update_strings(); } function update_strings() { $this->s_title = _("Configuration file"); $this->s_info = _("In this step the configuration file will be created."); $this->s_title_long = _("Saving configuration file"); } function get_conf_data() { $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cv",$this->parent->captured_values); $str = $smarty->fetch(CONFIG_TEMPLATE_DIR.$this->gosa_conf_contrib); return($str); } function execute() { $info= posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid()); $webgroup = $info['name']; /* Check if there is currently an active gosa.conf */ $exists = file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE); /* Check if existing config file is writeable */ if($exists){ $writeable = is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE); }else{ $writeable = is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR); } /* Redirect to GOsa login */ if(isset($_POST['use_gosa'])){ session_destroy(); header("Location: index.php"); exit(); } /* Downlaod config */ if(isset($_POST['getconf'])){ header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-type: text/plain"); if (preg_match('/MSIE 5.5/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/MSIE 6.0/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.CONFIG_FILE.'"'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.CONFIG_FILE.'"'); } $str = $this->get_conf_data(); $str = preg_replace("/\n[ ]*\n/","",$str); echo $this->get_conf_data(); exit(); } /* Try to save configuration */ $abort = FALSE; $err_msg = ""; if(isset($_POST['saveconf'])){ if($exists && $this->create_backup){ if(!$this->create_backup()){ $abort = TRUE; $err_msg = _("Could not create requested configuration file backup. Aborted writing config file. Please check folder permission and try again. Or use the manual method if this can not be fixed anyway."); } } if(!$abort){ /* Try to create file handle */ $fp = @fopen(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE, "w"); if(!$fp){ $err_msg = sprintf(_("Can not create handle on file '%s', the configuration could not be written. Please check folder permission and try again. Or use the manual method if this can not be fixed anyway."),CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE); $abort =TRUE; }else{ $data = $this->get_conf_data(); if(!fwrite($fp,$data)){ $err_msg = sprintf(_("Can not write file '%s'. Please check folder permission and try again. Or use the manual method if this can not be fixed anyway."),CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE); $abort =TRUE; }else{ @chgrp(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE,$webgroup); @chown(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE,"root"); @chmod(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE,0640); } } } } if($exists && $this->is_world_readable(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE)){ $err_msg = _("Your configuration file is currently world readable. This is a big security risk. Please updated the file permissions as shown in the manual configuration part below."); } $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("save_requested", isset($_POST['saveconf'])); $smarty->assign("err_msg",$err_msg); $smarty->assign("webgroup", $webgroup); $smarty->assign("create_backup" , $this->create_backup); $smarty->assign("CONFIG_DIR",CONFIG_DIR); $smarty->assign("CONFIG_FILE" , CONFIG_FILE); $smarty->assign("exists",$exists); $smarty->assign("msg1", sprintf(_("If you want the setup routine to write the configuration file, use the 'Save configuration' button below. If you prefer to copy the '%s' manually to '%s' you can download the configuration file by using the 'Download configuration' button."), CONFIG_FILE,CONFIG_DIR)); $smarty->assign("msg2", sprintf(_("After placing the file under %s, place make sure that the webserver user is able to read %s, while other users shouldn't. You may want to execute these commands to achieve this requirement"),CONFIG_DIR,CONFIG_FILE)); $smarty->assign("last_backup_name",$this->last_backup_name); $smarty->assign("writeable",$writeable); $smarty->assign("cv",$this->parent->captured_values); $smarty->assign("msg_permissions", sprintf(_("The following file(s), folders(s) must be writeable for the web-user '%s'."),$info['name'])); return($smarty -> fetch (get_template_path("../setup/setup_step8.tpl"))); } /* check if given file is world readable */ function is_world_readable($file) { clearstatcache(); $p = fileperms($file); $w_r = (decbin($p & 4) == TRUE); return($w_r); } /* Create a backup of the currently existing configuration file. */ function create_backup() { $info= posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid()); $webgroup = $info['name']; if(is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR) && is_writeable(CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE)){ $src = CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE; $dst = CONFIG_DIR."/".CONFIG_FILE."_".date("Ymd"); $dst_backup= $dst; $i = 1; while(file_exists($dst)){ $dst = $dst_backup."-".$i; $i ++; } if(copy($src,$dst)){ $this->last_backup_name = $dst; @chgrp($dst,$webgroup); @chown($dst,"root"); @chmod($dst,0640); return(TRUE); }else{ return(FALSE); } }else{ return(FALSE); } } function save_object() { if(isset($_POST['step8_posted'])){ /* Get attributes */ foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = validate($_POST[$attr]); } } /* Backup toggle */ if(isset($_POST['create_backup_visible'])){ if(isset($_POST['create_backup'])){ $this->create_backup = TRUE; }else{ $this->create_backup = FALSE; } } } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>