dn= $attrs['dn']; $this->new= FALSE; /* Load attributes */ foreach (array("cn", "dhcpHWAddress") as $attr){ if (isset($attrs[$attr][0])){ $this->$attr= $attrs[$attr][0]; } } /* Load options */ if (isset($attrs['dhcpOption'])){ foreach ($attrs['dhcpOption'] as $opt){ $idx= preg_replace('/\s.+$/', '', $opt); $value= preg_replace('/^[^\s]+\s/', '', $opt); $this->options[$idx]= $value; } } /* Load statements */ if (isset($attrs['dhcpStatements'])){ foreach ($attrs['dhcpStatements'] as $opt){ $idx= preg_replace('/\s.+$/', '', $opt); $value= preg_replace('/^[^\s]+\s/', '', $opt); $this->statements[$idx]= $value; } } } else { /* We keep the parent dn here if it's new */ $this->dn= $attrs; $this->new= TRUE; } /* Load network module */ $this->network= new dhcpNetwork(); $this->network->options= $this->options; $this->network->statements= $this->statements; $this->advanced= new dhcpAdvanced(); $this->advanced->options= $this->options; $this->advanced->statements= $this->statements; $this->advanced->setAutoStatements(array("fixed-address")); /* Save CN for later reference */ $this->orig_cn= $this->cn; } function execute() { $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cn", $this->cn); $smarty->assign("dhcpHWAddress", preg_replace('/^[^ ]+ /', '', $this->dhcpHWAddress)); /* Create fixed address */ if (isset($this->statements['fixed-address'])){ $smarty->assign("fixedaddr", $this->statements['fixed-address']); } else { $smarty->assign("fixedaddr", ""); } /* Prepare hw type selector */ $hwtype= preg_replace('/\s.*$/', '', $this->dhcpHWAddress); $smarty->assign("hwtype", $hwtype); $smarty->assign("hwtypes", array("ethernet" => _("Ethernet"), "fddi" => _("FDDI"), "token-ring" => _("Token Ring"))); /* Show main page */ $display= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('dhcp_host.tpl', TRUE)).$this->network->execute(); /* Merge arrays for advanced view */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $tmp= array_merge($this->$type, $this->network->$type); $this->advanced->$type= $tmp; } $display.= $this->advanced->execute(); /* Merge back for removals */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $this->$type= $this->advanced->$type; $this->network->$type= $this->advanced->$type; } /* Add footer */ $display.= "
". " 
"; return ($display); } function remove_from_parent() { } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); /* Save remaining attributes */ if (isset($_POST['hwtype'])){ /* Assemble hwAddress */ $this->dhcpHWAddress= $_POST['hwtype']." ".$_POST['dhcpHWAddress']; $this->cn= validate($_POST['cn']); /* Save fixed address */ if ($_POST['fixedaddr'] != ""){ $this->statements['fixed-address']= $_POST['fixedaddr']; } else { unset ($this->statements['fixed-address']); } } /* Strip network objects */ foreach (array("routers", "domain-name", "subnet-mask", "broadcast-address") as $toberemoved){ unset($this->options[$toberemoved]); } foreach (array("filename", "next-server") as $toberemoved){ unset($this->statements[$toberemoved]); } /* Save sub-objects */ $this->network->save_object(); $this->advanced->save_object(); /* Merge arrays for advanced view */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $tmp= array_merge($this->$type, $this->network->$type); $this->advanced->$type= $tmp; } } /* Check values */ function check($cache) { $message= array(); /* All required fields are set? */ if ($this->cn == ""){ $message[]= _("Required field 'Name' is not filled."); } /* cn already used? */ if ($this->orig_cn != $this->cn || $this->new){ foreach($cache as $dn => $dummy){ if (preg_match("/^cn=".$this->cn.",/", $dn) && count($dummy)){ $message[]= _("The name for this host section is already used!"); break; } } } /* Check syntax of MAC address */ $check= preg_replace('/^[^\s]*\s/', '', $this->dhcpHWAddress); if (!preg_match('/^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}$/', $check)){ $message[]= _("The hardware address specified by you is not valid!"); } /* Check external plugins */ $net= $this->network->check(); $adv= $this->advanced->check(); $message= array_merge($message, $net, $adv); return $message; } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { /* Merge arrays for network and advanced view */ foreach (array("options", "statements") as $type){ $tmp= array_merge($this->$type, $this->network->$type, $this->advanced->$type); $this->$type= $tmp; } /* Add cn if we're new */ if ($this->new){ $this->dn= "cn=".$this->cn.",".$this->dn; } else { $this->dn= "cn=".$this->cn.preg_replace('/^cn=[^,]+/', '', $this->dn); } /* Assemble new entry - options */ $this->attrs['dhcpOption']= array(); if (isset ($this->options) && count ($this->options)){ foreach ($this->options as $key => $val){ $this->attrs['dhcpOption'][]= "$key $val"; } } /* Assemble new entry - statements */ $this->attrs['dhcpStatements']= array(); if (isset ($this->statements) && count ($this->statements)){ foreach ($this->statements as $key => $val){ $this->attrs['dhcpStatements'][]= "$key $val"; } } /* Move dn to the result */ $this->attrs['dn']= $this->dn; $this->attrs['cn']= array($this->cn); if ($this->dhcpHWAddress != ""){ $this->attrs['dhcpHWAddress']= array($this->dhcpHWAddress); } else { $this->attrs['dhcpHWAddress']= array(); } $this->attrs['objectClass']= array('top', 'dhcpHost'); $this->attrs['MODIFIED']= TRUE; return ($this->attrs); } } ?>