<_name>Optimized SVG Output org.inkscape.output.scour scour.py svg_regex.py yocto_css.py true true true false true false false 5 <_item value="space">Space <_item value="tab">Tab <_item value="none">None <_param name="instructions" type="description" xml:space="preserve">This extension optimize the SVG file according to the following options: * Simplify colors: convert all colors to #RRGGBB format. * Style to xml: convert styles into XML attributes. * Group collapsing: collapse <g> elements. * Enable id stripping: remove all un-referenced ID attributes. * Embed rasters: embed rasters as base64-encoded data. * Keep editor data: don't remove Inkscape, Sodipodi or Adobe Illustrator elements and attributes. * Strip xml prolog: don't output the xml prolog. * Set precision: set number of significant digits (default: 5). * Indent: indentation of the output: none, space, tab (default: space). .svg image/svg+xml <_filetypename>Optimized SVG (*.svg) <_filetypetooltip>Scalable Vector Graphics