"Eins ist toll", "zwei"=>"Zwei ist noch besser"); var $postfix_mydomain = ""; var $postfix_mydestination = ""; var $postfix_mynetworks = ""; var $postfix_enable_virus_scan = "TRUE"; var $postfix_relayhost = ""; var $postfix_mxrelayenabled = true; var $postfix_allow_unauthenticated = "FALSE"; var $cyrus_quotawarn = "80"; var $kolabFreeBusyFuture = "1"; var $k = "kolab"; var $cyrus_admins = "TRUE"; var $cyrus_imap = "TRUE"; var $cyrus_pop3 = "TRUE"; var $cyrus_imaps = "TRUE"; var $cyrus_pop3s = "TRUE"; var $cyrus_sieve = "TRUE"; var $apache_allow_unauthenticated_fb = "TRUE"; var $proftpd_ftp = "TRUE"; var $apache_http = "TRUE"; var $kolabHost = array(); var $orig_cn = ""; var $attributes = array("postfix_mydomain", "postfix_mydestination", "proftpd_ftp", "k", "postfix_mynetworks", "postfix_enable_virus_scan", "postfix_relayhost", "apache_http", "postfix_allow_unauthenticated", "cyrus_admins", "cyrus_imap","kolabFreeBusyFuture", "cyrus_pop3", "cyrus_imaps", "cyrus_pop3s", "cyrus_sieve", "apache_allow_unauthenticated_fb", "cyrus_quotawarn"); var $objectclasses = array("top", "kolab"); /* Serverservice vars */ var $conflicts = array("goImapServer","goMailServer"); var $DisplayName = "Kolab mail service"; var $StatusFlag = ""; function servkolab($config, $dn = NULL) { /* Setting the hostname and tell this Plugin that we are the kolab extension*/ $this->hostname = preg_replace('/^cn=([^,]+),.*$/', '\1', $dn); $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$config->current['BASE']; /* Load variables, if given*/ plugin::plugin($config, $this->dn); /* Copy needed attributes */ foreach($this->attributes as $val) { $name = preg_replace('/_/', '-', $val); if (isset($this->attrs["$name"][0])) { $this->$val = $this->attrs["$name"][0]; } } /* Toggle relayhost */ $this->postfix_mxrelayenabled = preg_match('/^\[/', $this->postfix_relayhost); $this->postfix_relayhost = preg_replace("/[\[\]]/","",$this->postfix_relayhost); /* Is this Server a member of the Kolab extension or not ?*/ if(isset($this->attrs['kolabHost'])) { $this->kolabHost= $this->attrs['kolabHost']; unset($this->kolabHost['count']); } $this->is_account = false; $this->initially_was_account = false; foreach($this->kolabHost as $host){ if($this->hostname == $host){ $this->is_account = true; $this->initially_was_account = true; } } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /*************** Variable initialisation ***************/ $smarty = get_smarty(); $display = ""; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Assemble free/busy string */ $edit = sprintf('', $this->kolabFreeBusyFuture, chkacl($this->acl, 'kolabFreeBusyFuture')); $fbfuture = sprintf(_("Include data from %s days in the past when creating free/busy lists"), $edit); /* Assemble quota string */ $edit = sprintf('', $this->cyrus_quotawarn, chkacl($this->acl, 'cyrus_quotawarn')); $quotastr = sprintf(_("Warn users when using more than %s%% of their mail quota"), $edit); /*************** Handle Account is_account state ***************/ /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])) { $this->is_account = !$this->is_account; } /* Show tab dialog headers */ if ($this->is_account) { /* call Add Acoount to add account */ $display = $this->show_header(_("Remove Kolab extension"), _("This server has kolab features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below.")); } else { /* call remove Account */ $display = $this->show_header(_("Add Kolab service"), _("This server has kolab features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below.")); return ($display); } /*************** Assign informations to smarty ***************/ /* Set relayhost and if we have MX lookup enabled*/ if($this->postfix_mxrelayenabled) { $smarty->assign("RelayMxSupportCheck"," checked "); } else { $smarty->assign("RelayMxSupportCheck",""); } /* Initialize all attributes, that were submitted */ foreach($this->attributes as $val) { $smarty->assign($val."ACL",chkacl($this->acl,str_replace("_","-",$val))); /* Tell smarty which variables we are useing */ $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val); if (($this->$val != "FALSE") && !empty($this->$val)){ $smarty->assign($val."Check", "checked"); } else { $smarty->assign($val."Check", ""); } } $smarty->assign("fbfuture", $fbfuture); $smarty->assign("quotastr", $quotastr); /* Load Template */ $display.=$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servkolab.tpl', TRUE)); return ($display); } function remove_from_parent() { /* Only walk through following code, if this host was a member of the kolab hosts, else skip this */ if(!$this->initially_was_account){ return; } /* !!! Don't use "cn" in this function hostname -> the initial name of the host cn -> is the new name of the host, in case that it was renamed. */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$this->config->current['BASE']; /* We can't simply remove the whole entry, it is possible that there are some other hosts assigned to this object. So, first of all check if we are the last host entry within the host : Remove k=kolab entry if we aren't alone, only remove host name from hosts entry and save */ /* Are we alone? Remove complete entry... */ /* Check if we are definitly in kolabHosts */ if(!in_array_ics($this->hostname,$this->kolabHost)) { return; } /* Integration check, not translatet because they can't pop up at all, only for debug */ if(count($this->kolabHost) == 0){ print_red("Server - Kolab tab : This is not possible, we can't remove an account which doesn't exists."); return; } if(!isset($this->hostname) || (empty($this->hostname))){ print_red("The required attribute hostname seams to empty."); } /* Our hostname is in kolabHosts and there is a only one entry = we are the last host entry, delete k=kolab entry */ if (count($this->kolabHost) == 1){ /* Remove complete entry */ $ldap->rmdir ($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing kolab host entry failed")); gosa_log("k=kolab entry removed, ".$this->hostname." was the last kolabHost entry."); } else { /* Only modify kolabHost */ $hosts= array(); foreach ($this->kolabHost as $host){ if($host != $this->hostname){ $hosts[]= $host; } } $attrs= array('kolabHost' => $hosts); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing server from kolab object failed")); gosa_log("Removing ".$this->hostname." from list of kolabHosts"); } /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } function save_object() { if (isset($_POST['kolabtab'])){ plugin::save_object(); /* Save checkboxes */ foreach (array( "postfix_enable_virus_scan", "postfix_allow_unauthenticated", "cyrus_admins", "cyrus_imap", "cyrus_pop3", "cyrus_imaps", "cyrus_pop3s", "cyrus_sieve", "apache_allow_unauthenticated_fb", "proftpd_ftp", "apache_http") as $cb){ if (isset($_POST[$cb])){ $this->$cb= "TRUE"; } else { $this->$cb= "FALSE"; } } /* Toggle relay check */ $this->postfix_mxrelayenabled= isset($_POST['RelayMxSupport']); } } function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if(($this->kolabFreeBusyFuture=="")) { $message[] = _("Future days in Free/Busy settings must be set."); }elseif(!is_uid($this->kolabFreeBusyFuture) || $this->kolabFreeBusyFuture < 0){ $message[] = _("Future days in Free/Busy settings must be a positive value."); } if(!is_int((int)($this->cyrus_quotawarn))) { $message[] = _("The given Quota settings value must be a number."); }elseif(!(($this->cyrus_quotawarn<=100)&&($this->cyrus_quotawarn>=0))){ $message[] = _("Please choose a value between 1 and 100 for Quota settings."); }elseif(strcasecmp($this->cyrus_quotawarn,(int)$this->cyrus_quotawarn)){ $message[] = _("Future days must be a value."); } if(empty($this->postfix_mynetworks)) { $message[] = _("No SMTP privileged networks set."); } /*if(empty($this->postfix_relayhost)) { $message[] = _("No SMTP smarthost/relayhost set."); } */ return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { /* Set ldap connection */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Open current dn*/ $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$this->config->current['BASE']; /* Adapt relayhost */ $this->postfix_relayhost= preg_replace('/[\[\]]/', '', $this->postfix_relayhost); if (!$this->postfix_mxrelayenabled && $this->postfix_relayhost != ""){ $this->postfix_relayhost= "[".$this->postfix_relayhost."]"; } /* Check if this server was renamed, in this case we have to remove old cn first*/ if($this->hostname != $this->cn){ $tmp = array(); if(in_array_ics($this->hostname,$this->kolabHost)){ foreach($this->kolabHost as $host){ if($host != $this->hostname){ $tmp[] = $host; } } $this->kolabHost = $tmp; } } /* Add ourselves to the list of kolabHost's if needed */ if (!in_array_ics($this->cn,$this->kolabHost)){ $this->kolabHost[]= $this->cn; } /* Call parents save to prepare $this->attrs */ plugin::save(); /* Save or modify? */ $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('dn')); if (!$ldap->fetch()){ $mode= "add"; } else { $mode= "modify"; } /* Do attribute conversion */ foreach ($this->attrs as $key => $value){ if (preg_match('/_/', $key)){ $old_key= $key; $key= preg_replace('/_/', '-', $key); $this->attrs[$key]= $value; unset($this->attrs[$old_key]); } } /* Add kolab hosts */ $this->attrs['kolabHost']= $this->kolabHost; /* Perform LDAP action */ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup();; $ldap->$mode($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving server to kolab object failed")); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account) { if ($this->is_modified) { $this->handle_post_events("mofify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } function getListEntry() { $flag = $this->StatusFlag; if(empty($flag)){ $fields['Status'] = ""; }else{ $fields['Status'] = $this->$flag; } $fields['Message'] = _("Kolab mail service"); $fields['AllowStart'] = true; $fields['AllowStop'] = true; $fields['AllowRestart'] = true; $fields['AllowRemove'] = true; $fields['AllowEdit'] = true; return($fields); } /* Directly save new status flag */ function setStatus($value) { echo "Status flag isn't set .... "; return; if($value == "none") return; if(!$this->initially_was_account) return; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ $tmp = $ldap->fetch(); for($i = 0; $i < $tmp['objectClass']['count']; $i ++){ $attrs['objectClass'][] = $tmp['objectClass'][$i]; } $flag = $this->StatusFlag; $attrs[$flag] = $value; $this->$flag = $value; $ldap->modify($attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); $this->action_hook(); } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>