summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: bcdd7e7)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: bcdd7e7)
author | ishmal <> | |
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:05:17 +0000 (22:05 +0000) | ||
committer | ishmal <> | |
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 22:05:17 +0000 (22:05 +0000) |
src/dom/work/idl.g | [new file with mode: 0644] | patch | blob |
diff --git a/src/dom/work/idl.g b/src/dom/work/idl.g
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dom/work/idl.g
@@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@
+header {\r
+ package;\r
+ import*;\r
+ import java.util.Vector;\r
+ import java.util.Hashtable;\r
+ }\r
+ * This is a complete parser for the IDL language as defined\r
+ * by the CORBA 3.0.2 specification. It will allow those who\r
+ * need an IDL parser to get up-and-running very quickly.\r
+ * Though IDL's syntax is very similar to C++, it is also\r
+ * much simpler, due in large part to the fact that it is\r
+ * a declarative-only language.\r
+ *\r
+ * Some things that are not included are: Symbol table construction\r
+ * (it is not necessary for parsing, btw) and preprocessing (for\r
+ * IDL compiler #pragma directives). You can use just about any\r
+ * C or C++ preprocessor, but there is an interesting semantic\r
+ * issue if you are going to generate code: In C, #include is\r
+ * a literal include, in IDL, #include is more like Java's import:\r
+ * It adds definitions to the scope of the parse, but included\r
+ * definitions are not generated.\r
+ *\r
+ * Jim Coker,\r
+ * Gary Duzan,\r
+ * Modified by Edell Nolan May 3, 2007:\r
+ * We originally used the corba grammar supplied on your site\r
+ * but it doesn't support forward declaration support for interfaces\r
+ * we have actually modified the grammar and fixed it. \r
+ */\r
+class IDLParser extends Parser;\r
+options {\r
+ exportVocab=IDL;\r
+ buildAST=true;\r
+ k=4;\r
+ : (import_dcl)* (definition)+\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( type_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | const_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | except_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | (("abstract" | "local")? "interface") => interf SEMI!\r
+ | module SEMI!\r
+ | (("abstract" | "custom")? "valuetype") => value SEMI!\r
+ | type_id_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | type_prefix_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | (("abstract" | "custom")? "eventtype") => event SEMI!\r
+ | component SEMI!\r
+ | home_dcl SEMI!\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "module"^\r
+ identifier \r
+ LCURLY! d:definition_list RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : (definition)+\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( interface_dcl\r
+ | forward_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ \r
+// Grammar changed to differentiate between \r
+// forward declared interfaces and empty interfaces\r
+ : (( "abstract" | "local" )?\r
+ "interface"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ ( interface_inheritance_spec )? \r
+ LCURLY interface_body RCURLY) \r
+ ;\r
+ \r
+ : ( "abstract" | "local" )?\r
+ "interface"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( export )*\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( type_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | const_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | except_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | attr_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | op_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | type_id_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | type_prefix_dcl SEMI!\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : COLON^ scoped_name_list\r
+ ;\r
+ : scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : scoped_name (COMMA! scoped_name)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( SCOPEOP^ )? IDENT^ /* identifier */ (SCOPEOP! identifier)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( value_dcl\r
+ | value_abs_dcl\r
+ | value_box_dcl\r
+ | value_custom_dcl\r
+ | value_forward_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "valuetype"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "valuetype"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ type_spec\r
+ ;\r
+ : "abstract"\r
+ "valuetype"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ ( value_abs_full_dcl\r
+ | // value_abs_forward_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : value_inheritance_spec\r
+ LCURLY! ( export )* RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+// value_abs_forward_dcl\r
+// :\r
+// ;\r
+ : value_header\r
+ LCURLY! ( value_element )* RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "custom"^\r
+ value_dcl\r
+ ;\r
+ : "valuetype"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ value_inheritance_spec\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( COLON ( "truncatable" )?\r
+ value_name ( COMMA! value_name )*\r
+ )?\r
+ ( "supports" interface_name ( COMMA! interface_name )* )?\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( value_value_inheritance_spec )?\r
+ ( value_interface_inheritance_spec )?\r
+ ;\r
+ : COLON^ ( "truncatable" )?\r
+ value_name ( COMMA! value_name )*\r
+ ;\r
+ : "supports"^ interface_name ( COMMA! interface_name )*\r
+ ;\r
+ : scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( export\r
+ | state_member\r
+ | init_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( "public" | "private" )\r
+ type_spec declarators SEMI!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "factory"^ identifier\r
+ LPAREN! (init_param_decls)? RPAREN!\r
+ (raises_expr)?\r
+ SEMI!\r
+ ;\r
+ : init_param_decl ( COMMA! init_param_decl )*\r
+ ;\r
+ : init_param_attribute\r
+ param_type_spec\r
+ simple_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : "in"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "const"^ const_type identifier ASSIGN! const_exp\r
+ ;\r
+ : (integer_type) => integer_type\r
+ | char_type\r
+ | wide_char_type\r
+ | boolean_type\r
+ | floating_pt_type\r
+ | string_type\r
+ | wide_string_type\r
+ | fixed_pt_const_type\r
+ | scoped_name\r
+ | octet_type\r
+ ;\r
+ : or_expr\r
+ ;\r
+ : xor_expr\r
+ ( OR^ // or_op\r
+ xor_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// or_op\r
+// : OR\r
+// ;\r
+ : and_expr\r
+ ( XOR^ // xor_op\r
+ and_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// xor_op\r
+// : XOR\r
+// ;\r
+ : shift_expr\r
+ ( AND^ // and_op\r
+ shift_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// and_op\r
+// : AND\r
+// ;\r
+ : add_expr\r
+ ( ( LSHIFT^\r
+ | RSHIFT^\r
+ ) // shift_op\r
+ add_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// shift_op\r
+// : LSHIFT\r
+// | RSHIFT\r
+// ;\r
+ : mult_expr\r
+ ( ( PLUS^\r
+ | MINUS^\r
+ ) // add_op\r
+ mult_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// add_op\r
+// : PLUS\r
+// | MINUS\r
+// ;\r
+ : unary_expr\r
+ ( ( STAR^\r
+ | DIV^\r
+ | MOD^\r
+ ) // mult_op\r
+ unary_expr\r
+ )*\r
+ ;\r
+// mult_op\r
+// : STAR\r
+// | DIV\r
+// | MOD\r
+// ;\r
+ : ( MINUS^\r
+ | PLUS^\r
+ | TILDE^\r
+ ) // unary_operator\r
+ primary_expr\r
+ | primary_expr\r
+ ;\r
+// unary_operator\r
+// : MINUS\r
+// | PLUS\r
+// | TILDE\r
+// ;\r
+// Node of type TPrimaryExp serves to avoid inf. recursion on tree parse\r
+ : scoped_name\r
+ | literal\r
+ | LPAREN^ const_exp RPAREN\r
+ ;\r
+ : integer_literal\r
+ | string_literal\r
+ | wide_string_literal\r
+ | character_literal\r
+ | wide_character_literal\r
+ | fixed_pt_literal\r
+ | floating_pt_literal\r
+ | boolean_literal\r
+ ;\r
+ : "TRUE"\r
+ | "FALSE"\r
+ ;\r
+ : const_exp\r
+ ;\r
+ : "typedef"^ type_declarator\r
+ | (struct_type) => struct_type\r
+ | (union_type) => union_type\r
+ | enum_type\r
+ | "native"^ simple_declarator\r
+ | constr_forward_decl\r
+ ;\r
+ : type_spec declarators\r
+ ;\r
+ : simple_type_spec\r
+ | constr_type_spec\r
+ ;\r
+ : base_type_spec\r
+ | template_type_spec\r
+ | scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : (floating_pt_type) => floating_pt_type \r
+ | integer_type \r
+ | char_type \r
+ | wide_char_type \r
+ | boolean_type \r
+ | octet_type\r
+ | any_type\r
+ | object_type\r
+ | value_base_type\r
+ ;\r
+ : sequence_type\r
+ | string_type\r
+ | wide_string_type\r
+ | fixed_pt_type\r
+ ;\r
+ : struct_type\r
+ | union_type\r
+ | enum_type\r
+ ;\r
+ : declarator (COMMA! declarator)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : simple_declarator\r
+ | complex_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : array_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : "float"\r
+ | "double"\r
+ | "long"^ "double"\r
+ ;\r
+ : signed_int\r
+ | unsigned_int\r
+ ;\r
+ : signed_short_int\r
+ | signed_long_int\r
+ | signed_longlong_int\r
+ ;\r
+ : "short"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "long"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "long" "long"\r
+ ;\r
+ : unsigned_short_int\r
+ | unsigned_long_int\r
+ | unsigned_longlong_int\r
+ ;\r
+ : "unsigned" "short"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "unsigned" "long"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "unsigned" "long" "long"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "char"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "wchar"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "boolean"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "octet"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "any"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "Object"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "struct"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ LCURLY! member_list RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : (member)+\r
+ ;\r
+ : type_spec declarators SEMI!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "union"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ "switch"! LPAREN! switch_type_spec RPAREN!\r
+ LCURLY! switch_body RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : integer_type\r
+ | char_type\r
+ | boolean_type\r
+ | enum_type\r
+ | scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : case_stmt_list\r
+ ;\r
+ : (case_stmt)+\r
+ ;\r
+ : // case_label_list\r
+ ( "case"^ const_exp COLON!\r
+ | "default"^ COLON!\r
+ )+\r
+ element_spec SEMI!\r
+ ;\r
+// case_label_list\r
+// : (case_label)+\r
+// ;\r
+// case_label\r
+// : "case"^ const_exp COLON!\r
+// | "default"^ COLON!\r
+// ;\r
+ : type_spec declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : "enum"^ identifier LCURLY! enumerator_list RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : enumerator (COMMA! enumerator)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "sequence"^\r
+ LT! simple_type_spec opt_pos_int GT!\r
+ ;\r
+ : (COMMA! positive_int_const)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : "string"^ (LT! positive_int_const GT!)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : "wstring"^ (LT! positive_int_const GT!)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : IDENT^ // identifier\r
+ (fixed_array_size)+\r
+ ;\r
+ : LBRACK! positive_int_const RBRACK!\r
+ ;\r
+ : readonly_attr_spec\r
+ | attr_spec\r
+ ;\r
+ : "exception"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ LCURLY! opt_member_list RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : (member)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : (op_attribute)?\r
+ op_type_spec\r
+ IDENT^ // identifier\r
+ parameter_dcls\r
+ (raises_expr)?\r
+ (context_expr)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : "oneway"\r
+ ;\r
+ : param_type_spec\r
+ | "void"\r
+ ;\r
+ : LPAREN! (param_dcl_list)? RPAREN!\r
+ ;\r
+ : param_dcl (COMMA! param_dcl)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : ("in"^ | "out"^ | "inout"^) // param_attribute\r
+ param_type_spec simple_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+// param_attribute\r
+// : "in"\r
+// | "out"\r
+// | "inout"\r
+// ;\r
+ : "raises"^ LPAREN! scoped_name_list RPAREN!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "context"^ LPAREN! string_literal_list RPAREN!\r
+ ;\r
+ : string_literal (COMMA! string_literal)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : base_type_spec\r
+ | string_type\r
+ | wide_string_type\r
+ | scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : "fixed"^ LT! positive_int_const COMMA! positive_int_const GT!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "fixed"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "ValueBase"\r
+ ;\r
+ : "struct"^ identifier\r
+ | "union"^ identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "import"^ imported_scope SEMI!\r
+ ;\r
+ : scoped_name\r
+ | string_literal\r
+ ;\r
+ : "typeid"^\r
+ scoped_name\r
+ string_literal\r
+ ;\r
+ : "typeprefix"^\r
+ scoped_name\r
+ string_literal\r
+ ;\r
+ : "readonly" "attribute"^\r
+ param_type_spec\r
+ readonly_attr_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : simple_declarator\r
+ ( raises_expr\r
+ | (COMMA! simple_declarator)*\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "attribute"^ param_type_spec attr_declarator\r
+ ;\r
+ : simple_declarator\r
+ ( ("getraises" | "setraises") => attr_raises_expr\r
+ | (COMMA! simple_declarator)*\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : (get_excep_expr)?\r
+ (set_excep_expr)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : "getraises"^ exception_list\r
+ ;\r
+ : "setraises"^ exception_list\r
+ ;\r
+ : LPAREN! scoped_name (COMMA! scoped_name)* RPAREN!\r
+ ;\r
+// Component Stuff\r
+ : "component"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ (component_dcl)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : (component_inheritance_spec)?\r
+ (supported_interface_spec)?\r
+ LCURLY! component_body RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "supports"^ scoped_name ( COMMA! scoped_name )*\r
+ ;\r
+ : COLON^ scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : (component_export)*\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( provides_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | uses_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | emits_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | publishes_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | consumes_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | attr_dcl SEMI!\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "provides"^ interface_type identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( scoped_name\r
+ | "Object"\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "uses"^ ("multiple")? interface_type identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "emits"^ scoped_name identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "publishes"^ scoped_name identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "consumes"^ scoped_name identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : home_header home_body\r
+ ;\r
+ : "home"^ identifier\r
+ (home_inheritance_spec)?\r
+ (supported_interface_spec)?\r
+ "manages"! scoped_name\r
+ (primary_key_spec)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : COLON^ scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : "primarykey"^ scoped_name\r
+ ;\r
+ : LCURLY! (home_export)* RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( export\r
+ | factory_dcl SEMI!\r
+ | finder_dcl SEMI!\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "factory"^ identifier\r
+ LPAREN! init_param_decls RPAREN!\r
+ (raises_expr)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : "finder"^ identifier\r
+ LPAREN! init_param_decls RPAREN!\r
+ (raises_expr)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : ( event_abs\r
+ | event_custom\r
+ | event_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : "eventtype"^\r
+ identifier\r
+ ;\r
+ : "abstract"^\r
+ event_header\r
+ (event_abs_dcl)?\r
+ ;\r
+ : value_inheritance_spec\r
+ LCURLY! (export)* RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+ : "custom"^\r
+ event_header\r
+ event_elem_dcl\r
+ ;\r
+ : event_header\r
+ ( event_elem_dcl\r
+ | // event_forward_dcl\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+ : value_inheritance_spec\r
+ LCURLY! (export)* RCURLY!\r
+ ;\r
+// event_forward_dcl\r
+// :\r
+// ;\r
+/* literals */\r
+ : INT\r
+ | OCTAL\r
+ | HEX\r
+ ;\r
+ ;\r
+ ;\r
+ ;\r
+ ;\r
+ : FIXED\r
+ ;\r
+ : f:FLOAT\r
+ ;\r
+ : IDENT\r
+ ;\r
+class IDLLexer extends Lexer;\r
+options {\r
+ exportVocab=IDL;\r
+ charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\uFFFE';\r
+ k=4;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ";";\r
+ : ';'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "?";\r
+ : '?'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "(";\r
+ : '('\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ")";\r
+ : ')'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "[";\r
+ : '['\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "]";\r
+ : ']'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "{";\r
+ : '{'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "}";\r
+ : '}'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "|";\r
+ : '|'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "^";\r
+ : '^'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "&";\r
+ : '&'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ":";\r
+ : ':'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ",";\r
+ : ','\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ".";\r
+ : '.'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "=";\r
+ : '='\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "!";\r
+ : '!'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "<";\r
+ : '<'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "<<";\r
+ : "<<"\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ">";\r
+ : '>'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = ">>";\r
+ : ">>"\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "/";\r
+ : '/'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "+";\r
+ : '+'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "-";\r
+ : '-'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "~";\r
+ : '~'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "*";\r
+ : '*'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "%";\r
+ : '%'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "::";\r
+ : "::"\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "white space";\r
+ : (' '\r
+ | '\t'\r
+ | '\n' { newline(); }\r
+ | '\r')\r
+ { $setType(Token.SKIP); }\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a preprocessor directive";\r
+ :\r
+ '#'!\r
+ (~'\n')* '\n'!\r
+ { $setType(Token.SKIP); newline(); }\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a comment";\r
+ :\r
+ "//"!\r
+ (~'\n')* '\n'\r
+ { $setType(Token.SKIP); newline(); }\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a comment";\r
+ :\r
+ "/*"!\r
+ (\r
+ '\n' { newline(); }\r
+ | ('*')+\r
+ ( '\n' { newline(); }\r
+ | ~('*' | '/' | '\n')\r
+ )\r
+ | ~('*' | '\n')\r
+ )*\r
+ "*/"!\r
+ { $setType(Token.SKIP); }\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a character literal";\r
+ :\r
+ '\''!\r
+ ( ESC | ~'\'' )\r
+ '\''!\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a wide character literal";\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a string literal";\r
+ :\r
+ '"'!\r
+ (ESC|~'"')*\r
+ '"'!\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a wide string literal";\r
+ :\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an escape sequence";\r
+ : '\\'!\r
+ ( 'n' {$setText("\n");}\r
+ | 't' {$setText("\t");}\r
+ | 'v' {$setText("\013");}\r
+ | 'b' {$setText("\b");}\r
+ | 'r' {$setText("\r");}\r
+ | 'f' {$setText("\r");}\r
+ | 'a' {$setText("\007");}\r
+ | '\\' {$setText("\\");}\r
+ | '?' {$setText("?");}\r
+ | '\'' {$setText("'");}\r
+ | '"' {$setText("\"");}\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:OCTDIGIT\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:OCTDIGIT)?\r
+ )?\r
+ {char realc = (char) Integer.valueOf($getText, 8).intValue(); $setText(realc);}\r
+ | 'x'! HEXDIGIT\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:HEXDIGIT)?\r
+ {char realc = (char) Integer.valueOf($getText, 16).intValue(); $setText(realc);}\r
+ | 'u'!\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:HEXDIGIT\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:HEXDIGIT\r
+ (options {greedy=true;}:HEXDIGIT)?\r
+ )?\r
+ )?\r
+ {char realc = (char) Integer.valueOf($getText, 16).intValue(); $setText(realc);}\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an escaped character value";\r
+ : '\3'..'\377'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a digit";\r
+ : '0'..'9'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a non-zero digit";\r
+ : '1'..'9'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an octal digit";\r
+ : '0'..'7'\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a hexadecimal digit";\r
+ : ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F')\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a hexadecimal value value";\r
+ : ("0x" | "0X") (HEXDIGIT)+\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an integer value";\r
+ : NONZERODIGIT (DIGIT)* // base-10\r
+ ( '.' (DIGIT)*\r
+ ( (('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? (DIGIT)+) {$setType(FLOAT);}\r
+ | ('d' | 'D')! {$setType(FIXED);}\r
+ | {$setType(FLOAT);}\r
+ )\r
+ | ('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? (DIGIT)+ {$setType(FLOAT);}\r
+ | ('d' | 'D')! {$setType(FIXED);}\r
+ )?\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an octal value";\r
+ : '0'\r
+ ( (DIGIT)+\r
+ | FLOAT {$setType(FLOAT);}\r
+ | ('d' | 'D')! {$setType(FIXED);}\r
+ | {$setType(INT);}\r
+ )\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "a floating point value";\r
+ : '.' (DIGIT)+\r
+ ( ('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? (DIGIT)+\r
+ | ('d' | 'D')! {$setType(FIXED);}\r
+ )?\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an identifer";\r
+ testLiterals = true;\r
+ : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*\r
+ ;\r
+options {\r
+ paraphrase = "an escaped identifer";\r
+ testLiterals = false; // redundant, but explicit is good.\r
+ // NOTE: Adding a ! to the '_' doesn't seem to work,\r
+ // so we adjust _begin manually.\r
+ : '_' ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*\r
+ {_begin++;$setType(IDENT);}\r
+ ;\r