }
+    $tmp = $tmp2;
+    /* Updated zone entries if reverser or forward name has changed  
+     * Must be done before moving entries, else the given dn is invalid
+     */
+    if(isset($tmp['zoneUpdates'])){
+      foreach($tmp['zoneUpdates'] as $dn => $attrs){
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->modify($attrs);
+        new log("modfiy","unknown/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
+        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Updating of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
+      }
+    }
+    /* Delete dns 
+     */
+    foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){
+      $for = $del['InitialzoneName'];
+      $rev = DNS::FlipIp($del['InitialReverseZone'])."";
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
+      new log("remove","unknown/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
+      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
+      /* Handle Post events */
+      if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
+#        $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $for));
+#        $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $rev));
+      }
+    }
+    /* move follwoing entries
+     */
+    foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){
+      $this->recursive_move($src,$dst);
+    }
+    /* Add || Update new DNS entries
+     */
+    foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn'));
+      if($ldap->fetch()){
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->modify ($attrs);
+        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
+        /* Handle Post events */
+        if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
+#          $this->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $attrs['zoneName']));
+        }
+      }else{
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->add($attrs);
+        show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
+        /* Handle Post events */
+        if(preg_match("/^zoneName=/",$dn)){
+#          $this->handle_post_events("add",array("dn" => $dn,"zoneName" => $attrs['zoneName']));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $this->handle_post_events("modify");
+  }
+  /* Directly save new status flag */
+  function setStatus($value)
+  {
+    if($value == "none") return;
+    if(!$this->initially_was_account) return;
+    if(empty($this->StatusFlag)) return;
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->dn);
+    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
+    if($ldap->count()){
+      $tmp = $ldap->fetch();
+      for($i = 0; $i < $tmp['objectClass']['count']; $i ++){
+        $attrs['objectClass'][] = $tmp['objectClass'][$i];
+      }
+      $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
+      $attrs[$flag] = $value;
+      $this->$flag = $value;
+      $ldap->modify($attrs);
+      show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Set status flag for system server/dns with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
+      $this->action_hook();
+    }
+  }
+  function getListEntry()
+  {
+    $fields               = goService::getListEntry(); 
+    $fields['Message']    = _("DNS service");
+    $fields['AllowEdit']  = true;
+    return($fields);
+  }
+  /* Get updates for status flag */
+  function updateStatusState()
+  {
+    if(empty($this->StatusFlag)) return;
+    $attrs = array();
+    $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->cn);
+    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array($flag));
+    if($ldap->count()){
+      $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
+    }
+    if(isset($attrs[$flag][0])){
+      $this->$flag = $attrs[$flag][0];
+    }
+  }
+  /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
+  static function plInfo()
+  {
+    return (array(
+          "plShortName"   => _("DNS service"),
+          "plDescription" => _("DNS service")." ("._("Services").")",
+          "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
+          "plDepends"     => array(),
+          "plPriority"    => 83,
+          "plSection"     => array("administration"),
+          "plCategory"    => array("server"),
+          "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
+            "zoneName"      =>_("Zone name"),
+            "ReverseZone"   =>_("Reverse zone"),
+            "sOAprimary"    =>_("Primary dns server"),
+            "sOAmail"       =>_("Mail address"),
+            "sOAserial"     =>_("Serial"),
+            "sOArefresh"    =>_("Refresh"),
+            "sOAretry"      =>_("Retry"),
+            "sOAexpire"     =>_("Expire"),
+            "sOAttl"        =>_("TTL"),
+            "zoneRecords"   =>_("Zone records"))
+    ));
+  }
+// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6ccbade
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+class servdnseditZone extends plugin
+  /* CLI vars */
+  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
+  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
+  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
+  /* attribute list for save action */
+  var $ignore_account= TRUE;
+  var $attributes     = array("zoneName","ReverseZone","dNSClass",
+      "sOAprimary","sOAmail","sOAserial","sOArefresh","sOAretry","sOAexpire","sOAttl"); 
+  var $objectclasses  = array("whatever");
+  var $RecordTypes              = array();
+  var $ReverseZone              = "";
+  var $zoneName                 = "";
+  var $dNSClass                 = "IN";
+  var $sOAprimary               = "";
+  var $sOAmail                  = "";
+  var $sOAserial                = "";
+  var $sOArefresh               = "3600";
+  var $sOAretry                 = "1800";
+  var $sOAexpire                = "720000";
+  var $sOAttl                   = "6400";
+  var $Records                  = array();
+  var $mXRecords                = array();
+  var $OldZoneName              = ""; // To detect changes made with this edit
+  var $OldReverseZone           = "";
+  var $InitialReverseZone       = "";
+  var $InitialzoneName          = "";
+  var $NetworkClass                = "A" ; // One out of A,B,C
+  var $dialog                   = false;
+  var $zoneEditor               = NULL;
+  var $isNew                    = true;
+  var $ZoneObject               = array();
+  function servdnseditZone (&$config, $dn= NULL,$attrs = array())
+  {
+    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
+    /* All types with required attrs */
+    $this->RecordTypes = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes(true); 
+    if(!count($attrs)){
+      $this->OldZoneName        = "";
+      $this->OldReverseZone     = "";
+      $this->isNew              = true;
+      $this->sOAserial          = date("Ymd")."1";
+      $this->InitialzoneName    = "";//$attrs['InitialzoneName'];
+      $this->InitialReverseZone = "";//$attrs['InitialReverseZone'];
+    }else{
+      $this->ZoneObject         = $attrs;
+      if(isset($attrs['zoneEditor'])){
+        $this->zoneEditor         = $attrs['zoneEditor'];
+      }
+      $this->OldZoneName        = $attrs['zoneName'];
+      $this->OldReverseZone     = $attrs['ReverseZone'];
+      $this->InitialzoneName    = $attrs['InitialzoneName'];
+      $this->InitialReverseZone = $attrs['InitialReverseZone'];
+      $this->isNew                  = false;
+      foreach($this->attributes as $value){
+        $this->$value = $attrs[$value];
+      }
+      $this->sOAmail            = preg_replace("/\./","@",$this->sOAmail,1);
+      $this->sOAmail            = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAmail);
+      $this->sOAprimary         = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->sOAprimary);
+      $this->zoneName           = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$this->zoneName);
+      if(isset($attrs['RECORDS'])){
+        $this->Records = $attrs['RECORDS']; 
+        $tmp2 = array();
+        $usedPrio = array();
+        foreach($this->Records as $key => $rec){
+          if($rec['type'] == "mXRecord"){
+            $tmp = split(" ",$rec['value']);
+            $rec['value'] = $tmp[1];
+            $tmp2[$tmp[0]] = $rec;
+            unset($this->Records[$key]);
+          }
+          if($rec['type'] == "nSRecord"){
+            unset($this->Records[$key]);
+          }
+        }
+        if(count($tmp2) != 0){
+          reset($tmp2);
+          ksort($tmp2);
+        }
+        $this->mXRecords = $tmp2;
+      }else{
+        $this->mXRecords  = array();
+        $this->Records    = array();
+      }
+      $str = date("Ymd");
+      if(preg_match("/^".$str."/",$this->sOAserial)){
+        $this->sOAserial = $this->sOAserial + 1;
+      }else{
+        $this->sOAserial = date("Ymd")."01";
+      }
+    }
+    /* Detect Network class */
+    if(!empty($this->ReverseZone)){
+      $dots = count(split("\.",$this->ReverseZone));
+      if($dots == 1){
+        $this->NetworkClass = "A";  
+        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0.0"; 
+      }elseif($dots == 2){
+        $this->NetworkClass = "B";  
+        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0.0"; 
+      }else{
+        $this->NetworkClass = "C";  
+        $this->ReverseZone .= ".0"; 
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
+  function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs)
+  {
+    $ret = $attrs;
+    $pos = $atr ;
+    $cn = count($attrs);
+    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1)||($pos >$cn))){
+      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2));
+      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2));
+      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,$pos);
+      $ret = array();
+      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
+  function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs)
+  {
+    $ret = $attrs;
+    $pos = $atr ;
+    $cn = count($attrs);
+    if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){
+      $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1));
+      $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2));
+      $unten  = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1));
+      $ret = array();
+      $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* Combine new array */
+  function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2)
+  {
+    $ret = array();
+    if(is_array($ar0))
+    foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){
+        $ret[]=$a;
+    }
+    if(is_array($ar1))
+    foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){
+        $ret[]=$a;
+    }
+    if(is_array($ar2))
+    foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){
+        $ret[]=$a;
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  function getpos($atr,$attrs)
+  {
+    $i = 0;
+    foreach($attrs as $attr => $name)    {
+      $i++;
+      if($attr == $atr){
+        return($i);
+      }
+    }
+    return(-1);
+  }
+  function execute()
+  {
+    /* Call parent execute */
+    plugin::execute();
+    /* Fill templating stuff */
+    $smarty= get_smarty();
+    $ui = get_userinfo();
+    $smarty->assign("ACLs",$this->parent->getacl(""));
+    $display= "";
+    /* Open Zone Entry Edit Dialog
+     */
+    if(!count($this->ZoneObject)){
+      $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , false);
+    }else{
+      $smarty->assign("AllowZoneEdit" , true);
+      if(isset($_POST['EditZoneEntries'])){
+        if($this->zoneEditor == NULL){
+          $this->zoneEditor= new servDNSeditZoneEntries($this->config,$this->dn,$this->ZoneObject);
+          $this->zoneEditor->parent = $this;
+        }
+        $this->dialog = $this->zoneEditor;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Save Zone Entry Edit Dialog
+     */
+    if(isset($_POST['SaveZoneEntryChanges'])){
+      $this->dialog->save_object();
+      if(count($this->dialog->check())){
+        $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
+        foreach($msgs as $msg){
+          print_red($msg);
+        }
+      }else{
+        $this->zoneEditor = clone $this->dialog;
+        $this->dialog = FALSE;
+#       $rev = DNS::FlipIp(DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialReverseZone))."";
+#       $for = DNS::getNameFromMix($this->InitialzoneName);
+#       $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $rev));
+#       $this->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $this->dn,"zoneName" => $for));
+#       $this->dialog = false;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Cancel Zone Entrie Edit Dialog
+    */
+    if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneEntryChanges'])){
+      $this->dialog = false;
+    }
+    /* Display any type of open dialogs 
+     */
+    if(is_object($this->dialog)){
+      $this->dialog->save_object();
+      return($this->dialog->execute());
+    }
+    $once =true;
+    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+      if((preg_match("/^MXup_/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $id = preg_replace("/^MXup_/","",$name);
+        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
+        $id = base64_decode($id);
+        $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayUp(($id+1),$this->mXRecords);
+      }
+      if((preg_match("/^MXdown_/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $id = preg_replace("/^MXdown_/","",$name);
+        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
+        $id = base64_decode($id);
+        $this->mXRecords = $this->ArrayDown(($id+1),$this->mXRecords);
+      }
+      if((preg_match("/^MXdel_/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $id = preg_replace("/^MXdel_/","",$name);
+        $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id);
+        $id = base64_decode($id);
+        unset($this->mXRecords[$id]);
+        $tmp  =array();
+        foreach($this->mXRecords as $entry){
+          $tmp[] = $entry;
+        }
+        $this->mXRecords = $tmp; 
+      }
+    }
+    if((isset($_POST['AddMXRecord'])) && (!empty($_POST['StrMXRecord']))){
+      $this->mXRecords[] = array("type"=>"mXRecord","value"=>trim($_POST['StrMXRecord']));      
+    }
+    /* Handle Post events */
+    $once = true;
+    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+      /* Delete record if requested */
+      if((preg_match("/RemoveRecord_/",$name))&&($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $id= preg_replace("/RemoveRecord_/","",$name);
+        unset($this->Records[$id]);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Add new Zonerecord */
+    if(isset($_POST['AddNewRecord'])){
+      $this->Records[] = array("type"=>"aRecord","value"=>"");
+    }
+    /* Fill in values */
+    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
+      $smarty->assign($name,$this->$name);
+    }
+    $div = new divSelectBox("MxRecords");
+    $div->setHeight(120);
+    $recs = $this->mXRecords;
+    $oneup    = "<input name='MXup_%s'    type='image' src='images/sort_up.png'    title='"._("Up")."'      class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
+    $onedown  = "<input name='MXdown_%s'  type='image' src='images/sort_down.png'  title='"._("Down")."'    class='center'>&nbsp;"; 
+    $onedel   = "<img src='images/empty.png' width='20' class='center'>
+                 <input name='MXdel_%s'   type='image' src='images/edittrash.png'  title='"._("Delete")."'  class='center'>"; 
+    foreach($recs as $key => $rec){
+      $div ->AddEntry(array(
+            array("string"=>$rec['value']),
+/*            array("string"=>$key,
+                  "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'"),*/
+            array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$oneup.$onedown.$onedel),
+                  "attach"=>"style='width:70px;border-right:0px;'")
+            ));
+    }
+    /* Assign records list */
+    $smarty->assign("NotNew", false);
+    $smarty->assign("Mxrecords",  $div->DrawList());
+    $smarty->assign("records"  ,  $this->generateRecordsList());
+    $smarty->assign("NetworkClass",  $this->NetworkClass);
+    $smarty->assign("NetworkClasses",  array("A"=>" (Class A)","B"=>" (Class B)","C"=>" (Class C)"));
+    /* Display tempalte */
+    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdnseditzone.tpl', TRUE));
+    return($display);
+  }
+  function remove_from_parent()
+  {
+  }
+  /* Save data to object */
+  function save_object()
+  {
+    //plugin::save_object();
+    foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
+      if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
+        $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr];
+      }
+    }
+    foreach($this->Records as $id => $value){  
+      if(isset($_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id])){
+        $this->Records[$id]['type'] = $_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$id];
+      }
+      if(isset($_POST['RecordValue_'.$id])){
+        $this->Records[$id]['value'] = $_POST['RecordValue_'.$id];
+      }
+    }
+     if(isset($_POST['NetworkClass'])){
+       $this->NetworkClass = $_POST['NetworkClass'];
+     }
+  }
+  /* Check supplied data */
+  function check()
+  {
+    /* Call common method to give check the hook */
+    $message= plugin::check();
+    /* Check if zoneName is already in use */
+    $usedZones = $this->getUsedZoneNames();
+    if(($this->isNew == true)||($this->zoneName  != $this->InitialzoneName)||($this->ReverseZone != $this->InitialReverseZone)){
+    /*  if((isset($usedZones[$this->zoneName]))&&($this->zoneName  != $this->InitialzoneName)){
+        $message[] =_("This zoneName is already in use");
+      }
+      if((in_array($this->ReverseZone,$usedZones))&&($this->ReverseZone != $this->InitialReverseZone)){
+        $message[] =_("This reverse zone is already in use");
+      }*/
+    }
+    if(empty($this->zoneName)){
+      $message[] =sprintf(_("Please choose a valid zone name."));
+    }
+    if(empty($this->ReverseZone)){
+      $message[] =sprintf(_("Please choose a valid reverse zone name."));
+    }
+    if($this->zoneName != strtolower($this->zoneName)){
+      $message[] = _("Only lowercase strings are allowed as zone name.");
+    }
+    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAserial)){
+      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for serial number.");
+    }
+    if(!is_numeric($this->sOArefresh)){
+      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for refresh.");
+    }
+    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAttl)){
+      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for ttl.");
+    }
+    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAexpire)){
+      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for expire.");
+    }
+    if(!is_numeric($this->sOAretry)){
+      $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for retry.");
+    }
+    foreach($this->Records as $name => $values){
+      /* only lower-case is allowed in record entries ... */
+      if($values['value'] != strtolower($values['value'])){
+        $message[] = sprintf(_("Only lowercase is allowed, please check your '%ss'."),$values['type']);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Check class for given Zone Address */
+    $addr = preg_replace("/^[^\/]*+\//","",$this->ReverseZone);
+    /* Check for valid&complete IP address */
+    if(!tests::is_ip($addr)){
+      $message[] = _("The given network address is not a valid, please specify a valid IP address.");
+    }
+    /* Check if given address matches selected network class */
+    switch($this->NetworkClass){
+      case 'A': { 
+                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.0\.0\.0$/",$addr)){
+                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.0.0.0"));
+                  }
+                }
+                break;
+      case 'B': {
+                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0\.0$/",$addr)){
+                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.x.0.0"));
+                  }
+                }
+                break;
+      case 'C': {
+                  if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.0$/",$addr)){
+                    $message[] = sprintf(_("The specified network address is not matching with the specified zone class, try it this way x.x.x.0"));
+                  }
+                }
+                break;
+      default : $message[] =sprintf(_("The given network class '%s' is not valid."),$this->NetworkClass);
+    }
+    return ($message);
+  }
+  /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames */
+  function getUsedZoneNames()
+  {
+    $ret = array();
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(relativeDomainName=@)(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","tXTRecord"));
+    while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
+      if(preg_match("/in-addr\.arpa/",$attr['zoneName'][0])){
+        if(isset($attr['tXTRecord'][0])){
+          $zn = preg_replace("/zoneName\=/","",$attr['tXTRecord'][0]);
+          $ret[$zn] =DNS::FlipIp(preg_replace("/\.in-addr\.arpa/","",$attr['zoneName'][0]));
+        }
+      }else{
+        $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]]="";
+      }
+    }
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* Save to LDAP */
+  function save()
+  {
+    $ret =array();
+    foreach($this->attributes as $name){
+      $ret[$name] = $this->$name;
+    }
+    /* Create mx records 
+     */
+    foreach($this->mXRecords as $key => $rec){
+      $rec['value']= $key." ".$rec['value'];
+      $this->Records [] = $rec;
+    }
+    $ret['RECORDS'] = $this->Records; 
+    switch($this->NetworkClass){
+      case 'C' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
+      case 'B' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
+      case 'A' : $ret['ReverseZone']= preg_replace("/\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*$/","",$this->ReverseZone);break;
+      default : trigger_error("Invalid network class given '".$this->NetworkClass."'");
+    }
+    $ret['InitialReverseZone']=  $this->InitialReverseZone;
+    $ret['InitialzoneName']   =  $this->InitialzoneName;
+    $ret['sOAmail']            = preg_replace("/\@/",".",$this->sOAmail);
+    foreach(array("sOAprimary","zoneName","sOAmail") as $attr){
+      if(!preg_match("/\.$/",$ret[$attr])){
+        if(!tests::is_ip($ret[$attr])){
+          $ret[$attr] = $ret[$attr].".";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $ret['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "nSRecord","value" => $ret['sOAprimary']) ;
+    $ret['zoneEditor'] = $this->zoneEditor;
+    return($ret);
+  }
+  /* This function generate a table row for each used record.
+     This table row displays the recordtype in a select box
+      and the specified value for the record, and a remove button.
+     The last element of the table also got an 'add' button.
+   */
+  function generateRecordsList($changeStateForRecords="")
+  {
+    $changeStateForRecords = "";
+    $str = "<table summary=''>";
+    foreach($this->Records as $key => $entry){
+      if($entry['type'] == "mXRecord") continue;
+      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key."');\n";
+      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordValue_".$key."');\n";
+      $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RemoveRecord_".$key."');\n";
+      $str.=" <tr>".
+        "   <td>".$this->generateRecordListBox($entry['type'],"RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key)."</td>".
+        "   <td><input type='text' value='".$entry['value']."' name='RecordValue_".$key."' id='RecordValue_".$key."'></td>".
+        "   <td><input type='submit' name='RemoveRecord_".$key."' value='"._("Delete")."' id='RemoveRecord_".$key."'></td>".
+        "</tr>";
+    }
+    $str.= "  <tr>".
+      "    <td colspan=2></td><td>".
+      "      <input type='submit' value='"._("Add")."' name='AddNewRecord'>".
+      "    </td>".
+      "  </tr>".
+      "</table>";
+    return($str);
+  }
+  /* This function generates a select box out of $this->RecordTypes options.
+     The Parameter $selected is used to predefine an attribute.
+     $name is used to specify a post name
+   */
+  function generateRecordListBox($selected,$name)
+  {
+    $str = "<select name='".$name."' id='".$name."'>";
+    foreach($this->RecordTypes as $type => $value){
+      if(preg_match("/^mXRecord$/i",$value)) continue;
+      $use = "";
+      if($type == $selected){
+        $use = " selected ";
+      }
+      $str.="\n <option value='".$type."' ".$use.">".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
+    }
+    $str.="</select>";
+    return($str);
+  }
+// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/ b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fffbd10
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+class servDNSeditZoneEntries extends plugin
+  /* CLI vars */
+  var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
+  var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
+  var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
+  /* attribute list for save action */
+  var $ignore_account     = TRUE;
+  var $attributes         = array();
+  var $objectclasses      = array("whatever");
+  var $Devices            = array();
+  var $zoneName           = "";   // ZoneName of currently edited Zone
+  var $reverseName        = "";   // ReverseZone of the currently edited Zone
+  var $RecordTypes        = array();  // Possible record type.
+  var $disableDialog      = false; // Dialog will be disabled, if this zone is new 
+  function servDNSeditZoneEntries (&$config,$dn, &$zoneObject)
+  {
+    plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
+    /* Initialise class
+     */
+    $this->RecordTypes  = DNS::getDnsRecordTypes();
+    $this->dn           = "zoneName=".$zoneObject['InitialzoneName'].",".$dn; 
+    $this->zoneName     = $zoneObject['InitialzoneName'];
+    $this->reverseName  = $zoneObject['InitialReverseZone'];
+    /* Remove nSRecord from listed types */
+    if(isset($this->RecordTypes['nSRecord'])){
+      unset($this->RecordTypes['nSRecord']);
+    }
+    /* Remove nSRecord from listed types */
+    if(isset($this->RecordTypes['pTRRecord'])){
+      unset($this->RecordTypes['pTRRecord']);
+    }
+    /* Get ldap connection 
+     */
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    /* Get zone content
+     */
+    $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",$this->dn,array("relativeDomainName"));
+    while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){
+      $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]] = DNS::getDNSHostEntries($config,$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0],true);
+      $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]]['OrigCn'] = $attrs['relativeDomainName'][0];
+    }
+    $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
+    $this->disableDialog = true;
+    if(count($this->Devices)|| $ldap->count()){
+      $this->disableDialog = false;
+    }
+  }
+  function execute()
+  {
+    plugin::execute();
+    /* Fill templating stuff */
+    $smarty= get_smarty();
+    $display= "";
+    $table = "";
+    foreach($this->Devices as $key => $dev){
+      $table .= $this->generateRecordConfigurationRow($key);
+    }
+    $smarty->assign("disableDialog",$this->disableDialog);
+    $smarty->assign("table",$table);;
+    $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl', TRUE));
+    return($display);
+  }
+  function save_object()
+  {
+    /* Check posts for operations ...  
+     */
+    $once = true;
+    $ptr_updates = array();
+    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+      /* Add a new Record in given object  
+       */
+      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_(.*)_.*$/","\\1",$name);
+      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);
+      /* Add new host entry
+       */
+      if((preg_match("/^UserRecord_?/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $entry = DNS::getDNSHostEntries($this->config,"",true);     
+        $entry['exists']    = true;
+        $entry['zoneName']  = strtoupper($this->attrs['cn'][0])."/".$this->zoneName; 
+        $entry['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "aRecord" , "value"=>"");
+        $this->Devices[_("New entry")] = $entry;
+      }
+      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
+      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
+      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
+      /* Add new REcord
+       */
+      if((preg_match("/^AddRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once = false;
+        $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][] = $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID];
+      }
+      /* Remove record from given dn
+       */
+      if((preg_match("/^RemoveRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){
+        $once   = false;
+        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
+          unset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]);
+        }
+        /* Check if there is at least one visible record. Else remove complete entry */
+        $visible = false;
+        foreach($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] as $rec){
+          if(in_array($rec['type'],$this->RecordTypes)){
+            $visible = true;  
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if(!$visible && isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'])){
+          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] = array();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* Possible attributes posted 
+     */
+    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+      /* Extract informations out of post name 
+       */
+      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name);
+      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);      
+      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
+      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
+      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
+      /* Check for value change 
+       */          
+      if(preg_match("/ValueSelection_/",$name)){
+        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
+          /* Update value */ 
+          $old = $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['value'];
+          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['value'] = $value;
+          /* Handle pTRRecord */
+          if(!isset($ptr_updates[$Name]) && $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['type'] == "aRecord"){
+            $found = false;
+            $ip = $value;
+            $match = preg_replace("/^[^\/]*+\//","",$this->reverseName);
+            $ip = preg_replace("/^".normalizePreg($match)."/","",$ip);
+            $ip = preg_replace("/^\./","",$ip);
+            foreach($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'] as $key => $dev){
+              if($dev['type'] == "pTRRecord"){
+                $ptr_updates[$Name] = $Name;
+                $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$key]['value'] = $ip;
+                $found = true;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            if(!$found){
+              $dev = array('type'=> 'pTRRecord', 'value' => $ip);
+              $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][] = $dev;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      /* record type changed
+       */        
+      if(preg_match("/^RecordTypeSelection_/",$name)){
+        if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){
+          $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['type'] = $value;
+        }  
+      }   
+    }
+    /* check for renamed entries 
+     */ 
+    foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
+      /* Extract informations out of post name 
+       */
+      $tmp    = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name);
+      $tmp2   = split("\|",$tmp);      
+      if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue;
+      $Name     = base64_decode($tmp2[0]);
+      $RecordID = $tmp2[1];
+      /* Host renamed
+       */
+      if(preg_match("/RenameHost_/",$name)){
+        if((isset($this->Devices[$Name])) && ($Name != $value)){
+          if(isset($this->Devices[$value])){
+            print_red(sprintf(_("Can't rename '%s' to '%s' there is already an entry with the same name in our zone editing dialog."),$Name,$value));
+          }else{
+            $this->Devices[$value] = $this->Devices[$Name];
+            unset($this->Devices[$Name]);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /*  check something 
+   */
+  function check()
+  {
+    /* Call common method to give check the hook */
+    $message= plugin::check();
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    $names = array();
+    foreach($this->Devices as $DevName => $device){
+      /* Don't need to check empty values ... */
+      if(!count($device['RECORDS'])) continue;
+      /* Checking entry name
+       */
+      if(!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\.-]+$/i", $DevName) || (empty($DevName))){
+        $message[] = sprintf(_("Entry name '%s' contains invalid characters."), $DevName);
+      }      
+      /* Renaming check for existing devices 
+       */
+      if(isset($device['OrigCn'])  && ($DevName != $device['OrigCn'] )){
+        $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+        $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName"));
+        if($ldap->count()){
+          $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not rename '%s' to '%s',the destination name already exists."),$device['OrigCn'],$DevName);
+        }
+      }elseif(!isset($device['OrigCn'])){
+        $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+        $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName"));
+        if($ldap->count()){
+          $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not create '%s',the destination name already exists."),$DevName);
+        }
+      }
+      /* Check names 
+       */
+      if(!isset($names[$DevName])){
+        $names[$DevName] = "";
+      }else{
+        $message[] = sprintf(_("The name '%s' is used more than once."),$DevName);
+      }
+      /* Names should be written in lowercase
+       */
+#      if(strtolower($DevName) != $DevName){
+#        $message[] = sprintf(_("The host name '%s' should be written in lowercase."), $DevName);
+#      }
+      /* Check records
+       */                 
+      $singleEntries = array("cNAMERecord","pTRRecord");
+      $tmp  = array();
+      $tmp2 = array();
+      foreach($device['RECORDS'] as $Num => $Rec){
+        /* Check for multiple use of unique record types
+         */
+        if(in_array($Rec['type'],$singleEntries)){
+          if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']])){
+            $tmp[$Rec['type']] = "";
+          }else{
+            $message[] = sprintf(_("The record type '%s' is a unique type and can't be defined twice."),$Rec['type']);
+          }
+        }
+        /* Check for empty / duplicate entries in record array 
+         */
+        if(empty($Rec['value'])){
+          $message[] = sprintf(_("There is an empty '%s' for host '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName);
+        }
+        /* Check for duplicate record entries 
+         */
+        if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']])){
+          $tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']] = "";
+        }else{
+          $message[] = sprintf(_("There is a duplicate entry in '%s' for '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName); 
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return ($message);
+  }
+  function save()
+  {
+    if($this->disableDialog) return;
+    $todo = array(); 
+    /* Create todolist
+     */
+    foreach($this->Devices as $name => $dev){
+      if(isset($dev['OrigCn'])){
+        if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){
+          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name);
+        }else{
+          $dev['exists'] = false;
+          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name);
+        }
+      }else{
+        if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){
+          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name);
+        }else{
+          $dev['exists'] = false;
+          $todo[] = DNS::getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $tmp = array();
+    $tmp['del']   = array();
+    $tmp['add']   = array();
+    $tmp['move']  = array();
+    foreach($todo as $to){
+      foreach($to as $type => $entries){
+        $tmp[$type] = array_merge($tmp[$type],$entries);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Get ldap link
+     */
+    $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+    $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
+    /* move follwoing entries
+     */
+    foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){
+      $this->recursive_move($src,$dst);
+    }
+    /* Delete dns */
+    foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn);
+      if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
+        $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn));
+      }
+    }
+    /* Add || Update new DNS entries
+     */
+    foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){
+      $ldap->cd($dn);
+      $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn'));
+      if(count($ldap->fetch())){
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->modify ($attrs);
+        if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
+          $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $dn));
+        }
+      }else{
+        $ldap->cd($dn);
+        $ldap->add($attrs);
+        if(is_object($this->parent->parent)){
+          $this->parent->parent->handle_post_events("create",array("dn" => $dn));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Create html table out of given entry 
+   */
+  function generateRecordConfigurationRow($objKey){
+    /* Get some basic informations 
+     */
+    $obj        = $this->Devices[$objKey];
+    $objectName = $objKey;
+    /* Abort if emtpy
+     */
+    if(count($obj['RECORDS']) == 0) return "";
+    /* Set title 
+     */
+    $str= "<br>";
+    $hostNameOnce = true;
+    /* Walk through all defined records 
+     */
+    $str.= "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
+    foreach($obj['RECORDS'] as $id => $record){
+      /* Skip not selectable entries */
+      if(!isset($this->RecordTypes [$record['type']])) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      /* Create unique post name
+       */
+      $name = base64_encode($objKey)."|".$id;
+      $str .= "<tr><td style='width:170px;'>\n";
+      /* Only first host entry name should be editable
+       */
+      if($hostNameOnce){
+        $hostNameOnce = false;  
+        $str .="<input type='text' name='RenameHost_".$name."' value='".$objectName."'>\n";
+      }
+      /* Create rest. Selectbox, icons ...
+       */
+      $str .="
+        </td>
+        <td style='width:90px;'>
+          ".$this->createRecordTypeSelection($record['type'],$name)."
+        </td>
+        <td>
+          <input type='text'  value='".$record['value']."' name='ValueSelection_".$name."' style='width:250px;'>
+        </td>
+        <td style='width:75px;text-align:right;'>
+          <input type='image' name='AddRecord_".$name."'   src='images/list_new.png' alt='"._("Add")."' title='"._("Add")."'>
+          <input type='image' name='RemoveRecord_".$name."' src='images/edittrash.png'      alt='"._("Remove")."' title='"._("Remove")."'>
+        ";
+#        if($record['type'] == "aRecord"){
+#          $str .="<input type='image' name='AddPtr_".$name."' src='images/network.png' 
+#                    alt='"._("Add PTR")."' title='"._("Add PTR record")."'>";
+#        }else{
+#          $str .= "<img src='images/empty.png' alt=''>";
+#        }
+      $str.=
+        "</td>
+      </tr>";
+    }
+    $str .="</table>";
+    return($str); 
+  }
+  /* Create selectbox with all available option types 
+   */
+  function createRecordTypeSelection($id,$refID){
+    $str = "\n<select name='RecordTypeSelection_".$refID."'>";
+    foreach($this->RecordTypes as $type => $atr) {
+      if($id == $type){
+        $str .="\n<option value='".$type."' selected >".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
+      }else{
+        $str .="\n<option value='".$type."'>".strtoupper(preg_replace("/record/i","",$type))."</option>";
+      }
+    }
+    $str.= "\n</select>";
+    return($str);
+  }
+  function remove_from_parent()
+  {
+  }
+// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9c0428c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<h2>{t}This dialog allows you to configure all components of this DNS zone on a single list.{/t}</h2>
+<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
+{if $disableDialog}
+       <br><b>
+       {t}This dialog can't be used until the currently edited zone was saved or the zone entry exists in the ldap database.{/t}
+       </b>
+       <br>
+       {$table}
+       <br>
+       <input type='submit' name='UserRecord' value='{t}New entry{/t}' title='{t}Create a new DNS zone entry{/t}'>
+<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
+<div style="text-algin:right;" align="right">
+    <p>
+        <input type="submit" name="SaveZoneEntryChanges" value="{t}Save{/t}">
+        <input type="submit" name="CancelZoneEntryChanges" value="{t}Cancel{/t}">
+    </p>
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+  <!-- // First input field on page
+       focus_field('zoneName');
+  -->
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdns.tpl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6cfa50f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{if $dns_take_over}
+<table summary="" width="100%">
+    <tr>
+        <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
+            <h2>{t}DNS take over initiated{/t}</h2>
+            {$warning}
+            {t}This includes 'all' DNS zones that are located within this server. Please double check if your really want to do this.{/t}
+            <p>
+            {$warning2}
+            <br>
+            <input type='submit' name='cancel_take_over' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
+            </p>
+            <p>
+            {t}Following objects will be taken over{/t}&nbsp;:
+            </p>
+            <p>
+            <pre>{$info}</pre>
+            </p>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+<table summary="" width="100%">
+{if $dns_server_list_cnt}
+    <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
+        <b>{t}Take over DNS configuration from{/t}</b>&nbsp;
+        <select name='take_over_src'>
+            {html_options options=$dns_server_list}
+        </select>
+        <input type="submit" name="take_over" value="{t}Take over{/t}">
+    </td>
+    <td style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;">
+                 {$ZoneList}
+                 {if $is_createable}
+                 <input type="submit" name="AddZone" value="{t}Add{/t}">
+                 {else}
+                 <input type="button" value="{t}Add{/t}" disabled>
+                 {/if}
+    </td>
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+  <!-- // First input field on page
+       focus_field('AddZone');
+  -->
+<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
+<div style="width:100%; text-align:right;">
+    <input type='submit' name='SaveService' value='{t}Save{/t}'>
+    &nbsp;
+    <input type='submit' name='CancelService' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl b/gosa-plugins/dns/admin/systems/services/dns/servdnseditzone.tpl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1136dba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+<table summary="" width="100%">
+       <tr>
+               <td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
+                       <table summary="">
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Zone name{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="zoneName" value="{$zoneName}" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Network address{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="ReverseZone" value="{$ReverseZone}" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Netmask{/t}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <select name="NetworkClass" {if $NotNew} disabled {/if}>
+                                                       {html_options options=$NetworkClasses selected=$NetworkClass }
+                                               </select>
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                       </table>
+               </td>
+               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
+                       <table summary="">
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>
+                                               {t}Zone records{/t}
+                                               <br>
+                                               {if $AllowZoneEdit == false}
+                                                       <i>{t}Can't be edited because the zone wasn't saved right now.{/t}</i>
+                                               {/if}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="submit" name="EditZoneEntries" value="{t}Edit{/t}" {if $AllowZoneEdit == false} disabled {/if}> 
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                       </table>
+               </td>
+       </tr>
+<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
+<h2>{t}SOA record{/t}</h2>
+<table summary="" width="100%">
+       <tr>
+               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
+                       <table summary="">
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Primary dns server for this zone{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAprimary" value="{$sOAprimary}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Mail address{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAmail" value="{$sOAmail}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Serial number (automatically incremented){/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAserial" value="{$sOAserial}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                       </table>
+               </td>
+               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
+                       <table summary="">
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Refresh{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOArefresh" value="{$sOArefresh}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Retry{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAretry" value="{$sOAretry}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}Expire{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAexpire" value="{$sOAexpire}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>{t}TTL{/t}{$must}
+                                       </td>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text" name="sOAttl" value="{$sOAttl}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                       </table>
+               </td>
+       </tr>
+<p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
+<table summary="" width="100%">
+       <tr>
+               <td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;border-right:1px        solid   #b0b0b0;">
+                       <h2>{t}MxRecords{/t}</h2>
+                       <table width="100%">    
+                               <tr>
+                                       <td>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               {$Mxrecords}
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="text"              name="StrMXRecord" value="">
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                                               <input type="submit"    name="AddMXRecord" value="{t}Add{/t}">
+                                       </td>
+                               </tr>
+                       </table>
+               </td>
+               <td style="vertical-align:top;">
+                       <h2>{t}Global zone records{/t}</h2>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+                         {$records}
+               </td>
+       </tr>
+<div style="text-algin:right;" align="right">
+       <p>
+{render acl=$ACLs}                                     
+               <input type="submit" name="SaveZoneChanges" value="{t}Save{/t}">
+               <input type="submit" name="CancelZoneChanges" value="{t}Cancel{/t}">
+       </p>
+<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
+  <!-- // First input field on page
+       focus_field('zoneName');
+  -->