"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /*! Macro attributes, */ var $generate_error= ""; /*! The name of the Macro in the openldap drirectory */ var $cn = ""; /*! Display error once */ var $error_shown = false; /*! This ist the variable that contains the description of the macro*/ var $description = ""; /*! The base of the macro, is used to save the macro in the correct directory tree */ var $base = ""; /*! This is the name of the macro which the enduser will see, instead of the cn */ var $displayName = ""; /*! Here is the macro content, the real macroscript */ var $goFonMacroContent= ""; /*! To allow user to use this macro this var must be true, else false */ var $goFonMacroVisible= 0; /*! attribute list for save action */ var $attributes = array("cn","base", "description","displayName","goFonMacroContent","goFonMacroVisible"); var $view_logged = FALSE; var $orig_cn = ""; /*! Objectclasses that this calls handles */ var $objectclasses = array("top", "goFonMacro"); var $goFonHomeServers = array(); // Contains all available asterisk database server //! The Konstructor /*! Konstructor, load class with attributes of the given dn*/ function macro (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent); /* This is always an account */ $this->is_account= TRUE; /* Edit or new one ?*/ if ($this->dn == "new"){ if(isset($_SESSION['CurrentMainBase'])){ $this->base = $_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']; }else{ $ui= get_userinfo(); $this->base= dn2base($ui->dn); } } else { $this->orig_cn=$this->cn; $this->base= preg_replace ("/^[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,/", "", $this->dn); } /* Check server configurations * Load all server configuration in $this->goFonHomeServers if available */ $a_SETUP= array(); if(array_key_exists('config',$_SESSION) && array_key_exists('SERVERS',$_SESSION['config']->data) && count($_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS']['FON']) && array_key_exists('FON',$_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS'])) { /* Set available server */ $this->goFonHomeServers = $_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS']['FON']; /* Remove default entry, not necessary here */ if(isset($this->goFonHomeServers[0])){ unset($this->goFonHomeServers[0]); } } } /*! Execute this plugin */ function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Log view */ if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){ $this->view_logged = TRUE; new log("view","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),$this->dn); } /* Variables */ $vars = ""; $tmp = array(); $number = 0; /* Base select dialog */ $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^chooseBase/",$name) && $once){ $once = false; $this->dialog = new baseSelectDialog($this->config,$this,$this->allowedBasesToMoveTo()); $this->dialog->setCurrentBase($this->base); } } /* Dialog handling */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ /* Must be called before save_object */ $this->dialog->save_object(); if($this->dialog->isClosed()){ $this->dialog = false; }elseif($this->dialog->isSelected()){ /* A new base was selected, check if it is a valid one */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($tmp[$this->dialog->isSelected()])){ $this->base = $this->dialog->isSelected(); } $this->dialog= false; }else{ return($this->dialog->execute()); } } /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("bases", $this->get_allowed_bases()); $tmp = $this->plInfo(); foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translation){ $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name)); } if($this->acl_is_writeable("base")){ $smarty->assign("baseSelect",true); }else{ $smarty->assign("baseSelect",false); } /* Assign all vars to Smarty */ foreach($this->attributes as $ar){ $smarty->assign($ar, $this->$ar); } /* Checkboxes */ $smarty->assign("base_select", $this->base); $smarty->assign("vars", $vars); if($this->goFonMacroVisible){ $smarty->assign("goFonMacroVisibleChecked"," checked "); }else{ $smarty->assign("goFonMacroVisibleChecked",""); } $smarty->assign("cnACL",$this->getacl("cn",$this->initially_was_account)); $smarty->assign("cn",$this->cn); /* Ensure that macro content is displayed correctly encoded */ $smarty->assign("goFonMacroContent",htmlentities(utf8_decode ($this->goFonMacroContent))); /* Show main page */ return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('generic.tpl', TRUE))); } /* This method check if all databases are reachable. * Returns with error message or an empty string on success. * * - Is mysql extension available * - Is every server reachable * - Does the database exists/is accessible */ function check_database_accessibility() { /* Check if mysql extension is available */ if(!is_callable("mysql_pconnect")){ return(_("Can't save any changes to asterisk database, there is currently no mysql extension available in your php setup.")); } /******************** * Check all home server ********************/ foreach($this->goFonHomeServers as $goFonHomeServer => $cfg_Current){ $r_current = @mysql_pconnect($cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'],$cfg_Current['PASSWORD']); if(!$r_current){ new log("debug","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),"",array(),@mysql_error($r_current)); return(sprintf(_("The MySQL home server '%s' isn't reachable as user '%s', check GOsa log for mysql error."), $cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'])); } $db_current = @mysql_select_db($cfg_Current['DB'],$r_current); if(!$db_current){ new log("debug","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),"",array(),@mysql_error($r_current)); mysql_close($r_current); return( sprintf(_("Can't select database '%s' on home server '%s'."),$cfg_Current['DB'],$cfg_Current['SERVER'])); } } } /* Remove current macro from all asterisk server. * First of all check if we have access to all databases. * - Remove old entries */ function remove_from_database($save) { /* Check if all databases are reachable */ $str = $this->check_database_accessibility(); if($str){ return($str); } /* Create query string */ $context = addslashes("macro-".$this->cn); /* Remove current macro from each server available */ if($save){ foreach($this->goFonHomeServers as $dn => $Server){ $query = "DELETE FROM ".$Server['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE context='".$context."';"; $r_current = @mysql_pconnect($Server['SERVER'],$Server['LOGIN'],$Server['PASSWORD']); $db_current = @mysql_select_db($Server['DB'],$r_current); $res = @mysql_query($query,$r_current); if(!$res){ new log("debug","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),"",array(),@mysql_error($r_current)); return(sprintf(_("Removing macro from '%s' failed. Check GOsa log for mysql error."),$Server['SERVER'])); } @mysql_close($r_current); } } } /* Add current macro to all asterisk server. * First of all check if we have access to all databases. * - Remove old entries * - Add new entries */ function add_to_database($save) { /* Check if all databases are reachable */ $str = $this->check_database_accessibility(); if($str){ return($str); } /* Remove old entries first. Else we got duplicated entries */ $str = $this->remove_from_database($save); if($str){ return($str); } /* Create query string */ $context = "macro-".$this->cn; /************ * Parse Macro content ************/ $sql = "INSERT INTO %TABLENAME% ". " (context,exten,priority,app,appdata) ". " VALUES "; $a_contentLines = split("\n",$this->goFonMacroContent); foreach($a_contentLines as $i_linenum => $s_linestr){ /* Remove the 'exten => ' string in front of the macro content line * example line 'exten => s,2,GotoIf(${ARG3}?3:5)' * Remove comments introduced by ; * Skip empty lines */ $s_linestr = trim($s_linestr); $s_linestr = preg_replace("/;.*$/","",$s_linestr) ; $s_linestr = preg_replace ("/^.*=\> /","",$s_linestr); if(empty($s_linestr)){ continue; } /* A line that passes the check above should look like this * s,1,SetLanguage(de) * 3 parts seperated by , * If there are more or less parts, abort. * The preg_replace exclude parameters from split .. */ $tmp = split(",", $s_linestr,3); /* Check if there are exactly 2 , */ # if(substr_count($s_linestr,",") !=2){ # return(sprintf(_("More than two ',' given in line : '%s'. Remember that parameters are seperated by '|'."),$i_linenum)); # } /* Multiple () are not supproted currently ... */ if(substr_count($s_linestr,"(") >1 ){ return(sprintf(_("More than one '(' is currently not supported. Line : '%s'."),$i_linenum)); } if(substr_count($s_linestr,")") >1 ){ return(sprintf(_("More than one ')' is currently not supported. Line : '%s'."),$i_linenum)); } /* Check if there is an application given */ if(empty($tmp[1])){ return(sprintf(_("There is no application given in line : '%s'."),$i_linenum)); } /* Check if there is an extension given */ if(empty($tmp[0])){ return(sprintf(_("There is no extension type given in line : '%s'."),$i_linenum)); } /* Create extension entry for current line * and add this line to an array that will be inserted * to each database. */ $exten = addslashes($tmp[0]); $prio = addslashes($tmp[1]); $app = addslashes(preg_replace("/\(.*\).*$/","",$tmp[2])); $para = addslashes(preg_replace("/^.*\(/","",$tmp[2])); $para = preg_replace("/\).*$/","",$para); $sql.= " ('".$context."','".$exten."','".$prio."','".$app."','".$para."'),"; } /* Remove last , from query string */ $sql = preg_replace("/,$/","",$sql); /* Save current changes to the database */ if($save){ /* Macro are spread to each asterisk server */ foreach($this->goFonHomeServers as $dn => $cfg){ $r_con = @mysql_pconnect($cfg['SERVER'],$cfg['LOGIN'],$cfg['PASSWORD']); $db = @mysql_select_db($cfg['DB'],$r_con); $query = preg_replace("/%TABLENAME%/",$cfg['EXT_TABLE'],$sql); $res = @mysql_query($query,$r_con); if(!$res){ new log("debug","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),"",array(),@mysql_error($r_con)); return(sprintf(_("Insert of new macro failed for server '%s'."),$cfg['SERVER'])); } @mysql_close($r_con); } } } function save_object() { if (isset($_POST['gofonMacroGenericPosted'])){ $old_cn = $this->cn; $old_visible = $this->goFonMacroVisible; /* Create a base backup and reset the base directly after calling plugin::save_object(); Base will be set seperatly a few lines below */ $base_tmp = $this->base; plugin::save_object(); $this->base = $base_tmp; /* Save base, since this is no LDAP attribute */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($_POST['base'])){ if(isset($tmp[$_POST['base']])){ $this->base= $_POST['base']; } } /* Restore old cn if we have insuficient acls to change cn ... */ if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("cn",$this->initially_was_account)){ $this->cn = $old_cn; } /* check if we are allowed to toggle visibility */ if($this->acl_is_writeable("goFonMacroVisible")) { /* Checkbox selected ? */ if(isset($_POST['goFonMacroVisible'])) { $this->goFonMacroVisible= 1 ; }else { if(isset($_POST['displayName'])){ $this->goFonMacroVisible= 0 ; } } }else{ $this->goFonMacroVisible = $old_visible; } } } /*! Check values */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if(!count($this->goFonHomeServers)){ $message[] = _("There must be at least one server with an asterisk database to save this phone macro."); } /* Check if insert/replace is possible and all servers are available */ $str = $this->add_to_database(false); if($str){ $message[] = $str; } /* Check if cn is already used */ if(($this->dn=="new")||($this->orig_cn!=$this->cn)){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goFonMacro)(cn=".$this->cn."))",array("cn")); if($ldap->count()>0){ $message[]=sprintf(_("The given cn '%s' already exists."),$this->cn); } } /* Check if display name is set */ if(empty($this->displayName)){ $message[] = _("You must specify the 'Display Name' in order to save this macro"); } /* CN is restricted to 20 chars */ if(strlen("Makro-".$this->cn)>20 ){ $message[]=_("The given cn is too long, to create a Makro entry, maximum 20 chars."); } /* If this macro is still in use we should not change the visible for user flag to invisible */ if(!$this->goFonMacroVisible){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $res = $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goFonAccount)(objectClass=gosaAccount)(goFonMacro=*))", array("goFonMacro")); while ($val = $ldap->fetch()){ if(strstr($val['goFonMacro'][0],$this->dn)){ $message[] = _("This macro is still in use. It is necessary to mark this macro as visible for users."); return($message); } } } /* Macro content must be smaller than 100 lines */ if(count(split("\n",$this->goFonMacroContent))>100){ $message[] = _("Makro length must be lower than 100 lines"); } /* Macro content must be smaller than 100 lines */ if(empty($this->goFonMacroContent)){ $message[] = _("You can't save an empty macro."); } return $message; } /*! Remove makro from all given databases * and ldap too. */ function remove_from_parent() { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Skip remove if this macro is still in use */ $res = $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goFonAccount)(objectClass=gosaAccount)(goFonMacro=*))", array("goFonMacro")); while ($val = $ldap->fetch()){ if(strstr($val['goFonMacro'][0],$this->dn)){ print_red(_("This macro is still in use. To delete this Macro ensure that nobody has selected it.")); return false; } } /* Try to remove from database */ if(count($this->goFonHomeServers)){ $str = $this->remove_from_database(true); if($str){ print_red($str); return false; } }else{ print_red(_("Could not remove the macro entry from asterisk databases. Please check your asterisk database configurations.")); return false; } /* Remove phone macro */ $ldap->rmDir($this->dn); new log("remove","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error()); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of goFonMacro/generic account with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); /* Delete references to object groups */ $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=".$this->dn."))", array("cn")); while ($ldap->fetch()){ $og= new ogroup($this->config, $ldap->getDN()); unset($og->member[$this->dn]); $og->save (); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of goFonMacro/generic account with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); } } /*! Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); unset($this->attrs['base']); /* Try to add entries to databases */ $str = $this->add_to_database(true); if($str){ print_red($str); }else{ /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('dn')); $a= $ldap->fetch(); if (count($a)){ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } else { $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->add($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("add"); } show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of goFonMacro/generic account with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); /* Log last action */ if($this->initially_was_account){ new log("modify","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error()); }else{ new log("create","gofonmacro/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error()); } } } function getCopyDialog() { $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cn" ,$this->cn); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_generic.tpl",TRUE)); $ret = array(); $ret['string'] = $str; $ret['status'] = ""; return($ret); } function saveCopyDialog() { if(isset($_POST['cn'])){ $this->cn = $_POST['cn']; } } function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Generic"), "plDescription" => _("Asterisk macro management"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array("gofonmacro" => array("description" => _("GOfon macro"), "objectClass" => "gofonMacro")), "plProvidedAcls" => array( "cn" => _("Macro name"), "base" => _("Base"), "description" => _("Description"), "displayName" => _("Display name"), "goFonMacroContent" => _("Macro content and parameter"), "goFonMacroVisible" => _("Visibility flag")) )); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>