config= $config; $this->ui= get_userinfo(); /* Fill translation array */ $this->obtypes= array( "posixAccount" => _("UNIX accounts"), "posixGroup" => _("Groups"), "gosaDepartment" => _("Departments"), "gosaApplication" => _("Applications"), "goServer" => _("Servers"), "gotoTerminal" => _("Thin Clients"), "gotoWorkstation" => _("Workstations"), "goFonHardware" => _("Phone"), "gotoPrinter" => _("Printer")); asort($this->obtypes); /* Get global filter config */ if (!is_global("ogroupfilter")){ $ui= get_userinfo(); $base= get_base_from_people($ui->dn); $ogroupfilter= array( "usergroups" => "checked", "groupgroups" => "checked", "appgroups" => "checked", "depgroups" => "checked", "servergroups" => "checked", "wsgroups" => "checked", "prtgroups" => "checked", "emptygroups" => "checked", "tcgroups" => "checked", "fongroups" => "checked", "depselect" => $base, "regex" => "*"); register_global("ogroupfilter", $ogroupfilter); } } function execute() { /* Prepare template */ $smarty= get_smarty(); /* Save data */ $ogroupfilter= get_global("ogroupfilter"); foreach( array("depselect", "regex") as $type){ if (isset($_POST[$type])){ $ogroupfilter[$type]= $_POST[$type]; } } if (isset($_POST['depselect'])){ foreach( array("usergroups", "groupgroups", "appgroups", "depgroups", "emptygroups", "servergroups", "wsgroups", "prtgroups", "tcgroups", "fongroups") as $type){ if (isset($_POST[$type])) { $ogroupfilter[$type]= "checked"; } else { $ogroupfilter[$type]= ""; } } } if (isset($_GET['search'])){ $s= mb_substr($_GET['search'], 0, 1, "UTF8")."*"; if ($s == "**"){ $s= "*"; } $ogroupfilter['regex']= $s; } register_global("ogroupfilter", $ogroupfilter); /* Prepare formular */ if (!isset($this->ogroup) && !isset($_POST['new_group']) && !isset($_POST['delete_group']) && !isset($_POST['select_group'])){ $this->reload(); } /* Check for exeeded sizelimit */ if (($message= check_sizelimit()) != ""){ return($message); } /* New group? */ if (isset($_POST['new_group'])){ /* By default we set 'dn' to 'new', all relevant plugins will react on this. */ $this->dn= "new"; /* Create new usertab object */ $this->ogroup= new ogrouptabs($this->config, $this->config->data['TABS']['OGROUPTABS'], $this->dn); $this->ogroup->set_acl(array(':all')); } if (isset($_POST['delete_group']) && isset($_POST['grouplist'])){ /* Get 'dn' from posted 'uid' */ $this->dn= trim($_POST['grouplist']); /* Load permissions for selected 'dn' and check if we're allowed to remove this 'dn' */ $acl= get_permissions ($this->dn, $this->ui->subtreeACL); $this->acl= get_module_permission($acl, "ogroup", $this->dn); if (chkacl($this->acl, "delete") == ""){ /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($user= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($user, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so nobody will edit it during deletion */ add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); $smarty->assign("info", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the object group '%s'."), $this->dn)); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } else { /* Obviously the user isn't allowed to delete. Show message and clean session. */ print_red (_("You are not allowed to delete this object group!")); } } /* Confirmation for deletion has been passed. Group should be deleted. */ if (isset($_POST['delete_group_confirm'])){ /* Some nice guy may send this as POST, so we've to check for the permissions again. */ if (chkacl($this->acl, "delete") == ""){ /* Delete request is permitted, perform LDAP action */ $this->ogroup= new ogrouptabs($this->config, $this->config->data['TABS']['OGROUPTABS'], $this->dn); $this->ogroup->set_acl(array($this->acl)); $this->ogroup->delete (); gosa_log ("Object group'".$this->dn."' has been removed"); unset ($this->ogroup); $this->ogroup= NULL; /* Group list has changed, reload it. */ $this->reload (); } else { /* Normally this shouldn't be reached, send some extra logs to notify the administrator */ print_red (_("You are not allowed to delete this object group!")); gosa_log ("Warning: '".$this->ui->uid."' tried to trick group deletion."); } /* Remove lock file after successfull deletion */ del_lock ($this->dn); unset($_SESSION['objectinfo']); } /* Delete group canceled? */ if (isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){ del_lock ($this->dn); unset($_SESSION['objectinfo']); } if ((isset($_POST['select_group']) || (isset($_POST['edit_helper']) && $_POST['edit_helper'] == "1")) && isset($_POST['grouplist']) && $_POST['grouplist'] != ""){ /* Get 'dn' from posted 'uid', must be unique */ $this->dn= trim($_POST['grouplist']); /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($user= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($user, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so everyone will get the above dialog */ add_lock ($this->dn, $this->ui->dn); /* Set up the users ACL's for this 'dn' */ $acl= get_permissions ($this->dn, $this->ui->subtreeACL); /* Register grouptab to trigger edit dialog */ $this->ogroup= new ogrouptabs($this->config, $this->config->data['TABS']['OGROUPTABS'], $this->dn); $this->ogroup->set_acl($acl); $_SESSION['objectinfo']= $this->dn; } /* Finish button has been pressed */ if (isset($_POST['edit_finish'])){ /* Check tabs, will feed message array */ $message= $this->ogroup->check(); /* Save, or display error message? */ if (count($message) == 0){ /* Save user data to ldap */ $this->ogroup->save(); gosa_log ("Object group'".$this->dn."' has been saved"); /* Group has been saved successfully, remove lock from LDAP. */ if ($this->dn != "new"){ del_lock ($this->dn); } /* There's no page reload so we have to read new users at this point. */ $this->reload (); unset ($this->ogroup); $this->ogroup= NULL; unset ($_SESSION['objectinfo']); } else { /* Ok. There seem to be errors regarding to the tab data, show message and continue as usual. */ show_errors($message); } } /* Cancel dialogs */ if (isset($_POST['edit_cancel'])){ del_lock ($this->ogroup->dn); unset ($this->ogroup); $this->ogroup= NULL; unset($_SESSION['objectinfo']); } /* Show dialog if object is present */ if ($this->ogroup){ $display= $this->ogroup->execute(); /* Don't show buttons if tab dialog requests this */ if (!$this->ogroup->by_object[$this->ogroup->current]->dialog){ $display.= "

\n"; $display.= "\n"; $display.= " \n"; $display.= "\n"; $display.= "

"; } return ($display); } /* Show main page */ $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png')); $smarty->assign("tree_image", get_template_path('images/tree.png')); $smarty->assign("infoimage", get_template_path('images/info.png')); $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/launch.png')); $smarty->assign("deplist", $this->config->idepartments); $smarty->assign("groups", $this->convert_list($this->grouplist)); foreach( array("usergroups", "groupgroups", "appgroups", "depgroups", "emptygroups", "servergroups", "wsgroups", "prtgroups", "tcgroups", "fongroups", "regex", "depselect") as $type){ $smarty->assign("$type", $ogroupfilter[$type]); } $smarty->assign("hint", print_sizelimit_warning()); $smarty->assign("apply", apply_filter()); $smarty->assign("alphabet", generate_alphabet()); return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('headpage.tpl', TRUE))); } function convert_list($input) { $temp= ""; $conv= array( "U" => "select_user.png", "G" => "select_groups.png", "A" => "select_application.png", "D" => "select_department.png", "S" => "select_server.png", "F" => "select_phone.png", "W" => "select_workstation.png", "T" => "select_terminal.png", "P" => "select_printer.png"); foreach ($input as $key => $value){ /* Assemble picture */ $type= $value['type']; if (isset($type[0])){ $p1= $conv[$type[0]]; } else { $p1= "empty.png"; } if (isset($type[1])){ $p2= $conv[$type[1]]; } else { $p2= "empty.png"; } /* Generate output */ $temp= "\n".$temp; } return ($temp); } function reload() { /* Get config */ $ogroupfilter= get_global('ogroupfilter'); /* Set base for all searches */ $base= $ogroupfilter['depselect']; /* Regex filter? */ if ($ogroupfilter['regex'] != ""){ $regex= $ogroupfilter['regex']; } else { $regex= "*"; } /* User filter? */ $this->grouplist= array(); /* Generate grouplist filter */ $filter= ""; if ($ogroupfilter['usergroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*U*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['groupgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*G*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['appgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*A*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['depgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*D*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['servergroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*S*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['wsgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*W*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['prtgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*P*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['tcgroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*T*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['fongroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=*F*)"; } if ($ogroupfilter['emptygroups'] == "checked"){ $filter.= "(gosaGroupObjects=[])"; } if ($filter != ""){ $filter= "(&(cn=$regex)(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(|$filter))"; } else { $filter= "(&(cn=$regex)(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames))"; } $res= get_list($this->ui->subtreeACL, "$filter", TRUE, $base, array("cn", "description", "gosaGroupObjects"), TRUE); foreach ($res as $value){ $pictype= preg_replace('/[\[\]]/', '', $value["gosaGroupObjects"][0]); $sortstring= preg_split('//', $pictype, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); sort($sortstring); $pictype= implode("", $sortstring); if (isset($value["description"][0])){ $this->grouplist[$value["dn"]]= array("text" => $value["cn"][0]." [". $value["description"][0]."]", "type" => $pictype); } else { $this->grouplist[$value["dn"]]= array("text" => $value["cn"][0], "type" => $pictype); } } ksort ($this->grouplist); reset ($this->grouplist); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>