config= $config; $ui= get_userinfo(); $acl= get_permissions ($config->current['BASE'], $ui->subtreeACL); $acl= get_module_permission($acl, "all", $config->current['BASE']); $this->access= $acl; } function execute() { /* initiate smarty */ $smarty= get_smarty(); $smarty->assign("sorted",0); $smarty->assign("fileup",0); /* Get the LDAP link, to generate the Export */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $arrtemplates = array(); $tempvar =0; /* Array to fill in Formfields */ $arrtemplates[$tempvar] = "None"; if(!is_array($this->csvinfo)){ $this->csvinfo=array(); } /* Set Usertemplate information and get all Attribute from userclass */ unset ($this->csvinfo['arrtemplates']); unset ($this->csvinfo['arrtempls']); /* Generate Template Array, Attribute Array */ if(!isset($this->csvinfo['arrtempls'])){ /* Generating attributes */ $attrs = @get_class_vars("user"); $this->csvinfo['attr'] = $attrs['attributes']; /* Attach the choise none to discard a csv col */ $new = array(); $new[0]="none"; $new[1]="userPassword"; for($c = 0; $c < count($this->csvinfo['attr']);$c++){ $new[$c+2]=$this->csvinfo['attr'][$c]; } $this->csvinfo['attr'] = $new; /* Search all Templates */ $this->csvinfo['templates'] = $ldap->search("(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate)",array("*")); /* Array to handle selected Form fiels */ $this->csvinfo['arrtempls'][$tempvar]['name'] = ""; $this->csvinfo['arrtempls'][$tempvar]['dn'] = ""; $this->csvinfo['arrtemplates'][]="None"; while($temp = $ldap->fetch($this->csvinfo['templates'])){ $tempvar ++; $this->csvinfo['arrtemplates'][$tempvar] = $temp['sn'][0]." - ".$this->config->idepartments[preg_replace("/^[^,]+,".get_people_ou()."/", "", $temp['dn'])]; $this->csvinfo['arrtempls'] [$tempvar]['name'] = $temp['sn'][0]; $this->csvinfo['arrtempls'] [$tempvar]['dn'] = $temp['dn']; } } $arr_temp = array_flip($this->csvinfo['attr']); $this->csvinfo['arr_selected']= array(0,0,$arr_temp['uid'],$arr_temp['sn'],$arr_temp['givenName'],$arr_temp['userPassword']); $smarty->assign("templates",$this->csvinfo['arrtemplates']); $smarty->assign("attrs",$this->csvinfo['attr']); /* Check permissions for import */ if ($this->access != '#all#'){ print_red(_("You've no permission to do CSV imports.")); return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('contentcsv.tpl', TRUE))); } /* If the given dat from the csv File are sorted by the attributes */ if(isset($_POST['sorted'])) { /* Template Handling */ $smarty->assign("fileup",TRUE); $smarty->assign("sorted",TRUE); for($i = 0 ; $i < $this->csvinfo['rows'];$i++){ /* Preparing given Data */ $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i]=array(); /* Go through every col */ for($a = 1; $a <= ($this->csvinfo['cols']+1); $a ++) { /* Append a status col at last, to show possibly errors */ if($a==($this->csvinfo['cols']+1)){ $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i]["status"]="-"; } else { $cc = ($i * ($this->csvinfo['cols']))+$a; /* If theres a Attribut given for this col */ if(!empty($_POST[('row'.$a)])) { $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i][$this->csvinfo['attr'][$_POST[('row'.$a)]]]=$this->csvinfo['data'][($cc-1)]; } } } } /* aleast one entry */ $rowcnt=0; if(isset($this->csvinfo['sorteddata'])){ $rowcnt ++; /* Set the col count */ $tblcolcount= count ($this->csvinfo['cols']); /* entrie count */ $tbl_entries= count ($this->csvinfo['count']); /* row count */ $tbl_rows = $tbl_entries / $tblcolcount; /* No error occured */ $failing = FALSE; /* For every row */ for($i = 0; $i < $this->csvinfo['rows']; $i++){ /* Get elemenet */ $dat = $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i]; /* If not all needed vars set .... */ if( ( empty($dat['sn']))||( empty($dat['givenName']))||( empty($dat['uid']))|| (!isset($dat['sn']))||(!isset($dat['givenName']))||(!isset($dat['uid']))){ /* Output Error */ print_red (_("Need 'sn','givenName' and 'uid' to create user")); } else { /* Register usertab to trigger edit dialog */ $this->usertab= new usertabs($this->config, $this->config->data['TABS']['USERTABS'], 'new'); $keys = array_keys($dat); /* Set all submitted vars */ foreach($keys as $key) { if($key != "status"){ $this->usertab->$key = $dat[$key]; } } /* Initialize template */ if($this->csvinfo['tplid']!=0){ $this->usertab->adapt_from_template($this->csvinfo['arrtempls'][$this->csvinfo['tplid']]['dn']); $this->usertab->save_object(); } else { /* Reset vars */ foreach($keys as $key) { if($key != "status"){ $this->usertab->by_object['user']->$key = $dat[$key]; } } } // Setting user Password if((isset($dat['userPassword']))&&(!empty($dat['userPassword']))) $password = $dat['userPassword']; else { $rand_str=""; $feed = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for ($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) { $rand_str .= substr($feed, rand(0, strlen($feed)-1), 1); } $password = $rand_str; } print_a($this->usertab); /* Insert in the LDAP tree */ if(count($this->usertab->check())) { show_errors($this->usertab->check()); $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i]['status']=""._("failed").""; $failing = $i+1; break; } else { $this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][$i]['status']=_("ok"); $this->usertab->save(); change_password($this->usertab->dn,$password); } } } $pointsbefore = FALSE; $pointsafter = FALSE; /* Get Attributs for Tableheadline */ $this->csvinfo['colsstr'] = array(); for($i =1; $i <= $this->csvinfo['cols']; $i++) { if(!empty($_POST[('row'.$i)])){ $this->csvinfo['colsstr'][$i] = $this->csvinfo['attr'][$_POST[('row'.$i)]]; } } /*Create array with data for the template */ if($failing == FALSE){ for($i =1; $i <= $this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']; $i++) { foreach($this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][($i-1)] as $dat){ $dataouts[]=$dat; } } if($this->csvinfo['rows']> $this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']){ $pointsafter = TRUE; } } else { $pointsbefore = TRUE; $pointsafter = TRUE; $begin = $failing -3; if($begin <0) { $begin =0; $pointsbefore = FALSE; } $end = $failing + 2; if($end > $this->csvinfo['rows']) { $end = $this->csvinfo['rows']+1; $pointsafter = FALSE; } $this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']=$end - $begin; if($this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']> $this->csvinfo['rows'])$this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']=$this->csvinfo['rows']; for($i =$begin; $i <= $end; $i++) { foreach($this->csvinfo['sorteddata'][($i-1)] as $dat){ $dataouts[]=$dat; } } } $tmparr2 = $this->csvinfo['colsstr']; $tmparr2[]=_("status"); /* Error? */ if ($failing){ print_red(sprintf(_("An Error Occured while inserting entry %s - process aborted"), $failing)); } $smarty->assign("error",$failing); /* Set vars to smarty */ $smarty->assign("cols",count($tmparr2)); $smarty->assign("anz" ,$this->csvinfo['count']); $smarty->assign("rows",$this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']); $smarty->assign("head",$tmparr2); $smarty->assign("data",$dataouts); /* Set other vars */ $smarty->assign("i",1); $smarty->assign("ie",0); $smarty->assign("tplid",$this->csvinfo['tplid']); $smarty->assign("pointsafter",$pointsafter); $smarty->assign("pointsbefore",$pointsbefore); } else { /* Set Template ID */ $tplid = $_POST['tplid']; $smarty->assign("tpl",$arrtemplates[$tplid]); print_red (_("Nothing to import !.")); } /* If theres a File uploaded */ } else { /* Check if theres a file uploaded */ if(!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])){ if((!isset($_FILES['userfile']['name']))||(!isset($_POST['fileup']))) { print_red(_("There is no file uploaded.")); $smarty->assign("LDIFError",TRUE); } elseif(!$_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0 ) { print_red(_("The specified file is empty.")); $smarty->assign("LDIFError",TRUE); } /* Is there a tmp file, which we can use ? */ elseif(!file_exists($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) { print_red(_("There is no file uploaded.")); $smarty->assign("LDIFError",TRUE); } elseif(!$handle = @fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],"r")) { print_red(_("There is no file uploaded.")); $smarty->assign("LDIFError",TRUE); } else { $smarty->assign("fileup",TRUE); $str = ""; /* Reading content */ while(!feof($handle)) { $str .= fread($handle,1024); } $lines = split("\n",$str); $anz = 0; $rest = 0; $data = array(); /* check colum count */ foreach($lines as $line) { /* continue if theres a comment */ if(substr(trim($line),0,1)=="#"){ continue; } $line= str_replace ("\t","",$line); $cells = split(",",$line ) ; if(count($cells)> $anz ){ $anz = count($cells); } } /* At least one entry */ if($anz >1) { /* Generate array with outpu info */ foreach($lines as $line) { $rest = 0; $cnt = 0; /* dont use comments or empty lines */ if((substr(trim($line),0,1)=="#")||(empty($line))){ continue; } /* replace \t to , */ $line= str_replace ("\t" ,"" ,$line); /* get all elements */ $cells = split(",",$line ) ; /* attach all elements to data array */ foreach($cells as $cell) { if(!empty($cell)) { $cnt++; $data[]=trim($cell); } } /* cell count less than anz, attach some empty fields */ if(($cnt != $anz)&&(!empty($cnt))) { $rest = $anz - $cnt; for($i = 0 ; $i < $rest ; $i ++){ $data[] = " "; } } } unset($this->csvinfo['sorteddata']); unset($this->csvinfo['colsstr']); unset($this->csvinfo['sorteddata']); $this->csvinfo['cols'] = $anz; $this->csvinfo['data'] = array(); $this->csvinfo['data'] = $data; $this->csvinfo['count'] = count($this->csvinfo['data']); if($this->csvinfo['count']> (6* $this->csvinfo['cols'])) { /* only show 6 rows in ouptuttablei */ $datouttemp = array_chunk($this->csvinfo['data'],(6* $this->csvinfo['cols'])); $this->csvinfo['dataout']=$datouttemp[0]; $this->csvinfo['shownrowscount'] = 6; } else { $this->csvinfo['shownrowscount'] = (count($this->csvinfo['data']))/$this->csvinfo['cols']; $this->csvinfo['dataout']= $this->csvinfo['data']; } $this->csvinfo['tplid'] = $_POST['template']; $this->csvinfo['templatestr'] = $this->csvinfo['arrtemplates' ][$this->csvinfo['tplid']]; $this->csvinfo['count'] = count($this->csvinfo['data']); $this->csvinfo['rows'] = (count($this->csvinfo['data'])/$anz); /* Set Templateid */ $smarty->assign("tplid",$this->csvinfo['tplid']); /* Set Template */ $smarty->assign("tpl",$this->csvinfo['templatestr']); /* Temp var 1 */ $smarty->assign("ia",1); /* Temp var 2 */ $smarty->assign("i",0); /* Num rows */ $smarty->assign("rows",$this->csvinfo['shownrowscount']); for($i = 0 ; $i < $anz; $i ++) $this->csvinfo['arr_selected'][]="0"; $smarty->assign("selectedattrs",$this->csvinfo['arr_selected']); /* Entrie count5 */ $smarty->assign("anz",$this->csvinfo['cols']); /* Array with data */ $smarty->assign("data",$this->csvinfo['dataout']); @fclose($handle); } else { $smarty->assign("tpl",$this->csvinfo['attr'][$_POST['template']]); $smarty->assign("LDIFError",TRUE); $smarty->assign("fileup",FALSE); print_red(_("The selected file does not contain any CSV Data...")); } } } } /* Show main page */ return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('contentcsv.tpl', TRUE))); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>