"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* Generic terminal attributes */ var $interfaces = array(); var $ignore_account = FALSE; /* Needed values and lists */ var $base = ""; var $cn = ""; var $l = ""; var $description = ""; var $labeledURI = ""; var $gotoPrinterPPD = ""; var $initial_PPD = ""; var $orig_dn = ""; var $UserMember =""; var $UserMembers =array(); var $UserMemberKeys =array(); var $AdminMember =""; var $AdminMembers =array(); var $AdminMemberKeys =array(); var $PPDdialogToSave = NULL; var $BelongsTo = "unknown"; // Specifies if this is a standalone printer, or belongs to a terminal / WS var $member =array(); var $strings = ""; var $dialog =NULL; var $netConfigDNS; var $baseSelection = false; var $macAddress = ""; var $gotoUserAdminPrinter; var $gotoGroupAdminPrinter ; var $gotoGroupPrinter; var $gotoUserPrinter ; /* attribute list for save action */ var $attributes = array("cn", "description", "l", "labeledURI", "gotoPrinterPPD","gotoUserPrinter", "macAddress", "gotoUserAdminPrinter","gotoGroupAdminPrinter","gotoUserPrinter","gotoGroupPrinter"); var $objectclasses = array("top", "gotoPrinter"); var $parent; function printgeneric ($config, $dn,$parent_init,$parent) { $this->config = $config; $this->dn = $dn; /* If parent was posted(the tabs object) we can detect the printer type. */ if($parent){ $this->parent = $parent; $this->getTypeOfPrinter(); }else{ $this->BelongsTo = "unknown"; return; } /* Update dn, to ensure storing as printer instead of WS / terminal */ if(preg_match("/Terminal/i",$this->BelongsTo) || preg_match("/TerminalTemplate/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=terminals,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } if(preg_match("/Workstation/i",$this->BelongsTo) || preg_match("/WorkstationTemplate/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=workstations,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } $this->orig_dn = $this->dn; /* Get printer settings, possibly dn has changed */ plugin::plugin ($config, $this->dn); /* Get is_account initially_was_account status */ $this->getTypeOfPrinter(true); /* set orig dn to new if object is new */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('dn')); if(!$ldap->count()){ $this->orig_dn = "new"; } /* create dns object */ $this->netConfigDNS = new termDNS($this->config, $this->dn,$this->objectclasses); /* Set base */ if ($this->dn == "new"){ $ui= get_userinfo(); $this->base= dn2base($ui->dn); $this->cn= ""; } else { /* Set base and check if the extracted base exists */ if(preg_match("/ou=incoming,/",$this->dn)){ $this->base= preg_replace("/ou=incoming,/","",dn2base($this->dn)); }else{ $this->base= preg_replace("/ou=printers,ou=systems,/","",dn2base($this->dn)); } if(!isset($this->config->idepartments[$this->base])){ print_red(_("Can't extract a valid base out of object dn, setting base to '%s'."),$_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']); $this->base = $_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']; } } /* Extract selected ppd */ if(isset($this->gotoPrinterPPD)){ $this->gotoPrinterPPD = preg_replace("/^http.*ppd\//i","",$this->gotoPrinterPPD); } $this->initial_PPD = $this->gotoPrinterPPD; /* Prepare different member types */ foreach(array("AddUser" =>"gotoUserPrinter", "AddGroup" =>"gotoGroupPrinter", "AddAdminUser" =>"gotoUserAdminPrinter", "AddAdminGroup" =>"gotoGroupAdminPrinter") as $type => $attr){ /* $this->members contains all members */ $this->member[$type]=array(); if (isset($this->attrs[$attr]['count'])) { unset($this->attrs[$attr]['count']); } if(isset($this->attrs[$attr])){ foreach($this->attrs[$attr] as $mem){ if(preg_match("/Group/",$type)){ $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=".$mem."))",array("cn","description")); if($ldap->count()){ $entry = $ldap->fetch(); $this->member[$type][$entry['cn'][0]]=$entry; } }else{ $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=".$mem."))",array("cn","uid")); if($ldap->count()){ $entry = $ldap->fetch(); $this->member[$type][$entry['uid'][0]]=$entry; } } } } } } function set_acl_base($base) { plugin::set_acl_base($base); if(is_object($this->netConfigDNS)){ $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_base($base); } } function set_acl_category($cat) { plugin::set_acl_category($cat); if(is_object($this->netConfigDNS)){ $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_category($cat); } } /* Detect type of printer. * Printer can be stand alone, belong to a workstation or belong to a terminal. * We can detect the type printer type when comparing the tabs objects */ function getTypeOfPrinter($UpdateAccountStatus = false) { /* Disable account as default */ $this->is_account = $this->initially_was_account = false; /* Detect type of printer via parent tabs. */ $class = get_class($this->parent); if(isset($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric'])){ /* Exclude templates */ $this->cn = $this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->cn; if($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->cn == "wdefault"){ $this->BelongsTo = "WorkstationTemplate"; }else{ $this->BelongsTo = "Workstation"; } }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric'])){ /* Exclude templates */ $this->cn = $this->parent->by_object['termgeneric']->cn; if($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric']->cn == "default"){ $this->BelongsTo = "TerminalTemplate"; }else{ $this->BelongsTo = "Terminal"; } }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_name['printgeneric'])){ $this->BelongsTo = "Printer"; } if($UpdateAccountStatus){ /* Set is_account / was account */ if($this->dn == "new"){ $this->initially_was_account = false; } /* If is printer it must be a true account. */ if(preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->is_account = true; } /* Update dn, to ensure storing as printer instead of WS / terminal */ if(preg_match("/terminal/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=terminals,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } if(preg_match("/workstation/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=workstations,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } /* Detect if this is a valid printer account; */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('objectClass')); if($ldap->count()){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(in_array("gotoPrinter",$attrs['objectClass'])){ $this->initially_was_account = true; $this->is_account = true; }else{ $this->is_account = false; } } } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* If type of printer couldn't be detected (because of missing parent object in construction) * hide this tab. */ if(preg_match("/unknown/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("Could not intialize printer tab, parameter parent was missing while construction."),TRUE,TRUE); return($display); } /* Templates can't have printer extensions */ if(preg_match("/WorkstationTemplate/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("This is a workstation template, printer tab is disabled."),TRUE,TRUE); return($display); } if(preg_match("/TerminalTemplate/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("This is a terminal template, printer tab is disabled."),TRUE,TRUE); return($display); } /* Get cn from base object */ if(preg_match("/^Workstation$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->cn = $this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->cn; } if(preg_match("/^Terminal$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->cn = $this->parent->by_object['termgeneric']->cn; } $smarty= get_smarty(); /* Assign acls */ $tmp = $this->plInfo(); foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translation){ $smarty->assign($name."ACL", $this->getacl($name)); } $display=""; /* Tell smarty if this is a standalone object or a terminal / WS depending printer */ if(preg_match("/^Printer$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $smarty->assign("StandAlone",true); }else{ $smarty->assign("StandAlone",false); } /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if(isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ if($this->is_account && $this->acl_is_removeable()){ $this->is_account= FALSE; }elseif(!$this->is_account && $this->acl_is_createable()){ $this->is_account= TRUE; } } /* Do we represent a valid printer? */ if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){ $display= "\"\" ". _("This 'dn' has no printer features.").""; return($display); } /* If this is a WS / Terminal depending printer, display account state button */ if(!preg_match("/^Printer$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ if((empty($this->cn)) && ($this->dn != "new")){ $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("This object has printer extension disabled. You can't enable it while 'cn' is not present in entry. Possibly you are currently creating a new terminal template"),TRUE,TRUE); $this->is_account= false; return $display; } if (($this->is_account)){ if(preg_match("/^Workstation$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove printer extension"), _("This workstation has printer extension enabled.You can disable it by clicking below.")); }elseif(preg_match("/^Terminal$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove printer extension"), _("This terminal has printer extension enabled. You can disable it by clicking below.")); } }else{ if(preg_match("/^Workstation$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("This workstation has printer extension disabled. You can enable it by clicking below.")); }elseif(preg_match("/^Terminal$/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add printer extension"), _("This terminal has printer extension disabled. You can enable it by clicking below.")); } return ($display); } } /* Base select dialog */ $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^chooseBase/",$name) && $once && $this->acl_is_moveable()){ $once = false; $this->dialog = new baseSelectDialog($this->config,$this,$this->get_allowed_bases()); $this->dialog->setCurrentBase($this->base); $this->baseSelection = true; } } /* Dialog handling for base select dialog * Check if base was selected, dialog aborted etc */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if($this->baseSelection){ if($this->dialog->isClosed()){ $this->dialog = false; $this->baseSelection = false; }elseif($this->dialog->isSelected()){ /* A new base was selected, check if it is a valid one */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($tmp[$this->dialog->isSelected()])){ $this->base = $this->dialog->isSelected(); } $this->dialog= false; $this->baseSelection = false; }else{ return($this->dialog->execute()); } } } /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty->assign("bases", $this->get_allowed_bases()); $smarty->assign("base_select", $this->base); /* Assign attributes */ foreach ($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign("$attr", $this->$attr); } if(isset($_POST['AddUser'])){ $this->dialog = new selectUserToPrinterDialog($this->config, NULL,"AddUser"); } if(isset($_POST['AddGroup'])){ $this->dialog = new selectUserToPrinterDialog($this->config, NULL,"AddGroup"); } if(isset($_POST['AddAdminUser'])){ $this->dialog = new selectUserToPrinterDialog($this->config, NULL,"AddAdminUser"); } if(isset($_POST['AddAdminGroup'])){ $this->dialog = new selectUserToPrinterDialog($this->config, NULL,"AddAdminGroup"); } /* Display ppd configure/select dialog */ if(isset($_POST['EditDriver'])){ if($this->PPDdialogToSave){ $this->dialog = $this->PPDdialogToSave; }else{ $this->dialog = new printerPPDDialog($this->config, $this->dn,$this->gotoPrinterPPD); } } /* remove ppd */ if(isset($_POST['RemoveDriver'])){ $this->gotoPrinterPPD = array(); $this->PPDdialogToSave = NULL; } /* Close ppd dialog */ if(isset($_POST['ClosePPD'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } /* Save selected ppd */ if(isset($_POST['SavePPD'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->dialog->check())){ foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ $this->gotoPrinterPPD = array(); $this->gotoPrinterPPD = $this->dialog->save(); $this->PPDdialogToSave = $this->dialog; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } } /* Member management, delete user / group / admin ..*/ if((isset($_POST['DelUser']))&&(isset($_POST['UserMember']))){ foreach($_POST['UserMember'] as $mem){ $this->DelMember('AddUser',$mem); } } if((isset($_POST['DelUser']))&&(isset($_POST['UserMember']))){ foreach($_POST['UserMember'] as $mem){ $this->DelMember('AddGroup',$mem); } } if((isset($_POST['DelAdmin']))&&(isset($_POST['AdminMember']))){ foreach($_POST['AdminMember'] as $mem){ $this->DelMember('AddAdminUser',$mem); } } if((isset($_POST['DelAdmin']))&&(isset($_POST['AdminMember']))){ foreach($_POST['AdminMember'] as $mem){ $this->DelMember('AddAdminGroup',$mem); } } /* Abort user / group adding dialog */ if(isset($_POST['PrinterCancel'])){ unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog= NULL; } /* Save selected users / groups */ if(isset($_POST['PrinterSave'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); if(count($this->dialog->check())){ foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ $data= $new = $this->dialog->save(); unset($data['type']); foreach($data as $mem){ $this->AddMember($new['type'], $mem['dn']); } unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } } /* Display dialog, if there is currently one open*/ if($this->dialog != NULL){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $display = $this->dialog->execute(); return $display; } /* Parse selected ppd file */ require_once ("class_ppdManager.inc"); if((isset($_SESSION['config']->data['MAIN']['PPD_PATH']))&&(is_dir($_SESSION['config']->data['MAIN']['PPD_PATH']))){ $path = $_SESSION['config']->data['MAIN']['PPD_PATH']; if(!preg_match("/\/$/",$path)){ $path = $path."/"; } $ppdManager= new ppdManager($path); if(!empty($this->gotoPrinterPPD)){ if((!file_exists($path.$this->gotoPrinterPPD))){ $smarty->assign("driverInfo", "".sprintf(_("Your currently selected PPD file '%s' doesn't exist."),$path.$this->gotoPrinterPPD).""); }else{ $smarty->assign("driverInfo", $ppdManager->loadDescription($path.$this->gotoPrinterPPD)); } }else{ $smarty->assign("driverInfo", _("not defined")); } }else{ $smarty->assign("driverInfo",_("can't get ppd informations.")); } /* Create user & admin user list */ $list=$this->generateList(); $userlist = array_merge($list['AddUser'],$list['AddGroup']); $adminlist = array_merge($list['AddAdminUser'],$list['AddAdminGroup']); asort($userlist); asort($adminlist); if(!preg_match("/Printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ if(preg_match("/Terminal/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $smarty->assign("desc" ,sprintf(_("This printer belongs to terminal %s. You can't rename this printer."),"".$this->cn."")); }else{ $smarty->assign("desc" ,sprintf(_("This printer belongs to workstation %s. You can't rename this printer."),"".$this->cn."")); } $smarty->assign("cnACL" , $this->getacl("cn",true)); }else{ $smarty->assign("desc" ,""); } $smarty->assign("UserMember" ,$this->UserMember); $smarty->assign("UserMembers" ,$userlist); $smarty->assign("UserMemberKeys",array_flip($userlist)); $smarty->assign("AdminMember" ,$this->AdminMember); $smarty->assign("AdminMembers" ,$adminlist); $smarty->assign("AdminMemberKeys",array_flip($adminlist)); if(preg_match("/Printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $smarty->assign("netconfig", $this->netConfigDNS->execute()); } else { $smarty->assign("netconfig", ""); } return($display.$smarty->fetch (get_template_path('printer.tpl', TRUE))); } function remove_from_parent() { /* Only remove if there was initially an account */ if($this->initially_was_account){ /* Update dn, to ensure storing as printer instead of WS / terminal */ if(preg_match("/terminal/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=terminals,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } if(preg_match("/workstation/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=workstations,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } /* Check if this dn points to a printer, to avoid deleting something else */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('dn',"objectClass")); if(!$ldap->count()){ print_red("Trying to remove printer object which isn't a printer. Aborted to avoid data loss."); return; } /* Check if obejct is a printer */ $CheckPrinter = $ldap->fetch(); if(!in_array("gotoPrinter",$CheckPrinter['objectClass'])){ print_red("Trying to remove printer object which isn't a printer. Aborted to avoid data loss."); return; } /* Remove account & dns extension */ $this->netConfigDNS->remove_from_parent(); $ldap->rmdir($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of system print/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); /* Delete references to object groups */ $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=".$this->dn."))", array("cn")); while ($ldap->fetch()){ $og= new ogroup($this->config, $ldap->getDN()); unset($og->member[$this->dn]); $og->save (); } /* Remove previously selected ppd file.*/ if(!empty($this->initial_PPD)){ $tmp = new printerPPDDialog($this->config, $this->dn,$this->initial_PPD); $tmp->removeModifiedPPD(); } } } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { /* Create a base backup and reset the base directly after calling plugin::save_object(); Base will be set seperatly a few lines below */ $base_tmp = $this->base; plugin::save_object(); $this->base = $base_tmp; if(is_object($this->netConfigDNS)){ $this->netConfigDNS->save_object(); } /* Set new base if allowed */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($_POST['base'])){ if(isset($tmp[$_POST['base']])){ $this->base= $_POST['base']; } } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if (preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $message= array_merge($message, $this->netConfigDNS->check()); } /* Don't display check messages if this is a template object */ if(isset($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric'])){ if($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->cn == "wdefault"){ return $message; } }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric'])){ if($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric']->cn == "default"){ return $message; } } $dn= "cn=".$this->cn.",ou=printers,ou=systems,".$this->base; /* must: cn */ if(preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo) && (empty($this->cn))){ $message[]= "The required field 'Printer name' is not set."; } /* Set new acl base */ if($this->dn == "new") { $this->set_acl_base($this->base); } if(preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ if ($this->orig_dn == "new" && !$this->acl_is_createable()){ $message[]= _("You have no permissions to create a group on this 'Base'."); } } /* must: labeledURI */ if(empty($this->labeledURI)){ $message[]= "The required field 'Printer URL' is not set."; } /* Check if there is already an entry with this cn*/ if (($this->orig_dn != $dn)&&( preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo))){ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->base); $ldap->ls("(cn=".$this->cn.")","ou=printers,ou=systems,".$this->base, array("cn")); if ($ldap->count() != 0){ while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ if ($attrs['dn'] != $this->orig_dn){ $message[]= sprintf (_("There is already an entry '%s' in the base choosen by you"), $this->cn); break; } } } } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { /* Update dn, to ensure storing as printer instead of WS / terminal */ if(preg_match("/terminal/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=terminals,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } if(preg_match("/workstation/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->dn= preg_replace("/ou=workstations,/","ou=printers,",$this->dn); } if(!$this->is_account) return; if(isset($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric'])){ if($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->cn == "wdefault"){ return; } }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric'])){ if($this->parent->by_object['termgeneric']->cn == "default"){ return; } } /* If type is still unknown, the initialisation of this printer failed, abort. */ if(preg_match("/unknown/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ return; } /* save ppd configuration */ if($this->PPDdialogToSave){ $this->PPDdialogToSave->save_ppd(); } /* Remove previously selected ppd file.*/ if($this->initial_PPD != $this->gotoPrinterPPD){ if(!empty($this->initial_PPD)){ $tmp = new printerPPDDialog($this->config, $this->dn,$this->initial_PPD); $tmp->removeModifiedPPD(); } } if(preg_match("/https/i",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){ $method="https://"; }else{ $method="http://"; } /* If no ppd is selected, remove this attribute */ if(!empty($this->gotoPrinterPPD)) { $this->gotoPrinterPPD = $method.str_replace("//","/",$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/ppd/".$this->gotoPrinterPPD); }else{ $this->gotoPrinterPPD = array(); } $dn= $this->dn; plugin::save(); $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* reduce objectClasses to minimun */ $this->attrs['objectClass']= $this->objectclasses; /* Remove all empty values */ if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){ $attrs= array(); foreach ($this->attrs as $key => $val){ if (is_array($val) && count($val) == 0){ continue; } $attrs[$key]= $val; } $this->attrs= $attrs; } /* Append printer user */ $this->attrs['gotoUserPrinter']=array(); foreach($this->member['AddUser'] as $mem){ $this->attrs['gotoUserPrinter'][]=$mem['uid'][0]; } /* Append printer group */ $this->attrs['gotoGroupPrinter'] = array(); foreach($this->member['AddGroup'] as $mem){ $this->attrs['gotoGroupPrinter'][]=$mem['cn'][0]; } /* Append printer admin user */ $this->attrs['gotoUserAdminPrinter'] = array(); foreach($this->member['AddAdminUser'] as $mem){ $this->attrs['gotoUserAdminPrinter'][]=$mem['uid'][0]; } /* Append printer admin group */ $this->attrs['gotoGroupAdminPrinter']= array(); foreach($this->member['AddAdminGroup'] as $mem){ $this->attrs['gotoGroupAdminPrinter'][]=$mem['cn'][0]; } if($this->orig_dn == 'new'){ foreach(array("gotoGroupPrinter","gotoUserAdminPrinter","gotoGroupAdminPrinter","gotoUserPrinter") as $checkVar){ if(count($this->attrs[$checkVar]) == 0 || empty($this->attrs[$checkVar])){ unset($this->attrs[$checkVar]); } } }else{ if(($this->gosaUnitTag) && (!in_array_ics("gosaAdministrativeUnitTag",$this->attrs['objectClass']))){ $this->attrs['objectClass'][] = "gosaAdministrativeUnitTag"; } } /* Move object in necessary*/ if (($this->orig_dn != $this->dn) && ($this->orig_dn != 'new')){ $this->move($this->orig_dn, $this->dn); } /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($this->dn); if(!$ldap->count()){ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->add($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("add"); } else { $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system print/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); if(preg_match("/printer/i",$this->BelongsTo)){ $this->netConfigDNS->cn = $this->cn; $this->netConfigDNS->dn = $this->dn; $this->netConfigDNS->save($this->dn); } /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->postcreate(); /* This is a multi object. Handle tagging here... */ $this->handle_object_tagging(); } function generateList(){ $a_return=array(); foreach($this->member as $type => $values){ $a_return[$type]=array(); foreach($values as $value){ if((preg_match("/Group/i",$type))){ if(!isset($value['description'])){ $a_return[$type][$value['cn'][0]]= _("Group")." : ".$value['cn'][0]; }else{ $a_return[$type][$value['cn'][0]]= _("Group")." : ".$value['cn'][0]." [".$value['description'][0]."]"; } }else{ $a_return[$type][$value['uid'][0]]=_("User")." : ".$value['cn'][0]; } } } return($a_return); } /* Return plugin informations for acl handling #FIXME FAIscript seams to ununsed within this class... */ function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Generic"), "plDescription" => _("Print generic"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 4, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array("printer" => array("description" => _("Printer"), "objectClass" => "gotoPrinter"),"workstation","terminal"), "plProvidedAcls"=> array( "cn" => _("Name"), "base" => _("Base") , "description" => _("Description"), "l" => _("Location"), "labeledURI" => _("LabeledURL"), "gotoPrinterPPD" => _("Printer PPD"), "gotoUserPrinter" => _("Permissions")) )); } /* Delete member */ function DelMember($type,$id) { /* Check if there was a printer "dn" given, or the "cn" */ foreach($this->member[$type] as $key => $printer){ if($printer['dn'] == $id) { $id = $key; } } if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("gotoUserPrinter")){ print_red(sprintf(_("You are not allowed to remove the given object '%s' from the list of members of printer '%s'."),$id,$this->dn)); return(FALSE); } if(isset($this->member[$type][$id])){ unset($this->member[$type][$id]); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /* Add given obejct to members */ function AddMember($type,$dn) { $types = array("AddUser","AddGroup","AddAdminUser","AddAdminGroup"); if(!in_array_ics($type, $types)){ print_red(sprintf(_("Illegal printer type while adding '%s' to the list of '%s' printers,"),$dn,$type)); return(FALSE); } if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("gotoUserPrinter")){ print_red(sprintf(_("You are not allowed to add the given object '%s' to the list of members of '%s'."),$dn,$this->dn)); return(FALSE); } /* Get name of index attributes */ if(preg_match("/user/i",$type)){ $var = "uid"; }else{ $var = "cn"; } $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->cat($dn,array($var,"cn")); if($ldap->count()){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if(isset($attrs[$var][0])){ $name = $attrs[$var][0]; /* Check if this uid/cn is already assigned to any permission */ foreach($types as $ctype){ /* If we want to add a user, only check user/userAdmin members */ if((preg_match("/user/i",$type)) && (!preg_match("/user/i",$ctype))){ continue; } /* If we want to add a group, only check groups/adminGroups .. */ if((preg_match("/group/i",$type)) && (!preg_match("/group/i",$ctype))){ continue; } if(isset( $this->member[$ctype][$name])){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't add '%s' to the list of members, it is already used."),$attrs[$var][0])); return(FALSE); } } /* Everything is fine. So add the given object to members */ $this->member[$type][$attrs[$var][0]] = $attrs ; }else{ print_a($attrs); } }else{ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't add '%s' to list of members, it is not reachable."),$dn)); return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>