summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 288519e)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 288519e)
author | Krzysztof Kosiński <> | |
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:38:33 +0000 (10:38 +0100) | ||
committer | Krzysztof Kosiński <> | |
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:38:33 +0000 (10:38 +0100) |
src/nodepath.cpp | [deleted file] | patch | blob | history |
src/nodepath.h | [deleted file] | patch | blob | history |
diff --git a/src/nodepath.cpp b/src/nodepath.cpp
--- a/src/nodepath.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5146 +0,0 @@
-#define __SP_NODEPATH_C__
-/** \file
- * Path handler in node edit mode
- *
- * Authors:
- * Lauris Kaplinski <>
- * bulia byak <>
- *
- * Portions of this code are in public domain; node sculpting functions written by bulia byak are under GNU GPL
- */
-# include "config.h"
-#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
-#include "display/canvas-bpath.h"
-#include "display/curve.h"
-#include "display/sp-ctrlline.h"
-#include "display/sodipodi-ctrl.h"
-#include "display/sp-canvas-util.h"
-#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
-#include "2geom/pathvector.h"
-#include "2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h"
-#include "2geom/bezier-curve.h"
-#include "2geom/hvlinesegment.h"
-#include "helper/units.h"
-#include "helper/geom.h"
-#include "knot.h"
-#include "inkscape.h"
-#include "document.h"
-#include "sp-namedview.h"
-#include "desktop.h"
-#include "desktop-handles.h"
-#include "snap.h"
-#include "message-stack.h"
-#include "message-context.h"
-#include "node-context.h"
-#include "lpe-tool-context.h"
-#include "shape-editor.h"
-#include "selection-chemistry.h"
-#include "selection.h"
-#include "xml/repr.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "sp-metrics.h"
-#include "sp-path.h"
-#include "sp-text.h"
-#include "sp-shape.h"
-#include "libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h"
-#include "svg/svg.h"
-#include "verbs.h"
-#include <2geom/bezier-utils.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "live_effects/lpeobject.h"
-#include "live_effects/lpeobject-reference.h"
-#include "live_effects/effect.h"
-#include "live_effects/parameter/parameter.h"
-#include "live_effects/parameter/path.h"
-#include "util/mathfns.h"
-#include "display/snap-indicator.h"
-#include "snapped-point.h"
-namespace Geom { class Matrix; }
-/// \todo
-/// evil evil evil. FIXME: conflict of two different Path classes!
-/// There is a conflict in the namespace between two classes named Path.
-/// #include "sp-flowtext.h"
-/// #include "sp-flowregion.h"
-#define SP_TYPE_FLOWREGION (sp_flowregion_get_type ())
-GType sp_flowregion_get_type (void);
-#define SP_TYPE_FLOWTEXT (sp_flowtext_get_type ())
-GType sp_flowtext_get_type (void);
-// end evil workaround
-#include "helper/stlport.h"
-/// \todo fixme: Implement these via preferences */
-#define NODE_FILL 0xbfbfbf00
-#define NODE_STROKE 0x000000ff
-#define NODE_FILL_HI 0xff000000
-#define NODE_STROKE_HI 0x000000ff
-#define NODE_FILL_SEL 0x0000ffff
-#define NODE_STROKE_SEL 0x000000ff
-#define NODE_FILL_SEL_HI 0xff000000
-#define NODE_STROKE_SEL_HI 0x000000ff
-#define KNOT_FILL 0xffffffff
-#define KNOT_STROKE 0x000000ff
-#define KNOT_FILL_HI 0xff000000
-#define KNOT_STROKE_HI 0x000000ff
-static GMemChunk *nodechunk = NULL;
-/* Creation from object */
-static void subpaths_from_pathvector(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, Geom::PathVector const & pathv, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType const *t);
-static Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType * parse_nodetypes(gchar const *types, guint length);
-/* Object updating */
-static void stamp_repr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np);
-static SPCurve *create_curve(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np);
-static gchar *create_typestr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np);
-static void sp_node_update_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, bool fire_move_signals = true);
-static void sp_nodepath_node_select(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gboolean incremental, gboolean override);
-static void sp_node_set_selected(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gboolean selected);
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type);
-/* Adjust handle placement, if the node or the other handle is moved */
-static void sp_node_adjust_handle(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gint which_adjust);
-static void sp_node_adjust_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node);
-static void sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node);
-/* Node event callbacks */
-static void node_clicked(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static void node_grabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static void node_ungrabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static gboolean node_request(SPKnot *knot, Geom::Point const &p, guint state, gpointer data);
-/* Handle event callbacks */
-static void node_handle_clicked(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static void node_handle_grabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static void node_handle_ungrabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data);
-static gboolean node_handle_request(SPKnot *knot, Geom::Point &p, guint state, gpointer data);
-static void node_handle_moved(SPKnot *knot, Geom::Point const &p, guint state, gpointer data);
-static gboolean node_handle_event(SPKnot *knot, GdkEvent *event, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n);
-/* Constructors and destructors */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp_nodepath_subpath_new(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath);
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_close(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp);
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_open(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp,Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n);
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node * sp_nodepath_node_new(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp,Inkscape::NodePath::Node *next,Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type, NRPathcode code,
- Geom::Point *ppos, Geom::Point *pos, Geom::Point *npos);
-static void sp_nodepath_node_destroy(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node);
-/* Helpers */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *sp_node_get_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gint which);
-static Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *sp_node_opposite_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node,Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me);
-static NRPathcode sp_node_path_code_from_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node,Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me);
-static SPCurve* sp_nodepath_object_get_curve(SPObject *object, const gchar *key);
-static void sp_nodepath_set_curve (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, SPCurve *curve);
-// active_node indicates mouseover node
-Inkscape::NodePath::Node * Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = NULL;
-static SPCanvasItem *
-sp_nodepath_make_helper_item(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, /*SPDesktop *desktop, */const SPCurve *curve, bool show = false, guint32 color = 0xff0000ff) {
- SPCurve *helper_curve = curve->copy();
- helper_curve->transform(np->i2d);
- SPCanvasItem *helper_path = sp_canvas_bpath_new(sp_desktop_controls(np->desktop), helper_curve);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(helper_path), color, 1.0, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_fill(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(helper_path), 0, SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO);
- sp_canvas_item_move_to_z(helper_path, 0);
- if (show) {
- sp_canvas_item_show(helper_path);
- }
- helper_curve->unref();
- return helper_path;
-static void
-sp_nodepath_create_helperpaths(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) {
- //std::map<Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *, std::vector<SPCanvasItem *> > helper_path_vec;
- if (!SP_IS_LPE_ITEM(np->item)) {
- g_print ("Only LPEItems can have helperpaths!\n");
- return;
- }
- SPLPEItem *lpeitem = SP_LPE_ITEM(np->item);
- PathEffectList lpelist = sp_lpe_item_get_effect_list(lpeitem);
- for (PathEffectList::iterator i = lpelist.begin(); i != lpelist.end(); ++i) {
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::LPEObjectReference *lperef = (*i);
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe = lperef->lpeobject->get_lpe();
- if (lpe) {
- // create new canvas items from the effect's helper paths
- std::vector<Geom::PathVector> hpaths = lpe->getHelperPaths(lpeitem);
- for (std::vector<Geom::PathVector>::iterator j = hpaths.begin(); j != hpaths.end(); ++j) {
- SPCurve *helper_curve = new SPCurve(*j);
- SPCanvasItem * canvasitem = sp_nodepath_make_helper_item(np, helper_curve, true, 0x509050dd);
- np->helper_path_vec[lpe].push_back(canvasitem);
- helper_curve->unref();
- }
- }
- }
-static void
-sp_nodepath_destroy_helperpaths(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) {
- for (HelperPathList::iterator i = np->helper_path_vec.begin(); i != np->helper_path_vec.end(); ++i) {
- for (std::vector<SPCanvasItem *>::iterator j = (*i).second.begin(); j != (*i).second.end(); ++j) {
- GtkObject *temp = *j;
- *j = NULL;
- gtk_object_destroy(temp);
- }
- }
- np->helper_path_vec.clear();
-/** updates canvas items from the effect's helper paths */
-sp_nodepath_update_helperpaths(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) {
- //std::map<Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *, std::vector<SPCanvasItem *> > helper_path_vec;
- if (!SP_IS_LPE_ITEM(np->item)) {
- g_print ("Only LPEItems can have helperpaths!\n");
- return;
- }
- SPLPEItem *lpeitem = SP_LPE_ITEM(np->item);
- PathEffectList lpelist = sp_lpe_item_get_effect_list(lpeitem);
- /* The number or type or LPEs may have changed, so we need to clear and recreate our
- * helper_path_vec to make sure it is in sync */
- sp_nodepath_destroy_helperpaths(np);
- sp_nodepath_create_helperpaths(np);
- for (PathEffectList::iterator i = lpelist.begin(); i != lpelist.end(); ++i) {
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe = (*i)->lpeobject->get_lpe();
- if (lpe) {
- std::vector<Geom::PathVector> hpaths = lpe->getHelperPaths(lpeitem);
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < hpaths.size(); ++j) {
- SPCurve *curve = new SPCurve(hpaths[j]);
- curve->transform(np->i2d);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH((np->helper_path_vec[lpe])[j]), curve);
- curve = curve->unref();
- }
- }
- }
- * \brief Creates new nodepath from item
- *
- * If repr_key_in is not NULL, object *has* to be a LivePathEffectObject !
- *
- * \todo create proper constructor for nodepath::path, this method returns null a constructor cannot so this cannot be simply converted to constructor.
- */
-Inkscape::NodePath::Path *sp_nodepath_new(SPDesktop *desktop, SPObject *object, bool show_handles, const char * repr_key_in, SPItem *item)
- if (repr_key_in) {
- g_assert(IS_LIVEPATHEFFECT(object));
- }
- Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = object->repr;
- /** \todo
- * FIXME: remove this. We don't want to edit paths inside flowtext.
- * Instead we will build our flowtext with cloned paths, so that the
- * real paths are outside the flowtext and thus editable as usual.
- */
- if (SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(object)) {
- for (SPObject *child = sp_object_first_child(object) ; child != NULL; child = SP_OBJECT_NEXT(child) ) {
- if SP_IS_FLOWREGION(child) {
- SPObject *grandchild = sp_object_first_child(SP_OBJECT(child));
- if (grandchild && SP_IS_PATH(grandchild)) {
- object = SP_ITEM(grandchild);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SPCurve *curve = sp_nodepath_object_get_curve(object, repr_key_in);
- if (curve == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (curve->get_segment_count() < 1) {
- curve->unref();
- return NULL; // prevent crash for one-node paths
- }
- //Create new nodepath
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np = new Inkscape::NodePath::Path();
- if (!np) {
- curve->unref();
- return NULL;
- }
- Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
- // Set defaults
- np->desktop = desktop;
- np->object = object;
- np->subpaths = NULL;
- np->selected = NULL;
- np->shape_editor = NULL; //Let the shapeeditor that makes this set it
- np->local_change = 0;
- np->show_handles = show_handles;
- np->helper_path = NULL;
- np->helperpath_rgba = prefs->getInt("/tools/nodes/highlight_color", 0xff0000ff);
- np->helperpath_width = 1.0;
- np->curve = curve->copy();
- np->show_helperpath = prefs->getBool("/tools/nodes/show_helperpath");
- if (SP_IS_LPE_ITEM(object)) {
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *lpe = sp_lpe_item_get_current_lpe(SP_LPE_ITEM(object));
- if (lpe && lpe->isVisible() && lpe->showOrigPath()) {
- np->show_helperpath = true;
- }
- }
- np->straight_path = false;
- if (IS_LIVEPATHEFFECT(object) && item) {
- np->item = item;
- } else {
- np->item = SP_ITEM(object);
- }
- np->drag_origin_mouse = Geom::Point(NR_HUGE, NR_HUGE);
- // we need to update item's transform from the repr here,
- // because they may be out of sync when we respond
- // to a change in repr by regenerating nodepath --bb
- sp_object_read_attr(SP_OBJECT(np->item), "transform");
- np->i2d = sp_item_i2d_affine(np->item);
- np->d2i = np->i2d.inverse();
- np->repr = repr;
- if (repr_key_in) { // apparently the object is an LPEObject
- np->repr_key = g_strdup(repr_key_in);
- np->repr_nodetypes_key = g_strconcat(np->repr_key, "-nodetypes", NULL);
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect * lpe = LIVEPATHEFFECT(object)->get_lpe();
- if (!lpe) {
- g_error("sp_nodepath_new: lpeobject without real lpe passed as argument!");
- delete np;
- }
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Parameter *lpeparam = lpe->getParameter(repr_key_in);
- if (lpeparam) {
- lpeparam->param_setup_nodepath(np);
- }
- } else {
- np->repr_nodetypes_key = g_strdup("sodipodi:nodetypes");
- if ( sp_lpe_item_has_path_effect_recursive(SP_LPE_ITEM(np->object)) ) {
- np->repr_key = g_strdup("inkscape:original-d");
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect* lpe = sp_lpe_item_get_current_lpe(SP_LPE_ITEM(np->object));
- if (lpe) {
- //lpe->setup_nodepath(np);
- }
- } else {
- np->repr_key = g_strdup("d");
- }
- }
- /* Calculate length of the nodetype string. The closing/starting point for closed paths is counted twice.
- * So for example a closed rectangle has a nodetypestring of length 5.
- * To get the correct count, one can count all segments in the paths, and then add the total number of (non-empty) paths. */
- Geom::PathVector pathv_sanitized = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(np->curve->get_pathvector());
- np->curve->set_pathvector(pathv_sanitized);
- guint length = np->curve->get_segment_count();
- for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pathv_sanitized.begin(); pit != pathv_sanitized.end(); ++pit) {
- length += pit->empty() ? 0 : 1;
- }
- gchar const *nodetypes = np->repr->attribute(np->repr_nodetypes_key);
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType *typestr = parse_nodetypes(nodetypes, length);
- // create the subpath(s) from the bpath
- subpaths_from_pathvector(np, pathv_sanitized, typestr);
- // reverse the list, because sp_nodepath_subpath_new() used g_list_prepend instead of append (for speed)
- np->subpaths = g_list_reverse(np->subpaths);
- delete[] typestr;
- curve->unref();
- // Draw helper curve
- if (np->show_helperpath) {
- np->helper_path = sp_nodepath_make_helper_item(np, /*desktop, */np->curve, true, np->helperpath_rgba);
- }
- sp_nodepath_create_helperpaths(np);
- return np;
- * Destroys nodepath's subpaths, then itself, also tell parent ShapeEditor about it.
- */
-Inkscape::NodePath::Path::~Path() {
- while (this->subpaths) {
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy((Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) this->subpaths->data);
- }
- //Inform the ShapeEditor that made me, if any, that I am gone.
- if (this->shape_editor)
- this->shape_editor->nodepath_destroyed();
- g_assert(!this->selected);
- if (this->helper_path) {
- GtkObject *temp = this->helper_path;
- this->helper_path = NULL;
- gtk_object_destroy(temp);
- }
- if (this->curve) {
- this->curve->unref();
- this->curve = NULL;
- }
- if (this->repr_key) {
- g_free(this->repr_key);
- this->repr_key = NULL;
- }
- if (this->repr_nodetypes_key) {
- g_free(this->repr_nodetypes_key);
- this->repr_nodetypes_key = NULL;
- }
- sp_nodepath_destroy_helperpaths(this);
- this->desktop = NULL;
- * Return the node count of a given NodeSubPath.
- */
-static gint sp_nodepath_subpath_get_node_count(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath)
- int nodeCount = 0;
- if (subpath) {
- nodeCount = g_list_length(subpath->nodes);
- }
- return nodeCount;
- * Return the node count of a given NodePath.
- */
-static gint sp_nodepath_get_node_count(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- gint nodeCount = 0;
- if (np) {
- for (GList *item = np->subpaths ; item ; item=item->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *)item->data;
- nodeCount += g_list_length(subpath->nodes);
- }
- }
- return nodeCount;
- * Return the subpath count of a given NodePath.
- */
-static gint sp_nodepath_get_subpath_count(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- gint nodeCount = 0;
- if (np) {
- nodeCount = g_list_length(np->subpaths);
- }
- return nodeCount;
- * Return the selected node count of a given NodePath.
- */
-static gint sp_nodepath_selection_get_node_count(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- gint nodeCount = 0;
- if (np) {
- nodeCount = g_list_length(np->selected);
- }
- return nodeCount;
- * Return the number of subpaths where nodes are selected in a given NodePath.
- */
-static gint sp_nodepath_selection_get_subpath_count(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- gint nodeCount = 0;
- if (np && np->selected) {
- if (!np->selected->next) {
- nodeCount = 1;
- } else {
- for (GList *spl = np->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = static_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *>(spl->data);
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = static_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::Node *>(nl->data);
- if (node->selected) {
- nodeCount++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return nodeCount;
- * Clean up a nodepath after editing.
- *
- * Currently we are deleting trivial subpaths.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_cleanup(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- GList *badSubPaths = NULL;
- //Check all closed subpaths to be >=1 nodes, all open subpaths to be >= 2 nodes
- for (GList *l = nodepath->subpaths; l ; l=l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *)l->data;
- if ((sp_nodepath_subpath_get_node_count(sp)<2 && !sp->closed) || (sp_nodepath_subpath_get_node_count(sp)<1 && sp->closed))
- badSubPaths = g_list_append(badSubPaths, sp);
- }
- //Delete them. This second step is because sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy()
- //also removes the subpath from nodepath->subpaths
- for (GList *l = badSubPaths; l ; l=l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *)l->data;
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(sp);
- }
- g_list_free(badSubPaths);
- * Create new nodepaths from pathvector, make it subpaths of np.
- * \param t The node type array.
- */
-static void subpaths_from_pathvector(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, Geom::PathVector const & pathv, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType const *t)
- guint i = 0; // index into node type array
- for (Geom::PathVector::const_iterator pit = pathv.begin(); pit != pathv.end(); ++pit) {
- if (pit->empty())
- continue; // don't add single knot paths
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(np);
- Geom::Point ppos = pit->initialPoint() * np->i2d;
- NRPathcode pcode = NR_MOVETO;
- /* Johan: Note that this is pretty arcane code. I am pretty sure it is working correctly, be very certain to change it! (better to just rewrite this whole method)*/
- for (Geom::Path::const_iterator cit = pit->begin(); cit != pit->end_closed(); ++cit) {
- if( dynamic_cast<Geom::LineSegment const*>(&*cit) ||
- dynamic_cast<Geom::HLineSegment const*>(&*cit) ||
- dynamic_cast<Geom::VLineSegment const*>(&*cit) )
- {
- Geom::Point pos = cit->initialPoint() * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sp, NULL, t[i++], pcode, &ppos, &pos, &pos);
- ppos = cit->finalPoint() * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- pcode = NR_LINETO;
- }
- else if(Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic_bezier = dynamic_cast<Geom::CubicBezier const*>(&*cit)) {
- std::vector<Geom::Point> points = cubic_bezier->points();
- Geom::Point pos = points[0] * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- Geom::Point npos = points[1] * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sp, NULL, t[i++], pcode, &ppos, &pos, &npos);
- ppos = points[2] * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- pcode = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- }
- if (pit->closed()) {
- // Add last knot (because sp_nodepath_subpath_close kills the last knot)
- /* Remember that last closing segment is always a lineto, but its length can be zero if the path is visually closed already
- * If the length is zero, don't add it to the nodepath. */
- Geom::Curve const &closing_seg = pit->back_closed();
- // Don't use !closing_seg.isDegenerate() as it is too precise, and does not account for floating point rounding probs (LP bug #257289)
- if ( ! are_near(closing_seg.initialPoint(), closing_seg.finalPoint()) ) {
- Geom::Point pos = closing_seg.finalPoint() * (Geom::Matrix)np->i2d;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sp, NULL, t[i++], NR_LINETO, &pos, &pos, &pos);
- }
- sp_nodepath_subpath_close(sp);
- }
- }
- * Convert from sodipodi:nodetypes to new style type array.
- */
-Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType * parse_nodetypes(gchar const *types, guint length)
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType *typestr = new Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType[length + 1];
- guint pos = 0;
- if (types) {
- for (guint i = 0; types[i] && ( i < length ); i++) {
- while ((types[i] > '\0') && (types[i] <= ' ')) i++;
- if (types[i] != '\0') {
- switch (types[i]) {
- case 's':
- typestr[pos++] =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- break;
- case 'a':
- typestr[pos++] =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO;
- break;
- case 'z':
- typestr[pos++] =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM;
- break;
- case 'c':
- typestr[pos++] =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP;
- break;
- default:
- typestr[pos++] =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_NONE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (pos < length) {
- typestr[pos++] = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_NONE;
- }
- return typestr;
- * Make curve out of nodepath, write it into that nodepath's SPShape item so that display is
- * updated but repr is not (for speed). Used during curve and node drag.
- */
-static void update_object(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- g_assert(np);
- np->curve->unref();
- np->curve = create_curve(np);
- sp_nodepath_set_curve(np, np->curve);
- if (np->show_helperpath) {
- SPCurve * helper_curve = np->curve->copy();
- helper_curve->transform(np->i2d);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(np->helper_path), helper_curve);
- helper_curve->unref();
- }
- // updating helperpaths of LPEItems is now done in sp_lpe_item_update();
- //sp_nodepath_update_helperpaths(np);
- // now that nodepath and knotholder can be enabled simultaneously, we must update the knotholder, too
- // TODO: this should be done from ShapeEditor!! nodepath should be oblivious of knotholder!
- np->shape_editor->update_knotholder();
- * Update XML path node with data from path object.
- */
-static void update_repr_internal(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- g_assert(np);
- Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = np->object->repr;
- np->curve->unref();
- np->curve = create_curve(np);
- gchar *typestr = create_typestr(np);
- gchar *svgpath = sp_svg_write_path(np->curve->get_pathvector());
- // determine if path has an effect applied and write to correct "d" attribute.
- if (repr->attribute(np->repr_key) == NULL || strcmp(svgpath, repr->attribute(np->repr_key))) { // d changed
- np->local_change++;
- repr->setAttribute(np->repr_key, svgpath);
- }
- if (repr->attribute(np->repr_nodetypes_key) == NULL || strcmp(typestr, repr->attribute(np->repr_nodetypes_key))) { // nodetypes changed
- np->local_change++;
- repr->setAttribute(np->repr_nodetypes_key, typestr);
- }
- g_free(svgpath);
- g_free(typestr);
- if (np->show_helperpath) {
- SPCurve * helper_curve = np->curve->copy();
- helper_curve->transform(np->i2d);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(np->helper_path), helper_curve);
- helper_curve->unref();
- }
- // TODO: do we need this call here? after all, update_object() should have been called just before
- //sp_nodepath_update_helperpaths(np);
- * Update XML path node with data from path object, commit changes forever.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_update_repr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, const gchar *annotation)
- //fixme: np can be NULL, so check before proceeding
- g_return_if_fail(np != NULL);
- update_repr_internal(np);
- sp_canvas_end_forced_full_redraws(np->desktop->canvas);
- sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(np->desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_NODE,
- annotation);
- * Update XML path node with data from path object, commit changes with undo.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, gchar const *key, const gchar *annotation)
- update_repr_internal(np);
- sp_document_maybe_done(sp_desktop_document(np->desktop), key, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_NODE,
- annotation);
- * Make duplicate of path, replace corresponding XML node in tree, commit.
- */
-static void stamp_repr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- g_assert(np);
- Inkscape::XML::Node *old_repr = np->object->repr;
- Inkscape::XML::Node *new_repr = old_repr->duplicate(old_repr->document());
- // remember the position of the item
- gint pos = old_repr->position();
- // remember parent
- Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = sp_repr_parent(old_repr);
- SPCurve *curve = create_curve(np);
- gchar *typestr = create_typestr(np);
- gchar *svgpath = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector());
- new_repr->setAttribute(np->repr_key, svgpath);
- new_repr->setAttribute(np->repr_nodetypes_key, typestr);
- // add the new repr to the parent
- parent->appendChild(new_repr);
- // move to the saved position
- new_repr->setPosition(pos > 0 ? pos : 0);
- sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(np->desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_NODE,
- _("Stamp"));
- Inkscape::GC::release(new_repr);
- g_free(svgpath);
- g_free(typestr);
- curve->unref();
- * Create curve from path.
- */
-static SPCurve *create_curve(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- SPCurve *curve = new SPCurve();
- for (GList *spl = np->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- curve->moveto(sp->first->pos * np->d2i);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = sp->first->n.other;
- while (n) {
- Geom::Point const end_pt = n->pos * np->d2i;
- if (!IS_FINITE(n->pos[0]) || !IS_FINITE(n->pos[1])){
- g_message("niet finite");
- }
- switch (n->code) {
- case NR_LINETO:
- curve->lineto(end_pt);
- break;
- case NR_CURVETO:
- curve->curveto(n->p.other->n.pos * np->d2i,
- n->p.pos * np->d2i,
- end_pt);
- break;
- default:
- g_assert_not_reached();
- break;
- }
- if (n != sp->last) {
- n = n->n.other;
- } else {
- n = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (sp->closed) {
- curve->closepath();
- }
- }
- return curve;
- * Convert path type string to sodipodi:nodetypes style.
- */
-static gchar *create_typestr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
- gchar *typestr = g_new(gchar, 32);
- gint len = 32;
- gint pos = 0;
- for (GList *spl = np->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- if (pos >= len) {
- typestr = g_renew(gchar, typestr, len + 32);
- len += 32;
- }
- typestr[pos++] = 'c';
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n;
- n = sp->first->n.other;
- while (n) {
- gchar code;
- switch (n->type) {
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP:
- code = 'c';
- break;
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH:
- code = 's';
- break;
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO:
- code = 'a';
- break;
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM:
- code = 'z';
- break;
- default:
- g_assert_not_reached();
- code = '\0';
- break;
- }
- if (pos >= len) {
- typestr = g_renew(gchar, typestr, len + 32);
- len += 32;
- }
- typestr[pos++] = code;
- if (n != sp->last) {
- n = n->n.other;
- } else {
- n = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pos >= len) {
- typestr = g_renew(gchar, typestr, len + 1);
- len += 1;
- }
- typestr[pos++] = '\0';
- return typestr;
-// Returns different message contexts depending on the current context. This function should only
-// be called when ec is either a SPNodeContext or SPLPEToolContext, thus we return NULL in all
-// other cases.
-static Inkscape::MessageContext *
-get_message_context(SPEventContext *ec)
- Inkscape::MessageContext *mc = 0;
- if (SP_IS_NODE_CONTEXT(ec)) {
- mc = SP_NODE_CONTEXT(ec)->_node_message_context;
- } else if (SP_IS_LPETOOL_CONTEXT(ec)) {
- mc = SP_LPETOOL_CONTEXT(ec)->_lpetool_message_context;
- } else {
- g_warning ("Nodepath should only be present in Node tool or Geometric tool.");
- }
- return mc;
- \brief Fills node and handle positions for three nodes, splitting line
- marked by end at distance t.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_line_midpoint(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *new_path,Inkscape::NodePath::Node *end, gdouble t)
- g_assert(new_path != NULL);
- g_assert(end != NULL);
- g_assert(end->p.other == new_path);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *start = new_path->p.other;
- g_assert(start);
- if (end->code == NR_LINETO) {
- new_path->type =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP;
- new_path->code = NR_LINETO;
- new_path->pos = new_path->n.pos = new_path->p.pos = (t * start->pos + (1 - t) * end->pos);
- } else {
- new_path->type =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- new_path->code = NR_CURVETO;
- gdouble s = 1 - t;
- for (int dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) {
- Geom::Coord const f000 = start->pos[dim];
- Geom::Coord const f001 = start->n.pos[dim];
- Geom::Coord const f011 = end->p.pos[dim];
- Geom::Coord const f111 = end->pos[dim];
- Geom::Coord const f00t = s * f000 + t * f001;
- Geom::Coord const f01t = s * f001 + t * f011;
- Geom::Coord const f11t = s * f011 + t * f111;
- Geom::Coord const f0tt = s * f00t + t * f01t;
- Geom::Coord const f1tt = s * f01t + t * f11t;
- Geom::Coord const fttt = s * f0tt + t * f1tt;
- start->n.pos[dim] = f00t;
- new_path->p.pos[dim] = f0tt;
- new_path->pos[dim] = fttt;
- new_path->n.pos[dim] = f1tt;
- end->p.pos[dim] = f11t;
- }
- }
- * Adds new node on direct line between two nodes, activates handles of all
- * three nodes.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sp_nodepath_line_add_node(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *end, gdouble t)
- g_assert(end);
- g_assert(end->subpath);
- g_assert(g_list_find(end->subpath->nodes, end));
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *start = end->p.other;
- g_assert( start->n.other == end );
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *newnode = sp_nodepath_node_new(end->subpath,
- end,
- (NRPathcode)end->code == NR_LINETO?
- Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP : Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH,
- (NRPathcode)end->code,
- &start->pos, &start->pos, &start->n.pos);
- sp_nodepath_line_midpoint(newnode, end, t);
- sp_node_adjust_handles(start);
- sp_node_update_handles(start);
- sp_node_update_handles(newnode);
- sp_node_adjust_handles(end);
- sp_node_update_handles(end);
- return newnode;
-\brief Break the path at the node: duplicate the argument node, start a new subpath with the duplicate, and copy all nodes after the argument node to it
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sp_nodepath_node_break(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- g_assert(node);
- g_assert(node->subpath);
- g_assert(g_list_find(node->subpath->nodes, node));
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node* result = 0;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = node->subpath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np = sp->nodepath;
- if (sp->closed) {
- sp_nodepath_subpath_open(sp, node);
- result = sp->first;
- } else if ( (node == sp->first) || (node == sp->last ) ){
- // no break for end nodes
- result = 0;
- } else {
- // create a new subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *newsubpath = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(np);
- // duplicate the break node as start of the new subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *newnode = sp_nodepath_node_new(newsubpath, NULL,
- static_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType>(node->type),
- NR_MOVETO, &node->pos, &node->pos, &node->n.pos);
- // attach rest of curve to new node
- g_assert(node->n.other);
- newnode->n.other = node->n.other; node->n.other = NULL;
- newnode->n.other->p.other = newnode;
- newsubpath->last = sp->last;
- sp->last = node;
- node = newnode;
- while (node->n.other) {
- node = node->n.other;
- node->subpath = newsubpath;
- sp->nodes = g_list_remove(sp->nodes, node);
- newsubpath->nodes = g_list_prepend(newsubpath->nodes, node);
- }
- result = newnode;
- }
- return result;
- * Duplicate node and connect to neighbours.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sp_nodepath_node_duplicate(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- g_assert(node);
- g_assert(node->subpath);
- g_assert(g_list_find(node->subpath->nodes, node));
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = node->subpath;
- NRPathcode code = (NRPathcode) node->code;
- if (code == NR_MOVETO) { // if node is the endnode,
- node->code = NR_LINETO; // new one is inserted before it, so change that to line
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *newnode = sp_nodepath_node_new(sp, node, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)node->type, code, &node->p.pos, &node->pos, &node->n.pos);
- if (!node->n.other || !node->p.other) { // if node is an endnode, select it
- return node;
- } else {
- return newnode; // otherwise select the newly created node
- }
-static void sp_node_handle_mirror_n_to_p(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- node->p.pos = (node->pos + (node->pos - node->n.pos));
-static void sp_node_handle_mirror_p_to_n(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- node->n.pos = (node->pos + (node->pos - node->p.pos));
- * Change line type at node, with side effects on neighbours.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_set_line_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *end, NRPathcode code)
- g_assert(end);
- g_assert(end->subpath);
- g_assert(end->p.other);
- if (end->code != static_cast<guint>(code) ) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *start = end->p.other;
- end->code = code;
- if (code == NR_LINETO) {
- if (start->code == NR_LINETO) {
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(start, Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- }
- if (end->n.other) {
- if (end->n.other->code == NR_LINETO) {
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(end, Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- }
- }
- if (start->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO)
- start->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- if (end->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO)
- end->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- start->n.pos = start->pos;
- end->p.pos = end->pos;
- sp_node_adjust_handle(start, -1);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(end, 1);
- } else {
- Geom::Point delta = end->pos - start->pos;
- start->n.pos = start->pos + delta / 3;
- end->p.pos = end->pos - delta / 3;
- sp_node_adjust_handle(start, 1);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(end, -1);
- }
- sp_node_update_handles(start);
- sp_node_update_handles(end);
- }
-static void
-sp_nodepath_update_node_knot(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) {
- node->knot->setShape (SP_KNOT_SHAPE_DIAMOND);
- node->knot->setSize (node->selected? 11 : 9);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(node->knot);
- } else if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- node->knot->setShape (SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CIRCLE);
- node->knot->setSize (node->selected? 11 : 9);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(node->knot);
- } else {
- node->knot->setShape (SP_KNOT_SHAPE_SQUARE);
- node->knot->setSize (node->selected? 9 : 7);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(node->knot);
- }
- * Change node type, and its handles accordingly.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type)
- g_assert(node);
- g_assert(node->subpath);
- if ((node->p.other != NULL) && (node->n.other != NULL)) {
- if ((node->code == NR_LINETO) && (node->n.other->code == NR_LINETO)) {
- type =Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP;
- }
- }
- node->type = type;
- sp_nodepath_update_node_knot(node);
- // if one of handles is mouseovered, preserve its position
- if (node->p.knot && SP_KNOT_IS_MOUSEOVER(node->p.knot)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, 1);
- } else if (node->n.knot && SP_KNOT_IS_MOUSEOVER(node->n.knot)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, -1);
- } else {
- sp_node_adjust_handles(node);
- }
- sp_node_update_handles(node);
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(node->subpath->nodepath);
- return node;
-sp_node_side_is_line (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *side)
-// TODO clean up multiple returns
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *othernode = side->other;
- if (!othernode)
- return false;
- NRPathcode const code = sp_node_path_code_from_side(node, side);
- if (code == NR_LINETO)
- return true;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *other_to_me = NULL;
- if (&node->p == side) {
- other_to_me = &othernode->n;
- } else if (&node->n == side) {
- other_to_me = &othernode->p;
- }
- if (!other_to_me)
- return false;
- bool is_line =
- (Geom::L2(othernode->pos - other_to_me->pos) < 1e-6 &&
- Geom::L2(node->pos - side->pos) < 1e-6);
- return is_line;
- * Same as sp_nodepath_set_node_type(), but also converts, if necessary, adjacent segments from
- * lines to curves. If adjacent to one line segment, pulls out or rotates opposite handle to align
- * with that segment, procucing half-smooth node. If already half-smooth, pull out the second handle too.
- * If already cusp and set to cusp, retracts handles.
-void sp_nodepath_convert_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type)
- if (type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- if (node->p.other != NULL)
- node->code = NR_CURVETO;
- if (node->n.other != NULL)
- node->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- if (type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM || type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH) {
- Here's the algorithm of converting node to smooth (Shift+S or toolbar button), in pseudocode:
- if (two_handles) {
- // do nothing, adjust_handles called via set_node_type will line them up
- } else if (one_handle) {
- if (opposite_to_handle_is_line) {
- if (lined_up) {
- // already half-smooth; pull opposite handle too making it fully smooth
- } else {
- // do nothing, adjust_handles will line the handle up, producing a half-smooth node
- }
- } else {
- // pull opposite handle in line with the existing one
- }
- } else if (no_handles) {
- if (both_segments_are_lines
- OR both_segments_are_curves
- OR one_is_line_but_the_curveside_node_is_selected_and_has_two_handles) {
- //pull both handles
- } else {
- // pull the handle opposite to line segment, making node half-smooth
- }
- }
- bool p_has_handle = (Geom::L2(node->pos - node->p.pos) > 1e-6);
- bool n_has_handle = (Geom::L2(node->pos - node->n.pos) > 1e-6);
- bool p_is_line = sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->p);
- bool n_is_line = sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->n);
-#define NODE_HAS_BOTH_HANDLES(node) ((Geom::L2(node->pos - node->n.pos) > 1e-6) && (Geom::L2(node->pos - node->p.pos) > 1e-6))
- if (p_has_handle && n_has_handle) {
- // do nothing, adjust_handles will line them up
- } else if (p_has_handle || n_has_handle) {
- if (p_has_handle && n_is_line) {
- Radial line (node->n.other->pos - node->pos);
- Radial handle (node->pos - node->p.pos);
- if (fabs(line.a - handle.a) < 1e-3) { // lined up
- // already half-smooth; pull opposite handle too making it fully smooth
- node->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- node->n.pos = node->pos + (node->n.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- } else {
- // do nothing, adjust_handles will line the handle up, producing a half-smooth node
- }
- } else if (n_has_handle && p_is_line) {
- Radial line (node->p.other->pos - node->pos);
- Radial handle (node->pos - node->n.pos);
- if (fabs(line.a - handle.a) < 1e-3) { // lined up
- // already half-smooth; pull opposite handle too making it fully smooth
- node->code = NR_CURVETO;
- node->p.pos = node->pos + (node->p.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- } else {
- // do nothing, adjust_handles will line the handle up, producing a half-smooth node
- }
- } else if (p_has_handle && node->n.other) {
- // pull n handle
- node->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- double len = (type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM)?
- Geom::L2(node->p.pos - node->pos) :
- Geom::L2(node->n.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- node->n.pos = node->pos - (len / Geom::L2(node->p.pos - node->pos)) * (node->p.pos - node->pos);
- } else if (n_has_handle && node->p.other) {
- // pull p handle
- node->code = NR_CURVETO;
- double len = (type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM)?
- Geom::L2(node->n.pos - node->pos) :
- Geom::L2(node->p.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- node->p.pos = node->pos - (len / Geom::L2(node->n.pos - node->pos)) * (node->n.pos - node->pos);
- }
- } else if (!p_has_handle && !n_has_handle) {
- if ((p_is_line && n_is_line) || (!p_is_line && node->p.other && !n_is_line && node->n.other) ||
- (n_is_line && node->p.other && node->p.other->selected && NODE_HAS_BOTH_HANDLES(node->p.other)) ||
- (p_is_line && node->n.other && node->n.other->selected && NODE_HAS_BOTH_HANDLES(node->n.other))
- ) {
- // no handles, but: both segments are either lines or curves; or: one is line and the
- // node at the other side is selected (so it was just smoothed too!) and now has both
- // handles: then pull both handles here
- // convert both to curves:
- node->code = NR_CURVETO;
- node->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(node);
- } else {
- // pull the handle opposite to line segment, making it half-smooth
- if (p_is_line && node->n.other) {
- if (type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- // pull n handle
- node->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- double len = Geom::L2(node->n.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- node->n.pos = node->pos + (len / Geom::L2(node->p.other->pos - node->pos)) * (node->p.other->pos - node->pos);
- }
- } else if (n_is_line && node->p.other) {
- if (type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- // pull p handle
- node->code = NR_CURVETO;
- double len = Geom::L2(node->p.other->pos - node->pos) / 3;
- node->p.pos = node->pos + (len / Geom::L2(node->n.other->pos - node->pos)) * (node->n.other->pos - node->pos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP && node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) {
- // cusping a cusp: retract nodes
- node->p.pos = node->pos;
- node->n.pos = node->pos;
- }
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type (node, type);
- * Move node to point, and adjust its and neighbouring handles.
- */
-void sp_node_moveto(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Geom::Point p)
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- node->pos = p;
- sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(node);
- } else {
- Geom::Point delta = p - node->pos;
- node->pos = p;
- node->p.pos += delta;
- node->n.pos += delta;
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node_p = NULL;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node_n = NULL;
- if (node->p.other) {
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->p)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, 1);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node->p.other, -1);
- node_p = node->p.other;
- }
- if (!node->p.other->selected && node->p.other->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(node->p.other);
- node_p = node->p.other;
- }
- }
- if (node->n.other) {
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->n)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, -1);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node->n.other, 1);
- node_n = node->n.other;
- }
- if (!node->n.other->selected && node->n.other->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(node->n.other);
- node_n = node->n.other;
- }
- }
- // this function is only called from batch movers that will update display at the end
- // themselves, so here we just move all the knots without emitting move signals, for speed
- sp_node_update_handles(node, false);
- if (node_n) {
- sp_node_update_handles(node_n, false);
- }
- if (node_p) {
- sp_node_update_handles(node_p, false);
- }
- * Call sp_node_moveto() for node selection and handle possible snapping.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Coord dx, Geom::Coord dy,
- bool const snap, bool constrained = false,
- Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine const &constraint = Geom::Point())
- Geom::Point delta(dx, dy);
- Geom::Point best_pt = delta;
- Inkscape::SnappedPoint best;
- if (snap) {
- /* When dragging a (selected) node, it should only snap to other nodes (i.e. unselected nodes), and
- * not to itself. The snapper however can not tell which nodes are selected and which are not, so we
- * must provide that information. */
- // Build a list of the unselected nodes to which the snapper should snap
- std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> unselected_nodes;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (!node->selected) {
- unselected_nodes.push_back(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(node->pos, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_UNDEFINED, node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH ? Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_NODE_SMOOTH : Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_NODE_CUSP));
- }
- }
- }
- SnapManager &m = nodepath->desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
- // When only the node closest to the mouse pointer is to be snapped
- // then we will not even try to snap to other points and discard those immediately
- Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
- bool closest_only = prefs->getBool("/options/snapclosestonly/value", false);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *closest_node = NULL;
- Geom::Coord closest_dist = NR_HUGE;
- if (closest_only) {
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- Geom::Coord dist = Geom::L2(nodepath->drag_origin_mouse - n->origin);
- if (dist < closest_dist) {
- closest_node = n;
- closest_dist = dist;
- }
- }
- }
- // Iterate through all selected nodes
- m.setup(nodepath->desktop, false, nodepath->item, &unselected_nodes);
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- if (!closest_only || n == closest_node) { //try to snap either all selected nodes or only the closest one
- Inkscape::SnappedPoint s;
- Inkscape::SnapSourceType source_type = (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH ? Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_SMOOTH : Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_CUSP);
- if (constrained) {
- Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine dedicated_constraint = constraint;
- dedicated_constraint.setPoint(n->pos);
- s = m.constrainedSnap(Inkscape::SnapPreferences::SNAPPOINT_NODE, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(n->pos + delta, source_type), dedicated_constraint);
- } else {
- s = m.freeSnap(Inkscape::SnapPreferences::SNAPPOINT_NODE, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(n->pos + delta, source_type));
- }
- if (s.getSnapped()) {
- s.setPointerDistance(Geom::L2(nodepath->drag_origin_mouse - n->origin));
- if (!s.isOtherSnapBetter(best, true)) {
- best = s;
- best_pt = from_2geom(s.getPoint()) - n->pos;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (best.getSnapped()) {
- nodepath->desktop->snapindicator->set_new_snaptarget(best);
- } else {
- nodepath->desktop->snapindicator->remove_snaptarget();
- }
- }
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- sp_node_moveto(n, n->pos + best_pt);
- }
- // do not update repr here so that node dragging is acceptably fast
- update_object(nodepath);
-Function mapping x (in the range 0..1) to y (in the range 1..0) using a smooth half-bell-like
-curve; the parameter alpha determines how blunt (alpha > 1) or sharp (alpha < 1) will be the curve
-near x = 0.
- */
-sculpt_profile (double x, double alpha, guint profile)
- double result = 1;
- if (x >= 1) {
- result = 0;
- } else if (x <= 0) {
- result = 1;
- } else {
- switch (profile) {
- result = 1 - x;
- break;
- result = (0.5 * cos (M_PI * (pow(x, alpha))) + 0.5);
- break;
- result = sqrt(1 - x*x);
- break;
- default:
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- }
- return result;
-bezier_length (Geom::Point a, Geom::Point ah, Geom::Point bh, Geom::Point b)
- // extremely primitive for now, don't have time to look for the real one
- double lower = Geom::L2(b - a);
- double upper = Geom::L2(ah - a) + Geom::L2(bh - ah) + Geom::L2(bh - b);
- return (lower + upper)/2;
-sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, Geom::Point delta, Geom::Point delta_n, Geom::Point delta_p)
- n->pos = n->origin + delta;
- n->n.pos = n->n.origin + delta_n;
- n->p.pos = n->p.origin + delta_p;
- sp_node_adjust_handles(n);
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- * Displace selected nodes and their handles by fractions of delta (from their origins), depending
- * on how far they are from the dragged node n.
- */
-static void
-sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_sculpt(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, Geom::Point delta)
- g_assert (n);
- g_assert (nodepath);
- g_assert (n->subpath->nodepath == nodepath);
- double pressure = n->knot->pressure;
- if (pressure == 0)
- pressure = 0.5; // default
- pressure = CLAMP (pressure, 0.2, 0.8);
- // map pressure to alpha = 1/5 ... 5
- double alpha = 1 - 2 * fabs(pressure - 0.5);
- if (pressure > 0.5)
- alpha = 1/alpha;
- Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
- guint profile = prefs->getInt("/tools/nodes/sculpting_profile", SCULPT_PROFILE_BELL);
- if (sp_nodepath_selection_get_subpath_count(nodepath) <= 1) {
- // Only one subpath has selected nodes:
- // use linear mode, where the distance from n to node being dragged is calculated along the path
- double n_sel_range = 0, p_sel_range = 0;
- guint n_nodes = 0, p_nodes = 0;
- guint n_sel_nodes = 0, p_sel_nodes = 0;
- // First pass: calculate ranges (TODO: we could cache them, as they don't change while dragging)
- {
- double n_range = 0, p_range = 0;
- bool n_going = true, p_going = true;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n_node = n;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *p_node = n;
- do {
- // Do one step in both directions from n, until reaching the end of subpath or bumping into each other
- if (n_node && n_going)
- n_node = n_node->n.other;
- if (n_node == NULL) {
- n_going = false;
- } else {
- n_nodes ++;
- n_range += bezier_length (n_node->p.other->origin, n_node->p.other->n.origin, n_node->p.origin, n_node->origin);
- if (n_node->selected) {
- n_sel_nodes ++;
- n_sel_range = n_range;
- }
- if (n_node == p_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- if (p_node && p_going)
- p_node = p_node->p.other;
- if (p_node == NULL) {
- p_going = false;
- } else {
- p_nodes ++;
- p_range += bezier_length (p_node->n.other->origin, p_node->n.other->p.origin, p_node->n.origin, p_node->origin);
- if (p_node->selected) {
- p_sel_nodes ++;
- p_sel_range = p_range;
- }
- if (p_node == n_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- } while (n_going || p_going);
- }
- // Second pass: actually move nodes in this subpath
- sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (n, delta, delta, delta);
- {
- double n_range = 0, p_range = 0;
- bool n_going = true, p_going = true;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n_node = n;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *p_node = n;
- do {
- // Do one step in both directions from n, until reaching the end of subpath or bumping into each other
- if (n_node && n_going)
- n_node = n_node->n.other;
- if (n_node == NULL) {
- n_going = false;
- } else {
- n_range += bezier_length (n_node->p.other->origin, n_node->p.other->n.origin, n_node->p.origin, n_node->origin);
- if (n_node->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (n_node,
- sculpt_profile (n_range / n_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile ((n_range + Geom::L2(n_node->n.origin - n_node->origin)) / n_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile ((n_range - Geom::L2(n_node->p.origin - n_node->origin)) / n_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta);
- }
- if (n_node == p_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- if (p_node && p_going)
- p_node = p_node->p.other;
- if (p_node == NULL) {
- p_going = false;
- } else {
- p_range += bezier_length (p_node->n.other->origin, p_node->n.other->p.origin, p_node->n.origin, p_node->origin);
- if (p_node->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (p_node,
- sculpt_profile (p_range / p_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile ((p_range - Geom::L2(p_node->n.origin - p_node->origin)) / p_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile ((p_range + Geom::L2(p_node->p.origin - p_node->origin)) / p_sel_range, alpha, profile) * delta);
- }
- if (p_node == n_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- } while (n_going || p_going);
- }
- } else {
- // Multiple subpaths have selected nodes:
- // use spatial mode, where the distance from n to node being dragged is measured directly as Geom::L2.
- // TODO: correct these distances taking into account their angle relative to the bisector, so as to
- // fix the pear-like shape when sculpting e.g. a ring
- // First pass: calculate range
- gdouble direct_range = 0;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (node->selected) {
- direct_range = MAX(direct_range, Geom::L2(node->origin - n->origin));
- }
- }
- }
- // Second pass: actually move nodes
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (node->selected) {
- if (direct_range > 1e-6) {
- sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (node,
- sculpt_profile (Geom::L2(node->origin - n->origin) / direct_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile (Geom::L2(node->n.origin - n->origin) / direct_range, alpha, profile) * delta,
- sculpt_profile (Geom::L2(node->p.origin - n->origin) / direct_range, alpha, profile) * delta);
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_move_node_and_handles (node, delta, delta, delta);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // do not update repr here so that node dragging is acceptably fast
- update_object(nodepath);
- * Move node selection to point, adjust its and neighbouring handles,
- * handle possible snapping, and commit the change with possible undo.
- */
-sp_node_selected_move(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble dx, gdouble dy)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(nodepath, dx, dy, false);
- if (dx == 0) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, "node:move:vertical", _("Move nodes vertically"));
- } else if (dy == 0) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, "node:move:horizontal", _("Move nodes horizontally"));
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Move nodes"));
- }
- * Move node selection off screen and commit the change.
- */
-sp_node_selected_move_screen(SPDesktop *desktop, Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble dx, gdouble dy)
- // borrowed from sp_selection_move_screen in selection-chemistry.c
- // we find out the current zoom factor and divide deltas by it
- gdouble zoom = desktop->current_zoom();
- gdouble zdx = dx / zoom;
- gdouble zdy = dy / zoom;
- if (!nodepath) return;
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(nodepath, zdx, zdy, false);
- if (dx == 0) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, "node:move:vertical", _("Move nodes vertically"));
- } else if (dy == 0) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, "node:move:horizontal", _("Move nodes horizontally"));
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Move nodes"));
- }
- * Move selected nodes to the absolute position given
- */
-void sp_node_selected_move_absolute(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Coord val, Geom::Dim2 axis)
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- Geom::Point npos(axis == Geom::X ? val : n->pos[Geom::X], axis == Geom::Y ? val : n->pos[Geom::Y]);
- sp_node_moveto(n, npos);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Move nodes"));
- * If the coordinates of all selected nodes coincide, return the common coordinate; otherwise return Geom::Nothing
- */
-boost::optional<Geom::Coord> sp_node_selected_common_coord (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis)
- boost::optional<Geom::Coord> no_coord;
- g_return_val_if_fail(nodepath->selected, no_coord);
- // determine coordinate of first selected node
- GList *nsel = nodepath->selected;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nsel->data;
- Geom::Coord coord = n->pos[axis];
- bool coincide = true;
- // compare it to the coordinates of all the other selected nodes
- for (GList *l = nsel->next; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- if (n->pos[axis] != coord) {
- coincide = false;
- }
- }
- if (coincide) {
- return coord;
- } else {
- Geom::Rect bbox = sp_node_selected_bbox(nodepath);
- // currently we return the coordinate of the bounding box midpoint because I don't know how
- // to erase the spin button entry field :), but maybe this can be useful behaviour anyway
- return bbox.midpoint()[axis];
- }
-/** If they don't yet exist, creates knot and line for the given side of the node */
-static void sp_node_ensure_knot_exists (SPDesktop *desktop, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *side)
- if (!side->knot) {
- side->knot = sp_knot_new(desktop, _("<b>Node handle</b>: drag to shape the curve; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Alt</b> to lock length; with <b>Shift</b> to rotate both handles"));
- side->knot->setShape (SP_KNOT_SHAPE_CIRCLE);
- side->knot->setSize (7);
- side->knot->setAnchor (GTK_ANCHOR_CENTER);
- side->knot->setFill(KNOT_FILL, KNOT_FILL_HI, KNOT_FILL_HI);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(side->knot);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_clicked), node);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "grabbed", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_grabbed), node);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "ungrabbed", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_ungrabbed), node);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "request", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_request), node);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "moved", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_moved), node);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(side->knot), "event", G_CALLBACK(node_handle_event), node);
- }
- if (!side->line) {
- side->line = sp_canvas_item_new(sp_desktop_controls(desktop),
- }
- * Ensure the given handle of the node is visible/invisible, update its screen position
- */
-static void sp_node_update_handle(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gint which, gboolean show_handle, bool fire_move_signals)
- g_assert(node != NULL);
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *side = sp_node_get_side(node, which);
- NRPathcode code = sp_node_path_code_from_side(node, side);
- show_handle = show_handle && (code == NR_CURVETO) && (Geom::L2(side->pos - node->pos) > 1e-6);
- if (show_handle) {
- if (!side->knot) { // No handle knot at all
- sp_node_ensure_knot_exists(node->subpath->nodepath->desktop, node, side);
- // Just created, so we shouldn't fire the node_moved callback - instead set the knot position directly
- side->knot->pos = side->pos;
- if (side->knot->item)
- SP_CTRL(side->knot->item)->moveto(side->pos);
- sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(side->line), node->pos, side->pos);
- sp_knot_show(side->knot);
- } else {
- if (side->knot->pos != to_2geom(side->pos)) { // only if it's really moved
- if (fire_move_signals) {
- sp_knot_set_position(side->knot, side->pos, 0); // this will set coords of the line as well
- } else {
- sp_knot_moveto(side->knot, side->pos);
- sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(side->line), node->pos, side->pos);
- }
- }
- if (!SP_KNOT_IS_VISIBLE(side->knot)) {
- sp_knot_show(side->knot);
- }
- }
- sp_canvas_item_show(side->line);
- } else {
- if (side->knot) {
- if (SP_KNOT_IS_VISIBLE(side->knot)) {
- sp_knot_hide(side->knot);
- }
- }
- if (side->line) {
- sp_canvas_item_hide(side->line);
- }
- }
- * Ensure the node itself is visible, its handles and those of the neighbours of the node are
- * visible if selected, update their screen positions. If fire_move_signals, move the node and its
- * handles so that the corresponding signals are fired, callbacks are activated, and curve is
- * updated; otherwise, just move the knots silently (used in batch moves).
- */
-static void sp_node_update_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, bool fire_move_signals)
- g_assert(node != NULL);
- if (!SP_KNOT_IS_VISIBLE(node->knot)) {
- sp_knot_show(node->knot);
- }
- if (node->knot->pos != to_2geom(node->pos)) { // visible knot is in a different position, need to update
- if (fire_move_signals)
- sp_knot_set_position(node->knot, node->pos, 0);
- else
- sp_knot_moveto(node->knot, node->pos);
- }
- gboolean show_handles = node->selected;
- if (node->p.other != NULL) {
- if (node->p.other->selected) show_handles = TRUE;
- }
- if (node->n.other != NULL) {
- if (node->n.other->selected) show_handles = TRUE;
- }
- if (node->subpath->nodepath->show_handles == false)
- show_handles = FALSE;
- sp_node_update_handle(node, -1, show_handles, fire_move_signals);
- sp_node_update_handle(node, 1, show_handles, fire_move_signals);
- * Call sp_node_update_handles() for all nodes on subpath.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_update_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath)
- g_assert(subpath != NULL);
- for (GList *l = subpath->nodes; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- sp_node_update_handles((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data);
- }
- * Call sp_nodepath_subpath_update_handles() for all subpaths of nodepath.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_update_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- g_assert(nodepath != NULL);
- for (GList *l = nodepath->subpaths; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- sp_nodepath_subpath_update_handles((Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) l->data);
- }
-sp_nodepath_show_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool show)
- if (nodepath) {
- nodepath->show_handles = show;
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- }
- * Adds all selected nodes in nodepath to list.
- */
-void Inkscape::NodePath::Path::selection(std::list<Node *> &l)
- StlConv<Node *>::list(l, selected);
-/// \todo this adds a copying, rework when the selection becomes a stl list
- * Align selected nodes on the specified axis.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_selected_align(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis)
- if ( !nodepath || !nodepath->selected ) { // no nodepath, or no nodes selected
- return;
- }
- if ( !nodepath->selected->next ) { // only one node selected
- return;
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *pNode = reinterpret_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::Node *>(nodepath->selected->data);
- Geom::Point dest(pNode->pos);
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- pNode = reinterpret_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::Node *>(l->data);
- if (pNode) {
- dest[axis] = pNode->pos[axis];
- sp_node_moveto(pNode, dest);
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Align nodes"));
-/// Helper struct.
-struct NodeSort
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *_node;
- Geom::Coord _coord;
- /// \todo use vectorof pointers instead of calling copy ctor
- NodeSort(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Geom::Dim2 axis) :
- _node(node), _coord(node->pos[axis])
- {}
-static bool operator<(NodeSort const &a, NodeSort const &b)
- return (a._coord < b._coord);
- * Distribute selected nodes on the specified axis.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_selected_distribute(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis)
- if ( !nodepath || !nodepath->selected ) { // no nodepath, or no nodes selected
- return;
- }
- if ( ! (nodepath->selected->next && nodepath->selected->next->next) ) { // less than 3 nodes selected
- return;
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *pNode = reinterpret_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::Node *>(nodepath->selected->data);
- std::vector<NodeSort> sorted;
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- pNode = reinterpret_cast<Inkscape::NodePath::Node *>(l->data);
- if (pNode) {
- NodeSort n(pNode, axis);
- sorted.push_back(n);
- //dest[axis] = pNode->pos[axis];
- //sp_node_moveto(pNode, dest);
- }
- }
- std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
- unsigned int len = sorted.size();
- //overall bboxes span
- float dist = (sorted.back()._coord -
- sorted.front()._coord);
- //new distance between each bbox
- float step = (dist) / (len - 1);
- float pos = sorted.front()._coord;
- for ( std::vector<NodeSort> ::iterator it(sorted.begin());
- it < sorted.end();
- it ++ )
- {
- Geom::Point dest((*it)._node->pos);
- dest[axis] = pos;
- sp_node_moveto((*it)._node, dest);
- pos += step;
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Distribute nodes"));
- * Call sp_nodepath_line_add_node() for all selected segments.
- */
-sp_node_selected_add_node(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) {
- return;
- }
- GList *nl = NULL;
- int n_added = 0;
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *t = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- g_assert(t->selected);
- if (t->p.other && t->p.other->selected) {
- nl = g_list_prepend(nl, t);
- }
- }
- while (nl) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *t = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = sp_nodepath_line_add_node(t, 0.5);
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, TRUE, FALSE);
- n_added ++;
- nl = g_list_remove(nl, t);
- }
- /** \todo fixme: adjust ? */
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- if (n_added > 1) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Add nodes"));
- } else if (n_added > 0) {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Add node"));
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Select segment nearest to point
- */
-sp_nodepath_select_segment_near_point(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Point p, bool toggle)
- if (!nodepath) {
- return;
- }
- SPCurve *curve = create_curve(nodepath); // perhaps we can use nodepath->curve here instead?
- Geom::PathVector const &pathv = curve->get_pathvector();
- boost::optional<Geom::PathVectorPosition> pvpos = Geom::nearestPoint(pathv, p);
- if (!pvpos) {
- g_print ("Possible error?\n");
- return;
- }
- // calculate index for nodepath's representation.
- unsigned int segment_index = floor(pvpos->t) + 1;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pvpos->path_nr; ++i) {
- segment_index += pathv[i].size() + 1;
- if (pathv[i].closed()) {
- segment_index += 1;
- }
- }
- curve->unref();
- //find segment to segment
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *e = sp_nodepath_get_node_by_index(nodepath, segment_index);
- //fixme: this can return NULL, so check before proceeding.
- g_return_if_fail(e != NULL);
- gboolean force = FALSE;
- if (!(e->selected && (!e->p.other || e->p.other->selected))) {
- force = TRUE;
- }
- sp_nodepath_node_select(e, (gboolean) toggle, force);
- if (e->p.other)
- sp_nodepath_node_select(e->p.other, TRUE, force);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Add a node nearest to point
- */
-sp_nodepath_add_node_near_point(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Point p)
- if (!nodepath) {
- return;
- }
- SPCurve *curve = create_curve(nodepath); // perhaps we can use nodepath->curve here instead?
- Geom::PathVector const &pathv = curve->get_pathvector();
- boost::optional<Geom::PathVectorPosition> pvpos = Geom::nearestPoint(pathv, p);
- if (!pvpos) {
- g_print ("Possible error?\n");
- return;
- }
- // calculate index for nodepath's representation.
- double int_part;
- double t = std::modf(pvpos->t, &int_part);
- unsigned int segment_index = (unsigned int)int_part + 1;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pvpos->path_nr; ++i) {
- segment_index += pathv[i].size() + 1;
- if (pathv[i].closed()) {
- segment_index += 1;
- }
- }
- curve->unref();
- //find segment to split
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *e = sp_nodepath_get_node_by_index(nodepath, segment_index);
- if (!e) {
- return;
- }
- //don't know why but t seems to flip for lines
- if (sp_node_path_code_from_side(e, sp_node_get_side(e, -1)) == NR_LINETO) {
- t = 1.0 - t;
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = sp_nodepath_line_add_node(e, t);
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, FALSE, TRUE);
- /* fixme: adjust ? */
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Add node"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Adjusts a segment so that t moves by a certain delta for dragging
- * converts lines to curves
- *
- * method and idea borrowed from Simon Budig <> and the GIMP
- * cf. app/vectors/gimpbezierstroke.c, gimp_bezier_stroke_point_move_relative()
- */
-sp_nodepath_curve_drag(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, int node, double t, Geom::Point delta)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *e = sp_nodepath_get_node_by_index(nodepath, node);
- //fixme: e and e->p can be NULL, so check for those before proceeding
- g_return_if_fail(e != NULL);
- g_return_if_fail(&e->p != NULL);
- if (e->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- e->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- sp_nodepath_update_node_knot (e);
- }
- if (e->p.other->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- e->p.other->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- sp_nodepath_update_node_knot (e->p.other);
- }
- /* feel good is an arbitrary parameter that distributes the delta between handles
- * if t of the drag point is less than 1/6 distance form the endpoint only
- * the corresponding hadle is adjusted. This matches the behavior in GIMP
- */
- double feel_good;
- if (t <= 1.0 / 6.0)
- feel_good = 0;
- else if (t <= 0.5)
- feel_good = (pow((6 * t - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2;
- else if (t <= 5.0 / 6.0)
- feel_good = (1 - pow((6 * (1-t) - 1) / 2.0, 3)) / 2 + 0.5;
- else
- feel_good = 1;
- //if we're dragging a line convert it to a curve
- if (sp_node_path_code_from_side(e, sp_node_get_side(e, -1))==NR_LINETO) {
- sp_nodepath_set_line_type(e, NR_CURVETO);
- }
- Geom::Point offsetcoord0 = ((1-feel_good)/(3*t*(1-t)*(1-t))) * delta;
- Geom::Point offsetcoord1 = (feel_good/(3*t*t*(1-t))) * delta;
- e->p.other->n.pos += offsetcoord0;
- e->p.pos += offsetcoord1;
- // adjust handles of adjacent nodes where necessary
- sp_node_adjust_handle(e,1);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(e->p.other,-1);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(e->subpath->nodepath);
- update_object(e->subpath->nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(e->subpath->nodepath);
- * Call sp_nodepath_break() for all selected segments.
- */
-void sp_node_selected_break(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- GList *tempin = g_list_copy(nodepath->selected);
- GList *temp = NULL;
- for (GList *l = tempin; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *nn = sp_nodepath_node_break(n);
- if (nn == NULL) continue; // no break, no new node
- temp = g_list_prepend(temp, nn);
- }
- g_list_free(tempin);
- if (temp) {
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- }
- for (GList *l = temp; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Break path"));
- * Duplicate the selected node(s).
- */
-void sp_node_selected_duplicate(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) {
- return;
- }
- GList *temp = NULL;
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *nn = sp_nodepath_node_duplicate(n);
- if (nn == NULL) continue; // could not duplicate
- temp = g_list_prepend(temp, nn);
- }
- if (temp) {
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- }
- for (GList *l = temp; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Duplicate node"));
- * Internal function to join two nodes by merging them into one.
- */
-static void do_node_selected_join(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *a, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *b)
- /* a and b are endpoints */
- // if one of the two nodes is mouseovered, fix its position
- Geom::Point c;
- if (a->knot && SP_KNOT_IS_MOUSEOVER(a->knot)) {
- c = a->pos;
- } else if (b->knot && SP_KNOT_IS_MOUSEOVER(b->knot)) {
- c = b->pos;
- } else {
- // otherwise, move joined node to the midpoint
- c = (a->pos + b->pos) / 2;
- }
- if (a->subpath == b->subpath) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = a->subpath;
- sp_nodepath_subpath_close(sp);
- sp_node_moveto (sp->first, c);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(sp->nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Close subpath"));
- return;
- }
- /* a and b are separate subpaths */
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sa = a->subpath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sb = b->subpath;
- Geom::Point p;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n;
- NRPathcode code;
- if (a == sa->first) {
- // we will now reverse sa, so that a is its last node, not first, and drop that node
- p = sa->first->n.pos;
- code = (NRPathcode)sa->first->n.other->code;
- // create new subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *t = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(sa->nodepath);
- // create a first moveto node on it
- n = sa->last;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, NR_MOVETO, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- n = n->p.other;
- if (n == sa->first) n = NULL;
- while (n) {
- // copy the rest of the nodes from sa to t, going backwards
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->n.other->code, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- n = n->p.other;
- if (n == sa->first) n = NULL;
- }
- // replace sa with t
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(sa);
- sa = t;
- } else if (a == sa->last) {
- // a is already last, just drop it
- p = sa->last->p.pos;
- code = (NRPathcode)sa->last->code;
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(sa->last);
- } else {
- code = NR_END;
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- if (b == sb->first) {
- // copy all nodes from b to a, forward
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, code, &p, &c, &sb->first->n.pos);
- for (n = sb->first->n.other; n != NULL; n = n->n.other) {
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->code, &n->p.pos, &n->pos, &n->n.pos);
- }
- } else if (b == sb->last) {
- // copy all nodes from b to a, backward
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, code, &p, &c, &sb->last->p.pos);
- for (n = sb->last->p.other; n != NULL; n = n->p.other) {
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->n.other->code, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- }
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- /* and now destroy sb */
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(sb);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(sa->nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Join nodes"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Internal function to join two nodes by adding a segment between them.
- */
-static void do_node_selected_join_segment(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *a, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *b)
- if (a->subpath == b->subpath) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = a->subpath;
- /*similar to sp_nodepath_subpath_close(sp), without the node destruction*/
- sp->closed = TRUE;
- sp->first->p.other = sp->last;
- sp->last->n.other = sp->first;
- sp_node_handle_mirror_p_to_n(sp->last);
- sp_node_handle_mirror_n_to_p(sp->first);
- sp->first->code = sp->last->code;
- sp->first = sp->last;
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(sp->nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Close subpath by segment"));
- return;
- }
- /* a and b are separate subpaths */
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sa = a->subpath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sb = b->subpath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n;
- Geom::Point p;
- NRPathcode code;
- if (a == sa->first) {
- code = (NRPathcode) sa->first->n.other->code;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *t = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(sa->nodepath);
- n = sa->last;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, NR_MOVETO, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- for (n = n->p.other; n != NULL; n = n->p.other) {
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->n.other->code, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- }
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(sa);
- sa = t;
- } else if (a == sa->last) {
- code = (NRPathcode)sa->last->code;
- } else {
- code = NR_END;
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- if (b == sb->first) {
- n = sb->first;
- sp_node_handle_mirror_p_to_n(sa->last);
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, code, &n->p.pos, &n->pos, &n->n.pos);
- sp_node_handle_mirror_n_to_p(sa->last);
- for (n = n->n.other; n != NULL; n = n->n.other) {
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->code, &n->p.pos, &n->pos, &n->n.pos);
- }
- } else if (b == sb->last) {
- n = sb->last;
- sp_node_handle_mirror_p_to_n(sa->last);
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, code, &p, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- sp_node_handle_mirror_n_to_p(sa->last);
- for (n = n->p.other; n != NULL; n = n->p.other) {
- sp_nodepath_node_new(sa, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)n->type, (NRPathcode)n->n.other->code, &n->n.pos, &n->pos, &n->p.pos);
- }
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- /* and now destroy sb */
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(sb);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(sa->nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Join nodes by segment"));
- * Internal function to handle joining two nodes.
- */
-static void node_do_selected_join(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, NodeJoinType mode)
- if (!nodepath) return; // there's no nodepath when editing rects, stars, spirals or ellipses
- if (g_list_length(nodepath->selected) != 2) {
- nodepath->desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("To join, you must have <b>two endnodes</b> selected."));
- return;
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *a = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *b = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->next->data;
- g_assert(a != b);
- if (!(a->p.other || a->n.other) || !(b->p.other || b->n.other)) {
- // someone tried to join an orphan node (i.e. a single-node subpath).
- // this is not worth an error message, just fail silently.
- return;
- }
- if (((a->subpath->closed) || (b->subpath->closed)) || (a->p.other && a->n.other) || (b->p.other && b->n.other)) {
- nodepath->desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("To join, you must have <b>two endnodes</b> selected."));
- return;
- }
- switch(mode) {
- do_node_selected_join(nodepath, a, b);
- break;
- do_node_selected_join_segment(nodepath, a, b);
- break;
- }
- * Join two nodes by merging them into one.
- */
-void sp_node_selected_join(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- node_do_selected_join(nodepath, NODE_JOIN_ENDPOINTS);
- * Join two nodes by adding a segment between them.
- */
-void sp_node_selected_join_segment(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- node_do_selected_join(nodepath, NODE_JOIN_SEGMENT);
- * Delete one or more selected nodes and preserve the shape of the path as much as possible.
- */
-void sp_node_delete_preserve(GList *nodes_to_delete)
- GSList *nodepaths = NULL;
- while (nodes_to_delete) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node*) g_list_first(nodes_to_delete)->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = node->subpath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = sp->nodepath;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sample_cursor = NULL;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *sample_end = NULL;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *delete_cursor = node;
- bool just_delete = false;
- //find the start of this contiguous selection
- //move left to the first node that is not selected
- //or the start of the non-closed path
- for (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *curr=node->p.other; curr && curr!=node && g_list_find(nodes_to_delete, curr); curr=curr->p.other) {
- delete_cursor = curr;
- }
- //just delete at the beginning of an open path
- if (!delete_cursor->p.other) {
- sample_cursor = delete_cursor;
- just_delete = true;
- } else {
- sample_cursor = delete_cursor->p.other;
- }
- //calculate points for each segment
- int rate = 5;
- float period = 1.0 / rate;
- std::vector<Geom::Point> data;
- if (!just_delete) {
- data.push_back(sample_cursor->pos);
- for (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *curr=sample_cursor; curr; curr=curr->n.other) {
- //just delete at the end of an open path
- if (!sp->closed && curr == sp->last) {
- just_delete = true;
- break;
- }
- //sample points on the contiguous selected segment
- Geom::Point *bez;
- bez = new Geom::Point [4];
- bez[0] = curr->pos;
- bez[1] = curr->n.pos;
- bez[2] = curr->n.other->p.pos;
- bez[3] = curr->n.other->pos;
- for (int i=1; i<rate; i++) {
- gdouble t = i * period;
- Geom::Point p = bezier_pt(3, bez, t);
- data.push_back(p);
- }
- data.push_back(curr->n.other->pos);
- sample_end = curr->n.other;
- //break if we've come full circle or hit the end of the selection
- if (!g_list_find(nodes_to_delete, curr->n.other) || curr->n.other==sample_cursor) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!just_delete) {
- //calculate the best fitting single segment and adjust the endpoints
- Geom::Point *adata;
- adata = new Geom::Point [data.size()];
- copy(data.begin(), data.end(), adata);
- Geom::Point *bez;
- bez = new Geom::Point [4];
- //would decreasing error create a better fitting approximation?
- gdouble error = 1.0;
- gint ret;
- ret = Geom::bezier_fit_cubic (bez, adata, data.size(), error);
- //if these nodes are smooth or symmetrical, the endpoints will be thrown out of sync.
- //make sure these nodes are changed to cusp nodes so that, once the endpoints are moved,
- //the resulting nodes behave as expected.
- if (sample_cursor->type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP)
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type(sample_cursor, Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- if (sample_end->type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP)
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type(sample_end, Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- //adjust endpoints
- sample_cursor->n.pos = bez[1];
- sample_end->p.pos = bez[2];
- }
- //destroy this contiguous selection
- while (delete_cursor && g_list_find(nodes_to_delete, delete_cursor)) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *temp = delete_cursor;
- if (delete_cursor->n.other == delete_cursor) {
- // delete_cursor->n points to itself, which means this is the last node on a closed subpath
- delete_cursor = NULL;
- } else {
- delete_cursor = delete_cursor->n.other;
- }
- nodes_to_delete = g_list_remove(nodes_to_delete, temp);
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(temp);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- if (!g_slist_find(nodepaths, nodepath))
- nodepaths = g_slist_prepend (nodepaths, nodepath);
- }
- for (GSList *i = nodepaths; i; i = i->next) {
- // FIXME: when/if we teach node tool to have more than one nodepath, deleting nodes from
- // different nodepaths will give us one undo event per nodepath
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *) i->data;
- // if the entire nodepath is removed, delete the selected object.
- if (nodepath->subpaths == NULL ||
- //FIXME: a closed path CAN legally have one node, it's only an open one which must be
- //at least 2
- sp_nodepath_get_node_count(nodepath) < 2) {
- SPDocument *document = sp_desktop_document (nodepath->desktop);
- //FIXME: The following line will be wrong when we have mltiple nodepaths: we only want to
- //delete this nodepath's object, not the entire selection! (though at this time, this
- //does not matter)
- sp_selection_delete(nodepath->desktop);
- sp_document_done (document, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_NODE,
- _("Delete nodes"));
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Delete nodes preserving shape"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- }
- }
- g_slist_free (nodepaths);
- * Delete one or more selected nodes.
- */
-void sp_node_selected_delete(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- if (!nodepath->selected) return;
- /** \todo fixme: do it the right way */
- while (nodepath->selected) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(node);
- }
- //clean up the nodepath (such as for trivial subpaths)
- sp_nodepath_cleanup(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- // if the entire nodepath is removed, delete the selected object.
- if (nodepath->subpaths == NULL ||
- sp_nodepath_get_node_count(nodepath) < 2) {
- SPDocument *document = sp_desktop_document (nodepath->desktop);
- sp_selection_delete(nodepath->desktop);
- sp_document_done (document, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_NODE,
- _("Delete nodes"));
- return;
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Delete nodes"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Delete one or more segments between two selected nodes.
- * This is the code for 'split'.
- */
-sp_node_selected_delete_segment(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *start, *end; //Start , end nodes. not inclusive
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *curr, *next; //Iterators
- if (!nodepath) return; // there's no nodepath when editing rects, stars, spirals or ellipses
- if (g_list_length(nodepath->selected) != 2) {
- nodepath->desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE,
- _("Select <b>two non-endpoint nodes</b> on a path between which to delete segments."));
- return;
- }
- //Selected nodes, not inclusive
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *a = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *b = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->next->data;
- if ( ( a==b) || //same node
- (a->subpath != b->subpath ) || //not the same path
- (!a->p.other || !a->n.other) || //one of a's sides does not have a segment
- (!b->p.other || !b->n.other) ) //one of b's sides does not have a segment
- {
- nodepath->desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE,
- _("Select <b>two non-endpoint nodes</b> on a path between which to delete segments."));
- return;
- }
- //###########################################
- //###########################################
- //##################################
- //##################################
- if (a->subpath->closed) {
- gboolean reversed = FALSE;
- //Since we can go in a circle, we need to find the shorter distance.
- // a->b or b->a
- start = end = NULL;
- int distance = 0;
- int minDistance = 0;
- for (curr = a->n.other ; curr && curr!=a ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- if (curr==b) {
- //printf("a to b:%d\n", distance);
- start = a;//go from a to b
- end = b;
- minDistance = distance;
- //printf("A to B :\n");
- break;
- }
- distance++;
- }
- //try again, the other direction
- distance = 0;
- for (curr = b->n.other ; curr && curr!=b ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- if (curr==a) {
- //printf("b to a:%d\n", distance);
- if (distance < minDistance) {
- start = b; //we go from b to a
- end = a;
- reversed = TRUE;
- //printf("B to A\n");
- }
- break;
- }
- distance++;
- }
- //Copy everything from 'end' to 'start' to a new subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *t = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(nodepath);
- for (curr=end ; curr ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- NRPathcode code = (NRPathcode) curr->code;
- if (curr == end)
- code = NR_MOVETO;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL,
- (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)curr->type, code,
- &curr->p.pos, &curr->pos, &curr->n.pos);
- if (curr == start)
- break;
- }
- sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(a->subpath);
- }
- //##################################
- //##################################
- else {
- //We need to get the direction of the list between A and B
- //Can we walk from a to b?
- start = end = NULL;
- for (curr = a->n.other ; curr && curr!=a ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- if (curr==b) {
- start = a; //did it! we go from a to b
- end = b;
- //printf("A to B\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!start) {//didn't work? let's try the other direction
- for (curr = b->n.other ; curr && curr!=b ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- if (curr==a) {
- start = b; //did it! we go from b to a
- end = a;
- //printf("B to A\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!start) {
- nodepath->desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE,
- _("Cannot find path between nodes."));
- return;
- }
- //Copy everything after 'end' to a new subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *t = sp_nodepath_subpath_new(nodepath);
- for (curr=end ; curr ; curr=curr->n.other) {
- NRPathcode code = (NRPathcode) curr->code;
- if (curr == end)
- code = NR_MOVETO;
- sp_nodepath_node_new(t, NULL, (Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType)curr->type, code,
- &curr->p.pos, &curr->pos, &curr->n.pos);
- }
- //Now let us do our deletion. Since the tail has been saved, go all the way to the end of the list
- for (curr = start->n.other ; curr ; curr=next) {
- next = curr->n.other;
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(curr);
- }
- }
- //###########################################
- //###########################################
- //clean up the nodepath (such as for trivial subpaths)
- sp_nodepath_cleanup(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_handles(nodepath);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Delete segment"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- * Call sp_nodepath_set_line() for all selected segments.
- */
-sp_node_selected_set_line_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, NRPathcode code)
- if (nodepath == NULL) return;
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- g_assert(n->selected);
- if (n->p.other && n->p.other->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_set_line_type(n, code);
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Change segment type"));
- * Call sp_nodepath_convert_node_type() for all selected nodes.
- */
-sp_node_selected_set_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type)
- if (nodepath == NULL) return;
- if (nodepath->straight_path) return; // don't change type when it is a straight path!
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data, type);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Change node type"));
- * Change select status of node, update its own and neighbour handles.
- */
-static void sp_node_set_selected(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gboolean selected)
- node->selected = selected;
- if (selected) {
- node->knot->setSize ((node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP || node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) ? 11 : 9);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(node->knot);
- } else {
- node->knot->setSize ((node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP || node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) ? 9 : 7);
- node->knot->setFill(NODE_FILL, NODE_FILL_HI, NODE_FILL_HI);
- sp_knot_update_ctrl(node->knot);
- }
- sp_node_update_handles(node);
- if (node->n.other) sp_node_update_handles(node->n.other);
- if (node->p.other) sp_node_update_handles(node->p.other);
-\brief Select a node
-\param node The node to select
-\param incremental If true, add to selection, otherwise deselect others
-\param override If true, always select this node, otherwise toggle selected status
-static void sp_nodepath_node_select(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gboolean incremental, gboolean override)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = node->subpath->nodepath;
- if (incremental) {
- if (override) {
- if (!g_list_find(nodepath->selected, node)) {
- nodepath->selected = g_list_prepend(nodepath->selected, node);
- }
- sp_node_set_selected(node, TRUE);
- } else { // toggle
- if (node->selected) {
- g_assert(g_list_find(nodepath->selected, node));
- nodepath->selected = g_list_remove(nodepath->selected, node);
- } else {
- g_assert(!g_list_find(nodepath->selected, node));
- nodepath->selected = g_list_prepend(nodepath->selected, node);
- }
- sp_node_set_selected(node, !node->selected);
- }
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- nodepath->selected = g_list_prepend(nodepath->selected, node);
- sp_node_set_selected(node, TRUE);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
-\brief Deselect all nodes in the nodepath
-sp_nodepath_deselect(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) return; // there's no nodepath when editing rects, stars, spirals or ellipses
- while (nodepath->selected) {
- sp_node_set_selected((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data, FALSE);
- nodepath->selected = g_list_remove(nodepath->selected, nodepath->selected->data);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
-\brief Select or invert selection of all nodes in the nodepath
-sp_nodepath_select_all(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool invert)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- sp_nodepath_node_select(node, TRUE, invert? !node->selected : TRUE);
- }
- }
- * If nothing selected, does the same as sp_nodepath_select_all();
- * otherwise selects/inverts all nodes in all subpaths that have selected nodes
- * (i.e., similar to "select all in layer", with the "selected" subpaths
- * being treated as "layers" in the path).
- */
-sp_nodepath_select_all_from_subpath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool invert)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- if (g_list_length (nodepath->selected) == 0) {
- sp_nodepath_select_all (nodepath, invert);
- return;
- }
- GList *copy = g_list_copy (nodepath->selected); // copy initial selection so that selecting in the loop does not affect us
- GSList *subpaths = NULL;
- for (GList *l = copy; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = n->subpath;
- if (!g_slist_find (subpaths, subpath))
- subpaths = g_slist_prepend (subpaths, subpath);
- }
- for (GSList *sp = subpaths; sp != NULL; sp = sp->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) sp->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- sp_nodepath_node_select(node, TRUE, invert? !g_list_find(copy, node) : TRUE);
- }
- }
- g_slist_free (subpaths);
- g_list_free (copy);
- * \brief Select the node after the last selected; if none is selected,
- * select the first within path.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_select_next(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) return; // there's no nodepath when editing rects, stars, spirals or ellipses
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *last = NULL;
- if (nodepath->selected) {
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath, *subpath_next;
- subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (node->selected) {
- if (node->n.other == (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->last) {
- if (node->n.other == (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->first) { // closed subpath
- if (spl->next) { // there's a next subpath
- subpath_next = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->next->data;
- last = subpath_next->first;
- } else if (spl->prev) { // there's a previous subpath
- last = NULL; // to be set later to the first node of first subpath
- } else {
- last = node->n.other;
- }
- } else {
- last = node->n.other;
- }
- } else {
- if (node->n.other) {
- last = node->n.other;
- } else {
- if (spl->next) { // there's a next subpath
- subpath_next = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->next->data;
- last = subpath_next->first;
- } else if (spl->prev) { // there's a previous subpath
- last = NULL; // to be set later to the first node of first subpath
- } else {
- last = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->first;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- }
- if (last) { // there's at least one more node after selected
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) last, TRUE, TRUE);
- } else { // no more nodes, select the first one in first subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) nodepath->subpaths->data;
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->first, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- * \brief Select the node before the first selected; if none is selected,
- * select the last within path
- */
-void sp_nodepath_select_prev(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- if (!nodepath) return; // there's no nodepath when editing rects, stars, spirals or ellipses
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *last = NULL;
- if (nodepath->selected) {
- for (GList *spl = g_list_last(nodepath->subpaths); spl != NULL; spl = spl->prev) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = g_list_last(subpath->nodes); nl != NULL; nl = nl->prev) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (node->selected) {
- if (node->p.other == (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->first) {
- if (node->p.other == (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->last) { // closed subpath
- if (spl->prev) { // there's a prev subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath_prev = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->prev->data;
- last = subpath_prev->last;
- } else if (spl->next) { // there's a next subpath
- last = NULL; // to be set later to the last node of last subpath
- } else {
- last = node->p.other;
- }
- } else {
- last = node->p.other;
- }
- } else {
- if (node->p.other) {
- last = node->p.other;
- } else {
- if (spl->prev) { // there's a prev subpath
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath_prev = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->prev->data;
- last = subpath_prev->last;
- } else if (spl->next) { // there's a next subpath
- last = NULL; // to be set later to the last node of last subpath
- } else {
- last = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- }
- if (last) { // there's at least one more node before selected
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) last, TRUE, TRUE);
- } else { // no more nodes, select the last one in last subpath
- GList *spl = g_list_last(nodepath->subpaths);
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- sp_nodepath_node_select((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->last, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- * \brief Select all nodes that are within the rectangle.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_select_rect(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Rect const &b, gboolean incremental)
- if (!incremental) {
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- }
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (b.contains(node->pos)) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(node, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
-nodepath_grow_selection_linearly (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, int grow)
- g_assert (n);
- g_assert (nodepath);
- g_assert (n->subpath->nodepath == nodepath);
- if (g_list_length (nodepath->selected) == 0) {
- if (grow > 0) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (g_list_length (nodepath->selected) == 1) {
- if (grow < 0) {
- sp_nodepath_deselect (nodepath);
- return;
- }
- }
- double n_sel_range = 0, p_sel_range = 0;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *farthest_n_node = n;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *farthest_p_node = n;
- // Calculate ranges
- {
- double n_range = 0, p_range = 0;
- bool n_going = true, p_going = true;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n_node = n;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *p_node = n;
- do {
- // Do one step in both directions from n, until reaching the end of subpath or bumping into each other
- if (n_node && n_going)
- n_node = n_node->n.other;
- if (n_node == NULL) {
- n_going = false;
- } else {
- n_range += bezier_length (n_node->p.other->pos, n_node->p.other->n.pos, n_node->p.pos, n_node->pos);
- if (n_node->selected) {
- n_sel_range = n_range;
- farthest_n_node = n_node;
- }
- if (n_node == p_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- if (p_node && p_going)
- p_node = p_node->p.other;
- if (p_node == NULL) {
- p_going = false;
- } else {
- p_range += bezier_length (p_node->n.other->pos, p_node->n.other->p.pos, p_node->n.pos, p_node->pos);
- if (p_node->selected) {
- p_sel_range = p_range;
- farthest_p_node = p_node;
- }
- if (p_node == n_node) {
- n_going = false;
- p_going = false;
- }
- }
- } while (n_going || p_going);
- }
- if (grow > 0) {
- if (n_sel_range < p_sel_range && farthest_n_node && farthest_n_node->n.other && !(farthest_n_node->n.other->selected)) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(farthest_n_node->n.other, TRUE, TRUE);
- } else if (farthest_p_node && farthest_p_node->p.other && !(farthest_p_node->p.other->selected)) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(farthest_p_node->p.other, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- } else {
- if (n_sel_range > p_sel_range && farthest_n_node && farthest_n_node->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(farthest_n_node, TRUE, FALSE);
- } else if (farthest_p_node && farthest_p_node->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(farthest_p_node, TRUE, FALSE);
- }
- }
-nodepath_grow_selection_spatially (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, int grow)
- g_assert (n);
- g_assert (nodepath);
- g_assert (n->subpath->nodepath == nodepath);
- if (g_list_length (nodepath->selected) == 0) {
- if (grow > 0) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (g_list_length (nodepath->selected) == 1) {
- if (grow < 0) {
- sp_nodepath_deselect (nodepath);
- return;
- }
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *farthest_selected = NULL;
- double farthest_dist = 0;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *closest_unselected = NULL;
- double closest_dist = NR_HUGE;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- if (node == n)
- continue;
- if (node->selected) {
- if (Geom::L2(node->pos - n->pos) > farthest_dist) {
- farthest_dist = Geom::L2(node->pos - n->pos);
- farthest_selected = node;
- }
- } else {
- if (Geom::L2(node->pos - n->pos) < closest_dist) {
- closest_dist = Geom::L2(node->pos - n->pos);
- closest_unselected = node;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (grow > 0) {
- if (closest_unselected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(closest_unselected, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- } else {
- if (farthest_selected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(farthest_selected, TRUE, FALSE);
- }
- }
-\brief Saves all nodes' and handles' current positions in their origin members
-sp_nodepath_remember_origins(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- n->origin = n->pos;
- n->p.origin = n->p.pos;
- n->n.origin = n->n.pos;
- }
- }
-\brief Saves selected nodes in a nodepath into a list containing integer positions of all selected nodes
-GList *save_nodepath_selection(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- GList *r = NULL;
- if (nodepath->selected) {
- guint i = 0;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- i++;
- if (node->selected) {
- r = g_list_append(r, GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return r;
-\brief Restores selection by selecting nodes whose positions are in the list
-void restore_nodepath_selection(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, GList *r)
- sp_nodepath_deselect(nodepath);
- guint i = 0;
- for (GList *spl = nodepath->subpaths; spl != NULL; spl = spl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *) spl->data;
- for (GList *nl = subpath->nodes; nl != NULL; nl = nl->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nl->data;
- i++;
- if (g_list_find(r, GINT_TO_POINTER(i))) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(node, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
-\brief Adjusts handle according to node type and line code.
-static void sp_node_adjust_handle(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gint which_adjust)
- g_assert(node);
- // nothing to do for auto nodes (sp_node_adjust_handles() does the job)
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO)
- return;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me = sp_node_get_side(node, which_adjust);
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *other = sp_node_opposite_side(node, me);
- // nothing to do if we are an end node
- if (me->other == NULL) return;
- if (other->other == NULL) return;
- // nothing to do if we are a cusp node
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) return;
- // nothing to do if it's a line from the specified side of the node (i.e. no handle to adjust)
- NRPathcode mecode;
- if (which_adjust == 1) {
- mecode = (NRPathcode)me->other->code;
- } else {
- mecode = (NRPathcode)node->code;
- }
- if (mecode == NR_LINETO) return;
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(node, other)) {
- // other is a line, and we are either smooth or symm
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *othernode = other->other;
- double len = Geom::L2(me->pos - node->pos);
- Geom::Point delta = node->pos - othernode->pos;
- double linelen = Geom::L2(delta);
- if (linelen < 1e-18)
- return;
- me->pos = node->pos + (len / linelen)*delta;
- return;
- }
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- // symmetrize
- me->pos = 2 * node->pos - other->pos;
- return;
- } else {
- // smoothify
- double len = Geom::L2(me->pos - node->pos);
- Geom::Point delta = other->pos - node->pos;
- double otherlen = Geom::L2(delta);
- if (otherlen < 1e-18) return;
- me->pos = node->pos - (len / otherlen) * delta;
- }
- \brief Adjusts both handles according to node type and line code
- */
-static void sp_node_adjust_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- g_assert(node);
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) return;
- /* we are either smooth or symm */
- if (node->p.other == NULL) return;
- if (node->n.other == NULL) return;
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(node);
- return;
- }
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->p)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, 1);
- return;
- }
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(node, &node->n)) {
- sp_node_adjust_handle(node, -1);
- return;
- }
- /* both are curves */
- Geom::Point const delta( node->n.pos - node->p.pos );
- if (node->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- node->p.pos = node->pos - delta / 2;
- node->n.pos = node->pos + delta / 2;
- return;
- }
- /* We are smooth */
- double plen = Geom::L2(node->p.pos - node->pos);
- if (plen < 1e-18) return;
- double nlen = Geom::L2(node->n.pos - node->pos);
- if (nlen < 1e-18) return;
- node->p.pos = node->pos - (plen / (plen + nlen)) * delta;
- node->n.pos = node->pos + (nlen / (plen + nlen)) * delta;
-static void sp_node_adjust_handles_auto(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- if (node->p.other == NULL || node->n.other == NULL) {
- node->p.pos = node->pos;
- node->n.pos = node->pos;
- return;
- }
- Geom::Point leg_prev = to_2geom(node->p.other->pos - node->pos);
- Geom::Point leg_next = to_2geom(node->n.other->pos - node->pos);
- double norm_leg_prev = Geom::L2(leg_prev);
- double norm_leg_next = Geom::L2(leg_next);
- Geom::Point delta;
- if (norm_leg_next > 0.0) {
- delta = (norm_leg_prev / norm_leg_next) * leg_next - leg_prev;
- delta.normalize();
- }
- node->p.pos = node->pos - norm_leg_prev / 3 * delta;
- node->n.pos = node->pos + norm_leg_next / 3 * delta;
- * Node event callback.
- */
-static gboolean node_event(SPKnot */*knot*/, GdkEvent *event, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n)
- gboolean ret = FALSE;
- switch (event->type) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = n;
- break;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = NULL;
- break;
- case GDK_SCROLL:
- if ((event->scroll.state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && !(event->scroll.state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) { // linearly
- switch (event->scroll.direction) {
- nodepath_grow_selection_linearly (n->subpath->nodepath, n, +1);
- break;
- nodepath_grow_selection_linearly (n->subpath->nodepath, n, -1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ret = TRUE;
- } else if (!(event->scroll.state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) { // spatially
- switch (event->scroll.direction) {
- nodepath_grow_selection_spatially (n->subpath->nodepath, n, +1);
- break;
- nodepath_grow_selection_spatially (n->subpath->nodepath, n, -1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- switch (get_group0_keyval (&event->key)) {
- case GDK_space:
- if (event->key.state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = n->subpath->nodepath;
- stamp_repr(nodepath);
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case GDK_Page_Up:
- if (event->key.state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
- nodepath_grow_selection_linearly (n->subpath->nodepath, n, +1);
- } else {
- nodepath_grow_selection_spatially (n->subpath->nodepath, n, +1);
- }
- break;
- case GDK_Page_Down:
- if (event->key.state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
- nodepath_grow_selection_linearly (n->subpath->nodepath, n, -1);
- } else {
- nodepath_grow_selection_spatially (n->subpath->nodepath, n, -1);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- * Handle keypress on node; directly called.
- */
-gboolean node_key(GdkEvent *event)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np;
- // there is no way to verify nodes so set active_node to nil when deleting!!
- if (Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node == NULL) return FALSE;
- if ((event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) && !(event->key.state & (GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK))) {
- gint ret = FALSE;
- switch (get_group0_keyval (&event->key)) {
- /// \todo FIXME: this does not seem to work, the keys are stolen by tool contexts!
- case GDK_BackSpace:
- np = Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node->subpath->nodepath;
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(np, _("Delete node"));
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = NULL;
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- case GDK_c:
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- case GDK_s:
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH);
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- case GDK_a:
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO);
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- case GDK_y:
- sp_nodepath_set_node_type(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM);
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- case GDK_b:
- sp_nodepath_node_break(Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node);
- ret = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * Mouseclick on node callback.
- */
-static void node_clicked(SPKnot */*knot*/, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = n->subpath->nodepath;
- if (!(state & GDK_MOD1_MASK)) { // ctrl+click: toggle node type
- if (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) {
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type (n,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH);
- } else if (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH) {
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type (n,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM);
- } else if (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type (n,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO);
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_convert_node_type (n,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP);
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Change node type"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- } else { //ctrl+alt+click: delete node
- GList *node_to_delete = NULL;
- node_to_delete = g_list_append(node_to_delete, n);
- sp_node_delete_preserve(node_to_delete);
- }
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK), FALSE);
- }
- * Mouse grabbed node callback.
- */
-static void node_grabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- if (!n->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK), FALSE);
- }
- n->is_dragging = true;
- // Reconstruct and store the location of the mouse pointer at the time when we started dragging (needed for snapping)
- n->subpath->nodepath->drag_origin_mouse = knot->grabbed_rel_pos + knot->drag_origin;
- sp_canvas_force_full_redraw_after_interruptions(n->subpath->nodepath->desktop->canvas, 5);
- sp_nodepath_remember_origins (n->subpath->nodepath);
- * Mouse ungrabbed node callback.
- */
-static void node_ungrabbed(SPKnot */*knot*/, guint /*state*/, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- n->dragging_out = NULL;
- n->is_dragging = false;
- n->subpath->nodepath->drag_origin_mouse = Geom::Point(NR_HUGE, NR_HUGE);
- sp_canvas_end_forced_full_redraws(n->subpath->nodepath->desktop->canvas);
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(n->subpath->nodepath, _("Move nodes"));
- * The point on a line, given by its angle, closest to the given point.
- * \param p A point.
- * \param a Angle of the line; it is assumed to go through coordinate origin.
- * \param closest Pointer to the point struct where the result is stored.
- * \todo FIXME: use dot product perhaps?
- */
-static void point_line_closest(Geom::Point *p, double a, Geom::Point *closest)
- if (a == HUGE_VAL) { // vertical
- *closest = Geom::Point(0, (*p)[Geom::Y]);
- } else {
- (*closest)[Geom::X] = ( a * (*p)[Geom::Y] + (*p)[Geom::X]) / (a*a + 1);
- (*closest)[Geom::Y] = a * (*closest)[Geom::X];
- }
- * Distance from the point to a line given by its angle.
- * \param p A point.
- * \param a Angle of the line; it is assumed to go through coordinate origin.
- */
-static double point_line_distance(Geom::Point *p, double a)
- Geom::Point c;
- point_line_closest(p, a, &c);
- return sqrt(((*p)[Geom::X] - c[Geom::X])*((*p)[Geom::X] - c[Geom::X]) + ((*p)[Geom::Y] - c[Geom::Y])*((*p)[Geom::Y] - c[Geom::Y]));
- * Callback for node "request" signal.
- * \todo fixme: This goes to "moved" event? (lauris)
- */
-static gboolean
-node_request(SPKnot */*knot*/, Geom::Point const &p, guint state, gpointer data)
- double yn, xn, yp, xp;
- double an, ap, na, pa;
- double d_an, d_ap, d_na, d_pa;
- gboolean collinear = FALSE;
- Geom::Point c;
- Geom::Point pr;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- n->subpath->nodepath->desktop->snapindicator->remove_snaptarget();
- // If either (Shift and some handle retracted), or (we're already dragging out a handle)
- if ( (!n->subpath->nodepath->straight_path) &&
- ( ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) && ((n->n.other && n->n.pos == n->pos) || (n->p.other && n->p.pos == n->pos)))
- || n->dragging_out ) )
- {
- Geom::Point mouse = p;
- if (!n->dragging_out) {
- // This is the first drag-out event; find out which handle to drag out
- double appr_n = (n->n.other ? Geom::L2(n->n.other->pos - n->pos) - Geom::L2(n->n.other->pos - p) : -HUGE_VAL);
- double appr_p = (n->p.other ? Geom::L2(n->p.other->pos - n->pos) - Geom::L2(n->p.other->pos - p) : -HUGE_VAL);
- if (appr_p == -HUGE_VAL && appr_n == -HUGE_VAL) // orphan node?
- return FALSE;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *opposite;
- if (appr_p > appr_n) { // closer to p
- n->dragging_out = &n->p;
- opposite = &n->n;
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else if (appr_p < appr_n) { // closer to n
- n->dragging_out = &n->n;
- opposite = &n->p;
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else { // p and n nodes are the same
- if (n->n.pos != n->pos) { // n handle already dragged, drag p
- n->dragging_out = &n->p;
- opposite = &n->n;
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else if (n->p.pos != n->pos) { // p handle already dragged, drag n
- n->dragging_out = &n->n;
- opposite = &n->p;
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else { // find out to which handle of the adjacent node we're closer; note that n->n.other == n->p.other
- double appr_other_n = (n->n.other ? Geom::L2(n->n.other->n.pos - n->pos) - Geom::L2(n->n.other->n.pos - p) : -HUGE_VAL);
- double appr_other_p = (n->n.other ? Geom::L2(n->n.other->p.pos - n->pos) - Geom::L2(n->n.other->p.pos - p) : -HUGE_VAL);
- if (appr_other_p > appr_other_n) { // closer to other's p handle
- n->dragging_out = &n->n;
- opposite = &n->p;
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else { // closer to other's n handle
- n->dragging_out = &n->p;
- opposite = &n->n;
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- }
- }
- // if there's another handle, make sure the one we drag out starts parallel to it
- if (opposite->pos != n->pos) {
- mouse = n->pos - Geom::L2(mouse - n->pos) * Geom::unit_vector(opposite->pos - n->pos);
- }
- // knots might not be created yet!
- sp_node_ensure_knot_exists (n->subpath->nodepath->desktop, n, n->dragging_out);
- sp_node_ensure_knot_exists (n->subpath->nodepath->desktop, n, opposite);
- }
- // pass this on to the handle-moved callback
- node_handle_moved(n->dragging_out->knot, mouse, state, (gpointer) n);
- sp_node_update_handles(n);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { // constrained motion
- // calculate relative distances of handles
- // n handle:
- yn = n->n.pos[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y];
- xn = n->n.pos[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X];
- // if there's no n handle (straight line), see if we can use the direction to the next point on path
- if ((n->n.other && n->n.other->code == NR_LINETO) || fabs(yn) + fabs(xn) < 1e-6) {
- if (n->n.other) { // if there is the next point
- if (L2(n->n.other->p.pos - n->n.other->pos) < 1e-6) // and the next point has no handle either
- yn = n->n.other->origin[Geom::Y] - n->origin[Geom::Y]; // use origin because otherwise the direction will change as you drag
- xn = n->n.other->origin[Geom::X] - n->origin[Geom::X];
- }
- }
- if (xn < 0) { xn = -xn; yn = -yn; } // limit the angle to between 0 and pi
- if (yn < 0) { xn = -xn; yn = -yn; }
- // p handle:
- yp = n->p.pos[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y];
- xp = n->p.pos[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X];
- // if there's no p handle (straight line), see if we can use the direction to the prev point on path
- if (n->code == NR_LINETO || fabs(yp) + fabs(xp) < 1e-6) {
- if (n->p.other) {
- if (L2(n->p.other->n.pos - n->p.other->pos) < 1e-6)
- yp = n->p.other->origin[Geom::Y] - n->origin[Geom::Y];
- xp = n->p.other->origin[Geom::X] - n->origin[Geom::X];
- }
- }
- if (xp < 0) { xp = -xp; yp = -yp; } // limit the angle to between 0 and pi
- if (yp < 0) { xp = -xp; yp = -yp; }
- if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK && !(xn == 0 && xp == 0)) {
- // sliding on handles, only if at least one of the handles is non-vertical
- // (otherwise it's the same as ctrl+drag anyway)
- // calculate angles of the handles
- if (xn == 0) {
- if (yn == 0) { // no handle, consider it the continuation of the other one
- an = 0;
- collinear = TRUE;
- }
- else an = 0; // vertical; set the angle to horizontal
- } else an = yn/xn;
- if (xp == 0) {
- if (yp == 0) { // no handle, consider it the continuation of the other one
- ap = an;
- }
- else ap = 0; // vertical; set the angle to horizontal
- } else ap = yp/xp;
- if (collinear) an = ap;
- // angles of the perpendiculars; HUGE_VAL means vertical
- if (an == 0) na = HUGE_VAL; else na = -1/an;
- if (ap == 0) pa = HUGE_VAL; else pa = -1/ap;
- // mouse point relative to the node's original pos
- pr = p - n->origin;
- // distances to the four lines (two handles and two perpendiculars)
- d_an = point_line_distance(&pr, an);
- d_na = point_line_distance(&pr, na);
- d_ap = point_line_distance(&pr, ap);
- d_pa = point_line_distance(&pr, pa);
- // find out which line is the closest, save its closest point in c
- if (d_an <= d_na && d_an <= d_ap && d_an <= d_pa) {
- point_line_closest(&pr, an, &c);
- } else if (d_ap <= d_an && d_ap <= d_na && d_ap <= d_pa) {
- point_line_closest(&pr, ap, &c);
- } else if (d_na <= d_an && d_na <= d_ap && d_na <= d_pa) {
- point_line_closest(&pr, na, &c);
- } else if (d_pa <= d_an && d_pa <= d_ap && d_pa <= d_na) {
- point_line_closest(&pr, pa, &c);
- }
- // move the node to the closest point
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(n->subpath->nodepath,
- n->origin[Geom::X] + c[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X],
- n->origin[Geom::Y] + c[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y],
- true);
- } else { // constraining to hor/vert
- if (fabs(p[Geom::X] - n->origin[Geom::X]) > fabs(p[Geom::Y] - n->origin[Geom::Y])) { // snap to hor
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(n->subpath->nodepath,
- p[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X],
- n->origin[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y],
- true,
- true, Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine(component_vectors[Geom::X]));
- } else { // snap to vert
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(n->subpath->nodepath,
- n->origin[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X],
- p[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y],
- true,
- true, Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine(component_vectors[Geom::Y]));
- }
- }
- } else { // move freely
- if (n->is_dragging) {
- if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) { // sculpt
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_sculpt(n->subpath->nodepath, n, p - n->origin);
- } else {
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_move(n->subpath->nodepath,
- p[Geom::X] - n->pos[Geom::X],
- p[Geom::Y] - n->pos[Geom::Y],
- (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- n->subpath->nodepath->desktop->scroll_to_point(p);
- return TRUE;
- * Node handle clicked callback.
- */
-static void node_handle_clicked(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { // "delete" handle
- if (n->p.knot == knot) {
- n->p.pos = n->pos;
- } else if (n->n.knot == knot) {
- n->n.pos = n->pos;
- }
- sp_node_update_handles(n);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = n->subpath->nodepath;
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Retract handle"));
- sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(nodepath);
- } else { // just select or add to selection, depending in Shift
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK), FALSE);
- }
- * Node handle grabbed callback.
- */
-static void node_handle_grabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- // convert auto -> smooth when dragging handle
- if (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO) {
- n->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- sp_nodepath_update_node_knot (n);
- }
- if (!n->selected) {
- sp_nodepath_node_select(n, (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK), FALSE);
- }
- // remember the origin point of the handle
- if (n->p.knot == knot) {
- n->p.origin_radial = n->p.pos - n->pos;
- } else if (n->n.knot == knot) {
- n->n.origin_radial = n->n.pos - n->pos;
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- sp_canvas_force_full_redraw_after_interruptions(n->subpath->nodepath->desktop->canvas, 5);
- * Node handle ungrabbed callback.
- */
-static void node_handle_ungrabbed(SPKnot *knot, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- // forget origin and set knot position once more (because it can be wrong now due to restrictions)
- if (n->p.knot == knot) {
- n->p.origin_radial.a = 0;
- sp_knot_set_position(knot, n->p.pos, state);
- } else if (n->n.knot == knot) {
- n->n.origin_radial.a = 0;
- sp_knot_set_position(knot, n->n.pos, state);
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(n->subpath->nodepath, _("Move node handle"));
- * Node handle "request" signal callback.
- */
-static gboolean node_handle_request(SPKnot *knot, Geom::Point &p, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me, *opposite;
- gint which;
- if (n->p.knot == knot) {
- me = &n->p;
- opposite = &n->n;
- which = -1;
- } else if (n->n.knot == knot) {
- me = &n->n;
- opposite = &n->p;
- which = 1;
- } else {
- me = opposite = NULL;
- which = 0;
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- SPDesktop *desktop = n->subpath->nodepath->desktop;
- SnapManager &m = desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
- m.setup(desktop, true, n->subpath->nodepath->item);
- Inkscape::SnappedPoint s;
- if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) != 0) {
- // We will not try to snap when the shift-key is pressed
- // so remove the old snap indicator and don't wait for it to time-out
- desktop->snapindicator->remove_snaptarget();
- }
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *othernode = opposite->other;
- Inkscape::SnapSourceType source_type = (n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH ? Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_SMOOTH : Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_CUSP);
- if (othernode) {
- if ((n->type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP) && sp_node_side_is_line(n, opposite)) {
- /* We are smooth node adjacent with line */
- Geom::Point const delta = p - n->pos;
- Geom::Coord const len = Geom::L2(delta);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *othernode = opposite->other;
- Geom::Point const ndelta = n->pos - othernode->pos;
- Geom::Coord const linelen = Geom::L2(ndelta);
- if (len > NR_EPSILON && linelen > NR_EPSILON) {
- Geom::Coord const scal = dot(delta, ndelta) / linelen;
- p = n->pos + (scal / linelen) * ndelta;
- }
- if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == 0) {
- s = m.constrainedSnap(Inkscape::SnapPreferences::SNAPPOINT_NODE, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(p, source_type), Inkscape::Snapper::ConstraintLine(p, ndelta));
- }
- } else {
- if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == 0) {
- s = m.freeSnap(Inkscape::SnapPreferences::SNAPPOINT_NODE, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(p, source_type));
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ((state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) == 0) {
- s = m.freeSnap(Inkscape::SnapPreferences::SNAPPOINT_NODE, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(p, source_type));
- }
- }
- s.getPoint(p);
- sp_node_adjust_handle(n, -which);
- return FALSE;
- * Node handle moved callback.
- */
-static void node_handle_moved(SPKnot *knot, Geom::Point const &p, guint state, gpointer data)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) data;
- Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *other;
- if (n->p.knot == knot) {
- me = &n->p;
- other = &n->n;
- } else if (n->n.knot == knot) {
- me = &n->n;
- other = &n->p;
- } else {
- me = NULL;
- other = NULL;
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- // calculate radial coordinates of the grabbed handle, its other handle, and the mouse point
- Radial rme(me->pos - n->pos);
- Radial rother(other->pos - n->pos);
- Radial rnew(p - n->pos);
- if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK && rnew.a != HUGE_VAL) {
- int const snaps = prefs->getInt("/options/rotationsnapsperpi/value", 12);
- /* 0 interpreted as "no snapping". */
- // 1. Snap to the closest PI/snaps angle, starting from zero.
- double a_snapped = floor(rnew.a/(M_PI/snaps) + 0.5) * (M_PI/snaps);
- // 2. Snap to the original angle, its opposite and perpendiculars
- if (me->origin_radial.a != HUGE_VAL) { // otherwise ortho doesn't exist: original handle was zero length
- /* The closest PI/2 angle, starting from original angle */
- double const a_ortho = me->origin_radial.a + floor((rnew.a - me->origin_radial.a)/(M_PI/2) + 0.5) * (M_PI/2);
- // Snap to the closest.
- a_snapped = ( fabs(a_snapped - rnew.a) < fabs(a_ortho - rnew.a)
- ? a_snapped
- : a_ortho );
- }
- // 3. Snap to the angle of the opposite line, if any
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *othernode = other->other;
- if (othernode) {
- Geom::Point other_to_snap(0,0);
- if (sp_node_side_is_line(n, other)) {
- other_to_snap = othernode->pos - n->pos;
- } else {
- other_to_snap = other->pos - n->pos;
- }
- if (Geom::L2(other_to_snap) > 1e-3) {
- Radial rother_to_snap(other_to_snap);
- /* The closest PI/2 angle, starting from the angle of the opposite line segment */
- double const a_oppo = rother_to_snap.a + floor((rnew.a - rother_to_snap.a)/(M_PI/2) + 0.5) * (M_PI/2);
- // Snap to the closest.
- a_snapped = ( fabs(a_snapped - rnew.a) < fabs(a_oppo - rnew.a)
- ? a_snapped
- : a_oppo );
- }
- }
- rnew.a = a_snapped;
- }
- if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
- // lock handle length
- rnew.r = me->origin_radial.r;
- }
- if (( n->type !=Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP || (!n->dragging_out && (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)))
- && (rme.a != HUGE_VAL) && (rnew.a != HUGE_VAL) && ((fabs(rme.a - rnew.a) > 0.001) || (n->type ==Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM))) {
- // rotate the other handle correspondingly, if both old and new angles exist and are not the same
- rother.a += rnew.a - rme.a;
- other->pos = Geom::Point(rother) + n->pos;
- if (other->knot) {
- sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(other->line), n->pos, other->pos);
- sp_knot_moveto(other->knot, other->pos);
- }
- }
- me->pos = Geom::Point(rnew) + n->pos;
- sp_ctrlline_set_coords(SP_CTRLLINE(me->line), n->pos, me->pos);
- // move knot, but without emitting the signal:
- // we cannot emit a "moved" signal because we're now processing it
- sp_knot_moveto(me->knot, me->pos);
- update_object(n->subpath->nodepath);
- /* status text */
- SPDesktop *desktop = n->subpath->nodepath->desktop;
- if (!desktop) return;
- SPEventContext *ec = desktop->event_context;
- if (!ec) return;
- Inkscape::MessageContext *mc = get_message_context(ec);
- if (!mc) return;
- double degrees = 180 / M_PI * rnew.a;
- if (degrees > 180) degrees -= 360;
- if (degrees < -180) degrees += 360;
- if (prefs->getBool("/options/compassangledisplay/value"))
- degrees = angle_to_compass (degrees);
- GString *length = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(rnew.r, desktop->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
- mc->setF(Inkscape::IMMEDIATE_MESSAGE,
- _("<b>Node handle</b>: angle %0.2f°, length %s; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap angle; with <b>Alt</b> to lock length; with <b>Shift</b> to rotate both handles"), degrees, length->str);
- g_string_free(length, TRUE);
- * Node handle event callback.
- */
-static gboolean node_handle_event(SPKnot *knot, GdkEvent *event,Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n)
- gboolean ret = FALSE;
- switch (event->type) {
- switch (get_group0_keyval (&event->key)) {
- case GDK_space:
- if (event->key.state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath = n->subpath->nodepath;
- stamp_repr(nodepath);
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- // we use an experimentally determined threshold that seems to work fine
- if (Geom::L2(n->pos - knot->pos) < 0.75)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = n;
- break;
- // we use an experimentally determined threshold that seems to work fine
- if (Geom::L2(n->pos - knot->pos) < 0.75)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node = NULL;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-static void node_rotate_one_internal(Inkscape::NodePath::Node const &n, gdouble const angle,
- Radial &rme, Radial &rother, gboolean const both)
- rme.a += angle;
- if ( both
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH )
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM ) )
- {
- rother.a += angle;
- }
-static void node_rotate_one_internal_screen(Inkscape::NodePath::Node const &n, gdouble const angle,
- Radial &rme, Radial &rother, gboolean const both)
- gdouble const norm_angle = angle / n.subpath->nodepath->desktop->current_zoom();
- gdouble r;
- if ( both
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH )
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM ) )
- {
- r = MAX(rme.r, rother.r);
- } else {
- r = rme.r;
- }
- gdouble const weird_angle = atan2(norm_angle, r);
-/* Bulia says norm_angle is just the visible distance that the
- * object's end must travel on the screen. Left as 'angle' for want of
- * a better name.*/
- rme.a += weird_angle;
- if ( both
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH )
- || ( n.type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM ) )
- {
- rother.a += weird_angle;
- }
- * Rotate one node.
- */
-static void node_rotate_one (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, gdouble angle, int which, gboolean screen)
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me, *other;
- bool both = false;
- double xn = n->n.other? n->n.other->pos[Geom::X] : n->pos[Geom::X];
- double xp = n->p.other? n->p.other->pos[Geom::X] : n->pos[Geom::X];
- if (!n->n.other) { // if this is an endnode, select its single handle regardless of "which"
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- } else if (!n->p.other) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- } else {
- if (which > 0) { // right handle
- if (xn > xp) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- } else {
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- }
- } else if (which < 0){ // left handle
- if (xn <= xp) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- } else {
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- }
- } else { // both handles
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- both = true;
- }
- }
- Radial rme(me->pos - n->pos);
- Radial rother(other->pos - n->pos);
- if (screen) {
- node_rotate_one_internal_screen (*n, angle, rme, rother, both);
- } else {
- node_rotate_one_internal (*n, angle, rme, rother, both);
- }
- me->pos = n->pos + Geom::Point(rme);
- if (both || n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH || n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- other->pos = n->pos + Geom::Point(rother);
- }
- // this function is only called from sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_rotate that will update display at the end,
- // so here we just move all the knots without emitting move signals, for speed
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- * Rotate selected nodes.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_rotate(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble angle, int which, bool screen)
- if (!nodepath || !nodepath->selected) return;
- if (g_list_length(nodepath->selected) == 1) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- node_rotate_one (n, angle, which, screen);
- } else {
- // rotate as an object:
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n0 = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- Geom::Rect box (n0->pos, n0->pos); // originally includes the first selected node
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- box.expandTo (n->pos); // contain all selected nodes
- }
- gdouble rot;
- if (screen) {
- gdouble const zoom = nodepath->desktop->current_zoom();
- gdouble const zmove = angle / zoom;
- gdouble const r = Geom::L2(box.max() - box.midpoint());
- rot = atan2(zmove, r);
- } else {
- rot = angle;
- }
- Geom::Point rot_center;
- if (Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node == NULL)
- rot_center = box.midpoint();
- else
- rot_center = Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node->pos;
- Geom::Matrix t =
- Geom::Matrix (Geom::Translate(-rot_center)) *
- Geom::Matrix (Geom::Rotate(rot)) *
- Geom::Matrix (Geom::Translate(rot_center));
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- n->pos *= t;
- n->n.pos *= t;
- n->p.pos *= t;
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, angle > 0 ? "nodes:rot:p" : "nodes:rot:n", _("Rotate nodes"));
- * Scale one node.
- */
-static void node_scale_one (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n, gdouble grow, int which)
- bool both = false;
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me, *other;
- double xn = n->n.other? n->n.other->pos[Geom::X] : n->pos[Geom::X];
- double xp = n->p.other? n->p.other->pos[Geom::X] : n->pos[Geom::X];
- if (!n->n.other) { // if this is an endnode, select its single handle regardless of "which"
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else if (!n->p.other) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- if (n->n.other)
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else {
- if (which > 0) { // right handle
- if (xn > xp) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- if (n->n.other)
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else {
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- } else if (which < 0){ // left handle
- if (xn <= xp) {
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- if (n->n.other)
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- } else {
- me = &(n->p);
- other = &(n->n);
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- } else { // both handles
- me = &(n->n);
- other = &(n->p);
- both = true;
- n->code = NR_CURVETO;
- if (n->n.other)
- n->n.other->code = NR_CURVETO;
- }
- }
- Radial rme(me->pos - n->pos);
- Radial rother(other->pos - n->pos);
- rme.r += grow;
- if (rme.r < 0) rme.r = 0;
- if (rme.a == HUGE_VAL) {
- if (me->other) { // if direction is unknown, initialize it towards the next node
- Radial rme_next(me->other->pos - n->pos);
- rme.a = rme_next.a;
- } else { // if there's no next, initialize to 0
- rme.a = 0;
- }
- }
- if (both || n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- rother.r += grow;
- if (rother.r < 0) rother.r = 0;
- if (rother.a == HUGE_VAL) {
- rother.a = rme.a + M_PI;
- }
- }
- me->pos = n->pos + Geom::Point(rme);
- if (both || n->type == Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM) {
- other->pos = n->pos + Geom::Point(rother);
- }
- // this function is only called from sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale that will update display at the end,
- // so here we just move all the knots without emitting move signals, for speed
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- * Scale selected nodes.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble const grow, int const which)
- if (!nodepath || !nodepath->selected) return;
- if (g_list_length(nodepath->selected) == 1) {
- // scale handles of the single selected node
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- node_scale_one (n, grow, which);
- } else {
- // scale nodes as an "object":
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n0 = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- Geom::Rect box (n0->pos, n0->pos); // originally includes the first selected node
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- box.expandTo (n->pos); // contain all selected nodes
- }
- if ( Geom::are_near(box.maxExtent(), 0) ) {
- SPEventContext *ec = nodepath->desktop->event_context;
- if (!ec) return;
- Inkscape::MessageContext *mc = get_message_context(ec);
- if (!mc) return;
- mc->setF(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE,
- _("Cannot scale nodes when all are at the same location."));
- return;
- }
- double scale = (box.maxExtent() + grow)/box.maxExtent();
- Geom::Point scale_center;
- if (Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node == NULL)
- scale_center = box.midpoint();
- else
- scale_center = Inkscape::NodePath::Path::active_node->pos;
- Geom::Matrix t =
- Geom::Translate(-scale_center) *
- Geom::Scale(scale, scale) *
- Geom::Translate(scale_center);
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- n->pos *= t;
- n->n.pos *= t;
- n->p.pos *= t;
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr_keyed(nodepath, grow > 0 ? "nodes:scale:p" : "nodes:scale:n", _("Scale nodes"));
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale_screen(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble const grow, int const which)
- if (!nodepath) return;
- sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale(nodepath, grow / nodepath->desktop->current_zoom(), which);
- * Flip selected nodes horizontally/vertically.
- */
-void sp_nodepath_flip (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis, boost::optional<Geom::Point> center)
- if (!nodepath || !nodepath->selected) return;
- if (g_list_length(nodepath->selected) == 1 && !center) {
- // flip handles of the single selected node
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- double temp = n->p.pos[axis];
- n->p.pos[axis] = n->n.pos[axis];
- n->n.pos[axis] = temp;
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- } else {
- // scale nodes as an "object":
- Geom::Rect box = sp_node_selected_bbox (nodepath);
- if (!center) {
- center = box.midpoint();
- }
- Geom::Matrix t =
- Geom::Matrix (Geom::Translate(- *center)) *
- Geom::Matrix ((axis == Geom::X)? Geom::Scale(-1, 1) : Geom::Scale(1, -1)) *
- Geom::Matrix (Geom::Translate(*center));
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- n->pos *= t;
- n->n.pos *= t;
- n->p.pos *= t;
- sp_node_update_handles(n, false);
- }
- }
- sp_nodepath_update_repr(nodepath, _("Flip nodes"));
-Geom::Rect sp_node_selected_bbox (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- g_assert (nodepath->selected);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n0 = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data;
- Geom::Rect box (n0->pos, n0->pos); // originally includes the first selected node
- for (GList *l = nodepath->selected; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) l->data;
- box.expandTo (n->pos); // contain all selected nodes
- }
- return box;
- * Return new subpath under given nodepath.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp_nodepath_subpath_new(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)
- g_assert(nodepath);
- g_assert(nodepath->desktop);
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *s = g_new(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath, 1);
- s->nodepath = nodepath;
- s->closed = FALSE;
- s->nodes = NULL;
- s->first = NULL;
- s->last = NULL;
- // using prepend here saves up to 10% of time on paths with many subpaths, but requires that
- // the caller reverses the list after it's ready (this is done in sp_nodepath_new)
- nodepath->subpaths = g_list_prepend (nodepath->subpaths, s);
- return s;
- * Destroy nodes in subpath, then subpath itself.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_destroy(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *subpath)
- g_assert(subpath);
- g_assert(subpath->nodepath);
- g_assert(g_list_find(subpath->nodepath->subpaths, subpath));
- while (subpath->nodes) {
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) subpath->nodes->data);
- }
- subpath->nodepath->subpaths = g_list_remove(subpath->nodepath->subpaths, subpath);
- g_free(subpath);
- * Link head to tail in subpath.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_close(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp)
- g_assert(!sp->closed);
- g_assert(sp->last != sp->first);
- g_assert(sp->first->code == NR_MOVETO);
- sp->closed = TRUE;
- //Link the head to the tail
- sp->first->p.other = sp->last;
- sp->last->n.other = sp->first;
- sp->last->n.pos = sp->last->pos + (sp->first->n.pos - sp->first->pos);
- sp->first = sp->last;
- //Remove the extra end node
- sp_nodepath_node_destroy(sp->last->n.other);
- * Open closed (loopy) subpath at node.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_subpath_open(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp,Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n)
- g_assert(sp->closed);
- g_assert(n->subpath == sp);
- g_assert(sp->first == sp->last);
- /* We create new startpoint, current node will become last one */
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *new_path = sp_nodepath_node_new(sp, n->n.other,Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP, NR_MOVETO,
- &n->pos, &n->pos, &n->n.pos);
- sp->closed = FALSE;
- //Unlink to make a head and tail
- sp->first = new_path;
- sp->last = n;
- n->n.other = NULL;
- new_path->p.other = NULL;
- * Return new node in subpath with given properties.
- * \param pos Position of node.
- * \param ppos Handle position in previous direction
- * \param npos Handle position in previous direction
- */
-Inkscape::NodePath::Node *
-sp_nodepath_node_new(Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp, Inkscape::NodePath::Node *next, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type, NRPathcode code, Geom::Point *ppos, Geom::Point *pos, Geom::Point *npos)
- g_assert(sp);
- g_assert(sp->nodepath);
- g_assert(sp->nodepath->desktop);
- if (nodechunk == NULL)
- nodechunk = g_mem_chunk_create(Inkscape::NodePath::Node, 32, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE);
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *n = (Inkscape::NodePath::Node*)g_mem_chunk_alloc(nodechunk);
- n->subpath = sp;
- if (type != Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_NONE) {
- // use the type from sodipodi:nodetypes
- n->type = type;
- } else {
- if (fabs (Inkscape::Util::triangle_area (*pos, *ppos, *npos)) < 1e-2) {
- // points are (almost) collinear
- if (Geom::L2(*pos - *ppos) < 1e-6 || Geom::L2(*pos - *npos) < 1e-6) {
- // endnode, or a node with a retracted handle
- n->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP;
- } else {
- n->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH;
- }
- } else {
- n->type = Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP;
- }
- }
- n->code = code;
- n->selected = FALSE;
- n->pos = *pos;
- n->p.pos = *ppos;
- n->n.pos = *npos;
- n->dragging_out = NULL;
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *prev;
- if (next) {
- //g_assert(g_list_find(sp->nodes, next));
- prev = next->p.other;
- } else {
- prev = sp->last;
- }
- if (prev)
- prev->n.other = n;
- else
- sp->first = n;
- if (next)
- next->p.other = n;
- else
- sp->last = n;
- n->p.other = prev;
- n->n.other = next;
- n->knot = sp_knot_new(sp->nodepath->desktop, _("<b>Node</b>: drag to edit the path; with <b>Ctrl</b> to snap to horizontal/vertical; with <b>Ctrl+Alt</b> to snap to handles' directions"));
- sp_knot_set_position(n->knot, *pos, 0);
- n->knot->setAnchor (GTK_ANCHOR_CENTER);
- n->knot->setFill(NODE_FILL, NODE_FILL_HI, NODE_FILL_HI);
- sp_nodepath_update_node_knot(n);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(n->knot), "event", G_CALLBACK(node_event), n);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(n->knot), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(node_clicked), n);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(n->knot), "grabbed", G_CALLBACK(node_grabbed), n);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(n->knot), "ungrabbed", G_CALLBACK(node_ungrabbed), n);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(n->knot), "request", G_CALLBACK(node_request), n);
- sp_knot_show(n->knot);
- // We only create handle knots and lines on demand
- n->p.knot = NULL;
- n->p.line = NULL;
- n->n.knot = NULL;
- n->n.line = NULL;
- sp->nodes = g_list_prepend(sp->nodes, n);
- return n;
- * Destroy node and its knots, link neighbors in subpath.
- */
-static void sp_nodepath_node_destroy(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- g_assert(node);
- g_assert(node->subpath);
- g_assert(SP_IS_KNOT(node->knot));
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = node->subpath;
- if (node->selected) { // first, deselect
- g_assert(g_list_find(node->subpath->nodepath->selected, node));
- node->subpath->nodepath->selected = g_list_remove(node->subpath->nodepath->selected, node);
- }
- node->subpath->nodes = g_list_remove(node->subpath->nodes, node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_event), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_clicked), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_grabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_ungrabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_request), node);
- g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(node->knot));
- if (node->p.knot) {
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_clicked), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_grabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_ungrabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_request), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_moved), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_event), node);
- g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(node->p.knot));
- node->p.knot = NULL;
- }
- if (node->n.knot) {
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_clicked), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_grabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_ungrabbed), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_request), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_moved), node);
- g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot), (gpointer) G_CALLBACK(node_handle_event), node);
- g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(node->n.knot));
- node->n.knot = NULL;
- }
- if (node->p.line)
- gtk_object_destroy(GTK_OBJECT(node->p.line));
- if (node->n.line)
- gtk_object_destroy(GTK_OBJECT(node->n.line));
- if (sp->nodes) { // there are others nodes on the subpath
- if (sp->closed) {
- if (sp->first == node) {
- g_assert(sp->last == node);
- sp->first = node->n.other;
- sp->last = sp->first;
- }
- node->p.other->n.other = node->n.other;
- node->n.other->p.other = node->p.other;
- } else {
- if (sp->first == node) {
- sp->first = node->n.other;
- sp->first->code = NR_MOVETO;
- }
- if (sp->last == node) sp->last = node->p.other;
- if (node->p.other) node->p.other->n.other = node->n.other;
- if (node->n.other) node->n.other->p.other = node->p.other;
- }
- } else { // this was the last node on subpath
- sp->nodepath->subpaths = g_list_remove(sp->nodepath->subpaths, sp);
- }
- g_mem_chunk_free(nodechunk, node);
- * Returns one of the node's two sides.
- * \param which Indicates which side.
- * \return Pointer to previous node side if which==-1, next if which==1.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *sp_node_get_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, gint which)
- g_assert(node);
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide * result = 0;
- switch (which) {
- case -1:
- result = &node->p;
- break;
- case 1:
- result = &node->n;
- break;
- default:
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- return result;
- * Return the other side of the node, given one of its sides.
- */
-static Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *sp_node_opposite_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me)
- g_assert(node);
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *result = 0;
- if (me == &node->p) {
- result = &node->n;
- } else if (me == &node->n) {
- result = &node->p;
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- return result;
- * Return NRPathcode on the given side of the node.
- */
-static NRPathcode sp_node_path_code_from_side(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node,Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *me)
- g_assert(node);
- NRPathcode result = NR_END;
- if (me == &node->p) {
- if (node->p.other) {
- result = (NRPathcode)node->code;
- } else {
- result = NR_MOVETO;
- }
- } else if (me == &node->n) {
- if (node->n.other) {
- result = (NRPathcode)node->n.other->code;
- } else {
- result = NR_MOVETO;
- }
- } else {
- g_assert_not_reached();
- }
- return result;
- * Return node with the given index
- */
-Inkscape::NodePath::Node *
-sp_nodepath_get_node_by_index(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, int index)
- Inkscape::NodePath::Node *e = NULL;
- if (!nodepath) {
- return e;
- }
- //find segment
- for (GList *l = nodepath->subpaths; l ; l=l->next) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *sp = (Inkscape::NodePath::SubPath *)l->data;
- int n = g_list_length(sp->nodes);
- if (sp->closed) {
- n++;
- }
- //if the piece belongs to this subpath grab it
- //otherwise move onto the next subpath
- if (index < n) {
- e = sp->first;
- for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
- e = e->n.other;
- }
- break;
- } else {
- if (sp->closed) {
- index -= (n+1);
- } else {
- index -= n;
- }
- }
- }
- return e;
- * Returns plain text meaning of node type.
- */
-static gchar const *sp_node_type_description(Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node)
- unsigned retracted = 0;
- bool endnode = false;
- for (int which = -1; which <= 1; which += 2) {
- Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *side = sp_node_get_side(node, which);
- if (side->other && Geom::L2(side->pos - node->pos) < 1e-6)
- retracted ++;
- if (!side->other)
- endnode = true;
- }
- if (retracted == 0) {
- if (endnode) {
- // TRANSLATORS: "end" is an adjective here (NOT a verb)
- return _("end node");
- } else {
- switch (node->type) {
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_CUSP:
- // TRANSLATORS: "cusp" means "sharp" (cusp node); see also the Advanced Tutorial
- return _("cusp");
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SMOOTH:
- // TRANSLATORS: "smooth" is an adjective here
- return _("smooth");
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_AUTO:
- return _("auto");
- case Inkscape::NodePath::NODE_SYMM:
- return _("symmetric");
- }
- }
- } else if (retracted == 1) {
- if (endnode) {
- // TRANSLATORS: "end" is an adjective here (NOT a verb)
- return _("end node, handle retracted (drag with <b>Shift</b> to extend)");
- } else {
- return _("one handle retracted (drag with <b>Shift</b> to extend)");
- }
- } else {
- return _("both handles retracted (drag with <b>Shift</b> to extend)");
- }
- return NULL;
- * Handles content of statusbar as long as node tool is active.
- */
-sp_nodepath_update_statusbar(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath)//!!!move to ShapeEditorsCollection
- gchar const *when_selected = _("<b>Drag</b> nodes or node handles; <b>Alt+drag</b> nodes to sculpt; <b>arrow</b> keys to move nodes, <b>< ></b> to scale, <b>[ ]</b> to rotate");
- gchar const *when_selected_one = _("<b>Drag</b> the node or its handles; <b>arrow</b> keys to move the node");
- gint total_nodes = sp_nodepath_get_node_count(nodepath);
- gint selected_nodes = sp_nodepath_selection_get_node_count(nodepath);
- gint total_subpaths = sp_nodepath_get_subpath_count(nodepath);
- gint selected_subpaths = sp_nodepath_selection_get_subpath_count(nodepath);
- SPDesktop *desktop = NULL;
- if (nodepath) {
- desktop = nodepath->desktop;
- } else {
- desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP; // when this is eliminated also remove #include "inkscape.h" above
- }
- SPEventContext *ec = desktop->event_context;
- if (!ec) return;
- Inkscape::MessageContext *mc = get_message_context(ec);
- if (!mc) return;
- inkscape_active_desktop()->emitToolSubselectionChanged(NULL);
- if (selected_nodes == 0) {
- Inkscape::Selection *sel = desktop->selection;
- if (!sel || sel->isEmpty()) {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
- _("Select a single object to edit its nodes or handles."));
- } else {
- if (nodepath) {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
- ngettext("<b>0</b> out of <b>%i</b> node selected. <b>Click</b>, <b>Shift+click</b>, or <b>drag around</b> nodes to select.",
- "<b>0</b> out of <b>%i</b> nodes selected. <b>Click</b>, <b>Shift+click</b>, or <b>drag around</b> nodes to select.",
- total_nodes),
- total_nodes);
- } else {
- if (g_slist_length((GSList *)sel->itemList()) == 1) {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Drag the handles of the object to modify it."));
- } else {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Select a single object to edit its nodes or handles."));
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (nodepath && selected_nodes == 1) {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
- ngettext("<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> node selected; %s. %s.",
- "<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> nodes selected; %s. %s.",
- total_nodes),
- selected_nodes, total_nodes, sp_node_type_description((Inkscape::NodePath::Node *) nodepath->selected->data), when_selected_one);
- } else {
- if (selected_subpaths > 1) {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
- ngettext("<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> node selected in <b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> subpaths. %s.",
- "<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> nodes selected in <b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> subpaths. %s.",
- total_nodes),
- selected_nodes, total_nodes, selected_subpaths, total_subpaths, when_selected);
- } else {
- mc->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
- ngettext("<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> node selected. %s.",
- "<b>%i</b> of <b>%i</b> nodes selected. %s.",
- total_nodes),
- selected_nodes, total_nodes, when_selected);
- }
- }
- * returns a *copy* of the curve of that object.
- */
-SPCurve* sp_nodepath_object_get_curve(SPObject *object, const gchar *key) {
- if (!object)
- return NULL;
- SPCurve *curve = NULL;
- if (SP_IS_PATH(object)) {
- SPCurve *curve_new = sp_path_get_curve_for_edit(SP_PATH(object));
- curve = curve_new->copy();
- } else if ( IS_LIVEPATHEFFECT(object) && key) {
- const gchar *svgd = object->repr->attribute(key);
- if (svgd) {
- Geom::PathVector pv = sp_svg_read_pathv(svgd);
- SPCurve *curve_new = new SPCurve(pv);
- if (curve_new) {
- curve = curve_new; // don't do curve_copy because curve_new is already only created for us!
- }
- }
- }
- return curve;
-void sp_nodepath_set_curve (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, SPCurve *curve) {
- if (!np || !np->object || !curve)
- return;
- if (SP_IS_PATH(np->object)) {
- if (sp_lpe_item_has_path_effect_recursive(SP_LPE_ITEM(np->object))) {
- sp_path_set_original_curve(SP_PATH(np->object), curve, true, false);
- } else {
- sp_shape_set_curve(SP_SHAPE(np->object), curve, true);
- }
- } else if ( IS_LIVEPATHEFFECT(np->object) ) {
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect * lpe = LIVEPATHEFFECT(np->object)->get_lpe();
- if (lpe) {
- Inkscape::LivePathEffect::PathParam *pathparam = dynamic_cast<Inkscape::LivePathEffect::PathParam *>( lpe->getParameter(np->repr_key) );
- if (pathparam) {
- pathparam->set_new_value(np->curve->get_pathvector(), false); // do not write to SVG
- np->object->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
- }
- }
- }
-SPCanvasItem *
-sp_nodepath_path_to_canvasitem(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, SPPath *path) {
- return sp_nodepath_make_helper_item(np, sp_path_get_curve_for_edit(path));
-/// \todo this code to generate a helper canvasitem from an spcurve should be moved to different file
-SPCanvasItem *
-sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(SPDesktop *desktop, SPCurve *curve, const Geom::Matrix & i2d, guint32 color = 0xff0000ff) {
- SPCurve *flash_curve = curve->copy();
- flash_curve->transform(i2d);
- SPCanvasItem * canvasitem = sp_canvas_bpath_new(sp_desktop_tempgroup(desktop), flash_curve);
- // would be nice if its color could be XORed or something, now it is invisible for red stroked objects...
- // unless we also flash the nodes...
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(canvasitem), color, 1.0, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_fill(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(canvasitem), 0, SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO);
- sp_canvas_item_show(canvasitem);
- flash_curve->unref();
- return canvasitem;
-SPCanvasItem *
-sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item) {
- if (!item || !desktop) {
- return NULL;
- }
- Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
- guint32 color = prefs->getInt("/tools/nodes/highlight_color", 0xff0000ff);
- Geom::Matrix i2d = sp_item_i2d_affine(item);
- SPCurve *curve = NULL;
- if (SP_IS_PATH(item)) {
- curve = sp_path_get_curve_for_edit(SP_PATH(item));
- } else if ( SP_IS_SHAPE(item) && SP_SHAPE(item)->curve ) {
- curve = sp_shape_get_curve (SP_SHAPE(item));
- } else if ( SP_IS_TEXT(item) ) {
- // do not display helperpath for text - we cannot do anything with it in Node tool anyway
- // curve = SP_TEXT(item)->getNormalizedBpath();
- return NULL;
- } else {
- g_warning ("-----> sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item): TODO: generate the helper path for this item type!\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- SPCanvasItem * helperpath = sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(desktop, curve, i2d, color);
- curve->unref();
- return helperpath;
-// TODO: Merge this with sp_nodepath_make_helper_item()!
-void sp_nodepath_show_helperpath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, bool show) {
- np->show_helperpath = show;
- if (show) {
- SPCurve *helper_curve = np->curve->copy();
- helper_curve->transform(np->i2d);
- if (!np->helper_path) {
- //np->helper_path = sp_nodepath_make_helper_item(np, desktop, helper_curve, true); // Caution: this applies the transform np->i2d twice!!
- np->helper_path = sp_canvas_bpath_new(sp_desktop_controls(np->desktop), helper_curve);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(np->helper_path), np->helperpath_rgba, np->helperpath_width, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT);
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_fill(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(np->helper_path), 0, SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO);
- sp_canvas_item_move_to_z(np->helper_path, 0);
- sp_canvas_item_show(np->helper_path);
- } else {
- sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(np->helper_path), helper_curve);
- }
- helper_curve->unref();
- } else {
- if (np->helper_path) {
- GtkObject *temp = np->helper_path;
- np->helper_path = NULL;
- gtk_object_destroy(temp);
- }
- }
-/* sp_nodepath_make_straight_path:
- * Prevents user from curving the path by dragging a segment or activating handles etc.
- * The resulting path is a linear interpolation between nodal points, with only straight segments.
- * !!! this function does not work completely yet: it does not actively straighten the path, only prevents the path from being curved
- */
-void sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) {
- np->straight_path = true;
- np->show_handles = false;
- g_message("add code to make the path straight.");
- // do sp_nodepath_convert_node_type on all nodes?
- // coding tip: search for this text : "Make selected segments lines"
- Local Variables:
- mode:c++
- c-file-style:"stroustrup"
- c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
- indent-tabs-mode:nil
- fill-column:99
- End:
-// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :
diff --git a/src/nodepath.h b/src/nodepath.h
--- a/src/nodepath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
- * @brief Path handler in node edit mode
- */
-/* Authors:
- * Lauris Kaplinski <>
- *
- * This code is in public domain
- */
-#include "libnr/nr-path-code.h"
-#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkevents.h>
-#include <list>
-#include <2geom/point.h>
-#include <2geom/matrix.h>
-#include <boost/optional.hpp>
-struct SPCanvasItem;
-class SPCurve;
-struct SPItem;
-class SPObject;
-class SPDesktop;
-class SPPath;
-class SPKnot;
-class LivePathEffectObject;
-namespace Inkscape {
- namespace XML {
- class Node;
- }
- namespace LivePathEffect {
- class Effect;
- }
-typedef std::map<Inkscape::LivePathEffect::Effect *, std::vector<SPCanvasItem *> > HelperPathList;
- * Radial objects are represented by an angle and a distance from
- * 0,0. 0,0 is represented by a == big_num.
- */
-class Radial{
- public:
-/** Radius */
- double r;
-/** Amplitude */
- double a;
- Radial() {}
- // Radial(Geom::Point const &p); // Convert a point to radial coordinates
- Radial(Radial &p) : r(p.r),a(p.a) {}
- // operator Geom::Point() const;
- * Construct Radial from Geom::Point.
- */
-Radial(Geom::Point const &p)
- r = Geom::L2(p);
- if (r > 0) {
- a = Geom::atan2 (p);
- } else {
- a = HUGE_VAL; //undefined
- }
- * Cast Radial to cartesian Geom::Point.
- */
-operator Geom::Point() const
- if (a == HUGE_VAL) {
- return Geom::Point(0,0);
- } else {
- return r*Geom::Point(cos(a), sin(a));
- }
-class ShapeEditor;
-namespace Inkscape {
-namespace NodePath {
- * The entire nodepath, containing multiple subpaths
- */
-class Path;
- * A subpath is a continuous chain of linked nodes
- */
-class SubPath;
- * One side of a node, i.e. prev or next
- */
-class NodeSide;
- * A node on a subpath
- */
-class Node;
- * This is the lowest list item, a simple list of nodes.
- */
-class SubPath {
- public:
-/** The parent of this subpath */
- Path * nodepath;
-/** Is this path closed (no endpoints) or not?*/
- gboolean closed;
-/** The nodes in this subpath. */
- GList * nodes;
-/** The first node of the subpath (does not imply open/closed)*/
- Node * first;
-/** The last node of the subpath */
- Node * last;
- * What kind of node is this? This is the value for the node->type
- * field. NodeType indicates the degree of continuity required for
- * the node. I think that the corresponding integer indicates which
- * derivate is connected. (Thus 2 means that the node is continuous
- * to the second derivative, i.e. has matching endpoints and tangents)
- */
-typedef enum {
-/** A normal node */
-/** This node non-continuously joins two segments.*/
-/** This node continuously joins two segments. */
-/** This node has automatic handles. */
-/** This node is symmetric. */
-} NodeType;
- * A NodeSide is a datarecord which may be on either side (n or p) of a node,
- * which describes the segment going to the next node.
- */
-class NodeSide{
- public:
-/** Pointer to the next node, */
- Node * other;
-/** Position */
- Geom::Point pos;
-/** Origin (while dragging) in radial notation */
- Radial origin_radial;
-/** Origin (while dragging) in x/y notation */
- Geom::Point origin;
-/** Knots are Inkscape's way of providing draggable points. This
- * Knot is the point on the curve representing the control point in a
- * bezier curve.*/
- SPKnot * knot;
-/** What kind of rendering? */
- SPCanvasItem * line;
- * A node along a NodePath
- */
-class Node {
- public:
-/** The parent subpath of this node */
- SubPath * subpath;
-/** Type is selected from NodeType.*/
- guint type : 4;
-/** Code refers to which ArtCode is used to represent the segment
- * (which segment?).*/
- guint code : 4;
-/** Boolean. Am I currently selected or not? */
- guint selected : 1;
-/** */
- Geom::Point pos;
-/** */
- Geom::Point origin;
-/** Knots are Inkscape's way of providing draggable points. This
- * Knot is the point on the curve representing the endpoint.*/
- SPKnot * knot;
-/** The NodeSide in the 'next' direction */
- NodeSide n;
-/** The NodeSide in the 'previous' direction */
- NodeSide p;
- /** The pointer to the nodeside which we are dragging out with Shift */
- NodeSide *dragging_out;
- /** Boolean. Am I being dragged? */
- guint is_dragging : 1;
- * This is a collection of subpaths which contain nodes
- *
- * In the following data model. Nodepaths are made up of subpaths which
- * are comprised of nodes.
- *
- * Nodes are linked thus:
- * \verbatim
- n other
- node -----> nodeside ------> node \endverbatim
- */
-class Path {
- public:
- /** Constructor should private, people should create new nodepaths using sp_nodepath_new
- * But for some reason I cannot make sp_nodepath_new a friend :-(
- */
- Path() {};
- /** Destructor */
- ~Path();
-/** Pointer to the current desktop, for reporting purposes */
- SPDesktop * desktop;
-/** The parent path of this nodepath */
- SPObject * object;
-/** The parent livepatheffect of this nodepath, if applicable */
- SPItem * item;
-/** The context which created this nodepath. Important if this nodepath is deleted */
- ShapeEditor *shape_editor;
-/** The subpaths which comprise this NodePath */
- GList * subpaths;
-/** A list of nodes which are currently selected */
- GList * selected;
-/** Transforms (userspace <---> virtual space? someone please describe )
- njh: I'd be guessing that these are item <-> desktop transforms.*/
- Geom::Matrix i2d, d2i;
-/** The DOM node which describes this NodePath */
- Inkscape::XML::Node *repr;
- gchar *repr_key;
- gchar *repr_nodetypes_key;
- //STL compliant method to get the selected nodes
- void selection(std::list<Node *> &l);
- guint numSelected() {return (selected? g_list_length(selected) : 0);}
- Geom::Point& singleSelectedCoords() {return (((Node *) selected->data)->pos);}
- /// draw a "sketch" of the path by using these variables
- SPCanvasItem *helper_path;
- SPCurve *curve;
- bool show_helperpath;
- guint32 helperpath_rgba;
- gdouble helperpath_width;
- // the helperpaths provided by all LPEs (and their paramaters) of the current item
- HelperPathList helper_path_vec;
- /// true if we changed repr, to tell this change from an external one such as from undo, simplify, or another desktop
- unsigned int local_change;
- /// true if we're showing selected nodes' handles
- bool show_handles;
- /// true if the path cannot contain curves, just straight lines
- bool straight_path;
- /// active_node points to the node that is currently mouseovered (= NULL if
- /// there isn't any); we also consider the node mouseovered if it is covered
- /// by one of its handles and the latter is mouseovered
- static Node *active_node;
- /// Location of mouse pointer when we started dragging, needed for snapping
- Geom::Point drag_origin_mouse;
-} // namespace NodePath
-} // namespace Inkscape
-enum {
-// Do function documentation in nodepath.cpp
-Inkscape::NodePath::Path * sp_nodepath_new (SPDesktop * desktop, SPObject *object, bool show_handles, const char * repr_key = NULL, SPItem *item = NULL);
-void sp_nodepath_deselect (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_nodepath_select_all (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool invert);
-void sp_nodepath_select_all_from_subpath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool invert);
-void sp_nodepath_select_next (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_nodepath_select_prev (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_nodepath_select_rect (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * nodepath, Geom::Rect const &b, gboolean incremental);
-GList *save_nodepath_selection (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void restore_nodepath_selection (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, GList *r);
-gboolean nodepath_repr_d_changed (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * np, const char *newd);
-gboolean nodepath_repr_typestr_changed (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * np, const char *newtypestr);
-gboolean node_key (GdkEvent * event);
-void sp_nodepath_update_repr(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, const gchar *annotation);
-void sp_nodepath_update_statusbar (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_nodepath_selected_align(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis);
-void sp_nodepath_selected_distribute(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis);
-void sp_nodepath_select_segment_near_point(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Point p, bool toggle);
-void sp_nodepath_add_node_near_point(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Point p);
-void sp_nodepath_curve_drag(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, int node, double t, Geom::Point delta);
-Inkscape::NodePath::Node * sp_nodepath_get_node_by_index(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np, int index);
-bool sp_node_side_is_line (Inkscape::NodePath::Node *node, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeSide *side);
-/* possibly private functions */
-void sp_node_selected_add_node (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_break (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_duplicate (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_join (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_join_segment (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_delete_preserve (GList *nodes_to_delete);
-void sp_node_selected_delete (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_delete_segment (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-void sp_node_selected_set_type (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Inkscape::NodePath::NodeType type);
-void sp_node_selected_set_line_type (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, NRPathcode code);
-void sp_node_selected_move (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble dx, gdouble dy);
-void sp_node_selected_move_screen (SPDesktop *desktop, Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, gdouble dx, gdouble dy);
-void sp_node_selected_move_absolute (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Coord val, Geom::Dim2 axis);
-Geom::Rect sp_node_selected_bbox (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath);
-boost::optional<Geom::Coord> sp_node_selected_common_coord (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis);
-void sp_nodepath_show_handles(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool show);
-SPCanvasItem *sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(SPDesktop *desktop, SPCurve *curve, const Geom::Matrix & i2d, guint32 color);
-SPCanvasItem *sp_nodepath_generate_helperpath(SPDesktop *desktop, SPItem *item);
-void sp_nodepath_show_helperpath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, bool show);
-void sp_nodepath_update_helperpaths(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np);
-void sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np);
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_rotate (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * nodepath, gdouble angle, int which, bool screen);
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * nodepath, gdouble grow, int which);
-void sp_nodepath_selected_nodes_scale_screen (Inkscape::NodePath::Path * nodepath, gdouble grow, int which);
-void sp_nodepath_flip (Inkscape::NodePath::Path *nodepath, Geom::Dim2 axis, boost::optional<Geom::Point> center);