########################################################################### # # Makefile for testing DOM code # ########################################################################### ####### Sense whether we are on a DOS box or cross-compiling ifdef ComSpec BUILD=native DOSSHELL=CMD_EXE else ifdef COMSPEC BUILD=native DOSSHELL=COMMAND_COM else BUILD=cross endif endif ########################################################################## # FILE SEPARATORS # $(S) will be set to one of these ########################################################################## BSLASH := \\# FSLASH := / ########################################################################## # CROSS / NATIVE SWITCHES ########################################################################## ifeq ($(BUILD),cross) ########################################################################## # CROSS COMPILER SETTINGS ########################################################################## CC = i686-pc-mingw32-gcc CXX = i686-pc-mingw32-g++ AS = i686-pc-mingw32-as AR = i686-pc-mingw32-ar RANLIB = i686-pc-mingw32-ranlib WINDRES = i686-pc-mingw32-windres LD = i686-pc-mingw32-ld DLLWRAP = i686-pc-mingw32-dllwrap DLLTOOL = i686-pc-mingw32-dlltool ####### file separator S = $(FSLASH) ####### escape character for echo E = / ####### file manipulation programs CP = cp RMDIR = rm -rf MKDIR = mkdir CPDIR = cp -rf MSGFMT = msgfmt RMREC = find ./inkscape -type f -name RMREC1 = |xargs $(RM) RMDIRREC = find ./inkscape -type d -name RMDIRREC1 = |xargs $(RMDIR) ####### Where is your GTK directory? GTK=/target ####### Same thing, file system style GTKDOS=$(GTK) DTG := $(shell date +%y%m%d.%H%M) else ########################################################################## # NATIVE COMPILER SETTINGS ########################################################################## CC = i686-pc-mingw32-gcc CXX = i686-pc-mingw32-g++ AS = as AR = mingw32-ar RANLIB = ranlib WINDRES = windres DLLWRAP = dllwrap DLLTOOL = dlltool ####### file separator S = $(BSLASH) ####### escape character for echo E = ####### file manipulation programs CP = copy ####### are we on WinNt and beyond? ifeq ($(DOSSHELL),CMD_EXE) RMDIR = rmdir /s /q RM = del else RMDIR = deltree /y RM = del endif MKDIR = mkdir CPDIR = xcopy /e /i RMREC = cd inkscape & $(RM) /s /q RMREC1 = & cd .. RMDIRREC = cd inkscape & $(RMDIR) /s RMDIRREC1 = & cd .. ####### Where is your GTK directory? GTK=c:/gtk28 ####### Same thing, DOS style GTKDOS=c:\gtk28 ####### Command to process .po files --> .mo MSGFMT = $(GTKDOS)$(S)bin$(S)msgfmt ####### change me!! DTG := 20050626 endif ########################################################################## # END CROSS / NATIVE SWITCHES ########################################################################## INC = -I. -I.. CFLAGS = -Wall -g -DXP_WIN LIBS = -lws2_32 DOMOBJ = \ cssparser.o \ domimpl.o \ domptr.o \ domstring.o \ jsengine.o \ jsdombind.o \ lsimpl.o \ smilimpl.o \ uri.o \ xmlreader.o \ xpathimpl.o \ xpathparser.o \ xpathtoken.o \ io/base64stream.o \ io/domstream.o \ io/bufferstream.o \ io/gzipstream.o \ io/httpclient.o \ io/stringstream.o \ io/uristream.o \ io/socket.o \ odf/odfdocument.o \ svgimpl.o \ svgparser.o \ ucd.o \ util/thread.o \ util/ziptool.o TESTOBJ = \ work/testdom.o \ work/testodf.o \ work/testsvg.o \ work/testuri.o \ work/testxpath.o \ work/testzip.o OBJ = $(DOMOBJ) all: testdom.exe testhttp.exe testjs.exe \ testsvg.exe testuri.exe testxpath.exe testzip.exe testdom.exe: libdom.a work/testdom.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testdom.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testhttp.exe: libdom.a work/testhttp.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testhttp.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testjs.exe: libdom.a work/testjs.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testjs.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testodf.exe: libdom.a work/testodf.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testodf.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testsvg.exe: libdom.a work/testsvg.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testsvg.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testuri.exe: libdom.a work/testuri.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testuri.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testxpath.exe: libdom.a work/testxpath.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testxpath.o libdom.a $(LIBS) testzip.exe: libdom.a work/testzip.o $(CXX) -o $@ work/testzip.o libdom.a $(LIBS) libdom.a: $(OBJ) ar crv $@ $(OBJ) .cpp.o: $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) -c -o $@ $< clean: $(foreach a, $(OBJ), $(shell $(RM) $(subst /,$(S), $(a)))) $(foreach a, $(TESTOBJ), $(shell $(RM) $(subst /,$(S), $(a)))) -$(RM) *.a -$(RM) *.gch -$(RM) testdom -$(RM) testdom.exe -$(RM) testjs -$(RM) testjs.exe -$(RM) testsvg -$(RM) testsvg.exe -$(RM) testuri -$(RM) testuri.exe -$(RM) testxpath -$(RM) testxpath.exe -$(RM) testzip -$(RM) testzip.exe -$(RM) core.* ########################################################################### # E N D O F F I L E ###########################################################################