#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Try to detect markup errors in translations. # Author: Peter Moulder # Copyright (C) 2004 Monash University # License: GNU GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version. # Initial egrep version: #mydir=`dirname "$0"` #egrep '[^<>]*(>|<([^/]|/([^b"]|b[^>])))' "$mydir"/*.po # Somewhat simplified by use of negative lookahead in perl. # (The egrep version as written can't detect problems that span a line, # e.g. unterminated `'. One way of doing the s/"\n"//g thing would be with # tr and sed, but that requires a sed that allows arbitrary line lengths, which # many non-GNU seds don't.) use strict; my $com = qr/(?:\#[^\n]*\n)/; my $str = qr/(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*")/; my $attrsRE = qr/(?: +[^<>]*)?/; my $span_attr = qr/(?:\ +(?:font_(?:desc|family)|face|size|style|weight|variant|stretch|(?:fore|back)ground|underline|rise|strikethrough|fallback|lang)\=\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\")/; my $rc = 0; sub po_error ($) { my ($msg) = @_; my $name = $ARGV; $name =~ s,.*/,,; print "$name: $msg:\n$_"; $rc = 1; } # Returns true iff successful. sub check_str ($$) { my ($certainly_pango_str, $str) = @_; $str =~ s/\A"// or die "Bug: No leading `\"' in `$str'"; $str =~ s/"\Z// or die "Bug: No trailing `\"' in `$str'"; if ($str =~ /\AProject-Id-Version:.*POT-Creation-Date/ or $str =~ /\A<[^<>]*>\Z/) { # Not a Pango string. return 1; } my $is_xml = 0; # Remove valid sequences. while ($str =~ s{<([bisu]|big|su[bp]|small|tt|span)(${attrsRE})>[^<>]*}{}) { $is_xml = 1; my ($tag, $attrs) = ($1, $2); if ($tag eq 'span') { $attrs =~ s/${span_attr}*//g; if ($attrs ne '') { $attrs =~ s/\A *//; $attrs =~ s/\\"/"/g; po_error("Unexpected attributes `$attrs'"); return 0; } } else { if ($attrs !~ /\A *\Z/) { po_error("<$tag> can't have attributes in Pango"); return 0; } } } if (($str =~ m{&#[^0-9]+;}) or ($str =~ m{&#x[^0-9a-fA-F]+;})) { po_error("Entity declaration error (must look like '{' or '@' and be in ASCII)"); return 0; } if (($str =~ m{&#[^0-9]+}) or ($str =~ m{&#x[^0-9a-fA-F]+})) { po_error("Entity declaration error 2 (must look like '{' or '@' and be in ASCII)"); return 0; } if (($str =~ m{&#(?![0-9]{2,4};)}) or ($str =~ m{&#x(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2,4};)})) { po_error("Entity declaration error 3 (must look like '{' or '@' and be in ASCII)"); return 0; } # Check for attributes etc. in non- element. if ($str =~ m{<([bisu]|big|su[bp]|small|tt)\b(?! *)>}) { po_error("Unexpected characters in <$1> tag"); return 0; } if ($str =~ m{<([bisu]|big|su[bp]|small|span|tt)${attrsRE}>}) { po_error("unclosed <$1>"); return 0; } if ($str =~ m{}) { po_error("Unmatched closing "); return 0; } if (!$is_xml and !$certainly_pango_str) { $str =~ s/<(?:defs|image|rect|svg)>//g; $str =~ s/<[ 01]//g; $str =~ s/\A>+//; $str =~ s/<+\Z//; $str =~ s/\([<>][01]\)//g; $str =~ s/ -> //g; # Quoting. $str =~ s/\[[<>]\]//g; $str =~ s/\\"[<>]\\"//g; $str =~ s/\xe2\x80\x9e[<>]\xe2\x80\x9c//g; $str =~ s/\xc2\xab[<>]\xc2\xbb//; } $str =~ s/\A[^<>]*//; $str =~ s/[^<>]*\Z//; if ($str =~ /\A([<>])\Z/) { if ($is_xml or $certainly_pango_str) { po_error("Unescaped `$1'"); return 0; } else { return 1; } } if ($str ne '') { po_error("parsing error for `$str'"); return 0; } return 1; } sub check_strs ($@) { my $is_pango_str = shift(@_); if ($#_ < 1) { die "check_strs: expecting >= 2 strings"; } if ((($_[0] eq '""') && ($_[1] =~ /Project-Id-Version:.*POT-Creation-Date:/s)) or ($_[0] eq '"> and < scale by:"') or $is_pango_str == 0) { # Not a Pango string. return 1; } foreach my $str (@_) { $str eq '""' or check_str($is_pango_str - 1, $str) or return 0; } return 1; } $/ = ''; # Reference for the markup language: # http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/pango/PangoMarkupFormat.html # (though not all translation strings will be pango markup strings). ENTRY: while(<>) { if (m{\A${com}*\Z}) { next ENTRY; } s/"\n"//g; if (!m{\A${com}*msgid[^\n]*\n${com}*msgstr[^\n]*\n${com}*\Z} && !m{\A${com}*msgid[^\n]*\n${com}*msgid_plural[^\n]*\n${com}*(msgstr\[[^\n]*\n${com}*)+\Z}) { po_error('Not in msg format'); next ENTRY; } if (!m{\A${com}*msgid ${str}\s*\n${com}*msgstr ${str}\s*\n${com}*\Z} && !m{\A${com}*msgid ${str}\s*\n${com}*msgid_plural ${str}\s*\n${com}*(msgstr\[\d+\] ${str}\s*\n${com}*)+\Z}) { po_error('Mismatched quotes'); next ENTRY; } if (m{\n\#(?:,\ [-a-z0-9]+)*,\ fuzzy}) { # Fuzzy entries aren't used, so ignore them. # (This prevents warnings about mismatching <>/ pattern.) next ENTRY; } # 0 for known not pango format, 2 for known pango format. my $is_pango_format = 1; if (m{\n\#\.\ .*\bxgettext:(no-)?pango-format\s}) { $is_pango_format = ( defined($1) ? 0 : 2 ); } if (m{\n\#(?:,\ [-a-z0-9+])*,\ (no-)?pango-format[,\n]}) { $is_pango_format = ( defined($1) ? 0 : 2 ); } if (m{\n\#:\ \.\./share/extensions/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.inx(?:\.h)?:}) { $is_pango_format = 0; } if (m{\A${com}*msgid\ (${str})\n ${com}*msgstr\ (${str})\n ${com}*\Z}x) { check_strs($is_pango_format, $1, $2) or next ENTRY; } elsif (m{\A${com}*msgid\ (${str})\n ${com}*msgid_plural\ (${str})\n ((?:${com}*msgstr\[\d+\]\ ${str}\n${com}*)+)\Z}x) { my ($s1, $s2, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3); my @strs = ($s1, $s2); while ($rest =~ s/\A${com}*msgstr\[\d+\]\ (${str})\n${com}*//) { push @strs, ($1); } $rest eq '' or die "BUG: unparsed plural entries `$rest'"; check_strs($is_pango_format, @strs) or next ENTRY; } elsif (m{$str[ \t]}) { po_error('Trailing whitespace'); next ENTRY; } else { po_error("parse error; may be a bug in po/check-markup"); } } # Some makefiles (currently the top-level Makefile.am) expect this script to # exit 1 if any problems found. exit $rc; # vi: set autoindent shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 encoding=utf-8 softtabstop=4 filetype=perl :