<_name>Function Plotter org.inkscape.effect.funcplot funcplot.py inkex.py 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 8 The following functions are available: (the available functions are the standard python math functions) ceil(x); fabs(x); floor(x); fmod(x,y); frexp(x); ldexp(x,i); modf(x); exp(x); log(x [, base]); log10(x); pow(x,y); sqrt(x); acos(x); asin(x); atan(x); atan2(y,x); cos(x); hypot(x,y); sin(x); tan(x); degrees(x); radians(x); cosh(x); sinh(x); tanh(x). The constants pi and e are also available. exp(-x*x) true x rect