; Instructions for compilers ; ========================== ; This file generates the Inkscape installer, which is currently the ; preferred deployment method on Windows. ; 1. Install NSIS 2.46 or later on Windows (2.45 has a !searchparse bug ; which breaks it and earlier doesn't support Windows 7 properly, and ; cross-compilation probably won't work due to some !system magic) ; 2. Compile Inkscape (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Win32Port) ; 3. Compile this file with NSIS. There should be no need to set version ; numbers in this file as it gets them from the Bazaar branch info and ; ..\..\src\inkscape-version.cpp. However, if the version number comes ; out wrong or this script didn't compile properly then you can define ; INKSCAPE_VERSION by uncommenting the next line and setting the correct ; value: ; !define INKSCAPE_VERSION "0.48" ; If you ever need to do a second, third or Nth release of the build or ; of the installer, then change the RELEASE_REVISION value below: !define RELEASE_REVISION 1 ; There should never be any need for packagers to touch anything below ; this line. That's my job - Chris Morgan ; Installer code {{{1 ; Compression and admin requirement {{{2 SetCompressor /SOLID lzma SetCompressorDictSize 32 RequestExecutionLevel admin ; Include required files {{{2 !include RequireLatestNSIS.nsh !include ifexist.nsh !include VersionCompleteXXXX.nsh !include LogicLib.nsh !include Sections.nsh ; Advanced Uninstall Log {{{3 ; We're abusing this script terribly and it's time to fix the broken uninstaller. ; However, for the moment, this is what we're using. !define INSTDIR_REG_ROOT HKLM !define INSTDIR_REG_KEY "${UNINST_KEY}" !include AdvUninstLog.nsh !insertmacro INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ; Initialise NSIS plug-ins {{{3 ; The plugins used are md5dll and messagebox !addplugindir . ; FileFunc bits and pieces {{{3 !include FileFunc.nsh !insertmacro GetParameters !insertmacro GetOptions !insertmacro un.GetParent ; User interface {{{3 !include MUI.nsh ; MUI Configuration {{{4 !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON ..\..\inkscape.ico !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-uninstall.ico" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP header.bmp !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP welcomefinish.bmp !define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_SMALLDESC ; Pages {{{4 ; Installer pages {{{5 ; Welcome page {{{6 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME ; License page {{{6 LicenseForceSelection off ;!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON "$(^NextBtn)" !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM "$(LICENSE_BOTTOM_TEXT)" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE ..\..\Copying ; Components page {{{6 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS ; InstType "$(Full)" ; InstType "$(Optimal)" ; InstType "$(Minimal)" ; Directory page {{{6 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Instfiles page {{{6 !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ; Finish page {{{6 !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\inkscape.exe" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH ; Uninstaller pages {{{5 !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM UninstPage custom un.CustomPageUninstall !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ShowUninstDetails hide !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH ; Localization {{{3 ; See also the "Languages sections" SectionGroup lower down. !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL ;TODO: check if `!insertmacro LANGFILE "English" "English"`-style lines are needed (don't think it should be due to MUI_LANGUAGE) !echo `Loading language files...` !verbose push !verbose 3 !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "languages\English.nsh" !macro INKLANGFILE _LANG !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "${_LANG}" !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT "languages\${_LANG}.nsh" "languages\English.nsh" !macroend !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Breton !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Catalan !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Czech !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Finnish !insertmacro INKLANGFILE French !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Galician !insertmacro INKLANGFILE German !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Italian !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Japanese !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Polish !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Romanian !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Russian !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Slovak !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Slovenian !insertmacro INKLANGFILE Spanish !insertmacro INKLANGFILE SimpChinese !insertmacro INKLANGFILE TradChinese !verbose pop ReserveFile inkscape.nsi.uninstall ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\UserInfo.dll" !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS ; ####################################### ; SETTINGS ; ####################################### ; Product details (version, name, registry keys etc.) {{{2 ; Find the version number in inkscape-version.cpp (e.g. 0.47+devel) {{{3 !ifndef INKSCAPE_VERSION ; Official release format (no newlines) !searchparse /noerrors /file ..\..\src\inkscape-version.cpp `namespace Inkscape { char const *version_string = "` INKSCAPE_VERSION ` r` BZR_REVISION `"; }` !ifndef INKSCAPE_VERSION ; Other format; sorry, it has to be done in two steps. !searchparse /noerrors /file ..\..\src\inkscape-version.cpp `char const *version_string = "` INKSCAPE_VERSION `";` !searchparse /noerrors `${INKSCAPE_VERSION}` `` INKSCAPE_VERSION ` r` BZR_REVISION !ifndef INKSCAPE_VERSION !error "INKSCAPE_VERSION not defined and unable to get version number from ..\..\src\inkscape-version.cpp!" !endif !endif !endif !echo `Got version number from ..\..\src\inkscape-version.cpp: ${INKSCAPE_VERSION}` !define FILENAME Inkscape-${INKSCAPE_VERSION} !define BrandingText `Inkscape ${INKSCAPE_VERSION}` ; Check for the Bazaar revision number for lp:inkscape {{{3 ${!ifexist} ..\..\.bzr\branch\last-revision !if `${BZR_REVISION}` == `` !undef BZR_REVISION !endif !ifndef BZR_REVISION !searchparse /noerrors /file ..\..\.bzr\branch\last-revision "" BZR_REVISION " " !if `${BZR_REVISION}` != `` !define _FILENAME `${FILENAME}-r${BZR_REVISION}` !undef FILENAME !define FILENAME `${_FILENAME}` !undef _FILENAME !define _BrandingText `${BrandingText} r${BZR_REVISION}` !undef BrandingText !define BrandingText `${_BrandingText}` !undef _BrandingText !undef RELEASE_REVISION ; don't want the -1 on devel releases !endif !endif !endif ; Handle the installer revision number {{{3 !ifdef RELEASE_REVISION !define _FILENAME ${FILENAME}-${RELEASE_REVISION} !undef FILENAME !define FILENAME ${_FILENAME} !undef _FILENAME !define _BrandingText `${BrandingText}, revision ${RELEASE_REVISION}` !undef BrandingText !define BrandingText `${_BrandingText}` !undef _BrandingText !endif ; Complete X.X version numbers into X.X.X.X {{{3 !searchparse /noerrors ${INKSCAPE_VERSION} "" _TMP "+devel" !if ${_TMP} != ${INKSCAPE_VERSION} ; If it's a devel build, !if `${BZR_REVISION}` != `` ; and we have the bzr revision !define VERSION_X.X.X.X_REVISION ${BZR_REVISION} !endif !endif !ifndef VERSION_X.X.X.X_REVISION ; it wasn't a devel build or we didn't have the bzr revision !ifdef RELEASE_REVISION !define VERSION_X.X.X.X_REVISION ${RELEASE_REVISION} !else !define VERSION_X.X.X.X_REVISION 0 !endif !endif ${VersionCompleteXXXN} ${_TMP} VERSION_X.X.X.X ${VERSION_X.X.X.X_REVISION} ; Product definitions {{{3 !define PRODUCT_NAME "Inkscape" ; TODO: fix up the language files to not use this and kill this line !define INSTDIR_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\inkscape.exe" !define UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Inkscape" ;!define DUMMYINSTALL ; Define this to make it build quickly, not including any of the files or code in the sections, for quick testing of features of the installer and development thereof. !define _FILENAME ${FILENAME}.exe !undef FILENAME !define FILENAME ${_FILENAME} !undef _FILENAME ; Product information {{{3 Name `Inkscape` Caption `Inkscape - $(CaptionDescription)` BrandingText `${BrandingText}` OutFile `${FILENAME}` InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Inkscape" InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" "" ; Version information {{{3 VIProductVersion ${VERSION_X.X.X.X} VIAddVersionKey ProductName Inkscape VIAddVersionKey Comments "Licensed under the GNU GPL" VIAddVersionKey CompanyName inkscape.org VIAddVersionKey LegalCopyright "© 2009 Inkscape" VIAddVersionKey FileDescription Inkscape VIAddVersionKey FileVersion ${VERSION_X.X.X.X} VIAddVersionKey ProductVersion ${VERSION_X.X.X.X} VIAddVersionKey InternalName Inkscape ; Variables {{{2 Var askMultiUser Var filename Var MultiUser Var User Var CMDARGS !macro delprefs ; Delete preferences (originally from VLC) {{{2 StrCpy $0 0 DetailPrint "Deleting personal preferences..." DetailPrint "Finding all users..." ${Do} ; this will loop through all the logged users and "virtual" windows users ; (it looks like users are only present in HKEY_USERS when they are logged in) ClearErrors EnumRegKey $1 HKU "" $0 ${IfThen} $1 == "" ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} IntOp $0 $0 + 1 ReadRegStr $2 HKU "$1\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" AppData ${IfThen} $2 == "" ${|} ${Continue} ${|} DetailPrint "Removing $2\Inkscape" Delete $2\Inkscape\preferences.xml Delete $2\Inkscape\extension-errors.log RMDir $2\Inkscape ${Loop} !macroend ; Sections (these do the work) {{{2 Section -removeInkscape ; Hidden, mandatory section to clean a previous installation {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL ;remove the old Inkscape shortcuts from the startmenu ;just in case they are still there SetShellVarContext current Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Uninstall Inkscape.lnk" Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Inkscape.lnk RMDir $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape.lnk SetShellVarContext all Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Uninstall Inkscape.lnk" Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Inkscape.lnk RMDir $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape.lnk !endif SectionEnd ; -removeInkscape }}} Section $(Core) SecCore ; Mandatory Inkscape core files section {{{ SectionIn 1 2 3 RO !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL DetailPrint "Installing Inkscape core files..." SetOutPath $INSTDIR !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL SetOverwrite on SetAutoClose false File /a ..\..\inkscape\ink*.exe File /a ..\..\inkscape\AUTHORS File /a ..\..\inkscape\COPYING File /a ..\..\inkscape\COPYING.LIB File /a ..\..\inkscape\NEWS File /a ..\..\inkscape\gspawn-win32-helper.exe File /a ..\..\inkscape\gspawn-win32-helper-console.exe File /nonfatal /a ..\..\inkscape\HACKING.txt File /a ..\..\inkscape\README File /nonfatal /a ..\..\inkscape\README.txt File /a ..\..\inkscape\TRANSLATORS File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\data File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\doc File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\plugins File /nonfatal /a /r /x *.??*.???* /x examples /x tutorials ..\..\inkscape\share !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL ; this files are added because it slips through the filter SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\clipart !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /a ..\..\inkscape\share\clipart\inkscape.logo.svg !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\icons !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /a ..\..\inkscape\share\icons\inkscape.file.png File /a ..\..\inkscape\share\icons\inkscape.file.svg !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\modules !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\modules\*.* !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\python !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\python\*.* !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL !endif SectionEnd ; SecCore }}} Section $(GTKFiles) SecGTK ; Mandatory GTK files section {{{ SectionIn 1 2 3 RO !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL DetailPrint "Installing GTK files..." SetOutPath $INSTDIR !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL SetOverwrite on File /a /r ..\..\inkscape\*.dll File /a /r /x locale ..\..\inkscape\lib File /a /r ..\..\inkscape\etc !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL !endif SectionEnd ; SecGTK }}} Section -SetCurrentUserOnly ; Set the installation to "current user" only by default {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL StrCpy $MultiUser 0 SetShellVarContext current !endif SectionEnd ; -SetCurrentUserOnly }}} Section $(Alluser) SecAlluser ; Then offer the user the option to make it global (default) {{{ SectionIn 1 2 3 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL ; disable this option in Win95/Win98/WinME StrCpy $MultiUser 1 DetailPrint "Installing in administrator mode (registry root will be HKLM)" SetShellVarContext all !endif SectionEnd ; SecAllUser }}} SectionGroup "$(Shortcuts)" SecShortcuts ; Create shortcuts for the user {{{ Section $(Desktop) SecDesktop ; Desktop shortcut {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL CreateShortCut $DESKTOP\Inkscape.lnk $INSTDIR\inkscape.exe !endif SectionEnd ; SecDesktop }}} Section $(Quicklaunch) SecQuickLaunch ; Quick Launch shortcut {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL ${IfThen} $QUICKLAUNCH != $TEMP ${|} CreateShortCut $QUICKLAUNCH\Inkscape.lnk $INSTDIR\inkscape.exe ${|} !endif SectionEnd ; SecQuickLaunch }}} Section $(SVGWriter) SecSVGWriter ; Register Inkscape as the default application for .svg[z] {{{ SectionIn 1 2 3 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL DetailPrint "Associating SVG files with Inkscape" StrCpy $3 svg ${For} $2 0 1 ${IfThen} $2 = 1 ${|} StrCpy $3 $3z ${|} ReadRegStr $0 HKCR ".$3" "" ${If} $0 == "" StrCpy $0 "$3file" WriteRegStr HKCR ".$3" "" $0 WriteRegStr HKCR $0 "" "Scalable Vector Graphics file" ${EndIf} WriteRegStr HKCR $0\shell\edit\command "" `"$INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe" "%1"` ${Next} !endif SectionEnd ; SecSVGWriter }}} Section $(ContextMenu) SecContextMenu ; Put Inkscape in the .svg[z] context menus (but not as default) {{{ SectionIn 1 2 3 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL DetailPrint "Adding Inkscape to SVG file context menu" ReadRegStr $0 HKCR .svg "" ${If} $0 == "" StrCpy $0 svgfile WriteRegStr HKCR .svg "" $0 WriteRegStr HKCR $0 "" "Scalable Vector Graphics file" ${EndIf} WriteRegStr HKCR $0\shell\Inkscape\command "" `"$INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe" "%1"` ReadRegStr $0 HKCR .svgz "" ${If} $0 == "" StrCpy $0 svgzfile WriteRegStr HKCR .svgz "" $0 WriteRegStr HKCR $0 "" "Scalable Vector Graphics file" ${EndIf} WriteRegStr HKCR $0\shell\Inkscape\command "" `"$INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe" "%1"` !endif SectionEnd ; SecContextMenu }}} SectionGroupEnd ; SecShortcuts }}} Section /o "$(DeletePrefs)" SecPrefs ; Delete user preferences before installation {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL !insertmacro delprefs !endif SectionEnd ; SecPrefs }}} SectionGroup "$(Addfiles)" SecAddfiles ; Additional files {{{ Section $(Examples) SecExamples ; Install example SVG files {{{ SectionIn 1 2 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r /x *.??*.???* ..\..\inkscape\share\examples !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL !endif SectionEnd ; SecExamples }}} Section $(Tutorials) SecTutorials ; Install tutorials {{{ SectionIn 1 2 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r /x *.??*.???* ..\..\inkscape\share\tutorials !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL !endif SectionEnd ; SecTutorials }}} SectionGroupEnd ; SecAddfiles }}} SectionGroup "$(Languages)" SecLanguages ; Languages sections {{{ !macro Language SecName lng ; A macro to create each section {{{ Section /o "$(lng_${lng}) (${lng})" Sec${SecName} ;SectionIn 1 2 3 !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a ..\..\inkscape\*.${lng}.txt ; FIXME: remove this? No such files. !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\locale !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\locale\${lng} !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\locale !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\lib\locale\${lng} !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\clipart !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\share\clipart\*.${lng}.svg !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL ; the keyboard tables SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\screens !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\share\screens\*.${lng}.svg !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\templates !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\share\templates\*.${lng}.svg !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SetOutPath $INSTDIR\doc !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\doc\keys.${lng}.xml File /nonfatal /a /r ..\..\inkscape\doc\keys.${lng}.html !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL SectionGetFlags ${SecTutorials} $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 & ${SF_SELECTED} ${If} $R1 >= ${SF_SELECTED} SetOutPath $INSTDIR\share\tutorials !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_OPEN_INSTALL File /nonfatal /a ..\..\inkscape\share\tutorials\*.${lng}.* !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_CLOSE_INSTALL ${EndIf} !endif SectionEnd !macroend ; Language }}} ; Now create each section with the Language macro {{{ !insertmacro Language Amharic am !insertmacro Language Arabic ar !insertmacro Language Azerbaijani az !insertmacro Language Byelorussian be !insertmacro Language Bulgarian bg !insertmacro Language Bengali bn !insertmacro Language Breton br !insertmacro Language Catalan ca !insertmacro Language CatalanValencia ca@valencia !insertmacro Language Czech cs !insertmacro Language Danish da !insertmacro Language German de !insertmacro Language Dzongkha dz !insertmacro Language Greek el !insertmacro Language EnglishAustralian en_AU !insertmacro Language EnglishCanadian en_CA !insertmacro Language EnglishBritain en_GB !insertmacro Language EnglishPiglatin en_US@piglatin !insertmacro Language Esperanto eo !insertmacro Language Spanish es !insertmacro Language SpanishMexico es_MX !insertmacro Language Estonian et !insertmacro Language Basque eu !insertmacro Language French fr !insertmacro Language Finnish fi !insertmacro Language Irish ga !insertmacro Language Gallegan gl !insertmacro Language Hebrew he !insertmacro Language Croatian hr !insertmacro Language Hungarian hu !insertmacro Language Indonesian id !insertmacro Language Italian it !insertmacro Language Japanese ja !insertmacro Language Khmer km !insertmacro Language Korean ko !insertmacro Language Lithuanian lt !insertmacro Language Mongolian mn !insertmacro Language Macedonian mk !insertmacro Language NorwegianBokmal nb !insertmacro Language Nepali ne !insertmacro Language Dutch nl !insertmacro Language NorwegianNynorsk nn !insertmacro Language Panjabi pa !insertmacro Language Polish pl !insertmacro Language Portuguese pt !insertmacro Language PortugueseBrazil pt_BR !insertmacro Language Romanian ro !insertmacro Language Russian ru !insertmacro Language Kinyarwanda rw !insertmacro Language Slovak sk !insertmacro Language Slovenian sl !insertmacro Language Albanian sq !insertmacro Language Serbian sr !insertmacro Language SerbianLatin sr@latin !insertmacro Language Swedish sv !insertmacro Language Thai th !insertmacro Language Turkish tr !insertmacro Language Ukrainian uk !insertmacro Language Vietnamese vi !insertmacro Language ChineseSimplified zh_CN !insertmacro Language ChineseTaiwan zh_TW ; }}} SectionGroupEnd ; SecLanguages }}} Section -FinalizeInstallation ; Hidden, mandatory section to finalize installation {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL DetailPrint "Finalizing installation" ${IfThen} $MultiUser = 1 ${|} SetShellVarContext all ${|} ${IfThen} $MultiUser != 1 ${|} SetShellVarContext current ${|} WriteRegStr SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" "" $INSTDIR\inkscape.exe WriteRegStr SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" MultiUser $MultiUser WriteRegStr SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" askMultiUser $askMultiUser WriteRegStr SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" User $User ; start menu entries CreateShortcut $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape.lnk $INSTDIR\inkscape.exe ; uninstall settings ; WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninst.exe WriteRegExpandStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" UninstallString ${UNINST_EXE} WriteRegExpandStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" InstallDir $INSTDIR WriteRegExpandStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" InstallLocation $INSTDIR WriteRegStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" DisplayName "Inkscape ${INKSCAPE_VERSION}" WriteRegStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" DisplayIcon $INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe,0 WriteRegStr SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" DisplayVersion ${INKSCAPE_VERSION} WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" NoModify 1 WriteRegDWORD SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" NoRepair 1 ;create/update log always within .onInstSuccess function !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_UPDATE_INSTALL DetailPrint "Creating MD5 checksums" ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTDIR\Uninstall.dat r FileOpen $9 $INSTDIR\Uninstall.log w ${IfNot} ${Errors} ${Do} ClearErrors FileRead $0 $1 ${IfThen} ${Errors} ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} StrCpy $1 $1 -2 md5dll::GetMD5File /NOUNLOAD $1 Pop $2 ${IfThen} $2 != "" ${|} FileWrite $9 "$2 $1$\r$\n" ${|} ${Loop} ${EndIf} FileClose $0 FileClose $9 ; Not needed any more Delete $INSTDIR\Uninstall.dat !endif SectionEnd ; -FinalizeInstallation }}} !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN ; Section descriptions {{{ !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecCore} "$(CoreDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecGTK} "$(GTKFilesDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecShortcuts} "$(ShortcutsDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecAlluser} "$(AlluserDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDesktop} "$(DesktopDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecQuicklaunch} "$(QuicklaunchDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecSVGWriter} "$(SVGWriterDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecContextMenu} "$(ContextMenuDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecPrefs} "$(DeletePrefsDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecAddfiles} "$(AddfilesDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecExamples} "$(ExamplesDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecTutorials} "$(TutorialsDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecLanguages} "$(LanguagesDesc)" !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ; Section descriptions }}} Function .onInit ; initialise the installer {{{2 ; This code will be executed before the sections, but due to the ; language code in the sections it must come after it in the code. ; Language detection {{{ !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY !macro LanguageAutoSelect SecName LocaleID ${If} $LANGUAGE = ${LocaleID} SectionGetFlags ${Sec${SecName}} $0 IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_SELECTED} SectionSetFlags ${Sec${SecName}} $0 ${EndIf} !macroend ; No need for English to be detected as it's the default !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Breton 1150 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Catalan 1027 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Czech 1029 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Finnish 1035 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect French 1036 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Gallegan 1110 ; Galician, but section is called Gallegan !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect German 1031 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Italian 1040 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Japanese 1041 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Polish 1045 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Romanian 1048 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Russian 1049 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Slovak 1051 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Slovenian 1060 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect Spanish 1034 !insertmacro LanguageAutoSelect ChineseTaiwan 1028 ; TradChinese, but section is called ChineseTaiwan ; End of language detection }}} !insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_PREPARE_INSTALL ; prepare advanced uninstallation log script ;Extract InstallOptions INI files StrCpy $AskMultiUser 1 StrCpy $MultiUser 0 ; this resets AskMultiUser if Win95/98/ME ClearErrors ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion ${If} ${Errors} ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" VersionNumber StrCpy $R0 $R0 1 ${IfThen} $R0 = 4 ${|} StrCpy $AskMultiUser 0 ${|} ${EndIf} ; hide all user section if ME/9x ${IfThen} $AskMultiUser != 1 ${|} SectionSetText ${SecAlluser} "" ${|} ; hide if quick launch if not available ${IfThen} $QUICKLAUNCH == $TEMP ${|} SectionSetText ${SecQuicklaunch} "" ${|} ; Check for administrative privileges {{{ ClearErrors UserInfo::GetName ${If} ${Errors} ; This one means you don't need to care about admin or ; not admin because Windows 9x doesn't either ${IfCmd} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(NOT_SUPPORTED)$(OK_CANCEL_DESC)" /SD IDOK IDCANCEL ${||} Quit ${|} ${Else} Pop $User UserInfo::GetAccountType Pop $1 ${If} $1 != Admin ${AndIf} ${Cmd} ${|} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(NO_ADMIN)$(OK_CANCEL_DESC)" /SD IDOK IDCANCEL ${|} Quit ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; }}} ; Detect an Inkscape installation by another user {{{ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" User ; first global... ${IfThen} $0 == "" ${|} ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "${INSTDIR_KEY}" User ${|} ; then current user ${If} $0 != "" ${AndIf} $0 != $User ${AndIf} ${Cmd} ${|} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(DIFFERENT_USER)$(OK_CANCEL_DESC)" /SD IDOK IDCANCEL ${|} Quit ${EndIf} ; }}} ; Request uninstallation of an old Inkscape installation {{{ ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "${UNINST_KEY}" UninstallString ${IfThen} $R0 == "" ${|} ReadRegStr $R0 HKCU "${UNINST_KEY}" UninstallString ${|} ${If} $R0 != "" ${AndIf} ${Cmd} ${|} MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(WANT_UNINSTALL_BEFORE)" /SD IDNO IDYES ${|} ExecWait $R0 ${EndIf} ; }}} ; Process command-line arguments (for automation) {{{ !echo `Creating code to process command-line arguments...` !verbose push !verbose 3 ${GetParameters} $CMDARGS !macro Parameter key Section ${GetOptions} $CMDARGS /${key}= $1 ${If} $1 == OFF SectionGetFlags ${Section} $0 IntOp $2 ${SF_SELECTED} ~ IntOp $0 $0 & $2 SectionSetFlags ${Section} $0 ${EndIf} ${If} $1 == ON SectionGetFlags ${Section} $0 IntOp $0 $0 | ${SF_SELECTED} SectionSetFlags ${Section} $0 ${EndIf} !macroend !insertmacro Parameter GTK ${SecGTK} !insertmacro Parameter SHORTCUTS ${secShortcuts} !insertmacro Parameter ALLUSER ${SecAlluser} !insertmacro Parameter DESKTOP ${SecDesktop} !insertmacro Parameter QUICKLAUNCH ${SecQUICKlaunch} !insertmacro Parameter SVGEDITOR ${SecSVGWriter} !insertmacro Parameter CONTEXTMENUE ${SecContextMenu} !insertmacro Parameter PREFERENCES ${SecPrefs} !insertmacro Parameter ADDFILES ${SecAddfiles} !insertmacro Parameter EXAMPLES ${SecExamples} !insertmacro Parameter TUTORIALS ${SecTutorials} !insertmacro Parameter LANGUAGES ${SecLanguages} !insertmacro Parameter am ${SecAmharic} !insertmacro Parameter ar ${SecArabic} !insertmacro Parameter az ${SecAzerbaijani} !insertmacro Parameter be ${SecByelorussian} !insertmacro Parameter bg ${SecBulgarian} !insertmacro Parameter bn ${SecBengali} !insertmacro Parameter br ${SecBreton} !insertmacro Parameter ca ${SecCatalan} !insertmacro Parameter ca@valencia ${SecCatalanValencia} !insertmacro Parameter cs ${SecCzech} !insertmacro Parameter da ${SecDanish} !insertmacro Parameter de ${SecGerman} !insertmacro Parameter dz ${SecDzongkha} !insertmacro Parameter el ${SecGreek} !insertmacro Parameter en_AU ${SecEnglishAustralian} !insertmacro Parameter en_CA ${SecEnglishCanadian} !insertmacro Parameter en_GB ${SecEnglishBritain} !insertmacro Parameter en_US@piglatin ${SecEnglishPiglatin} !insertmacro Parameter eo ${SecEsperanto} !insertmacro Parameter es ${SecSpanish} !insertmacro Parameter es_MX ${SecSpanishMexico} !insertmacro Parameter et ${SecEstonian} !insertmacro Parameter eu ${SecBasque} !insertmacro Parameter fi ${SecFinnish} !insertmacro Parameter fr ${SecFrench} !insertmacro Parameter ga ${SecIrish} !insertmacro Parameter gl ${SecGallegan} !insertmacro Parameter he ${SecHebrew} !insertmacro Parameter hr ${SecCroatian} !insertmacro Parameter hu ${SecHungarian} !insertmacro Parameter id ${SecIndonesian} !insertmacro Parameter it ${SecItalian} !insertmacro Parameter ja ${SecJapanese} !insertmacro Parameter km ${SecKhmer} !insertmacro Parameter ko ${SecKorean} !insertmacro Parameter lt ${SecLithuanian} !insertmacro Parameter mk ${SecMacedonian} !insertmacro Parameter mn ${SecMongolian} !insertmacro Parameter nb ${SecNorwegianBokmal} !insertmacro Parameter ne ${SecNepali} !insertmacro Parameter nl ${SecDutch} !insertmacro Parameter nn ${SecNorwegianNynorsk} !insertmacro Parameter pa ${SecPanjabi} !insertmacro Parameter pl ${SecPolish} !insertmacro Parameter pt ${SecPortuguese} !insertmacro Parameter pt_BR ${SecPortugueseBrazil} !insertmacro Parameter ro ${SecRomanian} !insertmacro Parameter ru ${SecRussian} !insertmacro Parameter rw ${SecKinyarwanda} !insertmacro Parameter sk ${SecSlovak} !insertmacro Parameter sl ${SecSlovenian} !insertmacro Parameter sq ${SecAlbanian} !insertmacro Parameter sr ${SecSerbian} !insertmacro Parameter sr@latin ${SecSerbianLatin} !insertmacro Parameter sv ${SecSwedish} !insertmacro Parameter th ${SecThai} !insertmacro Parameter tr ${SecTurkish} !insertmacro Parameter uk ${SecUkrainian} !insertmacro Parameter vi ${SecVietnamese} !insertmacro Parameter zh_CN ${SecChineseSimplified} !insertmacro Parameter zh_TW ${SecChineseTaiwan} ClearErrors ${GetOptions} $CMDARGS /? $1 ${IfNot} ${Errors} MessageBox MB_OK "Possible parameters for installer:$\r$\n \ /?: this help screen$\r$\n \ /S: silent$\r$\n \ /D=(directory): where to install Inkscape$\r$\n \ /GTK=(OFF/ON): GTK+ Runtime environment$\r$\n \ /SHORTCUTS=(OFF/ON): shortcuts to start Inkscape$\r$\n \ /ALLUSER=(OFF/ON): for all users on the computer$\r$\n \ /DESKTOP=(OFF/ON): Desktop icon$\r$\n \ /QUICKLAUNCH=(OFF/ON): quick launch icon$\r$\n \ /SVGEDITOR=(OFF/ON): default SVG editor$\r$\n \ /CONTEXTMENUE=(OFF/ON): context menue integration$\r$\n \ /PREFERENCES=(OFF/ON): delete users preference files$\r$\n \ /ADDFILES=(OFF/ON): additional files$\r$\n \ /EXAMPLES=(OFF/ON): examples$\r$\n \ /TUTORIALS=(OFF/ON): tutorials$\r$\n \ /LANGUAGES=(OFF/ON): translated menues, examples, etc.$\r$\n \ /[locale code]=(OFF/ON): e.g am, es, es_MX as in Inkscape supported" Abort !verbose pop ${EndIf} ; }}} FunctionEnd ; .onInit }}} ; Uninstaller code {{{1 Function un.onInit ; initialise uninstaller {{{ ;begin uninstall, could be added on top of uninstall section instead ;!insertmacro UNINSTALL.LOG_BEGIN_UNINSTALL ${IfNot} ${FileExists} $INSTDIR\uninstall.log MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UninstallLogNotFound)" /SD IDOK Quit ${EndIf} ClearErrors StrCpy $User "" UserInfo::GetName ${IfNot} ${Errors} Pop $0 StrCpy $User $0 ${EndIf} StrCpy $askMultiUser 1 StrCpy $MultiUser 1 ; Test if this was a multiuser installation ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" "" ${If} $0 == $INSTDIR\inkscape.exe ReadRegStr $MultiUser HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" MultiUser ReadRegStr $askMultiUser HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" askMultiUser ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${INSTDIR_KEY}" User ${Else} ReadRegStr $MultiUser HKCU "${INSTDIR_KEY}" MultiUser ReadRegStr $askMultiUser HKCU "${INSTDIR_KEY}" askMultiUser ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "${INSTDIR_KEY}" User ${EndIf} ;check user if applicable ${If} $0 != "" ${AndIf} $0 != $User ${AndIf} ${Cmd} ${|} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(DIFFERENT_USER)$(OK_CANCEL_DESC)" /SD IDOK IDCANCEL ${|} Quit ${EndIf} !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT inkscape.nsi.uninstall SetShellVarContext all ${IfThen} $MultiUser = 0 ${|} SetShellVarContext current ${|} FunctionEnd ; un.onInit }}} Function un.CustomPageUninstall ; {{{ !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(UInstOpt)" "$(UInstOpt1)" !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE inkscape.nsi.uninstall "Field 1" Text "$APPDATA\Inkscape\" !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE inkscape.nsi.uninstall "Field 2" Text "$(PurgePrefs)" !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY inkscape.nsi.uninstall !insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $MultiUser inkscape.nsi.uninstall "Field 2" State FunctionEnd ; un.CustomPageUninstall }}} Section Uninstall ; do the uninstalling {{{ !ifndef DUMMYINSTALL ; remove personal settings Delete $APPDATA\Inkscape\extension-errors.log ${If} $MultiUser = 0 DetailPrint "Purging personal settings in $APPDATA\Inkscape" ;RMDir /r $APPDATA\Inkscape !insertmacro delprefs ${EndIf} ; Remove file associations for svg editor StrCpy $3 svg ${For} $2 0 1 ${IfThen} $2 = 1 ${|} StrCpy $3 $3z ${|} DetailPrint "Removing file associations for $3 editor" ClearErrors ReadRegStr $0 HKCR .$3 "" ${IfNot} ${Errors} ReadRegStr $1 HKCR $0\shell\edit\command "" ${If} $1 == `"$INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe" "%1"` DeleteRegKey HKCR $0\shell\edit\command ${EndIf} ClearErrors ReadRegStr $1 HKCR $0\shell\open\command "" ${If} $1 == `"$INSTDIR\Inkscape.exe" "%1"` DeleteRegKey HKCR $0\shell\open\command ${EndIf} DeleteRegKey HKCR $0\shell\Inkscape DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCR $0\shell\edit DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCR $0\shell\open DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCR $0\shell DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCR $0 DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCR .$3 ${EndIf} ${Next} SetShellVarContext all DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" Delete $DESKTOP\Inkscape.lnk Delete $QUICKLAUNCH\Inkscape.lnk Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape.lnk ;just in case they are still there Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Uninstall Inkscape.lnk" Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Inkscape.lnk RMDir $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape SetShellVarContext current DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${INSTDIR_KEY}" DeleteRegKey SHCTX "${UNINST_KEY}" Delete $DESKTOP\Inkscape.lnk Delete $QUICKLAUNCH\Inkscape.lnk Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape.lnk ;just in case they are still there Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Uninstall Inkscape.lnk" Delete $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape\Inkscape.lnk RMDir $SMPROGRAMS\Inkscape InitPluginsDir SetPluginUnload manual ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTDIR\uninstall.log r ${If} ${Errors} ;else uninstallnotfound MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UninstallLogNotFound)" /SD IDOK ${Else} ${Do} ClearErrors FileRead $0 $1 ${IfThen} ${Errors} ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ; cat the line into md5 and filename StrLen $2 $1 ${IfThen} $2 <= 35 ${|} ${Continue} ${|} StrCpy $3 $1 32 StrCpy $filename $1 $2-36 34 ;remove trailing CR/LF StrCpy $filename $filename -2 ; $3 = MD5 when installed, then deletion choice ; $filename = file ; $5 = MD5 now ; $6 = always/never remove files touched by user ${If} ${FileExists} $filename ${If} $6 == always StrCpy $3 2 ${Else} md5dll::GetMD5File /NOUNLOAD $filename Pop $5 ;md5 of file ${If} $3 = $5 StrCpy $3 1 ; yes ${ElseIf} $6 != never ; the md5 sums does not match so we ask messagebox::show MB_DEFBUTTON3|MB_TOPMOST "" 0,103 \ "$(FileChanged)" "$(Yes)" "$(AlwaysYes)" "$(No)" "$(AlwaysNo)" Pop $3 ${IfThen} $3 = 2 ${|} StrCpy $6 always ${|} ${IfThen} $3 = 4 ${|} StrCpy $6 never ${|} ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${If} $3 = 1 ; yes ${OrIf} $3 = 2 ; always ; Remove File ClearErrors Delete $filename ;now recursivly remove the path ${Do} ClearErrors ${un.GetParent} $filename $filename ${IfThen} ${Errors} ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} RMDir $filename ${IfThen} ${Errors} ${|} ${ExitDo} ${|} ${Loop} ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${Loop} ${EndIf} FileClose $0 Delete $INSTDIR\uninstall.log Delete $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe ; remove empty directories RMDir $INSTDIR\data RMDir $INSTDIR\doc RMDir $INSTDIR\modules RMDir $INSTDIR\plugins RMDir $INSTDIR SetAutoClose false !endif SectionEnd ; Uninstall }}} ; }}} ; This file has been optimised for use in Vim with folding. ; (If you can't cope, :set nofoldenable) vim:fen:fdm=marker