"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* Generic terminal attributes */ var $interfaces= array(); var $ignore_account= TRUE; /* Needed values and lists */ var $base = ""; var $cn = ""; var $description = ""; var $orig_dn = ""; var $goFonType = ""; var $goFonDmtfMode = ""; var $goFonHost = ""; var $goFonDefaultIP = "dynamic"; var $goFonQualify = ""; var $goFonAuth = ""; var $goFonSecret = ""; var $goFonInkeys = ""; var $goFonPermit = array(); var $goFonDeny = array(); var $goFonOutkey = ""; var $goFonTrunk = ""; var $goFonAccountCode = ""; var $goFonMSN = ""; var $selected_categorie = 0; var $netConfigDNS; /* attribute list for save action */ var $attributes= array("cn", "description", "goFonType","goFonDmtfMode","goFonHost","goFonDefaultIP", "goFonQualify","goFonAuth","goFonSecret","goFonInkeys","goFonOutkey", "goFonTrunk","goFonAccountCode","goFonMSN","selected_categorie","goFonPermit","goFonDeny" ); /* this array defines which attributes are schown / saved for the different type of phones */ var $usedattrs = array( "0"=>array("cn", "description", "goFonType","goFonDmtfMode","goFonHost","goFonDefaultIP", "goFonQualify"), "1"=>array("cn", "description", "goFonType","goFonHost","goFonDefaultIP", "goFonQualify","goFonAuth","goFonSecret","goFonInkeys","goFonOutkey", "goFonTrunk","goFonAccountCode","selected_categorie","goFonPermit","goFonDeny"), "2"=>array("cn", "description", "goFonMSN")); var $objectclasses= array("top", "goFonHardware"); function phonegeneric ($config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent); $this->netConfigDNS = new termDNS($this->config,$this->dn,$this->objectclasses, true); /* Set base */ if ($this->dn == "new"){ $ui= get_userinfo(); $this->base= dn2base($ui->dn); $this->cn= ""; } else { $this->base= preg_replace ("/^[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,/", "", $this->dn); } if($this->goFonMSN != ""){ $this->selected_categorie = 2; }elseif($this->goFonAccountCode != ""){ $this->selected_categorie = 1 ; if(isset($this->attrs['goFonPermit']['count'])){ unset ($this->attrs['goFonPermit']['count']); $this->goFonPermit=$this->attrs['goFonPermit']; } if(isset($this->attrs['goFonDeny']['count'])){ unset ($this->attrs['goFonDeny']['count']) ; $this->goFonDeny=$this->attrs['goFonDeny']; } } else { $this->selected_categorie = 0; } if($this->goFonDefaultIP!="dynamic"){ $this->goFonDefaultIP = "network"; } /* Save dn for later references */ $this->orig_dn= $this->dn; } function set_acl_base($base) { plugin::set_acl_base($base); $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_base($base); } function set_acl_category($cat) { plugin::set_acl_category($cat); $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_category($cat); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Do we represent a valid phone? */ if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){ $display= "\"\" ". _("This 'dn' has no phone features.").""; return($display); } /* Base select dialog */ $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^chooseBase/",$name) && $once){ $once = false; $this->dialog = new baseSelectDialog($this->config,$this); $this->dialog->setCurrentBase($this->base); } } /* Dialog handling */ if(is_object($this->dialog)){ /* Must be called before save_object */ $this->dialog->save_object(); if($this->dialog->isClosed()){ $this->dialog = false; }elseif($this->dialog->isSelected()){ /* A new base was selected, check if it is a valid one */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($tmp[$this->dialog->isSelected()])){ $this->base = $this->dialog->isSelected(); } $this->dialog= false; }else{ return($this->dialog->execute()); } } /* handle Permit Add*/ if(isset($_POST['goFonPermitAdd']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("goFonPermit")){ if(isset($_POST['goFonPermitNew'])){ if(is_string($this->goFonPermit)){ $this->goFonPermit=array(); } $new = $_POST['goFonPermitNew']; if(strlen($new)> 1) { $this->goFonPermit[]= $new; } } } /* handle Deny Add*/ if(isset($_POST['goFonDenyAdd']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("goFonDeny")){ if(isset($_POST['goFonDenyNew'])){ if(is_string($this->goFonDeny)){ $this->goFonDeny=array(); } $new = $_POST['goFonDenyNew']; if(strlen($new)> 1) { $this->goFonDeny[]= $new; } } } /* Handle Permit Deletion*/ if(isset($_POST['goFonPermitDel']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("goFonPermit")){ if(isset($_POST['goFonPermitS'])){ if(is_string($this->goFonPermit)){ $this->goFonPermit=array(); } $new = $_POST['goFonPermitS']; $tmp = array_flip($this->goFonPermit); unset($tmp[$new]); $this->goFonPermit=array(); foreach(array_flip($tmp) as $tm){ $this->goFonPermit[]=$tm; } } } /* Handle Permit Deletion*/ if(isset($_POST['goFonDenyDel']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("goFonDeny")){ if(isset($_POST['goFonDenyS'])){ if(is_string($this->goFonDeny)){ $this->goFonDeny=array(); } $new = $_POST['goFonDenyS']; $tmp = array_flip($this->goFonDeny); unset($tmp[$new]); $this->goFonDeny=array(); foreach(array_flip($tmp) as $tm){ $this->goFonDeny[]=$tm; } } } /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("bases", $this->get_allowed_bases()); $tmp = $this->plInfo(); foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translation){ $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name)); } $smarty->assign("staticAddress","*");// $this->config->idepartments); /* Create Arrays for samrty select boxes */ $smarty->assign("categories", array("SIP","IAX","CAPI")); $smarty->assign("goFonTypes", array("peer" =>"peer" ,"user" =>"user" ,"friend" =>"friend")); $smarty->assign("goFonDmtfModes", array("inband" =>"inband" ,"rfc2833"=>"rfc2833" ,"info" =>"info")); $smarty->assign("goFonAuths", array("plaintext" =>"plaintext" ,"md5" =>"md5" /*,"rsa" =>"rsa"*/)); $smarty->assign("goFonTrunks", array("yes" =>_("yes") ,"no" => _("no"))); /* deativate all fields that are not used by the specified type */ foreach($this->attributes as $att){ if((!in_array($att,$this->usedattrs[$this->selected_categorie]))){ $smarty->assign($att."USED", "disabled" ); $smarty->assign($att, ""); }else{ $smarty->assign($att."USED", "" ); $smarty->assign($att, $this->$att); } } $smarty->assign("selected_categorie",$this->selected_categorie); /* Assign attributes */ $smarty->assign("base_select", $this->base); $smarty->assign("goFonDefaultIPs",array("dynamic"=>_("dynamic"),"network"=>_("Networksettings"))); /* Show main page */ $smarty->assign("netconfig", $this->netConfigDNS->execute()); $smarty->assign("phonesettings", dirname(__FILE__)."/phonesettings.tpl"); return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('phone.tpl', TRUE))); } function remove_from_parent() { if($this->acl_is_removeable()){ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=goFonAccount)(goFonHardware=".$this->cn."))", array("uid","cn")); while ($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't delete because there are user which are depending on this phone. One of them is user '%s'."), ($attr['uid'][0]." - ".$attr['cn'][0]))); return; } $this->netConfigDNS->remove_from_parent(); $ldap->rmdir($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of system phone/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); /* Delete references to object groups */ $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=".$this->dn."))", array("cn")); while ($ldap->fetch()){ $og= new ogroup($this->config, $ldap->getDN()); unset($og->member[$this->dn]); $og->save (); } } } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { /* Create a base backup and reset the base directly after calling plugin::save_object(); Base will be set seperatly a few lines below */ $base_tmp = $this->base; plugin::save_object(); $this->base = $base_tmp; $this->netConfigDNS->save_object(); /* Set new base if allowed */ $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases(); if(isset($_POST['base'])){ if(isset($tmp[$_POST['base']])){ $this->base= $_POST['base']; } } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); $message= array_merge($message, $this->netConfigDNS->check()); $this->dn= "cn=".$this->cn.",ou=phones,ou=systems,".$this->base; /* To check for valid ip*/ if($this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field IP address is empty."); } else { if (!is_ip($this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber)){ $message[]= _("The field IP address contains an invalid address."); } } if ($this->cn == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field 'Phone name' is not set."); } if ($this->cn == "0"){ $message[]= _("The 'Phone name' '0' is reserved and cannot be used."); } /* Set new acl base */ if($this->dn == "new") { $this->set_acl_base($this->base); } $ui= get_userinfo(); if ($this->dn == "new" && $this->acl_is_createable()){ $message[]= _("You have no permissions to create a phone on this 'Base'."); } if ($this->orig_dn != $this->dn){ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->base); $ldap->search ("(cn=".$this->cn.")", array("cn")); if ($ldap->count() != 0){ while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ if ($attrs['dn'] != $this->orig_dn){ $message[]= sprintf (_("There is already an entry '%s' in the base choosen by you"), $this->cn); break; } } } } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); /* only to define which attrs to save*/ $mode = $this->attrs['selected_categorie']; /* Remove all unwanted attrs */ foreach($this->attributes as $att){ /* Check all attributes, if they are needed for this type of phone */ if(!in_array($att,$this->usedattrs[$mode])){ $this->attrs[$att] = array(); } } /* unset the categorie*/ unset($this->attrs['selected_categorie']); /* Remove all empty values */ if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){ $attrs= array(); foreach ($this->attrs as $key => $val){ if (is_array($val) && count($val) == 0){ continue; } $attrs[$key]= $val; } $this->attrs= $attrs; } if($this->goFonDefaultIP!="dynamic"){ $this->attrs['goFonDefaultIP'] = $this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber; } $this->attrs = $this->netConfigDNS->getVarsForSaving($this->attrs); /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->add($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("add"); } else { if ($this->orig_dn != $this->dn){ $this->move($this->orig_dn, $this->dn); } $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); // $user_phone_reload $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); $user_phone_assignment = $ldap->fetch($ldap->search("(&(objectClass=goFonAccount)(goFonHardware=".$this->cn."))",array("uid"))); if($user_phone_assignment){ $usertab= new usertabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['USERTABS'], $user_phone_assignment['dn']); $usertab->by_object['phoneAccount']->is_modified = true; $usertab->save(); unset($usertab); } $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } $this->netConfigDNS->cn = $this->cn; $this->netConfigDNS->save($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system phone/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn)); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ $this->postcreate(); } /* Return plugin informations for acl handling #FIXME FAIscript seams to ununsed within this class... */ function plInfo() { return (array( "plShortName" => _("Generic"), "plDescription" => _("Phone generic"), "plSelfModify" => FALSE, "plDepends" => array(), "plPriority" => 0, "plSection" => array("administration"), "plCategory" => array("phone" => array("description" => _("Phone hardware"), "objectClass" => "goFonHardware")), "plProvidedAcls"=> array( "cn" => _("Name"), "base" => _("Base"), "description" => _("Description"), "goFonType" => _("SIP Mode"), "goFonDmtfMode" => _("SIP DTMF mode"), "goFonDefaultIP" => _("SIP Default ip"), "goFonQualify" => _("SIP Qualify"), "goFonAuth" => _("IAX authentication type"), "goFonSecret" => _("IAX secret"), "goFonAccountCode" => _("IAX account code"), "goFonTrunk" => _("IAX trunk lines"), "goFonPermit" => _("IAX permit settings"), "goFonDeny" => _("IAX deny settings"), "goFonMSN" => _("CAPI MSN"), "categorie" => _("Hardware type")) )); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>