acl ="#all#"; /* If "dn==new" we try to create a new entry * Else we must read all objects from ldap which belong to this entry. * First read SubObjects from ldap ... and then the partition definitions for the SubObjects. */ if($dn != "new"){ /* Set acls */ $ui = get_userinfo(); $acl = get_permissions ($this->dn, $ui->subtreeACL); $acli = get_module_permission($acl, "FAIclass", $this->dn); $this->acl=$acli; $this->dn =$dn; /* Get FAIstate */ if(isset($this->attrs['FAIstate'][0])){ $this->FAIstate = $this->attrs['FAIstate'][0]; } /* Read all leaf objects of this object (For FAIscript this would be FAIscriptEntry) */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->dn); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=FAIclass)(objectClass=".$this->subClass."))",$this->subAttributes); $data = array(); while($object = $ldap->fetch()){ $data[] = $object; } foreach($data as $object){ /* Set status for save management */ $objects = array(); $objects['status'] = "FreshLoaded"; $objects['dn'] = $object['dn']; $objects = $this->get_object_attributes($objects,$this->subAttributes); $this->SubObjects[$objects['cn']] = $objects; } } } /* Reload some attributes */ function get_object_attributes($object,$attributes) { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->cat($object['dn'],$attributes); $tmp = $ldap->fetch(); foreach($attributes as $attrs){ if(isset($tmp[$attrs][0])){ $var = $tmp[$attrs][0]; /* Check if we must decode some attributes */ if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->sub64coded)){ $var = base64_decode($var); } /* check if this is a binary entry */ if(in_array_ics($attrs,$this->subBinary)){ $var = $ldap->get_attribute($object['dn'], $attrs,$r_array=0); } /* Fix slashes */ $var = addslashes($var); $object[$attrs] = $var; } } return($object); } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $display= ""; /* Add new sub object */ if(isset($_POST['AddSubObject'])){ $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,"new"); $this->dialog->acl = $this->acl; $this->dialog->parent = &$this; $this->is_dialog=true; } if($this->dn != "new"){ $_SESSION['objectinfo']= $this->dn; } /* Handle posts */ $s_action = $s_entry = ""; foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ /* Edit script posted */ if(preg_match("/^editscript_/",$name)){ $s_action = "edit"; $s_entry = preg_replace("/^editscript_/","",$name); $s_entry = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*/","",$s_entry)); break; } /* Delete script requested */ if(preg_match("/^deletescript_/",$name)){ $s_action = "remove"; $s_entry = preg_replace("/^deletescript_/","",$name); $s_entry = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*/","",$s_entry)); break; } } if(isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == "edit" && isset($_GET['id'])){ $s_entry = $_GET['id']; if(isset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry])){ $s_action = "edit"; } } if($s_action =="edit" && isset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry])){ /* Get object, and load missing entry values */ $obj = $this->SubObjects[$s_entry]; if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){ $obj = $this->get_object_attributes($obj,$this->sub_Load_Later); } /* Create new dialog and set acl attributes */ $this->dialog= new $this->subClassName($this->config,$this->dn,$obj); $this->dialog->acl = $this->acl; $_SESSION['objectinfo'] = $obj['dn']; $this->dialog->parent = &$this; $this->is_dialog=true; } /* Check acls, are we allowed to delete an entry */ if($s_action == "remove" && isset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry])){ $entry = $this->SubObjects[$s_entry]; $status = $entry['status']; if($status == "edited" || $status == "FreshLoaded"){ $this->SubObjects[$s_entry]['status']= "delete"; }else{ unset($this->SubObjects[$s_entry]); } } ///// Ende new list handling if(isset($_POST['SaveSubObject'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $msgs = $this->dialog->check(); if(count($msgs)>0){ foreach($msgs as $msg){ print_red($msg); } }else{ /* Get return object */ $obj = $this->dialog->save(); if(isset($obj['remove'])){ $old_stat = $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status']; /* Depending on status, set new status */ if($old_stat == "edited" || $old_stat == "FreshLoaded"){ $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status'] = "delete"; }elseif($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]['status']=="new"){ unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['from']]); } $obj['status'] = "new"; $this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']] = $obj; unset($this->SubObjects[$obj['remove']['to']]['remove']); }else{ if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){ $obj['status'] = "edited"; } $this->SubObjects[$obj['cn']]=$obj; } $this->is_dialog=false; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } } /* Sort entries */ $tmp = $keys = array(); if($this->sort_by == "name"){ foreach($this->SubObjects as $key => $entry){ $keys[$key]=$entry['cn']; } }elseif($this->sort_by == "priority"){ foreach($this->SubObjects as $key => $entry){ $keys[$key]=$entry['FAIpriority']; } } natcasesort($keys); if($this->sort_order == "down"){ $keys =array_reverse($keys); } foreach($keys as $key => $order_var){ $tmp[$key]=$this->SubObjects[$key]; } $this->SubObjects = $tmp; /* Cancel Dialog */ if(isset($_POST['CancelSubObject'])){ $this->is_dialog=false; unset($this->dialog); $this->dialog=NULL; } /* Print dialog if $this->dialog is set */ if($this->dialog){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $display = $this->dialog->execute(); return($display); } /* Divlist added 23.02.2006 Containing FAIscripts */ $divlist = new divlist("FAIscripts"); $divlist -> SetEntriesPerPage(0); $plug = $_GET['plug']; if($this->sort_order == "up"){ $dir = "\/"; }else{ $dir = "/\"; } if($this->sort_by == "name"){ $sort_name = $dir; $sort_prio = ""; }else{ $sort_name = ""; $sort_prio = $dir; } $divlist->SetHeader(array( array("string"=>""._("Name").$sort_name.""), array("string"=>"".$sort_prio._("Priority")."", "attach" => "style='width:100px;'"), array("string"=>_("Download"), "attach" => "style='width:100px;'"), array("string"=>_("Action"), "attach"=>"style='border-right: 0px;width:100px;text-align:right;'"))); $divlist->SetHeight(300); $divlist->SetWidth("100%"); if((chkacl($this->acl,"cn")!="") || ($this->FAIstate == "freeze")){ $img_edit = ""; $img_remo = ""; }else{ $img_edit = ""; $img_remo = ""; } foreach($this->getList(true) as $key => $name){ if(($this->SubObjects[$key]['status'] == "new") || ($this->SubObjects[$key]['dn'] == "new")){ $down = ""; }else{ $down = " "._("Download")." "; } $divlist->AddEntry(array( array("string"=>"".$name['name'].""), array("string"=>$name['FAIpriority'] , "attach" => "style='width:100px;'"), array("string"=>$down , "attach" => "style='width:100px;'"), array("string"=>str_replace("%s",base64_encode($key),$img_edit.$img_remo), "attach"=>"style='border-right: 0px;width:100px;text-align:right;'"))); } $smarty->assign("Entry_divlist",$divlist->DrawList()); /* Magic quotes GPC, escapes every ' " \, to solve some security risks * If we post the escaped strings they will be escaped again */ foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $smarty->assign($attrs,stripslashes($this->$attrs)); }else{ $smarty->assign($attrs,($this->$attrs)); } } foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr."ACL",chkacl($this->acl,$attr)); } $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiScript.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } /* Generate listbox friendly SubObject list */ function getList($use_dns=false){ $a_return=array(); foreach($this->SubObjects as $obj){ if($obj['status'] != "delete"){ if($use_dns){ if((isset($obj['description']))&&(!empty($obj['description']))){ $a_return[$obj['cn']]['name']= $obj['cn']." [".stripslashes($obj['description'])."]"; }else{ $a_return[$obj['cn']]['name']= $obj['cn']; } $a_return[$obj['cn']]['dn']= $obj['dn']; $a_return[$obj['cn']]['FAIpriority']= $obj['FAIpriority']; }else{ if((isset($obj['description']))&&(!empty($obj['description']))){ $a_return[$obj['cn']]= $obj['cn']." [".stripslashes($obj['description'])."]"; }else{ $a_return[$obj['cn']]= $obj['cn']; } } } } return($a_return); } /* Delete me, and all my subtrees */ function remove_from_parent() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd ($this->dn); $ldap->rmdir_recursive($this->dn); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing FAI script base failed")); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { if((isset($_POST['FAIscript_posted'])) && ($this->FAIstate != "freeze")){ plugin::save_object(); foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ if(isset($_POST[$attrs])){ $this->$attrs = $_POST[$attrs]; } } } /* Get sort order */ if(isset($_GET['sort']) && in_array($_GET['sort'],array("name","priority"))){ if($this->sort_by == $_GET['sort']){ if($this->sort_order == "up"){ $this->sort_order = "down"; }elseif($this->sort_order == "down"){ $this->sort_order = "up"; } } $this->sort_by = $_GET['sort']; } } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); /* If this is a new script, check if a script with this name already exists */ if(!empty($this->release) && ($this->copy_paste_mode || $this->cut_paste_mode) ){ /* Check if current name is already used for fai scripts in selected release */ $dn = 'cn='.$this->cn.",ou=scripts,".$this->release; $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat($dn); if($ldap->count()){ $r =convert_department_dn($this->release);; $message[] = sprintf(_("Can't insert a script named '%s' in '%s' there is already a script with the given name."),$this->cn,$r); } } return ($message); } /* Save to LDAP */ function save() { plugin::save(); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); /* Copy & Paste : Ensure that FAIstate is copied too */ if($this->copy_paste_mode && preg_match("/freeze/",$this->FAIstate)){ $this->attrs['FAIstate'] = $this->FAIstate; } $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass")); if($ldap->count()!=0){ /* Write FAIscript to ldap*/ $ldap->cd($this->dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); }else{ /* Write FAIscript to ldap*/ $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); $ldap->cd($this->dn); $ldap->add($this->attrs); } show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Creating FAI script base failed")); /* Prepare FAIscriptEntry to write it to ldap * First sort array. * Because we must delete old entries first. * After deletion, we perform add and modify */ $Objects = array(); /* We do not need to save untouched objects */ foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){ if($obj['status'] == "FreshLoaded"){ if($this->copy_paste_mode){ $this->SubObjects[$name] = $this->get_object_attributes($obj,$this->sub_Load_Later); $this->SubObjects[$name]['status'] = "new"; }else{ unset($this->SubObjects[$name]); } } } foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){ if($obj['status'] == "delete"){ $Objects[$name] = $obj; } } foreach($this->SubObjects as $name => $obj){ if($obj['status'] != "delete"){ $Objects[$name] = $obj; } } foreach($Objects as $name => $obj){ foreach($this->sub64coded as $codeIt){ $obj[$codeIt]=base64_encode(stripslashes($obj[$codeIt])); } $tmp = array(); $attributes = array_merge($this->sub_Load_Later,$this->subAttributes); foreach($attributes as $attrs){ if(empty($obj[$attrs])){ $obj[$attrs] = array(); } if(!is_array($obj[$attrs])){ $tmp[$attrs] = stripslashes($obj[$attrs]); }else{ $tmp[$attrs] = $obj[$attrs]; } } $tmp['objectClass'] = $this->subClasses; $sub_dn = "cn=".$obj['cn'].",".$this->dn; if($obj['status']=="new"){ $ldap->cat($sub_dn,array("objectClass")); if($ldap->count()){ $obj['status']="edited"; } } if(empty($tmp['FAIpriority'])){ $tmp['FAIpriority'] ="0"; } /* Tag object */ $this->tag_attrs(&$tmp, $sub_dn, $this->gosaUnitTag); if($obj['status'] == "delete"){ $ldap->cd($sub_dn); $ldap->rmdir_recursive($sub_dn); $this->handle_post_events("remove"); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Removing FAI script failed")); }elseif($obj['status'] == "edited"){ $ldap->cd($sub_dn); $this->cleanup(); $ldap->modify ($tmp); $this->handle_post_events("modify"); }elseif($obj['status']=="new"){ if($tmp['description']==array()){ unset($tmp['description']); } if($tmp['FAIscript']==array()){ $tmp['FAIscript']=" "; } $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); $ldap->cd($sub_dn); $ldap->add($tmp); $this->handle_post_events("add"); show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), _("Saving FAI script failed")); } } } /* return copy & paste dialog */ function getCopyDialog() { /* Ask for cn */ $smarty = get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("cn" ,$this->cn); $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_fai_object.tpl",TRUE)); $ret = array(); $ret['string'] = $str; $ret['status'] = ""; return($ret); } /* Get posted cn */ function saveCopyDialog() { if(isset($_POST['cn'])){ $this->cn = $_POST['cn']; } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>