"Eins ist toll", "zwei"=>"Zwei ist noch besser"); var $postfix_mydomain = ""; var $postfix_mydestination = ""; var $postfix_mynetworks = ""; var $postfix_enable_virus_scan = ""; var $cyrus_autocreatequota = ""; var $cyrus_quotawarn = "";//ok var $cyrus_admins = ""; var $cyrus_imap = "";//ok var $cyrus_pop3 = "";//ok var $cyrus_imaps = "";//ok var $cyrus_pop3s = "";//ok var $cyrus_sieve = "";//ok var $apache_allow_unauthenticated_fb = "";//doing now var $proftpd_ftp = ""; var $apache_http = ""; var $kolabHost = array(""); var $postfix_relayhost = ""; var $attributes = array("postfix_mydomain", "postfix_mydestination", "postfix_mynetworks", "postfix_enable_virus_scan","postfix_relayhost", "cyrus_autocreatequota", "cyrus_admins", "cyrus_imap", "cyrus_pop3", "cyrus_imaps", "cyrus_pop3s", "cyrus_sieve", "apache_allow_unauthenticated_fb", "proftpd_ftp", "apache_http", "cyrus_quotawarn", "kolabHost"); var $objectclasses = array("top", "kolab"); function servkolab($config, $dn = NULL) { echo "DN korrigieren
"; $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$config->current['BASE']; plugin::plugin($config, $this->dn); $this->dn = $dn; /* Copy needed attributes */ foreach($this->attributes as $val) { $name = preg_replace('/_/', '-', $val); if (isset($this->attrs["$name"][0])) { $this->$val = $this->attrs["$name"][0]; } } } /* If the Button remove Kolab extension is clicked, this will be called */ function RemoveAccount() { gosa_log("Remove function"); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); if ($ldap->dn_exists($this->dn)) { $ldap->rmdir($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); } } /* this fucntion generates all needed attributes to start a new kolab extension */ function AddAccount() { /* get the Ldap link, to test if there is an obeject with the same dn */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); gosa_log("Add function"); /* test */ if (!$ldap->dn_exists($this->dn)) { /* Object Classes */ $str['objectClass'][] = "top"; $str['objectClass'][] = "kolab"; /* specific kolab attribute */ $str['k'][] = "kolab"; /* Postfix default values */ $str['postfix-mydomain'][] = "gonicus.de"; $str['postfix-mydestination'][] = "\$mydomain"; $str['postfix-mynetworks'][] = ""; $str['postfix-enable-virus-scan'][] = "TRUE"; /* Cyrus Attributes */ $str['cyrus-autocreatequota'][] = "100000"; $str['cyrus-quotawarn'][] = "80"; $str['cyrus-admins'][] = "manager"; $str['cyrus-imap'][] = "TRUE"; $str['cyrus-pop3'][] = "FALSE"; $str['cyrus-imaps'][] = "FALSE"; $str['cyrus-pop3s'][] = "FALSE"; $str['cyrus-sieve'][] = "FALSE"; /* */ $str['apache-allow-unauthenticated-fb'][] = "FALSE"; $str['proftpd-ftp'][] = "FALSE"; $str['uid'][] = "freebusy"; $str['userPassword'][] = "ZnJlZWJ1c3k"; $str['apache-http'][] = "TRUE"; /* Set Attributes */ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->attrs = $str; /* Copy needed attributes */ foreach($this->attributes as $val) { $name = preg_replace('/_/', '-', $val); if (isset($this->attrs["$name"][0])) { $this->$val = $this->attrs["$name"][0]; } } } } function execute() { /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty = get_smarty(); $display = ""; /* Tell the script the dn, we are using */ $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$this->config->current['BASE']; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])) { $this->is_account = !$this->is_account; if($this->is_account) $this->AddAccount(); else $this->RemoveAccount(); } /* Show tab dialog headers */ if ($this->is_account) { /* call Add Acoount to add account */ $display = $this->show_header(_("Remove Kolab extension"), _("This server has kolab features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below.")); } else { /* call remove Account */ $display = $this->show_header(_("Add Kolab service"), _("This server has kolab features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below.")); return ($display); } /* There a new Host submitted */ if (isset($_POST['NewHost'])) { $abort= false; if(empty($_POST['NewkolabHost'])) { //print_red(_("The given Hostname ist empty.")) $abort = true; } else { foreach($this->attrs['kolabHost'] as $host) { if(strtolower($host) ==strtolower($_POST['NewkolabHost'])) { $abort = true; //print_red(_("The given Host already exists")); } } } if(!$abort) { $this->attrs['kolabHost'][] = $_POST['NewkolabHost']; } } /* We need to delete a Host */ if (isset($_POST['DelHost'])) { foreach($this->attrs['kolabHost'] as $key => $host) { if(isset($_POST['kolabHost'])){ if ($host == $_POST['kolabHost']) unset($this->attrs['kolabHost'][$key]); } } } /* Initialize all attributes, that were submitted */ foreach($this->attributes as $val) { /* If theres a button pressed, we need to check all attributes */ if ((isset($_POST['NewHost'])) || (isset($_POST['DelHost']))) { /* Set var to value or to zero */ if (isset($_POST[$val])) { $this->$val = $_POST[$val]; } else { $this->$val = 0; } } /* Tell smarty which variables we are useing */ $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val); if (($this->$val != "FALSE") && (!empty($this->$val))) $smarty->assign($val."Check", "checked"); else $smarty->assign($val."Check", ""); } /* If there are some Host submitted, tell it smarty */ $this->kolabHost = array(); if (isset($this->attrs['kolabHost'])) { $this->kolabHost = $this->attrs['kolabHost']; unset($this->kolabHost['count']); } $smarty->assign("kolabHost", $this->kolabHost); /* Load Template */ $display.=$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servkolab.tpl', TRUE)); return ($display); } function remove_from_parent() { } function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); } function check() { $message = array(); if(!is_int((int)($this->cyrus_quotawarn))) { $message[] = "The given Quota settings value must be a number"; }elseif(!(($this->cyrus_quotawarn<=100)&&($this->cyrus_quotawarn>=1))){ $message[] = "Please choose a value between 1 and 100 for Quota settings"; } /* You will need a least one entry to save this settings */ if (count($this->kolabHost) == 0) { $message[] = "You will need at least one Entry in Hosts. If You want to 'Remove' Kolab extension please use the \"Remove Kolab extension\" Button to remove Kolab "; } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { /* Set ldap connection */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); /* Setup Attributes to save */ $newattrs = array(); /* Set vars with correct - _ - */ foreach($this->attributes as $key) { $key2 = str_replace("_", "-", $key); $newattrs[$key2] = $this->$key; } /* Set bool vars */ if ($newattrs['postfix-enable-virus-scan'] == 0) $newattrs['postfix-enable-virus-scan'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['postfix-enable-virus-scan'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['cyrus-imap'] == 0) $newattrs['cyrus-imap'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['cyrus-imap'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['cyrus-imaps'] == 0) $newattrs['cyrus-imaps'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['cyrus-imaps'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['cyrus-pop3'] == 0) $newattrs['cyrus-pop3'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['cyrus-pop3'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['cyrus-pop3s'] == 0) $newattrs['cyrus-pop3s'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['cyrus-pop3s'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['cyrus-sieve'] == 0) $newattrs['cyrus-sieve'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['cyrus-sieve'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['proftpd-ftp'] == 0) $newattrs['proftpd-ftp'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['proftpd-ftp'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['apache-http'] == 0) $newattrs['apache-http'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['apache-http'] = "TRUE"; if ($newattrs['apache-allow-unauthenticated-fb'] == 0) $newattrs['apache-allow-unauthenticated-fb'] = "FALSE"; else $newattrs['apache-allow-unauthenticated-fb'] = "TRUE"; if(empty($newattrs['postfix-relayhost'])) unset( $newattrs['postfix-relayhost']); /* Reorder Host array, to get constant increasing index */ $newattrs['kolabHost'] = array(); foreach($this->attrs['kolabHost'] as $key=>$val) { if (is_int($key)) { $newattrs['kolabHost'][] = $val; } } /* Save as following object ! */ $this->dn = "k=kolab,".$this->config->current['BASE']; /* If we already have an object like this one, we only need to modify the entry */ if ($ldap->dn_exists($this->dn)) { gosa_log("Modifying"); /* unset all attributes we won't change*/ unset($newattrs['cyrus-admins']); unset($newattrs['postfix-mydomain']); unset($newattrs['postfix-mydestination']); //print_a($newattrs); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->modify($newattrs); } else { /* We must create a new Entry */ $newattrs['k'] = "kolab"; $newattrs['uid'] = "freebusy"; $newattrs['postfix-mydomain'] = "gonicus.de"; $newattrs['postfix-mydestination'] = "\$mydomain"; $newattrs['userPassword'] = "tester"; $newattrs['objectClass'] = $this->objectclasses; gosa_log("Adding"); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->add($newattrs); } /* show any errors */ show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error()); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account) { if ($this->is_modified) { $this->handle_post_events("mofify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>