update_strings(); } function update_strings() { $this->s_title = _("Installation check"); $this->s_title_long = _("Installation check"); $this->s_info = _("Basic checks for PHP compatibility and extensions"); } /* Execute and display template */ function execute() { $this->run_checks(); $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("basic" ,$this->basic_checks); $smarty->assign("config" ,$this->config_checks); $smarty->assign("is_writeable",$this->is_writeable); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("setup_checks.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)))); } /* Execute all checks */ function run_checks() { $this->basic_checks = array(); $this->config_checks = array(); $this->is_writeable = array(); /* PHP version check */ $N = _("Checking PHP version"); $D = sprintf(_("PHP must be of version %s or above."), "5.2.0"); $S = _("Please upgrade to a supported version."); $R = $this->check_php_version(); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Checking imap extension */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor("LDAP"); $D = _("GOsa requires this module to talk with your LDAP server."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("LDAP"); $R = is_callable("ldap_bind"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Check for gettext support */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor("gettext"); $D = _("GOsa requires this module for an internationalized interface."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("gettext"); $R = is_callable("bindtextdomain"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Checing for iconv */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor("inconv"); $D = _("GOsa requires this module for the samba integration."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("iconv"); $R = is_callable("iconv"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Check for installed mhash module */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor("mhash"); $D = _("GOsa requires this module to make use of SSHA encryption."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("mhash"); $R = is_callable("mhash"); $M = FALSE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Is imap module available */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor("IMAP"); $D = _("GOsa requires this module to talk to an IMAP server."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("IMAP"); $R = is_callable("imap_open"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Is imap module available */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor(_("mbstring")); $D = _("GOsa requires this module to handle unicode strings."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("mbstring"); $R = is_callable("mb_strlen"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Mysql module loaded ? */ $N = msgPool::checkingFor(_("MySQL")); $D = _("GOsa requires this module to communicate with several supported databases."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("MySQL"); $R = is_callable("mysql_query"); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Checking generate LM/NT password hashes */ #TODO: either this, or gosa-si will do the hash generation $query= "mkntpwd 2>&1"; $output= shell_exec ($query); $have_mkntpwd= preg_match("/^Usage: mkntpwd /", $output); if (!$have_mkntpwd){ $query= 'LC_ALL=C LANG=C perl -MCrypt::SmbHash -e "print join(q[:], ntlmgen $ARGV[0]), $/;" >/dev/null'; system ($query, $ret); $have_mkntpwd |= ($ret == 0); } $N = msgPool::checkingFor(_("samba hash generator")); $D = _("GOsa requires this command to synchronize POSIX and samba passwords."); $S = _("Deploy a gosa-si installation or install the perl Crypt::SmbHash modules."); $R = $have_mkntpwd; $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Read data written by convert */ $output= ""; $sh= popen("convert", 'r'); while (!feof($sh)){ $output.= fread($sh, 4096); } pclose($sh); $N = msgPool::checkingFor(_("imagick")); $D = _("GOsa requires this extension to handle images."); $S = msgPool::installPhpModule("php5-imagick"); $R = is_callable("imagick_blob2image") || !empty($output); $M = TRUE; $this->basic_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* PHP Configuration checks */ /* Register_globals off */ $N = "register_globals = off"; $D = _("register_globals is a PHP mechanism to register all global variables to be accessible from scripts without changing the scope. This may be a security risk."); $S = _("Search for 'register_globals' in your php.ini and switch it to 'Off'."); $R = ini_get("register_globals") == 0; $M = FALSE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* session lifetime set to >=86400 seconds ? */ $N = "session.gc_maxlifetime >= 86400"; $D = _("PHP uses this value for the garbage collector to delete old sessions.")." ". _("Setting this value to one day will prevent loosing session and cookies before they really timeout."); $S = _("Search for 'session.gc_maxlifetime' in your php.ini and set it to 86400 or higher."); $R = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime") >= 86400; $M = FALSE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Session auto start must be turned off */ $session_auto_start = ini_get('session.auto_start'); $N = "session.auto_start = "._("Off").""; $D = _("In Order to use GOsa without any trouble, the session.auto_register option in your php.ini should be set to 'Off'."); $S = _("Search for 'session.auto_start' in your php.ini and set it to 'Off'."); $R = !$session_auto_start['local_value']; $M = TRUE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Check if memory limit is set to 32 or > */ $N = "memory_limit >= 32"; $D = _("GOsa needs at least 32MB of memory. Setting it below this limit may cause errors that are not reproducable! Increase it for larger setups."); $S = _("Search for 'memory_limit' in your php.ini and set it to '32M' or higher."); $R = ini_get('memory_limit') >= 32 ; $M = TRUE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Implicit Flush disabled can increase performance */ $N = "implicit_flush = "._("Off").""; $D = _("This option influences the PHP output handling. Turn this Option off, to increase performance."); $S = _("Search for 'implicit_flush' in your php.ini and set it to 'Off'."); $R = !ini_get('implicit_flush'); $M = FALSE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Check if execution time is set to 30 */ $N = "max_execution_time >= 30"; $D = _("The Execution time should be at least 30 seconds."); $S = _("Search for 'max_execution_time' in your php.ini and set it to '30' or higher."); $R = ini_get("max_execution_time") >= 30 ; $M = TRUE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Expose php should be set to off */ $N = "expose_php = "._("Off").""; $D = _("Increase the server security by setting expose_php to 'off'. PHP won't send any information about the server you are running in this case."); $S = _("Search for 'expose_php' in your php.ini and set if to 'Off'."); $R = !ini_get("expose_php"); $M = FALSE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Automatic quoting must be turned on */ $N = "magic_quotes_gpc = "._("On").""; $D = _("Increase your server security by setting magic_quotes_gpc to 'on'. PHP will escape all quotes in strings in this case."); $S = _("Search for 'magic_quotes_gpc' in your php.ini and set it to 'On'."); $R = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc'); $M = TRUE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Emulating old stuff? */ $N = "zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = "._("Off").""; $D = _("Increase your server performance by setting magic_quotes_gpc to 'off'."); $S = _("Search for 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' in your php.ini and set it to 'Off'."); $R = !ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode'); $M = FALSE; $this->config_checks[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); /* Configuration file */ /* Check if we can create a config file.*/ $N = _("Configuration writeable"); $D = _("The configuration file can't be written"); $S = sprintf(_("GOsa reads its configuration from a file located in (%s/%s). The setup can write the configuration directly if it is writeable."),CONFIG_DIR,CONFIG_FILE); $R = ( file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE) && is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE)) // is there a config file ? || (!file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE) && is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR)); // There is non, but can we create a file there ? $M = FALSE; $this->is_writeable[] = array("NAME" => $N , "DESC" => $D , "RESULT" => $R , "SOLUTION" => $S , "MUST" => $M ); } function save_object() { /* If everything is fine, set this step to completed * and allow switching to next setup step */ $failed = false; foreach(array("basic_checks","config_checks","is_writeable") as $type){ foreach($this->$type as $obj){ if($obj['MUST'] && !$obj['RESULT']){ $failed = true; break; } } } $this->is_completed = !$failed; } /* Check if current PHP version is compatible with the current version of GOsa */ function check_php_version() { return(version_compare(phpversion(),"5.2.0",">=")); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>