
Changed class namens to Camel Case - one class per file
authorhzerres <hzerres@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:27:09 +0000 (12:27 +0000)
committerhzerres <hzerres@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 12:27:09 +0000 (12:27 +0000)
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8

gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [deleted file]
gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ [deleted file]

diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9f39d6e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+class FilterEditor extends plugin
+    function __construct($config, $parent, $filter)
+    {
+        $this->config = &$config;
+        $this->parent = &$parent;
+        $this->filter = $filter;
+        $this->types = array(
+                'OR' => _("At least one of the following conditions has to match"), 
+                'AND' => _("All conditions have to match"));
+        $this->actions = array(
+                "MOVE" => _("move mail to"),
+                "COPY" => _("copy mail to"),
+                "FORWARD" => _("forward message to"),
+                "MARK" => _("mark mail as "),
+                "DROP" => _("remove mail"),
+                "REPLY" => _("reply"));
+        $this->fields = array(
+                'subject' => _("Subject"),
+                'from'=> _("From"),
+                'body'=> _("Body"),
+                'date'=> _("Date"),
+                'priority'=> _("Priority"),
+                'status'=> _("Status"),
+                'to'=> _("To"),
+                'cc'=> _("CC"),
+                'age'=> _("Age"),
+                'size'=> _("Size"));
+        $this->comparators = array(
+                "is" => _("is"),
+                "is not" => _("is not"), 
+                "equal" => _("is equal"),       
+                "not equal" => _("is not equal"),   
+                "is empty" => _("is empty"),
+                "is not empty" => _("is not empty"),
+                "contains" => _("contains"),
+                "contains not" => _("does not contain"),
+                "is in addressbook" => _("is in the addressbook"),
+                "is not in addressbook" => _("is not in the addressbook"),
+                "greater than" => _("is greater than"),
+                "less than" => _("smaller than"));
+    }
+    function execute()
+    {
+        $smarty = get_smarty();
+        $smarty->assign('NAME',set_post($this->filter['NAME']));    
+        $smarty->assign('DESC',set_post($this->filter['DESC']));    
+        $smarty->assign('filterStr', $this->renderFilter());    
+        $smarty->assign('acl', $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter'));    
+        return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('filterEditor.tpl',TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
+    }
+    function check()
+    {
+        $msgs = array();
+        return($msgs);
+    }
+    function save()
+    {
+        // Just return the filter array we've modified
+        return($this->filter);
+    }
+    function renderFilter()
+    {
+        $filter = $this->filter;
+        $cnt = count($filter['CONDITIONS']);
+        $str = "<h3>"._("Filter conditions")."</h3>";
+        $str .= _("Condition type")."&nbsp;";
+        $str .="\n<select size='1' name='cType' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
+        foreach($this->types as $type => $desc){
+            $checked = ($type == $filter['TYPE'])? ' selected ' : '';
+            $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($type)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
+        }
+        $str .= "\n</select>";
+        $str.= "<ul>";
+        foreach($filter['CONDITIONS'] as $id => $cond){
+            $str .= "<li>";
+#            $str .= _("Check field")."&nbsp;";
+            $str .= "\n<select size='1' style='width:100px;' name='cField_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
+            foreach($this->fields as $field => $desc){
+                $checked = ($field == $cond['FIELD'])? ' selected ' : '';
+                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($field)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
+            }
+            $str .= "\n</select>";
+#            $str .= "&nbsp;"._("if it")."&nbsp;";
+            $str .= "\n<select size='1' style='width:200px;' name='cComparator_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
+            foreach($this->comparators as $comparator => $desc){
+                $checked = ($comparator == $cond['COMPARATOR'])? ' selected ' : '';
+                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($comparator)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
+            }
+            $str .= "\n</select>&nbsp;";
+            if(!in_array($cond['COMPARATOR'], array('is in addressbook','is not in addressbook','is empty','is not empty'))){
+                $str .= "<input style='width:400px;' type='text' name='cMatch_{$id}' value=\"".set_post($cond['MATCH'])."\">";
+            }
+            if(count($filter['CONDITIONS']) >= 2){
+                $str .= "<button name='removeCondition_{$id}'>".msgPool::delButton()."</button> ";
+            }
+            $cnt --;
+            $str .= "</li>";
+#            if($cnt) $str .= $this->types[$filter['TYPE']];
+        } 
+        $str .= "</ul>";
+        $str .= "<button style='margin-left:40px;' name='addCondition'>".msgPool::addButton()."</button> ";
+        $str .= "<hr>";
+        $str .= "<h3>"._("Filter actions")."</h3>";
+        $str.= "<ul>";
+        foreach($filter['ACTION'] as $id => $action){
+            $str .= "<li>";
+            $str .= "\n<select style='width:200px;' size='1' name='cAction_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
+            foreach($this->actions as $act => $desc){
+                $checked = ($act == $action['ACTION'])? ' selected ' : '';
+                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($act)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
+            }
+            $str .= "</select>&nbsp;";
+            if(!in_array($action['ACTION'], array('DROP'))){
+                $str .= "<input style='width:500px;' type='text' name='cValue_{$id}' value=\"".set_post($action['VALUE'])."\">";
+            }
+            if(count($filter['ACTION']) >= 2){
+                $str .= "<button name='removeAction_{$id}'>".msgPool::delButton()."</button>";
+            }
+            $str .= "</li>";
+        }
+        $str.= "</ul>";
+        $str .= "<button style='margin-left:40px;' name='addAction'>".msgPool::addButton()."</button> ";
+        return($str);
+    }
+    function save_object()
+    {
+        // Do nothing if the dialog wasn't submitted yet
+        if(!isset($_POST['filterEditorPosted'])) return;
+        // Get the filter confition type if posted
+        $this->filter['TYPE'] = (isset($_POST['cType']))? get_post('cType'): $this->filter['TYPE'];
+        // Get condition modifications
+        foreach($this->filter['CONDITIONS'] as $id => $value){
+            foreach(array('cField_' => 'FIELD',
+                        'cComparator_'=>'COMPARATOR',
+                        'cMatch_'=>'MATCH') as $post => $name){
+                if(isset($_POST[$post.$id])){
+                    $this->filter['CONDITIONS'][$id][$name] = get_post($post.$id);
+                }
+            }
+            if(isset($_POST['removeCondition_'.$id]) && count($this->filter['CONDITIONS']) >= 2){
+                unset($this->filter['CONDITIONS'][$id]);
+            }
+        }
+        // Get Action modifications 
+        foreach($this->filter['ACTION'] as $id => $value){
+            foreach(array('cAction_' => 'ACTIOB','cValue_' => 'VALUE') as $post => $name){
+                if(isset($_POST[$post.$id])){
+                    $this->filter['ACTION'][$id][$name] = get_post($post.$id);
+                }
+            }
+            if(isset($_POST['removeAction_'.$id]) && count($this->filter['ACTION']) >= 2){
+                unset($this->filter['ACTION'][$id]);
+            }
+        }
+        // Get NAME and DESC if posted
+        if(isset($_POST['NAME'])) $this->filter['NAME'] = get_post('NAME');
+        if(isset($_POST['DESC'])) $this->filter['DESC'] = get_post('DESC');
+        // Add conditions
+        if(isset($_POST['addCondition'])){
+            $this->filter['CONDITIONS'][] = array('FIELD' => key($this->fields),'COMPARATOR' => key($this->comparators), 'MATCH' => '');
+        }
+        // Add actions
+        if(isset($_POST['addAction'])){
+            $this->filter['ACTION'][] = array('ACTION' => 'MOVE', 'VALUE' => '');
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..396bff5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+class filterManager extends plugin{
+    var $filterListing   = NULL;
+    var $filterEditor = NULL;
+    function __construct($config,$parent,$rules)
+    {
+        plugin::plugin($config);
+        $this->parent = &$parent;
+        $this->filter = $rules;
+        // If we've read permissions then allow to edit the entries
+        $acl = $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter');
+        $acl = preg_replace("/r/","rw", $acl);
+        $this->filterListing= new sortableListing();
+        $this->filterListing->setDeleteable(true);
+        $this->filterListing->setEditable(true);
+        $this->filterListing->setColspecs(array('*'));
+        $this->filterListing->setWidth("100%");
+        $this->filterListing->setHeight("150px;");
+        $this->filterListing->setAcl($acl);
+        $this->filterListing->setColspecs(array('30px','200px','*'));
+        $this->filterListing->setHeader(array('-',_("Name"),_("Description")));
+        $this->filterListing->setDefaultSortColumn(1);
+    }
+    function execute()
+    {
+        // If we've read permissions then allow to edit the entries
+        $acl = $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter');
+        $acl = preg_replace("/r/","rw", $acl);
+        $this->filterListing->setAcl($acl);
+        // Display filter editor while a filter rule is edited
+        if($this->filterEditor instanceOf FilterEditor){
+            $this->filterEditor->save_object();
+            return($this->filterEditor->execute());
+        }
+        $smarty = get_smarty();
+        $data = $lData = array();
+        foreach($this->filter as $key => $filter){
+            $data[$key] = $filter;
+            switch($filter['STATUS']){
+                case 'NEW' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png[new]');break;
+                case 'MODIFIED' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png');break;
+                case 'EXISTS' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png');break;
+                default : $img = "";
+            }
+            $lData[$key] = array('data' => array($img,$filter['NAME'], $filter['DESC']));
+        }
+        $this->filterListing->setListData($data,$lData);
+        $this->filterListing->update();
+        $smarty->assign('acl', $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter'));
+        $smarty->assign('list', $this->filterListing->render());
+        return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('filterManager.tpl',TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
+    }
+    function save_object()
+    {
+        $this->filterListing->save_object();
+        $action = $this->filterListing->getAction();
+        // Remove filter was requested.
+        if($action['action'] == 'delete'){
+            $key = $action['targets'][0];
+            $key = $this->filterListing->getKey($key);
+            if(isset($this->filter[$key])){
+                unset($this->filter[$key]);
+                $this->filter = array_values($this->filter);
+            }
+        }
+        // Edit filter was requested.
+        if($action['action'] == 'edit'){
+            $key = $action['targets'][0];
+            $key = $this->filterListing->getKey($key);
+            if(isset($this->filter[$key])){
+                $filter = $this->filter[$key];
+                $this->filterEditor = new FilterEditor($this->config,$this->parent, $filter);
+                $this->currentFilter = $key;
+            }
+        }
+        // Add new filter
+        if(isset($_POST['addFilter'])){
+            $filter =   array (
+                    'STATUS' => 'NEW',
+                    'TYPE' => 'AND',
+                    'NAME' => _('name'),
+                    'DESC' => _('description'),
+                    'CONDITIONS' => array  (
+                        array('FIELD' => 'from',
+                            'COMPARATOR' => 'equals',
+                            'MATCH' => ''),
+                        array('FIELD' => 'subject',
+                            'COMPARATOR' => 'contains',
+                            'MATCH' => _('advertising')),
+                        ),
+                    'ACTION' => array (
+                        array('ACTION'=>'MARK',
+                            'VALUE' => 'SPAM'),
+                        array('ACTION'=>'MOVE',
+                            'VALUE' => '')
+                        )
+                    );
+            $this->filterEditor = new FilterEditor($this->config,$this->parent, $filter);
+        }
+        // Close filter editor 
+        if(isset($_POST['filterEditor_cancel']) && $this->filterEditor instanceOf FilterEditor){
+            $this->currentFilter = NULL;
+            $this->filterEditor = NULL;
+        }
+        // Save filter modifications and close the dialog
+        if(isset($_POST['filterEditor_ok']) && $this->filterEditor instanceOf FilterEditor){
+            $this->filterEditor->save_object();
+            $msgs = $this->filterEditor->check();
+            if(count($msgs)){
+                msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs);
+            }else{
+                $filter = $this->filterEditor->save();
+                if($filter['STATUS'] == 'NEW'){
+                    $this->filter[] = $filter;
+                }else{
+                    if($filter['STATUS'] != 'NEW') $filter['STATUS'] = 'MODIFIED';
+                    $this->filter[$this->currentFilter] = $filter;
+                }
+                $this->filterEditor = NULL;
+                $this->currentFilter = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function save()
+    {
+        return($this->filter);
+    }
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4213744
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+ * This code is part of GOsa (
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Cajus Pollmeier
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+class Groupware extends plugin
+    var $plHeadline     = "Mail";
+    var $plDescription  = "GOsa mail extension.";
+    var $view_logged = FALSE;
+    var $accountInitialized = FALSE;
+    var $rpcError = FALSE;
+    var $rpcErrorMessage = "";
+    var $attributes = array(
+            "mailAddress", "mailLocation", "quotaUsage", "quotaSize", "alternateAddresses",
+            "forwardingAddresses", "vacationEnabled", "vacationStart", "vacationStop",
+            "vacationMessage", "mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled", "mailBoxWarnLimitValue",
+            "mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled", "mailBoxSendSizelimitValue", "mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled",
+            "mailBoxHardSizelimitValue", "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalEnabled", "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalValue",
+            "localDeliveryOnly", "dropOwnMails");
+    var $enabledFeatures = array();
+    var $flagAttributes = array("vacationEnabled","mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled","mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled",
+            "mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled","mailBoxAutomaticRemovalEnabled","localDeliveryOnly","dropOwnMails");
+    var $mailAddressSelectDialog = NULL;
+    var $filterManager = NULL;
+    var $filterRules = array();
+    var $vacationTemplates = array();
+    //the dropdown
+    var $mailLocations = array();
+    var $mailAddress = "";
+    var $mailLocation = "";
+    var $quotaUsage = 0;
+    var $quotaSize = 0;
+    var $alternateAddresses = array();
+    var $forwardingAddresses = array();
+    var $vacationEnabled = FALSE;
+    var $vacationStart = 0;
+    var $vacationStop = 0;
+    var $vacationMessage = "";
+    var $mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled = FALSE;
+    var $mailBoxWarnLimitValue = 100;
+    var $mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled = FALSE;
+    var $mailBoxSendSizelimitValue = 100;
+    var $mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled = FALSE;
+    var $mailBoxHardSizelimitValue = 100;
+    var $mailBoxAutomaticRemovalEnabled = FALSE;
+    var $mailBoxAutomaticRemovalValue = 100;
+    var $localDeliveryOnly = FALSE;
+    var $dropOwnMails = FALSE;
+    var $groupwareDao = null;
+    /*! \brief      
+     */
+    function __construct ($config, $dn= NULL)
+    {
+        plugin::plugin($config,$dn); 
+        // Get attributes from parent object 
+        foreach(array("uid","cn") as $attr){
+            if(isset($this->parent->by_object['group']) && isset($this->parent->by_object['group']->$attr)){
+                $this->$attr = &$this->parent->by_object['group']->$attr;
+            }elseif(isset($this->attrs[$attr])){
+                $this->$attr = $this->attrs[$attr][0];
+            }
+        }
+        // Initialize the plugin using rpc.
+        $this->init();
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Try to execute a function on the gosa backend using json-rpc.
+     *          This method also takes care about errors and sets the required
+     *           class members, such as rpcError and rpcErrorMessage. 
+     *  @param  String  function    The name of the function to call.
+     *  @param  Mixed   args[0-n]   The parameter to use.
+     *  @return Mixed   The result of the function call on success else NULL.
+     */
+    function rpcExec($function)
+    {
+        $params = func_get_args();
+        unset($params[0]);
+        echo "------<br>Calling function:".$function." Params".var_dump($params)."<br>";
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle();
+        $res = call_user_func_array(array($rpc,$function),array_values($params));
+        $this->rpcError = !$rpc->success();
+        if($this->rpcError){
+            $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+            return(NULL);
+        }
+        return($res);
+    }
+    /*! \brief     TODO: comment
+     */
+    public function isFeatureEnabled($featureName)
+    {
+        if(isset($this->enabledFeatures[$featureName]) &&  $this->enabledFeatures[$featureName]){
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Try initialize the groupware account.
+     *          This method fetches all required information to manage the
+     *           account using the GOsa gui.
+     */
+    function init()
+    {
+        // Detect feature availability and enable/disable services correspondingly.
+        $this->groupwareDao = new GroupwareDao($this);
+        $features = array();
+        //feature names with a list of groupware function that must be availabele
+        //these groupware functions are not the rpc functions, because they are asked from the groupware server
+        $featureReq = array(
+                "primaryMail"                          => array(
+                    'acctGetPrimaryMailAddress'),
+                "quotaUsage"                => array(
+                    'acctGetQuota'),
+                "quotaSize"                 => array(
+                    'acctSetQuota','acctGetQuota'),
+                "mailLocations"                                => array(
+                    'getMailboxLocations'),
+                "mailFilter"                => array("_off",
+                    'acctDelFilter','acctGetFilters','acctSetFilters','acctSetFilters'),
+                "alternateAddresses"        => array(
+                    'acctDelAlternateMailAddress','acctSetAlternateMailAddresses',
+                    'acctAddAlternateMailAddress','acctGetAlternateMailAddresses'),
+                "forwardingAddresses"       => array(
+                    'acctAddMailForwardAddress','acctDelMailForwardAddress',
+                    'acctGetMailForwardAddresses','acctSetMailForwardAddresses'),
+                "vacationMessage"           => array("_off",
+                    'acctDelFilter','acctGetFilters','acctSetFilters','acctSetFilters'),
+                "mailBoxWarnLimit"          => array(
+                    'acctSetQuota','acctGetQuota'),
+                "mailBoxSendSizelimit"      => array(
+                        'acctSetQuota','acctGetQuota'),
+                "mailBoxHardSizelimit"      => array(
+                        'acctSetQuota','acctGetQuota'),
+                "mailBoxAutomaticRemoval"   => array("_off",
+                        'acctSetQuota','acctGetQuota'),
+                "localDeliveryOnly"         => array( "_off",
+                        'acctDelFilter','acctGetFilters','acctSetFilters','acctSetFilters'),
+                "dropOwnMails"              => array( "_off",
+                        'acctDelFilter','acctGetFilters','acctSetFilters','acctSetFilters'));
+        // Check if all required methods cann be called! 
+        foreach($featureReq as $name => $requires){
+            $active = TRUE;
+            foreach($requires as $methodName){
+                $active &= $this->groupwareDao->gwFeatureAvailable($methodName);
+            }
+            $this->enabledFeatures[$name] = $active;
+        }
+        // Get rpc handle to fetch account info and feature availability.
+        $status = $this->rpcExec('gwAcctExists', $this->uid);
+        if($status !== NULL){
+            $response = $this->groupwareDao->getComprehensiverUser($this->uid);
+            $this->mapComprehensiveUserData($response);
+            $this->initially_was_account = $this->is_account = $status;
+            $this->accountInitialized = TRUE;
+        }
+        // Set vacation start/stop if not set alreasy
+        $this->vacationStart = time();
+        $this->vacationStop = time() + (14 * 60*60*24);
+        // Prepare vacation start/stop time to be initially valid.  
+        $this->vacationStart= date('d.m.Y', $this->vacationStart);
+        $this->vacationStop= date('d.m.Y', $this->vacationStop);
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Generates the HTML user interface for the groupware plugin
+     *           and take of several ui actions like adding or removing 
+     *           forward addresses, filters and the account itself.
+     */
+    function execute()
+    {
+        // Register plugin execution 
+        $display = plugin::execute();
+        // Log plugin execution.
+        if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
+            $this->view_logged = TRUE;
+            new log("view","users/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
+        }
+        // Check if we were able to initialize the account already.
+        if(!$this->accountInitialized){
+            $this->init();
+            if(!$this->accountInitialized){
+                $smarty = get_smarty();
+                $smarty->assign("initFailed", !$this->accountInitialized);
+                return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
+            }
+        }
+        // Check if we were able to initialize the account already.
+        if($this->rpcError){
+            $smarty = get_smarty();
+            $smarty->assign("initFailed", !$this->accountInitialized);
+            $smarty->assign("rpcError", $this->rpcError);
+            return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
+        }
+        /****************
+          Filter editor
+         ****************/
+        if(isset($_POST['filterManager_cancel'])) $this->filterManager = NULL;
+        if(isset($_POST['filterManager_ok'])){
+            $this->filterManager->save_object();
+            $msgs = $this->filterManager->check();
+            if(count($msgs)){
+                msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs);
+            }else{
+                $this->filterRules = $this->filterManager->save();
+                $this->filterManager = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        if(isset($_POST['configureFilter'])){
+            $this->filterManager = new FilterManager($this->config, $this,$this->filterRules);
+            $this->filterManager->acl_base = $this->acl_base;
+            $this->filterManager->acl_category = $this->acl_category;
+        }
+        $this->dialog = FALSE;
+        if($this->filterManager instanceOf FilterManager){
+            $this->filterManager->save_object();
+            $this->dialog = TRUE;
+            return($this->filterManager->execute());
+        }
+        /****************
+          Account status
+         ****************/
+        if(isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
+            if($this->is_account && $this->acl_is_removeable()){
+                $this->is_account= FALSE;
+            }elseif(!$this->is_account && $this->acl_is_createable()){
+                $this->is_account= TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        if(!$this->multiple_support_active){
+            if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent === NULL){
+                $display= "<img alt=\"\" src=\"images/small-error.png\" align=\"middle\">&nbsp;<b>".
+                    msgPool::noValidExtension(_("Mail"))."</b>";
+                $display.= back_to_main();
+                return ($display);
+            }
+            if ($this->parent !== NULL){
+                if ($this->is_account){ 
+                    $display= $this->show_disable_header(msgPool::removeFeaturesButton(_("Mail")),msgPool::featuresEnabled(_("Mail")));
+                } else {
+                    $display= $this->show_enable_header(msgPool::addFeaturesButton(_("Mail")),msgPool::featuresDisabled(_("Mail")));
+                    return ($display);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /****************
+          Forward addresses 
+         ****************/
+        // Display dialog to select a local fowarder 
+        if (isset($_POST['addLocalForwardingAddress'])){
+            $this->mailAddressSelectDialog=  new mailAddressSelect($this->config, get_userinfo());
+            $this->dialog= TRUE;
+        }
+        // Close dialogs, action was canceled 
+        if (isset($_POST['mailAddressSelect_cancel'])){
+            $this->mailAddressSelectDialog= FALSE;
+            $this->dialog= FALSE;
+        }
+        // Append selected forwarding addresses now.
+        if (isset($_POST['mailAddressSelect_save']) && $this->mailAddressSelectDialog instanceOf mailAddressSelect){
+            if($this->acl_is_writeable("forwardingAddresses")){
+                $list = $this->mailAddressSelectDialog->save();
+                foreach ($list as $entry){
+                    $val = $entry['mail'][0];
+                    if (!in_array ($val, $this->alternateAddresses) && $val != $this->mailAddress){
+                        $this->addForwarder($val);
+                        $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                $this->mailAddressSelectDialog= FALSE;
+                $this->dialog= FALSE;
+            } else {
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("Please select an entry!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        // Display the address selection dialog.
+        if($this->mailAddressSelectDialog instanceOf mailAddressSelect){
+            $used  = array();
+            $used['mail'] = array_values($this->alternateAddresses);  
+            $used['mail'] = array_merge($used['mail'], array_values($this->forwardingAddresses));  
+            $used['mail'][] = $this->mailAddress;
+            // Build up blocklist
+            session::set('filterBlacklist', $used);
+            return($this->mailAddressSelectDialog->execute());
+        }
+        // Add manually inserted forwarding address.
+        if (isset($_POST['addForwardingAddress'])){
+            if ($_POST['forwardingAddressInput'] != ""){
+                $address= get_post('forwardingAddressInput');
+                $valid= FALSE;
+                if (!tests::is_email($address)){
+                    if (!tests::is_email($address, TRUE)){
+                        if ($this->is_template){
+                            $valid= TRUE;
+                        } else {
+                            msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::invalid(_("Mail address"),
+                                        "","",""),ERROR_DIALOG);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } elseif ($address == $this->mailAddress || in_array($address, $this->alternateAddresses)) {
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),_("Cannot add primary address to the list of forwarders!") , ERROR_DIALOG);
+                } else {
+                    $valid= TRUE;
+                }
+                if ($valid){
+                    if($this->acl_is_writeable("forwardingAddresses")){
+                        $this->addForwarder ($address);
+                        $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($_POST['deleteForwardingAddress'])){
+            $this->delForwarder ($_POST['forwardingAddressList']);
+        }
+        /****************
+          Alternate addresses 
+         ****************/
+        // Add manually inserted alternate mail address.
+        if (isset($_POST['addAlternateAddress'])){
+            $valid= FALSE;
+            if (!tests::is_email($_POST['alternateAddressInput'])){
+                if ($this->is_template){
+                    if (!(tests::is_email($_POST['alternateAddressInput'], TRUE))){
+                        msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::invalid(_("Mail address"),
+                                    "","",""),ERROR_DIALOG);
+                    } else {
+                        $valid= TRUE;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::invalid(_("Mail address"),
+                                "","",""),ERROR_DIALOG);
+                }
+            } else {
+                $valid= TRUE;
+            }
+            if ($valid && ($user= $this->addAlternate (get_post('alternateAddressInput'))) != ""){
+                $ui= get_userinfo();
+                $addon= "";
+                if ($user[0] == "!") {
+                    $addon= sprintf(_("Address is already in use by group '%s'."), mb_substr($user, 1));
+                } else {
+                    $addon= sprintf(_("Address is already in use by user '%s'."), $user);
+                }
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::duplicated(_("Mail address"))."<br><br><i>".
+                        "$addon</i>", ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        // Remove alternate mail address.
+        if (isset($_POST['deleteAlternateAddress']) && isset($_POST['alternateAddressList'])){
+            $this->delAlternate ($_POST['alternateAddressList']);
+        }
+        /****************
+          SMARTY- Assign smarty variables 
+         ****************/
+        $smarty = get_smarty();
+        foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
+            $smarty->assign($attr, $this->$attr);
+        }
+        $plInfo = $this->plInfo();
+        foreach($plInfo['plProvidedAcls'] as $acl => $name){
+            $smarty->assign($acl."ACL", $this->getacl($acl));
+        }
+        foreach($this->enabledFeatures as $feature => $state){
+            $smarty->assign($feature."_isActive", $state);
+        }
+        $smarty->assign("mailLocations", $this->mailLocations);
+        if (count($this->vacationTemplates)){
+            $smarty->assign("displayTemplateSelector", "true");
+            $smarty->assign("vacationTemplate", set_post($this->vacationTemplate));
+            $smarty->assign("vacationTemplates", set_post($this->vacationTemplates));
+            $smarty->assign("template", set_post(get_post('vacation_template')));
+        } else {
+            $smarty->assign("displayTemplateSelector", "false");
+        }
+        $smarty->assign("initFailed", !$this->accountInitialized);
+        $smarty->assign("rpcError", $this->rpcError);
+        $smarty->assign("rpcErrorMessage", $this->rpcErrorMessage);
+        return($display.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path("generic.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
+    }
+    /*! \brief      This method handles potential _POST and _GET values.
+     *              It captures modifcations from the ui, like changing 
+     *               the mailAddress.
+     *              This method respects the attribute permissions.
+     */    
+    function save_object()
+    {
+        if(isset($_POST['groupwarePluginPosted'])){
+            // We ran into a communication error with the backend. 
+            // Try a simple communication operation with the backend 
+            // again and let us see if it works.
+            if(isset($_POST['retry'])){
+                $this->rpcExec('gwGetCapabilities');
+            }
+            // Get ui modifications and store them in the class.
+            $testAttrs = array("mailAddress","mailLocation","quotaUsage","quotaSize",
+                    "alternateAddresses","forwardingAddresses","vacationEnabled","vacationStart",
+                    "vacationStop","vacationMessage");
+            foreach($testAttrs as $attr){
+                if(isset($_POST[$attr]) && $this->acl_is_writeable($attr)){
+                    $this->$attr = get_post($attr);
+                }
+            }
+            // Detect checkbox states 
+            $checkAttrs = array("mailBoxWarnLimit","mailBoxSendSizelimit",
+                    "mailBoxHardSizelimit","mailBoxAutomaticRemoval");
+            foreach($checkAttrs as $boxname){
+                if($this->acl_is_writeable($boxname)){
+                    $v = $boxname."Value"; 
+                    $e = $boxname."Enabled"; 
+                    $this->$e = isset($_POST[$e]);
+                    if($this->$e){
+                        $this->$v = get_post($v);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Get posted flag changes 
+            $flagAttrs = array("localDeliveryOnly","dropOwnMails");
+            foreach($flagAttrs as $attr){
+                $this->$attr = isset($_POST[$attr]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Parse vacation templates and build up an array
+     * containing 'filename' => 'description'. 
+     * Used to fill vacation dropdown box.
+     * @return Array   All useable vacation templates.
+     */ 
+    function get_vacation_templates()
+    {
+        $vct = array();
+        if ($this->config->get_cfg_value("core","vacationTemplateDirectory") != ""){
+            $dir= $this->config->get_cfg_value("core","vacationTemplateDirectory");
+            if (is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir)){
+                $dh = opendir($dir);
+                while($file = readdir($dh)){
+                    $description= "";
+                    if (is_file($dir."/".$file)){
+                        $fh = fopen($dir."/".$file, "r");
+                        $line= fgets($fh, 256);
+                        if (!preg_match('/^DESC:/', $line)){
+                            msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), sprintf(_("No DESC tag in vacation template '%s'!"), $file), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                        }else{
+                            $description= trim(preg_replace('/^DESC:\s*/', '', $line));
+                        }
+                        fclose ($fh);
+                    }
+                    if ($description != ""){
+                        $vct["$dir/$file"]= $description;
+                    }
+                }
+                closedir($dh);
+            }
+        }
+        return($vct); 
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Adds the given mail address to the list of mail forwarders 
+     */ 
+    function addForwarder($address)
+    {
+        if(empty($address)) return;
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("forwardingAddresses")){
+            $this->forwardingAddresses[]= $address;
+            $this->forwardingAddresses= array_unique ($this->forwardingAddresses);
+            sort ($this->forwardingAddresses);
+            reset ($this->forwardingAddresses);
+            $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Removes the given mail address from the list of mail forwarders 
+     */ 
+    function delForwarder($addresses)
+    {
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("forwardingAddresses")){
+            $this->forwardingAddresses= array_remove_entries ($addresses, $this->forwardingAddresses);
+            $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Add given mail address to the list of alternate adresses ,
+     *           check if this mal address is used, skip adding in this case 
+     */ 
+    function addAlternate($address)
+    {
+        if(empty($address)) return;
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("alternateAddresses")){
+            $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+            $address= strtolower($address);
+            /* Is this address already assigned in LDAP? */
+            $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
+            $ldap->search ("(&(!(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate))(objectClass=gosaMailAccount)(|(mail=$address)".
+                    "(alias=$address)(gosaMailAlternateAddress=$address)))", array("uid", "cn"));
+            if ($ldap->count() > 0){
+                $attrs= $ldap->fetch ();
+                if (!isset($attrs["uid"])) {
+                    return ("!".$attrs["cn"][0]);
+                }
+                return ($attrs["uid"][0]);
+            }
+            if (!in_array($address, $this->alternateAddresses)){
+                $this->alternateAddresses[]= $address;
+                $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+            }
+            sort ($this->alternateAddresses);
+            reset ($this->alternateAddresses);
+            return ("");
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Removes the given mail address from the alternate addresses list 
+     */ 
+    function delAlternate($addresses)
+    {
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("alternateAddresses")){
+            $this->alternateAddresses= array_remove_entries ($addresses,$this->alternateAddresses);
+            $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Prepare importet vacation string. \
+     *           Replace placeholder like %givenName a.s.o.
+     * @param  string  Vacation string
+     * @return string  Completed vacation string
+     */
+    private function prepare_vacation_template($contents)
+    {
+        /* Replace attributes */
+        $attrs = array();
+        $obj   = NULL;
+        if(isset($this->parent->by_object['user'])){
+            $attrs  = $this->parent->by_object['user']->attributes;
+            $obj    = $this->parent->by_object['user'];
+        }else{
+            $obj    = new user($this->config,$this->dn);
+            $attrs  = $obj->attributes;
+        }
+        if($obj){
+            /* Replace vacation start and end time */
+            if($this->enabledFeatures['vacationMessage']){
+                if(preg_match("/%start/",$contents)){
+                    $contents = preg_replace("/%start/",$this->vacationStart,$contents);
+                }
+                if(preg_match("/%end/",$contents)){
+                    $contents = preg_replace("/%end/",$this->vacationStop,$contents);
+                }
+            }else{
+                if(preg_match("/%start/",$contents)){
+                    $contents = preg_replace("/%start/", _("unknown"),$contents);
+                }
+                if(preg_match("/%end/",$contents)){
+                    $contents = preg_replace("/%end/", _("unknown"), $contents);
+                }
+            }
+            foreach ($attrs as $val){
+                // We can only replace strings here
+                if(!is_string($obj->$val)) continue;
+                if(preg_match("/dateOfBirth/",$val)){
+                    if($obj->use_dob){
+                        $contents= preg_replace("/%$val/",date("Y-d-m",$obj->dateOfBirth),$contents);
+                    }
+                }else {
+                    $contents= preg_replace("/%$val/",
+                            $obj->$val, $contents);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $contents = ltrim(preg_replace("/^DESC:.*$/m","",$contents),"\n ");
+        return($contents);
+    }
+    /*! \brief     Remove the account form the groupware server completely. 
+     */
+    function remove_from_parent()
+    {
+        // Get rpc handle to remove the account
+        if($this->initially_was_account){
+            if($this->rpcExec('gwAcctDel', $this->uid) === NULL){
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("Groupware account removal failed!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* \brief   Persists the values of this plugin to the groupware server.
+     *          Save method is called on "apply" and "ok" in the Gosa Frontend.
+     *          All other actions will update values in the form or 
+     *           cancel and therefore discard the changes so far.
+     */
+    function save()
+    {
+        // Get rpc handle to create or update the account
+        if(!$this->initially_was_account){
+            if($this->rpcExec('gwAcctAdd', $this->uid, $this->mailAddress) === NULL){
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), _("Groupware account creation failed!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        // Save the primary Email Address.
+        if(!empty($this->mailAddress)){
+            $this->groupwareDao->save("primaryMail", $this->uid, $this->mailAddress);
+        }\r
+        // Save alternateAddresses and forwarding. 
+        if(!empty($this->forwardingAddresses) 
+                       && isset($this->alternateAddresses) 
+                       && is_array($this->alternateAddresses)){
+                       $this->groupwareDao->save("alternateAddresses", $this->uid, array($this->alternateAddresses));
+        }\r
+        if(!empty($this->forwardingAddresses) 
+                       && isset($this->forwardingAddresses) 
+                       && is_array($this->forwardingAddresses)){
+                       $this->groupwareDao->save("forwardingAddresses", $this->uid, array($this->forwardingAddresses));
+        }
+        // Save the quota
+        if(true){
+            $quota = array(    "warn_limit" => $this->mailBoxWarnLimitValue,
+                    "send_limit" => $this->mailBoxSendSizelimitValue,
+                    "hard_limit" => $this->mailBoxHardSizelimitValue,
+                    "hold" => $this->quotaSize,
+                    "usage" => $this->quotaUsage);
+            $this->groupwareDao->save("quotaSize", $this->uid, $quota);
+        }
+        // TODO: save Mailbox location
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Check given values 
+     */
+    function check()
+    {
+        // TODO: Remove all echo Messages
+        $messages = plugin::check();
+        //Check the dates        
+        // TODO: check only if features are enabled.
+        //required vacationEnabled
+        if($this->vacationEnabled){
+            if(!tests::is_date($this->vacationStart)){
+                $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Vacation start date"),$this->vacationStart , "", "01.03.2010");
+            }
+            if(!tests::is_date($this->vacationStop)){
+                $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Vacation stop date"),$this->vacationStop , "", "01.03.2010");
+            }
+            $diff = tests::compareDate($this->vacationStart, $this->vacationStop);
+            if($diff>=0){
+                $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Vacation dates"));
+            }
+        }
+        if(!tests::is_email ($this->mailAddress)){
+            $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Mail address"),$this->mailAddress , "", "");
+        }
+        if(isset($this->forwardingAddresses) && is_array($this->forwardingAddresses)){
+            foreach($this->forwardingAddresses as $fAddress){
+                if(!tests::is_email ($fAddress)){
+                    $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Alternate address"),$fAddress, "", 
+                            "");
+                }
+                if($fAddress == $this->mailAddress){
+                    $messages[] = _("The primary address cannot be used as alternative address!");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(isset($this->alternateAddresses) && is_array($this->alternateAddresses)){
+            foreach($this->alternateAddresses as $fAddress){
+                if(!tests::is_email ($fAddress)){
+                    $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Forward address"),$fAddress, "", "");
+                }
+                if($fAddress == $this->mailAddress){
+                    $messages[] = _("The primary address cannot be used as forward address!");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // TODO: Checks for quota and Locations?
+        return($messages);
+    }
+    /*! \brief  ACL settings 
+     */
+    static function plInfo()
+    {
+        return (array(
+                    "plShortName"     => _("Groupware"),
+                    "plDescription"   => _("Groupware settings"),
+                    "plSelfModify"    => TRUE,
+                    "plDepends"       => array("user"),                     // This plugin depends on
+                    "plPriority"      => 4,                                 // Position in tabs
+                    "plSection"     => array("personal" => _("My account")),
+                    "plCategory"    => array("users"),
+                    "plOptions"       => array(),
+                    "plProvidedAcls"  => array(
+                        "mailAddress"                   => _("Mail address"),
+                        "mailLocation"                  => _("Mail location"),
+                        "quotaUsage"                    => _("Quota usage"),
+                        "mailFilter"                    => _("Mail filter"),
+                        "quotaSize"                     => _("Quota size"),
+                        "alternateAddresses"            => _("Alternate mail addresses"),
+                        "forwardingAddresses"           => _("Forwarding mail addresses"),
+                        "vacationEnabled"               => _("Vaction switch"),
+                        "vacationStart"                 => _("Vacation start time"),
+                        "vacationStop"                  => _("Vacation stop time"),
+                        "vacationMessage"               => _("Vacation message"),
+                        "mailBoxWarnLimit"              => _("Warn sizelimit"),
+                        "mailBoxSendSizelimit"          => _("Send sizelimit"),
+                        "mailBoxHardSizelimit"          => _("Hard sizelimit"),
+                        "mailBoxAutomaticRemoval"       => _("Automatic mail removal"),
+                        "localDeliveryOnly"             => _("Local delivery only"),
+                        "dropOwnMails"                  => _("Drop own mails")
+                        )
+                        ));
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Maps the resultset fetched from the Dao to the class variables 
+     *                      of the plugin.
+     */
+    function mapComprehensiveUserData($callBackMap)
+    {
+        $map = array(
+                "mailLocations" => "mailLocations",
+                "mailAddress" => "primaryMail",
+                "mailLocation" => "mailLocation",
+                "quotaUsage" => "quotaUsage",
+                "quotaSize" => "quotaSize",
+                "alternateAddresses" => "alternateAddresses",
+                "forwardingAddresses" => "forwardingAddresses",
+                "vacationEnabled" => "vacationEnabled",
+                "vacationStart" => "vacationStart",
+                "vacationStop" => "vacationStop",
+                "vacationMessage" => "vacationMessage",
+                "mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled" => "mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled",
+                "mailBoxWarnLimitValue" => "mailBoxWarnLimitValue",
+                "mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled" => "mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled",
+                "mailBoxSendSizelimitValue" => "mailBoxSendSizelimitValue",
+                "mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled" => "mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled",
+                "mailBoxHardSizelimitValue" => "mailBoxHardSizelimitValue",
+                "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalEnabled" => "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalEnabled",
+                "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalValue" => "mailBoxAutomaticRemovalValue",
+                "localDeliveryOnly" => "localDeliveryOnly",
+                "dropOwnMails" => "dropOwnMails");
+        // Map values from source array to class members
+        foreach($map as $target => $source){
+            if(isset($callBackMap[$source])){
+                $this->$target = $callBackMap[$source];
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..adade44
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+/*! \brief Data Access Object for groupwares \r
+ */\r
+class GroupwareDao{\r
+    /* TODO: Remove the debug \r
+     * use the debug functions fo the Gosa installation instead.\r
+     * function_debug\r
+     * (got ot remove the following variable, the function debug and all calls to it)\r
+     */\r
+    private $debug = true;\r
+    private $availableMethods;\r
+    private $availableProperties;\r
+    private $accountLocations;\r
+    private $groupwarePluginRef = False;\r
+    private static $gwFeatures  = array(\r
+            "primaryMail" => array(    "get"=>"gwAcctGetPrimaryMailAddress", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetPrimaryMailAddress"),\r
+            "mailLocations" => array("get"=>"gwGetMailboxLocations"),\r
+            "quotaSize"  =>array(  "get"=>"gwAcctGetQuota", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetQuota",\r
+                "delete"=>"gwAcctSetQuota"),\r
+            "mailFilter"  =>array(  "get"=>"gwAcctGetFilters", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetFilters",\r
+                "delete"=>"gwAcctDelFilter"),\r
+            "alternateAddresses"  =>array(  "get"=>"gwAcctGetAlternateMailAddresses", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetAlternateMailAddresses",\r
+                "delete"=>"gwAcctDelAlternateMailAddress"),\r
+            "forwardingAddresses"  =>array( "get"=>"gwAcctGetMailForwardAddresses", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetMailForwardAddresses",\r
+                "delete"=>"gwAcctDelMailForwardAddress"),\r
+            "vacationMessage"  =>array(        "get"=>"gwAcctGetOutOfOfficeReply", \r
+                "save"=>"gwAcctSetOutOfOfficeReply",\r
+                "delete"=>"gwAcctDelOutOfOfficeReply"),\r
+            "mailBoxWarnLimit"  =>array(       "get"=>"", \r
+                "save"=>"",\r
+                "delete"=>""),\r
+            "mailBoxSendSizelimit"  =>array(  "get"=>"gwAcctGetQuota", \r
+                    "save"=>"gwAcctSetQuota",\r
+                    "delete"=>"gwAcctDelQuota"),\r
+            "mailBoxHardSizelimit"  =>array(  "get"=>"gwAcctGetMailLimit", \r
+                    "save"=>"gwAcctSetMailLimit",\r
+                    "delete"=>"gwAcctDelMailLimit"),\r
+            "mailBoxAutomaticRemoval"  =>array(  "get"=>"", \r
+                    "save"=>"",\r
+                    "delete"=>""),\r
+            "localDeliveryOnly"  =>array(  "get"=>"", \r
+                    "save"=>"",\r
+                    "delete"=>""),\r
+            "dropOwnMails"  =>array(  "get"=>"",\r
+                    "save"=>"",\r
+                    "delete"=>""),\r
+            "accountProperties" => array("get"=>"gwAcctGetProperties",\r
+                    "save"=>"gwAcctSetProperties",\r
+                    "delete"=>"gwAcctDelProperties")\r
+                );\r
+    /*! \brief Constructor sets the connection to the rpc service \r
+     *                 initializes the class\r
+     */\r
+    function __construct(&$pluginRef)\r
+    {\r
+        $this->groupwarePluginRef = &$pluginRef;\r
+        \r
+        // TODO: Remove all echos \r
+        $this->init();\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief Gets the capabilities of the server\r
+     *          builds an array with availbale features and knows how to call get, save, delete functions of \r
+     *          groupware rpc. \r
+     */\r
+    public function init()\r
+    {\r
+        $this->availableMethods = $this->groupwarePluginRef->rpcExec('gwGetCapabilities');\r
+        //$this->availableProperties = $this->groupwarePluginRef->rpcExec('gwGetSupportedProperties');\r
+        //$this->debug("availableProperties on init:", $this->availableProperties);\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief Generic saving method for all features defined in $gwFeatures\r
+     *          which are the available features.\r
+     */\r
+    public function save($feature, $uid, $valueArray)\r
+    {\r
+        $function = GroupwareDao::$gwFeatures[$feature]["save"];\r
+        if(is_array($valueArray)){\r
+            $valueArray = array_merge(array($function, $uid), $valueArray);\r
+        }else{\r
+            $valueArray = array($function, $uid, $valueArray);\r
+        }\r
+        $this->debug("SAVING (feature, value)", $valueArray);\r
+        $result =  call_user_func_array(array($this->groupwarePluginRef, 'rpcExec'), $valueArray);\r
+        return $result;\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief generic get method for all features defined in $gwFeatures\r
+     *                 which are the available features.\r
+     */\r
+    public function get($feature, $valueArray)\r
+    {\r
+        // TODO: Check if feture available ? get and return the result.\r
+        $function = GroupwareDao::$gwFeatures[$feature]["get"];\r
+        if(is_array($valueArray)){\r
+            $valueArray = array_merge(array($function), $valueArray);\r
+        }else{\r
+            $valueArray = array($function, $valueArray);\r
+        }\r
+        $result =  call_user_func_array(array($this->groupwarePluginRef, 'rpcExec'), $valueArray);\r
+        return $result;\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief generic delete function for all features defined in $gwFeatures\r
+     *                 which are the available features.\r
+     * \r
+     */\r
+    public function del($feature, $valueArray)\r
+    {\r
+        // TODO: check if feture available del and return the result.\r
+        \r
+        echo "deletion of values is not implemented yet";\r
+        /*\r
+           $function = GroupwareDao::$gwFeatures[$feature]["delete"];\r
+           $valueArray = array_merge(array($function), $valueArray);\r
+           $result =  call_user_func_array(array($this->groupwarePluginRef, 'rpcExec'), $valueArray);\r
+           return $result;\r
+         */\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief determine availability of features.\r
+     * \r
+     * @param methodName\r
+     * @return boolean\r
+     */\r
+    public function gwFeatureAvailable($methodName)\r
+    {\r
+        return(isset($this->availableMethods[$methodName]) && ($this->availableMethods[$methodName]));\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief comprehensive user info will dessolve into one groupware call later\r
+     *                 right now it will get all data of the features that are available in the plugin.\r
+     * @param int $uid\r
+     * @return assoc array "feature" => "gwValue";   \r
+     */\r
+    public function getComprehensiverUser( $uid)\r
+    {\r
+        //$hi = $this->groupwarePluginRef->rpcExec('gwGetCapabilities');\r
+        $resultArr = array();\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("primaryMail")){\r
+            $resultArr["primaryMail"] = $this->get("primaryMail", array($uid));\r
+        }\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("alternateAddresses")){\r
+            $resultArr["alternateAddresses"] = $this->get("alternateAddresses", array($uid));\r
+        }\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("forwardingAddresses")){\r
+            $resultArr["forwardingAddresses"] = $this->get("forwardingAddresses", array($uid));\r
+        }\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("forwardingAddresses")){\r
+            $resultArr["forwardingAddresses"] = $this->get("forwardingAddresses", array($uid));\r
+        }\r
+        // Location dropdownlist - only readable\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("mailLocations")){\r
+            $resultArr["mailLocations"] = $this->groupwarePluginRef->rpcExec('gwGetMailboxLocations');\r
+            $resultArr["mailLocation"] = $this->groupwarePluginRef->rpcExec('gwAcctGetLocation',$uid);\r
+        }\r
+        \r
+        //TODO: getLocation muss ebenfalls geholt werden \r
+        // Quota quotaUsage, quotaSize\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("quotaSize") || \r
+                $this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("quotaUsage") || \r
+                $this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("mailBoxWarnLimit") || \r
+                $this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("mailBoxSendSizelimit") || \r
+                $this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("mailBoxHardSizelimit")){\r
+            // Usage is a Mapi function which is not yet \r
+            \r
+            // TODO: Remove the following dummy and enable the qota fetch from groupware\r
+             \r
+            echo "Quota function not yet implemented on server side!!";\r
+            //$quota = $this->get("quotaSize", array($uid));\r
+            $quota = array(    "warn_limit" => 1008,\r
+                    "send_limit" => 108,\r
+                    "hard_limit" => 1108,\r
+                    "hold" => 508,\r
+                    "usage" => 1108);\r
+            $resultArr["quotaSize"] = $quota["usage"];\r
+            $resultArr["quotaSize"] = $quota["hold"];\r
+            if($quota["warn_limit"] > 0){\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled"] = true;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxWarnLimitValue"] = $quota["warn_limit"];\r
+            }else{\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxWarnLimitEnabled"] = false;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxWarnLimitValue"] = 0;\r
+            }\r
+            if($quota["send_limit"] > 0){\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled"] = True;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxSendSizelimitValue"] = $quota["send_limit"];\r
+            }else{\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxSendSizelimitEnabled"] = FALSE;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxSendSizelimitValue"] = 0;   \r
+            }\r
+            if($quota["hard_limit"] > 0){\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled"] = True;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxHardSizelimitValue"] = $quota["hard_limit"];        \r
+            }else{\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxHardSizelimitEnabled"] = FALSE;\r
+                $resultArr["mailBoxHardSizelimitValue"] = 0;\r
+            }\r
+        }\r
+        //this function seems to be broken on the server.\r
+        //addding dummy\r
+        if($this->groupwarePluginRef->isFeatureEnabled("vacationMessage")){\r
+            $vacMessage = $this->get("vacationMessage", array($uid));\r
+            //$resultArr["vacationMessage"] = "dummy Vacation message - (getOutOfOfficeReply currently throws errors )";\r
+        }\r
+        $this->debug("getComprehensiverUser:", $resultArr);\r
+        return $resultArr;\r
+    }\r
+    /*! \brief     TODO: remove all debug functions. Remove them also in the\r
+     */\r
+    public function debug($name, $message)\r
+    {\r
+        if($this->debug){\r
+            echo"<b>".$name."</b>";\r
+            if(is_array($message)){\r
+                echo "<pre>";\r
+                print_r($message);\r
+                echo "</pre>";\r
+            }else{\r
+                echo "$message";\r
+            }\r
+        }\r
+    }\r
+} \r
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 82590da..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-class filterEditor extends plugin
-    function __construct($config, $parent, $filter)
-    {
-        $this->config = &$config;
-        $this->parent = &$parent;
-        $this->filter = $filter;
-        $this->types = array(
-                'OR' => _("At least one of the following conditions has to match"), 
-                'AND' => _("All conditions have to match"));
-        $this->actions = array(
-                "MOVE" => _("move mail to"),
-                "COPY" => _("copy mail to"),
-                "FORWARD" => _("forward message to"),
-                "MARK" => _("mark mail as "),
-                "DROP" => _("remove mail"),
-                "REPLY" => _("reply"));
-        $this->fields = array(
-                'subject' => _("Subject"),
-                'from'=> _("From"),
-                'body'=> _("Body"),
-                'date'=> _("Date"),
-                'priority'=> _("Priority"),
-                'status'=> _("Status"),
-                'to'=> _("To"),
-                'cc'=> _("CC"),
-                'age'=> _("Age"),
-                'size'=> _("Size"));
-        $this->comparators = array(
-                "is" => _("is"),
-                "is not" => _("is not"), 
-                "equal" => _("is equal"),       
-                "not equal" => _("is not equal"),   
-                "is empty" => _("is empty"),
-                "is not empty" => _("is not empty"),
-                "contains" => _("contains"),
-                "contains not" => _("does not contain"),
-                "is in addressbook" => _("is in the addressbook"),
-                "is not in addressbook" => _("is not in the addressbook"),
-                "greater than" => _("is greater than"),
-                "less than" => _("smaller than"));
-    }
-    function execute()
-    {
-        $smarty = get_smarty();
-        $smarty->assign('NAME',set_post($this->filter['NAME']));    
-        $smarty->assign('DESC',set_post($this->filter['DESC']));    
-        $smarty->assign('filterStr', $this->renderFilter());    
-        $smarty->assign('acl', $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter'));    
-        return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('filterEditor.tpl',TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
-    }
-    function check()
-    {
-        $msgs = array();
-        return($msgs);
-    }
-    function save()
-    {
-        // Just return the filter array we've modified
-        return($this->filter);
-    }
-    function renderFilter()
-    {
-        $filter = $this->filter;
-        $cnt = count($filter['CONDITIONS']);
-        $str = "<h3>"._("Filter conditions")."</h3>";
-        $str .= _("Condition type")."&nbsp;";
-        $str .="\n<select size='1' name='cType' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
-        foreach($this->types as $type => $desc){
-            $checked = ($type == $filter['TYPE'])? ' selected ' : '';
-            $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($type)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
-        }
-        $str .= "\n</select>";
-        $str.= "<ul>";
-        foreach($filter['CONDITIONS'] as $id => $cond){
-            $str .= "<li>";
-#            $str .= _("Check field")."&nbsp;";
-            $str .= "\n<select size='1' style='width:100px;' name='cField_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
-            foreach($this->fields as $field => $desc){
-                $checked = ($field == $cond['FIELD'])? ' selected ' : '';
-                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($field)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
-            }
-            $str .= "\n</select>";
-#            $str .= "&nbsp;"._("if it")."&nbsp;";
-            $str .= "\n<select size='1' style='width:200px;' name='cComparator_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
-            foreach($this->comparators as $comparator => $desc){
-                $checked = ($comparator == $cond['COMPARATOR'])? ' selected ' : '';
-                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($comparator)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
-            }
-            $str .= "\n</select>&nbsp;";
-            if(!in_array($cond['COMPARATOR'], array('is in addressbook','is not in addressbook','is empty','is not empty'))){
-                $str .= "<input style='width:400px;' type='text' name='cMatch_{$id}' value=\"".set_post($cond['MATCH'])."\">";
-            }
-            if(count($filter['CONDITIONS']) >= 2){
-                $str .= "<button name='removeCondition_{$id}'>".msgPool::delButton()."</button> ";
-            }
-            $cnt --;
-            $str .= "</li>";
-#            if($cnt) $str .= $this->types[$filter['TYPE']];
-        } 
-        $str .= "</ul>";
-        $str .= "<button style='margin-left:40px;' name='addCondition'>".msgPool::addButton()."</button> ";
-        $str .= "<hr>";
-        $str .= "<h3>"._("Filter actions")."</h3>";
-        $str.= "<ul>";
-        foreach($filter['ACTION'] as $id => $action){
-            $str .= "<li>";
-            $str .= "\n<select style='width:200px;' size='1' name='cAction_{$id}' onChange='document.mainform.submit();'>";
-            foreach($this->actions as $act => $desc){
-                $checked = ($act == $action['ACTION'])? ' selected ' : '';
-                $str.= "\n<option {$checked} value=\"".set_post($act)."\">".set_post($desc)."</option>";
-            }
-            $str .= "</select>&nbsp;";
-            if(!in_array($action['ACTION'], array('DROP'))){
-                $str .= "<input style='width:500px;' type='text' name='cValue_{$id}' value=\"".set_post($action['VALUE'])."\">";
-            }
-            if(count($filter['ACTION']) >= 2){
-                $str .= "<button name='removeAction_{$id}'>".msgPool::delButton()."</button>";
-            }
-            $str .= "</li>";
-        }
-        $str.= "</ul>";
-        $str .= "<button style='margin-left:40px;' name='addAction'>".msgPool::addButton()."</button> ";
-        return($str);
-    }
-    function save_object()
-    {
-        // Do nothing if the dialog wasn't submitted yet
-        if(!isset($_POST['filterEditorPosted'])) return;
-        // Get the filter confition type if posted
-        $this->filter['TYPE'] = (isset($_POST['cType']))? get_post('cType'): $this->filter['TYPE'];
-        // Get condition modifications
-        foreach($this->filter['CONDITIONS'] as $id => $value){
-            foreach(array('cField_' => 'FIELD',
-                        'cComparator_'=>'COMPARATOR',
-                        'cMatch_'=>'MATCH') as $post => $name){
-                if(isset($_POST[$post.$id])){
-                    $this->filter['CONDITIONS'][$id][$name] = get_post($post.$id);
-                }
-            }
-            if(isset($_POST['removeCondition_'.$id]) && count($this->filter['CONDITIONS']) >= 2){
-                unset($this->filter['CONDITIONS'][$id]);
-            }
-        }
-        // Get Action modifications 
-        foreach($this->filter['ACTION'] as $id => $value){
-            foreach(array('cAction_' => 'ACTIOB','cValue_' => 'VALUE') as $post => $name){
-                if(isset($_POST[$post.$id])){
-                    $this->filter['ACTION'][$id][$name] = get_post($post.$id);
-                }
-            }
-            if(isset($_POST['removeAction_'.$id]) && count($this->filter['ACTION']) >= 2){
-                unset($this->filter['ACTION'][$id]);
-            }
-        }
-        // Get NAME and DESC if posted
-        if(isset($_POST['NAME'])) $this->filter['NAME'] = get_post('NAME');
-        if(isset($_POST['DESC'])) $this->filter['DESC'] = get_post('DESC');
-        // Add conditions
-        if(isset($_POST['addCondition'])){
-            $this->filter['CONDITIONS'][] = array('FIELD' => key($this->fields),'COMPARATOR' => key($this->comparators), 'MATCH' => '');
-        }
-        // Add actions
-        if(isset($_POST['addAction'])){
-            $this->filter['ACTION'][] = array('ACTION' => 'MOVE', 'VALUE' => '');
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/personal/groupware/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 484e2f3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-class filterManager extends plugin{
-    var $filterListing   = NULL;
-    var $filterEditor = NULL;
-    function __construct($config,$parent,$rules)
-    {
-        plugin::plugin($config);
-        $this->parent = &$parent;
-        $this->filter = $rules;
-        // If we've read permissions then allow to edit the entries
-        $acl = $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter');
-        $acl = preg_replace("/r/","rw", $acl);
-        $this->filterListing= new sortableListing();
-        $this->filterListing->setDeleteable(true);
-        $this->filterListing->setEditable(true);
-        $this->filterListing->setColspecs(array('*'));
-        $this->filterListing->setWidth("100%");
-        $this->filterListing->setHeight("150px;");
-        $this->filterListing->setAcl($acl);
-        $this->filterListing->setColspecs(array('30px','200px','*'));
-        $this->filterListing->setHeader(array('-',_("Name"),_("Description")));
-        $this->filterListing->setDefaultSortColumn(1);
-    }
-    function execute()
-    {
-        // If we've read permissions then allow to edit the entries
-        $acl = $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter');
-        $acl = preg_replace("/r/","rw", $acl);
-        $this->filterListing->setAcl($acl);
-        // Display filter editor while a filter rule is edited
-        if($this->filterEditor instanceOf filterEditor){
-            $this->filterEditor->save_object();
-            return($this->filterEditor->execute());
-        }
-        $smarty = get_smarty();
-        $data = $lData = array();
-        foreach($this->filter as $key => $filter){
-            $data[$key] = $filter;
-            switch($filter['STATUS']){
-                case 'NEW' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png[new]');break;
-                case 'MODIFIED' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png');break;
-                case 'EXISTS' : $img = image('images/lists/edit.png');break;
-                default : $img = "";
-            }
-            $lData[$key] = array('data' => array($img,$filter['NAME'], $filter['DESC']));
-        }
-        $this->filterListing->setListData($data,$lData);
-        $this->filterListing->update();
-        $smarty->assign('acl', $this->parent->getacl('mailFilter'));
-        $smarty->assign('list', $this->filterListing->render());
-        return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('filterManager.tpl',TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
-    }
-    function save_object()
-    {
-        $this->filterListing->save_object();
-        $action = $this->filterListing->getAction();
-        // Remove filter was requested.
-        if($action['action'] == 'delete'){
-            $key = $action['targets'][0];
-            $key = $this->filterListing->getKey($key);
-            if(isset($this->filter[$key])){
-                unset($this->filter[$key]);
-                $this->filter = array_values($this->filter);
-            }
-        }
-        // Edit filter was requested.
-        if($action['action'] == 'edit'){
-            $key = $action['targets'][0];
-            $key = $this->filterListing->getKey($key);
-            if(isset($this->filter[$key])){
-                $filter = $this->filter[$key];
-                $this->filterEditor = new filterEditor($this->config,$this->parent, $filter);
-                $this->currentFilter = $key;
-            }
-        }
-        // Add new filter
-        if(isset($_POST['addFilter'])){
-            $filter =   array (
-                    'STATUS' => 'NEW',
-                    'TYPE' => 'AND',
-                    'NAME' => _('name'),
-                    'DESC' => _('description'),
-                    'CONDITIONS' => array  (
-                        array('FIELD' => 'from',
-                            'COMPARATOR' => 'equals',
-                            'MATCH' => ''),
-                        array('FIELD' => 'subject',
-                            'COMPARATOR' => 'contains',
-                            'MATCH' => _('advertising')),
-                        ),
-                    'ACTION' => array (
-                        array('ACTION'=>'MARK',
-                            'VALUE' => 'SPAM'),
-                        array('ACTION'=>'MOVE',
-                            'VALUE' => '')
-                        )
-                    );
-            $this->filterEditor = new filterEditor($this->config,$this->parent, $filter);
-        }
-        // Close filter editor 
-        if(isset($_POST['filterEditor_cancel']) && $this->filterEditor instanceOf filterEditor){
-            $this->currentFilter = NULL;
-            $this->filterEditor = NULL;
-        }
-        // Save filter modifications and close the dialog
-        if(isset($_POST['filterEditor_ok']) && $this->filterEditor instanceOf filterEditor){
-            $this->filterEditor->save_object();
-            $msgs = $this->filterEditor->check();
-            if(count($msgs)){
-                msg_dialog::displayChecks($msgs);
-            }else{
-                $filter = $this->filterEditor->save();
-                if($filter['STATUS'] == 'NEW'){
-                    $this->filter[] = $filter;
-                }else{
-                    if($filter['STATUS'] != 'NEW') $filter['STATUS'] = 'MODIFIED';
-                    $this->filter[$this->currentFilter] = $filter;
-                }
-                $this->filterEditor = NULL;
-                $this->currentFilter = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function save()
-    {
-        return($this->filter);
-    }