"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $attributes = array("goFonDeliveryMode", "goFonForwarding", "goFonFormat", "goFonHardware", "goFonPIN", "telephoneNumber", "goFonMacro","macro"); var $objectclasses= array("goFonAccount"); function phoneAccount ($config, $dn= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); /* Set phone hardware */ if (!isset($this->attrs['goFonHardware'])){ $this->goFonHardware= "automatic"; } /* Preset voice format */ if (!isset($this->attrs['goFonFormat'])){ $this->goFonFormat= "wav"; } /* Assemble phone numbers */ if (isset($this->attrs['telephoneNumber'])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['telephoneNumber']['count']; $i++){ $number= $this->attrs['telephoneNumber'][$i]; $this->phoneNumbers[$number]= $number; } } /* Assemble forwarders */ if (isset($this->attrs['goFonForwarding'])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['goFonForwarding']['count']; $i++){ list($num, $v1, $v2) =split(';', $this->attrs['goFonForwarding'][$i]); $this->forwarders[$num]= "$v1;$v2"; } } else { $this->forwarders= array(""); } /* Set up has_mailAccount */ if (isset($this->attrs['objectClass'])){ if (in_array("gosaMailAccount", $this->attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->has_mailAccount= TRUE; } } /* Load hardware list */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=goFonHardware)", array('cn', 'description')); while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ $cn= $attrs['cn'][0]; if (isset($attrs['description'])){ $description= " - ".$attrs['description'][0]; } else { $description= ""; } $this->hardware_list[$cn]= "$cn$description"; } /* Prepare templating */ $smarty= get_smarty(); /* Perform search, to get Macro Parameters,Name,Dn,Displayname etc*/ $ldap->search("(objectClass=goFonMacro)", array("*")); /* Add none for no macro*/ $this->macros['none']=_("none"); $this->macro ="none"; /* Fetch all Macros*/ while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ /* Only visisble */ if((isset($attrs['goFonMacroVisible'][0]))&&($attrs['goFonMacroVisible'][0] ==1)){ /* unset Count, we don't need that here */ unset($attrs['displayName']['count']); /* fill Selectfield variable with Macros */ if(isset($attrs['displayName'][0])){ $this->macros[$attrs['dn']] = $attrs['displayName'][0]." (".$attrs['cn'][0].")"; }else{ $this->macros[$attrs['dn']] = _("undefined"); } /* Parse macro data, unset count for parameterarrays */ unset($attrs['goFonMacroParameter']['count']); /* Go through available parameters and parse all attributes, like parametername, type, default ...*/ if((isset($attrs['goFonMacroParameter']))&&(is_array($attrs['goFonMacroParameter']))){ foreach($attrs['goFonMacroParameter'] as $pkey=>$pval){ /* Split Data in readable values, by delimiter ! */ $data = split("!",$attrs['goFonMacroParameter'][$pkey]); /* Set all attrs */ $id = $data[0]; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['var'] ="var".$id; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['choosen']="N/A"; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['id'] = $id; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['name'] =$data[1]; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['type'] =$data[2]; $this->macroarray[$attrs['dn']][$id]['default']=$data[3]; }//foreach }//is_array }//visible = 1 }//while /* Go through already saved values, for a parameter */ $tmp = split("!",$this->goFonMacro); /* it is possible that nothing has been saved yet */ if(is_array($tmp)){ /* First value is the macroname */ $this->macro = $tmp[0]; /* Macroname saved, delete that index */ unset($tmp[0]); /* Check if makro has been removed */ if(!isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro])){ $this->macrostillavailable = false; }else{ $this->macrostillavailable = true; } /* for each parametervalues ( parameterID#value like 25#twentyfive) */ foreach($tmp as $var){ /* Split this, so we have $varar[0] = parameterID $varar[1] = SelectedValue */ $varar = split("#",$var); /* Only insert if the parameter still exists */ if(isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro][$varar[0]])){ /* Assign value */ $this->macroarray[$this->macro][$varar[0]]['choosen']=$varar[1]; } } } /* Eventually colorize phones */ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); foreach ($this->hardware_list as $cn => $desc){ $ldap->search("(goFonHardware=$cn)", array('cn')); if ($ldap->count() > 0){ $ldap->fetch(); if ($ldap->getDN() != $this->dn){ $this->used_hardware[$cn]= $ldap->getDN(); } } } $this->hardware_list["automatic"]= _("automatic"); ksort($this->hardware_list); } function execute() { /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; } /* Select no macro if, state is empty, this is the case, if the selected macro is no longer available */ if(empty($this->macro)){ $this->macro ="none"; } /* tell user that the pluging selected is no longer available*/ if((!$this->macrostillavailable)&&($this->macro!="none")){ print_red(_("The macro you selected in the past, is no longer available for you, please choose another one.")); } /* Prepare templating */ $smarty= get_smarty(); /* Assing macroselectbox values */ $smarty->assign("macros",$this->macros); $smarty->assign("macro", $this->macro); /* Create parameter table, skip if no parameters given */ if(!isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro])){ $macrotab=""; }else{ $macrotab =""; /* for every single parameter-> display textfile,combo, or true false switch*/ foreach($this->macroarray[$this->macro] as $paras){ /* get al vars */ $var = $paras['var']; $name = $paras['name']; $default = $paras['default']; $type = $paras['type']; $choosen = $paras['choosen'] ; $str = $default; /* in case of a combo box display a combobox with selected attr */ if($type == "combo"){ $str=""; } /* Display switch for true false*/ if($type == "bool"){ $str=""; } /* display simple textfield */ if($type=="string"){ $str="acl, "goFonMacro").">"; } /* create table entry*/ $macrotab.= "\n"; } $macrotab.="
"; }//is_array() /* Give smarty the table */ $smarty->assign("macrotab",$macrotab); /* Do we represent a valid account? */ if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){ $display= "\"\" ". _("This account has no phone extensions.").""; $display.= back_to_main(); return($display); } $display= ""; /* Show tab dialog headers */ if ($this->parent != NULL){ if ($this->is_account){ $display= $this->show_header(_("Remove phone account"), _("This account has phone features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below.")); } else { $display= $this->show_header(_("Create phone account"), _("This account has phone features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below.")); return ($display); } } /* Add phone number */ if (isset($_POST["add_phonenumber"]) && $_POST['phonenumber']){ if (is_phone_nr($_POST['phonenumber'])){ $number= $_POST["phonenumber"]; $this->phoneNumbers[$number]= $number; $this->is_modified= TRUE; } else { print_red(_("Please enter a valid phone number!")); } } /* Remove phone number */ if (isset($_POST["delete_phonenumber"]) && isset($_POST["phonenumber_list"])){ foreach ($_POST['phonenumber_list'] as $number){ unset($this->phoneNumbers[$number]); $this->is_modified= TRUE; } } /* Check for forwarding action */ foreach ($this->forwarders as $nr => $fw){ /* Buttons pressed? */ if (isset($_POST["add_fw$nr"])){ $this->forwarders= $this->insert_after("", $nr, $this->forwarders); } if (isset($_POST["remove_fw$nr"])){ unset($this->forwarders[$nr]); } } /* Transfer ACL's */ foreach($this->attributes as $val){ $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, "$val")); } /* Fill arrays */ $smarty->assign ("goFonHardware", $this->goFonHardware); if (!count($this->phoneNumbers)){ $smarty->assign ("phoneNumbers", array("")); } else { $smarty->assign ("phoneNumbers", $this->phoneNumbers); } $hl= "\n"; $smarty->assign ("hardware_list", $hl); /* Generate forwarder view */ $forwarder_list=""; $acl= chkacl($this->acl, "goFonForwaring"); foreach ($this->forwarders as $nr => $fw){ if ($fw == ""){ $number= ""; $timeout= ""; } else { list($number, $timeout)= split(";", $fw); } $forwarder_list.= ""; $forwarder_list.= ""; $forwarder_list.= ""; $forwarder_list.= ""; $forwarder_list.= ""; $forwarder_list.= ""; if (count($this->forwarders) > 1){ $forwarder_list.= ""; } $forwarder_list.= ""; } $smarty->assign("forwarder_list", $forwarder_list); /* Check box * / if ($this->parent->by_object['mailAccount'] && $this->parent->by_object['mailAccount']->is_account && preg_match("/M/i", $this->goFonDeliveryMode)){ $smarty->assign("fon_to_mail", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("fon_to_mail", ""); } if (!isset($this->parent->by_object['mailAccount'])) { $smarty->assign("has_mailaccount", "false"); $this->has_mailAccount= false; } elseif ( !$this->parent->by_object['mailAccount']->is_account){ $smarty->assign("has_mailaccount", "false"); $this->has_mailAccount= false; } else { $smarty->assign("has_mailaccount", "true"); } */ /* Show main page */ $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('generic.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } function save_object() { if (isset($_POST["phoneTab"])){ plugin::save_object(); /* Save checkbox */ if (isset($_POST['fon_to_mail'])){ $tmp= "[M]"; } else { $tmp= "[]"; } if (chkacl ($this->acl, "goFonDeliveryMode") == ""){ if ($this->goFonDeliveryMode != $tmp){ $this->is_modified= TRUE; } $this->goFonDeliveryMode= $tmp; } /* Save forwarding numbers and timeouts */ if (chkacl ($this->acl, "goFonForwarder") == ""){ foreach ($this->forwarders as $nr => $fw){ $tmp= $_POST["fwn$nr"].";".$_POST["fwt$nr"]; if ($this->forwarders[$nr] != $tmp){ $this->is_modified= TRUE; } $this->forwarders[$nr]= $tmp; } } /* Check if mail account is active and correct the internal reference to represent the current status. * / if ($this->parent->by_object['mailAccount']->is_account){ $this->has_mailAccount= TRUE; } */ /* Every macro in the select box are available */ if((isset($_POST['macro']))){ $this->macrostillavailable=true; } /* get all Postvars */ if(isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro])){ foreach($this->macroarray[$this->macro] as $key => $paras){ if(isset($_POST[$paras['var']])){ $this->macroarray[$this->macro][$key]['choosen'] = $_POST[$paras['var']]; } } } } } function check() { /* Reset message array */ $message= array(); /* We need at least one phone number */ if (count($this->phoneNumbers) == 0){ $message[]= sprintf(_("You need to specify at least one phone number!")); } /* Check timestamps and phonenumbers */ foreach ($this->forwarders as $fw){ /* Skip empty values */ if ($fw == ";"){ continue; } /* Check */ list($number, $timeout)= split(";", $fw); if (!is_phone_nr($number)){ $message[]= sprintf(_("The number '%s' is no valid phone number!"), $number); } if (!is_id($timeout)){ $message[]= sprintf(_("The timeout '%s' contains invalid characters!"), $timeout); } } /* check for ! in any parameter setting*/ if(isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro])){ foreach($this->macroarray[$this->macro] as $val){ if((strstr($val['choosen'],"!"))||(strstr($val['choosen'],"#"))){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The parameter %s contains invalid char. '!,#' is used as delimiter"),$val['name']); } } } return ($message); } function save() { plugin::save(); /* goFonAccount has "mail" as must! Block if no mailaddress is specified... * / if (isset($this->parent->by_object['mailAccount']) && !$this->parent->by_object['mailAccount']->is_account) { $this->goFonDeliveryMode= preg_replace("/M/i", "", $this->goFonDeliveryMode); } */ /* Save arrays */ $this->attrs['telephoneNumber']= array(); foreach ($this->phoneNumbers as $number){ $this->attrs['telephoneNumber'][]= $number; } $this->attrs['goFonForwarding']= array(); foreach ($this->forwarders as $index => $number){ $this->attrs['goFonForwarding'][]= "$index;$number"; } /* Save settings, or remove goFonMacro attribute*/ if($this->macro!="none"){ $this->attrs['goFonMacro']=$this->macro; if(isset($this->macroarray[$this->macro])){ foreach($this->macroarray[$this->macro] as $paras) { $this->attrs['goFonMacro'].="!".$paras['id']."#".$paras['choosen']; } } }else{ $this->attrs['goFonMacro']=array(); } unset($this->attrs['macro']) ; /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account){ if ($this->is_modified){ $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } function insert_after($entry, $nr, $list) { /* Is the entry free? No? Make it free... */ if (isset($list[$nr])) { $dest= array(); $newidx= 0; foreach ($list as $idx => $contents){ $dest[$newidx++]= $contents; if ($idx == $nr){ $dest[$newidx++]= $entry; } } } else { $dest= $list; $dest[$nr]= $entry; } return ($dest); } function adapt_from_template($dn) { plugin::adapt_from_template($dn); /* Assemble phone numbers */ if (isset($this->attrs['telephoneNumber'])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['telephoneNumber']['count']; $i++){ $number= $this->attrs['telephoneNumber'][$i]; $this->phoneNumbers[$number]= $number; } } /* Assemble forwarders */ if (isset($this->attrs['goFonForwarding'])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['goFonForwarding']['count']; $i++){ list($num, $v1, $v2) =split(';', $this->attrs['goFonForwarding'][$i]); $this->forwarders[$num]= "$v1;$v2"; } } else { $this->forwarders= array(""); } } function remove_from_parent() { /* Cancel if there's nothing to do here */ if (!$this->initially_was_account){ return; } plugin::remove_from_parent(); /* Just keep one phone number */ if (count($this->telephoneNumber) && $this->telephoneNumber != ""){ $this->attrs['telephoneNumber']= $this->telephoneNumber[0]; } else { $this->attrs['telephoneNumber']= array(); } $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->handle_post_events('remove'); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>