======================== = INKSCAPE ICON THEMES = ======================== Starting with 0.47, Inkscape supports icon theming using the XDG Icon Theme Specification [1]. It is implemented according to the Themable App Specific Icons document [2]. Everything that's needed to replace Inkscape's icons is to put appropriately named icons in your desktop environment's icon theme. A list of the names is available at [3]. The monolithic icons.svg file is deprecated and should not be used to add new icons. Support for it will probably be removed in the next release (0.48). == User notes == To get back the old icons on Linux, do the following: 1. Create the directory ~/.icons/OldInkscape 2. Copy the contents of the hicolor directory there 3. Edit the index.theme file; Replace "Name=hicolor" with "Name=OldInkscape", and in a new line add "Inherits=YourTheme" where YourTheme is the icon theme you're currently using, e.g. Human, gnome, etc. 4. Choose the OldInkscape theme from your desktop's appearance preferences. To use the Tango icons on Windows, go to INKDIR/share/icons, where INKDIR is Inkscape's installation directory. Rename "hicolor" to "old", and then rename "tango" to "hicolor". == Developer notes == The enabling bit of theming on Windows, which isn't mentioned in GTK docs, is the index.theme file. Without it, gtk_icon_theme_load_icon fails with the GTK_ICON_THEME_ERROR_FAILED error. Note that what dir the icon is in (actions, status, places) under the size directory doesn't matter at all when icons are looked up; the lookup function looks in all directories. == How to add an icon == To add a new icon, you have to do the following: 1. Draw the icon on a 48x48px canvas; for new icons, try to follow the Tango guidelines [4]. 2. Name the icon according to the icon naming guidelines outlines in the theme specification and using existing icons as a reference. 2. Place it in the appropriate directory under scalable in both hicolor and tango. Choose the best suitable context ("places" for dialogs, "actions" for actions, and "status" for status indicators and toggles). 3. Run the script render-icons.sh and then update-makefiles.sh in both directories. References: [1] http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html [2] http://live.gnome.org/ThemableAppSpecificIcons [3] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Themable_icons [4] http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines Jan 18, 2008 ticotico.jpg is (C) 2008 Dario Sanches, licensed under Creative Commons by-sa 3.0