goFonHomeServers if available * and use first server as default if necessary. */ if(array_key_exists('config',$_SESSION) && array_key_exists('SERVERS',$_SESSION['config']->data) && array_key_exists('FON',$_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS']) && count($_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS']['FON']) && is_callable("mysql_connect") ) { /* Set available server */ $this->goFonHomeServers = $_SESSION['config']->data['SERVERS']['FON']; /* Set default server */ if($this->dn == "new"){ $this->goFonHomeServer = $this->goFonHomeServers[0]['DN']; } /* Remember inital home server, to be able to remove old entries */ $this->init_HomeServer = $this->goFonHomeServer; /* get config */ if(!isset($this->goFonHomeServers[$this->goFonHomeServer])){ print_red(sprintf(_("The specified home server '%s' is not available in GOsa server configuration. Saving this account will create a new entry on the server '%s'. Use cancel if you do not want to create a new entry while ignoring old accounts."), preg_replace("/,/",", ",$this->goFonHomeServer), preg_replace("/,/",", ",$this->goFonHomeServers[0]['DN']))); $this->goFonHomeServer = $this->goFonHomeServers[0]['DN']; $this->init_HomeServer = $this->goFonHomeServers[0]['DN']; } $cur_cfg = $this->goFonHomeServers[$this->goFonHomeServer]; } /* Variable init * Load phone nubmers and parse dial options */ if($this->is_account){ if(isset($this->attrs['telephoneNumber'])){ $this->telephoneNumber=$this->attrs['telephoneNumber']; unset($this->telephoneNumber['count']); } for($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->goFonDialOption); $i++){ $name = "goFonDialOption_".$this->goFonDialOption[$i]; $this->$name=$this->goFonDialOption[$i]; } } /* Set Queue announce hold time to true/false */ if(preg_match("/no/i",$this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime)){ $this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime=false; }else{ $this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime=true; } /* Define all available ringdown types */ $types= array('ringall' =>_("ring all"), 'roundrobin' =>_("round robin"), 'leastrecent'=>_("least recently called"), 'fewestcalls'=>_("fewest completed calls"), 'random' =>_("random"), 'rrmemory' =>_("round robin with memory")); $i = 0; foreach($types as $type => $name){ $i++; $this->goFonQueueStrategyOptions[$i] =$name; $this->goFonQueueStrategyOptionsR[$i] =$type; $tmp[$type] = $i; } $this->goFonQueueStrategy= $tmp[$this->goFonQueueStrategy]; $this->old_cn = $this->cn; $this->old_phone_numbers = $this->telephoneNumber; } /* This function ensures that the selected home server * and the initially selected home server are reachable and accessible */ function check_database_accessibility() { /* Check if mysql extension is available */ if(!is_callable("mysql_pconnect")){ return(_("Can't save any changes to asterisk database, there is currently no mysql extension available in your php setup.")); } /******************** * Check currently selected home server ********************/ $cfg_Current = $this->goFonHomeServers[$this->goFonHomeServer]; $r_current = @mysql_pconnect($cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'],$cfg_Current['PASSWORD']); if(!$r_current){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($r_current)); return(sprintf(_("The MySQL home server '%s' isn't reachable as user '%s', check GOsa log for mysql error."), $cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'])); } $db_current = @mysql_select_db($cfg_Current['DB'],$r_current); if(!$db_current){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($r_current)); mysql_close($r_current); return( sprintf(_("Can't select database '%s' on home server '%s'."),$cfg_Current['DB'],$cfg_Current['SERVER'])); } /******************** * Check init home server ********************/ if($this->initially_was_account){ $cfg_Init = $this->goFonHomeServers[$this->init_HomeServer] ; $r_init = @mysql_pconnect($cfg_Init['SERVER'],$cfg_Init['LOGIN'],$cfg_Init['PASSWORD']); if(!$r_init){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($r_init)); return(sprintf(_("The MySQL initial home server '%s' isn't reachable as user '%s', check GOsa log for mysql error."), $cfg_Init['SERVER'],$cfg_Init['LOGIN'])); } $db_init = @mysql_select_db($cfg_Init['DB'],$r_init); if(!$db_init){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($r_init)); mysql_close($r_init); return( sprintf(_("Can't select database '%s' on initial home server '%s'."),$cfg_Init['DB'],$cfg_Init['SERVER'])); } } } /* Display plugin ui */ function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */ if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){ /* Onyl change account state if allowed */ if($this->is_account && $this->acl == "#all#"){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; }elseif(!$this->is_account && chkacl($this->acl,"create") == ""){ $this->is_account= !$this->is_account; } } /* Show tab dialog headers */ if ($this->parent != NULL){ if ($this->is_account){ $display= $this->show_header(_("Remove the phone queue from this Account"), _("Phone queue is enabled for this group. You can disable it by clicking below.")); } else { $display= $this->show_header(_("Create phone queue"), _("For this group the phone queues are disabled. You can enable them by clicking below.")); return ($display); } } /* Add queue number */ if(isset($_POST['add_phonenumber'])&&(isset($_POST['phonenumber']))&&(!empty($_POST['phonenumber']))){ if((!in_array($_POST['phonenumber'],$this->telephoneNumber))&&(is_numeric($_POST['phonenumber']))){ $this->telephoneNumber[]=$_POST['phonenumber']; } } /* Delete queue number */ if(isset($_POST['delete_phonenumber'])&&(isset($_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']))){ unset($this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']]); } $tmp = array(); foreach($this->telephoneNumber as $val){ if(!empty($val)){ $tmp[]= $val; } } $this->telephoneNumber=$tmp; /* queue number up */ if(isset($_POST['up_phonenumber'])&&(isset($_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']))){ if($_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']>0){ $up = $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']]; $down = $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']-1]; $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']] = $down; $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']-1] = $up; } } /* Queuenumber down */ if(isset($_POST['down_phonenumber'])&&(isset($_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']))){ if(isset($this->telephoneNumber[($_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']+1)])){ $up = $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']+1]; $down = $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']]; $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']+1] = $down; $this->telephoneNumber[$_POST['goFonQueueNumber_List']] = $up; } } /* Assign samrty variables */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("goFonQueueLanguageOptions",get_languages(FALSE,TRUE)); $smarty->assign("goFonQueueStrategyOptions", $this->goFonQueueStrategyOptions); foreach($this->attributes as $key => $val){ $smarty->assign($val,$this->$val); if($this->$val == false){ $smarty->assign($val."CHK",""); }else{ $smarty->assign($val."CHK"," checked "); } if(chkacl($this->acl,$key)==""){ $smarty->assign($val."ACL",""); }else{ $smarty->assign($val."ACL"," disabled "); } } /* Create array with goFonHomeServer */ $tmp = array(); foreach($this->goFonHomeServers as $dn => $val){ if(!is_numeric($dn)){ $tmp[$dn] = $val['SERVER']; } } $smarty->assign("goFonHomeServers",$tmp); return ($display.$smarty->fetch (get_template_path('phonequeue.tpl', TRUE))); } /* Check formular input */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); if(!count($this->goFonHomeServers)){ $message[] = _("There must be at least one server with an asterisk database to create a phone queue."); } if(empty($this->goFonHomeServer)){ $message[] = _("Please select a valid goFonHomeServer."); } if($this->is_number_used()){ $message[] = $this->is_number_used(); } if(!((is_numeric($this->goFonTimeOut))||(empty($this->goFonTimeOut)))){ $message[] = _("Timeout must be numeric"); } if(!((is_numeric($this->goFonQueueRetry))||(empty($this->goFonQueueRetry)))){ $message[] = _("Retry must be numeric"); } if(!((is_numeric($this->goFonMaxLen))||(empty($this->goFonMaxLen)))){ $message[] = _("Max queue length must be numeric"); } if(!((is_numeric($this->goFonAnnounceFrequency))||(empty($this->goFonAnnounceFrequency)))){ $message[] = _("Announce frequency must be numeric"); } if(count($this->telephoneNumber)==0){ $message[] = _("There must be least one queue number defined."); } /* check if add to database could be successfull */ $str = $this->add_to_database(); if(!empty($str)){ $message[] = $str; } return $message; } /* This function removes the old database entries. * If this entry should be removed or the home server has changed * this function is called to ensure that all old entries will be deleted. */ function remove_from_database($save = false) { /* Check if we must remove old entries */ if($this->initially_was_account){ /* Check if there is at least on server configuration */ if(!count($this->goFonHomeServers)){ return( _("There is currently no asterisk server defined. Possibly you are missing a server that handles the asterisk management (goFonServer). Your settings can't be saved to asterisk database.")); } /******************** * Get configuration and check it ********************/ /* Check if databases are reachable, returns an error string if anything fails */ $error_str = $this->check_database_accessibility(); if($error_str){ return($error_str); } /* Connect to current database to be able to add new entries */ $cfg_Current = $this->goFonHomeServers[$this->init_HomeServer] ; $res_cur = @mysql_pconnect($cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'],$cfg_Current['PASSWORD']); $db_cur = @mysql_select_db($cfg_Current['DB'],$res_cur); /* Create sql entries */ $delete[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$this->old_cn."';\n"; $delete[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_TABLE']." WHERE name='".$this->old_cn."'; \n"; $delete[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE']." WHERE queue_name='".$this->old_cn."';\n"; foreach($this->old_phone_numbers as $number){ $delete[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$number."';\n"; } /* Execute the queries */ if($save){ foreach($delete as $sql){ $res = @mysql_query($sql,$res_cur); if(!$res){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($res_cur)); return(_("Error while removing old queue entries from database."). " "._("Please have a look a the gosa logfiles.")); } } } } } /* This function handles the database entries for this * queue. * Existing entries will be updated if possible. */ function add_to_database($save = false) { /* Check if there is at least on server configuration */ if(!count($this->goFonHomeServers)){ return( _("There is currently no asterisk server defined. Possibly you are missing a server that handles the asterisk management (goFonServer). Your settings can't be saved to asterisk database.")); } /******************** * Get configuration and check it ********************/ /* Check if databases are reachable, returns an error string if anything fails */ $error_str = $this->check_database_accessibility(); if($error_str){ return($error_str); } /* Connect to current database to be able to add new entries */ $cfg_Current = $this->goFonHomeServers[$this->goFonHomeServer] ; $res_cur = @mysql_pconnect($cfg_Current['SERVER'],$cfg_Current['LOGIN'],$cfg_Current['PASSWORD']); $db_cur = @mysql_select_db($cfg_Current['DB'],$res_cur); /* Connect to old home server and remove old entries if necessary */ if(($this->initially_was_account) && ($this->init_HomeServer != $this->goFonHomeServer)){ $str = $this->remove_from_database($save); if(!empty($str)){ return($str);; } } /* Ensure that we have the new cn in $this->cn and the old cn in $this->old_cn */ $this->cn = $this->parent->by_object['ogroup']->cn; if($save){ /***************** * Create queue table entry *****************/ /* Check if QUEUE_TABLE entry exists. * If this entry is missing - create it * else update the entry with new values. */ $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_TABLE']." WHERE name='".$this->old_cn."';"; $res = mysql_query($query,$res_cur); if(!$res){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($res_cur)); return(_("Could not detect old queue entry, query failed.")." "._("Please have a look a the gosa logfiles.")); } $cnt = mysql_affected_rows($res_cur); /* Create queue table entry * Leave unused options empty. */ $queue["announce"] = ""; $queue["monitor_join"] = ""; $queue["monitor_format"] = ""; $queue["announce_round_seconds"]= ""; $queue["wrapuptime"] = ""; $queue["servicelevel"] = ""; $queue["eventmemberstatus"] = ""; $queue["eventwhencalled"] = ""; $queue["memberdelay"] = ""; $queue["weight"] = ""; $queue["timeoutrestart"] = ""; $queue["queue_holdtime"] = $this->goFonQueueAnnounce; $queue["queue_lessthan"] = $this->goFonQueueLessThan; $queue["retry"] = $this->goFonQueueRetry; $queue["reportholdtime"] = "1"; $queue["joinempty"] = "no"; $queue["leavewhenempty"] = "yes"; $queue["context"] = "default"; $queue["name"] = $this->cn; $queue["timeout"] = $this->goFonTimeOut; $queue["maxlen"] = $this->goFonMaxLen; $queue["strategy" ] = $this->goFonQueueStrategyOptionsR[$this->goFonQueueStrategy]; $queue["queue_thankyou"] = $this->goFonQueueThankYou; $queue["queue_reporthold"] = $this->goFonQueueReportHold; $queue["announce_frequency"] = $this->goFonAnnounceFrequency; $queue["queue_youarenext"] = $this->goFonQueueYouAreNext; $queue["queue_thereare"] = $this->goFonQueueThereAre; $queue["queue_callswaiting"] = $this->goFonQueueCallsWaiting; $queue["queue_minutes"] = $this->goFonQueueMinutes; $queue["queue_seconds"] = $this->goFonQueueSeconds; $queue["announce_holdtime"] = $this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime; $queue["musiconhold"] = $this->goFonMusiconHold; /* Check if we must create a new queue entry * or if we can update an existing entry * $cnt contains the number of entries matching this cn */ /* Create new queue table entry */ if($cnt == 0){ /* Parse and Add Queue */ $entries = ""; $values = ""; foreach($queue as $attr=>$val){ if($val == "") continue; $entries.= "`".$attr."`,"; $values .= "'".$val."',"; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",$values); $entries = preg_replace("/,$/","",$entries ); $SQL[]="INSERT INTO ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_TABLE']." (".$entries.") VALUES (".$values.");"; }elseif($cnt == 1){ /* Update queue table entry */ $queue_old = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res); foreach($queue_old as $name => $value){ if(isset($queue[$name]) && $queue[$name] == $value){ unset($queue[$name]); } } /* Parse and Add Queue */ if(count($queue)){ $query = "UPDATE ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_TABLE']." SET "; foreach($queue as $key => $val){ $query.= "".$key."='".$val."',"; } $query = preg_replace("/,$/","",$query); $query.= " WHERE name='".$this->old_cn."';"; $SQL[] = $query; } }else{ return(sprintf(_("More than one entry in queue table found, that uses the name ('%s'). Please fix this issue manually first."),$this->cn)); } /***************** * Create queue member entries *****************/ /* Add the queue member entries * First we must remove all old user entries. * to be able to add a clean set of members. */ $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE']." WHERE queue_name='".$this->cn."';"; $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE']." WHERE queue_name='".$this->old_cn."';"; /* Append new Member for this queue */ $queueuser =array(); $i = 0; $parent = $this->parent->by_object['ogroup']; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); foreach($parent->memberList as $member => $mem_data){ $ldap->cat($member,array("goFonHomeServer","objectClass","dn","uid")); if($ldap->count()){ $obj = $ldap->fetch(); /* Calculate server and account dependencies */ $is_acc = in_array("goFonAccount",$obj['objectClass']); $is_home= isset($obj['goFonHomeServer'][0]) && $obj['goFonHomeServer'][0] == $this->goFonHomeServer; /* Append user to list of queue member, * only if user has phoneAccount extension && is on same home server */ if($is_acc && $is_home){ $i ++ ; $queueuser[$i]['queue_name'] = $this->cn; $queueuser[$i]['interface'] = "SIP/".$obj['uid'][0]; $queueuser[$i]['penalty'] = 1; } } } /* Parse and Add members to query Array */ if(is_array($queueuser)){ foreach($queueuser as $user){ $entries = ""; $values = ""; foreach($user as $attr => $val){ $entries.= "`".$attr."`,"; $values .= "'".$val."',"; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",$values); $entries = preg_replace("/,$/","",$entries ); $SQL[]="INSERT INTO ".$cfg_Current['QUEUE_MEMBER_TABLE']." (".$entries.") VALUES (".$values.")"; } } /***************** * Create extension entries *****************/ /* Add the extension entries * First we must remove all old entensions. */ $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$this->cn."';\n"; $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$this->old_cn."';\n"; /* Delete old enxtension entries for the old telephone nubmer */ if(is_array($this->old_phone_numbers)){ foreach($this->old_phone_numbers as $phone){ $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$phone."';\n"; } } /* Delete enxtension entries for telephone numbers */ if(is_array($this->telephoneNumber)){ foreach($this->telephoneNumber as $phone){ $SQL[]= "DELETE FROM ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." WHERE exten='".$phone."';\n"; } } /* Create a extension entry fpr each telephoneNumber */ $i_insert_only_once = false; $prio = 11; // This represents the priority for each telephoneNumber foreach($this->telephoneNumber as $num){ /* The naming refrences */ if($i_insert_only_once == false){ $i_insert_only_once = true; $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $this->cn; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 1; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Goto"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $num."|1"; $i ++ ; } /* If there is currently no user for this queue * Play no service sound file and return to default context. */ if(count($queueuser)==0){ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 1; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "SetLanguage"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = "de"; $i ++ ; $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 2; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Playback"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = "ss-noservice"; $i ++ ; $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 3; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Goto"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = "default"; $i ++ ; }else{ /* Dcrement priority to avoid using same priority twice */ $prio --; /* Wait for 2 seconds */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 1; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Wait"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = "2"; $i ++ ; /* Set language to queue language */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 2; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "SetLanguage"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $this->goFonQueueLanguage; $i ++ ; /* Play welcome sound file */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 3; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Playback"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $this->goFonWelcomeMusic; $i ++ ; /* Set CID name */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 4; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "SetCIDName"; if(!empty($this->parent->by_object['ogroup']->description)){ $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $this->parent->by_object['ogroup']->description; }else{ $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $this->cn." - ".$num; } $i ++ ; /* Set queue priority */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 5; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "SetVar"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = "QUEUE_PRIO=".$prio; $i ++ ; /* Open queue */ $a_ext[$i]['context'] = 'GOsa'; $a_ext[$i]['exten'] = $num; $a_ext[$i]['priority'] = 6; $a_ext[$i]['app'] = "Queue"; $a_ext[$i]['appdata'] = $this->cn; "|". $this->goFonDialOption_t. $this->goFonDialOption_T. $this->goFonDialOption_h. $this->goFonDialOption_H. $this->goFonDialOption_r; } $i++; } /* Parse and Add Extension entries */ foreach($a_ext as $ext){ $entries = ""; $values = ""; foreach($ext as $attr => $val){ $entries.= "`".$attr."`,"; $values .= "'".$val."',"; } $values = preg_replace("/,$/","",$values); $entries = preg_replace("/,$/","",$entries ); $SQL[]="INSERT INTO ".$cfg_Current['EXT_TABLE']." (".$entries.") VALUES (".$values.")"; } /* Do all collected mysql queries */ foreach($SQL as $query) $res = mysql_query($query,$res_cur); if(!$res){ gosa_log(@mysql_error($res_cur)); return(_("Mysql query failed.")." "._("Please have a look a the gosa logfiles.")); } } @mysql_close($r_con); return(false); } /* This function checks if the given phonenumbers * are available or already in use */ function is_number_used() { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(& (!(uid=".$this->cn.")) (!(cn=".$this->cn."))) (| (objectClass=goFonAccount) (objectClass=goFonQueue) (objectClass=goFonConference)))", array("telephoneNumber","cn","uid")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()) { unset($attrs['telephoneNumber']['count']); foreach($attrs['telephoneNumber'] as $tele){ if(!isset($attrs['cn'][0])) $attrs['cn'][0]=$attrs['dn']; if(!isset($attrs['uid'][0])) $attrs['uid'][0]=$attrs['dn']; $numbers[$tele]=$attrs; } } foreach($this->telephoneNumber as $num){ if((isset($numbers[$num]))&&(($numbers[$num]['cn'][0]!= $this->attrs['cn'][0]))){ if(isset($numbers[$num]['uid'][0])){ return sprintf(_("The specified telephonenumber '%s' is already assigned to '%s'."),$num,$numbers[$num]['uid'][0]); }else{ return sprintf(_("The specified telephonenumber '%s' is already assigned to '%s'."),$num,$numbers[$num]['cn'][0]); } } } } /* Get posted attributes */ function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); if(isset($_POST['phonenumber'])){ foreach(array("goFonDialOption_t","goFonDialOption_T","goFonDialOption_h","goFonDialOption_r","goFonDialOption_H","goFonMusiconHold") as $val){ if(chkacl($this->acl,$val) == "") { if(isset($_POST[$val])){ $this->$val = $_POST[$val]; }else{ $this->$val = false; } } } if(isset($_POST['goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime'])){ $this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime = "yes"; }else{ $this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime = false; } } } function save() { $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); plugin::save(); /* Create dial option attribute */ $this->attrs['goFonDialOption'] = ""; foreach(array("goFonDialOption_t","goFonDialOption_T","goFonDialOption_r","goFonDialOption_h","goFonDialOption_H","cn") as $val){ $this->attrs['goFonDialOption'].=$this->$val; unset($this->attrs[$val]); } if(empty($this->attrs['goFonDialOption'])) { $this->attrs['goFonDialOption']=array(); } /* Set announce hold time to yes no .. */ if($this->goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime != "no" ){ $this->attrs['goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime'] = "yes"; }else{ $this->attrs['goFonQueueAnnounceHoldtime'] = "no"; } /* Set strategy */ $this->attrs['goFonQueueStrategy'] = $this->goFonQueueStrategyOptionsR[$this->goFonQueueStrategy]; /* Add database entry, display error and abort if this fails */ $str = $this->add_to_database(true); if(!empty($str)){ print_red($str); } /* Save data to LDAP */ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving phone queue failed")); /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */ if ($this->initially_was_account == $this->is_account){ if ($this->is_modified){ $this->handle_post_events("modify"); } } else { $this->handle_post_events("add"); } } /* remove object from parent */ function remove_from_parent() { /* Cancel if nothing is to do here */ if (!$this->initially_was_account){ return; } /* Remove database entries, * if fails display errors and abort */ $str = $this->remove_from_database(true); if(!empty($str)){ print_red($str); return false; } /* Remove all temporary attributes */ $tmp = array_flip($this->attributes); foreach(array("goFonDialOption_t","goFonDialOption_T","goFonDialOption_r","goFonDialOption_h","goFonDialOption_H","cn") as $val){ unset($this->$val); unset($this->attrs[$val]); unset($tmp[$val]); } foreach(array_flip($tmp) as $key => $val){ $tmp2[]=$val; } $this->attributes = $tmp2; /* include global link_info */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Remove and write to LDAP */ plugin::remove_from_parent(); @DEBUG (DEBUG_LDAP, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->attributes, "Save"); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing phone queue failed")); } function getCopyDialog() { $str = ""; $str .= _("Phone number"); $str .= " "; return($str); } function saveCopyDialog() { if(isset($_POST['telephoneNumber'])){ $this->telephoneNumber = $_POST['telephoneNumber']; } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>