"localboot", "instant_update" => "softupdate", "update" => "sceduledupdate", "reinstall" => "install", "rescan" => "", "memcheck" => "memcheck", "sysinfo" => "sysinfo"); var $CopyPasteVars = array("gotoNtpServers","modes","inheritTimeServer"); function termgroup ($config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL) { /*************** Some initialisations ***************/ plugin::plugin($config, $dn, $parent); $ldap= $config->get_ldap_link(); $this->is_account = true; $ui = get_userinfo(); $acl = get_permissions ($this->dn, $ui->subtreeACL); $this->acl = get_module_permission($acl, "group", $this->dn); $this->modes["active"]= _("Activated"); $this->modes["locked"]= _("Locked"); $this->modes["memcheck"]= _("Memory test"); $this->modes["sysinfo"]= _("System analysis"); $this->orig_dn = $this->dn; /*************** Get mac addresses from member objects ***************/ /* We're only interested in the terminal members here, evaluate these... */ if(isset($this->attrs['member'])){ for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs['member']['count']; $i++){ $member= $this->attrs['member'][$i]; $ldap->cat($member, array('objectClass', 'macAddress', 'cn')); if (preg_match("/success/i", $ldap->error)){ $attrs = $ldap->fetch(); if (in_array("gotoTerminal", $attrs['objectClass']) || in_array("gotoWorkstation", $attrs['objectClass'])){ if (isset($attrs['macAddress'])){ $this->members[$attrs['cn'][0]]= $attrs['macAddress'][0]; } else { $this->members[$attrs['cn'][0]]= ""; } } } } } /*************** Perpare NTP settings ***************/ /* Create used ntp server array */ $this->gotoNtpServer= array(); if(isset($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'])){ $this->inheritTimeServer = false; unset($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer']['count']); foreach($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'] as $server){ $this->gotoNtpServer[$server] = $server; } } /* Set inherit checkbox state */ if(in_array("default",$this->gotoNtpServer)){ $this->inheritTimeServer = true; $this->gotoNtpServer=array(); } /* Create available ntp options */ $this->gotoNtpServers = $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NTP']; foreach($this->gotoNtpServers as $key => $server){ if($server == "default"){ unset($this->gotoNtpServers[$key]); } } } function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if (chkacl($this->acl, "create") != ""){ $message[]= _("You have no permissions to create a workstation on this 'Base'."); } /* Check for valid ntpServer selection */ if((!$this->inheritTimeServer) && (!count($this->gotoNtpServer))){ $message[]= _("There must be at least one NTP server selected."); } return($message); } function remove_from_parent() { /* Workstation startup is using gotoWorkstationTemplate too, if we remove this oc all other not manged attributes will cause errors */ if(isset($this->attrs['gotoKernelParameters'])){ $this->objectclasses = array(); } /* Remove acc */ plugin::remove_from_parent(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->orig_dn); $ldap->modify($this->attrs); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } function update_term_member_FAIstate($act) { /* Get required informations */ $og = $this->parent->by_object['ogroup']; $allobs= $og->objcache; /* Get correct value for FAIstate */ $action= $this->mapActions[$act]; /* Get ldap connection */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']); /* Foreach member of mthis ogroup ... */ foreach($og->member as $key ){ /* check objectClasses and create attributes array */ $attrs = array("FAIstate" => $action); for($i = 0; $i < $allobs[$key]['objectClass']['count'] ; $i ++){ $attrs['objectClass'][] = $allobs[$key]['objectClass'][$i]; } if(($attrs['FAIstate'] != "") && (!in_array("FAIobject",$attrs['objectClass']))){ $attrs['objectClass'][] = "FAIobject"; } if($attrs['FAIstate'] == ""){ $attrs['FAIstate'] = array(); } /* If this objects is workstation,terminal or server upodate FAIstate */ if(preg_match("/(w|t|s)/i",$allobs[$key]['type'])){ $ldap->cd ($key); $ldap->modify($attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(),sprintf(_("Setting action state (FAIstate) failed for object '%s', value was '%s'."),$key,$action)); if(!preg_match("/success/i",$ldap->get_error())) { gosa_log("FAILED !! Updating FAIstate to '".$action."' : ".$key); }else{ gosa_log("OK. Updating FAIstate to '".$action."' : ".$key); } } } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /*************** Handle requested action ***************/ /* Watch for events */ if (isset($_POST['action'])){ $macaddresses=""; $names=""; foreach ($this->members as $cn => $macAddress){ $macaddresses.= "$macAddress "; $names.= "$cn "; } if (isset($_POST['action'])){ /* Update members fai state */ $this->update_term_member_FAIstate(trim($_POST['saction'])); $cmd= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], "workgeneric", "ACTIONCMD"); if ($cmd == ""){ print_red(_("No ACTIONCMD definition found in your gosa.conf")); } else { exec ($cmd." ".$macaddresses." ".escapeshellarg($_POST['saction']), $dummy, $retval); if ($retval != 0){ print_red(sprintf(_("Execution of '%s' failed!"), $cmd)); } else { $this->didAction= TRUE; } } } } /*************** Add remove NTP server ***************/ /* Add new ntp Server to our list */ if((isset($_POST['addNtpServer'])) && (isset($_POST['gotoNtpServers']))){ $this->gotoNtpServer[$_POST['gotoNtpServers']] = $_POST['gotoNtpServers']; } /* Delete selected NtpServer for list of used servers */ if((isset($_POST['delNtpServer'])) && (isset($_POST['gotoNtpServerSelected']))){ foreach($_POST['gotoNtpServerSelected'] as $name){ unset($this->gotoNtpServer[$name]); } } /*************** Prepare smarty ***************/ /* Set government mode */ $smarty= get_smarty(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr, $this->$attr); $smarty->assign($attr."ACL",chkacl($this->acl,$this->$attr)); } /* Variables */ foreach(array("gotoMode","gotoNtpServer") as $val){ $smarty->assign($val."_select", $this->$val); $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $val)); } /* Check if workstation is online */ $smarty->assign("actions", array( "halt" => _("Switch off"), "reboot" => _("Reboot"), "instant_update" => _("Instant update"), "update" => _("Scheduled update"), "reinstall" => _("Reinstall"), "rescan" => _("Rescan hardware"))); $smarty->assign("inheritTimeServer",$this->inheritTimeServer); $smarty->assign("modes", $this->modes); $smarty->assign("actionACL", chkacl($this->acl, 'action')); $smarty->assign("gotoNtpServers",$this->gotoNtpServers); $smarty->assign("syslogservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['SYSLOG']); $smarty->assign("gotoSyslogServer_select", $this->gotoSyslogServer); /* Show main page */ return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('termgroup.tpl', TRUE))); } function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); /* Set inherit mode */ if(isset($_POST['workgeneric_posted'])){ if(isset($_POST["inheritTimeServer"])){ $this->inheritTimeServer = true; }else{ $this->inheritTimeServer = false; } } } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); /*************** Prepare special vars ***************/ /* Unset some special vars ... */ foreach (array("gotoSyslogServer") as $val){ if ($this->attrs[$val] == "default"){ $this->attrs[$val]= array(); } } /* Update ntp server settings */ if($this->inheritTimeServer){ $this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'] = "default"; }else{ /* Set ntpServers */ $this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'] = array(); foreach($this->gotoNtpServer as $server){ $this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'][] = $server; } } /*************** Write to ldap ***************/ /* Write back to ldap */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); if(!$this->didAction){ $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving workstation failed")); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>