array("OU"=>"ou=disk," ), "FAIpackageList" => array("OU"=>"ou=packages," ), "FAIscript" => array("OU"=>"ou=scripts," ), "FAIvariable" => array("OU"=>"ou=variables," ), "FAIhook" => array("OU"=>"ou=hooks," ), "FAIprofile" => array("OU"=>"ou=profiles," ), "FAItemplate" => array("OU"=>"ou=templates," )); $base= "ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems,".$_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']; if($_SESSION['faifilter']['branch']!="main"){ $base = $_SESSION['faifilter']['branch']; } /* Get ldap connection */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($base); /* Capture objects from given base */ $result = array(); foreach($ObjectTypes as $oc => $data){ $ou = $data['OU'].$base; $ldap->ls("(objectClass=".$oc.")",$ou,array("cn","objectClass","dn")); while($res = $ldap->fetch()){ $result[] = $res; } } /* Create array with categories to be able to sort different types of objects */ $categories = array("FAIscript","FAItemplate","FAIhook","FAIvariable","FAIpartitionTable","FAIpackageList"); $sort = array(); foreach($result as $attrs){ /* Only use objects which have cn set */ if((isset($attrs['cn'][0]))&&(!in_array($attrs['cn'][0],$used))){ foreach($categories as $cat){ if(in_array($cat,$attrs['objectClass'])){ /* Append different types of objects */ $this->FAIAllclasses[$attrs['cn'][0]]['objects'][$cat]=$cat; /* Set selected status to false */ $this->FAIAllclasses[$attrs['cn'][0]]['status']=false; $sort[strtolower($attrs['cn'][0])] = $attrs['cn'][0]; } } } } $tmp = array(); ksort($sort); foreach($sort as $name){ $tmp[$name] =$this->FAIAllclasses[$name]; } $this->FAIAllclasses = array(); $this->FAIAllclasses = $tmp; /* If no search filter is set, create one */ if (!is_global("SUBfaifilter")){ $SUBfaifilter= array("base" => "ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems,".$_SESSION['CurrentMainBase'], "Sregex" => "*"); $SUBfaifilter['SShowTemplates'] = true; $SUBfaifilter['SShowScripts'] = true; $SUBfaifilter['SShowHooks'] = true; $SUBfaifilter['SShowVariables'] = true; $SUBfaifilter['SShowPackages'] = true; $SUBfaifilter['SShowPartitions']= true; register_global("SUBfaifilter", $SUBfaifilter); } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); /* Fill templating stuff */ $smarty = get_smarty(); $display = ""; $SUBfaifilter = $_SESSION['SUBfaifilter']; /* If someone used the apply button, update searchfilter */ if(isset($_POST['Sregex'])){ foreach($SUBfaifilter as $key => $val){ if(!isset($_POST[$key])){ $SUBfaifilter[$key] = false; }else{ $SUBfaifilter[$key] =$_POST[$key]; } } $SUBfaifilter['Sregex']= $_POST['Sregex']; if(!strstr($SUBfaifilter['Sregex'],"*")){ $SUBfaifilter['Sregex'] = $SUBfaifilter['Sregex']."*"; } } /* Save current searchfilter in session*/ $_SESSION['SUBfaifilter']= $SUBfaifilter; /* Check if we used a checkboxe from the list, to select dselect an entry */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ foreach($this->FAIAllclasses as $class => $obj){ $bclass = base64_encode($class); if(isset($_POST["ON_PAGE_".$bclass])){ if(isset($_POST['USE_'.$bclass])){ $this->FAIAllclasses[$class]['status']=true; }else{ $this->FAIAllclasses[$class]['status']=false; } } } } /* Create different picture for each object type */ $objTypes['FAIhook'] = " "; $objTypes['FAItemplate'] = " "; $objTypes['FAIscript'] = " "; $objTypes['FAIvariable'] = " "; $objTypes['FAIpackageList'] = " "; $objTypes['FAIpartitionTable'] = " "; /* Magic quotes GPC, escapes every ' " \, to solve some security risks * If we post the escaped strings they will be escaped again */ foreach($this->attributes as $attrs){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $smarty->assign($attrs,stripslashes($this->$attrs)); }else{ $smarty->assign($attrs,($this->$attrs)); } } /* Assign all filter attributes to smarty */ foreach($SUBfaifilter as $key => $val){ if(($key != "base")&&($key != "Sregex")){ if($val){ $smarty->assign($key."CHK", " checked "); }else{ $smarty->assign($key."CHK", ""); } }else{ $smarty->assign($key,$val); } } /* Create a divlist to display all available class names with the depending object types */ $divlist = new divlist("ProfileEntry"); $divlist->SetPluginMode(); $divlist->SetSummary(_("This list displays all assigned class names for this profile.")); $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0); $divlist->SetHeader(array(array("string"=> _("Class name")), array("string"=> _("Objects"),"attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;'"))); /* Action button allows us to delete an entry */ $action = " "; /* Check every single class name to match the current search filter */ foreach($this->FAIAllclasses as $usedClass => $classes){ $fi = str_replace("*",".*",$SUBfaifilter['Sregex']); $abort = true; if(!preg_match("/".$fi."/",$usedClass)){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAIscript']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowScripts'])){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAItemplate']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowTemplates'])){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAIhook']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowHooks'])){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAIvariable']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowVariables'])){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAIpartitionTable']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowPartitions'])){ $abort = false; } if((isset($classes['objects']['FAIpackageList']))&&($SUBfaifilter['SShowPackages'])){ $abort = false; } if(!$abort){ $str = ""; foreach($classes['objects'] as $class => $obj){ $str.= $objTypes[$obj]; } /* Is this entry selected */ if($classes['status']==true){ $action_check = preg_replace("/%CHECK%/"," checked ",$action); }else{ $action_check = preg_replace("/%CHECK%/","",$action); } /* Append to list */ $field1 = array("string"=> str_replace("%KEY%",base64_encode($usedClass),$action_check).$usedClass,"attach"=>""); $field2 = array("string"=> $str,"attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;'"); $divlist->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2)); } } $smarty->assign("faihead" , ""); $smarty->assign("failist" , $divlist->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("infoimage" , get_template_path('images/info_small.png')); $smarty->assign("launchimage" , get_template_path('images/small_filter.png')); $smarty->assign("alphabet" , generate_alphabet()); $smarty->assign("apply" , apply_filter(TRUE)); $smarty->assign("search_image" , get_template_path('images/search.png')); $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('faiProfileEntry.tpl', TRUE)); return($display); } /* Save data to object */ function save_object() { } /* Check supplied data */ function check() { /* Call common method to give check the hook */ $message= plugin::check(); return ($message); } function save() { $tmp = array(); foreach($this->FAIAllclasses as $class => $obj){ if($obj['status']==true){ $tmp[$class]=$class; } } return($tmp); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>