parent = $parent; $this->ui = get_userinfo(); /* Set list strings */ $this->SetTitle(_("List of users")); $this->SetSummary(_("List of users")); /* Result page will look like a headpage */ $this->SetHeadpageMode(); $this->SetInformation(_("This menu allows you to create, edit and delete selected users. Having a great number of users, you may want to use the range selectors on top of the user list.")); $this->EnableAplhabet (true); /* Disable buttonsm */ $this->EnableCloseButton(false); $this->EnableSaveButton (false); /* set Page header */ $this->AddHeader(array("string"=>" ", "attach"=>"style='width:20px;'")); $this->AddHeader(array("string"=>_("Username")." / "._("Department"))); $this->AddHeader(array("string"=>_("Properties"), "attach" => "style='width:152px;'")); $this->AddHeader(array("string"=>_("Actions"), "attach" => "style='width:102px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'")); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowTemplates" ,_("Select to see template pseudo users") ,_("Show templates") , false); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowFunctionalUsers",_("Select to see users that have only a GOsa object"),_("Show functional users") , true); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowUnixUsers" ,_("Select to see users that have posix settings") ,_("Show unix users") , true); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowMailUsers" ,_("Select to see users that have mail settings") ,_("Show mail users") , true); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowSambaUsers" ,_("Select to see users that have samba settings") ,_("Show samba users") , true); $this->AddCheckBox("ShowProxyUsers" ,_("Select to see users that have proxy settings") ,_("Show proxy users") , true); /* Add SubSearch checkbox */ $this->AddCheckBox(SEPERATOR); $this->AddCheckBox("SubSearch", _("Select to search within subtrees"), _("Ignore subtrees"), false); /* Name ,Text ,Default , Connect with alphabet */ $this->AddRegex ("Regex", _("Display users matching"),"*" , true); } function GenHeader() { /* Prepare departments, which are shown in the listbox on top of the listbox */ $options= ""; foreach ($this->config->idepartments as $key => $value){ if ($this->selectedBase == $key){ $options.= ""; } else { $options.= ""; } } /* Get copy & paste icon */ if($this->parent->CopyPasteHandler){ $Copy_Paste = $this->parent->CopyPasteHandler->generatePasteIcon(); }else{ $Copy_Paste =""; } /* Add default header */ $listhead = MultiSelectWindow::get_default_header(); $listhead.= "  ". "  ". $Copy_Paste. "  ". _("Base")." ". "  ". ""; $this->SetListHeader($listhead); } /* so some basic settings */ function execute() { $this->ClearElementsList(); $this->GenHeader(); } function setEntries($list) { /******************** Variable init ********************/ /* Variable initialation */ $enviro = $posix = $maila = $faxac = $samba = $netatalk = ""; $empty = ""; $userimg = "User"; $tplimg = "Template"; $editlink = "%s"; /* Possilbe objectClass image combinations */ $possibleAccounts = array( "posixAccount" => array("VAR"=>"posix" ,"IMG"=>"posiximg"), "gotoEnvironment" => array("VAR"=>"enviro" ,"IMG"=>"eviroimg"), "gosaMailAccount" => array("VAR"=>"maila" ,"IMG"=>"mailimg"), "goFaxAccount" => array("VAR"=>"faxac" ,"IMG"=>"faximg"), "sambaSamAccount" => array("VAR"=>"samba" ,"IMG"=>"sambaimg"), "apple-user" => array("VAR"=>"netatalk" ,"IMG"=>"netatalkimg")); /* Pictures for Extensions */ $usrimg =""; $posiximg = ""; $eviroimg = ""; $mailimg = ""; $fonimg = ""; $faximg = ""; $sambaimg = ""; $netatalkimg = ""; $tplcreateuserimg = ""; /******************** END :: Variable init ********************/ /******************** Append entries to divlist ********************/ // Test Every Entry and generate divlist Array foreach($list as $key => $val){ /* Create action icons */ $action = ""; $dn= $val['dn']; $acl= get_permissions ($dn, $this->ui->subtreeACL); $acl= get_module_permission($acl, "user", $dn); /* Append copy&paste icons if allowed */ if($acl == "#all#" && $this->parent->CopyPasteHandler){ $action .= " "; $action.= " "; } /* Add edit icon */ $action.= ""; /* Add passowrd change icon if allowed */ if (chkacl($acl, "password") == ""){ $action.= ""; } /* Add delete icon if delete user is allowed */ if (chkacl($acl, "delete") == ""){ $action.= ""; } /* Create phonaccopunt informationm, if conencted && is phoneAccount */ if((in_array("goFonAccount" ,$val['objectClass']))){ /* Set defaults */ $fonac = preg_replace("/%image%/", "select_phone.png", $fonimg); $fonac = preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $fonac); $fonac = preg_replace("/%title%/", "", $fonac); }else{ $fonac=$empty; } /* Set images for different types of objectClasses */ foreach($possibleAccounts as $objectClass => $Settigns){ if(in_array($objectClass ,$val['objectClass'])){ $$Settigns['VAR'] = preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $$Settigns['IMG']); }else{ $$Settigns['VAR'] = $empty; } } /* Create userimg */ if(in_array("gosaUserTemplate",$val['objectClass'])){ $tpl = preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $tplimg); $s_img_create_from_template = preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $tplcreateuserimg); }else{ $s_img_create_from_template = ""; $tpl = $userimg; } /* Insert key into userimg */ $usrimg2 = preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $usrimg); // Generate caption for rows if (isset($val["sn"]) && isset($val["givenName"])){ $display= $val["sn"][0].", ".$val["givenName"][0]." [".$val["uid"][0]."]"; } else { $display= "[".$val["uid"][0]."]"; } /* Connect all images */ $UseImg = $usrimg2." ".$posix." ".$enviro." ".$maila." ".$fonac." ".$faxac." ".$samba." ".$netatalk; /* Create each field */ $field1 = array("string" => sprintf($tpl,$val['dn']), "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"); $field2 = array("string" => sprintf($editlink,$key,$display), "attach" => "style='' title='".preg_replace('/ /', ' ', @LDAP::fix($val['dn']))."'"); $field3 = array("string" => $UseImg, "attach" => "style='width:152px;'"); $field4 = array("string" => $s_img_create_from_template.preg_replace("/%KEY%/", "$key", $action), "attach" => "style='width:102px;border-right:0px; text-align:right;'"); /* Add to list */ $add = array($field1,$field2,$field3,$field4); $this->AddElement($add); // Template or User if(in_array("gosaUserTemplate",$val['objectClass'])){ $tpls[strtolower( $val['sn']['0'].$val['uid']['0'])]=$add; }else{ $users[strtolower( $val['sn']['0'].$val['uid']['0'])]=$add; } } } function Save() { MultiSelectWindow :: Save(); } function save_object() { /* Save automatic created POSTs like regex, checkboxes */ MultiSelectWindow::save_object(); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>