summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 60fea85)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 60fea85)
author | cajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:05:45 +0000 (08:05 +0000) | ||
committer | cajus <cajus@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8> | |
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:05:45 +0000 (08:05 +0000) |
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8
34 files changed:
diff --git a/gosa-si/README b/gosa-si/README
--- a/gosa-si/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-- ping
-config-files: /etc/gosa-si/
-- bus.conf
-- client.conf
-- server.conf
-- jobs.db
diff --git a/gosa-si/arp-handler-d b/gosa-si/arp-handler-d
--- a/gosa-si/arp-handler-d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-# FILE:
-# USAGE: ./
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# BUGS: ---
-# NOTES: ---
-# AUTHOR: Andreas Rettenberger, <>
-# COMPANY: Gonicus GmbH, Arnsberg
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 21.08.2007 15:13:51 CEST
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use POSIX;
-use Fcntl;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
-use Net::LDAP::Entry;
-use Switch;
-my ($verbose, $cfg_file, $log_file, $pid_file, $foreground);
-my ($timeout, $mailto, $mailfrom, $user, $group);
-my ($procid, $pid, $loglevel);
-my ($fifo_path, $max_process_timeout, $max_process );
-my %daemon_children;
-my ($ldap, $bind_phrase, $password, $ldap_base) ;
-$procid = -1 ;
-$foreground = 0 ;
-$verbose = 0 ;
-$max_process = 2 ;
-$max_process_timeout = 1 ;
-$ldap_base = "dc=gonicus,dc=de" ;
-#$ldap_path = "/var/run/gosa-support-daemon.socket";
-#$log_path = "/var/log/gosa-support-daemon.log";
-#$pid_path = "/var/run/gosa-support-daemon/";
-# parse commandline options
-Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
-GetOptions( "v|verbose+" => \$verbose,
- "c|config=s" => \$cfg_file,
- "h|help" => \&usage,
- "l|logfile=s" => \$log_file,
- "p|pid=s" => \$pid_file,
- "f|foreground" => \$foreground);
-# read and set config parameters
-my %cfg_defaults =
-("Allgemein" =>
- {"timeout" => [ \$timeout, 1000 ],
- "mailto" => [ \$mailto, 'root@localhost' ],
- "mailfrom" => [ \$mailfrom, 'sps-daemon@localhost' ],
- "user" => [ \$user, "nobody" ],
- "group" => [ \$group, "nogroup" ],
- "fifo_path" => [ \$fifo_path, "/home/rettenbe/gonicus/gosa-support/tmp/fifo" ],
- "log_file" => [ \$log_file, "/home/rettenbe/gonicus/gosa-support/tmp/gosa-support.log" ],
- "pid_file" => [ \$pid_file, "/home/rettenbe/gonicus/gosa-support/tmp/" ],
- "loglevel" => [ \$loglevel, 1]
- },
-"LDAP" =>
- {"bind" => [ \$bind_phrase, "cn=ldapadmin,dc=gonicus,dc=de" ],
- "password" => [ \$password, "tester" ],
- }
- );
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_cmdline_param
-# PURPOSE: checks all commandline parameters to validity
-# RETURNS: none
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub check_cmdline_param () {
- my $err_config;
- my $err_log;
- my $err_pid;
- my $err_counter = 0;
- if( not defined( $cfg_file)) {
- $err_config = "please specify a config file";
- $err_counter += 1;
- }
- if( not defined( $log_file)) {
- $err_log = "please specify a log file";
- $err_counter += 1;
- }
- if( not defined( $pid_file)) {
- $err_pid = "please specify a pid file";
- $err_counter += 1;
- }
- if( $err_counter > 0 ) {
- &usage( "", 1 );
- if( defined( $err_config)) { print STDERR "$err_config\n"}
- if( defined( $err_log)) { print STDERR "$err_log\n" }
- if( defined( $err_pid)) { print STDERR "$err_pid\n"}
- print STDERR "\n";
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_pid
-# RETURNS: none
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub check_pid {
- if( open( LOCK_FILE, "<$pid_file") ) {
- $procid = <LOCK_FILE>;
- if( defined $procid ) {
- chomp( $procid );
- if( -f "/proc/$procid/stat" ) {
- my($stat) = `cat /proc/$procid/stat` =~ m/$procid \((.+)\).*/;
- print "\t".$stat."\n";
- if( "" eq $stat ) {
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- exit -1;
- }
- }
- }
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- unlink( $pid_file );
- }
- # Try to open PID file
- if (!sysopen(LOCK_FILE, $pid_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) {
- my($msg) = "Couldn't obtain lockfile '$pid_file' ";
- if (open(LOCK_FILE, "<", $pid_file) && ($pid = <LOCK_FILE>)) {
- chomp($pid);
- $msg .= "(PID $pid)\n";
- } else {
- $msg .= "(unable to read PID)\n";
- }
- if ( ! $foreground ) {
- daemon_log( $msg."\n");
- } else {
- print( STDERR " $msg " );
- }
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PURPOSE: read the configuration file and provide the programm with
-# parameters
-# RETURNS: none
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub read_configfile {
- my $log_time = localtime(time);
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $cfg_file) && ( length($cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfg_file );
- } else {
- usage( "Couldn't read config file: $cfg_file \n" );
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) { # "Parse" config into values
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[ 0 ]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[ 1 ] );
- }
- }
- if(-e $log_file ) { unlink $log_file }
- daemon_log("$log_time: config file read\n");
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: daemon_log
-# PURPOSE: log messages to specified logfile
-# PARAMETERS: $msg, $level
-# RETURNS: ????
-# DESCRIPTION: Takes a message ($msg) and append it to the logfile. The
-# standard log-level ($level) is 1. Messages whith higher level
-# than the verbosity-level (defined by commandline) are printed
-# out to commandline. Messages with log-level lower than 2 are
-# not logged to logfile!
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub daemon_log {
- my( $msg, $level ) = @_;
- if(not defined $msg) { return }
- if(not defined $level) { $level = 1 }
- open(LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file");
- if(not defined open( LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file" ) ) { return }
- chomp($msg);
- #if( $verbose >= $level ) { print "$msg"."\n" }
- if( $level <= 1 ) { print LOG_HANDLE $msg."\n" }
- if( $foreground ) { print $msg."\n" }
- close( LOG_HANDLE );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: signal handler
-# PURPOSE: catches signals from the programm and do diffrent things
-# than default
-# RETURNS: none
-# DESCRIPTION: sighandler
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub sigINT {
- my $log_time = localtime(time);
- print "INT\n";
- if( -p $fifo_path ) {
- close FIFO ;
- unlink($fifo_path) ;
- daemon_log( "$log_time: FIFO closed after signal INT!\n") ;
- }
- if(defined($ldap)) {
- $ldap->unbind;
- }
- kill INT => $$ ;
-$SIG{INT} = \&sigINT ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: usage
-# RETURNS: none
-# DESCRIPTION: print out the usage of the program
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub usage {
- my( $text, $help ) = @_;
- $text = undef if( "h" eq $text );
- (defined $text) && print STDERR "\n$text\n";
- if( (defined $help && $help) || (!defined $help && !defined $text) ) {
- print STDERR << "EOF" ;
-usage: $0 [-hvf] [-c config, -l logfile, -p pidfile]
- -h : this (help) message
- -c <file> : config file
- -l <file> : log file (example: /var/log/sps/sps.log)
- -p <file> : pid file (example: /var/run/sps/
- -f : foreground (don"t fork)
- -v : be verbose (multiple to increase verbosity)
- }
- print "\n" ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_fifo
-# PARAMETERS: $fifo_path
-# RETURNS: 0: FIFO couldn"t be setup, 1: FIFO setup correctly
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a FIFO at $fifo_path
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub open_fifo {
- my ($fifo_path) = @_ ;
- my $log_time = localtime( time );
- if( -p $fifo_path ) {
- daemon_log("$log_time: FIFO at $fifo_path already exists\n");
- return 0;
- }
- POSIX::mkfifo($fifo_path, 0666) or die "can't mkfifo $fifo_path: $!";
- daemon_log( "$log_time: FIFO started at $fifo_path\n" ) ;
- return 1;
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_ldap_entry
-# PURPOSE: adds an element to ldap-tree
-# RETURNS: none
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub add_ldap_entry {
- my ($ldap_tree, $ldap_base, $mac, $gotoSysStatus, $ip, $interface, $desc) = @_;
- my $dn = "cn=$mac,ou=incoming,$ldap_base";
- my $s_res = &search_ldap_entry($ldap_tree, $ldap_base, "(|(macAddress=$mac)(dhcpHWAddress=ethernet $mac))");
- my $c_res = $s_res->count;
- if($c_res == 1) {
- daemon_log("WARNING: macAddress $mac already in LDAP", 1);
- return;
- } elsif($c_res > 0) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: macAddress $mac exists $c_res times in LDAP", 1);
- return;
- }
- # create LDAP entry
- my $entry = Net::LDAP::Entry->new( $dn );
- $entry->dn($dn);
- $entry->add("objectClass" => "goHard");
- $entry->add("cn" => $mac);
- $entry->add("macAddress" => $mac);
- if(defined $gotoSysStatus) {$entry->add("gotoSysStatus" => $gotoSysStatus)}
- if(defined $ip) {$entry->add("ipHostNumber" => $ip) }
- #if(defined $interface) { }
- if(defined $desc) {$entry->add("description" => $desc) }
- # submit entry to LDAP
- my $result = $entry->update ($ldap_tree);
- # for $result->code constants please look at Net::LDAP::Constant
- my $log_time = localtime( time );
- if($result->code == 68) { # entry already exists
- daemon_log("WARNING: $log_time: $dn ".$result->error, 3);
- } elsif($result->code == 0) { # everything went fine
- daemon_log("$log_time: add entry $dn to ldap", 1);
- } else { # if any other error occur
- daemon_log("ERROR: $log_time: $dn, ".$result->code.", ".$result->error, 1);
- }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: change_ldap_entry
-# PURPOSE: ????
-# RETURNS: ????
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub change_ldap_entry {
- my ($ldap_tree, $ldap_base, $mac, $gotoSysStatus ) = @_;
- # check if ldap_entry exists or not
- my $s_res = &search_ldap_entry($ldap_tree, $ldap_base, "(|(macAddress=$mac)(dhcpHWAddress=ethernet $mac))");
- my $c_res = $s_res->count;
- if($c_res == 0) {
- daemon_log("WARNING: macAddress $mac not in LDAP", 1);
- return;
- } elsif($c_res > 1) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: macAddress $mac exists $c_res times in LDAP", 1);
- return;
- }
- my $s_res_entry = $s_res->pop_entry();
- my $dn = $s_res_entry->dn();
- my $result = $ldap->modify( $dn, replace => {'gotoSysStatus' => $gotoSysStatus } );
- # for $result->code constants please look at Net::LDAP::Constant
- my $log_time = localtime( time );
- if($result->code == 32) { # entry doesnt exists
- &add_ldap_entry($mac, $gotoSysStatus);
- } elsif($result->code == 0) { # everything went fine
- daemon_log("$log_time: entry $dn changed successful", 1);
- } else { # if any other error occur
- daemon_log("ERROR: $log_time: $dn, ".$result->code.", ".$result->error, 1);
- }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: search_ldap_entry
-# PURPOSE: ????
-# PARAMETERS: [Net::LDAP] $ldap_tree - object of an ldap-tree
-# string $sub_tree - dn of the subtree the search is performed
-# string $search_string - either a string or a Net::LDAP::Filter object
-# RETURNS: [Net::LDAP::Search] $msg - result object of the performed search
-# THROWS: no exceptions
-# COMMENTS: none
-# SEE ALSO: n/a
-sub search_ldap_entry {
- my ($ldap_tree, $sub_tree, $search_string) = @_;
- my $msg = $ldap_tree->search( # perform a search
- base => $sub_tree,
- filter => $search_string,
- ) or daemon_log("cannot perform search at ldap: $@", 1);
-# if(defined $msg) {
-# print $sub_tree."\t".$search_string."\t";
-# print $msg->count."\n";
-# foreach my $entry ($msg->entries) { $entry->dump; };
-# }
- return $msg;
-#========= MAIN = main ========================================================
-daemon_log( "####### START DAEMON ######\n", 1 );
-&check_cmdline_param ;
-# Just fork, if we"re not in foreground mode
-if( ! $foreground ) { $pid = fork(); }
-else { $pid = $$; }
-# Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file
-if( 0 != $pid ) {
- open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" );
- print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n";
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- if( !$foreground ) { exit( 0 ) };
-if( not -p $fifo_path ) { die "fifo file disappeared\n" }
-sysopen(FIFO, $fifo_path, O_RDONLY) or die "can't read from $fifo_path: $!" ;
-while( 1 ) {
- # checke alle prozesse im hash daemon_children ob sie noch aktiv sind, wenn
- # nicht, dann entferne prozess aus hash
- while( (my $key, my $val) = each( %daemon_children) ) {
- my $status = waitpid( $key, &WNOHANG) ;
- if( $status == -1 ) {
- delete $daemon_children{$key} ;
- daemon_log("childprocess finished: $key", 3) ;
- }
- }
- # ist die max_process anzahl von prozesskindern erreicht, dann warte und
- # prüfe erneut, ob in der zwischenzeit prozesse fertig geworden sind
- if( keys( %daemon_children ) >= $max_process ) {
- sleep($max_process_timeout) ;
- next ;
- }
- my $msg = <FIFO>;
- if( not defined( $msg )) { next ; }
- chomp( $msg );
- if( length( $msg ) == 0 ) { next ; }
- my $forked_pid = fork();
-#=== PARENT = parent ==========================================================
- if ( $forked_pid != 0 ) {
- daemon_log("childprocess forked: $forked_pid", 3) ;
- $daemon_children{$forked_pid} = 0 ;
- }
-#=== CHILD = child ============================================================
- else {
- # parse the incoming message from arp, split the message and return
- # the values in an array. not defined values are set to "none"
- #my ($mac, $ip, $interface, $arp_sig, $desc) = &parse_input( $msg ) ;
- daemon_log( "childprocess read from arp: $fifo_path\nline: $msg", 3);
- my ($mac, $ip, $interface, $arp_sig, $desc) = split('\s', $msg, 5);
- # create connection to LDAP
- $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( "localhost" ) or die "$@";
- $ldap->bind($bind_phrase,
- password => $password,
- ) ;
- switch($arp_sig) {
- case 0 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "ip-changed",
- )}
- case 1 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "mac-not-whitelisted",
- )}
- case 2 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "mac-in-blacklist",
- )}
- case 3 {&add_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "new-mac-address", $ip,
- $interface, $desc,
- )}
- case 4 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "unauthorized-arp-request",
- )}
- case 5 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "abusive-number-of-arp-requests",
- )}
- case 6 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "ether-and-arp-mac-differs",
- )}
- case 7 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "flood-detected",
- )}
- case 8 {&add_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, $ip, "new-system",
- )}
- case 9 {&change_ldap_entry($ldap, $ldap_base,
- $mac, "mac-changed",
- )}
- }
- # ldap search
-# my $base_phrase = "dc=gonicus,dc=de";
-# my $filter_phrase = "cn=keinesorge";
-# my $attrs_phrase = "cn macAdress";
-# my $msg_search = $ldap->search( base => $base_phrase,
-# filter => $filter_phrase,
-# attrs => $attrs_phrase,
-# );
-# $msg_search->code && die $msg_search->error;
-# my @entries = $msg_search->entries;
-# my $max = $msg_search->count;
-# print "anzahl der entries: $max\n";
-# my $i;
-# for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $max ; $i++ ) {
-# my $entry = $msg_search->entry ( $i );
-# foreach my $attr ( $entry->attributes ) {
-# if( not $attr eq "cn") {
-# next;
-# }
-# print join( "\n ", $attr, $entry->get_value( $attr ) ), "\n\n";
-# }
-# }
- # ldap add
- $ldap->unbind;
- exit;
- }
diff --git a/gosa-si/arp-handler-d.cfg b/gosa-si/arp-handler-d.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-timeout = 1000
-mailto = root@localhost
-mailfrom = gosa-sd@localhost
-user = rettenbe
-group = usr
-fifo_path = /home/rettenbe/gonicus/projekte/gosa-trunk/contrib/daemon/fifo
-log_file = /home/rettenbe/gonicus/projekte/gosa-trunk/contrib/daemon/gosa-sd.log
-pid_file = /home/rettenbe/gonicus/projekte/gosa-trunk/contrib/daemon/
-loglevel = 1
-bind = cn=ldapadmin,dc=gonicus,dc=de
-password = tester
diff --git a/gosa-si/bus.conf b/gosa-si/bus.conf
--- a/gosa-si/bus.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-log_file = /var/log/gosa-si-bus.log
-pid_file = /var/run/
-child_max = 10
-child_min = 2
-child_timeout = 10
-bus_activ = on
-bus_passwd = secret-bus-password
-bus_ip =
-bus_port = 20080
diff --git a/gosa-si/client.conf b/gosa-si/client.conf
--- a/gosa-si/client.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-log_file = /var/log/gosa-si-client.log
-pid_file = /var/run/
-client_port = 20083
-server_ip =
-server_port = 20081
-server_passwd = secret-server-password
-server_timeout = 5
-server_domain =
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/README.debian b/gosa-si/debian/README.debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-README.Debian for GOto 3.0
-* Configuring GOto 3.0
-You need a proper LDAP/FAI/GOsa setup to make this run. More
-text will follow later. Sorry.
-Cajus Pollmeier <> Fri 02 Jun 2006 16:23:50 +0200
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/changelog b/gosa-si/debian/changelog
--- a/gosa-si/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-gosa-si (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial release
- -- Cajus Pollmeier <> Fri, 7 Dec 2007 11:37:45 +0100
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/compat b/gosa-si/debian/compat
--- a/gosa-si/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/control b/gosa-si/debian/control
--- a/gosa-si/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Source: gosa-si
-Section: utils
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Cajus Pollmeier <>
-Build-Depends: debhelper(>= 4.2.32), dpatch
-Package: gosa-si-common
-Architecture: any
-Depends: libconfig-inifiles-perl, libcrypt-rijndael-perl, libxml-simple-perl, libipc-shareable-perl, libdata-dumper-simple-perl, libmime-perl, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libnet-ldap-perl, libnetaddr-ip-perl
-Suggests: gosa-si-server, gosa-si-client
-Description: GOsa support infrastructure
- This package provides common library functionality used by the
- infrastructure server and client packages.
- .
- GOsa is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web
- interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups.
-Package: gosa-si-server
-Architecture: any
-Depends: gosa-si-common
-Suggests: gosa
-Description: GOsa support infrastructure server
- This package provides everything you need in order to deploy a simple
- or distributed GOsa support infrastructure. It can be used to trigger
- certain actions or retrieve information from clients.
- .
- GOsa is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web
- interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups.
-Package: gosa-si-client
-Architecture: any
-Depends: gosa-si-common
-Suggests: gosa
-Description: GOsa support infrastructure client
- This package lets you join to a GOsa support infrastructure as a
- client in order to provide information or to act on events.
- .
- GOsa is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web
- interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups.
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/copyright b/gosa-si/debian/copyright
--- a/gosa-si/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-This package was debianized by Cajus Pollmeier
-<> on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:57:35 +0100.
-Copyright: GPL2
-This code is released under the terms of the GPLv2 license.
-See /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 for the full license.
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si
--- a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/default/gosa-si - configure the init script
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.dirs b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.install b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-gosa-si-client usr/sbin
-client.conf etc/gosa-si
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.postinst b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-client.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# We exit unless the package is being configured
-case "$1" in
- abort*upgrade) exit 0;;
- abort*remove) exit 0;;
- abort*deconfigure) exit 0;;
- configure) ;;
- *) exit 0;
-[ ! -d /usr/lib/gosa-si/client/events ] && install -d -o root -g root -m 750 /usr/lib/gosa-si/client/events
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.dirs b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.install b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-modules/ usr/share/perl5/GOSA
-modules/ usr/share/perl5/GOSA
-debian/gosa-si etc/default
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.postinst b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-common.postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# We exit unless the package is being configured
-case "$1" in
- abort*upgrade) exit 0;;
- abort*remove) exit 0;;
- abort*deconfigure) exit 0;;
- configure) ;;
- *) exit 0;
-[ -d /var/lib/gosa-si ] || install -d -o root -g root -m 750 /var/lib/gosa-si
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.dirs b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.init b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Start/stop the GOsa support daemon infrastructure.
-# Provides: gosa-si
-# Required-Start: $syslog $time
-# Required-Stop: $syslog $time
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Short-Description: GOsa message bus and server component
-# Description: gosa-si establishes the communication between a couple of
-# GOsa hosting servers and optionally clients to do event
-# signaling for all communication partners.
-# Sanity checks
-test -f /usr/sbin/gosa-si-server || exit 0
-test -f /usr/sbin/gosa-si-bus || exit 0
-# Load defaults
-[ -r /etc/default/gosa-si ] && . /etc/default/gosa-si
-# Load LSB support functions
-. /lib/lsb/init-functions
-start_bus() {
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name gosa-si-bus --startas /usr/sbin/gosa-si-bus --
-start_server() {
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name gosa-si-server --startas /usr/sbin/gosa-si-server -- -vvvvv $1
-stop_bus() {
- start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name gosa-si-bus
-stop_server() {
- start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name gosa-si-server
-case "$1" in
-start) log_daemon_msg "Starting GOsa support infrastructure"
- if [ "$START_BUS" == "1" ]; then
- log_progress_msg "bus"
- start_bus
- log_progress_msg "daemon"
- start_server
- else
- log_progress_msg "daemon"
- start_server --no-bus
- fi
- log_end_msg $?
- ;;
-stop) log_daemon_msg "Stopping GOsa support infrastructure"
- if [ "$START_BUS" == "1" ]; then
- log_progress_msg "daemon"
- stop_server
- log_progress_msg "bus"
- stop_bus
- else
- log_progress_msg "daemon"
- stop_server
- fi
- log_end_msg $?
- ;;
-reload|force-reload|restart) log_daemon_msg "Restarting GOsa support infrastructure"
- if [ "$START_BUS" == "1" ]; then
- stop_server
- stop_bus
- start_bus
- start_server --no-bus
- log_progress_msg "done"
- else
- stop_server
- start_server --no-bus
- log_progress_msg "done"
- fi
- log_end_msg $?
- ;;
-*) log_action_msg "Usage: /etc/init.d/gosa-si {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}"
- exit 2
- ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.install b/gosa-si/debian/gosa-si-server.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-gosa-si-server usr/sbin
-gosa-si-bus usr/sbin
-server.conf etc/gosa-si
-bus.conf etc/gosa-si
-modules/ usr/lib/gosa-si/modules
-modules/ usr/lib/gosa-si/modules
-server/events/ping usr/lib/gosa-si/server/events
diff --git a/gosa-si/debian/rules b/gosa-si/debian/rules
--- a/gosa-si/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. GNU copyright 1997 by Joey Hess.
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
-build: patch
- #********************************************************
- #* Building ltsp-goto into a Debian/GNU Linux Package *
- #* please stand by *
- #********************************************************
-clean: clean-patched unpatch
- dh_testdir
- rm -f install-stamp
- -rm -f debian/files
- -rm -rf debian/tmp
- -rm -f debian/substvars
- dh_clean
- dpatch deapply-all
- rm -rf patch-stamp debian/patched
-install: install-stamp
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_clean -k
- dh_installdirs
- # Create a copy, remove svn stuff
- -mkdir debian/tmp
- -for i in *; do \
- cp -R $$i debian/tmp ; \
- done
- -find debian/tmp -name '*.svn' -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null
- -for i in gosa-si-client gosa-si-server modules/ modules/ modules/ server/events/*; do sed -i 's/use GosaSupportDaemon;/use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;/g;s/use DBsqlite;/use GOSA::DBsqlite;/g' debian/tmp/$$i; done
- -sed -i 's!"/etc/gosa-si/modules";!use lib "/usr/lib/gosa-si/modules";!g' debian/tmp/gosa-si-server
- -sed -i 's!"/etc/gosa-si/server/events";!"/usr/lib/gosa-si/server/events";!g' debian/tmp/modules/
- touch install-stamp
-patch: patch-stamp
- dpatch apply-all
- dpatch cat-all >patch-stamp
-binary-indep: install
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp
- dh_installdocs
- dh_installcron
- dh_installexamples
- dh_installchangelogs
- #dh_installdebconf
- dh_installinit -pgosa-si-server --init-script=gosa-si
- dh_link
- dh_strip
- dh_compress
- dh_fixperms
- dh_perl
- dh_installdeb
- dh_shlibdeps
- dh_gencontrol
- dh_md5sums
- dh_builddeb
-source diff:
- @echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
-binary: binary-indep
-.PHONY: build install clean binary-indep binary
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus b/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-bus
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1362 +0,0 @@
-# FILE: gosa-server
-# USAGE: ./gosa-server
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# BUGS: ---
-# AUTHOR: (Andreas Rettenberger), <>
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 12.09.2007 08:54:41 CEST
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use POSIX;
-use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use Crypt::Rijndael;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock);
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-use GOSA::DBsqlite;
-my ($cfg_file, $default_cfg_file, %cfg_defaults, $foreground, $verbose);
-my ($bus_activ, $bus_passwd, $bus_ip, $bus_port, $bus_address, $bus, $bus_mac_address, $network_interface);
-my ($pid_file, $procid, $pid, $log_file, $my_own_address);
-my (%free_child, %busy_child, $child_max, $child_min, %child_alive_time, $child_timeout);
-my ($bus_known_server_db, $bus_known_server_file_name);
-my ($xml, $bus_cipher);
-$foreground = 0 ;
-%cfg_defaults =
-("general" =>
- {"log_file" => [\$log_file, "/var/run/".$0.".log"],
- "pid_file" => [\$pid_file, "/var/run/".$0.".pid"],
- "child_max" => [\$child_max, 10],
- "child_min" => [\$child_min, 3],
- "child_timeout" => [\$child_timeout, 180],
- "bus_known_server_file_name" => [\$bus_known_server_file_name, "/var/lib/gosa-si/bus_known_server.db"]
- },
-"bus" =>
- {"bus_activ" => [\$bus_activ, "on"],
- "bus_passwd" => [\$bus_passwd, ""],
- "bus_ip" => [\$bus_ip, ""],
- "bus_port" => [\$bus_port, "20080"],
- }
- );
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string -
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: read cfg_file and set variables
-sub read_configfile {
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $cfg_file) && ( length($cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfg_file );
- } else {
- print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!";
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) {
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[ 0 ]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[ 1 ] );
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: logging
-# PARAMETERS: level - string - default 'info'
-# msg - string -
-# facility - string - default 'LOG_DAEMON'
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: function for logging
-sub daemon_log {
- my( $msg, $level ) = @_;
- if(not defined $msg) { return }
- if(not defined $level) { $level = 1 }
- if(defined $log_file){
- open(LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file");
- if(not defined open( LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file" )) {
- print STDERR "cannot open $log_file: $!";
- return }
- chomp($msg);
- if($level && $verbose && $level <= $verbose){
- print LOG_HANDLE $msg."\n";
- if(defined $foreground) { print $msg."\n" }
- }
- }
- close( LOG_HANDLE );
-# my ($msg, $level, $facility) = @_;
-# if(not defined $msg) {return}
-# if(not defined $level) {$level = "info"}
-# if(not defined $facility) {$facility = "LOG_DAEMON"}
-# openlog($0, "pid,cons,", $facility);
-# syslog($level, $msg);
-# closelog;
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_cmdline_param
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: validates commandline parameter
-sub check_cmdline_param () {
- my $err_config;
- my $err_counter = 0;
- if( not defined( $cfg_file)) {
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $name = "/etc/gosa-si/bus.conf";
- $cfg_file = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $name );
- }
- if( $err_counter > 0 ) {
- &usage( "", 1 );
- if( defined( $err_config)) { print STDERR "$err_config\n"}
- print STDERR "\n";
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_pid
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels pid processing
-sub check_pid {
- $pid = -1;
- # Check, if we are already running
- if( open(LOCK_FILE, "<$pid_file") ) {
- $pid = <LOCK_FILE>;
- if( defined $pid ) {
- chomp( $pid );
- if( -f "/proc/$pid/stat" ) {
- my($stat) = `cat /proc/$pid/stat` =~ m/$pid \((.+)\).*/;
- if( $0 eq $stat ) {
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- exit -1;
- }
- }
- }
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- unlink( $pid_file );
- }
- # create a syslog msg if it is not to possible to open PID file
- if (not sysopen(LOCK_FILE, $pid_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) {
- my($msg) = "Couldn't obtain lockfile '$pid_file' ";
- if (open(LOCK_FILE, '<', $pid_file)
- && ($pid = <LOCK_FILE>))
- {
- chomp($pid);
- $msg .= "(PID $pid)\n";
- } else {
- $msg .= "(unable to read PID)\n";
- }
- if( ! ($foreground) ) {
- openlog( $0, "cons,pid", "daemon" );
- syslog( "warning", $msg );
- closelog();
- }
- else {
- print( STDERR " $msg " );
- }
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: usage
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: print out usage text to STDERR
-sub usage {
- print STDERR << "EOF" ;
-usage: $0 [-hvf] [-c config]
- -h : this (help) message
- -c <file> : config file
- -f : foreground, process will not be forked to background
- -v : be verbose (multiple to increase verbosity)
- print "\n" ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: sig_int_handler
-# PARAMETERS: signal - string - signal arose from system
-# RETURNS: noting
-# DESCRIPTION: handels tasks to be done befor signal becomes active
-sub sig_int_handler {
- my ($signal) = @_;
- if($bus){
- close($bus);
- print "$bus closed\n";
- }
- print "$signal\n";
- exit(1);
-$SIG{INT} = \&sig_int_handler;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interface_for_ip
-# PARAMETERS: ip address (i.e.
-# RETURNS: array: list of interfaces if ip=, matching interface if found, undef else
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interface_for_ip {
- my $result;
- my $ip= shift;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- my @ifs= &get_interfaces();
- if($ip eq "") {
- $result = "all";
- } else {
- foreach (@ifs) {
- my $if=$_;
- if(get_ip($if) eq $ip) {
- $result = $if;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interfaces
-# RETURNS: (list of interfaces)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interfaces {
- my @result;
- my $PROC_NET_DEV= ('/proc/net/dev');
- or die "Could not open $PROC_NET_DEV";
- my @ifs = <PROC_NET_DEV>;
- close(PROC_NET_DEV);
- # Eat first two line
- shift @ifs;
- shift @ifs;
- chomp @ifs;
- foreach my $line(@ifs) {
- my $if= (split /:/, $line)[0];
- $if =~ s/^\s+//;
- push @result, $if;
- }
- return @result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_mac
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (mac address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get mac address directly from system.
-sub get_mac {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result;
- if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
- if($ifreq eq "all") {
- $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- } else {
- my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
- # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
- if ($bus_mac_address and length($bus_mac_address) > 0) {
- return $bus_mac_address;
- }
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
- if (length($mac) > 0) {
- $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
- $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- $result = $mac;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_ip
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (ip address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get ip address directly from system.
-sub get_ip {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result= "";
- my $SIOCGIFADDR= 0x8915; # man 2 ioctl_list
- my $proto= getprotobyname('ip');
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $sin) = unpack 'a16 a16', $ifreq;
- my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $sin;
- my $ip = inet_ntoa $addr;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- $result = $ip;
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: activating_child
-# PARAMETERS: msg - string - incoming message
-# host - string - host from which the incomming message comes
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the distribution of incoming messages to working childs
-sub activating_child {
- my ($msg, $host) = @_;
- my $child = &get_processing_child();
- my $pipe_wr = $$child{'pipe_wr'};
- daemon_log("activating: childpid: $$child{'pid'}", 5);
- print $pipe_wr $msg.".".$host."\n";
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_processing_child
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: child - hash - holding the process id and the references to the pipe
-# handles pipe_wr and pipe_rd
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the forking, reactivating and keeping alive tasks
-sub get_processing_child {
- my $child;
- # checking %busy_child{pipe_wr} if msg is 'done', then set child from busy to free
- while(my ($key, $val) = each(%busy_child)) {
- # check wether process still exists
- my $exitus_pid = waitpid($key, WNOHANG);
- if($exitus_pid != 0) {
- delete $busy_child{$key};
- daemon_log( "prozess:$key wurde aus busy_child entfernt\n", 5);
- next;
- }
- # check wether process sitll works
- my $fh = $$val{'pipe_rd'};
- $fh->blocking(0);
- my $child_answer;
- if(not $child_answer = <$fh>) { next }
- chomp($child_answer);
- if($child_answer eq "done") {
- delete $busy_child{$key};
- $free_child{$key} = $val;
- }
- }
- while(my ($key, $val) = each(%free_child)) {
- my $exitus_pid = waitpid($key, WNOHANG);
- if($exitus_pid != 0) {
- delete $free_child{$key};
- daemon_log( "prozess:$key wurde aus free_child entfernt\n", 5);
- }
- daemon_log("free child:$key\n", 5);
- }
- # check @free_child and @busy_child
- my $free_len = scalar(keys(%free_child));
- my $busy_len = scalar(keys(%busy_child));
- daemon_log("free children $free_len, busy children $busy_len\n",5);
- # if there is a free child, let the child work
- if($free_len > 0){
- my @keys = keys(%free_child);
- $child = $free_child{$keys[0]};
- if(defined $child) {
- $busy_child{$$child{'pid'}} = $child ;
- delete $free_child{$$child{'pid'}};
- }
- return $child;
- }
- # no free child, try to fork another one
- if($free_len + $busy_len < $child_max) {
- daemon_log("not enough children, create a new one\n",5);
- # New pipes for communication
- my( $PARENT_wr, $PARENT_rd );
- my( $CHILD_wr, $CHILD_rd );
- pipe( $CHILD_rd, $PARENT_wr );
- pipe( $PARENT_rd, $CHILD_wr );
- $PARENT_wr->autoflush(1);
- $CHILD_wr->autoflush(1);
- ############
- # fork child
- ############
- my $child_pid = fork();
- if($child_pid == 0) {
- # Close unused pipes
- close( $CHILD_rd );
- close( $CHILD_wr );
- while( 1 ) {
- my $rbits = "";
- vec( $rbits, fileno $PARENT_rd , 1 ) = 1;
- # waiting child_timeout for jobs to do
- my $nf = select($rbits, undef, undef, $child_timeout);
- if($nf < 0 ) {
- # if $nf < 1, error handling
- die "select(): $!\n";
- } elsif (! $nf) {
- # if already child_min childs are alive, then leave loop
- $free_len = scalar(keys(%free_child));
- $busy_len = scalar(keys(%busy_child));
- if($free_len + $busy_len >= $child_min) {
- last;
- } else {
- redo;
- }
- }
- # a job for a child arise
- if ( vec $rbits, fileno $PARENT_rd, 1 ) {
- # read everything from pipe
- my $msg = "";
- $PARENT_rd->blocking(0);
- while(1) {
- my $read = <$PARENT_rd>;
- if(not defined $read) { last}
- $msg .= $read;
- }
- # forward the job msg to another function
- &process_incoming_msg($msg);
- daemon_log("processing of msg finished", 5);
- # important!!! wait until child says 'done', until then child is set from busy to free
- print $PARENT_wr "done";
- redo;
- }
- }
- # childs leaving the loop are allowed to die
- exit(0);
- } else {
- # Close unused pipes
- close( $PARENT_rd );
- close( $PARENT_wr );
- # add child to child alive hash
- my %child_hash = (
- 'pid' => $child_pid,
- 'pipe_wr' => $CHILD_wr,
- 'pipe_rd' => $CHILD_rd,
- );
- $child = \%child_hash;
- $busy_child{$$child{'pid'}} = $child;
- return $child;
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: process_incoming_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - incoming crypted message
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the proceeded distribution to the appropriated functions
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg) = @_;
- if(not defined $crypted_msg) {
- daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- return;
- }
- $crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
- $crypted_msg = $1;
- my $host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- my $msg;
- my $msg_hash;
- my $host_name;
- my $host_key;
- # check wether incoming msg is a new msg
- $host_name = $bus_address;
- $host_key = $bus_passwd;
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: host_name: $host_name", 7);
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: host_key: $host_key", 7);
- eval{
- my $key_cipher = &create_ciphering($host_key);
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $key_cipher);
- $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- };
- if($@) {
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: deciphering raise error", 7);
- daemon_log("$@", 8);
- $msg = undef;
- $msg_hash = undef;
- $host_name = undef;
- $host_key = undef;
- }
- # check wether incoming msg is from a bus_known_server
- if( not defined $msg ) {
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'bus_known_server'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
- $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- if( not $host_name =~ "^$host") {
- next;
- }
- $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: host_name: $host_name", 7);
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: host_key: $host_key", 7);
- eval{
- my $key_cipher = &create_ciphering($host_key);
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $key_cipher);
- $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- };
- if($@) {
- daemon_log("process_incoming_msg: deciphering raise error", 7);
- daemon_log("$@", 8);
- $msg = undef;
- $msg_hash = undef;
- $host_name = undef;
- $host_key = undef;
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if( not defined $msg ) {
- daemon_log("WARNING: bus does not understand the message:", 5);
- return;
- }
- # process incoming msg
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- daemon_log("header from msg: $header", 1);
- daemon_log("msg to process:", 5);
- daemon_log($msg, 5);
- my @targets = @{$msg_hash->{target}};
- my $len_targets = @targets;
- if ($len_targets == 0){
- daemon_log("ERROR: no target specified for msg $header", 1);
- } elsif ($len_targets == 1){
- # we have only one target symbol
- my $target = $targets[0];
- daemon_log("msg is for: $target", 7);
- if($target eq $bus_address) {
- # msg is for bus
- if($header eq 'here_i_am'){ &here_i_am($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'confirm_new_passwd'){ &confirm_new_passwd($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'got_ping') { &got_ping($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'ping') { &ping($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'who_has') { &who_has($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'new_client') { &new_client($msg_hash)}
- elsif($header eq 'delete_client') { &delete_client($msg_hash)}
- } elsif ($target eq "*"){
- # msg is for all server
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
- $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- $msg_hash->{target} = [$host_name];
- &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- }
- return;
- }
- } else {
- # a list of targets is specified
- my $target_address;
- foreach $target_address (@targets) {
- my $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server', hostname=>$target_address} );
- if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- $host_key = $query_res->{1}->{hostkey};
- &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $target_address, $host_key);
- next;
- } else {
- $query_res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{$query_res} ) {
- my $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- my $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- my $clients = $hit->{clients};
- my @clients = split(/,/, $clients);
- foreach my $client (@clients) {
- if( not $client eq $target_address ) {
- next;
- }
- $msg_hash->{target} = [ $target_address ];
- &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- daemon_log("bus forwards msg $header for client $target_address to server $host_name", 3);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_of_known_daemons
-#sub get_content_of_known_daemons {
-# my ($host, $content) = @_;
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_passwd
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: new_passwd - string
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a 32 bit long random passwd out of "a".."z","A".."Z",0..9
-sub create_passwd {
- my $new_passwd = "";
- for(my $i=0; $i<31; $i++) {
- $new_passwd .= ("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9)[int(rand(62))]
- }
- return $new_passwd;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_ciphering
-# PARAMETERS: passwd - string - used to create ciphering
-# RETURNS: cipher - object
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC object with passwd as key
-#sub create_ciphering {
-# my ($passwd) = @_;
-# $passwd = substr(md5_hex("$passwd") x 32, 0, 32);
-# my $iv = substr(md5_hex('GONICUS GmbH'),0, 16);
-# my $my_cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($passwd , Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
-# $my_cipher->set_iv($iv);
-# return $my_cipher;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: encrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: msg - string - message to encrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: crypted_msg - string - crypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: crypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-#sub encrypt_msg {
-# my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_;
-# if(not defined $my_cipher) { print "no cipher object\n"; }
-# $msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
-# my $crypted_msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
-# chomp($crypted_msg = &encode_base64($crypted_msg));
-# return $crypted_msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: decrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - message to decrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: msg - string - decrypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: decrypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-#sub decrypt_msg {
-# my ($crypted_msg, $my_cipher) = @_ ;
-# $crypted_msg = &decode_base64($crypted_msg);
-# my $msg = $my_cipher->decrypt($crypted_msg);
-# $msg =~ s/^\0*//g;
-# return $msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: header - string - message header (required)
-# source - string - where the message come from (required)
-# target - string - where the message should go to (required)
-# [header_value] - string - something usefull (optional)
-# RETURNS: hash - hash - nomen est omen
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a key-value hash, all values are stored in a array
-#sub create_xml_hash {
-# my ($header, $source, $target, $header_value) = @_ ;
-# if (not defined $header || not defined $source || not defined $target) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: create_xml_hash function is invoked with uncompleted parameters", 7);
-# }
-# my $hash = {
-# header => [$header],
-# source => [$source],
-# target => [$target],
-# $header => [$header_value],
-# };
-# #daemon_log("create_xml_hash:", 7),
-# #chomp(my $tmp = Dumper $hash);
-# #daemon_log("\t$tmp\n", 7);
-# return $hash
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_string
-# PARAMETERS: xml_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: xml_string - string - xml string representation of the hash
-# DESCRIPTION: transform the hash to a string using XML::Simple module
-#sub create_xml_string {
-# my ($xml_hash) = @_ ;
-# my $xml_string = $xml->XMLout($xml_hash, RootName => 'xml');
-# #$xml_string =~ s/[\n]+//g;
-# return $xml_string;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_content2xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference to a hash from function create_xml_hash
-# element - string - key for the hash
-# content - string - value for the hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: add key-value pair to xml_ref, if key alread exists, then append value to list
-#sub add_content2xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element, $content) = @_;
-# if(not exists $$xml_ref{$element} ) {
-# $$xml_ref{$element} = [];
-# }
-# my $tmp = $$xml_ref{$element};
-# push(@$tmp, $content);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_from_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference of the xml hash
-# element - string - key of the value you want
-# RETURNS: value - string - if key is either header, target or source
-# value - list - for all other keys in xml hash
-#sub get_content_from_xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element) = @_;
-# my $result = $xml_ref->{$element};
-# if( $element eq "header" || $element eq "target" || $element eq "source") {
-# return @$result[0];
-# }
-# return @$result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr - string - something like or
-# [PeerPort] - string - necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket - IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-#sub open_socket {
-# my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
-# if(defined($PeerPort)){
-# $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
-# }
-# my $socket;
-# $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
-# Porto => "tcp" ,
-# Type => SOCK_STREAM,
-# Reuse => 1,
-# Timeout => 5,
-# );
-# if(not defined $socket) {
-# return;
-# }
-# return $socket;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_from_socket
-# PARAMETERS: socket - fh - filehandel to read from
-# RETURNS: result - string - readed characters from socket
-# DESCRIPTION: reads data from socket in 16 byte steps
-sub read_from_socket {
- my ($socket) = @_;
- $socket->blocking(1);
- my $result = <$socket>;
- $socket->blocking(0);
- my $part_msg;
- while ($part_msg = <$socket>) {
- if (not defined $part_msg) { last; }
- $result .= $part_msg;
- }
- #my $result = "";
- #my $len = 16;
- #while($len == 16){
- # my $char;
- # $len = sysread($socket, $char, 16);
- # if($len != 16) { last }
- # if($len != 16) { last }
- # $result .= $char;
- #}
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2address
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - xml_hash created with function create_xml_hash
-# PeerAddr string - socket address to send msg
-# PeerPort string - socket port, if not included in socket address
-# RETURNS: nothing
-#sub send_msg_hash2address {
-# my ($msg_hash, $address) = @_ ;
-# # fetch header for logging
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# # generate xml string
-# my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
-# # fetch the appropriated passwd from hash
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$address}->{passwd};
-# # create a ciphering object
-# my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
-# # encrypt xml msg
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
-# # open socket
-# my $socket = &open_socket($address);
-# if(not defined $socket){
-# daemon_log("ERROR: cannot send '$header'-msg to $address , server not reachable", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# # send xml msg
-# print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
-# close $socket;
-# daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $address", 5);
-# daemon_log("crypted_msg:\n\t$crypted_msg", 7);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2all
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - xml_hash created with function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: send msg_hash to all registered daemons
-#sub send_msg_hash2all {
-# my ($msg_hash) = @_;
-# # fetch header for logging
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# # generate xml string
-# my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
-# # fetch a list of all target addresses
-# my @targets = keys(%$known_daemons);
-# # itterates through the list an send each the msg
-# foreach my $target (@targets) {
-# if($target eq $bus_address) {next}; # do not send msg to bus
-# # fetch the appropriated passwd
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$target}->{passwd};
-# # create ciphering object
-# my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
-# # encrypt xml msg
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
-# # open socket
-# my $socket = &open_socket($target);
-# if(not defined $socket){
-# daemon_log("ERROR: cannot open socket to $target , server not reachable", 1);
-# &update_known_daemons_entry(hostname=>$target, status=>"down");
-# next;
-# }
-# # send xml msg
-# print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
-# close $socket;
-# daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $target", 5);
-# daemon_log("crypted_msg:\n\t$crypted_msg", 7);
-# }
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: here_i_am
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process the incoming msg 'here_i_am'
-sub here_i_am {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];;
- my $new_key = &create_passwd();
- # create bus_known_server entry
- my $add_hash = {
- table=>"bus_known_server",
- primkey=>"hostname",
- hostname=>$source,
- status=>"registered",
- hostkey=>$bus_passwd,
- clients=>"",
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->add_dbentry($add_hash);
- # create outgoing msg
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("new_passwd", $bus_address, $source, $new_key);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $bus_passwd);
- # change hostkey, reason
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { hostkey=>[$new_key] } ];
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: confirm_new_passwd
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub confirm_new_passwd {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { status=>['key_confirmed'] } ];
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: ping
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub ping {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=> [ { hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=> [ { status=>$header } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("got_ping", $bus_address, $source);
- my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'bus_known_server', hostname=>$source } );
- my $hostkey = $res->{1}->{hostkey};
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $hostkey);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: make ping
-# PARAMETERS: address - string - address which should be pinged
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: send ping message to address
-#sub make_ping {
-# my ($address) = @_;
-# daemon_log("ping:$address\n", 1);
-# my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("ping", "$bus_ip:$bus_port", $address);
-# &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $address);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: got_ping
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub got_ping {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=> [ { hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=> [ { status=>'got_ping' } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: new_client
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub new_client {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $new_client = @{$msg_hash->{$header}}[0];
- my $res = $bus_known_server_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'bus_known_server', hostname=>$source } );
- my $clients = $res->{1}->{clients};
- # if host has alread more clients, than just append
- if( length($clients) != 0 ) {
- $clients .= ",$new_client";
- } else {
- $clients = $new_client;
- }
- my $update_hash = { table=>'bus_known_server',
- where=>[ {hostname=>[$source] } ],
- update=>[ {clients=>[$clients] } ],
- };
- $bus_known_server_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: delete_client
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-#sub delete_client {
-# my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
-# my $source = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "source");
-# my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "header");
-# my $del_client = (&get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, $header))[0];
-# if (not exists $known_daemons->{$source}->{$del_client}) {
-# daemon_log
-# }
-# delete $known_daemons->{$source}->{$del_client};
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: print_known_daemons_hash
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen
-#sub print_known_daemons_hash {
-# my ($tmp) = @_;
-# print "####################################\n";
-# print "# status of known_daemons\n";
-# my $hosts;
-# my $host_hash;
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# my @hosts = keys %$known_daemons;
-# foreach my $host (@hosts) {
-# my $status = $known_daemons->{$host}->{status} ;
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$host}->{passwd};
-# my $timestamp = $known_daemons->{$host}->{timestamp};
-# my @clients = keys %{$known_daemons->{$host}->{clients}};
-# my $client_string = join(", ", @clients);
-# print "$host\n";
-# print "\tstatus: $status\n";
-# print "\tpasswd: $passwd\n";
-# print "\ttimestamp: $timestamp\n";
-# print "\tclients: $client_string\n";
-# }
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# print "####################################\n\n";
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_known_daemons_entry
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen
-#sub create_known_daemons_entry {
-# my ($hostname) = @_;
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname} = {};
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{clients} = {};
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: update_known_daemons_entry
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host (required)
-# status - string - (optional)
-# passwd - string - (optional)
-# client - string - ip address and port of client (optional)
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen and updates each time the timestamp of hostname
-#sub update_known_daemons_entry {
-# my $arg = {
-# hostname => undef, status => undef, passwd => undef,
-# client => undef,
-# @_ };
-# my $hostname = $arg->{hostname};
-# my $status = $arg->{status};
-# my $passwd = $arg->{passwd};
-# my $client = $arg->{client};
-# if (not defined $hostname) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: function add_content2known_daemons is not invoked with requiered parameter 'hostname'", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
-# $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
-# $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
-# $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
-# $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
-# $month+=1;
-# $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
-# $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
-# $year+=1900;
-# my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
-# $shmkh->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# if (defined $status) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = $status;
-# }
-# if (defined $passwd) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = $passwd;
-# }
-# if (defined $client) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{clients}->{$client} = "";
-# }
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
-# $shmkh->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#==== MAIN = main ==============================================================
-# parse commandline options
-Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
-GetOptions("h|help" => \&usage,
- "c|config=s" => \$cfg_file,
- "f|foreground" => \$foreground,
- "v|verbose+" => \$verbose,
- );
-# read and set config parameters
-&check_cmdline_param ;
-# restart daemon log file
-if(-e $log_file ) { unlink $log_file }
-daemon_log(" ", 1);
-daemon_log("$0 started!", 1);
-# forward error messages to logfile
-if( ! $foreground ) {
- open(STDERR, '>>', $log_file);
- open(STDOUT, '>>', $log_file);
-# Just fork, if we"re not in foreground mode
-if( ! $foreground ) {
- chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
- $pid = fork;
- setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
- umask 0;
-else { $pid = $$; }
-# Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file
-if( 0 != $pid ) {
- open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" );
- print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n";
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- if( !$foreground ) { exit( 0 ) };
-# connect to bus_known_server_db
-my @server_col_names = ('hostname', 'status', 'hostkey', 'timestamp', 'clients' );
-$bus_known_server_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($bus_known_server_file_name);
-$bus_known_server_db->create_table('bus_known_server', \@server_col_names);
-# detect own ip and mac address
-$network_interface= &get_interface_for_ip($bus_ip);
-$bus_mac_address= &get_mac($network_interface);
-daemon_log("bus ip address detected: $bus_ip", 1);
-daemon_log("bus mac address detected: $bus_mac_address", 1);
-# complete addresses
-$bus_address = "$bus_ip:$bus_port";
-# setup xml parser
-$xml = new XML::Simple();
-# create cipher object
-$bus_cipher = &create_ciphering($bus_passwd);
-$bus_address = "$bus_ip:$bus_port";
-# create reading and writing vectors
-my $rbits = my $wbits = my $ebits = "";
-# open the bus socket
-if($bus_activ eq "on") {
- daemon_log(" ", 1);
- $bus = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $bus_port,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Reuse => 1,
- Listen => 20,
- ) or die "kann kein TCP-Server an Port $bus_port sein: $@\n";
- vec($rbits, fileno $bus, 1) = 1;
- vec($wbits, fileno $bus, 1) = 1;
- daemon_log ("start bus at $bus_ip:$bus_port", 1);
-# add bus to known_daemons
-#&update_known_daemons_entry(hostname=>$bus_address, status=>"bus", passwd=>$bus_passwd);
-while(1) {
- my $nf = select($rbits, $wbits, undef, undef);
- # error handling
- if($nf < 0 ) {
- }
- # something is coming in
- if(vec $rbits, fileno $bus, 1 ) {
- my $client = $bus->accept();
- my $other_end = getpeername($client);
- if(not defined $other_end) {
- daemon_log("Gegenstelle konnte nicht identifiziert werden: $!\n");
- } else {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
- my $actual_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- daemon_log("\naccept client from $actual_ip\n", 5);
- my $in_msg = &read_from_socket($client);
- if(defined $in_msg){
- &activating_child($in_msg, $actual_ip);
- } else {
- daemon_log("cannot read from $actual_ip\n",1);
- }
- }
- close($client);
- }
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-client b/gosa-si/gosa-si-client
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1363 +0,0 @@
-# FILE: gosa-server
-# USAGE: gosa-si-client
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# REQUIREMENTS: libnetaddr-ip-perl
-# BUGS: ---
-# AUTHOR: (Andreas Rettenberger), <>
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 12.09.2007 08:54:41 CEST
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use POSIX;
-use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
-use Fcntl;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use Crypt::Rijndael;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock);
-use File::Spec;
-use Cwd;
-use NetAddr::IP;
-use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-my ($cfg_file, %cfg_defaults, $foreground, $verbose, $pid_file, $procid, $pid, $log_file);
-my ($server_address, $server_ip, $server_port, $server_domain, $server_passwd, $server_cipher, $server_timeout);
-my ($client_address, $client_ip, $client_port, $client_mac_address, $network_interface, $ldap_config, $pam_config, $nss_config);
-my ($input_socket, $rbits, $wbits, $ebits, $xml, $known_hosts, $ldap_enabled);
-my (@events);
-# default variables
-my $event_dir = "/usr/lib/gosa-si/client/events";
-$known_hosts = {};
-$foreground = 0 ;
-%cfg_defaults =
-("general" =>
- {"log_file" => [\$log_file, "/var/run/".$0.".log"],
- "pid_file" => [\$pid_file, "/var/run/".$0.".pid"],
- },
-"client" =>
- {"client_port" => [\$client_port, "20083"],
- "client_ip" => [\$client_ip, ""],
- "ldap" => [\$ldap_enabled, 1],
- "ldap_config" => [\$ldap_config, "/etc/ldap/ldap.conf"],
- "pam_config" => [\$pam_config, "/etc/pam_ldap.conf"],
- "nss_config" => [\$nss_config, "/etc/libnss_ldap.conf"],
- },
-"server" =>
- {"server_ip" => [\$server_ip, ""],
- "server_port" => [\$server_port, "20081"],
- "server_passwd" => [\$server_passwd, ""],
- "server_timeout" => [\$server_timeout, 10],
- "server_domain" => [\$server_domain, ""],
- },
- );
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string -
-sub read_configfile {
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $cfg_file) && ( length($cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfg_file );
- } else {
- print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!";
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) {
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[ 0 ]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[ 1 ] );
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: logging
-# PARAMETERS: level - string - default 'info'
-# msg - string -
-# facility - string - default 'LOG_DAEMON'
-sub daemon_log {
- my( $msg, $level ) = @_;
- if(not defined $msg) { return }
- if(not defined $level) { $level = 1 }
- if(defined $log_file){
- open(LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file");
- if(not defined open( LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file" )) {
- print STDERR "cannot open $log_file: $!";
- return }
- chomp($msg);
- if($level <= $verbose){
- print LOG_HANDLE $msg."\n";
- if(defined $foreground) { print $msg."\n" }
- }
- }
- close( LOG_HANDLE );
-# my ($msg, $level, $facility) = @_;
-# if(not defined $msg) {return}
-# if(not defined $level) {$level = "info"}
-# if(not defined $facility) {$facility = "LOG_DAEMON"}
-# openlog($0, "pid,cons,", $facility);
-# syslog($level, $msg);
-# closelog;
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_cmdline_param
-sub check_cmdline_param () {
- my $err_config;
- my $err_counter = 0;
- if( not defined( $cfg_file)) {
- #$err_config = "please specify a config file";
- #$err_counter += 1;
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $name = "/etc/gosa-si/client.conf";
- $cfg_file = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $name );
- print STDERR "no conf file specified\n try to use default: $cfg_file\n";
- }
- if( $err_counter > 0 ) {
- &usage( "", 1 );
- if( defined( $err_config)) { print STDERR "$err_config\n"}
- print STDERR "\n";
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_pid
-sub check_pid {
- $pid = -1;
- # Check, if we are already running
- if( open(LOCK_FILE, "<$pid_file") ) {
- $pid = <LOCK_FILE>;
- if( defined $pid ) {
- chomp( $pid );
- if( -f "/proc/$pid/stat" ) {
- my($stat) = `cat /proc/$pid/stat` =~ m/$pid \((.+)\).*/;
- if( $0 eq $stat ) {
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- exit -1;
- }
- }
- }
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- unlink( $pid_file );
- }
- # create a syslog msg if it is not to possible to open PID file
- if (not sysopen(LOCK_FILE, $pid_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) {
- my($msg) = "Couldn't obtain lockfile '$pid_file' ";
- if (open(LOCK_FILE, '<', $pid_file)
- && ($pid = <LOCK_FILE>))
- {
- chomp($pid);
- $msg .= "(PID $pid)\n";
- } else {
- $msg .= "(unable to read PID)\n";
- }
- if( ! ($foreground) ) {
- openlog( $0, "cons,pid", "daemon" );
- syslog( "warning", $msg );
- closelog();
- }
- else {
- print( STDERR " $msg " );
- }
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interface_for_ip
-# PARAMETERS: ip address (i.e.
-# RETURNS: array: list of interfaces if ip=, matching interface if found, undef else
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interface_for_ip {
- my $result;
- my $ip= shift;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- my @ifs= &get_interfaces();
- if($ip eq "") {
- $result = "all";
- } else {
- foreach (@ifs) {
- my $if=$_;
- if(get_ip($if) eq $ip) {
- $result = $if;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interfaces
-# RETURNS: (list of interfaces)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interfaces {
- my @result;
- my $PROC_NET_DEV= ('/proc/net/dev');
- or die "Could not open $PROC_NET_DEV";
- my @ifs = <PROC_NET_DEV>;
- close(PROC_NET_DEV);
- # Eat first two line
- shift @ifs;
- shift @ifs;
- chomp @ifs;
- foreach my $line(@ifs) {
- my $if= (split /:/, $line)[0];
- $if =~ s/^\s+//;
- push @result, $if;
- }
- return @result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_mac
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (mac address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get mac address directly from system.
-sub get_mac {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result;
- if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
- if($ifreq eq "all") {
- if(defined($server_ip)) {
- $result = &get_local_mac_for_remote_ip($server_ip);
- } else {
- $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- }
- } else {
- my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
- # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
- if ($client_mac_address and length($client_mac_address) > 0) {
- $result= $client_mac_address;
- }
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
- if (length($mac) > 0) {
- $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
- $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- $result = $mac;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_ip
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (ip address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get ip address directly from system.
-sub get_ip {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result= "";
- my $SIOCGIFADDR= 0x8915; # man 2 ioctl_list
- my $proto= getprotobyname('ip');
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $sin) = unpack 'a16 a16', $ifreq;
- my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $sin;
- my $ip = inet_ntoa $addr;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- $result = $ip;
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_local_mac_for_remote_ip
-# PARAMETERS: none (takes server_ip from global variable)
-# RETURNS: (ip address from interface that is used for communication)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get routing table from system, checks which entry
-# matches (defaultroute last).
-sub get_local_mac_for_remote_ip {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result= "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- my $PROC_NET_ROUTE= ('/proc/net/route');
- or die "Could not open $PROC_NET_ROUTE";
- my @ifs = <PROC_NET_ROUTE>;
- close(PROC_NET_ROUTE);
- # Eat header line
- shift @ifs;
- chomp @ifs;
- foreach my $line(@ifs) {
- my ($Iface,$Destination,$Gateway,$Flags,$RefCnt,$Use,$Metric,$Mask,$MTU,$Window,$IRTT)=split(/\s/, $line);
- my $destination;
- my $mask;
- my ($d,$c,$b,$a)=unpack('a2 a2 a2 a2', $Destination);
- $destination= sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", hex($a), hex($b), hex($c), hex($d));
- ($d,$c,$b,$a)=unpack('a2 a2 a2 a2', $Mask);
- $mask= sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", hex($a), hex($b), hex($c), hex($d));
- if(new NetAddr::IP($server_ip)->within(new NetAddr::IP($destination, $mask))) {
- # destination matches route, save mac and exit
- $result= &get_mac($Iface);
- last;
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: usage
-sub usage {
- my( $text, $help ) = @_;
- $text = undef if( "h" eq $text );
- (defined $text) && print STDERR "\n$text\n";
- if( (defined $help && $help) || (!defined $help && !defined $text) ) {
- print STDERR << "EOF" ;
-usage: $0 [-hvf] [-c config]
- -h : this (help) message
- -c <file> : config file
- -f : foreground, process will not be forked to background
- -v : be verbose (multiple to increase verbosity)
- }
- print "\n" ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_server_addresses
-sub get_server_addresses {
- my $domain= shift;
- my @result;
- my $dig_cmd= 'dig +nocomments srv _gosad._tcp.'.$domain;
- my $output= `$dig_cmd 2>&1`;
- open (PIPE, "$dig_cmd 2>&1 |");
- while(<PIPE>) {
- chomp $_;
- # If it's not a comment
- if($_ =~ m/^[^;]/) {
- my @matches= split /\s+/;
- # Push hostname with port
- if($matches[3] eq 'SRV') {
- push @result, $matches[7].':'.$matches[6];
- } elsif ($matches[3] eq 'A') {
- my $i=0;
- # Substitute the hostname with the ip address of the matching A record
- foreach my $host (@result) {
- if ((split /\:/, $host)[0] eq $matches[0]) {
- $result[$i]= $matches[4].':'.(split /\:/, $host)[1];
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(PIPE);
- return @result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: register_at_server
-sub register_at_server {
- my ($tmp) = @_;
- # create new passwd and ciphering object for client-server communication
- my $new_server_passwd = &create_passwd();
- my $new_server_cipher;
- # detect all client accepted events
- opendir(DIR, $event_dir)
- or daemon_log("cannot find directory $event_dir!\ngosa-si-client starts without any accepting events!", 1);
- my $file_name;
- my @events_list = ();
- while(defined($file_name = readdir(DIR))){
- if ($file_name eq "." || $file_name eq "..") {
- next;
- }
- push(@events_list, $file_name);
- }
- my $events = join(",", @events_list);
- daemon_log("found events: $events", 1);
- # fill in all possible servers
- my @servers;
- if (defined $server_domain) {
- my @tmp_servers = &get_server_addresses($server_domain);
- foreach my $server (@tmp_servers) { unshift(@servers, $server); }
- }
- # add server address from config file at first position of server list
- if (defined $server_address) {
- unshift(@servers, $server_address);
- }
- daemon_log("found servers in configuration file and via DNS:", 5);
- foreach my $server (@servers) {
- daemon_log("\t$server", 5);
- }
- my ($rout, $wout, $reg_server);
- foreach my $server (@servers) {
- # create msg hash
- my $register_hash = &create_xml_hash("here_i_am", $client_address, $server);
- &add_content2xml_hash($register_hash, "new_passwd", $new_server_passwd);
- &add_content2xml_hash($register_hash, "mac_address", $client_mac_address);
- &add_content2xml_hash($register_hash, "events", $events);
- my $tmp = print Dumper $register_hash;
- # send xml hash to server with general server passwd
- my $answer = &send_msg_hash2address($register_hash, $server, $server_passwd);
- if ($answer != 0) { next; }
- # waiting for response
- daemon_log("waiting for response...\n", 5);
- my $nf = select($rout=$rbits, $wout=$wbits, undef, $server_timeout);
- # something is coming in
- if(vec $rout, fileno $input_socket, 1) {
- my $crypted_msg;
- my $client = $input_socket->accept();
- my $other_end = getpeername($client);
- if(not defined $other_end) {
- daemon_log("client cannot be identified: $!\n");
- } else {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
- my $actual_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- daemon_log("\naccept client from $actual_ip\n", 5);
- my $in_msg = &read_from_socket($client);
- if(defined $in_msg){
- chomp($in_msg);
- $crypted_msg = $in_msg;
- } else {
- daemon_log("cannot read from $actual_ip\n", 5);
- }
- }
- close($client);
- # validate acknowledge msg from server
- $new_server_cipher = &create_ciphering($new_server_passwd);
- my $msg_hash;
- eval {
- my $decrypted_msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $new_server_cipher);
- daemon_log("decrypted register msg: $decrypted_msg", 5);
- $msg_hash = $xml->XMLin($decrypted_msg, ForceArray=>1);
- };
- if($@) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: do not understand the incoming message:" , 5);
- daemon_log("$@", 7);
- } else {
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- if($header eq "registered") {
- $reg_server = $server;
- last;
- } elsif($header eq "denied") {
- my $reason = (&get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, "denied"))[0];
- daemon_log("registration at $server denied: $reason", 1);
- } else {
- daemon_log("cannot register at $server", 1);
- }
- }
- }
- # if no answer arrive, try next server in list
- }
- if(defined $reg_server) {
- daemon_log("registered at $reg_server", 1);
- } else {
- daemon_log("cannot register at any server", 1);
- daemon_log("exiting!!!", 1);
- exit(1);
- }
- # update the global available variables
- $server_address = $reg_server;
- $server_passwd = $new_server_passwd;
- $server_cipher = $new_server_cipher;
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_hash
-#sub create_xml_hash {
-# my ($header, $source, $target, $header_value) = @_;
-# my $hash = {
-# header => [$header],
-# source => [$source],
-# target => [$target],
-# $header => [$header_value],
-# };
-# daemon_log("create_xml_hash:", 7),
-# chomp(my $tmp = Dumper $hash);
-# daemon_log("\t$tmp\n", 7);
-# return $hash
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_string
-#sub create_xml_string {
-# my ($xml_hash) = @_ ;
-# my $xml_string = $xml->XMLout($xml_hash, RootName => 'xml');
-# $xml_string =~ s/[\n]+//g;
-# daemon_log("create_xml_string:\n\t$xml_string\n", 7);
-# return $xml_string;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_content2xml_hash
-#sub add_content2xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element, $content) = @_;
-# if(not exists $$xml_ref{$element} ) {
-# $$xml_ref{$element} = [];
-# }
-# my $tmp = $$xml_ref{$element};
-# push(@$tmp, $content);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_from_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: ref : reference to the xml hash
-# string: key of the value you want
-# DESCRIPTION: if key of the hash is either 'header', 'target' or 'source' the
-# function returns a string cause it is expected that these keys
-# do just have one value, all other keys returns an array!!!
-#sub get_content_from_xml_hash {
-# my ($xml_ref, $element) = @_;
-# my $result = $xml_ref->{$element};
-# if( $element eq "header" || $element eq "target" || $element eq "source") {
-# return @$result[0];
-# }
-# return @$result;
-# my ($xml_ref, $element) = @_;
-# if (exists $xml_ref->{$element}) {
-# my $result = $xml_ref->{$element};
-# if( $element eq "header" || $element eq "target" || $element eq "source") {
-# return @$result[0];
-# } else {
-# return @$result;
-# }
-# } else {
-# my $result = ();
-# return @$result;
-# }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: encrypt_msg
-#sub encrypt_msg {
-# my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_;
-# if(not defined $my_cipher) { print "no cipher object\n"; }
-# $msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
-# my $crypted_msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
-# chomp($crypted_msg = &encode_base64($crypted_msg));
-# return $crypted_msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: decrypt_msg
-#sub decrypt_msg {
-# my ($crypted_msg, $my_cipher) = @_ ;
-# $crypted_msg = &decode_base64($crypted_msg);
-# my $msg = $my_cipher->decrypt($crypted_msg);
-# $msg =~ s/\0*//g;
-# return $msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_ciphering
-# RETURNS: cipher object
-#sub create_ciphering {
-# my ($passwd) = @_;
-# $passwd = substr(md5_hex("$passwd") x 32, 0, 32);
-# my $iv = substr(md5_hex('GONICUS GmbH'),0, 16);
-# #daemon_log("iv: $iv", 7);
-# #daemon_log("key: $passwd", 7);
-# my $my_cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($passwd , Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
-# $my_cipher->set_iv($iv);
-# return $my_cipher;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_passwd
-# RETURNS: cipher object
-sub create_passwd {
- my $new_passwd = "";
- for(my $i=0; $i<31; $i++) {
- $new_passwd .= ("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9)[int(rand(62))]
- }
- return $new_passwd;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2address
-# PARAMETERS: msg string - xml message
-# PeerAddr string - socket address to send msg
-# PeerPort string - socket port, if not included in socket address
-# RETURNS: nothing
-#sub send_msg_hash2address {
-# my ($msg_hash, $address, $passwd) = @_ ;
-# # fetch header for logging
-# my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
-# # generiere xml string
-# my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
-# # hole das entsprechende passwd aus dem hash
-# if(not defined $passwd) {
-# if(exists $known_hosts->{$address}) {
-# $passwd = $known_hosts->{$address}->{passwd};
-# } elsif ($address eq $server_address) {
-# $passwd = $server_passwd;
-# } else {
-# daemon_log("$address not known, neither as server nor as client", 1);
-# return "failed";
-# }
-# }
-# # erzeuge ein ciphering object
-# my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
-# # encrypt xml msg
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
-# # öffne socket
-# my $socket = &open_socket($address);
-# if(not defined $socket){
-# daemon_log("cannot open socket to $address, server not reachable", 1);
-# daemon_log("cannot send '$header'-msg", 1);
-# return "failed";
-# }
-# # versende xml msg
-# print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
-# # schließe socket
-# close $socket;
-# daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $address", 5);
-# daemon_log("crypted_msg:\n\t$crypted_msg", 7);
-# return "done";
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr string something like or
-# [PeerPort] string necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket IO::Socket::INET
-sub open_socket {
- my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
- if(defined($PeerPort)){
- $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
- }
- my $socket;
- $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
- Porto => "tcp" ,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Timeout => 5,
- );
- if(not defined $socket) {
- #daemon_log("cannot connect to socket at $PeerAddr, $@\n");
- return;
- }
- daemon_log("open_socket:\n\t$PeerAddr", 7);
- return $socket;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_from_socket
-# PARAMETERS: socket fh -
-# RETURNS: result string - readed characters from socket
-# DESCRIPTION: reads data from socket in 16 byte steps
-sub read_from_socket {
- my ($socket) = @_;
- my $result = "";
- $socket->blocking(1);
- $result = <$socket>;
- $socket->blocking(0);
- while ( my $char = <$socket> ) {
- if (not defined $char) { last }
- $result .= $char;
- }
- return $result;
-# my ($socket) = @_;
-# my $result = "";
-# my $len = 16;
-# while($len == 16){
-# my $char;
-# $len = sysread($socket, $char, 16);
-# if($len != 16) { last }
-# if($len != 16) { last }
-# $result .= $char;
-# }
-# return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: print_known_hosts_hash
-sub print_known_hosts_hash {
- my ($tmp) = @_;
- print "####################################\n";
- print "# status of known_hosts\n";
- my $hosts;
- my $host_hash;
- my @hosts = keys %$known_hosts;
- foreach my $host (@hosts) {
- #my @elements = keys %$known_hosts->{$host};
- my $status = $known_hosts->{$host}->{status} ;
- my $passwd = $known_hosts->{$host}->{passwd};
- my $timestamp = $known_hosts->{$host}->{timestamp};
- print "$host\n";
- print "\t$status\n";
- print "\t$passwd\n";
- print "\t$timestamp\n";
- }
- print "####################################\n";
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub create_known_hosts_entry {
- my ($hostname) = @_;
- $known_hosts->{$hostname} = {};
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{status} = "none";
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{passwd} = "none";
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = "none";
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub update_known_hosts_entry {
- my ($hostname, $status, $passwd, $timestamp) = @_;
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- $month+=1;
- $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
- if($status) {
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{status} = $status;
- }
- if($passwd) {
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{passwd} = $passwd;
- }
- if($timestamp) {
- $t = $timestamp;
- }
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub add_content2known_hosts {
- my ($hostname, $element, $content) = @_;
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- $month+=1;
- $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{$element} = $content;
- $known_hosts->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg) = @_;
- if(not defined $crypted_msg) {
- daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- }
- $crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
- $crypted_msg = $1;
- my $host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- daemon_log("msg from host:", 1);
- daemon_log("\t$host", 1);
- daemon_log("crypted msg:", 7);
- daemon_log("\t$crypted_msg", 7);
- my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($server_passwd);
- # try to decrypt incoming msg
- my ($msg, $msg_hash);
- eval{
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $act_cipher);
- $msg_hash = $xml->XMLin($msg, ForceArray=>1);
- };
- if($@) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: incoming msg cannot be decrypted with server passwd", 1);
- return;
- }
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- daemon_log("receive '$header' from $host", 1);
-# daemon_log("header from msg:", 1);
-# daemon_log("\t$header", 1);
-# daemon_log("msg to process:", 7);
-# daemon_log("\t$msg", 7);
- #check whether msg to process is a event
- opendir(DIR, $event_dir)
- or daemon_log("cannot find directory $event_dir, no events specified", 5);
- my $file_name;
- while(defined($file_name = readdir(DIR))){
- if ($file_name eq "." || $file_name eq "..") {
- next;
- }
- if ($file_name eq $header) {
- my $cmd = "$event_dir/$file_name '$msg'";
- my $result_xml = "";
- open(PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
- while(<PIPE>) {
- $result_xml.=$_;
- last;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- my $res_hash = &transform_msg2hash($result_xml);
- my $res_target = @{$res_hash->{target}}[0];
- &send_msg_hash2address($res_hash, $server_address);
- return;
- }
- }
- close(DIR);
- daemon_log("could not assign the msg $header to an event", 5);
- if ($header eq 'new_ldap_config') { if ($ldap_enabled == 1) {&new_ldap_config($msg_hash)}}
- elsif ($header eq 'ping') { &got_ping($msg_hash) }
- elsif ($header eq 'wake_up') { &execute_event($msg_hash)}
- elsif ($header eq 'new_passwd') { &new_passwd()}
- else { daemon_log("ERROR: no function assigned to msg $header", 5) }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub update_status {
- my ($new_status) = @_ ;
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("update_status", $client_address, $server_address);
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, "update_status", $new_status);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $server_address);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME:
-sub server_leaving {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $source = &get_content_from_xml_hash("source");
- my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash("header");
- daemon_log("gosa daemon $source is going down, cause registration procedure", 1);
- my $server_address = "none";
- my $server_passwd = "none";
- my $server_cipher = "none";
- # reinitialization of default values in config file
- &read_configfile;
- # registrated at new daemon
- ®ister_at_server();
- return;
-sub got_ping {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $source = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'source');
- my $target = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'target');
- my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'header');
- &add_content2known_hosts(hostname=>$target, status=>$header);
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("got_ping", $target, $source);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $server_passwd);
- return;
-sub new_ldap_config {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $element;
- my @ldap_uris;
- my $ldap_base;
- my @ldap_options;
- my @pam_options;
- my @nss_options;
- my $goto_admin;
- my $goto_secret;
- # Transform input into array
- while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$msg_hash) ) {
- if ($key =~ /^(source|target|header)$/) {
- next;
- }
- foreach $element (@$value) {
- if ($key =~ /^ldap_uri$/) {
- push (@ldap_uris, $element);
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^ldap_base$/) {
- $ldap_base= $element;
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^goto_admin$/) {
- $goto_admin= $element;
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^goto_secret$/) {
- $goto_secret= $element;
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^ldap_cfg$/) {
- push (@ldap_options, "$element");
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^pam_cfg$/) {
- push (@pam_options, "$element");
- next;
- }
- if ($key =~ /^nss_cfg$/) {
- push (@nss_options, "$element");
- next;
- }
- }
- }
- # Setup ldap.conf
- my $file1;
- my $file2;
- open(file1, "> $ldap_config");
- print file1 "# This file was automatically generated by gosa-si-client. Do not change.\n";
- print file1 "URI";
- foreach $element (@ldap_uris) {
- print file1 " $element";
- }
- print file1 "\nBASE $ldap_base\n";
- foreach $element (@ldap_options) {
- print file1 "$element\n";
- }
- close (file1);
- daemon_log("wrote $ldap_config", 5);
- # Setup pam_ldap.conf / libnss_ldap.conf
- open(file1, "> $pam_config");
- open(file2, "> $nss_config");
- print file1 "# This file was automatically generated by gosa-si-client. Do not change.\n";
- print file2 "# This file was automatically generated by gosa-si-client. Do not change.\n";
- print file1 "uri";
- print file2 "uri";
- foreach $element (@ldap_uris) {
- print file1 " $element";
- print file2 " $element";
- }
- print file1 "\nbase $ldap_base\n";
- print file2 "\nbase $ldap_base\n";
- foreach $element (@pam_options) {
- print file1 "$element\n";
- }
- foreach $element (@nss_options) {
- print file2 "$element\n";
- }
- close (file2);
- daemon_log("wrote $nss_config", 5);
- close (file1);
- daemon_log("wrote $pam_config", 5);
- # Create goto.secrets if told so
- if (defined $goto_admin){
- open(file1, "> /etc/goto/secret");
- close(file1);
- chown(0,0, "/etc/goto/secret");
- chmod(0600, "/etc/goto/secret");
- open(file1, "> /etc/goto/secret");
- print file1 $goto_admin.":".$goto_secret."\n";
- close(file1);
- daemon_log("wrote /etc/goto/secret", 5);
- }
- return;
-sub execute_event {
- my ($msg_hash)= @_;
- my $configdir= '/etc/gosa-si/client/events/';
- my $result;
- my $header = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'header');
- my $source = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'source');
- my $target = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, 'target');
- if((not defined $source)
- && (not defined $target)
- && (not defined $header)) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: Entries missing in XML msg for gosa events under $configdir");
- } else {
- my $parameters="";
- my @params = &get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, $header);
- my $params = join(", ", @params);
- daemon_log("execute_event: got parameters: $params", 5);
- if (@params) {
- foreach my $param (@params) {
- my $param_value = (&get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, $param))[0];
- daemon_log("execute_event: parameter -> value: $param -> $param_value", 7);
- $parameters.= " ".$param_value;
- }
- }
- my $cmd= $configdir.$header."$parameters";
- daemon_log("execute_event: executing cmd: $cmd", 7);
- $result= "";
- open(PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
- while(<PIPE>) {
- $result.=$_;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- }
- # process the event result
- return;
-sub new_passwd {
- # my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $new_server_passwd = &create_passwd();
- my $new_server_cipher = &create_ciphering($new_server_passwd);
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("new_passwd", $client_address, $server_address, $new_server_passwd);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $server_address, $server_passwd);
- $server_passwd = $new_server_passwd;
- $server_cipher = $new_server_cipher;
- return;
-#==== MAIN = main ==============================================================
-# parse commandline options
-Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
-GetOptions("h|help" => \&usage,
- "c|config=s" => \$cfg_file,
- "f|foreground" => \$foreground,
- "v|verbose+" => \$verbose,
- );
-# read and set config parameters
-&check_cmdline_param ;
-if ( ! $foreground ) {
- open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can’t read /dev/null: $!";
- open STDOUT, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
- open STDERR, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!";
-# restart daemon log file
-if(-e $log_file ) { unlink $log_file }
-daemon_log(" ", 1);
-daemon_log("$0 started!", 1);
-# Just fork, if we"re not in foreground mode
-if( ! $foreground ) { $pid = fork(); }
-else { $pid = $$; }
-# Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file
-if( 0 != $pid ) {
- open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" );
- print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n";
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- if( !$foreground ) { exit( 0 ) };
-# detect own ip and mac address
-$network_interface= &get_interface_for_ip($client_ip);
-$client_mac_address= &get_mac($network_interface);
-# ($client_ip, $client_mac_address) = &get_ip_and_mac();
-#if (not defined $client_ip) {
-# die "EXIT: ip address of $0 could not be detected";
-daemon_log("client ip address detected: $client_ip", 1);
-daemon_log("client mac address detected: $client_mac_address", 1);
-# prepare variables
-if (defined $server_ip && defined $server_port) {
- $server_address = $server_ip.":".$server_port;
-$client_address = $client_ip.":".$client_port;
-# setup xml parser
-$xml = new XML::Simple();
-# create input socket
-daemon_log(" ", 1);
-$rbits = $wbits = $ebits = "";
-$input_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $client_port,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Reuse => 1,
- Listen => 20,
- );
-if(not defined $input_socket){
- daemon_log("cannot be a tcp server at $client_port : $@\n");
-} else {
- daemon_log("start client at $client_address",1) ;
- vec($rbits, fileno $input_socket, 1) = 1;
- vec($wbits, fileno $input_socket, 1) = 1;
-# register at server
-daemon_log(" ", 1);
-# Debugging
-#everything ready, okay, lets start
-while(1) {
- my ($rout, $wout);
- my $nf = select($rout=$rbits, $wout=$wbits, undef, undef);
- # error handling
- if($nf < 0 ) {
- }
- # something is coming in
- if(vec $rout, fileno $input_socket, 1) {
- my $client = $input_socket->accept();
- my $other_end = getpeername($client);
- if(not defined $other_end) {
- daemon_log("client cannot be identified: $!");
- } else {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
- my $actual_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- daemon_log("accept client from $actual_ip", 5);
- my $in_msg = &read_from_socket($client);
- if(defined $in_msg){
- chomp($in_msg);
- $in_msg = $in_msg.".".$actual_ip;
- &process_incoming_msg($in_msg);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/gosa-si/gosa-si-server b/gosa-si/gosa-si-server
--- a/gosa-si/gosa-si-server
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1074 +0,0 @@
-# FILE: gosa-sd
-# USAGE: ./gosa-sd
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# REQUIREMENTS: libconfig-inifiles-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl libxml-simple-perl
-# libdata-dumper-simple-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libnet-ldap-perl
-# BUGS: ---
-# AUTHOR: (Andreas Rettenberger), <>
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 12.09.2007 08:54:41 CEST
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-use POSIX;
-use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
-use Fcntl;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use IO::Handle;
-use IO::Select;
-use Symbol qw(qualify_to_ref);
-use Crypt::Rijndael;
-use MIME::Base64;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Sys::Syslog qw( :DEFAULT setlogsock);
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-use GOSA::DBsqlite;
-use threads;
-my $modules_path = "/usr/lib/gosa-si/modules";
-use lib "/usr/lib/gosa-si/modules";
-my (%cfg_defaults, $foreground, $verbose, $ping_timeout);
-my ($bus, $msg_to_bus, $bus_cipher);
-my ($server, $server_mac_address, $server_events);
-my ($gosa_server, $job_queue_timeout, $job_queue_table_name, $job_queue_file_name);
-my ($known_modules, $known_clients_file_name, $known_server_file_name);
-my ($max_clients);
-my ($pid_file, $procid, $pid, $log_file);
-my (%free_child, %busy_child, $child_max, $child_min, %child_alive_time, $child_timeout);
-my ($arp_activ, $arp_fifo, $arp_fifo_path);
-# variables declared in config file are always set to 'our'
-our (%cfg_defaults, $log_file, $pid_file,
- $bus_activ, $bus_passwd, $bus_ip, $bus_port,
- $server_activ, $server_ip, $server_port, $server_passwd, $max_clients,
- $arp_activ, $arp_fifo_path,
- $gosa_activ, $gosa_passwd, $gosa_ip, $gosa_port, $gosa_timeout,
-# additional variable which should be globaly accessable
-our $xml;
-our $server_address;
-our $bus_address;
-our $gosa_address;
-our $no_bus;
-our $no_arp;
-our $verbose;
-our $forground;
-our $cfg_file;
-# specifies the verbosity of the daemon_log
-$verbose = 0 ;
-# if foreground is not null, script will be not forked to background
-$foreground = 0 ;
-# specifies the timeout seconds while checking the online status of a registrating client
-$ping_timeout = 5;
-$no_bus = 0;
-$no_arp = 0;
-# name of table for storing gosa jobs
-our $job_queue_table_name = 'jobs';
-our $job_db;
-# holds all other gosa-sd as well as the gosa-sd-bus
-our $known_server_db;
-# holds all registrated clients
-our $known_clients_db;
-%cfg_defaults =
-("general" =>
- {"log_file" => [\$log_file, "/var/run/".$0.".log"],
- "pid_file" => [\$pid_file, "/var/run/".$0.".pid"],
- "child_max" => [\$child_max, 10],
- "child_min" => [\$child_min, 3],
- "child_timeout" => [\$child_timeout, 180],
- "job_queue_timeout" => [\$job_queue_timeout, undef],
- "job_queue_file_name" => [\$job_queue_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/jobs.db'],
- "known_clients_file_name" => [\$known_clients_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/known_clients.db' ],
- "known_server_file_name" => [\$known_server_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/known_server.db'],
- },
-"bus" =>
- {"bus_activ" => [\$bus_activ, "on"],
- "bus_passwd" => [\$bus_passwd, ""],
- "bus_ip" => [\$bus_ip, ""],
- "bus_port" => [\$bus_port, "20080"],
- },
-"server" =>
- {"server_activ" => [\$server_activ, "on"],
- "server_ip" => [\$server_ip, ""],
- "server_port" => [\$server_port, "20081"],
- "server_passwd" => [\$server_passwd, ""],
- "max_clients" => [\$max_clients, 100],
- },
-"arp" =>
- {"arp_activ" => [\$arp_activ, "on"],
- "arp_fifo_path" => [\$arp_fifo_path, "/var/run/gosa-si/arp-notify"],
- },
-"gosa" =>
- {"gosa_activ" => [\$gosa_activ, "on"],
- "gosa_ip" => [\$gosa_ip, ""],
- "gosa_port" => [\$gosa_port, "20082"],
- "gosa_passwd" => [\$gosa_passwd, "none"],
- },
- );
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: usage
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: print out usage text to STDERR
-sub usage {
- print STDERR << "EOF" ;
-usage: $0 [-hvf] [-c config]
- -h : this (help) message
- -c <file> : config file
- -f : foreground, process will not be forked to background
- -v : be verbose (multiple to increase verbosity)
- -no-bus : starts $0 without connection to bus
- -no-arp : starts $0 without connection to arp module
- print "\n" ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string -
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: read cfg_file and set variables
-sub read_configfile {
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $cfg_file) && ( length($cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfg_file );
- } else {
- print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!\n";
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) {
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[ 0 ]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[ 1 ] );
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: logging
-# PARAMETERS: level - string - default 'info'
-# msg - string -
-# facility - string - default 'LOG_DAEMON'
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: function for logging
-sub daemon_log : locked {
- # log into log_file
- my( $msg, $level ) = @_;
- if(not defined $msg) { return }
- if(not defined $level) { $level = 1 }
- if(defined $log_file){
- open(LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file");
- if(not defined open( LOG_HANDLE, ">>$log_file" )) {
- print STDERR "cannot open $log_file: $!";
- return }
- chomp($msg);
- if($level <= $verbose){
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- my @monthnames = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
- $month = $monthnames[$month];
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- my $name = $0;
- $name =~ s/\.\///;
- my $log_msg = "$month $monthday $hours:$minutes:$seconds $name $msg\n";
- print LOG_HANDLE $log_msg;
- if( $foreground ) {
- print STDERR $log_msg;
- }
- }
- close( LOG_HANDLE );
- }
-#log into syslog
-# my ($msg, $level, $facility) = @_;
-# if(not defined $msg) {return}
-# if(not defined $level) {$level = "info"}
-# if(not defined $facility) {$facility = "LOG_DAEMON"}
-# openlog($0, "pid,cons,", $facility);
-# syslog($level, $msg);
-# closelog;
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_cmdline_param
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: validates commandline parameter
-sub check_cmdline_param () {
- my $err_config;
- my $err_counter = 0;
- if( not defined( $cfg_file)) {
- #$err_config = "please specify a config file";
- #$err_counter += 1;
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $name = "/etc/gosa-si/server.conf";
- $cfg_file = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $name );
- }
- if( $err_counter > 0 ) {
- &usage( "", 1 );
- if( defined( $err_config)) { print STDERR "$err_config\n"}
- print STDERR "\n";
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: check_pid
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels pid processing
-sub check_pid {
- $pid = -1;
- # Check, if we are already running
- if( open(LOCK_FILE, "<$pid_file") ) {
- $pid = <LOCK_FILE>;
- if( defined $pid ) {
- chomp( $pid );
- if( -f "/proc/$pid/stat" ) {
- my($stat) = `cat /proc/$pid/stat` =~ m/$pid \((.+)\).*/;
- if( $0 eq $stat ) {
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- exit -1;
- }
- }
- }
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- unlink( $pid_file );
- }
- # create a syslog msg if it is not to possible to open PID file
- if (not sysopen(LOCK_FILE, $pid_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644)) {
- my($msg) = "Couldn't obtain lockfile '$pid_file' ";
- if (open(LOCK_FILE, '<', $pid_file)
- && ($pid = <LOCK_FILE>))
- {
- chomp($pid);
- $msg .= "(PID $pid)\n";
- } else {
- $msg .= "(unable to read PID)\n";
- }
- if( ! ($foreground) ) {
- openlog( $0, "cons,pid", "daemon" );
- syslog( "warning", $msg );
- closelog();
- }
- else {
- print( STDERR " $msg " );
- }
- exit( -1 );
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: import_modules
-# PARAMETERS: module_path - string - abs. path to the directory the modules
-# are stored
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: each file in module_path which ends with '.pm' is imported by
-# "require 'file';"
-sub import_modules {
- daemon_log(" ", 1);
- if (not -e $modules_path) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: cannot find directory or directory is not readable: $modules_path", 1);
- }
- opendir (DIR, $modules_path) or die "ERROR while loading modules from directory $modules_path : $!\n";
- while (defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))) {
- if (not $file =~ /(\S*?).pm$/) {
- next;
- }
- eval { require $file; };
- if ($@) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: gosa-si-server could not load module $file", 1);
- daemon_log("$@", 5);
- } else {
- my $mod_name = $1;
- my $info = eval($mod_name.'::get_module_info()');
- my ($input_address, $input_key, $input, $input_active, $input_type) = @{$info};
- $known_modules->{$mod_name} = $info;
- daemon_log("module $mod_name loaded", 1);
- }
- }
- # for debugging
- #while ( my ($module, $tag_hash) = each(%$known_modules)) {
- # print "\tmodule: $module"."\n";
- # print "\ttags: ".join(", ", keys(%$tag_hash))."\n";
- #}
- close (DIR);
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: sig_int_handler
-# PARAMETERS: signal - string - signal arose from system
-# RETURNS: noting
-# DESCRIPTION: handels tasks to be done befor signal becomes active
-sub sig_int_handler {
- my ($signal) = @_;
- daemon_log("shutting down gosa-si-server", 1);
- exit(1);
-$SIG{INT} = \&sig_int_handler;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: activating_child
-# PARAMETERS: msg - string - incoming message
-# host - string - host from which the incomming message comes
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the distribution of incoming messages to working childs
-sub activating_child {
- my ($msg, $host, $client) = @_;
- my $child = &get_processing_child();
- my $pipe_wr = $$child{'pipe_wr'};
- my $pipe_rd = $$child{'pipe_rd'};
- $$child{client_ref} = $client;
- daemon_log("activating: childpid:$$child{'pid'}", 5);
- print $pipe_wr $msg.".".$host."\n";
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_processing_child
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: child - hash - holding the process id and the references to the pipe
-# handles pipe_wr and pipe_rd
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the forking, reactivating and keeping alive tasks
-sub get_processing_child {
- my $child;
- while(my ($key, $val) = each(%free_child)) {
- my $exitus_pid = waitpid($key, WNOHANG);
- if($exitus_pid != 0) {
- delete $free_child{$key};
- }
- daemon_log("free child:$key", 5);
- }
- # check @free_child and @busy_child
- my $free_len = scalar(keys(%free_child));
- my $busy_len = scalar(keys(%busy_child));
- daemon_log("free children $free_len, busy children $busy_len", 5);
- # if there is a free child, let the child work
- if($free_len > 0){
- my @keys = keys(%free_child);
- $child = $free_child{$keys[0]};
- if(defined $child) {
- $busy_child{$$child{'pid'}} = $child ;
- delete $free_child{$$child{'pid'}};
- }
- return $child;
- }
- # no free child, try to fork another one
- if($free_len + $busy_len < $child_max) {
- daemon_log("not enough children, create a new one", 5);
- # New pipes for communication
- my( $PARENT_wr, $PARENT_rd );
- my( $CHILD_wr, $CHILD_rd );
- pipe( $CHILD_rd, $PARENT_wr );
- pipe( $PARENT_rd, $CHILD_wr );
- $PARENT_wr->autoflush(1);
- $CHILD_wr->autoflush(1);
- ############
- # fork child
- ############
- my $child_pid = fork();
- if($child_pid == 0) {
- # Close unused pipes
- close( $CHILD_rd );
- close( $CHILD_wr );
- while( 1 ) {
- my $rbits = "";
- vec( $rbits, fileno $PARENT_rd , 1 ) = 1;
- my $nf = select($rbits, undef, undef, $child_timeout);
- if($nf < 0 ) {
- die "select(): $!\n";
- } elsif (! $nf) {
- # if already child_min childs are alive, then leave loop
- $free_len = scalar(keys(%free_child));
- $busy_len = scalar(keys(%busy_child));
- if($free_len + $busy_len >= $child_min) {
- last;
- } else {
- redo;
- }
- }
- # a job for a child arise
- if ( vec $rbits, fileno $PARENT_rd, 1 ) {
- # read everything from pipe
- my $msg = "";
- $PARENT_rd->blocking(0);
- while(1) {
- my $read = <$PARENT_rd>;
- if(not defined $read) { last}
- $msg .= $read;
- }
- ######################################
- # forward msg to all imported modules
- no strict "refs";
- my $answer;
- my %act_modules = %$known_modules;
- while( my ($module, $info) = each(%act_modules)) {
- my $tmp = &{ $module."::process_incoming_msg" }($msg);
- if (defined $tmp) {
- $answer = $tmp;
- }
- }
- daemon_log("processing of msg finished", 5);
- if (defined $answer) {
- print $PARENT_wr $answer."\n";
- print $PARENT_wr "ENDMESSAGE\n";
- my $len_answer = length $answer;
- daemon_log("with answer: length of answer: $len_answer", 7);
- daemon_log("\n$answer", 7);
- } else {
- print $PARENT_wr "done"."\n";
- print $PARENT_wr "ENDMESSAGE\n";
- }
- redo;
- }
- }
- # childs leaving the loop are allowed to die
- exit(0);
- } else {
- # Close unused pipes
- close( $PARENT_rd );
- close( $PARENT_wr );
- # add child to child alive hash
- my %child_hash = (
- 'pid' => $child_pid,
- 'pipe_wr' => $CHILD_wr,
- 'pipe_rd' => $CHILD_rd,
- 'client_ref' => "",
- );
- $child = \%child_hash;
- $busy_child{$$child{'pid'}} = $child;
- return $child;
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_from_socket
-# PARAMETERS: socket fh -
-# RETURNS: result string - readed characters from socket
-# DESCRIPTION: reads data from socket in 16 byte steps
-sub read_from_socket {
- my ($socket) = @_;
- my $result = "";
- $socket->blocking(1);
- $result = <$socket>;
- $socket->blocking(0);
- while ( my $char = <$socket> ) {
- if (not defined $char) { last }
- $result .= $char;
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: print_known_daemons
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nomen est omen
-#sub print_known_daemons {
-# my ($tmp) = @_ ;
-# print "####################################\n";
-# print "# status of known_daemons\n";
-# $shmda->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# my @hosts = keys %$known_daemons;
-# foreach my $host (@hosts) {
-# my $status = $known_daemons->{$host}->{status} ;
-# my $passwd = $known_daemons->{$host}->{passwd};
-# my $timestamp = $known_daemons->{$host}->{timestamp};
-# print "$host\n";
-# print "\tstatus: $status\n";
-# print "\tpasswd: $passwd\n";
-# print "\ttimestamp: $timestamp\n";
-# }
-# $shmda->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# print "####################################\n";
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_known_daemon
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - key for the hash known_daemons
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a dummy entry for hostname in known_daemons
-#sub create_known_daemon {
-# my ($hostname) = @_;
-# $shmda->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname} = {};
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = "none";
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = "none";
-# $shmda->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_content2known_daemons
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host (required)
-# status - string - (optional)
-# passwd - string - (optional)
-# mac_address - string - mac address of host (optional)
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen and updates each time the timestamp of hostname
-#sub add_content2known_daemons {
-# my $arg = {
-# hostname => undef, status => undef, passwd => undef,
-# mac_address => undef, events => undef,
-# @_ };
-# my $hostname = $arg->{hostname};
-# my $status = $arg->{status};
-# my $passwd = $arg->{passwd};
-# my $mac_address = $arg->{mac_address};
-# my $events = $arg->{events};
-# if (not defined $hostname) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: function add_content2known_daemons is not invoked with requiered parameter 'hostname'", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
-# $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
-# $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
-# $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
-# $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
-# $month+=1;
-# $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
-# $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
-# $year+=1900;
-# my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
-# $shmda->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# if (defined $status) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = $status;
-# }
-# if (defined $passwd) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = $passwd;
-# }
-# if (defined $mac_address) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{mac_address} = $mac_address;
-# }
-# if (defined $events) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{events} = $events;
-# }
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
-# $shmda->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: update_known_daemons
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - ip address and port of host (required)
-# status - string - (optional)
-# passwd - string - (optional)
-# client - string - ip address and port of client (optional)
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nome est omen and updates each time the timestamp of hostname
-#sub update_known_daemons {
-# my $arg = {
-# hostname => undef, status => undef, passwd => undef,
-# @_ };
-# my $hostname = $arg->{hostname};
-# my $status = $arg->{status};
-# my $passwd = $arg->{passwd};
-# if (not defined $hostname) {
-# daemon_log("ERROR: function add_content2known_daemons is not invoked with requiered parameter 'hostname'", 1);
-# return;
-# }
-# my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
-# $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
-# $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
-# $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
-# $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
-# $month+=1;
-# $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
-# $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
-# $year+=1900;
-# my $t = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
-# $shmda->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# if (defined $status) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{status} = $status;
-# }
-# if (defined $passwd) {
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{passwd} = $passwd;
-# }
-# $known_daemons->{$hostname}->{timestamp} = $t;
-# $shmda->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: print_known_clients
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: nomen est omen
-#sub print_known_clients {
-# print "####################################\n";
-# print "# status of known_clients\n";
-# $shmcl->shlock(LOCK_EX);
-# my @hosts = keys %$known_clients;
-# if (@hosts) {
-# foreach my $host (@hosts) {
-# my $status = $known_clients->{$host}->{status} ;
-# my $passwd = $known_clients->{$host}->{passwd};
-# my $timestamp = $known_clients->{$host}->{timestamp};
-# my $mac_address = $known_clients->{$host}->{mac_address};
-# my $events = $known_clients->{$host}->{events};
-# print "$host\n";
-# print "\tstatus: $status\n";
-# print "\tpasswd: $passwd\n";
-# print "\ttimestamp: $timestamp\n";
-# print "\tmac_address: $mac_address\n";
-# print "\tevents: $events\n";
-# }
-# }
-# $shmcl->shunlock(LOCK_EX);
-# print "####################################\n";
-# return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_known_client
-# PARAMETERS: hostname - string - key for the hash known_clients
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a dummy entry for hostname in known_clients
-sub create_known_client {
- my ($hostname) = @_;
- my $entry = { table=>'known_clients',
- hostname=>$hostname,
- status=>'none',
- hostkey=>'none',
- timestamp=>'none',
- macaddress=>'none',
- events=>'none',
- };
- my $res = $known_clients_db->add_dbentry($entry);
- if ($res > 0) {
- daemon_log("ERROR: cannot add entry to known_clients.db: $res", 1);
- }
- return;
-#sub sysreadline(*;$) {
-# my ($hd, $timeout) = @_;
-# $hd = qualify_to_ref($hd, caller());
-# my $infinitely_patient = (@_ == 1 || $timeout < 0);
-# my $start_time = time();
-# my $selector = IO::Select->new();
-# $selector->add($hd);
-# my $line = "";
-# until( at_eol($line)) {
-# if (not $infinitely_patient) {
-# return $line if time() > ($start_time + $timeout);
-# }
-# next SLEEP unless $selector->can_read(1.0);
-# while( $selector->can_read(0.0)) {
-# my $was_blocking = $hd->blocking(0);
-#CHAR: while (sysread($hd, my $nextbyte, 1)) {
-# $line .= $nextbyte;
-# last CHAR if $nextbyte eq "\n";
-# }
-# $hd->blocking($was_blocking);
-# next SLEEP unless at_eol($line);
-# last INPUT_READY;
-# }
-# }
-# return $line;
-#sub at_eol($) {
-# $_[0] =~ /\n\z/ ;
-#==== MAIN = main ==============================================================
-# parse commandline options
-Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
-GetOptions("h|help" => \&usage,
- "c|config=s" => \$cfg_file,
- "f|foreground" => \$foreground,
- "v|verbose+" => \$verbose,
- "no-bus+" => \$no_bus,
- "no-arp+" => \$no_arp,
- );
-# read and set config parameters
-&check_cmdline_param ;
-# forward error messages to logfile
-if( ! $foreground ) {
- open(STDERR, '>>', $log_file);
- open(STDOUT, '>>', $log_file);
-# Just fork, if we are not in foreground mode
-if( ! $foreground ) {
- chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!";
- $pid = fork;
- setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
- umask 0;
-} else {
- $pid = $$;
-# Do something useful - put our PID into the pid_file
-if( 0 != $pid ) {
- open( LOCK_FILE, ">$pid_file" );
- print LOCK_FILE "$pid\n";
- close( LOCK_FILE );
- if( !$foreground ) {
- exit( 0 )
- };
-daemon_log(" ", 1);
-daemon_log("$0 started!", 1);
-# delete old DBsqlite lock files
-system('rm -f /tmp/gosa_si_lock*');
-# connect to gosa-si job queue
-my @job_col_names = ("id", "timestamp", "status", "result", "headertag", "targettag", "xmlmessage", "macaddress");
-$job_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($job_queue_file_name);
-$job_db->create_table('jobs', \@job_col_names);
-# connect to known_clients_db
-my @clients_col_names = ('hostname', 'status', 'hostkey', 'timestamp', 'macaddress', 'events');
-$known_clients_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($known_clients_file_name);
-$known_clients_db->create_table('known_clients', \@clients_col_names);
-# connect to known_server_db
-my @server_col_names = ('hostname', 'status', 'hostkey', 'timestamp');
-$known_server_db = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($known_server_file_name);
-$known_server_db->create_table('known_server', \@server_col_names);
-# import all modules
-# check wether all modules are gosa-si valid passwd check
-# create reading and writing vectors
-my $rbits = my $wbits = my $ebits = "";
-# add all module inputs to listening vector
-while( my ($mod_name, $info) = each %$known_modules ) {
- my ($input_address, $input_key, $input, $input_activ, $input_type) = @{$info};
- vec($rbits, fileno $input, 1) = 1;
-## start arp fifo
-#if ($no_arp > 0) {
-# $arp_activ = "off";
-#my $my_fifo;
-#if($arp_activ eq "on") {
-# daemon_log(" ", 1);
-# $my_fifo = &open_fifo($arp_fifo_path);
-# if($my_fifo == 0) { die "fifo file disappeared\n" }
-# sysopen($arp_fifo, $arp_fifo_path, O_RDWR) or die "can't read from $arp_fifo: $!" ;
-# vec($rbits, fileno $arp_fifo, 1) = 1;
-#everything ready, okay, lets start
-while(1) {
- # add all handles from the childs
- while ( my ($pid, $child_hash) = each %busy_child ) {
- # check whether process still exists
- my $exitus_pid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
- if($exitus_pid != 0) {
- delete $busy_child{$pid};
- next;
- }
- # add child fhd to the listener
- my $fhd = $$child_hash{'pipe_rd'};
- vec($rbits, fileno $fhd, 1) = 1;
- }
- my ($rout, $wout);
- my $nf = select($rout=$rbits, $wout=$wbits, undef, $job_queue_timeout);
- # error handling
- if($nf < 0 ) {
- }
-# if($arp_activ eq "on" && vec($rout, fileno $arp_fifo, 1)) {
-# my $in_msg = <$arp_fifo>;
-# chomp($in_msg);
-# print "arp_activ: msg: $in_msg\n";
-# my $act_passwd = $known_daemons->{$bus_address}->{passwd};
-# print "arp_activ: arp_passwd: $act_passwd\n";
-# my $in_msg_hash = $xml->XMLin($in_msg, ForceArray=>1);
-# my $target = &get_content_from_xml_hash($in_msg_hash, 'target');
-# if ($target eq $server_address) {
-# print "arp_activ: forward to server\n";
-# my $arp_cipher = &create_ciphering($act_passwd);
-# my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($in_msg, $arp_cipher);
-# &activating_child($crypted_msg, $server_ip);
-# } else {
-# print "arp_activ: send to bus\n";
-# &send_msg_hash2address($in_msg_hash, $bus_address);
-# }
-# print "\n";
-# }
- # check input fhd of all modules
- while ( my ($mod_name, $info) = each %$known_modules) {
- my $input_fhd = @{$info}[2];
- my $input_activ = @{$info}[3];
- if (vec($rout, fileno $input_fhd, 1) && $input_activ eq 'on') {
- daemon_log(" ", 1);
- my $client = $input_fhd->accept();
- my $other_end = getpeername($client);
- if(not defined $other_end) {
- daemon_log("client cannot be identified: $!");
- } else {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
- my $actual_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- daemon_log("accept client at daemon socket from $actual_ip", 5);
- my $in_msg = &read_from_socket($client);
- if(defined $in_msg){
- chomp($in_msg);
- &activating_child($in_msg, $actual_ip, $client);
- } else {
- daemon_log("cannot read from $actual_ip", 5);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # check all processing childs whether they are finished ('done') or
- while ( my ($pid, $child_hash) = each %busy_child ) {
- my $fhd = $$child_hash{'pipe_rd'};
- if (vec($rout, fileno $fhd, 1) ) {
- daemon_log("process child $pid is ready to read", 5);
- my $in_msg;
- while (1) {
- my $part_in_msg = <$fhd>;
- if( $part_in_msg eq "ENDMESSAGE\n") {
- last;
- }
- $in_msg .= $part_in_msg;
- }
- chomp($in_msg);
- if (not defined $in_msg) {
- next;
- } elsif ($in_msg =~ "done") {
- daemon_log("process child read: $in_msg", 7);
- delete $busy_child{$pid};
- $free_child{$pid} = $child_hash;
- } else {
- daemon_log("process child read:", 7);
- daemon_log("\n$in_msg", 8);
- # send computed answer back to connected client
- my $act_client = $busy_child{$pid}{client_ref};
- print $act_client $in_msg."\n";
- delete $busy_child{$pid};
- $free_child{$pid} = $child_hash;
- }
- }
- }
- # check gosa job queue for jobs with executable timestamp
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- $month+=1;
- $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- my $timestamp = "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
- my $res = $job_db->select_dbentry( { table=>$job_queue_table_name, status=>'waiting', timestamp=>$timestamp } );
- while( my ($id, $hit) = each %{$res} ) {
- my $jobdb_id = $hit->{id};
- my $macaddress = $hit->{macaddress};
- my $job_msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($hit->{xmlmessage});
- my $out_msg_hash = $job_msg_hash;
- my $res_hash = $known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients', macaddress=>$macaddress} );
- # expect macaddress is unique!!!!!!
- my $target = $res_hash->{1}->{hostname};
- if (not defined $target) {
- &daemon_log("ERROR: no host found for mac address: $job_msg_hash->{mac}[0]", 1);
- &daemon_log("xml message: $hit->{xmlmessage}", 5);
- my $update_hash = { table=>$job_queue_table_name,
- update=> [ { status=>['error'], result=>["no host found for mac address"] } ],
- where=> [ { id=>[$jobdb_id] } ],
- };
- my $res = $job_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- next;
- }
- # add target
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "target", $target);
- # add new header
- my $out_header = $job_msg_hash->{header}[0];
- $out_header =~ s/job_/gosa_/;
- delete $out_msg_hash->{header};
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "header", $out_header);
- # add sqlite_id
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg_hash, "jobdb_id", $jobdb_id);
- my $out_msg = &create_xml_string($out_msg_hash);
- # encrypt msg as a GosaPackage module
- my $cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd);
- my $crypted_out_msg = &encrypt_msg($out_msg, $cipher);
- my $error = &send_msg_hash2address($out_msg_hash, "$gosa_ip:$gosa_port", $gosa_passwd);
- if ($error == 0) {
- my $sql = "UPDATE '$job_queue_table_name' SET status='processing', targettag='$target' WHERE id='$jobdb_id'";
- my $res = $job_db->exec_statement($sql);
- } else {
- my $update_hash = { table=>$job_queue_table_name,
- update=> [ { status=>'error' } ],
- where=> [ { id=>$jobdb_id } ],
- };
- my $res = $job_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- }
- }
diff --git a/gosa-si/modules/ b/gosa-si/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-package GOSA::DBsqlite;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use DBI;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use threads;
-use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
-my $col_names = {};
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $db_name = shift;
- my $lock='/tmp/gosa_si_lock';
- my $_lock = $db_name;
- $_lock =~ tr/\//_/;
- $lock.=$_lock;
- my $self = {dbh=>undef,db_name=>undef,db_lock=>undef,db_lock_handle=>undef};
- my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_name");
- $self->{dbh} = $dbh;
- $self->{db_name} = $db_name;
- $self->{db_lock} = $lock;
- bless($self,$class);
- return($self);
-sub lock_exists : locked {
- my $self=shift;
- my $funcname=shift;
- my $lock = $self->{db_lock};
- my $result=(-f $lock);
- if($result) {
- #print STDERR "(".((defined $funcname)?$funcname:"").") Lock (PID ".$$.") $lock gefunden\n";
- usleep 100;
- }
- return $result;
-sub create_lock : locked {
- my $self=shift;
- my $funcname=shift;
- #print STDERR "(".((defined $funcname)?$funcname:"").") Erzeuge Lock (PID ".$$.") ".($self->{db_lock})."\n";
- my $lock = $self->{db_lock};
- while( -f $lock ) {
- #print STDERR "(".((defined $funcname)?$funcname:"").") Lock (PID ".$$.") $lock gefunden\n";
- sleep 1;
- }
- open($self->{db_lock_handle},'>',$self->{db_lock});
-sub remove_lock : locked {
- my $self=shift;
- my $funcname=shift;
- #print STDERR "(".((defined $funcname)?$funcname:"").") Entferne Lock (PID ".$$.") ".$self->{db_lock}."\n";
- close($self->{db_lock_handle});
- unlink($self->{db_lock});
-sub create_table {
- my $self = shift;
- my $table_name = shift;
- my $col_names_ref = shift;
- $col_names->{ $table_name } = $col_names_ref;
- my $col_names_string = join(', ', @{$col_names_ref});
- my $sql_statement = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table_name ( $col_names_string )";
- &create_lock($self,'create_table');
- $self->{dbh}->do($sql_statement);
- &remove_lock($self,'create_table');
- return 0;
-sub add_dbentry {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arg = shift;
- # if dbh not specified, return errorflag 1
- my $table = $arg->{table};
- if( not defined $table ) {
- return 1 ;
- }
- # specify primary key in table
- if (not exists $arg->{primkey}) {
- return 2;
- }
- my $primkey = $arg->{primkey};
- # if primkey is id, fetch max id from table and give new job id= max(id)+1
- if ($primkey eq 'id') {
- my $id;
- my $sql_statement = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM $table";
- &create_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- my $max_id = @{ @{ $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement) }[0] }[0];
- &remove_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- if( defined $max_id) {
- $id = $max_id + 1;
- } else {
- $id = 1;
- }
- $arg->{id} = $id;
- }
- # check wether value to primary key is specified
- if ( not exists $arg->{ $primkey } ) {
- return 3;
- }
- # if timestamp is not provided, add timestamp
- if( not exists $arg->{timestamp} ) {
- $arg->{timestamp} = &get_time;
- }
- # check wether primkey is unique in table, otherwise return errorflag
- my $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $primkey='$arg->{$primkey}'";
- &create_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- my $res = @{ $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement) };
- &remove_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- if ($res == 0) {
- # fetch column names of table
- my $col_names = &get_table_columns("",$table);
- # assign values to column name variables
- my @add_list;
- foreach my $col_name (@{$col_names}) {
- # use function parameter for column values
- if (exists $arg->{$col_name}) {
- push(@add_list, $arg->{$col_name});
- }
- }
- my $sql_statement = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('".join("', '", @add_list)."')";
- print STDERR $sql_statement;
- &create_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- my $db_res = $self->{dbh}->do($sql_statement);
- &remove_lock($self,'add_dbentry');
- if( $db_res != 1 ) {
- return 4;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- my $update_hash = { table=>$table };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { $primkey=>[ $arg->{$primkey} ] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {} ];
- while( my ($pram, $val) = each %{$arg} ) {
- if( $pram eq 'table' ) { next; }
- if( $pram eq 'primkey' ) { next; }
- $update_hash->{update}[0]->{$pram} = [$val];
- }
- my $db_res = &update_dbentry( $self, $update_hash );
- if( $db_res != 1 ) {
- return 5;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
-# error-flags
-# 1 no table ($table) defined
-# 2 no restriction parameter ($restric_pram) defined
-# 3 no restriction value ($restric_val) defined
-# 4 column name not known in table
-# 5 no column names to change specified
-sub update_dbentry {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arg = shift;
- # check completeness of function parameter
- # extract table statement from arg hash
- my $table = $arg->{table};
- if (not defined $table) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- delete $arg->{table};
- }
- # extract where parameter from arg hash
- my $where_statement = "";
- if( exists $arg->{where} ) {
- my $where_hash = @{ $arg->{where} }[0];
- if( 0 < keys %{ $where_hash } ) {
- my @where_list;
- while( my ($rest_pram, $rest_val) = each %{ $where_hash } ) {
- my $statement;
- if( $rest_pram eq 'timestamp' ) {
- $statement = "$rest_pram<'@{ $rest_val }[0]'";
- } else {
- $statement = "$rest_pram='@{ $rest_val }[0]'";
- }
- push( @where_list, $statement );
- }
- $where_statement .= "WHERE ".join('AND ', @where_list);
- }
- }
- # extract update parameter from arg hash
- my $update_hash = @{ $arg->{update} }[0];
- my $update_statement = "";
- if( 0 < keys %{ $update_hash } ) {
- my @update_list;
- while( my ($rest_pram, $rest_val) = each %{ $update_hash } ) {
- my $statement = "$rest_pram='@{ $rest_val }[0]'";
- push( @update_list, $statement );
- }
- $update_statement .= join(', ', @update_list);
- }
- my $sql_statement = "UPDATE $table SET $update_statement $where_statement";
- &create_lock($self,'update_dbentry');
- my $db_answer = $self->{dbh}->do($sql_statement);
- &remove_lock($self,'update_dbentry');
- return $db_answer;
-sub del_dbentry {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arg = shift;
- # check completeness of function parameter
- # extract table statement from arg hash
- my $table = $arg->{table};
- if (not defined $table) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- delete $arg->{table};
- }
- # collect select statements
- my @del_list;
- while (my ($pram, $val) = each %{$arg}) {
- if ( $pram eq 'timestamp' ) {
- push(@del_list, "$pram < '$val'");
- } else {
- push(@del_list, "$pram = '$val'");
- }
- }
- my $where_statement;
- if( not @del_list ) {
- $where_statement = "";
- } else {
- $where_statement = "WHERE ".join(' AND ', @del_list);
- }
- my $sql_statement = "DELETE FROM $table $where_statement";
- &create_lock($self,'del_dbentry');
- my $db_res = $self->{dbh}->do($sql_statement);
- &remove_lock($self,'del_dbentry');
- return $db_res;
-sub get_table_columns {
- my $self = shift;
- my $table = shift;
- my @column_names;
- if(exists $col_names->{$table}) {
- @column_names = @{$col_names->{$table}};
- } else {
- &create_lock($self,'get_table_columns');
- my @res = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref("pragma table_info('$table')")};
- &remove_lock($self,'get_table_columns');
- foreach my $column (@res) {
- push(@column_names, @$column[1]);
- }
- }
- return \@column_names;
-sub select_dbentry {
- my $self = shift;
- my $arg = shift;
- # check completeness of function parameter
- # extract table statement from arg hash
- my $table = $arg->{table};
- if (not defined $table) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- delete $arg->{table};
- }
- # collect select statements
- my @select_list;
- my $sql_statement;
- while (my ($pram, $val) = each %{$arg}) {
- if ( $pram eq 'timestamp' ) {
- push(@select_list, "$pram < '$val'");
- } else {
- push(@select_list, "$pram = '$val'");
- }
- }
- if (@select_list == 0) {
- $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM '$table'";
- } else {
- $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM '$table' WHERE ".join(' AND ', @select_list);
- }
- # query db
- &create_lock($self,'select_dbentry');
- my $query_answer = $self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement);
- &remove_lock($self,'select_dbentry');
- # fetch column list of db and create a hash with column_name->column_value of the select query
- my $column_list = &get_table_columns($self, $table);
- my $list_len = @{ $column_list } ;
- my $answer = {};
- my $hit_counter = 0;
- foreach my $hit ( @{ $query_answer }) {
- $hit_counter++;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i < $list_len; $i++) {
- $answer->{ $hit_counter }->{ @{ $column_list }[$i] } = @{ $hit }[$i];
- }
- }
- return $answer;
-sub show_table {
- my $self = shift;
- my $table_name = shift;
- &create_lock($self,'show_table');
- my @res = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT * FROM $table_name")};
- &remove_lock($self,'show_table');
- my @answer;
- foreach my $hit (@res) {
- push(@answer, "hit: ".join(', ', @{$hit}));
- }
- return join("\n", @answer);
-sub exec_statement {
- my $self = shift;
- my $sql_statement = shift;
- &create_lock($self,'exec_statement');
- my @res = @{$self->{dbh}->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement)};
- &remove_lock($self, 'exec_statement');
- return \@res;
-sub get_time {
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- $month+=1;
- $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- return "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
diff --git a/gosa-si/modules/ b/gosa-si/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-package GosaPackages;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = ("Exporter");
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use XML::Simple;
-use File::Spec;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use GOSA::DBsqlite;
-use MIME::Base64;
-my ($server_activ, $server_ip, $server_mac_address, $server_port, $server_passwd, $max_clients, $server_event_dir);
-my ($bus_activ, $bus_passwd, $bus_ip, $bus_port);
-my ($gosa_activ, $gosa_ip, $gosa_mac_address, $gosa_port, $gosa_passwd, $network_interface);
-my ($job_queue_timeout, $job_queue_file_name);
-my $gosa_server;
-my %cfg_defaults =
-("general" =>
- {"job_queue_file_name" => [\$job_queue_file_name, '/var/lib/gosa-si/jobs.db'],
- },
-"server" =>
- {"server_activ" => [\$server_activ, "on"],
- "server_ip" => [\$server_ip, ""],
- "server_port" => [\$server_port, "20081"],
- "server_passwd" => [\$server_passwd, ""],
- "max_clients" => [\$max_clients, 100],
- "server_event_dir" => [\$server_event_dir, '/usr/lib/gosa-si/server/events'],
- },
-"bus" =>
- {"bus_activ" => [\$bus_activ, "on"],
- "bus_passwd" => [\$bus_passwd, ""],
- "bus_ip" => [\$bus_ip, ""],
- "bus_port" => [\$bus_port, "20080"],
- },
-"gosa" =>
- {"gosa_activ" => [\$gosa_activ, "on"],
- "gosa_ip" => [\$gosa_ip, ""],
- "gosa_port" => [\$gosa_port, "20082"],
- "gosa_passwd" => [\$gosa_passwd, "none"],
- },
-## START ##########################
-# read configfile and import variables
-$network_interface= &get_interface_for_ip($server_ip);
-$gosa_mac_address= &get_mac($network_interface);
-# complete addresses
-my $server_address = "$server_ip:$server_port";
-my $bus_address = "$bus_ip:$bus_port";
-my $gosa_address = "$gosa_ip:$gosa_port";
-# create general settings for this module
-my $gosa_cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd);
-my $xml = new XML::Simple();
-# open gosa socket
-if ($gosa_activ eq "on") {
- &main::daemon_log(" ",1);
- $gosa_server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $gosa_port,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Reuse => 1,
- Listen => 1,
- );
- if (not defined $gosa_server) {
- &main::daemon_log("cannot start tcp server at $gosa_port for communication to gosa: $@", 1);
- die;
- } else {
- &main::daemon_log("start server for communication to gosa: $gosa_address", 1);
- }
-# create gosa job queue as a SQLite DB
-my $table_name = "jobs";
-my $sqlite = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($job_queue_file_name);
-## FUNCTIONS #################################################################
-sub get_module_info {
- my @info = ($gosa_address,
- $gosa_passwd,
- $gosa_server,
- $gosa_activ,
- "socket",
- );
- return \@info;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string -
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: read cfg_file and set variables
-sub read_configfile {
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $main::cfg_file) && ( length($main::cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $main::cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $main::cfg_file );
- } else {
- print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!";
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) {
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[0]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[1] );
- }
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interface_for_ip
-# PARAMETERS: ip address (i.e.
-# RETURNS: array: list of interfaces if ip=, matching interface if found, undef else
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interface_for_ip {
- my $result;
- my $ip= shift;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- my @ifs= &get_interfaces();
- if($ip eq "") {
- $result = "all";
- } else {
- foreach (@ifs) {
- my $if=$_;
- if(get_ip($if) eq $ip) {
- $result = $if;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interfaces
-# RETURNS: (list of interfaces)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interfaces {
- my @result;
- my $PROC_NET_DEV= ('/proc/net/dev');
- or die "Could not open $PROC_NET_DEV";
- my @ifs = <PROC_NET_DEV>;
- close(PROC_NET_DEV);
- # Eat first two line
- shift @ifs;
- shift @ifs;
- chomp @ifs;
- foreach my $line(@ifs) {
- my $if= (split /:/, $line)[0];
- $if =~ s/^\s+//;
- push @result, $if;
- }
- return @result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_mac
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (mac address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get mac address directly from system.
-sub get_mac {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result;
- if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
- if($ifreq eq "all") {
- $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- } else {
- my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
- # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
- if ($gosa_mac_address and length($gosa_mac_address) > 0) {
- $result= $gosa_mac_address;
- }
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
- if (length($mac) > 0) {
- $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
- $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- $result = $mac;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_ip
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (ip address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get ip address directly from system.
-sub get_ip {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result= "";
- my $SIOCGIFADDR= 0x8915; # man 2 ioctl_list
- my $proto= getprotobyname('ip');
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $sin) = unpack 'a16 a16', $ifreq;
- my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $sin;
- my $ip = inet_ntoa $addr;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- $result = $ip;
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr string something like or
-# [PeerPort] string necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-sub open_socket {
- my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
- if(defined($PeerPort)){
- $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
- }
- my $socket;
- $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
- Porto => "tcp" ,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Timeout => 5,
- );
- if(not defined $socket) {
- return;
- }
- &main::daemon_log("open_socket to: $PeerAddr", 7);
- return $socket;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: process_incoming_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - incoming crypted message
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the proceeded distribution to the appropriated functions
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg) = @_ ;
- if( (not(defined($crypted_msg))) || (length($crypted_msg) <= 0)) {
- &main::daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- return;
- }
- $crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
- $crypted_msg = $1;
- my $host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- # collect addresses from possible incoming clients
- # only gosa is allowd as incoming client
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: host_key: $host", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: key_passwd: $gosa_passwd", 7);
- $gosa_cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd);
- # determine the correct passwd for deciphering of the incoming msgs
- my $msg = "";
- my $msg_hash;
- eval{
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $gosa_cipher);
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: decrypted_msg: \n$msg", 7);
- $msg_hash = $xml->XMLin($msg, ForceArray=>1);
- };
- if($@) {
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: GosaPackages do not understand the message:", 5);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 7);
- return;
- }
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: receive '$header' from $host", 1);
- my $out_msg;
- if ($header =~ /^job_/) {
- $out_msg = &process_job_msg($msg, $msg_hash);
- } elsif ($header =~ /^gosa_/) {
- $out_msg = &process_gosa_msg($msg, $header);
- } else {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: $header is not a valid GosaPackage-header, need a 'job_' or a 'gosa_' prefix");
- }
- if (not defined $out_msg) {
- return;
- }
- if ($out_msg =~ /<jobdb_id>(\d*?)<\/jobdb_id>/) {
- my $job_id = $1;
- my $sql = "BEGIN TRANSATION; UPDATE '".$main::job_queue_table_name.
- "' SET status='done', result='".$out_msg.
- "' WHERE id='$job_id'; COMMIT;";
- my $res = $main::job_db->exec_statement($sql);
- return;
- } else {
- my $out_cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd);
- $out_msg = &encrypt_msg($out_msg, $out_cipher);
- return $out_msg;
- }
-sub process_gosa_msg {
- my ($msg, $header) = @_ ;
- my $out_msg;
- $header =~ s/gosa_//;
- # decide wether msg is a core function or a event handler
- if ( $header eq 'query_jobdb') { $out_msg = &query_jobdb }
- elsif ($header eq 'delete_jobdb_entry') { $out_msg = &delete_jobdb_entry }
- elsif ($header eq 'clear_jobdb') { $out_msg = &clear_jobdb }
- elsif ($header eq 'update_status_jobdb_entry' ) { $out_msg = &update_status_jobdb_entry }
- elsif ($header eq 'update_timestamp_jobdb_entry' ) { $out_msg = &update_timestamp_jobdb_entry }
- else {
- # msg could not be assigned to core function
- # fetch all available eventhandler under $server_event_dir
- opendir (DIR, $server_event_dir) or &main::daemon_log("ERROR cannot open $server_event_dir: $!\n", 1) and return;
- while (defined (my $file = readdir (DIR))) {
- if (not $file eq $header) {
- next;
- }
- # try to deliver incoming msg to eventhandler
- my $cmd = File::Spec->join($server_event_dir, $header)." '$msg'";
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: execute event_handler $header", 3);
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: cmd: $cmd", 7);
- $out_msg = "";
- open(PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
- while(<PIPE>) {
- $out_msg.=$_;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: answer of cmd: $out_msg", 5);
- last;
- }
- }
- # if delivery not possible raise error and return
- if (not defined $out_msg) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: GosaPackages: no event handler or core function defined for $header", 1);
- } elsif ($out_msg eq "") {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: GosaPackages got not answer from event_handler $header", 1);
- }
- return $out_msg;
-sub process_job_msg {
- my ($msg, $msg_hash)= @_ ;
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- $header =~ s/job_//;
- # check wether mac address is already known in known_daemons or known_clients
- my $target = 'none';
- # add job to job queue
- my $func_dic = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name,
- primkey=>'id',
- timestamp=>@{$msg_hash->{timestamp}}[0],
- status=>'waiting',
- result=>'none',
- headertag=>$header,
- targettag=>$target,
- xmlmessage=>$msg,
- macaddress=>@{$msg_hash->{mac}}[0],
- };
- my $res = $main::job_db->add_dbentry($func_dic);
- if (not $res == 0) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: GosaPackages: process_job_msg: $res", 1);
- }
- &main::daemon_log("GosaPackages: $header job successfully added to job queue", 3);
- return "<xml><1>$res</1></xml>";
-sub db_res_2_xml {
- my ($db_res) = @_ ;
- my $xml = "<xml>";
- while ( my ($hit, $hash) = each %{ $db_res } ) {
- $xml .= "\n<answer$hit>";
- while ( my ($column_name, $column_value) = each %{$hash} ) {
- $xml .= "<$column_name>";
- my $xml_content;
- if( $column_name eq "xmlmessage" ) {
- $xml_content = &encode_base64($column_value);
- } else {
- $xml_content = $column_value;
- }
- $xml .= $xml_content;
- $xml .= "</$column_name>";
- }
- $xml .= "</answer$hit>";
- }
- $xml .= "</xml>";
- return $xml;
-## CORE FUNCTIONS ############################################################
-sub query_jobdb {
- my ($msg) = @_;
- my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- # prepare query sql statement
- my @where = @{$msg_hash->{where}};
- my $where_hash = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name };
- foreach my $where_pram (@where) {
- my $where_val = @{$msg_hash->{$where_pram}}[0];
- if (defined $where_val) {
- $where_hash->{$where_pram} = $where_val;
- }
- }
- # execute db query
- my $res_hash = $main::job_db->select_dbentry($where_hash);
- my $out_xml = &db_res_2_xml($res_hash);
- return $out_xml;
-sub delete_jobdb_entry {
- my ($msg) = @_ ;
- my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- # prepare query sql statement
- my @where = @{$msg_hash->{where}};
- my $where_hash = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name };
- foreach my $where_pram (@where) {
- my $where_val = @{$msg_hash->{$where_pram}}[0];
- if (defined $where_val) {
- $where_hash->{$where_pram} = $where_val;
- }
- }
- # execute db query
- my $db_res = $main::job_db->del_dbentry($where_hash);
- my $res;
- if( $db_res > 0 ) {
- $res = 0 ;
- } else {
- $res = 1;
- }
- # prepare xml answer
- my $out_xml = "<xml><answer1>$res</answer1></xml>";
- return $out_xml;
-sub clear_jobdb {
- my ($msg) = @_ ;
- my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- my $where_hash = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name };
- # execute db query
- my $db_res = $main::job_db->del_dbentry($where_hash);
- print STDERR "db_res=$db_res\n";
- my $res;
- if( $db_res eq '0E0' ) {
- $res = 0 ;
- } else {
- $res = 1;
- }
- # prepare xml answer
- my $out_xml = "<xml><answer1>$res</answer1></xml>";
- return $out_xml;
-sub update_status_jobdb_entry {
- my ($msg) = @_ ;
- my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- # prepare query sql statement
- my $update_hash = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name };
- if( exists $msg_hash->{where} ) {
- $update_hash->{where} = $msg_hash->{where};
- } else {
- $update_hash->{where} = [];
- }
- if( not exists $msg_hash->{update}[0]->{status} ) {
- return "<xml><answer1>1</answer1></xml>";
- }
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { status=>$msg_hash->{update}[0]->{status} } ];
- # execute db query
- my $db_res = $main::job_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- # transform db answer to error returnment
- my $res;
- if( $db_res > 0 ) {
- $res = 0 ;
- } else {
- $res = 1;
- }
- # prepare xml answer
- my $out_xml = "<xml><answer1>$res</answer1></xml>";
- return $out_xml;
-sub update_timestamp_jobdb_entry {
- my ($msg) = @_ ;
- my $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- # prepare query sql statement
- my $update_hash = {table=>$main::job_queue_table_name };
- if( exists $msg_hash->{where} ) {
- $update_hash->{where} = $msg_hash->{where};
- } else {
- $update_hash->{where} = [];
- }
- if( not exists $msg_hash->{update}[0]->{timestamp} ) {
- return "<xml><answer1>1</answer1></xml>";
- }
- $update_hash->{update} = [ { timestamp=>$msg_hash->{update}[0]->{timestamp} } ];
- # execute db query
- my $db_res = $main::job_db->update_dbentry($update_hash);
- # transform db answer to error returnment
- my $res;
- if( $db_res > 0 ) {
- $res = 0 ;
- } else {
- $res = 1;
- }
- # prepare xml answer
- my $out_xml = "<xml><answer1>$res</answer1></xml>";
- return $out_xml;
diff --git a/gosa-si/modules/ b/gosa-si/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-package GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(create_xml_hash send_msg_hash2address get_content_from_xml_hash add_content2xml_hash create_xml_string encrypt_msg decrypt_msg create_ciphering transform_msg2hash get_time send_msg);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use Crypt::Rijndael;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
-use MIME::Base64;
-use XML::Simple;
-END {}
-### Start ######################################################################
-my $xml = new XML::Simple();
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- return;
-sub daemon_log {
- my ($msg, $level) = @_ ;
- &main::daemon_log($msg, $level);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: header - string - message header (required)
-# source - string - where the message come from (required)
-# target - string - where the message should go to (required)
-# [header_value] - string - something usefull (optional)
-# RETURNS: hash - hash - nomen est omen
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a key-value hash, all values are stored in a array
-sub create_xml_hash {
- my ($header, $source, $target, $header_value) = @_;
- my $hash = {
- header => [$header],
- source => [$source],
- target => [$target],
- $header => [$header_value],
- };
- return $hash
-sub transform_msg2hash {
- my ($msg) = @_ ;
- my $hash = $xml->XMLin($msg, ForceArray=>1);
- # xml tags without a content are created as an empty hash
- # substitute it with an empty list
- while( my ($xml_tag, $xml_content) = each %{ $hash } ) {
- if( 1 == @{ $xml_content } ) {
- # there is only one element in xml_content list ...
- my $element = @{ $xml_content }[0];
- if( ref($element) eq "HASH" ) {
- # and this element is an hash ...
- my $len_element = keys %{ $element };
- if( $len_element == 0 ) {
- # and this hash is empty, then substitute the xml_content
- # with an empty string in list
- $hash->{$xml_tag} = [ "none" ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $hash;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg_hash2address
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - xml_hash created with function create_xml_hash
-# PeerAddr string - socket address to send msg
-# PeerPort string - socket port, if not included in socket address
-# RETURNS: nothing
-sub send_msg_hash2address ($$$){
- my ($msg_hash, $address, $passwd) = @_ ;
- # fetch header for logging
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- # generate xml string
- my $msg_xml = &create_xml_string($msg_hash);
- # create ciphering object
- my $act_cipher = &create_ciphering($passwd);
- # encrypt xml msg
- my $crypted_msg = &encrypt_msg($msg_xml, $act_cipher);
- # opensocket
- my $socket = &open_socket($address);
- if(not defined $socket){
- daemon_log("cannot send '$header'-msg to $address , server not reachable", 5);
- return 1;
- }
- # send xml msg
- print $socket $crypted_msg."\n";
- close $socket;
- daemon_log("send '$header'-msg to $address", 1);
- daemon_log("message:\n$msg_xml", 8);
- return 0;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_content_from_xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference of the xml hash
-# element - string - key of the value you want
-# RETURNS: value - string - if key is either header, target or source
-# value - list - for all other keys in xml hash
-sub get_content_from_xml_hash {
- my ($xml_ref, $element) = @_ ;
- #my $result = $main::xml_ref->{$element};
- #if( $element eq "header" || $element eq "target" || $element eq "source") {
- # return @$result[0];
- #}
- my @result = $xml_ref->{$element};
- return \@result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: add_content2xml_hash
-# PARAMETERS: xml_ref - ref - reference to a hash from function create_xml_hash
-# element - string - key for the hash
-# content - string - value for the hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: add key-value pair to xml_ref, if key alread exists,
-# then append value to list
-sub add_content2xml_hash {
- my ($xml_ref, $element, $content) = @_;
- if(not exists $$xml_ref{$element} ) {
- $$xml_ref{$element} = [];
- }
- my $tmp = $$xml_ref{$element};
- push(@$tmp, $content);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_xml_string
-# PARAMETERS: xml_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: xml_string - string - xml string representation of the hash
-# DESCRIPTION: transform the hash to a string using XML::Simple module
-sub create_xml_string {
- my ($xml_hash) = @_ ;
- my $xml_string = $xml->XMLout($xml_hash, RootName => 'xml');
- #$xml_string =~ s/[\n]+//g;
- #daemon_log("create_xml_string:",7);
- #daemon_log("$xml_string\n", 7);
- return $xml_string;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: encrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: msg - string - message to encrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: crypted_msg - string - crypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: crypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-sub encrypt_msg {
- my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_;
- if(not defined $my_cipher) { print "no cipher object\n"; }
- $msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
- $msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
- chomp($msg = &encode_base64($msg));
- return $msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: decrypt_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - message to decrypt
-# my_cipher - ref - reference to a Crypt::Rijndael object
-# RETURNS: msg - string - decrypted message
-# DESCRIPTION: decrypts the incoming message with the Crypt::Rijndael module
-sub decrypt_msg {
- my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_ ;
- if(defined $msg && defined $my_cipher) {
- $msg = &decode_base64($msg);
- }
- $msg = $my_cipher->decrypt($msg);
- $msg =~ s/\0*//g;
- return $msg;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: create_ciphering
-# PARAMETERS: passwd - string - used to create ciphering
-# RETURNS: cipher - object
-# DESCRIPTION: creates a Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC object with passwd as key
-sub create_ciphering {
- my ($passwd) = @_;
- $passwd = substr(md5_hex("$passwd") x 32, 0, 32);
- my $iv = substr(md5_hex('GONICUS GmbH'),0, 16);
- #daemon_log("iv: $iv", 7);
- #daemon_log("key: $passwd", 7);
- my $my_cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($passwd , Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
- $my_cipher->set_iv($iv);
- return $my_cipher;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr string something like or
-# [PeerPort] string necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-sub open_socket {
- my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
- if(defined($PeerPort)){
- $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
- }
- my $socket;
- $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr,
- Porto => "tcp",
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Timeout => 5,
- );
- if(not defined $socket) {
- return;
- }
- &daemon_log("open_socket: $PeerAddr", 7);
- return $socket;
-sub get_time {
- my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $monthday, $month,
- $year, $weekday, $yearday, $sommertime) = localtime(time);
- $hours = $hours < 10 ? $hours = "0".$hours : $hours;
- $minutes = $minutes < 10 ? $minutes = "0".$minutes : $minutes;
- $seconds = $seconds < 10 ? $seconds = "0".$seconds : $seconds;
- $month+=1;
- $month = $month < 10 ? $month = "0".$month : $month;
- $monthday = $monthday < 10 ? $monthday = "0".$monthday : $monthday;
- $year+=1900;
- return "$year$month$monthday$hours$minutes$seconds";
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: send_msg
-# DESCRIPTION: Send a message to a destination
-# PARAMETERS: [header] Name of the header
-# [from] sender ip
-# [to] recipient ip
-# [data] Hash containing additional attributes for the xml
-# package
-# RETURNS: nothing
-sub send_msg ($$$$$) {
- my ($header, $from, $to, $data, $hostkey) = @_;
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash($header, $from, $to);
- while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$data) ) {
- if(ref($value) eq 'ARRAY'){
- map(&add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, $key, $_), @$value);
- } else {
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, $key, $value);
- }
- }
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $to, $hostkey);
diff --git a/gosa-si/modules/ b/gosa-si/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,887 +0,0 @@
-package ServerPackages;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = ("Exporter");
-# Each module has to have a function 'process_incoming_msg'. This function works as a interface to gosa-sd and receives the msg hash from gosa-sd. 'process_incoming_function checks, wether it has a function to process the incoming msg and forward the msg to it.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use GOSA::GosaSupportDaemon;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use Socket qw/PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM inet_ntoa sockaddr_in/;
-END {}
-my ($known_clients_file_name);
-my ($server_activ, $server_ip, $server_mac_address, $server_port, $server_passwd, $max_clients, $ldap_uri, $ldap_base, $ldap_admin_dn, $ldap_admin_password);
-my ($bus_activ, $bus_passwd, $bus_ip, $bus_port);
-my $server;
-my $network_interface;
-my $no_bus;
-my (@ldap_cfg, @pam_cfg, @nss_cfg, $goto_admin, $goto_secret);
-my %cfg_defaults =
-"server" =>
- {"server_activ" => [\$server_activ, "on"],
- "server_ip" => [\$server_ip, ""],
- "server_mac_address" => [\$server_mac_address, ""],
- "server_port" => [\$server_port, "20081"],
- "server_passwd" => [\$server_passwd, ""],
- "max_clients" => [\$max_clients, 100],
- "ldap_uri" => [\$ldap_uri, ""],
- "ldap_base" => [\$ldap_base, ""],
- "ldap_admin_dn" => [\$ldap_admin_dn, ""],
- "ldap_admin_password" => [\$ldap_admin_password, ""],
- },
-"bus" =>
- {"bus_activ" => [\$bus_activ, "on"],
- "bus_passwd" => [\$bus_passwd, ""],
- "bus_ip" => [\$bus_ip, ""],
- "bus_port" => [\$bus_port, "20080"],
- },
-### START #####################################################################
-# read configfile and import variables
-# detect interfaces and mac address
-$network_interface= &get_interface_for_ip($server_ip);
-$server_mac_address= &get_mac($network_interface);
-&main::daemon_log("server ip address detected: $server_ip", 1);
-&main::daemon_log("server mac address detected: $server_mac_address", 1);
-# complete addresses
-my $server_address = "$server_ip:$server_port";
-my $bus_address = "$bus_ip:$bus_port";
-# create general settings for this module
-my $xml = new XML::Simple();
-# open server socket
-if($server_activ eq "on"){
- &main::daemon_log(" ", 1);
- $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $server_port,
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Reuse => 1,
- Listen => 20,
- );
- if(not defined $server){
- &main::daemon_log("cannot be a tcp server at $server_port : $@");
- die;
- } else {
- &main::daemon_log("start server: $server_address", 1);
- }
-# register at bus
-if ($main::no_bus > 0) {
- $bus_activ = "off"
-if($bus_activ eq "on") {
- &main::daemon_log(" ", 1);
- ®ister_at_bus();
-### functions #################################################################
-sub get_module_info {
- my @info = ($server_address,
- $server_passwd,
- $server,
- $server_activ,
- "socket",
- );
- return \@info;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: read_configfile
-# PARAMETERS: cfg_file - string -
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: read cfg_file and set variables
-sub read_configfile {
- my $cfg;
- if( defined( $main::cfg_file) && ( length($main::cfg_file) > 0 )) {
- if( -r $main::cfg_file ) {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $main::cfg_file );
- } else {
- print STDERR "Couldn't read config file!";
- }
- } else {
- $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new() ;
- }
- foreach my $section (keys %cfg_defaults) {
- foreach my $param (keys %{$cfg_defaults{ $section }}) {
- my $pinfo = $cfg_defaults{ $section }{ $param };
- ${@$pinfo[0]} = $cfg->val( $section, $param, @$pinfo[1] );
- }
- }
- # Read non predefined sections
- my $param;
- if ($cfg->SectionExists('ldap')){
- foreach $param ($cfg->Parameters('ldap')){
- push (@ldap_cfg, "$param ".$cfg->val('ldap', $param));
- }
- }
- if ($cfg->SectionExists('pam_ldap')){
- foreach $param ($cfg->Parameters('pam_ldap')){
- push (@pam_cfg, "$param ".$cfg->val('pam_ldap', $param));
- }
- }
- if ($cfg->SectionExists('nss_ldap')){
- foreach $param ($cfg->Parameters('nss_ldap')){
- push (@nss_cfg, "$param ".$cfg->val('nss_ldap', $param));
- }
- }
- if ($cfg->SectionExists('goto')){
- $goto_admin= $cfg->val('goto', 'terminal_admin');
- $goto_secret= $cfg->val('goto', 'terminal_secret');
- } else {
- $goto_admin= undef;
- $goto_secret= undef;
- }
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interface_for_ip
-# PARAMETERS: ip address (i.e.
-# RETURNS: array: list of interfaces if ip=, matching interface if found, undef else
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interface_for_ip {
- my $result;
- my $ip= shift;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- my @ifs= &get_interfaces();
- if($ip eq "") {
- $result = "all";
- } else {
- foreach (@ifs) {
- my $if=$_;
- if(get_ip($if) eq $ip) {
- $result = $if;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_interfaces
-# RETURNS: (list of interfaces)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses proc fs (/proc/net/dev) to get list of interfaces.
-sub get_interfaces {
- my @result;
- my $PROC_NET_DEV= ('/proc/net/dev');
- or die "Could not open $PROC_NET_DEV";
- my @ifs = <PROC_NET_DEV>;
- close(PROC_NET_DEV);
- # Eat first two line
- shift @ifs;
- shift @ifs;
- chomp @ifs;
- foreach my $line(@ifs) {
- my $if= (split /:/, $line)[0];
- $if =~ s/^\s+//;
- push @result, $if;
- }
- return @result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_mac
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (mac address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get mac address directly from system.
-sub get_mac {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result;
- if ($ifreq && length($ifreq) > 0) {
- if($ifreq eq "all") {
- $result = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
- } else {
- my $SIOCGIFHWADDR= 0x8927; # man 2 ioctl_list
- # A configured MAC Address should always override a guessed value
- if ($server_mac_address and length($server_mac_address) > 0) {
- $result= $server_mac_address;
- }
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('ip')
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFHWADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $mac)= unpack 'h36 H12', $ifreq;
- if (length($mac) > 0) {
- $mac=~ m/^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$/;
- $mac= sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- $result = $mac;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: get_ip
-# PARAMETERS: interface name (i.e. eth0)
-# RETURNS: (ip address)
-# DESCRIPTION: Uses ioctl to get ip address directly from system.
-sub get_ip {
- my $ifreq= shift;
- my $result= "";
- my $SIOCGIFADDR= 0x8915; # man 2 ioctl_list
- my $proto= getprotobyname('ip');
- socket SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto
- or die "socket: $!";
- if(ioctl SOCKET, $SIOCGIFADDR, $ifreq) {
- my ($if, $sin) = unpack 'a16 a16', $ifreq;
- my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in $sin;
- my $ip = inet_ntoa $addr;
- if ($ip && length($ip) > 0) {
- $result = $ip;
- }
- }
- return $result;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: open_socket
-# PARAMETERS: PeerAddr string something like or
-# [PeerPort] string necessary if port not appended by PeerAddr
-# RETURNS: socket IO::Socket::INET
-# DESCRIPTION: open a socket to PeerAddr
-#sub open_socket {
-# my ($PeerAddr, $PeerPort) = @_ ;
-# if(defined($PeerPort)){
-# $PeerAddr = $PeerAddr.":".$PeerPort;
-# }
-# my $socket;
-# $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $PeerAddr ,
-# Porto => "tcp" ,
-# Type => SOCK_STREAM,
-# Timeout => 5,
-# );
-# if(not defined $socket) {
-# return;
-# }
-# &main::daemon_log("open_socket to: $PeerAddr", 7);
-# return $socket;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: register_at_bus
-# PARAMETERS: nothing
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: creates an entry in known_daemons and send a 'here_i_am' msg to bus
-sub register_at_bus {
- # add bus to known_server_db
- my $res = $main::known_server_db->add_dbentry( {table=>'known_server',
- primkey=>'hostname',
- hostname=>$bus_address,
- status=>'bus',
- hostkey=>$bus_passwd,
- timestamp=>&get_time,
- } );
- my $msg_hash = &create_xml_hash("here_i_am", $server_address, $bus_address);
- my $answer = "";
- $answer = &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $bus_address, $bus_passwd);
- if ($answer == 0) {
- &main::daemon_log("register at bus: $bus_address", 1);
- } else {
- &main::daemon_log("unable to send 'register'-msg to bus '$bus_address': $answer", 1);
- }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: process_incoming_msg
-# PARAMETERS: crypted_msg - string - incoming crypted message
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: handels the proceeded distribution to the appropriated functions
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg) = @_ ;
- if(not defined $crypted_msg) {
- &main::daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- }
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackages: incoming msg: \n$crypted_msg", 8);
- $crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
- $crypted_msg = $1;
- my $host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- my $msg;
- my $msg_hash;
- my $host_name;
- my $host_key;
- # check wether incoming msg is a new msg
- $host_name = $server_address;
- $host_key = $server_passwd;
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_name: $host_name", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_key: $host_key", 7);
- eval{
- my $key_cipher = &create_ciphering($host_key);
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $key_cipher);
- $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- };
- if($@) {
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: deciphering raise error", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 8);
- $msg = undef;
- $msg_hash = undef;
- $host_name = undef;
- $host_key = undef;
- }
- # check wether incoming msg is from a known_server
- if( not defined $msg ) {
- my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
- $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- if( not $host_name =~ "^$host") {
- next;
- }
- $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_name: $host_name", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_key: $host_key", 7);
- eval{
- my $key_cipher = &create_ciphering($host_key);
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $key_cipher);
- $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- };
- if($@) {
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: deciphering raise error", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 8);
- $msg = undef;
- $msg_hash = undef;
- $host_name = undef;
- $host_key = undef;
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- # check wether incoming msg is from a known_client
- if( not defined $msg ) {
- my $query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
- $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- if( not $host_name =~ "^$host") {
- next;
- }
- $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_name: $host_name", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: host_key: $host_key", 7);
- eval{
- my $key_cipher = &create_ciphering($host_key);
- $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $key_cipher);
- $msg_hash = &transform_msg2hash($msg);
- };
- if($@) {
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackage: deciphering raise error", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 8);
- $msg = undef;
- $msg_hash = undef;
- $host_name = undef;
- $host_key = undef;
- } else {
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if( not defined $msg ) {
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: ServerPackage do not understand the message:", 5);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 7);
- return;
- }
- # process incoming msg
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- &main::daemon_log("recieve '$header' at ServerPackages from $host", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("ServerPackages: msg to process: \n$msg", 7);
- my @targets = @{$msg_hash->{target}};
- my $len_targets = @targets;
- if ($len_targets == 0){
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: ServerPackages: no target specified for msg $header", 1);
- } elsif ($len_targets == 1){
- # we have only one target symbol
- my $target = $targets[0];
- &main::daemon_log("SeverPackages: msg is for: $target", 7);
- # msg is for server
- if ($header eq 'new_passwd'){ &new_passwd($msg_hash)}
- elsif ($header eq 'here_i_am') { &here_i_am($msg_hash)}
- elsif ($header eq 'who_has') { &who_has($msg_hash) }
- elsif ($header eq 'who_has_i_do') { &who_has_i_do($msg_hash)}
- elsif ($header eq 'update_status') { &update_status($msg_hash) }
- elsif ($header eq 'got_ping') { &got_ping($msg_hash)}
- elsif ($header eq 'get_load') { &execute_actions($msg_hash)}
- else {
- if ($target eq "*") {
- # msg is for all clients
- my $query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients'} );
- while( my ($hit_num, $hit) = each %{ $query_res } ) {
- $host_name = $hit->{hostname};
- $host_key = $hit->{hostkey};
- $msg_hash->{target} = [$host_name];
- &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- }
- } else {
- # msg is for one host
- my $host_key;
- if( not defined $host_key ) {
- my $query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients', hostname=>$target} );
- if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- $host_key = $query_res->{1}->{host_key};
- }
- }
- if( not defined $host_key ) {
- my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server', hostname=>$target} );
- if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- $host_key = $query_res->{1}->{host_key};
- }
- }
- if( not defined $host_key ) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: ServerPackages: target '".$target.
- "' is not known neither in known_clients nor in known_server",1);
- } else {
- &send_msg_hash2address($msg_hash, $target, $host_key);
- }
- }
- }
- } elsif ($len_targets > 1 ) {
- # we have more than one target
- # TODO to be implemented
- }
- return ;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: got_ping
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub got_ping {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $target = @{$msg_hash->{target}}[0];
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- if(exists $main::known_daemons->{$source}) {
- &main::add_content2known_daemons(hostname=>$source, status=>$header);
- } else {
- &main::add_content2known_clients(hostname=>$source, status=>$header);
- }
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: new_passwd
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - ref - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub new_passwd {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_;
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source_name = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $source_key = @{$msg_hash->{new_passwd}}[0];
- my $query_res;
- # check known_clients_db
- $query_res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients', hostname=>$source_name} );
- if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- my $update_hash = { table=>'known_clients' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source_name] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {
- hostkey=>[$source_key],
- timestamp=>[&get_time],
- } ];
- my $res = $main::known_clients_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
- my $hash = &create_xml_hash("confirm_new_passwd", $server_address, $source_name);
- &send_msg_hash2address($hash, $source_name, $source_key);
- return;
- }
- # check known_server_db
- $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server', hostname=>$source_name } );
- if( 1 == keys %{$query_res} ) {
- my $update_hash = { table=>'known_server' };
- $update_hash->{where} = [ { hostname=>[$source_name] } ];
- $update_hash->{update} = [ {
- hostkey=>[$source_key],
- timestamp=>[&get_time],
- } ];
- my $res = $main::known_server_db->update_dbentry( $update_hash );
- my $hash = &create_xml_hash("confirm_new_passwd", $server_address, $source_name);
- &send_msg_hash2address($hash, $source_name, $source_key);
- return;
- }
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: $source_name not known for '$header'-msg", 1);
- return;
-sub send_msg_hash {
- my ($hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- my $answer = &send_msg_hash2address($hash, $host_name, $host_key);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: here_i_am
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub here_i_am {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_;
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $mac_address = @{$msg_hash->{mac_address}}[0];
- my $out_hash;
- # number of known clients
- my $nu_clients = keys %{ $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients'} ) };
- # check wether client address or mac address is already known
- if (exists $main::known_clients->{$source}) {
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: $source is already known as a client", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: values for $source are being overwritten", 1);
- $nu_clients --;
- }
- # number of actual activ clients
- my $act_nu_clients = $nu_clients;
- &main::daemon_log("number of actual activ clients: $act_nu_clients", 5);
- &main::daemon_log("number of maximal allowed clients: $max_clients", 5);
- if($max_clients <= $act_nu_clients) {
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("denied", $server_address, $source);
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, "denied", "I_cannot_take_any_more_clients!");
- my $passwd = @{$msg_hash->{new_passwd}}[0];
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $passwd);
- return;
- }
- # new client accepted
- my $new_passwd = @{$msg_hash->{new_passwd}}[0];
- # create entry in known_clients
- my $events = @{$msg_hash->{events}}[0];
- # add entry to known_clients_db
- my $res = $main::known_clients_db->add_dbentry( {table=>'known_clients',
- primkey=>'hostname',
- hostname=>$source,
- events=>$events,
- macaddress=>$mac_address,
- status=>'registered',
- hostkey=>$new_passwd,
- timestamp=>&get_time,
- } );
- if ($res != 0) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: cannot add entry to known_clients: $res");
- return;
- }
- # return acknowledgement to client
- $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("registered", $server_address, $source);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $source, $new_passwd);
- # notify registered client to bus
- if( $bus_activ eq "on") {
- # fetch actual bus key
- my $query_res = $main::known_server_db->select_dbentry( {table=>'known_server'} );
- my $hostkey = $query_res->{1}->{hostkey};
- # send update msg to bus
- $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("new_client", $server_address, $bus_address, $source);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $bus_address, $hostkey);
- &main::daemon_log("send bus msg that client '$source' has registerd at server '$server_address'", 3);
- }
- # give the new client his ldap config
- &new_ldap_config($source);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: who_has
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: process this incoming message
-sub who_has {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- # what is your search pattern
- my $search_pattern = @{$msg_hash->{who_has}}[0];
- my $search_element = @{$msg_hash->{$search_pattern}}[0];
- &main::daemon_log("who_has-msg looking for $search_pattern $search_element", 7);
- # scanning known_clients for search_pattern
- my @host_addresses = keys %$main::known_clients;
- my $known_clients_entries = length @host_addresses;
- my $host_address;
- foreach my $host (@host_addresses) {
- my $client_element = $main::known_clients->{$host}->{$search_pattern};
- if ($search_element eq $client_element) {
- $host_address = $host;
- last;
- }
- }
- # search was successful
- if (defined $host_address) {
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $out_msg = &create_xml_hash("who_has_i_do", $server_address, $source, "mac_address");
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_msg, "mac_address", $search_element);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_msg, $bus_address);
- }
- return;
-sub who_has_i_do {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $search_param = @{$msg_hash->{$header}}[0];
- my $search_value = @{$msg_hash->{$search_param}}[0];
- print "\ngot msg $header:\nserver $source has client with $search_param $search_value\n";
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: new_ldap_config
-# PARAMETERS: address - string - ip address and port of a host
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: send to address the ldap configuration found for dn gotoLdapServer
-sub new_ldap_config {
- my ($address) = @_ ;
- my $res = $main::known_clients_db->select_dbentry( { table=>'known_clients', hostname=>$address } );
- # check hit
- my $hit_counter = keys %{$res};
- if( not $hit_counter == 1 ) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: more or no hit found in known_clients_db by query by '$address'", 1);
- }
- my $macaddress = $res->{1}->{macaddress};
- my $hostkey = $res->{1}->{hostkey};
- if (not defined $macaddress) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: no mac address found for client $address", 1);
- return;
- }
- # Build LDAP connection
- my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_uri);
- if( not defined $ldap ) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: cannot connect to ldap: $ldap_uri", 1);
- return;
- }
- # Bind to a directory with dn and password
- my $mesg= $ldap->bind($ldap_admin_dn, $ldap_admin_password);
- # Perform search
- $mesg = $ldap->search( base => $ldap_base,
- scope => 'sub',
- attrs => ['dn', 'gotoLdapServer'],
- filter => "(&(objectClass=GOhard)(macaddress=$macaddress))");
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- # Sanity check
- if ($mesg->count != 1) {
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: client mac address $macaddress not found/not unique in ldap search", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("\tbase: $ldap_base", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("\tscope: sub", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("\tattrs: dn, gotoLdapServer", 1);
- &main::daemon_log("\tfilter: (&(objectClass=GOhard)(macaddress=$macaddress))", 1);
- return;
- }
- my $entry= $mesg->entry(0);
- my $dn= $entry->dn;
- my @servers= $entry->get_value("gotoLdapServer");
- my @ldap_uris;
- my $server;
- my $base;
- # Do we need to look at an object class?
- if ($#servers < 1){
- $mesg = $ldap->search( base => $ldap_base,
- scope => 'sub',
- attrs => ['dn', 'gotoLdapServer'],
- filter => "(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=$dn))");
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- # Sanity check
- if ($mesg->count != 1) {
- &main::daemon_log("WARNING: no LDAP information found for client mac $macaddress", 1);
- return;
- }
- $entry= $mesg->entry(0);
- $dn= $entry->dn;
- @servers= $entry->get_value("gotoLdapServer");
- }
- @servers= sort (@servers);
- foreach $server (@servers){
- $base= $server;
- $server =~ s%^[^:]+:[^:]+:(ldap.*://[^/]+)/.*$%$1%;
- $base =~ s%^[^:]+:[^:]+:ldap.*://[^/]+/(.*)$%$1%;
- push (@ldap_uris, $server);
- }
- # Unbind
- $mesg = $ldap->unbind;
- # Assemble data package
- my %data = ( 'ldap_uri' => \@ldap_uris, 'ldap_base' => $base,
- 'ldap_cfg' => \@ldap_cfg, 'pam_cfg' => \@pam_cfg,'nss_cfg' => \@nss_cfg );
- # Need to append GOto settings?
- if (defined $goto_admin and defined $goto_secret){
- $data{'goto_admin'}= $goto_admin;
- $data{'goto_secret'}= $goto_secret;
- }
- # Send information
- send_msg("new_ldap_config", $server_address, $address, \%data, $hostkey);
- return;
-#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
-# NAME: execute_actions
-# PARAMETERS: msg_hash - hash - hash from function create_xml_hash
-# RETURNS: nothing
-# DESCRIPTION: invokes the script specified in msg_hash which is located under
-# /etc/gosad/actions
-sub execute_actions {
- my ($msg_hash) = @_ ;
- my $configdir= '/etc/gosad/actions/';
- my $result;
- my $header = @{$msg_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $source = @{$msg_hash->{source}}[0];
- my $target = @{$msg_hash->{target}}[0];
- if((not defined $source)
- && (not defined $target)
- && (not defined $header)) {
- &main::daemon_log("ERROR: Entries missing in XML msg for gosad actions under /etc/gosad/actions");
- } else {
- my $parameters="";
- my @params = @{$msg_hash->{$header}};
- my $params = join(", ", @params);
- &main::daemon_log("execute_actions: got parameters: $params", 5);
- if (@params) {
- foreach my $param (@params) {
- my $param_value = (&get_content_from_xml_hash($msg_hash, $param))[0];
- &main::daemon_log("execute_actions: parameter -> value: $param -> $param_value", 7);
- $parameters.= " ".$param_value;
- }
- }
- my $cmd= $configdir.$header."$parameters";
- &main::daemon_log("execute_actions: executing cmd: $cmd", 7);
- $result= "";
- open(PIPE, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
- while(<PIPE>) {
- $result.=$_;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- }
- # process the event result
- return;
diff --git a/gosa-si/modules/ b/gosa-si/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package TestModule;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = ("Exporter");
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use GosaSupportDaemon;
-### START ##########
-sub get_module_tags {
- # lese config file aus dort gibt es eine section Basic
- # dort stehen drei packettypen, für die sich das modul anmelden kann, gosa-admin-packages,
- # server-packages, client-packages
- my %tag_hash = (gosa_admin_packages => "yes",
- server_packages => "yes",
- client_packages => "yes",
- );
- return \%tag_hash;
-sub process_incoming_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg) = @_ ;
- if(not defined $crypted_msg) {
- &main::daemon_log("function 'process_incoming_msg': got no msg", 7);
- }
- &main::daemon_log("TestModule: crypted_msg:$crypted_msg", 7);
- &main::daemon_log("TestModule: crypted_msg len:".length($crypted_msg), 7);
- # chomp address from host who send the message
- $crypted_msg =~ /^([\s\S]*?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)\.(\d{1,3}?)$/;
- $crypted_msg = $1;
- my $host = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- my $gosa_passwd = $main::gosa_passwd;
- my $gosa_cipher = &create_ciphering($gosa_passwd);
- my $in_msg;
- my $in_hash;
- eval{
- $in_msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $gosa_cipher);
- $in_hash = &transform_msg2hash($in_msg);
- };
- if ($@) {
- &main::daemon_log("TestModul konnte msg nicht entschlüsseln:", 5);
- &main::daemon_log("$@", 7);
- return;
- }
- my $header = @{$in_hash->{header}}[0];
- my $ip_address = @{$in_hash->{target}}[0];
- # hier kommt die logik suche den entsprechenden daemon, der den client target hat
- my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("halt", $main::server_address, $ip_address);
- &send_msg_hash2address($out_hash, $ip_address);
- &main::daemon_log("TestModul: ip $ip_address bekommt $header ");
- return ;
diff --git a/gosa-si/server.conf b/gosa-si/server.conf
--- a/gosa-si/server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-log_file = /var/log/gosa-si-server.log
-pid_file = /var/run/
-child_max = 10
-child_min = 2
-child_timeout = 10
-job_queue_timeout = 5
-bus_activ = on
-bus_passwd = secret-bus-password
-bus_ip =
-bus_port = 20080
-server_activ = on
-server_port = 20081
-server_passwd = secret-server-password
-max_clients = 5
-server_event_dir = /usr/lib/gosa-si/server/events
-arp_activ = off
-arp_fifo_path = /var/run/gosa-si/arp-notify
-gosa_activ = on
-gosa_ip =
-gosa_port = 20082
-gosa_passwd = secret-gosa-password
-gosa_timeout = 5
diff --git a/gosa-si/server/events/ping b/gosa-si/server/events/ping
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use GosaSupportDaemon;
-# transform msg to hash
-my $hash = &transform_msg2hash($ARGV[0]);
-# extract from hash all what you need
-my $header = @{$hash->{header}}[0];
-my $source = @{$hash->{source}}[0];
-my $target = @{$hash->{target}}[0];
-my $jobdb_id = @{$hash->{jobdb_id}}[0];
-# and do what ever you want
-my $out_hash = &create_xml_hash("got_ping", "", "");
-if (defined $jobdb_id) {
- &add_content2xml_hash($out_hash, 'jobdb_id', $jobdb_id);
-my $out_xml = &create_xml_string($out_hash);
-print $out_xml;
diff --git a/gosa-si/tests/client.php b/gosa-si/tests/client.php
--- a/gosa-si/tests/client.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/php5 -q
-$sock = new Socket_Client("","20082",TRUE,1);
-#$sock = new Socket_Client("","9999",TRUE,1);
- /* Prepare a hunge bunch of data to be send */
-# add
- #$data = "<xml><header>gosa_ping</header><source></source><target></target></xml>";
- #$data = "<xml> <header>job_ping</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>19700101000000</timestamp> </xml>";
- #$data = "<xml> <header>job_sayHello</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>20130102133900</timestamp> </xml>";
- #$data = "<xml> <header>job_ping</header> <source></source><mac>00:1B:77:04:8A:6C</mac> <timestamp>20130102133900</timestamp> </xml>";
-# delete
- #$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_delete_jobdb_entry</header> <where>headertag</where> <headertag>sayHello</headertag> </xml>";
-# update
- #$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_update_status_jobdb_entry</header> <where> <status>waiting</status> </where> <update> <status>processing</status> </update></xml>";
- #$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_update_status_jobdb_entry</header> <update> <status>waiting</status> </update></xml>";
- #$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_update_timestamp_jobdb_entry</header> <update> <timestamp>20130123456789</timestamp> </update></xml>";
-# query
- $data = "<xml><header>gosa_query_jobdb</header><where>status</where><status>waiting</status></xml>";
-# clear
- #$data = "<xml> <header>gosa_clear_jobdb</header> </xml>";
- $sock->write($data);
- $answer = "nothing";
- $answer = $sock->read();
- echo ">>>$answer<<<\n";
- $sock->close();
- echo "... FAILED!\n";
diff --git a/gosa-si/tests/ b/gosa-si/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# FILE:
-# USAGE: ./
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# BUGS: ---
-# NOTES: ---
-# AUTHOR: (), <>
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 20.12.2007 08:54:52 CET
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use GOSA::DBsqlite;
-print "START\n";
-my $res;
-my $db_name;
-$db_name = "/var/lib/gosa-si/jobs.db";
-if (-e $db_name) {
- print "\n############################################################\n";
- $db_name =~ /\/([^\/]*?)\.db$/;
- my $table_name = $1;
- print "$db_name\n";
- print "$table_name\n";
- my $sqlite = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($db_name);
- my $col_names = $sqlite->get_table_columns($table_name);
- print join(', ', @{ $col_names } )."\n" ;
- my $answer = $sqlite->show_table($table_name);
- print $answer."\n";
-$db_name = "/var/lib/gosa-si/known_clients.db";
-if (-e $db_name) {
- print "\n############################################################\n";
- $db_name =~ /\/([^\/]*?)\.db$/;
- my $table_name = $1;
- print "$db_name\n";
- print "$table_name\n";
- my $sqlite = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($db_name);
- my $col_names = $sqlite->get_table_columns($table_name);
- print join(', ', @{ $col_names } )."\n" ;
- my $answer = $sqlite->show_table($table_name);
- print $answer."\n";
-$db_name = "/var/lib/gosa-si/known_server.db";
-if (-e $db_name) {
- print "\n############################################################\n";
- $db_name =~ /\/([^\/]*?)\.db$/;
- my $table_name = $1;
- print "$db_name\n";
- print "$table_name\n";
- my $sqlite = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($db_name);
- my $col_names = $sqlite->get_table_columns($table_name);
- print join(', ', @{ $col_names } )."\n" ;
- my $answer = $sqlite->show_table($table_name);
- print $answer."\n";
-$db_name = "/var/lib/gosa-si/bus_known_server.db";
-if (-e $db_name) {
- print "\n############################################################\n";
- $db_name =~ /\/([^\/]*?)\.db$/;
- my $table_name = $1;
- print "$db_name\n";
- print "$table_name\n";
- my $sqlite = GOSA::DBsqlite->new($db_name);
- my $col_names = $sqlite->get_table_columns($table_name);
- print join(', ', @{ $col_names } )."\n" ;
- my $answer = $sqlite->show_table($table_name);
- print $answer."\n";
-print "\nFINISH\n";
diff --git a/gosa-si/tests/ b/gosa-si/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# FILE:
-# USAGE: ./
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# BUGS: ---
-# NOTES: ---
-# AUTHOR: (), <>
-# VERSION: 1.0
-# CREATED: 06.12.2007 14:31:37 CET
-# REVISION: ---
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
-use Crypt::Rijndael;
-use MIME::Base64;
-sub create_ciphering {
- my ($passwd) = @_;
- $passwd = substr(md5_hex("$passwd") x 32, 0, 32);
- my $iv = substr(md5_hex('GONICUS GmbH'),0, 16);
- print "iv: $iv\n";
- print "key: $passwd\n";
- my $my_cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($passwd ,Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC() );
- $my_cipher->set_iv($iv);
- return $my_cipher;
-sub decrypt_msg {
- my ($crypted_msg, $my_cipher) = @_ ;
- $crypted_msg = &decode_base64($crypted_msg);
- my $msg = $my_cipher->decrypt($crypted_msg);
- return $msg;
-sub encrypt_msg {
- my ($msg, $my_cipher) = @_;
- if(not defined $my_cipher) { print "no cipher object\n"; }
- $msg = "\0"x(16-length($msg)%16).$msg;
- my $crypted_msg = $my_cipher->encrypt($msg);
- chomp($crypted_msg = &encode_base64($crypted_msg));
- return $crypted_msg;
-my $gosa_server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => "9999",
- Type => SOCK_STREAM,
- Reuse => 1,
- Listen => 1,
- );
-my $client = $gosa_server->accept();
-my $other_end = getpeername($client);
-if(not defined $other_end) {
- print "client cannot be identified:";
-} else {
- my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($other_end);
- my $actual_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
- print "accept client at gosa socket from $actual_ip\n";
- chomp(my $crypted_msg = <$client>);
- print "crypted msg: <<<$crypted_msg<<<\n";
- my $cipher = &create_ciphering("ferdinand_frost");
- my $msg = &decrypt_msg($crypted_msg, $cipher);
- print "msg: <<<$msg<<<\n";
- print "\n#################################\n\n";
- my $answer = "gosa answer: $msg";
- print "answer: $answer\n";
- my $out_cipher = &create_ciphering("ferdinand_frost");
- my $crypted_answer = &encrypt_msg($answer, $out_cipher);
- print $client $crypted_answer."\n";