"Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser"); /* attribute list for save action */ var $ignore_account = TRUE; var $attributes = array("name","comment","mime","filename","date_mod"); var $objectclasses = array("whatever"); var $parent; var $edit = false; var $entry = false; var $date_mod =""; var $name =""; var $comment =""; var $mime =""; var $filename =""; var $Selected = array(); var $delAttach= ""; function glpiAttachmentPool ($config, $dn= NULL,$used=NULL) { plugin::plugin ($config, $dn); if(!isset($_SESSION['GlpiAttachmentFilter'])){ $_SESSION['GlpiAttachmentFilter'] = array("filter"=>"*"); } /* Assign used attributes */ if($used != NULL){ $this->Selected = $used; } } function execute() { plugin::execute(); $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty = get_smarty(); $display = ""; $only_once = true; /* walk through all posted objects */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Open dialog to create a new entry */ if(preg_match("/new_attach/",$name)){ $this->edit = true; $this->entry=array(); /* Set default values */ foreach($this->attributes as $attr) { $this->$attr = ""; $this->entry[$attr]=""; } } /* Remove attach*/ if((preg_match("/^delAttach_/",$name))&&($only_once)){ $only_once = false; $str = preg_replace("/^delAttach_/","",$name); $str = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$str)); /* remove attach from db */ $this->delAttach = $str; $smarty->assign("warning", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the glpi attachment component '%s'."), $attach[$str]['name'])); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove_glpi.tpl', TRUE))); } /* Start editing entry */ if((preg_match("/^editAttach_/",$name))&&($only_once)){ $only_once = false; $str = preg_replace("/^editAttach_/","",$name); $str = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$str)); /* Check if we have an attachment with given ID */ foreach($attach as $att ){ if($att['ID'] == $str ){ /* Entry was found, show dialog */ $this->edit = true; $this->entry = $att; foreach($att as $name => $value){ $this->$name = $value; } } } } } if((isset($_POST['delete_glpi_confirm']))&&(isset($attach[$this->delAttach]))){ if($this->parent->handle->is_attachmentUsed($this->delAttach)){ $tmp = $this->parent->handle->is_attachmentUsed($this->delAttach); $names = ""; foreach($tmp as $name){ $names .= ", ".$name; } $names = preg_replace("/^, /","",$names); $names = trim($names); if(count($tmp) == 3){ $names .= " ..."; } print_red(sprintf(_("You can't delete this attachment, it is still in use by these system(s) '%s'"),$names)); }else{ $this->parent->handle->deleteAttachment($this->delAttach); $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments(); } } /* Someone tries to upload a file */ if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['upload']))){ if(!isset($_FILES['filename'])){ print_red(_("There is no valid file uploaded.")); }else{ $FILE = $_FILES['filename']; if(!isset($FILE['name'])){ print_red(_("There is no valid file uploaded.")); }else{ if($FILE['error']!=0) { print_red(_("Upload wasn't successfull.")); }else{ if(!is_dir("/etc/gosa/glpi/")){ print_red(_("Missing directory '/etc/gosa/glpi/' to store glpi uploads.")); }else{ $filen = "/etc/gosa/glpi/".$FILE['name']; $fh = fopen($filen,"w"); if(!$fh){ print_red(sprintf(_("Can't create file '%s'."),$filen)); }else{ $str = file_get_contents($FILE['tmp_name']); fwrite($fh,$str,strlen($str)); fclose($fh); $this->mime = $FILE['type']; $this->filename = $FILE['name']; } } } // Check if any error occured } // check if valid filename was uploaded } // ende check if file was uploaded }// upload post /* save attachment*/ if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['SaveAttachment']))){ if(count($this->check())==0){ $this->date_mod = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $this->save_entry(); $this->edit= false; $this->entry = array(); $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments(); }else{ foreach($this->check() as $msg){ print_red($msg); } } } /* Abort editing/adding attachment*/ if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['CancelAttachment']))){ $this->edit = false; $this->entry = array(); } /* If edit == true, we have to show a dialog to edit or add an attach */ if($this->edit == true){ foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr,htmlentities(utf8_decode($this->$attr))); } if(!empty($this->filename)){ if(is_readable("/etc/gosa/glpi/".$this->filename)){ $status =_("File is available."); }else{ $status =_("File is not readable, possibly the file is missing."); } }else{ $status = _("Currently no file uploaded."); } $smarty->assign("status",$status); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiAttachmentEdit.tpl', TRUE))); } /* Create list with checkboxes to select / deselect some attachents */ $divlist = new divlist("Attachment"); $divlist->SetHeader(array( array("string" => " ", "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"), array("string" => _("Name")), array("string" => _("Mime"),"attach"=>"style='width:200px;'"), array("string" => _("Actions"), "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'" ))); $divlist->SetSummary(_("This table displays all available attachments.")); $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0); $editdel = ""; $editdel.= ""; /* Add all given attachments to divlist */ foreach($attach as $entry){ /* Create display name*/ if((empty($entry['name']))||(empty($entry['comment']))){ /* In glpi it is possible to add entries without name so i've added this block */ if(empty($entry['name'])){ $str1 = ""._("empty").""; }else{ $str1 = $entry['name']; } if(!empty($entry['comment'])){ $str1.= " [".$entry['comment']."]"; } }else{ /* Both attributes given */ $str1 = $entry['name']." [".$entry['comment']."]"; } $edit = str_replace("%s",base64_encode($entry['ID']),$editdel); $str2 = $entry['mime']." "; $chkbox = "". ""; if(in_array($entry['ID'],$this->Selected)){ $chkbox = preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/"," checked ",$chkbox); }else { $chkbox = preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/"," ",$chkbox); } $chkbox = preg_replace("/%s/",$entry['ID'],$chkbox); $divlist->AddEntry(array( array("string" => $chkbox, "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"), array("string"=> $str1), array("string"=> $str2,"attach"=>"style='width:200px;'"), array("string"=> $edit ,"attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'") )); } $listhead = "