"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account= TRUE; var $DNSattributes = array("dNSClass","zoneName","dNSTTL"); var $attributes= array("ipHostNumber","macAddress"); var $objectclasses= array("whatever"); var $ipHostNumber =""; // IP address var $macAddress =""; // Mac address var $cn =""; // CN of currently edited device var $Zones = array(); // All Available Zones like array("3.2.1"=>"MyServer.de") var $RecordTypes= array(); // Possible record types var $dNSClass = "IN"; // dNSClass name var $zoneName = ""; // Used ZoneName var $dNSTTL = 7200; // TTL settings for the created entries /* Used records */ var $types = array(); var $DNSinitially_was_account = false; var $orig_dn =""; var $IPisMust = false; var $MACisMust= false; function termDNS ($config, $dn,$objectClasses,$IPisMust = false) { /* We need to know which objectClasses are used, to store the ip/mac*/ $this->objectclasses= $objectClasses; plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); $this->orig_dn= $dn; $this->IPisMust = $IPisMust; /* All types with required attrs */ $this->RecordTypes['aRecord'] = "aRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['mDRecord'] = "mDRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['mXRecord'] = "mXRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['nSRecord'] = "nSRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['pTRRecord'] = "relativeDomainName";// ok $this->RecordTypes['hInfoRecord'] = "hInfoRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['mInfoRecord'] = "mInfoRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['cNAMERecord'] = "relativeDomainName";// ok $this->RecordTypes['tXTRecord'] = "tXTRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['aFSDBRecord'] = "aFSDBRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['SigRecord'] = "SigRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['KeyRecord'] = "KeyRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['aAAARecord'] = "aAAARecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['LocRecord'] = "LocRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['nXTRecord'] = "nXTRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['sRVRecord'] = "sRVRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['nAPTRRecord'] = "nAPTRRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['kXRecord'] = "kXRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['certRecord'] = "certRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['a6Record'] = "a6Record"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['dSRecord'] = "dSRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['sSHFPRecord'] = "sSHFPRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['rRSIGRecord'] = "rRSIGRecord"; // ok $this->RecordTypes['nSECRecord'] = "nSECRecord"; // ok /* Get all available zones */ if(empty($this->cn)&&(isset($this->attrs['cn'][0]))){ $this->cn = $this->attrs['cn'][0]; } $this->Zones = $this->get_Zones(); $types = array(); /* Get all records */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("*")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ /* If relative domainname == cn * Try to read dnsclass / TTl / zone */ if($attrs['relativeDomainName'][0] == $this->cn){ /* Get class */ if(isset($attrs['dNSClass'][0])){ $this->dNSClass = $attrs['dNSClass'][0]; } /* Get Zone*/ if(isset($attrs['zoneName'][0])){ $this->zoneName = $attrs['zoneName'][0]; } /* Get ttl */ if(isset($attrs['dNSTTL'][0])){ $this->dNSTTL = $attrs['dNSTTL'][0]; } } /* Create list with all used records */ foreach($this->RecordTypes as $name => $value){ /* If there is a record attribute */ if(isset($attrs[$name])){ /* get all entries */ for($i = 0 ; $i < $attrs[$value]['count']; $i ++){ if(($value == "aRecord")&&($this->ipHostNumber==$attrs[$value][$i])){ continue; } $types[] =array("type"=>$name,"inittype"=>$name,"value"=>$attrs[$value][$i],"status"=>"edited","dn"=>$attrs['dn']); } } } } /* If there is at least one entry in this -> types, we have DNS enabled */ $this->types = $types; if(count($this->types) == 0){ $this->DNS_is_account = false; }else{ $this->DNS_is_account = true; } /* Store initally account settings */ $this->DNSinitially_was_account = $this->DNS_is_account; } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Add new empty array with status new, to our record list */ if(isset($_POST['AddNewRecord'])){ $this->types[] =array("type"=>"aRecord","value"=>"","status"=>"new"); } /* Handle all posts */ $only_once =true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Check if we have to delete a record entry */ if((preg_match("/RemoveRecord_/",$name))&&($only_once)) { /* Avoid performing this once again */ $only_once = false; /* Extract id for specified entry */ $id = preg_replace("/RemoveRecord_/","",$name); $id = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$id); /* Delete this record, mark edited entries to be able to delete them */ if(isset($this->types[$id])){ if($this->types[$id]['status'] == "edited"){ $this->types[$id]['status'] = "deleted"; }else{ unset($this->types[$id]); } } } } /* Assign smarty all non DNs attributes */ foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr); } /* Assign smarty all DNS attributes */ foreach($this->DNSattributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr); } /* Assign all needed vars */ $smarty->assign("DNSAccount",$this->DNS_is_account); $smarty->assign("Zones",$this->Zones); $smarty->assign("ZoneKeys",($this->Zones)); $smarty->assign("IPisMust",(($this->IPisMust)||($this->DNS_is_account))); $changeStateForRecords =""; $smarty->assign("records",$this->generateRecordsList(&$changeStateForRecords)); $smarty->assign("changeStateForRecords",$changeStateForRecords); // $smarty->assign("dNSClasses",array("IN"=>"IN")); $smarty->assign("staticAddress","*"); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('network.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } function remove_from_parent() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->orig_dn); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName=*)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",array("relativeDomainName","zoneName")); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $ldap->cd($attr['dn']); $ldap->rmDir($attr['dn']); } } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { /* Save all posted vars */ plugin::save_object(); /* Ge all non dns attributes (IP/MAC)*/ foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr]; } } /* Get dns attributes */ if(isset($_POST['network_tpl_posted'])){ /* Check for posted record changes */ foreach($this->types as $key => $value){ /* Check if type has changed */ if(isset($_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$key])){ $this->types[$key]['type'] = $_POST['RecordTypeSelectedFor_'.$key]; } /* Check if value has changed */ if(isset($_POST['RecordValue_'.$key])){ $this->types[$key]['value'] = $_POST['RecordValue_'.$key]; } } /* Get all basic DNS attributes (TTL, Clas ..)*/ foreach($this->DNSattributes as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr]; } } /* Enable diable DNS */ if(isset($_POST['enableDNS'])){ $this->DNS_is_account = true; }else{ $this->DNS_is_account = false; } } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { $message= array(); if(($this->IPisMust)||($this->DNS_is_account)){ /* Check if ip is empty */ if ($this->ipHostNumber == "" && chkacl ($this->acl, "ipHostNumber") == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field 'IP-address' is not set."); } /* check if given ip is valid ip*/ $num="(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])"; if (!preg_match("/^$num\\.$num\\.$num\\.$num$/", $this->ipHostNumber)){ $message[]= _("Wrong IP format in field IP-address."); } } /* Check if mac is empty */ if ($this->macAddress == "" && chkacl ($this->acl, "macAddress") == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field 'MAC-address' is not set."); } /* Check if given mac is valid mac */ $tr = count(split(":",$this->macAddress)); if($tr!=6){ $message[]=(_("The given macaddress is invalid. There must be 6 1byte segments seperated by ':'.")); } /* only perfrom this checks if this is a valid DNS account */ if($this->DNS_is_account){ foreach($this->types as $name => $values){ /* Check if there is an aRecord defined which uses the same IP as used in IPhostAddress */ if(($values['type'] == "aRecord")&&($values['value'] == $this->ipHostNumber)&&($values['status']!="deleted")){ $message[]=sprintf(_("The device IP '%s' is added as 'A Record', this will be done automatically, please remove the record."), $this->ipHostNumber); } /* only lower-case is allowed in record entries ... */ if($values['value'] != strtolower($values['value'])){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Only lowercase is allowed, please check your '%ss'."),$values['type']); } } } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save($dn) { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /*******************/ /* IP-MAC HANDLING */ /*******************/ /* $dn was posted as parameter */ $this->dn = $dn; /* Save DNS setting & ip/Mac*/ plugin::save(); /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); /****************/ /* DNS HANDLING */ /****************/ /* If isn't DNS account but initially was DNS account remove all DNS entries */ if(!$this->DNS_is_account){ if($this->DNSinitially_was_account){ $tmp = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ $dn = $type['dn']; if(!isset($tmp[$dn])) { $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->rmDir($dn); } $tmp[$dn]=$dn; } } }else{ /* DNS is enabled, check what we have to do */ $delete = array(); /* Generate a list of new ldap entries, & $delete contains all dns which should be deleted */ $entries = $this->generate_LDAP_entries(&$delete); /* Delete dns */ foreach($delete as $dn => $del){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->rmDir($dn); } /* Add || Update new DNS entries */ foreach($entries as $dn => $attrs){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn); if(count($ldap->fetch())){ $ldap->cd($dn); // $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($attrs); }else{ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->add($attrs); } } } if($ldap->get_error() != "Success"){ show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); } } /* Create html table with all used record types */ function generateRecordsList($changeStateForRecords) { $changeStateForRecords = ""; if(!$this->DNS_is_account) { $str = ""; return $str; } $str = ""; foreach($this->types as $key => $entry){ if($entry['status'] == "deleted") continue; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordTypeSelectedFor_".$key."');\n"; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RecordValue_".$key."');\n"; $changeStateForRecords.= "changeState('RemoveRecord_".$key."');\n"; $str.=" ". " ". " ". " ". ""; } $str.= " ". " ". " ". "
". " ". "
"; return($str); } /* Create a html select box which allows us to select different types of records */ function generateRecordListBox($selected,$name) { $str = ""; return($str); } /* return all Zone names */ function get_Zones() { $ret = array(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap-> cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(sOARecord=*))",array("*")); while($at = $ldap->fetch()){ if(preg_match("/\.in\-addr\.arpa/",$at['zoneName'][0])){ $ret[$at['relativeDomainName'][0]]['addr']= $at['zoneName'][0]; }else{ $ret[$at['relativeDomainName'][0]]['name']= $at['zoneName'][0]; } } $tmp =array(); foreach($ret as $name => $entry){ if((isset($entry['addr']))&&(isset($entry['name']))){ $tmp[$entry['addr']]=$entry['name']; } } $ret = $tmp; return($ret); } /* this is used to generate ldap friendly output of our dns configuration */ function generate_LDAP_entries($delete) { $entries = array(); $delete = array(); /* Generate Main Entry */ $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$this->cn.",".$this->dn; $entries[$dn]['dNSClass'] = $this->dNSClass; $entries[$dn]['zoneName'] = $this->zoneName; $entries[$dn]['dNSTTL'] = $this->dNSTTL; $entries[$dn]['relativeDomainName'] = $this->cn; /* Generate cNAMERecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if($type['type'] == "cNAMERecord"){ $Cdn = "relativeDomainName=".$type['value'].",".$this->dn; if($type['status']=="deleted"){ $delete [$type['dn']] = $Cdn; }else{ $entries[$Cdn] = $entries[$dn]; $entries[$Cdn]['relativeDomainName'] = $type['value']; $entries[$Cdn]['cNAMERecord'] = $this->cn.".".$this->zoneName; } } } /* Generate tXTRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "tXTRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['tXTRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate mDRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "mDRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['mDRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate mXRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "mXRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['mXRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate hInfoRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "hInfoRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['hInfoRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate mInfoRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "mInfoRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['mInfoRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate aFSDBRecord */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "aFSDBRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn]['aFSDBRecord'][] = $type['value']; } } /* Generate some attrs */ $arr = array("SigRecord","KeyRecord","aAAARecord","nSRecord", "LocRecord","nXTRecord","sRVRecord","nAPTRRecord","kXRecord","certRecord","a6Record","dSRecord","sSHFPRecord","rRSIGRecord","nSECRecord"); $aRecords = array(); foreach($arr as $ar){ foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == $ar)&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $entries[$dn][$ar][] = $type['value']; } } } /* Generate A Records (IP Address relation) */ $aRecords = array(); foreach($this->types as $type){ if(($type['type'] == "aRecord")&&($type['status']!="deleted")){ $aRecords[] = $type['value']; } } if(count($aRecords)){ /* Add ipHostNumber as default aRecord */ $aRecords[] = $this->ipHostNumber; $dn = "relativeDomainName=".$this->cn.",".$this->dn; foreach($aRecords as $rec){ $entries[$dn]['aRecord'][] = $rec; } } /* Generate pTRRecord Records */ foreach($this->types as $type){ if($type['type'] == "pTRRecord"){ $PTRdn= "relativeDomainName=".$type['value'].",".$this->dn; if($type['status']=="deleted"){ $delete [$type['dn']] = $PTRdn; }else{ $zones = array_flip($this->Zones); $zone = $zones[$this->zoneName]; $entries[$PTRdn]['relativeDomainName'] = $type['value']; $entries[$PTRdn]['pTRRecord'] = $this->cn.".".$this->zoneName; $entries[$PTRdn]['zoneName'] = $zone; } } } /* add ObjectClasses */ foreach($entries as $key => $entry ){ $entries[$key]['objectClass']=array("top","dNSZone"); $entries[$key] = array_reverse($entries[$key]); } /* Check if record type has changed, and if we need to delete this record attribute from ldap entry */ foreach($this->types as $type){ if(isset($type['inittype'])){ if(!isset($entries[$dn][$type['inittype']])){ $entries[$dn][$type['inittype']] = array(); } } } return($entries); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>