orig_dn = $dn; /* Get record types for zones */ $this->RecordTypes = getDnsRecordTypes(true); /* Get all zone Informations */ $this->Zones = getDNSZoneEntries($config,$dn); /* If there is at least one entry in this -> types, we have DNS enabled */ if(count($this->Zones) == 0){ $this->is_account = false; }else{ $this->is_account = true; } $this->DNSinitially_was_account = $this->is_account; } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ /* Only change account state if allowed */ if($this->is_account && $this->acl == "#all#"){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; $this->is_modified = true; }elseif(!$this->is_account && chkacl($this->acl,"create") == ""){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; $this->is_modified = true; } } if ($this->is_account){ $display= $this->show_header(_("Remove DNS service"), _("This server has DNS features enabled. You can disable them by clicking below.")); } else { $display= $this->show_header(_("Add DNS service"), _("This server has DNS features disabled. You can enable them by clicking below.")); return ($display); } /* Edited or Added zone */ if((isset($_POST['SaveZoneChanges'])) && is_object($this->dialog)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); /* Check for errors */ if(count($this->dialog->check())){ foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msgs){ print_red($msgs); } }else{ /* add new/edited zone */ $ret = $this->dialog->save(); if(!$this->dialog->isNew){ unset($this->Zones[$this->dialog->OldZoneName]); } $this->Zones[$ret['zoneName']] = $ret; $this->dialog = NULL; } } /* Cancel zone edit / new */ if(isset($_POST['CancelZoneChanges'])){ $this->dialog = NULL; } /* Add empty new zone */ if(isset($_POST['AddZone']) && chkacl($this->acl,"servdns") == ""){ $this->dialog = new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn); } /* Check for edit zone request */ $once = false; foreach( $_POST as $name => $value){ /* check all post for edit request */ if(preg_match("/^editZone_/",$name)&&!$once && chkacl($this->acl,"servdns") == ""){ $once =true; $tmp = preg_replace("/^editZone_/","",$name); $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp)); $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$tmp]); } /* check posts for delete zone */ if(preg_match("/^delZone_/",$name)&&!$once && chkacl($this->acl,"servdns") == ""){ $once =true; $tmp = preg_replace("/^delZone_/","",$name); $tmp = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$tmp)); /* Initiate deletion */ $this->RemoveZone($tmp); } } if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = base64_decode($_GET['id']); if(isset($this->Zones[$id])){ $this->dialog= new servdnseditZone($this->config,$this->dn,$this->Zones[$id]); } } /* Show dialog */ if($this->dialog!= NULL){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $this->dialog->parent = $this; return($this->dialog->execute()); } /* Create Listbox with existing Zones */ $ZoneList = new divSelectBox("dNSZones"); $ZoneList -> SetHeight(300); /* Add entries to divlist */ $editImg = " "; foreach($this->Zones as $zone => $values ){ $link = "%s"; $ZoneList->AddEntry(array( array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),getNameFromMix($zone))), array("string" => sprintf($link,base64_encode($zone),_("Reverse zone")." : ".getNameFromMix($values['ReverseZone']))), array("string" => _("TTL")." : ".$values['sOAttl']), array("string" => _("Class")." : ".$values['dNSClass']), array("string" => str_replace("%s",base64_encode($zone),$editImg)) )); } $smarty->assign("servdnsACL",chkacl($this->acl,"servdns")); /* Display tempalte */ $smarty->assign("ZoneList",$ZoneList->DrawList()); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('servdns.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } /* Delete specified zone */ function RemoveZone($id) { $zones = $this->getUsedZoneNames(); $rev =""; if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone'])){ $rev = FlipIp(getNameFromMix($this->Zones[$id]['InitialReverseZone'])); }elseif(isset($this->Zones[$id]['ReverseZone'])){ $rev = FlipIp(getNameFromMix($this->Zones[$id]['ReverseZone'])); } $zonename = ""; if(isset($this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName'])){ $zonename= getNameFromMix($this->Zones[$id]['InitialzoneName']); } $used = array(); /* Add Records which use this zoneName */ if(isset($zones[$zonename])){ $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$zonename]); } /* Add Records which uses this reverse zone */ if(isset($zones[$rev.".in-addr.arpa"])){ $used = array_merge($used,$zones[$rev.".in-addr.arpa"]); } /* There are still entries using this configuration * Abort deletion */ if(count($used)){ $i = 2; $str =""; foreach($used as $dn){ if($i > 0 ){ $i --; $str.=$dn." "; } } /* Only show 2 dns in the error message */ if(count($used)> 2) { $str .=" ... "; } print_red(sprintf(_("Can't delete the selected zone, because it is still in use by these entry/entries '%s'"),trim($str))); }else{ unset($this->Zones[$id]); return(true); } return(false); } /* This funtion returns all used Zonenames */ function getUsedZoneNames() { $ret = array(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(!(relativeDomainName=@))(zoneName=*))",array("zoneName","relativeDomainName")); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $ret[$attr['zoneName'][0]][] = $attr['dn']; } return($ret); } /* Remove dns service */ function remove_from_parent() { if($this->DNSinitially_was_account){ $bool = true; foreach($this->Zones as $key => $zone){ $bool= $bool & $this->RemoveZone($key); } if($bool){ $this->save(); } return($bool); } } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); /* Get differences */ $old_dn = $this->orig_dn; if($old_dn == "new"){ $old_dn = $this->dn; } /* Update dns to current object dn */ $tmp = getDNSZoneEntriesDiff($this->config,$this->Zones,$old_dn); $tmp2 = array(); foreach($tmp as $key1 => $data1){ $tmp2[$key1] = array(); foreach($data1 as $key2 => $data2){ $tmp2[$key1][preg_replace("/".normalizePreg($old_dn)."$/",$this->dn,$key2)] = $data2; } } $tmp = $tmp2; /* Updated zone entries if reverser or forward name has changed * Must be done before moving entries, else the given dn is invalid */ if(isset($tmp['zoneUpdates'])){ foreach($tmp['zoneUpdates'] as $dn => $attrs){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify($attrs); show_ldap_error("Zone:".$ldap->get_error(), _("Updating DNS service failed")); } } /* Delete dns */ foreach($tmp['del'] as $dn => $del){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->rmdir_recursive($dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing DNS entries failed")); $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("dn" => $dn)); } /* move follwoing entries */ foreach($tmp['move'] as $src => $dst){ $this->recursive_move($src,$dst); } /* Add || Update new DNS entries */ foreach($tmp['add'] as $dn => $attrs){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn, array('dn')); if($ldap->count()){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->modify ($attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving DNS entries failed")); $this->handle_post_events("modify",array("dn" => $dn)); }else{ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->add($attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving DNS entries failed")); $this->handle_post_events("add",array("dn" => $dn)); } } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>