config= $config; /* Get global filter config */ if (!is_global("logfilter")){ $logfilter= array("time" => "1", "log_level" => "!ALL", "host" => "!All", "regex" => "*"); register_global("logfilter", $logfilter); } /* Get list of hosts and log levels */ if (!isset($this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOG'])){ print_red (_("No LOG servers defined!")); return; } $cfg= $this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOG']; $tmp= set_error_handler('dummy_error_handler'); $link = @mysql_pconnect($cfg['SERVER'], $cfg['LOGIN'], $cfg['PASSWORD']); set_error_handler($tmp); if ($link === FALSE){ return; } if (! @mysql_select_db("gomon")){ print_red(_("Can't select log database for log generation!")); return; } /* Host list */ $query= "SELECT DISTINCT host FROM golog LIMIT 200;"; @DEBUG (DEBUG_MYSQL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $query, "Database query"); $result = @mysql_query($query); if ($result === false){ print_red(_("Query for log database failed!")); return; } while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $this->hostlist[$line['host']]= $line['host']; } $this->hostlist['!All']= _("All"); ksort($this->hostlist); /* Log level list */ $query= "SELECT DISTINCT log_level FROM golog LIMIT 200;"; @DEBUG (DEBUG_MYSQL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $query, "Database query"); $result = @mysql_query($query); if ($result === false){ print_red(_("Query for log database failed!")); return; } while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $this->loglevellist[$line['log_level']]= $line['log_level']; } $this->loglevellist['!All']= _("All"); ksort($this->loglevellist); /* Time interval */ $this->tilist= array("0" => _("one hour"), "1" => _("6 hours"), "2" => _("12 hours"), "3" => _("24 hours"), "4" => _("2 days"), "5" => _("one week"), "6" => _("2 weeks"), "7" => _("one month")); } function execute() { /* Ignore if not defined */ if (!isset($this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOG'])){ return; } /* Save data */ $logfilter= get_global("logfilter"); foreach( array("host", "time", "log_level", "regex") as $type){ if (isset($_POST[$type])){ $logfilter[$type]= $_POST[$type]; } } if ($logfilter['regex'] == ""){ $logfilter['regex']= '%'; } else { $logfilter['regex']= preg_replace('/\*/', '%', $logfilter['regex']); } register_global("logfilter", $logfilter); $smarty= get_smarty(); if (isset($_GET['start'])){ $this->start= (int)$_GET['start']; } /* Adapt sorting */ if (isset($_GET['sort'])){ if ($this->sort == (int)$_GET['sort']){ if ($this->sort_direction == "down"){ $this->sort_direction= "up"; } else { $this->sort_direction= "down"; } } $this->sort= (int)$_GET['sort']; if ($this->sort < 0 || $this->sort > 3){ $this->sort= 0; } } /* Query stuff */ $res= ""; $cfg= $this->config->data['SERVERS']['LOG']; $tmp= set_error_handler('dummy_error_handler'); $link = @mysql_pconnect($cfg['SERVER'], $cfg['LOGIN'], $cfg['PASSWORD']); set_error_handler($tmp); if ($link === FALSE){ print_red(_("Can't connect to log database, no logs can be shown!")); } else { if (! @mysql_select_db("gomon")){ print_red(_("Can't select log database for log generation!")); } else { /* Get number of entries */ $query= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM golog;"; $result = @mysql_query($query); $line= mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $count= $line['COUNT(*)']; if ($count > 25){ $smarty->assign("range_selector", range_selector($count, $this->start, 25)); } /* Assemble time query */ switch ($logfilter['time']){ case '0': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 3600); break; ;; case '1': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 21600); break; ;; case '2': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 43200); break; ;; case '3': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 86400); break; ;; case '4': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 172800); break; ;; case '5': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 604800); break; ;; case '6': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 1209600); break; ;; case '7': $start= date ("YmdHis", time() - 2419200); break; ;; } /* Assemble log level query */ if ($logfilter['log_level'] == '!All'){ $ll= ""; } else { $ll= "AND log_level='".$logfilter['log_level']."'"; } if ($logfilter['host'] == '!All'){ $hf= ""; } else { $hf= "AND host='".$logfilter['host']."'"; } /* Order setting */ if ($this->sort_direction == "down"){ $desc= "DESC"; } else { $desc= ""; } $end= date ("YmdHis"); $query= "SELECT * FROM golog WHERE message like '".$logfilter['regex']."' $ll $hf AND time_stamp <= $end AND time_stamp >= $start ORDER BY ".$this->fields[$this->sort]." $desc LIMIT ".$this->start.",25;"; @DEBUG (DEBUG_MYSQL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $query, "Database query"); $result = @mysql_query($query); if ($result === false){ print_red(_("Query for log database failed!")); return; } /* Display results */ $mod= 0; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ if ( ($mod++) & 1){ $col= "background-color: #ECECEC;"; } else { $col= "background-color: #F5F5F5;"; } $res.="\n"; $res.="".$line['host'].""; $res.="".$line['time_stamp']."".$line['message'].""; $res.="\n"; } mysql_close($link); } } /* Show main page */ $smarty->assign("search_result", $res); $smarty->assign("plug", validate($_GET['plug'])); $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png')); $smarty->assign("time_image", get_template_path('images/time.png')); $smarty->assign("server_image", get_template_path('images/server.png')); $smarty->assign("log_image", get_template_path('images/log_warning.png')); $smarty->assign("ruleset_image", get_template_path('images/edit.png')); $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/launch.png')); $smarty->assign("hostlist", $this->hostlist); $smarty->assign("loglevellist", $this->loglevellist); $smarty->assign("tilist", $this->tilist); $logfilter['regex']= preg_replace('/\%/', '*', $logfilter['regex']); foreach( array("host", "log_level", "time", "regex") as $type){ $smarty->assign("$type", $logfilter[$type]); } $smarty->assign("mode".$this->sort, "sort_direction. ".png\" border=0 align=center>"); return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('contents.tpl', TRUE))); } } ?>