"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account = TRUE; var $attributes = array("cn"); var $objectclasses = array("whatever"); var $Devices = array(); var $zoneName = ""; // ZoneName of currently edited Zone var $reverseName = ""; // ReverseZone of the currently edited Zone var $RecordTypes = array(); // Possible record type. var $disableDialog = false; // Dialog will be disabled, if this zone is new var $cn; function servDNSeditZoneEntries ($config,$dn, $zoneObject) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); /* Initialise class */ $this->RecordTypes = getDnsRecordTypes(); $this->dn = "zoneName=".$zoneObject['InitialzoneName'].",".$dn; $this->zoneName = strtoupper($this->cn)."/".$zoneObject['InitialzoneName']; $this->reverseName = strtoupper($this->cn)."/".$zoneObject['InitialReverseZone']; /* Get ldap connection */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); /* Get zone content */ $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@)))",$this->dn,array("relativeDomainName")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]] = getDNSHostEntries($config,$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0],true); $this->Devices[$attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]]['OrigCn'] = $attrs['relativeDomainName'][0]; } $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass")); $this->disableDialog = true; if(count($this->Devices)|| $ldap->count()){ $this->disableDialog = false; } } function execute() { plugin::execute(); /* Check posts for operations ... */ $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Add a new Record in given object */ $tmp = preg_replace("/^.*_(.*)_.*$/","\\1",$name); $tmp2 = split("\|",$tmp); /* Add new host entry */ if((preg_match("/^UserRecord_?/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; $entry = getDNSHostEntries($this->config,"",true); $entry['exists'] = true; $entry['zoneName'] = $this->zoneName; $entry['RECORDS'][] = array("type" => "aRecord" , "value"=>""); $this->Devices[_("New entry")] = $entry; } if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue; $Name = base64_decode($tmp2[0]); $RecordID = $tmp2[1]; /* Add new REcord */ if((preg_match("/^AddRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][] = $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]; } /* Remove record from given dn */ if((preg_match("/^RemoveRecord_/",$name)) && ($once)){ $once = false; if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){ unset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]); } } } /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; $table = ""; foreach($this->Devices as $key => $dev){ $table .= $this->generateRecordConfigurationRow($key); } $smarty->assign("disableDialog",$this->disableDialog); $smarty->assign("table",$table);; $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servDNSeditZoneEntries.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } function save_object() { /* Possible attributes posted */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Extract informations out of post name */ $tmp = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name); $tmp2 = split("\|",$tmp); if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue; $Name = base64_decode($tmp2[0]); $RecordID = $tmp2[1]; /* Check for value change */ if(preg_match("/ValueSelection_/",$name)){ if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){ $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['value'] = $value; } } /* record type changed */ if(preg_match("/^RecordTypeSelection_/",$name)){ if(isset($this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID])){ $this->Devices[$Name]['RECORDS'][$RecordID]['type'] = $value; } } } /* check for renamed entries */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Extract informations out of post name */ $tmp = preg_replace("/^.*_/","\\1",$name); $tmp2 = split("\|",$tmp); if(count($tmp2) != 2) continue; $Name = base64_decode($tmp2[0]); $RecordID = $tmp2[1]; /* Host renamed */ if(preg_match("/RenameHost_/",$name)){ if((isset($this->Devices[$Name])) && ($Name != $value)){ if(isset($this->Devices[$value])){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't rename '%s' to '%s' there is already an entry with the same name in our zone editing dialog."),$Name,$value)); }else{ $this->Devices[$value] = $this->Devices[$Name]; unset($this->Devices[$Name]); } } } } } /* check something */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $names = array(); foreach($this->Devices as $DevName => $device){ /* skip checking empty attributes */ if(count($this->Devices[$DevName]['RECORDS']) == 0){ return; } /* Checking entry name */ if((!is_uid($DevName)) | (empty($DevName))){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Entry name '%s' contains invalid characters."), $DevName); } /* Renaming check for existing devices */ if(isset($device['OrigCn']) && ($DevName != $device['OrigCn'] )){ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName")); if($ldap->count()){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not rename '%s' to '%s',the destination name already exists."),$device['OrigCn'],$DevName); } }elseif(!isset($device['OrigCn'])){ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(relativeDomainName=".$DevName.")",array("relativeDomainName")); if($ldap->count()){ $message[] = sprintf(_("Can not create '%s',the destination name already exists."),$DevName); } } /* Check names */ if(!isset($names[$DevName])){ $names[$DevName] = ""; }else{ $message[] = sprintf(_("The name '%s' is used more than once."),$DevName); } /* Names should be written in lowercase */ if(strtolower($DevName) != $DevName){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The host name '%s' should be written in lowercase."), $DevName); } /* Check records */ $singleEntries = array("cNAMERecord","pTRRecord"); $tmp = array(); $tmp2 = array(); foreach($device['RECORDS'] as $Num => $Rec){ /* Check for multiple use of unique record types */ if(in_array($Rec['type'],$singleEntries)){ if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']])){ $tmp[$Rec['type']] = ""; }else{ $message[] = sprintf(_("The record type '%s' is a unique type and can't be defined twice."),$type); } } /* Check for empty / duplicate entries in record array */ if(empty($Rec['value'])){ $message[] = sprintf(_("There is an empty '%s' for host '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName); } /* Check for duplicate record entries */ if(!isset($tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']])){ $tmp[$Rec['type']][$Rec['value']] = ""; }else{ $message[] = sprintf(_("There is a duplicate entry in '%s' for '%s'."),$Rec['type'],$DevName); } } } return ($message); } function save() { if($this->disableDialog) return; $todo = array(); print_a($this->Devices); /* Create todolist */ foreach($this->Devices as $name => $dev){ if(isset($dev['OrigCn'])){ if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){ $todo[] = getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name); }else{ $dev['exists'] = false; $todo[] = getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,$dev['OrigCn'],$dev,$name); } }else{ if(count($dev['RECORDS'])){ $todo[] = getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name); }else{ $dev['exists'] = false; $todo[] = getDNSHostEntriesDiff($this->config,"",$dev,$name); } } } $tmp = array(); $tmp['del'] = array(); $tmp['add'] = array(); $tmp['move'] = array(); foreach($todo as $to){ foreach($to as $type => $entries){ $tmp[$type] = array_merge($tmp[$type],$entries); } } /* Get ldap link */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); /* move follwoing entries */ foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){ $this->recursive_move($src,$dst); } /* Delete dns */ foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn); } /* Add || Update new DNS entries */ foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn')); if(count($ldap->fetch())){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify ($attrs); }else{ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->add($attrs); } } } /* Create html table out of given entry */ function generateRecordConfigurationRow($objKey){ /* Get some basic informations */ $obj = $this->Devices[$objKey]; $objectName = $objKey; /* Abort if emtpy */ if(count($obj['RECORDS']) == 0) return ""; /* Set title */ $str= "
"; $hostNameOnce = true; /* Walk through all defined records */ $str.= ""; foreach($obj['RECORDS'] as $id => $record){ /* Create unique post name */ $name = base64_encode($objKey)."|".$id; $str .= ""; } $str .="
\n"; /* Only first host entry name should be editable */ if($hostNameOnce){ $hostNameOnce = false; $str .="\n"; } /* Create rest. Selectbox, icons ... */ $str .=" ".$this->createRecordTypeSelection($record['type'],$name)."
"; return($str); } /* Create selectbox with all available option types */ function createRecordTypeSelection($id,$refID){ $str = "\n"; return($str); } function remove_from_parent() { } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>