<_name>Create a slicer rectangle org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-rect webslicer_effect.py webslicer_create_rect.py inkex.py PNG JPG GIF 90 <_param name="help-dimension1" type="description">Force Dimension must be set as "<width>x<height>" <_param name="help-dimension2" type="description">If set, this will replace DPI. <_param name="help-jpg" type="description">JPG specific options 85 <_param name="help-quality" type="description">0 is the lowest image quality and highest compression, and 100 is the best quality but least effective compression <_param name="help-gif" type="description">GIF specific options <_item value="grayscale">Grayscale <_item value="palette">Palette 256 <_param name="help-gif" type="description">Options for HTML export <_item value="bg-parent-repeat">Tiled Background (on parent group) <_item value="bg-parent-repeat-x">Background — repeat horizontally (on parent group) <_item value="bg-parent-repeat-y">Background — repeat vertically (on parent group) <_item value="bg-parent-norepeat">Background — no repeat (on parent group) <_item value="bg-div-norepeat">Positioned <div> with the image as Background <_item value="img-pos">Positioned Image <_item value="img-nonpos">Non Positioned Image <_item value="img-float-left">Left Floated Image <_item value="img-float-right">Right Floated Image <_item value="tl">Top and Left <_item value="tr">Top and right <_item value="bl">Bottom and Left <_item value="br">Bottom and Right all