parent = &$parent; /* Intialize plugin */ $this->config = &$config; if(count($data)){ $tmp = $this->get_array_values(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if(!isset($data[$attr])){ trigger_error("Missing parameter: '".$attr."' for goto_task contruction."); }else{ $this->$attr = $data[$attr]; } } }else{ $this->new = TRUE; } if(!empty($this->Zone) && !preg_match("/^\"\"$/",$this->Zone)){ $this->configure_dns = TRUE; } if(!empty($this->Section) && !preg_match("/^\"\"$/",$this->Section)){ $this->configure_dhcp = TRUE; } /* Set dns and dhcp attributes */ foreach(getAvailableZones($this->config) as $zone){ $name = preg_replace("#^[^/]+/#","",$zone); $this->Zones[$name] = $zone; } $this->Sections = $this->get_dhcp_sections(); /* Create ogroup select list */ $this->OGroups = array("\"\"" => "["._("Keep current")."]"); $this->OGroups = array_merge($this->OGroups,$this->parent->get_object_groups()); /* Prepare list of available actions */ $this->Actions = $this->parent->get_actions(); } function execute() { /******** * Handle Posts ********/ /* Handle Target options */ foreach($_POST as $name => $value){ if(preg_match("/^remove_/",$name)){ $value = preg_replace("/^remove_([0-9]*)_(x|y)$/i","\\1",$name); if(isset($this->Target[$value]) && $this->Action != "initial_install"){ unset($this->Target[$value]); }elseif(isset($this->Initial_Target[$value]) && $this->Action == "initial_install"){ unset($this->Initial_Target[$value]); } } } if($this->Action != "initial_install"){ /* Add target */ if(isset($_POST['add_target']) && !empty($_POST['target_text'])){ $target = get_post("target_text"); if($this->is_valid_target($target) && !in_array($target,$this->Target)){ $this->Target[] = $target; } } }else{ /* Add target */ if(isset($_POST['add_target']) && !empty($_POST['task_MAC'])){ $MAC = $_POST['task_MAC']; $NAME= ""; $IP = ""; $DNS = ""; $DHCP = ""; if(isset($_POST['task_Name'])){ $NAME = $_POST['task_Name']; } if(isset($_POST['task_IP']) && is_ip($_POST['task_IP'])){ $IP = $_POST['task_IP']; } if(isset($_POST['configure_dns']) && isset($_POST['Zone']) && isset($this->Zones[$_POST['Zone']])){ $DNS = $_POST['Zone']; } if(isset($_POST['configure_dhcp']) && isset($_POST['Section']) && isset($this->Sections[$_POST['Section']])){ $DHCP = $_POST['Section']; } if(is_mac($MAC)){ $this->Initial_Target[] = array("MAC"=>$MAC,"IP"=>$IP,"NAME"=>$NAME); } } } /* Add via csv */ if(isset($_FILES['import_file'])){ $file = $_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']; if(file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)){ $str =""; $fp = fopen($file,"r"); while(!feof($fp)){ $line = fgets($fp,512); $tmp = preg_split("/(,|;)/",$line); $MAC = $IP = $NAME; if(isset($tmp[0])){ $MAC = trim($tmp[0]); } if(isset($tmp[1])){ $IP = trim($tmp[1]); } if(isset($tmp[2])){ $NAME = trim($tmp[2]); } if(is_mac($MAC)){ $this->Initial_Target[] = array("MAC"=>$MAC,"IP"=>$IP,"NAME"=>$NAME); } } } } /******** * Add target from list ********/ /* If add from list is was requsted, display this list */ if(isset($_POST['add_from_list'])){ $this->dialog = new target_list($this->config,$this->Target); } /* Save selected objects as target */ if(isset($_POST['SaveMultiSelectWindow'])){ $this->dialog->save_object(); $ret = $this->dialog->save(); foreach($ret as $entry){ $this->Target[] = $entry['cn'][0]; } $this->dialog = NULL; } /* Cancel object listing */ if(isset($_POST['CloseMultiSelectWindow'])){ $this->dialog = NULL; } /* Display object Listing */ if($this->dialog){ $this->dialog->save_object(); return($this->dialog->execute()); } /******** * Display this plugin ********/ $divlist = new divlist("goto_task"); $divlist->SetPluginMode(); $divlist->SetHeight("160"); $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0); $acl_target = $this->parent->getacl("Target"); if(preg_match("/w/i",$acl_target)){ $field_del = array("string" => "" , "attach" => "style='width:44px;border-right:0px;'"); }else{ $field_del = array("string" => "", "attach" => "style='width:44px;border-right:0px;'"); } /* Add entries to divlist */ if($this->Action == "initial_install"){ $divlist->SetHeader(array( array("string" => _("Target systems") ,"attach" => "style='width:120px;'"), array("string" => _("IP") , "attach" => "style='width:90px;'"), array("string" => _("Name") , "attach" => "style='width:150px;'"), array("string" => _("Actions") , "attach" => "style='width:44px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'"))); foreach($this->Initial_Target as $key => $target){ $field1 = array("string" => $target['MAC'] ,"attach" => "style='width:120px;'"); $field2 = array("string" => $target['IP'] ,"attach" => "style='width:90px;'"); $field3 = array("string" => $target['NAME'] ,"attach" => "style='width:150px;'"); $divlist->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3,preg_replace("/%KEY%/",$key,$field_del))); } }else{ $divlist->SetHeader(array( array("string" => "Target", "attach" => "style=''"), array("string" => "Actions" , "attach" => "style='width:44px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'"))); foreach($this->Target as $key => $target){ $field1 = array("string" => $target); $divlist->AddEntry(array($field1,preg_replace("/%KEY%/",$key,$field_del))); } } $smarty = get_smarty(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr."ACL", $this->parent->getacl($attr)); $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr); } $smarty->assign("Zones", $this->Zones); $smarty->assign("Sections", $this->Sections); $smarty->assign("Zone", $this->Zone); $smarty->assign("Section", $this->Section); $smarty->assign("configure_dhcp", $this->configure_dhcp); $smarty->assign("configure_dns", $this->configure_dns); $tmp = $this->get_array_values(); $smarty->assign("JS" , $_SESSION['js']); $smarty->assign("Minutes" , $tmp['Minute']); $smarty->assign("Hours" , $tmp['Hour']); $smarty->assign("Days" , $tmp['Day']); $smarty->assign("Months" , $tmp['Month']); $smarty->assign("Weekdays", $tmp['Weekday']); $smarty->assign("OGroups" , $this->OGroups); $smarty->assign("Actions" , $this->Actions); $smarty->assign("Target_list" , $divlist->DrawList()); $smarty->assign("new" , $this->new); return ($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('goto_task.tpl', TRUE))); } function create_tree($arr,$base,$current = "") { $ret = array(); foreach($arr as $r => $name){ $base_part = str_replace($base,"",$r); if(preg_match("/^[a-z]*=".normalizePreg($name)."(|,)$/i",$base_part)){ $ret[$r] = $current.$name; $tmp = $this->create_tree($arr,$r,$current.". "); foreach($tmp as $sub_key => $sub_name){ $ret[$sub_key] = $sub_name; } } } return($ret); } function get_dhcp_sections() { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=dhcpService)",array("dhcpPrimaryDN")); $tmp = array(); $tmp2 = array(); $dhcp_dns = array(); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $dhcp_dns[$attr['dn']] = $attr['dhcpPrimaryDN'][0]; } foreach($dhcp_dns as $key => $pri_dns){ $ldap->cat($pri_dns,array("cn")); $tmp = $ldap->fetch(); $dhcp_dns[$key] = $tmp['cn'][0]; } foreach($dhcp_dns as $dn => $cn){ $ldap->cd($dn); $ldap->search("(|(objectClass=dhcpService)(objectClass=dhcpGroup)". "(objectClass=dhcpSubnet)(objectClass=dhcpSharedNetwork))",array("cn")); $tmp = array(); while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){ $tmp[$attr['dn']] = $attr['cn'][0]; } $tmp2 = $this->create_tree($tmp,preg_replace("/^[^,]+,/i","",$dn),"(".$cn.") "); } $ret = array(); foreach($tmp2 as $key => $label){ $ret[$tmp[$key]] = $label; } return($ret); } /* check given values */ function check() { $message = plugin::check(); $tmp = array( "OGroup" => _("Object group") ,"Minute" => _("Minute"), "Hour" => _("Hour") ,"Day" => _("Day"), "Month" => _("Month") ,"Weekday"=> _("Week day"), "Action" => _("Action") ,"Comment"=> _("Description")); foreach($tmp as $name => $desc){ if(empty($this->$name)){ $message[] = sprintf(_("The given value for attribute '%s' is invalid."),$desc); } } if(count($this->Target) == 0 && $this->Action != "initial_install"){ $message[] = sprintf(_("You must specify at least one target")); } if(count($this->Initial_Target) == 0 && $this->Action == "initial_install"){ $message[] = sprintf(_("You must specify at least one target")); } return($message); } /* Map acl function, to be able to use plugin::save_object() */ function acl_is_writeable($attribute,$skip_write = FALSE) { return($this->parent->acl_is_writeable($attribute,$skip_write)); } function save_object() { if(isset($_POST['goto_task_posted'])){ if($this->Action == "initial_install"){ if(isset($_POST['configure_dns'])){ $this->configure_dns = TRUE; if(isset($_POST['Zone'])){ $this->Zone = get_post("Zone"); } }else{ $this->Zone = "\"\""; $this->configure_dns = FALSE; } if(isset($_POST['configure_dhcp'])){ $this->configure_dhcp = TRUE; if(isset($_POST['Section'])){ $this->Section = get_post("Section"); } }else{ $this->configure_dhcp = FALSE; $this->Section = "\"\""; } } plugin::save_object(); } } /* Check if given target is vald. * It must either be a valid MAC address or an existing object group */ function is_valid_target($str) { if(is_mac($str)){ return(TRUE); }else{ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClassgosaGroupOfNames)(cn=".$str."))",array("cn")); if($ldap->count()){ return(TRUE); } } } function save() { $tmp = array(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $tmp[$attr] = $this->$attr; } if($this->Action != "initial_install" || !$this->configure_dns){ $tmp['Zone'] = "\"\""; } if($this->Action != "initial_install" || !$this->configure_dhcp){ $tmp['Section'] = "\"\""; } return($tmp); } /* Return values for listboxes. */ function get_array_values() { $ret = array(); /* Create minute array */ $Minute = array( "*" => "*", "*/1" => "*/1", "*/3" => "*/3", "*/5" => "*/5", "*/10" => "*/10", "*/15" => "*/15", "*/30" => "*/30", "*/45" => "*/45", "*/60" => "*/60"); for($i = 0; $i < 60 ; $i ++){ $Minute[$i] = $i; } /* Create hour array */ $Hour = array( "*" => "*"); for($i = 1 ; $i < 24 ; $i ++ ){ $Hour["*/".$i] = "*/".$i; } for($i = 0 ; $i < 24 ; $i ++ ){ $Hour[$i] = $i; } /* Create hour array */ $Day = array( "*" => "*"); for($i = 1 ; $i < 32 ; $i ++ ){ $Day["*/".$i] = "*/".$i; } for($i = 1 ; $i < 32 ; $i ++ ){ $Day[$i] = $i; } /* Create month array */ $Month = array( "*" => "*"); for($i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ ){ $Month["*/".$i] = "*/".$i; } for($i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ ){ $Month[$i] = $i; } /* Create week day array */ $Weekday = array( "*" => "*"); for($i = 1 ; $i <= 7 ; $i ++ ){ $Weekday["*/".$i] = "*/".$i; } for($i = 0 ; $i <= 7 ; $i ++ ){ $Weekday[$i] = $i; } foreach(array("Minute","Weekday","Hour","Day","Month") as $var){ $ret[$var] = $$var; } return($ret); } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>