"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account= TRUE; var $attributes= array("name","type","address","website","phonenumber","comments","deleted","fax","email"); var $objectclasses= array("whatever"); var $ui; var $editMode = false; var $Edit_Add = "edit"; var $name =""; var $type =""; var $address =""; var $website =""; var $phonenumber=""; var $comments =""; var $deleted =""; var $fax =""; var $email =""; var $ID =-1; function glpiManufacturer($config, $dn= NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); $this->ui = get_userinfo(); } function execute() { plugin::execute(); $smarty = get_smarty(); $display = ""; /* Remove enterprise from db */ if((isset($_POST['remove_manu']))&&(isset($_POST['manufacturer']))){ $tmp = $this->parent->handle->is_manufacturerUsed($_POST['manufacturer']); if(count($tmp)){ $names = ""; foreach($tmp as $name){ $names .= ", ".$name; } $names = preg_replace("/^, /","",$names); $names = trim($names); if(count($tmp) == 3){ $names .= " ..."; } print_red(sprintf(_("You can't delete this manufacturer, it is still in use by these system(s) '%s'"),$names)); }else{ //$this->parent->handle->removeEnterprise($_POST['manufacturer']); } } /* Add new Manufactuer : Open dialog with empty fields */ if(isset($_POST['add_manu'])){ $this->editMode = true; $this->Edit_Add = "add"; foreach($this->attributes as $atr){ $this->$atr = ""; } } /* Edit existing manuatctuerer data */ if((isset($_POST['edit_manu']))&&(isset($_POST['manufacturer']))){ $this->editMode = true; $this->Edit_Add = "edit"; $tmp = $this->parent->handle->getEnterprise($_POST['manufacturer']); $tmp = $tmp[0]; foreach($this->attributes as $atr){ $this->$atr = ""; } foreach($this->attributes as $atr){ if(isset($tmp[$atr])){ $this->$atr = $tmp[$atr]; } } $this->ID = $_POST['manufacturer']; } /* close Dialog without saving */ if(isset($_POST['close_manufacturer'])){ $this->editMode=false; } /* close dialog an save all changes / adds */ if(isset($_POST['save_manufacturer'])){ $tmp = array(); foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ $tmp[$attrs]=$this->$attrs; } $allok = true; if(empty($tmp['name'])){ print_red(_("Please specify a name.")); $allok = false; } $attr = $this->parent->handle->getEnterprises(); if($this->ID == -1 ){ if(in_array($tmp['name'],$attr)){ $allok = false; print_red(_("Specified name is already in use, please choose another one.")); } }else{ unset($attr[$this->ID]); if(in_array($tmp['name'],$attr)){ $allok = false; print_red(_("Specified name is already in use, please choose another one.")); } } /* all checks are ok , so save changes */ if($allok){ if($this->Edit_Add == "add"){ $this->parent->handle->addEnterprise($tmp); $this->editMode=false; }else{ $this->parent->handle->updateEnterprise($tmp,$this->ID); $this->editMode=false; } } } /* As long as this war is true, we have to display the edit dialog */ if($this->editMode == true){ $this->save_object(); foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ $smarty->assign($attrs,$this->$attrs); } $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiManufacturerAdd.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } $smarty->assign("Manus", $this->parent->handle->getEnterprises()); $smarty->assign("ManuKeys", array_flip($this->parent->handle->getEnterprises())); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiManufacturer.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { } function save_object() { foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr]; } } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>