new){ $this->dhcpRange= $attrs['dhcpRange'][0]; list($this->range_start, $this->range_stop)= preg_split('/\s+/', $this->dhcpRange); } $this->advanced->setAutoOptions(array("host-name")); $this->advanced->setAutoStatements(array("fixed-address")); } function execute() { $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cn", $this->cn); $smarty->assign("range_start", $this->range_start); $smarty->assign("range_stop", $this->range_stop); /* Show main page */ $display= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('dhcp_pool.tpl', TRUE)).$this->network->execute(); /* Merge arrays for advanced view */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $this->advanced->$type= $this->$type + $this->network->$type;; } $display.= $this->advanced->execute(); /* Merge back for removals */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $this->$type= $this->advanced->$type; $this->network->$type= $this->advanced->$type; } /* Add footer */ $display.= "
". " 
"; return ($display); } function remove_from_parent() { } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { if (isset($_POST['cn'])){ $this->cn= validate(get_post('cn')); $this->range_start= validate(get_post('range_start')); $this->range_stop= validate(get_post('range_stop')); } dhcpPlugin::save_object(); /* Move range to internal variable */ $this->dhcpRange= $this->range_start." ".$this->range_stop; } /* Check values */ function check($cache) { $message= array(); /* All required fields are set? */ if ($this->cn == ""){ $message[]= _("Required field 'Name' is not filled."); } /* cn already used? */ if ($this->orig_cn != $this->cn || $this->new){ foreach($cache as $dn => $dummy){ if (preg_match("/^cn=".$this->cn.",/", $dn) && count($dummy)){ $message[]= _("The name for this section is already used!"); break; } } } if ($this->dhcpRange == ""){ $message[]= _("Required field 'Range' is not filled."); } if (!is_ip($this->range_start) || !is_ip($this->range_stop)){ $message[]= _("Field 'Range' contains invalid IP addresses."); } if(!is_ip_range($this->range_start,$this->range_stop)){ $message[] = _("Field 'Range' contains invalid IP range."); } /* Check if range is in the network */ $dn= $this->dn; while (preg_match('/,/', $dn)){ $type= $this->objectType($cache, $dn); /* Check for subnet */ if ($type == 'dhcpSubnet'){ $network= $cache[$dn]['cn'][0]; $netmask= normalize_netmask($cache[$dn]['dhcpNetMask'][0]); if (!is_in_network($network, $netmask, $this->range_start) || !is_in_network($network, $netmask, $this->range_stop)){ $message[] = _("'Range' is not inside the configured network."); } } /* Stop if we've examined the service base object */ if ($type == 'dhcpService'){ break; } $dn= preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $dn); } /* Check external plugins */ $net= $this->network->check(); $adv= $this->advanced->check(); $message= array_merge($message, $net, $adv); return $message; } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { dhcpPlugin::save(); $this->attrs['dhcpRange']= array($this->dhcpRange); return ($this->attrs); } function objectType($cache, $dn) { $type= ""; $types= array("dhcpService", "dhcpClass", "dhcpSubClass", "dhcpHost", "dhcpGroup", "dhcpPool", "dhcpSubnet", "dhcpSharedNetwork"); foreach ($cache[$dn]['objectClass'] as $oc){ if (in_array($oc, $types)){ $type= $oc; break; } } return ($type); } } ?>