#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2002 ekit.com Inc (http://www.ekit-inc.com/) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # $Id: roundup-reminder,v 1.4 2002-09-10 03:01:19 richard Exp $ ''' Simple script that emails all users of a tracker with the issues that are currently assigned to them. TODO: introduce some structure ;) TODO: possibly make this more general and configurable... Note: The instance that this script was designed for has a modified schema! You will want to modify this script to customise it for your own schema! ''' import cStringIO, MimeWriter, smtplib from roundup import instance, date # open the instance if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'You need to specify an instance home dir' instance_home = sys.argv[1] instance = instance.open(instance_home) db = instance.open('admin') resolved_id = db.status.lookup('resolved') # loop through all the users for user_id in db.user.list(): # make sure we care aboue this user name = db.user.get(user_id, 'realname') if name is None: name = db.user.get(user_id, 'username') address = db.user.get(user_id, 'address') if address is None: continue # extract this user's issues l = [] for issue_id in db.issue.find(assignedto=user_id): if db.issue.get(issue_id, 'status') == resolved_id: continue timeliness_id = db.issue.get(issue_id, 'timeliness') if timeliness_id: timeliness = db.timeliness.get(timeliness_id, 'name') else: timeliness = '~~~' l.append((timeliness, db.issue.get(issue_id, 'creation'), issue_id)) # sort the issues by timeliness and creation date l.sort() if not l: continue # generate the email message message = cStringIO.StringIO() writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(message) writer.addheader('Subject', 'Your active %s issues'%db.config.TRACKER_NAME) writer.addheader('To', address) writer.addheader('From', '%s <%s>'%(db.config.TRACKER_NAME, db.config.ADMIN_EMAIL)) writer.addheader('Reply-To', '%s <%s>'%(db.config.TRACKER_NAME, db.config.ADMIN_EMAIL)) writer.addheader('MIME-Version', '1.0') writer.addheader('X-Roundup-Name', db.config.TRACKER_NAME) # start the multipart part = writer.startmultipartbody('alternative') part = writer.nextpart() body = part.startbody('text/plain') # do the plain text bit print >>body, 'Created ID Urgency Title' print >>body, '='*75 # '2 months 213 immediate cc_daemon barfage for timeliness, creation_date, issue_id in l: # pretty creation creation = (date.Date('.') - creation_date).pretty() if creation is None: creation = creation_date.pretty() if not timeliness: timeliness = '' title = db.issue.get(issue_id, 'title') if len(title) > 52: title = title[:48] + ' ...' print >>body, '%-11s %-4s %-9s %-52s'%(creation, issue_id, timeliness, title) # some help to finish off print >>body, ''' To view or respond to any of the issues listed above, visit the URL %s and click on "My Issues". Do NOT respond to this message. '''%db.config.TRACKER_WEB # now the HTML one part = writer.nextpart() body = part.startbody('text/html') colours = { 'immediate': ' bgcolor="#ffcdcd"', 'day': ' bgcolor="#ffdecd"', 'week': ' bgcolor="#ffeecd"', 'month': ' bgcolor="#ffffcd"', 'whenever': ' bgcolor="#ffffff"', } print >>body, ''' ''' for timeliness, creation_date, issue_id in l: creation = (date.Date('.') - creation_date).pretty() if creation is None: creation = creation_date.pretty() if not timeliness_id: timeliness_id = ' ' title = db.issue.get(issue_id, 'title') issue_id = '%s'%(db.config.ISSUE_TRACKER_WEB, issue_id, issue_id) colour = colours.get(timeliness, '') print >>body, ''''''%(colour, creation, issue_id, timeliness, title) print >>body, '
Created ID Urgency Title
%s%s%s %s
' print >>body, '''

To view or respond to any of the issues listed above, simply click on the issue ID. Do not respond to this message.

''' # finish of the multipart writer.lastpart() # all done, send! smtp = smtplib.SMTP(db.config.MAILHOST) smtp.sendmail(db.config.ADMIN_EMAIL, address, message.getvalue()) # vim: set filetype=python ts=4 sw=4 et si