<_name>Calendar org.inkscape.render.calendar svgcalendar.py inkex.py 0 0 true <_item value="sun">Sunday <_item value="mon">Monday <_item value="sat+sun">Saturday and Sunday <_item value="sat">Saturday <_item value="sun">Sunday true <_param name="organize-help" type="description">The options above has no value with the upper checked. 3 6cm 1cm #808080 #686868 #909090 #000000 #787878 #B0B0B0 <_param name="l10n-help" type="description">You may change the names for other languages: <_param name="month-names" type="string" _gui-text="Month names">January February March April May June July August September October November December <_param name="day-names" type="string" _gui-text="Day names">Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat <_param name="day-names-help" type="description">(The day names list must start from Sunday) <_param name="encoding-help" type="description">(Select your system encoding. More information at http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings) all