data,"faiManagement","CLASS"); if(!empty($tmp)){ $this->fai_activated = TRUE; }else{ $this->attributes = array("gotoLdapServer", "gotoBootKernel", "gotoKernelParameters", "gotoShare"); $this->objectclasses = array("GOhard"); } plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent); if(!isset($this->parent->by_object['ogroup'])){ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoWorkstationTemplate)(member=".$this->dn."))",array("cn","dn")); if($ldap->count()){ $this->member_of_ogroup = TRUE; $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); $this->o_group_dn = $attrs['dn']; } } /* Creating a list of valid Mirrors * none will not be saved to ldap. */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); foreach($this->config->data['SERVERS']['LDAP'] as $server) { $this->goLdapServerList[$server]= $server; // $this->config->data['SERVERS']['LDAP']; } /* Perform some special FAI stuff, only if it is activated */ if($this->fai_activated){ $ui = get_userinfo(); $res = get_list( "(|(objectClass=FAIpackageList)". "(objectClass=FAItemplate)". "(objectClass=FAIvariable)". "(objectClass=FAIscript)". "(objectClass=FAIhook)". "(objectClass=FAIprofile)". "(objectClass=FAIpartitionTable))", $ui->subtreeACL,$this->config->current['BASE'], array("cn","objectClass","FAIdebianSection","description")); foreach($res as $attr){ $cn = $attr['cn'][0]; if(!isset($attr['description'])){ $attr['description'][0] = ""; } if(in_array('FAIpackageList',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpackageList']['obj'] = 'FAIpackageList'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpackageList']['kzl'] = 'Pl'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpackageList']['sec'] = $attr['FAIdebianSection']; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpackageList']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAItemplate',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAItemplate']['obj'] = 'FAItemplate'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAItemplate']['kzl'] = 'T'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAItemplate']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAIvariable',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIvariable']['obj'] = 'FAIvariable'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIvariable']['kzl'] = 'V'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIvariable']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAIscript',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIscript']['obj'] = 'FAIscript'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIscript']['kzl'] = 'S'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIscript']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAIhook',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIhook']['obj'] = 'FAIhook'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIhook']['kzl'] = 'H'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIhook']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAIpartitionTable',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpartitionTable']['obj']= 'FAIpartitionTable'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpartitionTable']['kzl']= 'Pt'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIpartitionTable']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } if(in_array('FAIprofile',$attr['objectClass'])){ $tmp2[$cn]['FAIprofile']['obj']= 'FAIprofile'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIprofile']['kzl']= 'P'; $tmp2[$cn]['FAIprofile']['desc'] = $attr['description']; $this->FAIclasses[$attr['cn'][0]]=$attr['cn'][0]; } } if(is_array($this->FAIclasses)){ natcasesort($this->FAIclasses); } if(isset($tmp2)){ $this->FAIclassInfo = $tmp2; } else { $this->FAIclassInfo = array(); } /* Build up a release array */ $filter= ""; $ui= get_userinfo(); if (isset($config->current['STRICT_UNITS']) && preg_match('/TRUE/i', $config->current['STRICT_UNITS']) && $ui->gosaUnitTag != ""){ $filter= "(gosaUnitTag=".$ui->gosaUnitTag.")"; } /* Fill up releases array */ $release_bases= array(); $res= get_list("(&(objectClass=FAIbranch)$filter)", $ui->subtreeACL, $this->config->current['BASE'], array()); foreach ($res as $value){ if (!preg_match('/,ou=(apps|mime),/', $value['dn'])){ $release_bases[$value['dn']]= $value['dn']; } } /* Load all classes for each release */ $releases= array(); foreach($release_bases as $base){ $tmp= preg_replace('/,ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems,.*$/', '', $base); $tmp= explode('ou=', trim(preg_replace('/ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems,.*$/', '', $tmp), ',')); $release= trim(implode('/', array_reverse($tmp)), '/'); foreach (array("disk", "hooks", "scripts", "packages", "profiles", "templates", "variables") as $type){ $res= get_list("(&(objectClass=FAIclass)$filter)", $ui->subtreeACL, "ou=$type,".$base, array(), GL_NONE); foreach ($res as $value){ $name= preg_replace('/^[^=]+=([^,]+),.*$/', '\1', $value['dn']); $releases[$release][]= $name; } } sort($releases[$release]); $releases[$release]= array_unique($releases[$release]); } /* Load all classes for this release */ $res= get_list("(&(objectClass=FAIbranch)$filter)", $ui->subtreeACL, $this->config->current['BASE'], array()); /* Fill up server array */ $ldap->search("(&(FAIrepository=*)(objectClass=FAIrepositoryServer)$filter)",array("FAIrepository")); $test = array(); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ if(isset($attr['FAIrepository'])){ unset($attr['FAIrepository']['count']); foreach($attr['FAIrepository'] as $rep){ list($url, $server, $release, $sections)= split("\|",$rep); /* Assign non-auto releases */ $test[$url][$release]['SECTIONS'] = split(',', $sections); $test[$url][$release]['CLASSES'] = isset($releases[$release])?$releases[$release]:array(); /* auto gets all releases/classes */ $test['auto'][$release]['SECTION'] = $sections; $test['auto'][$release]['CLASSES'] = isset($releases[$release])?$releases[$release]:array(); } } } /* Add possible elements from hook */ $lines= $this->GetHookElements(); foreach ($lines as $hline){ $entries= split(";", $hline); if (isset($entries[1]) && !isset($test[$entries[1]])){ $test[$entries[1]]= array(); /* Split releases */ if (isset($entries[2])){ $releases= split(",", $entries[2]); foreach ($releases as $release){ $rname= preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $release); $sections= split(':', preg_replace('/^[^:]+:([^|]+)|.*$/', '\1', $release)); $classes= split('\|', preg_replace('/^[^|]+\|(.*)$/', '\1', $release)); $test[$entries[1]][$rname]= array(); $test[$entries[1]][$rname]['SECTION']= $sections; foreach ($classes as $class){ if ($class != ""){ $test[$entries[1]][$rname]['CLASSES'][$class]= $class; } } } } } } $this->FAIServRepConfig= $test; } // Do FAI stuff end /* Get arrays */ foreach (array("gotoModules", "gotoAutoFs", "gotoFilesystem") as $val){ if (isset($this->attrs["$val"]["count"])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs["count"]; $i++){ if (isset($this->attrs["$val"][$i])){ array_push($this->$val, $this->attrs["$val"][$i]); } } } sort ($this->$val); $this->$val= array_unique($this->$val); $this->saved_attributes[$val]= $this->$val; } /* Parse Kernel Parameters to decide what boot mode is enabled */ if (preg_match("/ splash=silent/", $this->gotoKernelParameters)){ $this->bootmode= "G"; } elseif (preg_match("/ debug/", $this->gotoKernelParameters)){ $this->bootmode= "D"; } elseif ($this->gotoKernelParameters == "") { $this->bootmode= "G"; } else { $this->bootmode= "T"; } if (preg_match("/ o /", $this->gotoKernelParameters)){ $this->customParameters= preg_replace ("/^.* o /", "", $this->gotoKernelParameters); } else { $this->customParameters= ""; } /* Prepare Shares */ if((isset($this->attrs['gotoShare']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoShare']))){ unset($this->attrs['gotoShare']['count']); foreach($this->attrs['gotoShare'] as $share){ $tmp = $tmp2 = array(); $tmp = split("\|",$share); $tmp2['server'] =$tmp[0]; $tmp2['name'] =$tmp[1]; $tmp2['mountPoint'] =$tmp[2]; $this->gotoShares[$tmp[1]."|".$tmp[0]]=$tmp2; } } $this->gotoShareSelections= $config->getShareList(true); $this->gotoAvailableShares= $config->getShareList(false); $tmp2 = array(); /* Again some special FAI stuff */ if($this->fai_activated){ if((isset($this->FAIclass))&&(!is_array($this->FAIclass))){ $tmp = array(); $tmp = split(" ",$this->FAIclass); $tmp2 =array(); foreach($tmp as $class){ if( ":" == $class[0] ) { $this->FAIrelease = substr( $class, 1 ); } else $tmp2[$class] = $class; } $this->FAIclass = $tmp2; } if(!is_array($this->FAIclass)){ $this->FAIclass =array(); } } $this->orig_dn= $this->dn; /* Handle inheritance value "default" */ $this->gotoBootKernels= array(); /* Load hardware list */ if ($this->member_of_ogroup){ if(count($this->FAIclass)==0 && $this->FAIrelease == ""){ $this->FAIdebianMirror = "inherited"; } if($this->fai_activated){ $map= array("gotoLdapServer","FAIclass","FAIdebianMirror","gotoBootKernel"); }else{ $map= array("gotoLdapServer","gotoBootKernel"); } $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->o_group_dn); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); foreach ($map as $name){ if (!isset($attrs[$name][0])){ continue; } switch ($name){ case 'gotoLdapServer': $this->goLdapServerList= array_merge(array('default-inherited' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ), $this->goLdapServerList); break; case 'gotoBootKernel': $this->gotoBootKernels['default-inherited']= _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ; break; case 'FAIclass': $str = split(":",$attrs[$name][0]); $this->InheritedFAIclass = split("\ ",trim($str[0])); $this->InheritedFAIrelease = trim($str[1]); break; case 'FAIdebianMirror': $this->InheritedFAIdebianMirror = $attrs[$name][0]; break; } } } /* Get list of boot kernels */ if (isset($this->config->data['TABS'])){ $command= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], get_class($this), "KERNELS"); if (!check_command($command)){ $message[]= sprintf(_("Command '%s', specified as KERNELS hook for plugin '%s' doesn't seem to exist."), $command, get_class($this)); } else { $first = false; $fh= popen($command, "r"); while (!feof($fh)) { $buffer= trim(fgets($fh, 256)); if(!empty($buffer)){ $name=$value = $buffer; if(preg_match("/:/",$buffer)){ $name = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$buffer); $value= preg_replace("/^.*:/","",$buffer); $this->gotoBootKernels[$name]= $name.":".$value; }else{ $this->gotoBootKernels[$name]= $value; } if($this->gotoBootKernel =="" ){ $this->gotoBootKernel = $name; } } } pclose($fh); } } /* Turn to default, if we've nothing to inherit */ if (!isset($this->gotoBootKernels['default-inherited']) && $this->gotoBootKernel == "default-inherited"){ $this->gotoBootKernel= "default"; } } /* Create array to display available classes/profiles in a selectbox * This function only displays the available classes. * If a class is available is defined by these facts : * 1. Is this class available for the selected release ? * - if it is available, check if the release is available for the selected server * (done by $this->getFAIreleases()) * 2. Is this class currently not assigned to $this->FAIclass */ function selectFriendlyClasses(){ $tmp=array(); if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "inherited") return($tmp); /* check if the current release exists, else select the first one .. */ $tmp2 = $this->getFAIreleases(); if(!isset($tmp2[$this->FAIrelease]) || !$tmp2[$this->FAIrelease]['USE']){ foreach($tmp2 as $key => $data){ if($data['USE']){ $this->FAIrelease = $key; } } } if(!in_array($this->FAIrelease, $tmp2)){ # $this->FAIrelease = key($tmp2); } /* Get all Packages for this server/release combination */ if(!isset($this->FAIServRepConfig[$this->FAIdebianMirror][$this->FAIrelease]['CLASSES'])){ $pkgs = array(); print_red(_("There are packages in your configuration, which can't be resolved with current server/release settings.")); }else{ $pkgs = $this->FAIServRepConfig[$this->FAIdebianMirror][$this->FAIrelease]['CLASSES']; } /* Check each and every single class name */ foreach($pkgs as $pkg){ /* Class already assigned to the classes list ? * If not ... go on */ if(!in_array($pkg,$this->FAIclass)){ /* Create the displayed list entry value HKLMOP [-Pl P V T-] or something like that */ $str = ""; foreach($this->FAIclassInfo[$pkg] as $entry){ if(isset($entry['kzl'])){ $str .= $entry['kzl']." "; } } /* Append class if everyting was fine */ $tmp[$pkg] = $pkg." [-".trim($str)."-]"; } } /* Just sort and return new classes list ... ( possibly we should cache the result ... ) */ natcasesort ($tmp); return($tmp); } function check() { $messages = array(); /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $messages= plugin::check(); /* If there are packages selected, but no mirror show error */ if(($this->FAIdebianMirror == "none")&&(count($this->FAIclass)>0)){ $messages[]=_("Please select a 'FAI server' or remove the 'FAI classes'."); } return($messages); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; } /* Do we represent a valid terminal? */ if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){ $display= "\"\" ". _("This 'dn' has no terminal features.").""; return ($display); } /* Add module */ if (isset ($_POST['add_module']) ){ if ($_POST['module'] != "" && chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoModule") == ""){ $this->add_list ($this->gotoModules, $_POST['module']); } } /* Delete module */ if (isset ($_POST['delete_module'])){ if (count($_POST['modules_list']) && chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoModule") == ""){ $this->del_list ($this->gotoModules, $_POST['modules_list']); } } /* FAI class management */ if($this->fai_activated && chkacl($this->acl,"FAIclass") == ""){ if((isset($_POST['AddClass']))&&(isset($_POST['FAIclassesSel']))){ $found = 0 ; /* If this new class/profile will attach a second partition table * to our list of classes, abort and show a message. */ foreach($this->FAIclass as $name){ if(isset($this->FAIclassInfo[$name])){ foreach($this->FAIclassInfo[$name] as $atr){ if(isset($atr['obj'])){ if($atr['obj'] == "FAIpartitionTable"){ $found ++ ; } } } } } if((isset($this->FAIclassInfo[$_POST['FAIclassesSel']]['FAIpartitionTable']))&&($found>0)){ print_red(_("There is already a profile in your selection that contain partition table configurations.")); }else{ $this->FAIclass[$_POST['FAIclassesSel']]=$_POST['FAIclassesSel']; } } $sort = false; foreach($_POST as $name => $val){ $sort_type = false; if((preg_match("/sort_up/",$name))&&(!$sort)){ $sort_type = "sort_up_"; } if((preg_match("/sort_down/",$name))&&(!$sort)){ $sort_type = "sort_down_"; } if(($sort_type)&&(!$sort)){ $value = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/i","",preg_replace("/".$sort_type."/i","",$name))); $sort = true; $last = -1; $change_down = -1; /* Create array with numeric index */ $tmp = array(); foreach($this->FAIclass as $class){ $tmp [] = $class; } /* Walk trough array */ foreach($tmp as $key => $faiName){ if($faiName == $value){ if($sort_type == "sort_up_"){ if($last != -1){ $change_down= $last; } }else{ if(isset($tmp[$key+1])){ $change_down = $key; } } } $last = $key; } $tmp2 = array(); $skip = false; foreach($tmp as $ky => $vl){ if($ky == $change_down){ $skip = $vl; }else{ $tmp2[$vl] = $vl; } if(($skip != false)&&($ky != $change_down)){ $tmp2[$skip] = $skip; $skip =false; } } $this->FAIclass = $tmp2; } if(preg_match("/fai_remove/i",$name)){ $value = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/i","",preg_replace("/fai_remove_/i","",$name))); unset($this->FAIclass[$value]); } } } /* Show main page */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("SelectBoxLdapServer",""); /* In this section server shares will be defined * A user can select one of the given shares and a mount point * and attach this combination to his setup. */ $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelections", $this->gotoShareSelections); $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelectionKeys", array_flip($this->gotoShareSelections)); /* if $_POST['gotoShareAdd'] is set, we will try to add a new entry * This entry will be, a combination of mountPoint and sharedefinitions */ if(isset($_POST['gotoShareAdd']) && chkacl($this->acl,"gotoShare") ==""){ /* We assign a share to this user, if we don't know where to mount the share */ if((!isset($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))||(empty($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))||(preg_match("/[\|]/i",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))){ print_red(_("You must specify a valid mount point.")); }else{ if(count($this->gotoAvailableShares)){ $a_share = $this->gotoAvailableShares[$_POST['gotoShareSelection']]; $s_mount = $_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']; /* Preparing the new assignment */ $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]=$a_share; $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]['mountPoint']=$s_mount; } } } /* if the Post gotoShareDel is set, someone asked GOsa to delete the selected entry (if there is one selected) * If there is no defined share selected, we will abort the deletion without any message */ if((isset($_POST['gotoShareDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoShare'])) && chkacl($this->acl,"gotoShare") ==""){ unset($this->gotoShares[$_POST['gotoShare']]); } $smarty->assign("gotoShares",$this->printOutAssignedShares()); $smarty->assign("gotoSharesCount",count($this->printOutAssignedShares())); $smarty->assign("gotoShareKeys",array_flip($this->printOutAssignedShares())); $smarty->assign("gotoBootKernels",$this->gotoBootKernels); /* Arrays */ $tmp = $this->goLdapServerList; /* Create divSelectBox for ldap server selection */ $SelectBoxLdapServer = new divSelectBox("LdapServer"); $SelectBoxLdapServer->SetHeight(130); /* Set first entry as selected, if $this->gotoLdapServer is empty * or given entry is no longer available ... */ $found = false; foreach($tmp as $server){ if($this->gotoLdapServer==$server){ $found = true; } } /* Add Entries */ foreach($tmp as $key => $server){ $use =""; if(($this->gotoLdapServer == $server) || ($found == false)) { $found = true; $use = " checked "; }; $use .= chkacl($this->acl,"gotoLdapServer"); $display = $server; $SelectBoxLdapServer->AddEntry( array( array("string"=>"", "attach"=>"style='border-left:0px;'"), array("string"=>$display) )); } $smarty->assign("SelectBoxLdapServer",$SelectBoxLdapServer->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("gotoLdapServerACL", chkacl($this->acl, "gotoLdapServer")); foreach (array("gotoModules", "gotoAutoFs", "gotoFilesystem") as $val){ $smarty->assign("$val", $this->$val); } /* Values */ foreach(array("gotoBootKernel", "customParameters", "gotoShare","FAIclasses","FAIclass","FAIdebianMirror","FAIrelease") as $val){ $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val); $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $val)); } $smarty->assign("fai_activated",$this->fai_activated); if($this->fai_activated){ $smarty->assign("FAIdebianMirrors",$this->getFAIdebianMirrors()); $smarty->assign("FAIdebianMirror",$this->FAIdebianMirror); $smarty->assign("FAIreleases",$this->getFAIreleases()); $smarty->assign("FAIrelease",$this->FAIrelease); $smarty->assign("FAIclasses",$this->selectFriendlyClasses()); $smarty->assign("FAIclassesKeys",array_flip($this->selectFriendlyClasses())); $smarty->assign("FAIclassKeys",$this->FAIclass); $smarty->assign("InheritedFAIrelease",$this->InheritedFAIrelease); $div = new divSelectBox("WSFAIscriptClasses"); $div -> SetHeight("110"); $str_up = "  "; $str_down = "  "; $str_remove = "  "; $str_empty = "  \"\""; $i = 1; if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "inherited"){ $tmp = $this->InheritedFAIclass; }else{ $tmp = $this->FAIclass; } foreach($tmp as $class){ $marker = ""; if(in_array_ics($class,$this->unresolved_classes)){ $marker = " ("._("Not available in current setup").")"; } if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "inherited"){ $str = ""; }else{ if($i==1){ $str = $str_empty.$str_down.$str_remove; }elseif($i == count($this->FAIclass)){ $str = $str_up.$str_empty.$str_remove; }else{ $str = $str_up.$str_down.$str_remove; } } $i ++ ; $desc = ""; foreach($this->FAIclassInfo[$class] as $types ){ if(isset($types['desc'][0])){ $desc.= $types['desc'][0]." "; } } if(!empty($desc)){ $desc = " [".trim($desc)."]"; } $div->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>$class.$desc.$marker), array("string"=>preg_replace("/\%s/",base64_encode($class),$str),"attach"=>"style='width:50px;border-right:none;'") )); } $smarty->assign("FAIScriptlist",$div->DrawList()); } /* Radio button group */ if (preg_match("/G/", $this->bootmode)) { $smarty->assign("graphicalbootup", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("graphicalbootup", ""); } if (preg_match("/T/", $this->bootmode)) { $smarty->assign("textbootup", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("textbootup", ""); } if (preg_match("/D/", $this->bootmode)) { $smarty->assign("debugbootup", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("debugbootup", ""); } /* ACL's */ foreach (array("gotoKernelParameters", "gotoModules", "gotoFilesystem","FAIclass") as $value){ $smarty->assign($value."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, "$value")); } /* Show main page */ return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('workstationStartup.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)))); } function remove_from_parent() { $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } function generateDNSyn($release) { $str = ""; $tmp = split("\/",$release); $tmp = array_reverse($tmp); $base = ",ou=fai,"; $arr = array("scripts","hooks","disk","variables","templates","profiles","packages"); foreach($tmp as $departmentname){ $str .= ",ou=".$departmentname; } $ret = array(); foreach($arr as $ar){ $ret[] = ",ou=".$ar.$str.$base; } return($ret); } function getFAIdebianMirrors() { $ret = array(); /* Only add inherit option, if we are part in an object group */ if($this->member_of_ogroup) { $ret['inherited']['NAME']="["._("inherited")."]"; $ret['inherited']['USE'] = TRUE; } $ret['auto']['NAME']=_("automatic"); $ret['auto']['USE'] = TRUE; $secs = array(); /* Walk through all available servers and check if they support the currently selected classes if not, dont't add them to our list */ foreach($this->FAIServRepConfig as $mirror => $rest){ /* Automatically selection is available everytime */ if($mirror == "auto"){ continue; } $use = false; if(count($this->FAIclass) == 0){ $use = true; }else{ $tmp = $this->getFAIreleases(); foreach($tmp as $release => $data){ if(isset($rest[$release]) && $release == $this->FAIrelease){ $use = $data['USE']; } } } /* If current server, doesn't support this class remove it from list */ $ret[$mirror]['NAME'] = $mirror; $ret[$mirror]['USE'] = $use; } return($ret); } function getFAIreleases() { $ret = array(); if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "inherited") { return(array()); } if(!isset($this->FAIServRepConfig[$this->FAIdebianMirror])){ $this->FAIdebianMirror = "auto"; } $errorClasses = array(); if(isset($this->FAIServRepConfig[$this->FAIdebianMirror])) { foreach($this->FAIServRepConfig[$this->FAIdebianMirror] as $release => $sections){ $use = true; if(!count($this->FAIclass) == 0){ foreach($this->FAIclass as $class){ if(!in_array($class, $sections['CLASSES'])){ $use = false; $errorClasses[$class] = $class; }else{ if(isset($errorClasses[$class])){ unset($errorClasses[$class]); } } } } $ret[$release]['NAME']=$release; $ret[$release]['USE']=$use; } } if((count($ret) == 0 ) && ($this->FAIdebianMirror != "auto")){ $eClasses = " "; foreach($errorClasses as $class){ $eClasses .= $class." "; } print_red(sprintf(_("Can't resolve one or more of the given FAIclass(es) [%s] in FAI server '%s'. Server was reset to 'auto'."),$eClasses, $this->FAIdebianMirror)); $this->FAIdebianMirror = "auto"; return($this->getFAIreleases()); }elseif((count($ret) == 0 ) && ($this->FAIdebianMirror == "auto")){ $eClasses = " "; foreach($errorClasses as $class){ $eClasses .= $class." "; } $this->unresolved_classes = $errorClasses; $this->FAIdebianMirror = "auto"; //$this->FAIclass= array(); print_red(sprintf(_("Can't resolve the given FAIclass(es) [%s] anyway, please check your FAI configurations, possibly some classes where deleted or renamed. Server was reset to 'auto'."),$eClasses)); } return($ret); } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); /* Save group radio buttons */ if (chkacl ($this->acl, "bootmode") == "" && isset($_POST["bootmode"])){ $this->bootmode= $_POST["bootmode"]; } /* Save kernel parameters */ if (chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoKernelParameters") == "" && isset($_POST["customParameters"])){ $this->customParameters= $_POST["customParameters"]; } } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { /* Depending on the baseobject (Ogroup / WS) we * use another set of objectClasses * In case of WS itself, we use "array("GOhard", "FAIobject");" * if we are currently editing from ogroup menu we use (array("gotWorkstationTemplate","GOhard", "FAIobject")) */ if(isset($this->parent->by_object['ogroup'])){ $this->objectclasses = array("gotoWorkstationTemplate"); }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric'])){ $this->objectclasses = array("GOhard"); }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['servgeneric'])){ $this->objectclasses = array("GOhard"); }else{ print "Object Type Configuration : unknown"; exit(); } if($this->fai_activated){ $this->objectclasses [] = "FAIobject"; } /* Find proper terminal path for tftp configuration FIXME: This is suboptimal when the default has changed to another location! */ if (($this->gotoTerminalPath == "default")){ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Strip relevant part from dn, keep trailing ',' */ $tmp= preg_replace("/^cn=[^,]+,ou=terminals,ou=systems,/i", "", $this->dn); $tmp= preg_replace("/".$this->config->current['BASE']."$/i", "", $tmp); /* Walk from top to base and try to load default values for 'gotoTerminalPath'. Abort when an entry is found. */ while (TRUE){ $tmp= preg_replace ("/^[^,]+,/", "", $tmp); $ldap->cat("cn=default,ou=terminals,ou=systems,$tmp". $this->config->current['BASE'], array('gotoTerminalPath')); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if (isset($attrs['gotoTerminalPath'])){ $this->gotoTerminalPath= $attrs['gotoTerminalPath'][0]; break; } /* Nothing left? */ if ($tmp == ""){ break; } } } /* Add semi automatic values */ // FIXME: LDAP Server may not be set here... $this->gotoKernelParameters= "ldap=".base64_encode($this->gotoLdapServer); switch ($this->bootmode){ case "D": $this->gotoKernelParameters.= " debug"; break; case "G": $this->gotoKernelParameters.= " splash=silent"; break; } if ($this->customParameters != ""){ $this->gotoKernelParameters.= " o ".$this->customParameters; } plugin::save(); if($this->fai_activated){ unset( $this->attrs['FAIrelease'] ); $str = ""; if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "inherited"){ $this->attrs['FAIclass'] = $this->attrs['FAIrelease'] = $this->attrs['FAIdebianMirror'] = array(); }else{ foreach($this->FAIclass as $class){ $str .= $class." "; } $str .= ":" . $this->FAIrelease; $this->attrs['FAIclass']= ""; $this->attrs['FAIclass']= trim($str); if(empty($this->attrs['FAIclass'])){ $this->attrs['FAIclass'] = array(); } } /* if mirror == none stop saving this attribute */ if($this->FAIdebianMirror == "none"){ $this->FAIdebianMirror = ""; } } /* Add missing arrays */ foreach (array("gotoFilesystem", "gotoAutoFs", "gotoModules") as $val){ if (isset ($this->$val) && count ($this->$val) != 0){ $this->attrs["$val"]= array_unique($this->$val); } if(!isset($this->attrs["$val"])) $this->attrs["$val"]=array(); } /* Strip out 'default' values */ if ($this->attrs['gotoLdapServer'] == "default-inherited"){ $this->attrs['gotoLdapServer']= array(); } if (($this->attrs['gotoBootKernel'] == "default-inherited") || ($this->attrs['gotoBootKernel'] == "%default%")){ $this->attrs['gotoBootKernel']= array(); } $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); /* Get FAIstate from object, the generic tab could have changed it during execute */ if($this->fai_activated){ $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("FAIstate")); $checkFAIstate = $ldap->fetch(); /* Remove FAI objects if no FAI class is selected */ if((count($this->FAIclass)==0) && (!isset($checkFAIstate['FAIstate']))){ $this->attrs['FAIclass'] = array(); $this->attrs['FAIdebianMirror'] = array(); } } /* prepare share settings */ $tmp = array(); foreach($this->gotoShares as $name => $settings){ $tmp2= split("\|",$name); $name = $tmp2[0]; $tmp[] = $settings['server']."|".$name."|".$settings['mountPoint']; } $this->attrs['gotoShare']=$tmp; $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving workstation startup settings failed")); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } /* Add value to array, check if unique */ function add_list (&$array, $value) { if ($value != ""){ $array[]= $value; sort($array); array_unique ($array); } } /* Delete value to array, check if unique */ function del_list (&$array, $list) { $tmp= array(); foreach ($array as $mod){ if (!in_array($mod, $list)){ $tmp[]= $mod; } } $array= $tmp; } /* Generate ListBox frindly output for the defined shares * Possibly Add or remove an attribute here, */ function printOutAssignedShares() { $a_return = array(); if(is_array($this->gotoShares)){ foreach($this->gotoShares as $share){ $a_return[$share['name']."|".$share['server']]= $share['name']." [".$share['server']."]"; } } return($a_return); } function GetHookElements() { $ret = array(); $cmd= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], "servrepository", "REPOSITORY_HOOK"); if(!empty($cmd)){ $res = shell_exec($cmd); $res2 = trim($res); if((!$res)){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't execute specified REPOSITORY_HOOK '%s' please check your gosa.conf."),$cmd)); }elseif(empty($res2)){ print_red(sprintf(_("The specified REPOSITORY_HOOK '%s', specified in your gosa.conf, returns an empty string."),$cmd)); }else{ $tmp = split("\n",$res); foreach($tmp as $line){ if(empty($line)) continue; $ret[]= $line; } } } return($ret); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>