"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); var $goExportEntry = array(); var $goExportEntryList= array(); var $goTimeSource = array(); var $goLdapBase = ""; var $goXdmcpIsEnabled = ""; var $goFontPath = ""; var $goNTPServer = ""; var $goShareServer = false; var $goLdapServer = ""; var $goTerminalServer = ""; var $goSyslogServer = ""; var $goCupsServer = ""; var $goMailServer = ""; var $o_subWindow = NULL; /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account= TRUE; var $attributes = array("goLdapBase","goXdmcpIsEnabled","goFontPath","goExportEntry","goTimeSource"); var $possible_objectclasses= array( "goShareServer", "goNtpServer", "goServer", "GOhard", "goLdapServer", "goTerminalServer", "goSyslogServer", "goCupsServer","goMailServer"); var $objectclasses = array( "top","goServer", "GOhard"); var $additionaloc = array( "goShareServer" => array("goExportEntry"), "goNtpServer" => array("goTimeSource"), "goLdapServer" => array("goLdapBase"), "goTerminalServer"=> array("goXdmcpIsEnabled", "goFontPath"), "goSyslogServer" => array(), "goMailServer" => array(), "goCupsServer" => array()); var $allow_mounts = false; //do we allow mount entries? var $mounts_to_add = array(); var $mounts_to_remove = array(); var $oldone = NULL; //temp dave for old mount entry function servservice ($config, $dn= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $avl_objectclasses = $ldap->get_objectclasses(); if (isset($avl_objectclasses["mount"])) { $this->allow_mounts = true; } /* Assemble final object class list */ foreach ($this->additionaloc as $oc => $dummy){ if (isset($this->attrs['objectClass']) && in_array($oc, $this->attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->objectclasses[$oc]= $oc; } } /* Load arrays */ foreach (array("goTimeSource") as $name){ $tmp= array(); if (isset($this->attrs[$name])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs[$name]['count']; $i++){ $tmp[$this->attrs[$name][$i]]= $this->attrs[$name][$i]; } } $this->$name= $tmp; } $tmp =array(); $tmp2=array(); if(isset($this->attrs['goExportEntry'])){ if(isset($this->attrs['goExportEntry']['count'])){ for($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['goExportEntry']['count']; $i++){ $entry= $this->attrs['goExportEntry'][$i]; $tmp[preg_replace('/\|.*$/', '', $entry)]= $entry; } } } $this->goExportEntryList = $tmp; /* Always is account... */ $this->is_account= TRUE; /* Check if goShareServer is defined */ if((isset($this->attrs['objectClass']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['objectClass']))){ if(in_array("goShareServer",$this->attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->goShareServer = true; } } } function addToList($entry){ $key = key($entry); $this->goExportEntryList[$key]=$entry[$key]; } function deleteFromList($id){ unset($this->goExportEntryList[$id]); } function addToMountList($entry) { $key = key($entry); $type = $this->get_share_type($entry[$key]); if (($type == "netatalk") || ($type == "NFS")) { $this->mounts_to_add[$entry[$key]] = $entry[$key]; unset($this->mounts_to_remove[$entry[$key]]); } } function deleteFromMountList($entry) { $type = $this->get_share_type($entry); if (($type == "netatalk") || ($type == "NFS")) { $this->mounts_to_remove[$entry] = $entry; unset($this->mounts_to_add[$entry]); } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("staticAddress", ""); if((isset($_POST['DelNfsEnt']))&&(isset($_POST['goExportEntryList']))){ if($this->allow_mounts){ foreach($_POST['goExportEntryList'] as $entry){ $this->deleteFromMountList($this->goExportEntryList[$entry]); } } foreach($_POST['goExportEntryList'] as $entry){ $this->deleteFromList($entry); } } if(isset($_POST['NewNfsAdd'])){ $this->oldone = NULL; $this->o_subWindow = new servnfs($this->config,$this->acl, $this->allow_mounts, $this->dn); $this->dialog = true; } if((isset($_POST['NewNfsEdit']))&&(isset($_POST['goExportEntryList']))){ $entry = $this->goExportEntryList[$_POST['goExportEntryList'][0]]; $add_mount=isset($this->mounts_to_add[$entry]); $this->oldone=$entry; $this->o_subWindow = new servnfs($this->config,$this->acl,$this->allow_mounts,$this->dn,$entry,$add_mount); $this->dialog = true; } if(isset($this->o_subWindow)){ $this->o_subWindow->save_object(TRUE); } /* Save NFS setup */ if(isset($_POST['NFSsave'])){ if(count($this->o_subWindow->check())>0){ foreach($this->o_subWindow->check() as $msg) { print_red($msg); } }else{ $this->o_subWindow->save_object(); $newone = $this->o_subWindow->save(); $this->addToList($newone); if($this->allow_mounts){ if($this->oldone) { $this->deleteFromMountList($this->oldone); } if ($this->o_subWindow->should_create_mount()) { $this->addToMountList($newone); } } unset($this->o_subWindow); $this->dialog = false; } } /* Cancel NFS setup */ if(isset($_POST['NFScancel'])){ $this->oldone = NULL; unset($this->o_subWindow); $this->dialog = false; } /* Execute NFS setup dialog*/ if(isset($this->o_subWindow)){ return $this->o_subWindow->execute(); } /* Here we add a new entry */ if(isset($_POST['NewNTPAdd']) && $_POST['NewNTPExport'] != "") { $this->goTimeSource[$_POST['NewNTPExport']]= $_POST['NewNTPExport']; asort($this->goTimeSource); } /* Deleting an Entry, is a bit more complicated than adding one*/ if(isset($_POST['DelNTPEnt'])) { foreach ($_POST['goTimeSource'] as $entry){ if (isset($this->goTimeSource[$entry])){ unset($this->goTimeSource[$entry]); } } } /* Attributes */ foreach ($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign("$attr", $this->$attr); $smarty->assign("$attr"."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $attr)); $smarty->assign($attr."State",""); } $tellSmarty=array(); ksort($this->goExportEntryList); foreach($this->goExportEntryList as $name=>$values){ $tmp = split("\|",$values); $tellSmarty[$name] = $tmp[0]." ".$tmp[4]." (".$tmp[2].")"; } $smarty->assign("goExportEntry",array_keys($tellSmarty)); $smarty->assign("goExportEntryKeys",($tellSmarty)); $smarty->assign("goExportEntryACL", chkacl($this->acl, "goExportEntry")); $smarty->assign("goTimeSource", $this->goTimeSource); $smarty->assign("goTimeSourceACL", chkacl($this->acl, "goTimeSource")); $smarty->assign("goTimeSourceState",""); /* Classes... */ foreach ($this->additionaloc as $oc => $dummy){ if (isset($this->objectclasses[$oc])){ $smarty->assign("$oc", "checked"); $smarty->assign("$oc"."State", ""); $smarty->assign("$oc"."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $oc)); } else { $smarty->assign("$oc", ""); $smarty->assign("$oc"."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $oc)); $smarty->assign("$oc"."State", "disabled"); } } if(!$this->goShareServer){ $smarty->assign("goShareServerState", " disabled "); $smarty->assign("goExportEntryACL", " disabled "); }else{ $smarty->assign("goShareServerState", " "); $smarty->assign("goExportEntryACL", " "); } /* Different handling for checkbox */ if($this->goXdmcpIsEnabled == "true"){ $smarty->assign("goXdmcpIsEnabled","checked"); } else { $smarty->assign("goXdmcpIsEnabled",""); } return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('servservice.tpl', TRUE))); } function remove_from_parent() { /* This cannot be removed... */ } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); if (isset($_POST['servicetab'])){ $tmp = $this->goTimeSource; if(isset($_POST['goLdapBase'])){ $this->goLdapBase = $_POST['goLdapBase']; } /* Save checkbox state */ foreach ($this->additionaloc as $oc => $dummy){ // if($oc == "goNtpServer") continue; if (chkacl($this->acl, $oc) == ""){ if (isset($_POST[$oc]) && $_POST[$oc] == '1'){ $this->objectclasses[$oc]= $oc; } else { unset($this->objectclasses[$oc]); } } } /* Save xdmcp is enabled flag */ if (isset($_POST['goXdmcpIsEnabled'])){ $this->goXdmcpIsEnabled= "true"; } else { $this->goXdmcpIsEnabled= "false"; } /* Save xdmcp is enabled flag */ if (isset($_POST['goShareServer'])){ $this->goShareServer = true; } else { $this->goShareServer = false; } $this->goTimeSource = array(); $this->goTimeSource = $tmp; } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if((isset($_POST['goTerminalServer']))&&(empty($this->goFontPath))){ $message[]=_("Terminal server, must have fontpath specified."); } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); $tmp= array(); /* Remove all from this plugin */ foreach($this->attrs['objectClass'] as $oc){ if (!in_array_ics($oc, $this->possible_objectclasses)){ $tmp[]= $oc; } } /* Merge our current objectclasses */ foreach($this->objectclasses as $oc){ if (!in_array_ics($oc, $tmp)){ $tmp[]= $oc; } } /* Reassign cleaned value */ $this->attrs['objectClass']= $tmp; /* Arrays */ foreach (array("goTimeSource"=>"goTimeSource", "goExportEntryList"=>"goExportEntry") as $source => $destination){ $this->attrs[$destination]= array(); foreach ($this->$source as $element){ $this->attrs[$destination][]= $element; } } /* Process netatalk mounts */ if($this->allow_mounts) { $this->process_mounts(); } /* Remove illegal attributes */ foreach ($this->additionaloc as $oc => $attrs){ if (!in_array($oc, $this->objectclasses)){ foreach ($attrs as $attr){ $this->attrs[$attr]= array(); } } } /* Write to LDAP */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving server service object failed")); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account){ if ($this->is_modified){ $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } function process_mounts() { $clip = "cn=" . $this->cn . ",ou=servers,ou=systems,"; $mountsdn = "cn=mounts," . substr($this->dn, strlen($clip)); $mounts = array( "objectClass" => "container", "cn" => "mounts" ); # load data from mounts container $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($mountsdn, array('dn')); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); # mounts container not present yet, so we create it if (count($attrs) == 0) { $ldap->cd($mountsdn); $ldap->add($mounts); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Creating mount container failed")); gosa_log("Mount container '$mountsdn' has been created"); } # remove deleted mounts from the container foreach ($this->mounts_to_remove as $entry) { $mount=$this->returnMountEntry($entry); $mountdn = "cn=".$mount["cn"].","."$mountsdn"; $ldap->cat($mountdn, array('dn')); $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if (count($attrs) != 0) { $ldap->rmdir($mountdn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing mount container failed")); gosa_log("Mount object '".$mountdn."' has been removed"); } } # add new mounts to the container foreach ($this->mounts_to_add as $entry) { $mount=$this->returnMountEntry($entry); $mountdn = "cn=".$mount["cn"].","."$mountsdn"; $ldap->cd($mountdn); $ldap->add($mount); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving mount container failed")); gosa_log("Mount object '".$mountdn."' has been added"); } } function get_share_type($share) { $tmp = split("\|", $share); return $tmp[2]; } function returnMountEntry($entry) { $item = split("\|", $entry); $name = $item[0]; $description = $item[1]; $type = $item[2]; $charset = $item[3]; $path = $item[4]; $options = $item[5]; switch ($type) { case "netatalk" : { $mount = array( "mountDirectory" => "/Network/Servers/", "mountOption" => array( "net", "url==afp://;AUTH=NO%20USER%20AUTHENT@".$this->cn."/$name/" ), "mountType" => "url", "objectClass" => "mount", "cn" => $this->cn .":/".$name ); break; } case "NFS" : { $mount = array( "mountDirectory" => "/Network/Servers/", "mountOption" => "net", "mountType" => "nfs", "objectClass" => "mount", "cn" => $this->cn .":".$path ); break; } default : { continue; } } return $mount; } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>