"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account = FALSE; var $plHeadline = "Environment"; var $plDescription = "This does something"; var $dialog = false; // Indicates that we are currently editing in an seperate dialog /* Attribute definition */ /* profile management */ var $useProfile = false; // Specifies if we want to use a Server var $gotoProfileServer = ""; // Specifies the selected profile server var $gotoProfileServers = array();// Specifies all available and selectable servers var $gotoProfileFlags = ""; // Flags enabled ? only used to set ACL and save var $gotoProfileFlag_C = ""; // Flag is set to C if we have the profile caching fucntion enabled var $gotoXResolution = ""; // The selected resolution eg: 1024x768 var $gotoXResolutions = array();// Contains all available resolutions for this account var $gotoProfileFlag_L = ""; // Flag is set to L to enable runtime resolution change var $gotoProfileQuota = ""; // User Quota Settings /* Logon script section*/ var $gotoLogonScripts = array();// Contains all available Logon Scripts var $gotoLogonScript = ""; // The selected Logon Script /* Printer */ var $gotoPrinters = array();// All available Printer var $gotoPrinter = ""; // The selected Printer /* Share */ var $gotoShares = array();// Currently Share Option var $gotoShare = ""; // currently selected Share Option var $gotoShareSelections= array();// Available Shares for this account in Listbox format var $gotoAvailableShares= array();// Available Shares for this account /* Kiosk profile */ var $gotoKioskProfile = ""; // The selected Kiosk Profile var $gotoKioskProfiles = array();// All available Kiosk profiles /* Hotplug Devices */ var $gotoHotplugDevice = ""; // Selected hotplug var $gotoHotplugDevices = array();// Already configured hotplug devices /* general settings */ // Sets the attributes which will kept on page reload, which will be saved, ... var $attributes = array("uid","useProfile","gotoProfileServer","gotoProfileServers","gotoProfileFlags","gotoProfileFlag_C", "gotoXResolution","gotoXResolutions","gotoProfileFlag_L","gotoProfileQuota", "gotoLogonScripts","gotoLogonScript", "gotoPrinters","gotoPrinter", "gotoShares","gotoShare","gotoShareSelections", "gotoKioskProfile","gotoKioskProfiles", "gotoHotplugDevice","gotoHotplugDevices"); var $objectclasses = array("gotoEnvironment"); // Specifies the objectClass which contains the attributes edited here function environment ($config, $dn= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); /* Get all Printer assignments */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(gotoUserPrinter=".$this->uid."))",array("*")); while($printer = $ldap->fetch()){ $this->gotoPrinters[$printer['cn'][0]]=$printer; $this->gotoPrinters[$printer['cn'][0]]['mode']="user"; } $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(gotoAdminPrinter=".$this->uid."))",array("*")); while($printer = $ldap->fetch()){ $this->gotoPrinters[$printer['cn'][0]]=$printer; $this->gotoPrinters[$printer['cn'][0]]['mode']="admin"; } /* prepare hotplugs */ if((isset($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']))){ unset($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']['count']); foreach($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'] as $device){ $tmp = $tmp2 = array(); $tmp = split("\|",$device); $tmp2['name'] = $tmp[0]; $tmp2['description'] = $tmp[1]; $tmp2['id'] = $tmp[2]; $this->gotoHotplugDevices[$tmp[0]]=$tmp2; } } /* Prepare Shares */ if((isset($this->attrs['gotoShare']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoShare']))){ unset($this->attrs['gotoShare']['count']); foreach($this->attrs['gotoShare'] as $share){ $tmp = $tmp2 = array(); $tmp = split("\|",$share); $tmp2['name'] =$tmp[0]; $tmp2['mountPoint']=$tmp[1]; $this->gotoShares[$tmp[0]]=$tmp2; } } for($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($this->gotoProfileFlags) ; $i ++){ $chr = $this->gotoProfileFlags[$i]; $name = "gotoProfileFlag_".$chr; $this->$name=$chr; } if((!empty($this->gotoProfileServer))||($this->gotoProfileFlag_C=="C")){ $this->useProfile = true; }else{ $this->useProfile = false; } } function execute() { /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Is accout enabled | are we editing from usermenu or admin menu All these tab management is done here */ // 1. Account disabled . Editing from usermenu if((!isset($this->parent))&&(!$this->is_account)){ /* We are currently editing this tab from usermenu, but htis account is not enabled */ $smarty->assign("is_account",$this->is_account); /* Load template */ $display .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('environment.tpl', TRUE)); /* Avoid the "You are currently editing ...." message when you leave this tab */ $display .= back_to_main(); /* Display our message to the user */ return $display; // Account is enabled }else{ /* Tell smarty that this accoutn is enabled */ $smarty->assign("is_account","true"); /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; } if(!isset($this->parent)){ // 3. ? Account Enabled . Editing from usermenu }else{ // 3. Account enabled . Editing from adminmenu if ($this->is_account){ $display= $this->show_header(_("Remove environment extension"), _("This server has environment extension enabled. You can disable it by clicking below.")); } else { // 4. Account disabled . Editing from adminmenu $display= $this->show_header(_("Add environment extension"), _("This server has environment extension disabled. You can enable it by clicking below.")); return $display; } } } /* Account is Account : is_accounbt=true. * Else we won't reach this. */ /* Prepare all variables for smarty */ foreach($this->attributes as $s_attr){ /* Set value*/ $smarty->assign($s_attr,$this->$s_attr); /* Set checkbox state*/ if(empty($this->$s_attr)){ $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK",""); }else{ $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK"," checked "); } /* Prepare ACL settings*/ if(chkacl($this->acl,$s_attr)=="") { $smarty->assign($s_attr."ACL",""); }else{ $smarty->assign($s_attr."ACL"," disabled "); } } /* HANDLE Profile Settings here * Assign available Quota and resolution settings * Get all available profile server * Get cache checkbox * Assign this all to Smarty */ if(empty($this->useProfile)){ $smarty->assign("gotoProfileACL","disabled"); $smarty->assign("useProfileCHK",""); }else{ $smarty->assign("gotoProfileACL",""); $smarty->assign("useProfileCHK"," checked "); } $this->gotoXResolutions = array("640x480","800x600","1024x768","1280x768","1280x1024"); $this->gotoProfileServers = array("none","none1"); $smarty->assign("gotoXResolutions",$this->gotoXResolutions); $smarty->assign("gotoProfileServers",$this->gotoProfileServers); /* Handle kiosk profiles * Read available from filesystem * Open management if post is transmitted */ $tmp = new kioskManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn); $list = $tmp->getKioskProfiles(); $smarty->assign("gotoKioskProfiles",$list); $smarty->assign("gotoKioskProfileKeys",array_flip($list)); /* Open Management Dialog */ if(isset($_POST['KioskManagementDialog'])){ $this->dialog = new kioskManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn); $this->is_dialog = true; } /* Save */ if(isset($_POST['KioskClose'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; $this->is_dialog = false; } /* Logonscript Management * Get available LogonScripts (possibly grey out (or mark) these script that are defined for the group) * Perform add Delete edit Posts */ $this->gotoLogonScripts = array("asdf"=>"one","aaaa"=>"two","121"=>"3"); $smarty->assign("gotoLogonScripts",$this->gotoLogonScripts); $smarty->assign("gotoLogonScriptKeys",array_flip($this->gotoLogonScripts)); /* Check Edit Del New Posts for a selected LogonScript */ if(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptNew'])||isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptEdit'])||isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptDel'])){ /* New Logon Script: Open an edit dialog, we don't need a $_POST['gotoLogonScript'] here. * In this case we create a new Logon Script. */ if(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptNew'])){ $this->is_dialog = true; $this->dialog = new logonManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn); } /* If we receive a Delete request and there is a Script selected in the selectbox, delete this one. * We only can delete if there is an entry selected. */ if((isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScript']))){ $is_entry = $this->gotoLogonScripts[$_POST['gotoLogonScript']]; print "Deleting ".$is_entry; } /* In this case we want to edit an existing entry, we open a new Dialog to allow editing. * There must be an entry selected to perform edit request. */ if((isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptEdit']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScript']))){ $is_entry = $this->gotoLogonScripts[$_POST['gotoLogonScript']]; $this->is_dialog = true; $this->dialog = new logonManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$is_entry); } } /* In this section server shares will be defined * A user can select one of the given shares and a mount point * and attach this combination to his setup. */ $this->gotoShareSelections = $this->getShareList(true); $this->gotoAvailableShares = $this->getShareList(false); $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelections", $this->gotoShareSelections); $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelectionKeys", array_flip($this->gotoShareSelections)); /* if $_POST['gotoShareAdd'] is set, we will try to add a new entry * This entry will be, a combination of mountPoint and sharedefinitions */ if(isset($_POST['gotoShareAdd'])){ /* We assign a share to this user, if we don't know where to mount the share */ if((!isset($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))||(empty($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))){ print_red("You must specify a valid mount point."); }else{ $a_share = $this->gotoAvailableShares[$_POST['gotoShareSelection']]; $s_mount = $_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']; /* Preparing the new assignment */ $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']]=$a_share; $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']]['mountPoint']=$s_mount; } } /* if the Post gotoShareDel is set, someone asked GOsa to delete the selected entry (if there is one selected) * If there is no defined share selected, we will abort the deletion without any message */ if((isset($_POST['gotoShareDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoShare']))){ unset($this->gotoShares[$_POST['gotoShare']]); } $smarty->assign("gotoShares",$this->printOutAssignedShares()); $smarty->assign("gotoShareKeys",array_flip($this->printOutAssignedShares())); /* Hotplug devices will be handled here * There are 3 possible methods for this feature * Create a new Hotplug, A Dialog will open where you can specify some hotplug information * Delete will erase an entry, the entry must be selcted in the ListBox first * Editing an entry will open a dialog where the informations about the selcted entry can be changed */ /* If there is a new entry wanted, open a new entry by initilising the dialog */ if(isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceNew'])){ $this->dialog = new hotplugDialog($this->config,$this->dn); $this->is_dialog = true; } /* We have to delete the selected hotplug from the list*/ if((isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDevice']))){ unset($this->gotoHotplugDevices[$_POST['gotoHotplugDevice']]); } /* There are already defined hotplugs from other users we could use */ if(isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceUse'])){ $this->dialog = new hotplugDialog($this->config,$this->dn,true); $this->is_dialog = true; } /* Dialog Aborted */ if(isset($_POST['HotPlugCancel'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog= NULL; $this->is_dialog = false; } /* Dialod saved */ if(isset($_POST['HotPlugSave'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->dialog->check())!=0){ foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ $this->dialog->save_object(); $a_tmp = $this->dialog->save(); if(is_array($a_tmp)){ $this->gotoHotplugDevices[$a_tmp['name']]= $a_tmp; } unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog= NULL; $this->is_dialog = false; } } $smarty->assign("gotoHotplugDevices",$this->printOutHotPlugDevices()); $smarty->assign("gotoHotplugDeviceKeys",array_flip($this->printOutHotPlugDevices())); /* Printer Assignment will managed below * A printer can be assigned in two different ways and two different types * There are 2 types of users assigned to a printer : user and admin * They only differ in the member attribute they will be assigned to. user: gotoUserPrinter admin: gotoadminPrinter * The different types of assigning a user are : 1 assigning a user to a printer 2. assigning a group to a printer */ /* First handle Add Post. Open a dialog that allows us to select a printer or two */ if(isset($_POST['gotoPrinterAdd'])){ $this->is_dialog=true; $this->dialog = new selectPrinterDialog($this->config,$this->dn); } if(isset($_POST['PrinterCancel'])){ $this->is_dialog=false; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } if(isset($_POST['PrinterSave'])){ if(count($this->dialog->check())!=0){ $tmp = $this->dialog->check(); foreach($tmp as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ $this->dialog->save_object(); $tmp = $this->dialog->save(); $tmp2= $this->dialog->getPrinter(true); $this->gotoPrinters[$tmp]=$tmp2[$tmp]; $this->gotoPrinters[$tmp]['mode']="user"; $this->is_dialog=false; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog =NULL; } } if((isset($_POST['gotoPrinterDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoPrinter']))&&(!empty($_POST['gotoPrinter']))){ $printer = $_POST['gotoPrinter']; unset($this->gotoPrinters[$printer]); } if((isset($_POST['gotoPrinterEdit']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoPrinter']))&&(!empty($_POST['gotoPrinter']))){ $printer = $_POST['gotoPrinter']; if($this->gotoPrinters[$printer]['mode']=="user"){ $this->gotoPrinters[$printer]['mode']="admin"; }else{ $this->gotoPrinters[$printer]['mode']="user"; } } $smarty->assign("gotoPrinters",$this->printOutPrinterDevices()); $smarty->assign("gotoPrinterKeys",array_flip($this->printOutPrinterDevices())); /* General behavior */ if((isset($this->dialog))&&($this->dialog!=NULL)&&(!empty($this->dialog))){ $this->dialog->save_object(); return ($this->dialog->execute()); } /* Als smarty vars are set. Get smarty template and generate output */ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('environment.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } function remove_from_parent() { /* only if it was an account*/ if (!$this->initially_was_account){ return; } /* include global link_info */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Remove and write to LDAP */ plugin::remove_from_parent(); /* Don't save our template variables */ $skip = array("useProfile","uid","gotoProfileServers","gotoProfileFlag_C","gotoXResolutions","gotoProfileFlag_L", "gotoLogonScripts","gotoPrinters","gotoShares","gotoShareSelections","gotoKioskProfiles","gotoHotplugDevices", "gotoPrinter"); /* Skip all these attributes */ foreach($skip as $del){ unset($this->attrs[$del]); } @DEBUG (DEBUG_LDAP, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->attributes, "Save"); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { /* Get all Posted vars * Setup checkboxes */ if(isset($_POST['iamposted'])){ plugin::save_object(); foreach($this->attributes as $s_attr){ if(in_array($s_attr,array("gotoShares","gotoHotplugDevices","gotoPrinters"))) continue; if(isset($_POST[$s_attr])){ $this->$s_attr = $_POST[$s_attr]; }else{ $this->$s_attr = false; } } } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { $message= array(); return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $realyUsedAttrs= array(); /* Save already used objectClasses */ $ocs = $this->attrs['objectClass']; unset($ocs['count']); $this->attrs = array(); $this->attrs['objectClass']= $ocs; foreach($this->objectclasses as $objc){ if(!in_array($objc,$this->attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->attrs['objectClass'][]=$objc; } } /* Save usersettings to Printer */ foreach($this->gotoPrinters as $printer) { $ldap->cd($printer['dn']); $ldap->cat($printer['dn']); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); $attrs_used = array(); foreach($attrs as $key=>$val){ if((!is_numeric($key))&&($key!="count")){ if(is_array($val)&&isset($val['count'])){ unset($val['count']); } $attrs_used[$key]=$val; } } $attrs= $attrs_used; /* Filter entries */ if($printer['mode'] == "user"){ $attribute = "gotoUserPrinter"; $attribute2 = "gotoAdminPrinter"; }else{ $attribute = "gotoAdminPrinter"; $attribute2 = "gotoUserPrinter"; } /* If this user is already assigned to $attribute2 * delete user from $attribute2, to be albe to attach him to $attribute * A user can't be admin and normal user for one printer */ if(!isset($printer[$attribute2])){ $printer[$attribute2]=array(); }else{ if(in_array($this->uid,$printer[$attribute2])){ $tmp = array_flip($attrs[$attribute2]); unset($tmp[$this->uid]); $attrs[$attribute2]=$tmp; } /* If Last entry removed, clear attribute*/ if(empty($attrs[$attribute2])){ $attrs[$attribute2]=array(); } } /* Attach user to the $attribute, if he is'nt already attached */ if(!isset($attrs[$attribute])){ $attrs[$attribute]=array($this->uid); }else{ unset($attrs[$attribute]['count']); if(!in_array($this->uid,$attrs[$attribute])){ $attrs[$attribute][]=$this->uid; } } $ldap->cd($attrs['dn']); unset($attrs['dn']); $ldap->modify($attrs); if($ldap->get_error()!="Success"){ print_red($ldap->get_error()); } } /* Prepare HotPlug devices */ $this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'] = array(); foreach($this->gotoHotplugDevices as $name => $device){ $this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'][] = $device['name']."|".$device['description']."|".$device['id']; } /* Prepare Shares */ $this->attrs['gotoShare']=array(); foreach($this->gotoShares as $name => $share){ $this->attrs['gotoShare'][] = $share['name']."|".$share['mountPoint']; } if(!empty($this->gotoKioskProfile)){ $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile']= $this->gotoKioskProfile; }else{ $this->attrs['gotoKioskProfile']= array(); } $saveThis = array("gotoKioskProfile","gotoProfileQuota","gotoXResolution","gotoProfileServer"); foreach($saveThis as $tosave){ if(!empty($this->$tosave)){ $this->attrs[$tosave]=$this->$tosave; }else{ $this->attrs[$tosave]=array(); } } /* Prepare Flags */ $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'] = array($this->gotoProfileFlag_C.$this->gotoProfileFlag_L); if(empty($this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'][0])){ $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags']=array(); } if($this->useProfile == false){ $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'] = preg_replace("/C/i","",$this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags']); $this->attrs['gotoProfileServer']= array(); } $ldap->cat ($this->dn); if ($ldap->fetch()){ $mode= "modify"; } else { $mode= "add"; $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); } $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->$mode($this->attrs); if($ldap->get_error()!="Success"){ print_red($ldap->get_error()); } $this->handle_post_events($mode); } /* This function returns all available Shares defined in this ldap * There are two ways to call this function, if listboxEntry is true * only name and path are attached to the array, in it is false, the whole * entry will be parsed an atached to the result. */ function getShareList($listboxEntry = false) { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $a_res = $ldap->search("(objectClass=goShareServer)",array("goExportEntry")); $return= array(); while($entry = $ldap->fetch($a_res)){ $shareAttrs = split("\|",$entry['goExportEntry'][0]); if($listboxEntry) { $return[$shareAttrs[0]] = $shareAttrs[0]." - ".$shareAttrs[3]; }else{ $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['name'] = $shareAttrs[0]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['description'] = $shareAttrs[1]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['type'] = $shareAttrs[2]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['charset'] = $shareAttrs[3]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['path'] = $shareAttrs[4]; $return[$shareAttrs[0]]['option'] = $shareAttrs[5]; } } return($return); } /* Generate ListBox frindly output for the defined shares * Possibly Add or remove an attribute here, */ function printOutAssignedShares() { $a_return = array(); if(is_array($this->gotoShares)){ foreach($this->gotoShares as $share){ $a_return[$share['name']]= $share['name']." ".$share['mountPoint']; } } return($a_return); } /* Generate ListBox frindly output for the definedhotplugs * Possibly Add or remove an attribute here, */ function printOutHotPlugDevices() { $a_return= array(); if(is_array($this->gotoHotplugDevices)){ foreach($this->gotoHotplugDevices as $key=>$device){ $a_return[$key] = $device['name']." - ".$device['id']; } } return($a_return); } /* Generates ListBox frienly output of used printer devices * Append ' - admin' if printer is used in admin mode */ function printOutPrinterDevices() { $a_return = array(); if(is_array($this->gotoPrinters)){ foreach($this->gotoPrinters as $printer){ if($printer['mode'] == "admin"){ $a_return[$printer['cn'][0]]= $printer['cn'][0]." - "._("Admin"); }else{ $a_return[$printer['cn'][0]]= $printer['cn'][0]; } } } return($a_return); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>