config= $config; /* Get global filter config */ if (!is_global("phonefilter")){ $ui= get_userinfo(); $base= get_base_from_people($ui->dn); $phonefilter= array("search_base" => $base, "organizational" => "checked", "global" => "checked", "search_for" => "*", "object_type" => "*"); register_global("phonefilter", $phonefilter); } } function execute() { /* Call parent execute */ plugin::execute(); $smarty= get_smarty(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ $smarty->assign($attr."ACL",chkacl($this->acl,$attr)); } #! Hickert /*prevent empty variables for smarty*/ foreach($this->attributes as $atr) $smarty->assign($atr,""); /* Save formular information */ $phonefilter= get_global("phonefilter"); foreach( array("search_for", "search_base", "object_type") as $type){ if (isset($_POST[$type])){ $phonefilter[$type]= $_POST[$type]; } $this->$type= $phonefilter[$type]; } if (isset($_POST['search_base'])){ foreach( array("organizational", "global") as $type){ if (isset($_POST[$type])){ $phonefilter[$type]= "checked"; } else { $phonefilter[$type]= ""; } } } /* Search string */ $s= $phonefilter['search_for']; if ($s == "") { $s= "*"; } if (isset($_GET['search'])){ $s= validate(mb_substr($_GET['search'], 0, 1, "UTF8"))."*"; if ($s == "**"){ $s= "*"; } $this->search_for= $s; $phonefilter['search_for']= $s; } register_global("phonefilter", $phonefilter); /* Perform actions with CTI hook */ if (isset($_GET['target']) && isset($_GET['dial']) && isset($this->config->current['CTIHOOK'])){ $dialmode= $_GET['dial']; if ($dialmode == "telephoneNumber" || $dialmode == "mobile" || $dialmode == "homePhone"){ /* Get target */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat(base64_decode($_GET['target'])); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if (isset($attrs["$dialmode"])){ $target= $attrs[$dialmode][0]; } else { $target= ""; } /* Get source */ $ui= get_userinfo(); $ldap->cat($ui->dn); $attrs= $ldap->fetch(); if (isset($attrs["telephoneNumber"])){ $source= $attrs['telephoneNumber'][0]; } else { $source= ""; } /* Save to session */ $_SESSION['source']= $source; $_SESSION['target']= $target; /* Perform call */ if ($target != "" && $source != ""){ $smarty->assign("phone_image", get_template_path('images/phone.png')); $smarty->assign("dial_info", sprintf(_("Dial from %s to %s now?"), "".$source."", "".$target."")); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('dial.tpl', TRUE))); return; } else { print_red (_("You have no personal phone number set. Please change that in order to perform direct dials.")); } } } /* Finally dial */ if (isset($_POST['dial']) && isset($_SESSION['source']) && isset($_SESSION['target'])){ exec ($this->config->current['CTIHOOK']." '".$_SESSION['source']."' '".$_SESSION['target']."'", $dummy, $retval); unset($_SESSION['source']); unset($_SESSION['target']); } /* Delete entry? */ if (isset($_POST['delete_entry_confirm'])){ /* Some nice guy may send this as POST, so we've to check for the permissions again. */ if (chkacl($this->acl, "delete") == ""){ /* Delete request is permitted, perform LDAP action */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->rmdir ($this->dn); gosa_log ("Address book object'".$this->dn."' has been removed"); } else { /* Normally this shouldn't be reached, send some extra logs to notify the administrator */ print_red (_("You are not allowed to delete this entry!")); gosa_log ("Warning: '".$this->ui->uid."' tried to trick address book deletion."); } /* Remove lock file after successfull deletion */ del_lock ($this->dn); /* Clean up */ if (isset($_SESSION['saved_start'])){ $_GET['start']= $_SESSION['saved_start']; } unset($_SESSION['show_info']); unset($_SESSION['saved_start']); } /* Delete entry? */ if (isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){ del_lock ($this->dn); } /* Save address entry? */ if (isset($_POST['save'])){ $this->save_object(); $this->storage_base= $_POST['storage_base']; /* Perform checks */ $message= $this->check (); /* No errors, save object */ if (count ($message) == 0){ $this->save(); gosa_log ("Addressbook object '".$this->dn."' has been saved"); /* Clean up */ if (isset($_SESSION['saved_start'])){ $_GET['start']= $_SESSION['saved_start']; } $_SESSION['show_info']= $this->dn; unset($_SESSION['saved_start']); } else { /* Errors found, show message */ show_errors ($message); } } /* Close info window */ if (isset($_GET['close']) || isset($_POST['cancel'])){ if (isset($_SESSION['saved_start'])){ $_GET['start']= $_SESSION['saved_start']; } unset($_SESSION['show_info']); unset($_SESSION['saved_start']); } /* Start address book edit mode? */ if (isset($_GET['global'])){ if (!isset($_SESSION['saved_start']) && isset($_GET['start'])){ $_SESSION['saved_start']= $_GET['start']; } switch ($_GET['global']){ case "add": $this->dn= "new"; $this->orig_cn= ""; /* Clean values */ foreach ($this->attributes as $name){ $this->$name= ""; } $this->storage_base= $this->config->current["BASE"]; break; case "edit": /* Clean values */ foreach ($this->attributes as $name){ $this->$name= ""; } $this->dn= $_SESSION['show_info']; $this->load(); $this->orig_cn= $this->cn; break; case "remove": $this->dn= $_SESSION['show_info']; $this->load(); /* Load permissions for selected 'dn' and check if we're allowed to remove this 'dn' */ if (chkacl($this->acl, "delete") == ""){ /* Check locking, save current plugin in 'back_plugin', so the dialog knows where to return. */ if (($user= get_lock($this->dn)) != ""){ return(gen_locked_message ($user, $this->dn)); } /* Lock the current entry, so nobody will edit it during deletion */ $ui= get_userinfo(); add_lock ($this->dn, $ui->dn); $smarty->assign("info", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the entry %s."), $this->dn)); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove.tpl', TRUE))); } else { /* Obviously the user isn't allowed to delete. Show message and clean session. */ print_red (_("You are not allowed to delete this entry!")); } } $_SESSION['show_info']= "ADD"; } /* Open info window */ if (isset($_GET['show'])){ if (!isset($_SESSION['saved_start'])){ $_SESSION['saved_start']= $_GET['start']; } $_SESSION['show_info']= base64_decode($_GET['show']); } /* Get ldap link / build filter */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $this->telephone_list= array (); /* Assemble bases */ $bases= array(); $filter= ""; if ($phonefilter['global'] == "checked"){ $bases[]= preg_replace("/".$this->config->current['BASE']."/", "dc=addressbook,".$this->config->current['BASE'], $this->search_base); } else { $filter= '(objectClass=gosaAccount)'; } if ($phonefilter['organizational'] == "checked"){ $bases[]= $this->search_base; } foreach ($bases as $base){ $ldap->cd ($base); if ($phonefilter['object_type'] == '*'){ $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=person)$filter(!(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate))(!(uid=*$))". //array "(|(uid=$s)(homePhone=$s)(telephoneNumber=$s)". "(facsimileTelephoneNumber=$s)(mobile=$s)(givenName=$s)(sn=$s)))", array("sn", "givenName", "telephoneNumber", "facsimileTelephoneNumber", "mobile", "homePhone", "uid", "mail", "cn")); } else { $ldap->search ("(&$filter(!(uid=*$))(!(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate))". //array "(".$phonefilter['object_type']."=$s))", array("sn", "givenName", "telephoneNumber", "facsimileTelephoneNumber", "mobile", "homePhone", "uid", "mail", "cn")); } /* Build current list, error reporting is off, because many of the objects may not be defined after LDAP queries. Asking for presence first is too much overhead. */ error_reporting(0); /* Walk through LDAP results */ while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){ #! hickert /* prevent empty vaiables */ foreach($this->attributes as $atr) { if(!isset($attrs[$atr][0])) { $attrs[$atr][0] = ""; } } if(!isset($_GET['start'])) $_GET['start']=""; /* Only show lines that have set any mail or phone informations */ if (isset($attrs['telephoneNumber'][0]) || isset($attrs['facsimileTelephoneNumber'][0]) || isset($attrs['mobile'][0]) || isset($attrs['homePhone'][0]) || isset($attrs['mail'][0])){ $this->telephone_list[$attrs['sn'][0].$attrs['dn']]= "".$attrs['sn'][0].", ".$attrs['givenName'][0]. " ".$attrs['telephoneNumber'][0]." ".$attrs['facsimileTelephoneNumber'][0]." ".$attrs['mobile'][0]." ".$attrs['homePhone'][0]." \"vcf\" "; if (isset($attrs['mail'])){ $dest= sprintf(_("Send mail to %s"), $attrs['mail'][0]); $this->telephone_list[$attrs['sn'][0].$attrs['dn']].= "". ""; } $this->telephone_list[$attrs['sn'][0].$attrs['dn']].= ""; } } error_reporting(E_ALL); } /* Sort up list */ ksort ($this->telephone_list); reset ($this->telephone_list); /* Fill template variables */ $smarty->assign("search_for", $this->search_for); $smarty->assign("object_type", $this->object_type); $smarty->assign("deplist", $this->config->idepartments); $smarty->assign("depselect", $this->search_base); $smarty->assign("global", $phonefilter['global']); $smarty->assign("organizational", $phonefilter['organizational']); $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png')); $smarty->assign("obj_image", get_template_path('images/list_ogroup.png')); $smarty->assign("tree_image", get_template_path('images/tree.png')); $smarty->assign("infoimage", get_template_path('images/info.png')); $smarty->assign("actionimage", get_template_path('images/action.png')); $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/launch.png')); /* Generate alphabet */ $alphabet= generate_alphabet(); /* Build list output */ $output= ""; $mod= 0; #! hickert if(!isset($_SESSION['show_info'])) $smarty->assign("show_info", "");; if (isset($_SESSION['show_info'])){ $range= 4; $smarty->assign("show_info", "1"); $smarty->assign("url", "main.php?plug=".validate($_GET['plug'])."&close=1"); switch ($_SESSION['show_info']){ case "ADD": $smarty->assign ('storage_base', $this->storage_base); $smarty->assign ('address_info', get_template_path('address_edit.tpl', TRUE)); break; default: $smarty->assign ('address_info', get_template_path('address_info.tpl', TRUE)); break; } /* Fill variables from LDAP */ if ($_SESSION['show_info'] != "ADD"){ $ldap->cat($_SESSION['show_info']); $info= $ldap->fetch(); } foreach ($this->attributes as $name){ if ($_SESSION['show_info'] != "ADD" && isset($info["$name"][0])){ error_reporting(0); /* Special treatment for phone attributes */ if ($name == "mobile" || $name == "homePhone" || $name == "telephoneNumber"){ $smarty->assign("info_$name", "".$info["$name"][0].""); } else { $smarty->assign("info_$name", preg_replace("/\n/", "
", $info["$name"][0])); } error_reporting(E_ALL); } elseif ($_SESSION['show_info'] == "ADD" && isset($this->$name)) { $smarty->assign("info_$name", $this->$name); } else { $smarty->assign("info_$name", "-"); } } if (preg_match("/,dc=addressbook,/", $_SESSION['show_info'])){ $storage= _("global addressbook"); $smarty->assign("internal", 0); } else { $storage= _("user database"); $smarty->assign("internal", 1); } if ($_SESSION['show_info'] != "ADD"){ $smarty->assign("storage_info", sprintf(_("Contact stored in '%s'"), $storage)); } else { $smarty->assign("storage_info", _("Creating new entry in")); } } else { if(isset($_POST['EntryPerPage'])){ $this->range = $_POST['EntryPerPage']; } $range = $this->range; $smarty->assign("internal", 1); } if (isset($_GET['start'])){ $this->start= validate($_GET['start']); } foreach ($this->telephone_list as $val){ if ($mod < $this->start) { $mod++; continue; } if ($mod >= ($this->start + $range)){ $mod++; break; } if ( ($mod++) & 1){ $col= "style=\"background-color: #ECECEC;\""; } else { $col= "style=\"background-color: #F5F5F5;\""; } $output.= "\n$val\n"; } $smarty->assign("search_result", $output); $smarty->assign("apply", apply_filter()); $smarty->assign("alphabet", $alphabet); if($range < 20){ $smarty->assign("range_selector", range_selector(count($this->telephone_list), $this->start, $range)); }else{ $smarty->assign("range_selector", range_selector(count($this->telephone_list), $this->start, $range, "EntryPerPage")); } $tmp= array("*" => _("All"), "sn" => _("Name"), "givenName" => _("Given name"), "telephoneNumber" => _("Work phone"), "mobile" => _("Cell phone"), "homePhone" => _("Home phone"), "uid" => _("User ID")); natsort($tmp); $smarty->assign("objlist", $tmp); /* Show main page */ $smarty->assign ('personal_image', get_template_path('images/addr_personal.png')); $smarty->assign ('home_image', get_template_path('images/addr_home.png')); $smarty->assign ('company_image', get_template_path('images/addr_company.png')); $smarty->assign ('add_image', get_template_path('images/editpaste.png')); $smarty->assign ('edit_image', get_template_path('images/edit.png')); $smarty->assign ('delete_image', get_template_path('images/editdelete.png')); return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('contents.tpl', TRUE))); } function save_object() { plugin::save_object(); foreach($this->attributes as $attr){ if(isset($_POST[$attr])){ $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr]; } } } function check() { $message= array(); /* must: sn, givenName */ if ($this->sn == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field 'Name' is not set."); return ($message); } if ($this->givenName == ""){ $message[]= _("The required field 'Given name' is not set."); return ($message); } /* Check for valid name definition */ if (preg_match ("/[\\\\]/", $this->sn)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Name' contains invalid characters."); } if (preg_match ("/[\\\\]/", $this->givenName)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Given name' contains invalid characters."); } /* Check phone numbers */ if (!is_phone_nr($this->homePhone)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Phone' contains an invalid phone number."); } if (!is_phone_nr($this->telephoneNumber)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Phone' contains an invalid phone number."); } if (!is_phone_nr($this->facsimileTelephoneNumber)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Fax' contains an invalid phone number."); } if (!is_phone_nr($this->mobile)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Mobile' contains an invalid phone number."); } if (!is_phone_nr($this->pager)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Pager' contains an invalid phone number."); } /* Check for reserved characers */ if (preg_match ('/[,+"<>;]/', $this->givenName)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Given name' contains invalid characters."); } if (preg_match ('/[,+"<>;]/', $this->sn)){ $message[]= _("The field 'Name' contains invalid characters."); } /* Check mail */ if (!is_email($this->mail)){ $message[]= _("Please enter a valid email address in 'Primary address' field."); } /* Assemble cn/dn */ $this->cn= $this->givenName." ".$this->sn; if ($this->orig_cn != $this->cn || $this->storage_base != $this->orig_storage_base){ $this->new_dn= $this->create_unique_dn("cn", preg_replace("/,*".$this->config->current['BASE']."$/", "", $this->storage_base).",dc=addressbook,".$this->config->current['BASE']); if ($this->new_dn == "none"){ $message[]= _("Cannot create a unique DN for your entry. Please fill more formular fields."); return ($message); } } else { $this->new_dn= $this->dn; } if ($_SESSION['show_info'] == "ADD" && chkacl($this->acl, "add") != ""){ $message[]= _("You have no permissions to create or modify a global address book entry."); } return ($message); } function load() { /* Load base attributes */ plugin::plugin ($this->config, $this->dn); $this->storage_base= preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', preg_replace('/dc=addressbook,/', '', $this->dn)); } function save() { /* First use parents methods to do some basic fillup in $this->attrs */ plugin::save (); $this->attrs['cn']= $this->cn; $this->attrs['displayName']= $this->givenName." ".$this->sn; /* Move entry if it got another name... */ if ($this->dn != "new" && $this->dn != $this->new_dn){ $this->move($this->dn, $this->new_dn); } $this->dn= $this->new_dn; /* Save data. Using 'modify' implies that the entry is already present, use 'add' for new entries. So do a check first... */ $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cat ($this->dn); if ($ldap->fetch()){ $mode= "modify"; } else { $mode= "add"; $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn)); } /* Finally write data with selected 'mode' */ $ldap->cd ($this->dn); $ldap->$mode ($this->attrs); if (show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error())){ return (1); } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>