Calculates the md5sum of a file or string. Has been tested to work with NSIS 2.0+ Derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm [Md5Dll] Matthew "IGx89" Lieder -Original plugin Author Sunjammer (12th May 2002) -Original usage notes and example script [Md5Dll.0.1] KJD (2004) -Modified to reduce size and use exdll.h (reduced to about 6KB uncompressed, by removing CRTL dependency) [Md5dll.0.2] Davy Durham (2004) -MD5.cpp fix (correct for loop used to replace memset, exceeded bounds) [Md5dll.0.3] Shengalts Aleksander aka Instructor (2005) -New command: "GetMD5Random" -Changed names: "GetFileMD5" -> "GetMD5File", "GetMD5" -> "GetMD5String" -Fixed: string length error [Md5dll.0.4] KJD (2005) -Added dual name to exports for backwards compatibility -------------------------------- Usage: Push $1 ;string CallInstDll "md5dll" GetMD5String Pop $1 ;md5 of string -or- Push $1 ;filename CallInstDll "md5dll" GetMD5File Pop $1 ;md5 of file -------------------------------- Example usage in recent NSIS versions OutFile "md5test.exe" Section "" #generate MD5sum of a string md5dll::GetMD5String "md5me" Pop $0 DetailPrint "md5: [$0]" # generate MD5sum of a file md5dll::GetMD5File "${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe" Pop $0 DetailPrint "md5: [$0]" #generate random MD5sum md5dll::GetMD5Random Pop $0 DetailPrint "md5: [$0]" SectionEnd